CC 06-09-92
10300 'luuœ; AVPHÆ, aJPERl"DI), CA 95014
'IEtEPtDIE: (408) 252-4505
MIl«7ŒS CF 'l1IE AnJŒJRNED RI!GJUIR .....,.....u«; crrr
ŒOCIL ..........u«;, ßK[D œ JtIIB 9, 1992,
10300 'lUQU5 AVPHÆ, ~'.uÐ, CALIlICRfIA
'!be meeting was called to ULJt... by MIIyar a..~ en at 6:45
Ccunc. Pi. SIt:
De!In, Golàœn, Kq:ipel, Szabo, MIIyur SOreIIIIeD
staff & s ,l:
City MBMger BrcM1
City Clerk (brr)AHn.
DiIector of Pub]j" .....k.o vi.økr:JVid1
Director of lhnrImity Dewl. ".,~.L ~
Director of FintmnOl snyder
City Plau...... .....dt.ll
City At:torney Jri H...,
1. cmfiDaati.c:n of date and time of øe-...-I study uninn
to review preHmh""'y hñ;pot for 1992-93 f'i_1 year.
<Duncil OŒIfinNW'l that the next h~ review __,11'1 be 7:30
p.m., JUne 10, QJnf_......... RIx'Iœ C and D.
2. Consideratia1 of a \AoUt'I..J_..iVIB -.-.' II of the
0Jpertin0 General PlIID, iDcluding land use, "",_ing,
trzmøportatia1, open BpEICIt pœøm:vatiœ, pot>] it;- safety,
amservatiœ am noise eJ-ts. ~i. will be CD
businesses, ... . . .....i cø am t:rImøpartaticn and
preparatia1 of a viøia1 st:atemsnt.
council stated that the meeting woold be limited to three
hcurB. '!be 1M-uOe@s wuld be as follcwB: Director of
Camunity Deve~.....L ~ will 1M- s_L his l."¥'Ll. 'J!Ie[e
would then be a tii """'9Sia1 of the viøia1 stataœnt with any
pmlic speakers limited to three minutes eIICh.
MINUl1!:S OF 'l1IE Aroa1RNED RmJIAR CITY a:ucn. ~1'.uG CF
JUNE 9, 1992 (OC-838B)
DÍSCIJBsial 'oDUld then start at the General Plan. '1bœe
CUlSi.dered in lID area 'oDUld be limited to ten
minutes EIIICh.
Q:Juncil W!IS informed that the side by side analysis of the
exi.stinq and 14' ~< Bed Plan is not yet """'I'let:e.
Mayor SoreI1sen requested that anycne with a .........1 to
display place it in the 1diJy.
Director of Chma1lÚty DBYeJ., 'I. ··....L Cawm1 said the
0-; A'!Iial is etaL.._ÍDg the }Mo' V Bad visial statement 3-1.
o-i A'!Iioner M!IcIœrIzie _ ~ fran that tnmri ...ial
meeting. He 14 s íI.ed a graphic showiDg 1 in~ of
policies and revieIoIIed the _jar policies am It; ""WI8ial
issues. He øtated that the traffic IIDdel cDeø not CUlSidBr
8ddi.ti.cna1 rail transit "';''9 in place. '!be
Chnni....i.a1 felt that the City's identity .mnn1d be CD
steveDø Creek BoulevIIrd itself.
Visinn Rt-At-_,
Ms. ~11 Blau, cwœ, revieIoIIed haw the I&'~. sed viskn
statement bs1 evolved. It .L"'t'I- B .La a On ......
œl 1, _jar caqxø:at:i.cms, the cit+......q, øaae ..._.__~,_
~, Cbunci.l ......1-._, Btaff, and otbIIr
~__"'.11 '..Atia1s.
Betty ",lAQ11, 1021 Aster Avenue, SImn,yvale,.L"'t'I- -:;Ung
the h~,L T1!licn Ifi91 !HIml Dist:rict, recpiIBted that the
visial statement be --1--....1 to include the district's
reo ..,.,~-t.oj "~L the ecb:ati.œ needs of ~
youth" .
ni_ M.a..,..", oo-àJair of FAIR, .....1<1 1iJœ to see "tIhile
prot:ec:ting ri¢tø of iDdiviåJal }Mo"1-"'1.L}' 0IIDeIL..- adrWI at
the bot:tan of page 1. 0I:bmwise, &be felt the øtat.ement
W!IS a fine basis to wcrk fran.
Q)unc. OOlàœn read the ~ thÏa1 !Hv1nJ. District's
faxed statement fran the ~.
Q)unc. II'qpù suggeøted that in the sectia1 "'- """':I "A
Livable O:m1IInity" , both sd1col districts statements be
~ after ~ 5.
MIMJlES CF 'l1IE AnJaJRNED REnJIAR CITY a:ucn. .....,.~-uIG (F
JUNE 9, 1992 (OC-838B)
QJunc. DeIm aølœd the City Attomey what 0Juncll WOO,M be
tying itself to with the visial øtat:sœnt.
Nt" . KiliIm replied that the visial statement øbcNø the
intent and pw.1-' Bes for whidl the General Plan is -V'KI.
During If; "'"'JBsial, it _ suggested that perbI!pø the
parti.cms of the stateIœnts regaroing requiring deJ\Iooo 1. ~_
to cb things be øoftened. QJuncil determined IICIIIBthing
Y"'......ù wculd be JIDI'e '"K"-<¥1.late am the plan itself ml1M
be JIDI'e specific.
MB, Nelson øtat:ed that as a ,__,J_.I: of the boIm:i, &be -.0.1';
li1œ the statement to be ~ 1'i c, but cn1ld underøtIIDd the
OJuncll's need to be '
Nt". ~ said there is a øchaol policy in the plIID am the
bolo pIU._~1S in questit.; ml1M be inserted there for
Ii; "'"'JSsUm.
NIIDcy Burnett, l."'i'L_s-!LiDg aJRB, said that aJRB ñooroitiovt to
go with its 0lIl1 visial øtatemeot, but the me i& S ....... is
good. She suggested that CD pBge 2, the tbim ~_~
£ran the but........... rœd, "øust:aÏDllble <TmnOnUty" am that the
1oIord "bJSinesø" be deleted.
By amøenøus, O::Jo"".i 1 ,w.;tiovt to iDøert the first ......_~
of the FLau..aJt tm.on HiI;þ !HInnl District's øtatemeot and
the p!IJ:_~ £ran ~ Blinn SCbJol District in the
By <XJWUWI"'JB, (h"""¡ 1 also _"""'" to iDøert, "wbi.le
protecting the rl41ts of indi.vicbù i'L'¥"- L:f CIOII:8" at the
eDi of the last: øentence CD pBge 1.
By amøenøus, they will leave the 1oIord "bJSinesø" in the
tbim pIIr"_~ at the battaa of pBge 2,
Ms. Blau stated that the d1IIDges cb seem all ri9rt;.
QJunc. OOlàœn suggested that a title for it be
"CUpertino: ~ the Future Begins".
Following ,;i"'"'JBsial, it \lIaS "¡""";ñM to lœep the title "A
visial for CJpertino".
It _ IIIJWd by 0Junc. Golàœn, 1IeuA.Jt.d by 0Junc. Yq:pù
and passed unariliJDusly to aŒpt the visial øtatemeot as
JUNE 9, 1992 (CC-838B)
14ayor Sorensen ðI'IIICIUI1O!!d that Colmcil ~ new review the
office/industrial ~. 'iJOSðls of the General Plan arxl ~
aooE'{"t p.1blic input at this time.
Phil ZeitJllBn, cricket Hill Rcðd, ~....eed cœcer:n
regarding the 1M-' >Cees of the tier system. He requested
rli anlBsial prior to any decisicnø regarding its use for
major CXIIp!IIÙes.
Nancy Burnett, aJRB, said we need a balanced I'TOftnnUty. If
the City œphaøizes any area witlxJut aJIISidering its i~
on other areas, Q)uncil would be nùBsing the point of it.
Everything is inter-related. with jàJe, the need for
housing is created.
JoIm Hailey, 'Do'.~, requested that 1TII1TV"i1 aJIISider as cme
alternative, the full request for growth by the three
CXIIp!IIÙes in <bing the EIR. In regard to q.nn $edNay of
sedroJsy Aøøociateø, he requested that Q)uncil let her øpeIIk
at this time.
q.nn ~, ,triwon am real estate ~n......i-t, said that
Hewlett P8dœrd, Apple, and 'l'ImcIem had ret"JI;r-' her fizm to
_hie the inp-t of total expmøial. She revi.eNed
previous worlœ al1hnitted as well as tr-~......-ies øhcwing
new growth of $1.396 mi11inn a year ~its, not inclnrling
the utility 1JSerB tax and a $594,300 transient 1VY'11("""CY
tax if the Tn.....·· hotel is búlt. She 8IId1
euployee as 1/2 resident in her figures.
Cbunc. Golåœn -- for an analysis of the tax base with
Fol1cwing rlian'9sinn, the City MIInIIgBr stated he ~ liJœ
to have Ms. ~ iI1. s-!L her as"'vinna am res- >"d1,
rather than have City staff <b a new study.
Ms. SecIIi8y stated that there ~ be aΟ.tional direct
CII.AA.....dc CXJÐtributiœø in aŒü.tkn to øaleø tax. '!be
direct CII.AA...,dc CXJÐtrillutiœs would be $12,371,000 per
year. '1be fÏ.9Jres for Hewlett P8dœrd am 'l"andt.u are
precise arxl she estimated Apple's figures to be in bel..!elh
She reviewed amparative euployment in CUpertiID for 1990
arxl 1992 arxl stated there was a net decline or, at 1IDSt,
the eup10yment figures are equal. NI.Iœrouø CCIM!IÙ.ence
stores were lost during that time am VallO) was inpacted
by Valley Fair.
JUNE 9, 1992 (CC-838B)
0Junc. Szabo asked if the D\IIt)er of ......1.k.:u.. had actually
9Jne 00wn, wh./ _ there nm:e traffic? He also stated that
met catpanies do not count teupmny ........k.:u... as t!IIIp1oyeee.
He wculd not <>H',wlIe deve~ICO,L just for inc:reaøs!
revenues .
0Junc. DeIm as1œd, with sud1 a low dollar beÐefit for eI!ICb
arployee, why the City wculd 10IBIJt nm:e arployeeø.
Ms. Sed/otay replied for sales am use tax, wb.id1 are
<XIIbined by the state, She felt she had used .u·~vative
rnnl-e am that the City 1M- S .Uy has nm:e retail thIm
CUpertino residents "",,11'1 ~L.
Discllseicn fol1cwecl regarding the nœœr of EIIþloyæs in
CUpertino ,
Mr. Brown stated that staff is meeting with ABIIG to reviøt
am verify those III ..~ -, ..
0Junc. OOlàœn requested inf.....~Li.on about the net t-f'it
to the City were the -q>M'.ÚJD al1cwecl. Be stated it
·'11-....l to be a 7.8\ in..... -re in revenueø with the
--l.......ÚJD. Be asked that the balance bel Jll!EI1 I1M!IIIU8Ø and
traffic be _il'lO>Q. IIJok at 1IIbat the City is getting am
the CXIØt of m..... ""'!Id t;rAf'f'ic.
(h1lV", DeIm aølœd about the pcpu1atico increasing and qlee
tax dollars dbw...aøing.
Ms. ~ stated that Valley Fair bs1 '<¥:J1.adt.d and, to &
lesser effect, the Stanford ..-.. .....J had .úIpacted ....lee at
V..l1oo. A pn:å¡aøing ~ brings in øt:.cJt-..
0Junc. ~"M stated that the expm1Sim should DOt be
..11ëJed just for the dollars involved. '!be City bas used
traffic as the criteria for ........ deve}..'1..-,L~. Also,
III"~l. are notoriously i.........u:ate. He .......,oted they not
be used as a, JJ
ConN". OOlàœn felt that traffic is the nœœr <me
criteria, bJt others are warth CDlSi.dering, too. Be
~_øed the that the l.q.utL is rewnue neutral
and that the jDpBCt of AM;"'] jdJø is a positive. '1be
. , .'\ ...'lieø wishing to expand are pranier <XI1p! am the
amIIJIÚ.ty oould decline if the nœœr of jdJø decreaøe.
'1hi.ø wculd have an jJ¡pact en ~...".....t.y values, 'lberefore,
calh.....sing these issues wculd be useful,
JUNE 9, 1992 (OC-838B)
counc, DeIm Wllœd about the ~'¥:Bed tier øyøtan am stated
he needs to know ðbout square footage .mi about traffic.
MIl. SecIIey was ~ to ratum am ...i.h.....s QJuncll at
the next meeting. She ......Ild prc:œbly be the first "'1"""-.
REXXSS: 8:40-8:55 P,M.
MIIyor Sorensen said she ''''11M ~ a greater ñ.-.'_'al for
office/industrial growth if it provides lID ~u_...I...
berJefit. 'ltIe City -, 'I.. to develcp c:riteris.
Diso.Jss.ia1 follalJed regarding retail ~l. I -·~.L. 'lbe
Planninq C'nmI; "eia1 n......u...,..dt,d a recmctia1 of retail am
--, of ., .
an ~uvcu. ·'··I-rues expmøl.OllS.
Mr. a:-n said the ..........; "eia1 felt there 10lil8 no retail
dtuaaa:l. He reviøøi a IIIIp shewing dir¡yJo1"t"'d areeø,
partially I:iuilt areas, am undeve10ped arees. In the
partially I:iuilt am undeve10ped areas, dir¡yJo1'1-.-.L
potential "",",M be taIœn aey am lID sp¡aøis pJ-ed CD
(bmc. Szabo said he is willing to take aey ftan retail
.mi give it to _jar ....\_.i_ so they 0lIl1 grow. He 'l..J.-
in ~L of the P1anning o-i-iOll .yinn regarding
. n..._rcia1/retail, mrl nHioe/inœstrial, pert-Aining to
real10œting existing Plan potential.
Mr. a:-n said tho.! state of .....1 i 1'rwni.a bas told CUpertim
it needs 2400 hous;ng œits. '!be City is ðbout 900 Bbart.
Withcut a letter of "",,1 ;'mn.. that the Plan is
adequate, the City !My be requUed to øtCJp dir¡yJo1.\..-tL.
~1IK". Golàœn -- if a paIIIIEIr center is feasible in
CUpertino. DϿ the QJuncll wnt to cluster retail, rather
than string it ..1nng a ..t...'IOdl? He ØU!J.JI!8ted deø~
co¡-"Hic sites far retail.
By amsensuø, (hnv-i 1 a¡:proved a recmctia1 of retail and lID
increase of offiœ/ÍJÙJstrial deve1cpnent. Mr. QMm 10lil8
directed to create a III!Ip shewing M1ere loss of retail wculd
occur and M1ere retail would renain.
counc. Szabo suggested the square footage be given to _jar
CDIpIIDies, ':P"jI.~úœlly in three areas: Vallco,
DeAnza/280, and 'l\:Jwn Center.
Counc, Golàœn ~=sed oonoem about BlllÙler catpBI1ieø
that may wish to grow.
MINU'lES œ 'mE ADJaJRNED RmJU\R CITY a:ucn. """"'l"uC CF
JUNE 9, 1992 (OC-838B)
City Mðnager Brown ÌIÚuu...,d 0Juncil that SyJnmtec has
requested 8à:ti.ti.cnal deve~diL; they need 100,000 square
OJunc. OOlånlm øuggestecl that the City rU1!I:1Ie a
CXX1tingency. He ~. ~ sed that a siqúfiœnt -.......Laga of
office/retail square footage be held bIIick for ........'r-..¡~.
q:partunities the City is UDIIIIiI!Ire of at this time DIllY
Mr. Brown said it ta1Ͽ about 100,000-150,000 square feet
for a "box store".
Counc. Golånlm said that if that's what the City wnts, _
øhauld save it.
Mr. o:-n reviewed the Planning o-iAIJicn's :Ao....,-.Jatk.o
for loJsinq at Bubb Rœd am BI!Indley ðDd the SteIreoø Q. Ik
Boulevard axrimr. '!be bed IJuggested 1nn1ring
at loJsinq at the east side of RArvl1ey, as -U as the-.rt
Discuøsiœ followed regm:diDg the effect at trAHic if bi91
der1sity loJsinq is allowed in thoee areas.
Director of Public iLL.... Vi.skr:Jviå1 øtatecI that as a øyøt8D,
traffic ,?"".lrl tsIœ a IMIp of office to loJsinq at Pg',l....
residential rates. At 20 -11i"9 units per acre, a little
less traffic wculd be .".,......àled tban for nf'f'iO"' ~.
'!be Mayor suggested that there be a trImspartatim and
traffic rliAnJØsim.
Several aJUIV'!;1..--J'aLD .........'Caøed ~al IZI,,-~L far
retaining square footage to be ayRi 1..ole for a l:x:m iItu.....
At tlYo June 16 -ung, MIl. SedIey will 1& B_<l lID t,pte
at her l.q.uLL. '!be City ~ will 1M- sML CXXIfiDat.iœ
of fi.9Jres regm:diDg m"-" of œployees in ~, and
traffic will be 1ùJùj4Ited. A questia1_ ".Jœr11ibether
or not ~1.<¥=ty ownetl& in the areas being rli.....18uci to
øwitd1 £ran office to loJsinq have lID inclinati.a1 to
to loJsinq. '!hat will disoJBBed after
Counc. Golånlm said that at the following -ung, the
Afforœble Houøinq Camdttee will be IeIIdy to 1M- s ~L
OJuncil with infoz1œt:ico,
JUNE 9, 1992 (CC-838B)
Council CDJtinued the plblic ~ to 6:45 p.m., .JUne 16.
At 9:45 p.m., the meeting.. s:ljcumed to JUne 10, 7:30
£rø ~~