CC 06-16-92
,..- "'._,"
';.~_,·'~~Jo'i _
10300 "luuœ AVBIIJB, ..........u.ulO, CA 9S014
'1mBPIDIE: (408) 252-4505
MIlUŒS CF 'DIB ~ RIGJUIR CI'l'r <DH:IL, ......-.:.uG
HIUD œ .JœB 16, 1992, 0JœI("D, usr1 , CI'l'r BAU.
10300 "luuœ AVDIIB, """"""",.uÐ, CALIlItRIIA
'!be meeting WIIS ....11 ed to ....dtr.. by MIIyar Ii... - en at 6: SO
au. '10 œŒR
rh1l'V'!. Pl._a~L:
DeIm, Golàœn, !'qJpe1, szabo, MIIyar SorenøeI1
Staff p~ S lL:
City ~ Brown
City Clerk 0Jmeliuø
Direct:ar of Public ttrls Vis1IDvi.c:h
Direct:ar of lnnIIImi:ty 1)rA-1."..-.1 co.n
Direct:ar of Fi""""", snyder
City Plmmer woaIell
City Attomey ¡rf H.... (arrives 7:00 p.m.)
MIIyar sarensen .........~ that &be -.0,111 tðIœ the itøœ out
of w..b: and det-f.- the ød'Ml11e of futuœ meetingø.
2. Di""'!",eial and diœctia1 regarding ~,1.. of Gta.:.....1.
Plan beBringø.
By CXJIISE!I)SUØ, CO"""; t set .JUly 7, .JUly 14, Jb'S)l111Jt 11,
Ib>gHrt 18, 1I.1I9'111Jt 25, and ~ _.J .... 1 for Gta......1. Plan
beBringø. 'u- meetingø will be """"¡'vtecI at 6:45 p.m. in
the O:JIJIV"Ì 1 n.....J '""I:: .
By CXJIISE!I)SUØ, n""",; 1 also """""UM the :rAgI.1Ar meeting of
Au9Jøt 3 and requested that a Gta.:.....1. Plan public hearing
be plac-l en the a.,..- .io!o for July 6.
JœB 16, 1992 (OC-S39A)
1. rn-i........inn of a ~.!herIsive aac.....iu.:.JL of the
~ Plan, including land uøe, bcuøfng,
....~'.....·...Latiœ, q&1 øpIIœ preservatim, plhlk safety,
..·-tvatiœ IIDd ooiøe A1-rt:s. will be œ
buøf---ses, ~. ...iœ, tranøpart.atiœ IIDd bouøinr¡.
IP.l"l'W'V'ni œ
Mayor SoœIIsen said that she bs1 received a request m:m
Vicki Itxre of the G.~.helt Allianœ to speak first.
Vicki Itxre, ~1t Jl.11i"""", san Jose, said that the
city am have Ao .......i c deve}' " ·,~.L witOOut sacrificlnq
quality of life. Sbe thanlœd Cbmcil for adqJting the
vision øtat:.ement.
l¥Dn SedIey, of SedIey am Ae"""iAf:es, reviewed the basis
of her 1M-'¥'LL}' tax estimates. Sbe had previously used
1M-'¥'LL}' tax L.ued œ 4.9' of County ~'¥"LL}' taIBB.
During the .øt, she ~ it to 5\, whidl is what_
IIDticlpIted in 1995. Sbe heImi t:œi91t that that
1""1.-.-Jt..agB is c;pstic:œble. New a:mst.ructiœ 00eø have a
hig-r value thIm older h,;1i1i1Vj. Sbe stated that 'l'lIble 1
is ~ œ a 5\ tax: rate. What is estimated at 48\ is
lilœ1y to go cbin to half of that. 7'--1.-", lIP, am Aßùe
have .....,i....11y IIIÚntaiDed their level of Ellp1ayment. Me.
~ stated that Table 5 is in aJI1.IIerV8tive cbllarø.
'lbese ..."....f_ have 8ßI[OXimately three Ellployees per
thousand sq. ft.
'!be City ~ pointed out that the fi9u:eø J."¥L ø tL lID
œ-goiDg opeœtiDg lIDIÙ.ysis. If Cbmcil WIIDts the tables
to øbcw ospital -q;-' es, it is neœsøary to give the
... ."".An;ø.a credit for the utility tax.
Me. secMsy pointed out that there will also be traffic
mi.tigIItiœ fees that are DOt included in the lIDIÙ.ysis.
'!be City ~ stated that the "lc7of-oo tax" is at risk.
JcD NI..¡'_r It
Director of n-"li.ty Dew},,, ··~tL Q:Jwan said staff bs1 met
with Mr. Brady, the d1i.ef ...._...#~1eJ:' of ABi!G. He
1M-_eoLed a . ..,,"" iscn of ABi!G IIDd city J1Imt>eu. ~
being aslœd, be stated that jet> I1UIIt.t:.... 1."¥L B ,Ling
·other" include sud1 thingB as ycu=al goveuauc&íL, b!mking,
JtIt! 16, 1992 (OC-S39A)
real estate,, aDd trmJøpartatim. 'DIe ØIIJEIt
footage of office, iJDJøtrial, and retail does not include
cpRu........L h.f 1IIi"9" or øc:boolø. During tti.....1ØØ1co, it..
IIII!II1tiaIed that probI!Ibly 1YWU111ltlmts, ....ut......."t ""T1~.. ,
am to_,,,.......y ~11-. !U:8 not .L"'I"'1.LecI. Mr. QMm stated
that be believes the job m...~.. ..~ 8 _L full time
n...._.. 1.1 DAal1~;nn
Mr. a:.m reviewed a d1art entitled, "PrioritiM for
Realloœtia1 of Existing General Plan EDtitl-ts".
Following tti .....¡øøia1, lb'llV!f 1 stated that after they
receive all the infœmIIticn, they will i'nnn.1Ate queøticmø
am 1M- I iL them at a future œeting.
Qxmc. Golållln requested the __ lIDIÙ.yøis of "....-. d.a1
square footage as was dcne for inϿtr:ial. In regard to
retail square footage, be I'eIpISted fnF..H.....Liœ reg¡m11ng
the -e-......fe ~its of .m1imited retail VB. nHf"Ø. lie
~ if 300,000 sq. ft. of retail _ r-1IrWIAh1~. He also
requeøted reviev of the .,.......1(" beI1efits of a hotel,
retail, am of offiœ/ildJstrlal.
City ~ Brown stated that staff 1IIDUld look at it but
10ICUld not CXID8 baCk with a øcpbistiœted lIDIÙ.yøis. It
8Ø8I.IIII!8 110 øaturat.i.a1. It is II"" ~ to II'ðIœ lID
aøøœpt:iœ regaming hew DUd1 the city am ~. It is
also neœsllðry to .......iM where the øaleø tax is attrlb1ted.
lb11'\(". Golållln said be 10ICUld lilœ to know the _.--...1("
iBpIICt of the Planning Chmri_ia1l"o;- n. -Ioot:iœs in total
am the ............dc iBpIICt of IIDIring 150,000 sq. ft. to
Qxmc. Golållln _ moo. .....1 that that inf........üm is :in
material previauøly distri.bJt:ed.
Qxmc. Dean felt that it is .u.p,rtant to find out who is
actually øpeIKiing their œmey in ~.
MIIrk Kroll, City Center, stated that it 10ICUld be 9XXi to
know who is ~;"9 their œmey :in the city. Is 0Jpertin0
œpt:ur:ing the retail cDllars? '!be desiIBbility of changing
150,000 sq. ft. £ran ooe place to IIIIOI:ber am VMY
~.ii'1g en hew cDllars are œpt:urecI. Also, the big bax
retail stores DBY be .t...cudy". Also, they CDUJd be
cannibalizing other local retail. K:Jøt .Jq.a..l-:.~L stores
have not ~ dðrk. ¡fen ooe IID\IeØ out, IIIIOI:ber ta1œs
over. '!be issue is: Iø there ~ øbe1f øpaœ? Are we
MDI1ŒS œ 'DfB ~ RI!IGUIM crrr CDH:IL .........~ CF
.JœB 16, 1992 (Œ-839A)
œpturing the dollars? øw. ~; _ Uu ~ ~
be tried. In otber øtateø, tœre is ø&. ta œ
øerviœø. Be urged 0-0""';1 to )eave t--1wø :roaD for
f1...nhf 1 ;ty and to Iœep _jar eIplayen and jàJø here.
Den 9''"'-"lL, S+---h1 LIme, said that beleed œ his CIID
earperieoœ, $1250 a year per ~ is a r-.......ohle
---mt to 111''''- is spent in the cuìiunlty.
Jåm Rnrli oott, 1II!Iøtfield, ~ """eed O-Onvoi 1 reg¡srdiJIg
traffic at vallco. Be said it ~ lID8tly £ran outsida of
0pIrtin0. '1bere is a big bax œer interested in ~ing
at Valloo. Be also cd:h._øed 0-0""'; 1 ~ his J\me 3
letter pert-'JII;n;ng to --l-·--im. vallco's 1ocat.iœ _nil
that trAffi.. is DOt in the _fg.t...I..õ()1oI am is a pdJœ
1ocat.iœ for retail. Vallco œeø not iDpICt the internal
traffic øyøtem. In reganl to a study of dollars for
retail, 200 per square foot is an .....aop that am be
used. '!be m..t-,. .".,.......Led by ~ and J\s""";M:es are
, , ."""""tVIIti ve.
Jåm RIoi1"'Y of 'Doo1......,., said if --.?l?JT- have IIDœ am
better ""K'ULLunitieø to øpeo1, they !lIlY _11 ~ 1IDœ.
Be øuggeøted that 0-0""'; 1 evaluate retail. withcut extra
nf¥;,.. .
IœiJ ---~: 8:~:45 P.M.
t4D1 rec:r.uvœing, MI¥Jr ~ ~ 111 ............- that the meeting
V"JI1M end at 10:00 p.m. this 8\-ing.
Steven BIIze, 22681 SlID .JIJIID ibid, said be bsd been
~,*eed with Ms. SedIIIIy'ø 1& I ,I_inn. Be pointed out
that """"-.. CÐllegB is also lID EIIp1Djer am felt that it
....'M be "K'L'¥.late that the ~..l PlIID'8 vi.inn
Btat8aent include tbEm. 'DIeœ are CDIt:ri1Jutorø to the
.........mi ty. Be stated that be bs1 beIm1 that QJunc. Go 1_
bs1 ini t-i_"'" overtm:es to the oolleg&. Be B\gXn t.s tbis
acticn. Be felt that the City - 1$ to identify the
....u...;c ""K'ULLunity .... I .Ied by the oollege. He
menti.oned that at '!be ......-~JBe, wbi.cb is across £ran the
oollegB, t:beœ are alwyø plenty of people. Be felt that
retail/·.. ....-. t..å.a1 ,.....,111 be --l~ aloog Stevens Creek
Bculevmd to ~IT'Ø do11..rg.
'l'rAff; l!
Diœct:or of Public tbrlœ VÏBkDvid1 said he had IX)
8à:iitiœal infœ:mst.ico.
JtH!: 16, 1992 (œ-839A)
n-....... DeIm -to-' -.m Ri'i1-"Y 85 is ~lete, will tbeœ
be lID off reap to stsYeœ CI:æIt BculeIrard?
Mr. ViaIIDIrid1 øtat:ed that the 1& s-tl cxmfigut'atiœ will be
~";nM 1ml-11 safety iøøueø am prd)J- occur. B:Iu8'_I
wbeo it t..... - tw-'øm:y to IIIIIIœ my ri1ImgIo, tile State
will CDII8 to the City am tlf ~ poøøib1e Ã1IIr1gI- or
elimiDat.ia1 of the off reap. If safety i.....- occur, tbeœ
DIllY be lID interlm cloøure of that -"I I øuå1 as œrlng
peak bourø.
ni""'WIøicn £011. led regarding the traffic at the
~ of ati> IIIId ~1..11An lb!Idø.
Mr. ViaIIDIrid1 said that be is hrpfng to œœive a gnmt
that 1IDUld a1.lcIII-Hicat.i.œs to am use of 1lÀlnn1 0...
on- 1IDUld be ....hannIvt to eoti.ce pecp1e to use tile bœ! S
to 4p to 'IOt'k. '1ba1, if the øc:bool bourø cculd be sbifted,
the I11III8 bJøes 1Y'J11111 be used for trmIsparting studI!ntø to
and £ran øc:bool. '!his is lID ........¡g gnmt IIIId 1Y'J11111 also be
used for )nnlMng at a a:JIIII.JDiœti. øate11ite for
te1-, .,...rt:iDg am altemative to fuel øourœø.
~BK'. DeIm ..a_ about the phi1,_~¡y used co stsYeœ
cœek Bculevard. DDeø the City prefer r-vJ~ to gilt
t:hrcuIj1 town or step am, thœ.d1.u..., øbcp.
Mr. said the phi1..... thy used is to get the ems
t:hrcuIj1 the City.
n-......, Szabo ...- if any iDprovaœnts are '""-1..1"" for
1I)lfe RœId 0\1'8[' Ri'iI-Y 280.
Mr. ViBIIDIriål said there ""I(t-T'8 at this time to be IX) Deed
as the c.......o:a1L CJIoa&.~ is 1IIOrldnq. Any ~ ,..,..111
~.i CD futuœ devo>1'~.._.L.
n-....... DeIm -- about tli.........r! lanes co off am co nIIIpI
to the !:ì. eUIIIYs.
Mr. ViskDvi.d1 said that there will just be lID addiH......1
v.idI:h am a laDe will DIJt be taIœn lltItlY. '1his is ....11ed a
Oi~]8ø.ia1 fu11-lIed regarding the Tier l/Tier 2 ......-4 for
pennitting ad:Ü.tia1al density. At Tier 1 level of
h,; 1IIi 119, a ~......... Lx' owner 1IDUld receive a 5' if
they are 1oad:ed co a znM-y with a IIBjar bJø line and
another 5' if they have a full time 'lDf roordinIItor. Tier
2 hIJs no fnnn111.a or st:raiqJt tI;'u~.mts. nieocuntø <:'0111111
be given in acc:ordBnce to Wat the awliamt plllDø to cb in
.JœB 16, 1992 (0c-839A)
trJoffic mitigllti.œ. 'lbere 1IIDIÜd i'L..b:Ibly be a de\lRl,1. It.
.."u_ucaíL with smx:ti.c:œ m:I metering devices. '!he
"ß"1 inmts would have to dEm::œtrat:e what they have dcœ in
existing h.i Mi"9".
(bmc. Golåœn øt:ated be would liJœ to see the on.~ in
writing. Be felt the City omnll1i1 øpe1l out -..........-ð
1"'L f.., "~'IUCI, net øt:rIIt:egy.
Mr. a:-n said there Qu.1.-.:Uy is CXJOtrc\/erøy reg¡m:Iing net
getting full credit for trips alt.
Mr. Vi.økovi.à1 eap¡aøized that this type bcnus is fraa the
traffic PJint of view ally and other things may need to be
CDlSi...1t:c.o:d as well.
DÏØCUØ8ia1 fol1-æ!d regaMiDg poøø.ible øanctions am
wbet:ber or DOt a 10lil1 would be cbtain8ble for h'i1i1ing
under øud1 CD1ditiœs. Also, what would ""n-' if the
h.i1i1ing __ '"""P1ete am eaplayeeø OIl the jc:i>. It ......'1i1
be a negative to let people cpo '!be City shculd DOt tell
lID eap1ayer hew to DBlœ trip œductiœs, just enforce 1ack
of their doing so.
qxn ~..- if there were no .increaøe in growth
whatsoeIIer, 1IIDIÜd there be lID .increaøe in trAffil!, Mr.
Vi.økovi.à1 øt:ated no, be had run a ~1 with GeDeral Plan
growth traffic øbiftø and aJ~1ra.g. traffic øbiftø, it ......,li1
be a D level DBiDtaiDed throuIIcut the øystem.
Qxmc. szabo a.._, in œgard to Tier 2, is there anything
reg¡m:Iing holding the traffic level after opening the
h1;ltUng? Be was ;nr·...._1 there 1II1II8 net.
(bmc. lfq:pel ..ü.=osecllh1rV"'Ï 1 reg¡m:Iing trIIDBit cmricbrø
OIl the NoI.-t..... hollnt. She ~eesecl cxnœm am ItopecI
that the measure would be .......Jt.d geœriœlly. Jf.Ï!1"-J' 85
is DOt OIl the liBt. She felt that 0IpertÍDD ne -100 to keep
options cpen for ........7'" l'oulevazd or 8i9-Y 85 as transit
corridors. Also, she felt that St:eIIenø Creek Boulevazd to
DeAnza CÐllege am 85 ..mlllil be included, but it is DOt in
the Qu.u:..L plan; if ............. Boulevmù is the SUnnyvale
.....1I..cticn, it omnll1i1 cp to boIi"""" and 85. St:eIIenø Q. ek
Bculevan1 is OIpertÍDD'ø m......... one prlority. lh1rV"i1 did
~L a study <tne of both 8i9-Y 85 and .........,....
Boulevazd alternatives.
John SàmIto of 9..b..ctto DeYe},1.·,....L aølœd COUncil to
CDlSider John Hailey's request that 3,000,000 sq, ft.
alternative be -i'led in the EIR. He ~=se:i the
c.pinicn that any eaployer who saved enrJU(jl trips should be
entitled to full credit.
Mn«7ŒS CF 'BIB ~ RIGJIAR crrr axx:n. ......;¡:l1'I; CF
.:JtR!: 16, 1992 (CC-839A)
Jcbn 8Iú.ley of '}\!.,...... said there I.Il'8 safety valws. Also,
the --del used for ,w."""'¡ni"':J peIIlt hour trips _ "'ued CD
1.7. 'DIe.. -1-" lee do not _u.....,j 1.2. 'DIe city will be
Ø!-i"':J a r-t>-fnn in trBfi'ic. In regard to Tier 2, Mr.
RAi 1ey said if better Bi....&...;7"":iœ is poøøib1e, the city
....nnM do it am not mt. Devoe},,, ·,-,L 1IICUld occur œ an
iuw.-..Lal baøis, 1ibid1 1IICUld glve the splayer the
~Wnity to '-------t.LaLe CDlpliance as the de1t-1.'i----l
i'L~....øed. In l"eg!U.d to the MIIy 4 Planning Chnni ..f....
J'Au...-.:Jatia1, Tier 2, be did not believe a h'iMi"':J bsd
to be œ the øite a1reIIdy.
QJuoc. Golàœn m :t:egat.I to Tier 2, requeøted that
....\_..i'""J a1JL.... ØCIIIB of the potential ism..... and S~L
a r-........n1e time/lDetbDd for øbcw:ing tTBt'H"'1C8 in existing
of""'; 1 ; ties.
City ~ Brown pointed 'JUt that the lees tbIIn 100\
cœdi.t is a P1111111i"':J n-.n"i.øia1 I>"o u...-ùstia1, DOt: a øt:aff
Nancy BumcLL, 729 St".l'JlVtAh1 lane, a1JL....øed Ccuncil
regarding the h,i 1rhIt: of the General PlIID. She said the
t-"""';nnlogy of the tier syst8D is botheuc:u",. '!his is not
a "¡icocount, but a bcmJø. Sbe ~_øed øIœpticism for the
...._1~-F~......~~_ for trips for the tier
~~~ .l&""':JLcauct.
GoLd..., Frolid1, 1202 _lhuop QJurt, aølœd a questja1
regarding Tier 2. lie -1rIaor1 if lID EIIp~ is already lCIIIIII!Ir
tbIIn be ,.,'IIM be, 1IICUld cœdi.t be received for that. 'lbe
An-18[' _ yes. lie _bwt what 1IICUld ~ if the
a¡:p1iaIt:ia1 - for a brImd new h'iMi"':J am there not an
-cr'""aiœ of lID existing f'AI"i1ity. Mr. Frolid1 _
inr,....~1 the "ß"HA!Ißt hils to 1oIO.rk off new trips. Mr.
Frolid1 ~'Cl:liIecI the "t'ininn that SO, cœdi.t is DOt: fair.
lie urged that (h""'; 1 give We <XIISi.deratiœ to the .Big
'1bree.. lie also urged that the city monrimi7'A øigvo1
sync::bra1izati, not at a ~'ø expense, lie ~
that after the '"{-'i"':J of IIÏIj1wBy 85, Council rEIIDII'8
artificial b8rriers used in the city to ~ traffic.
~ ....i"9 -1rIaor1 by Council wOO creates all the trips m
the city, Mr. stated, "We do." lie øaidmny
trips cxme £ran the CXlllege, the large residential ....'S'ecI
area, retail, offices, and 11IÌBOell8neous thingB, such as
parents taking their kids to ødDol and to other. places.
Mr. Frolich stated that traffic 'lfI"""t"S to be 8. lot better
oow t:,hIIn it used to be, A IIBjor change is RDre parents
taking their children to ødDol.
MDI7ŒS CF 'BIB JIIJuo. -" RI!DJIM CI'l'f IT'r8"IL 1_A"~ (R
.JœB 16, 1992 (m-839A)
Joe 1kaIm, ~L.._ LIme, øa1d the culprit is t:hIIt
trJofl'iQ to l'1li1t n.."I__ at nl'IV is ....",.... to h~. BIt
mged t:hIIt the _jcr ...A........... to n.a- arig1....11y built be
used as it .. - ,L to be used.
MIIyar Il.u. ~ en noted fir the n...u..d, a 1etter reœiwd fma
Mr. IIDd Mrs. Gœea. 'J!dø 1etter pertai:œ to the of
t'L'¥"LLJ' ]....-..t CD 8tIMIIs creek IbWMmI DI!IKt to the
Cl......uadb ~ing ~..... '!be Løl.La.. will be i'i 1~ as
pert: of the 1...........01.
'!be pf>111:' beIIrlng.. mnt-fm~ to J\me 23, at wbid1 tJDB
nw.....i1 will I'Ii.....1ØØ DItail am follow the I'Ii........i....
outline øuggested œ pegs 6 of the staff ""¥'LL.
Q1 J\me 30, the nw...,.; 1 willl'li....._ ........i"9.
At 10:10 p.m., the m!!~ing.. adjoumm.