CC 06-23-92
C1'l'f CF -.urJ>IU>.uO, STMB œ CALIKRaA
10300 'ltIUtB AVI!HJB, ~>.uÐ, CA 95014
'1!:IBPIIl8: (408) 252-4505
MDUIBS œ '1BB AnDJRHBD pwø1!.aJt CIft ...... ··..1 1"J.R:j
HBU> CH JœB 23, 1992, aJB:IL UII_ ., Cl'1'f BUl,
10300 '.lU<l<lS AVI!HB, "......u.illO, CALDœIIIA
CAlL '10 œœR.
'!be meeting WIJS "" 11 ed to ....dtu. by Mta.JU1.!i.a.~ en at 6: 47
came. Pt tl ìt:
DeIm, Golàœn, ~, SZabo (arrived 8:00 p.m.), Mayar
Staff Pi._-!L:
City !(rI.~ Brown
City Clerk CbJ'n001iuø
Director of Public 1tJrIœ v:is1cDvi.d1
Director of OmIImity I)evoIol·'I.-·-.L eo.m
Director of Finance snyder
City pl.......... iLLdtill.
City Attorney lfi1 ilm
1. Qmsiderat.iŒ1 of a ~-~ive -,~_""_.I of the
CUpertino GeI1eral PlIID, i",,111,ting land use, 1IrII_ing,, opeo øpIICD 1&.Am::vaHnn, pot-H.. øaftOtJ"
CX1I1SeI:Vat.ia am nni_ ..1-.8. ~i. will be œ
b1sinesses, &. ··.......¡cs, l&.-,.- III. t..atiœ.
Director of Finance snyder œviaøi inF,....~Liœ pert-Afning
to retail sales per square foot. Be clarlfiecI that -<DBt-
WIJS . sales tax".
Director of O:mIImi.ty I)evoIol· 'I.·,-.L 0:JiIIIn ilL B 11m anøwerø
to previously asked questi.œs. Be revieIIed the BIR iIL',,""'IIØø
and the clecisial 1M-~ am stated there WIJS a poøøibi1i.ty
of a po.¡er center in CUpertino with a ~ of square foot
(If .JœB 23, 1992 (a:-839B)
Iming rlf"",..,.,ilYl reg¡miing the BnvhaIIIental :D.t-1.
Rty...,L, it we suggested that the "'¥'.LL be dcœ œ the
mœt ,-- use and then 0:Juncil oOlnJrI DBlœ deciøicms
withcut further need of enviroaœnta1 :œview.
By n._ -mlB, <bmci.l ""'t'Lessed pœ1imhvny prefà&......... that
200,000 square feet be - to the o-m-ÚJD
1- n...~."t.i.oo for Em ~seø for a total of 500,000
square feet, including the pcM!I' center (......~. ..d.a1) and
that ...,.,, retail be ClCllBidered ..1nng the st.ewDø
creek Bcu1.ev8zd corridor, excluding Vallco, with øaae
leEMBy beirv:J given until "..,.",mity identity is ~f"""'.
Mayer SOrensen opened the meeting for PJblic jnplt.
Dick RDs .~i.... of Hewlett Pac1œrd, øtatecI that in regard to
the BIR, be ~ the study "Mollð be dcœ for ..,..¡...:;,
square !Dotage poeErlble. ']hat way, all ......"""1'........ 0011111
be lYWUIi,....,.,d. He reviewed direct am indiJ:ect iDpIct of
IlàiiH,..".1 EIIp10yees in the city.
(bJlV';1 then rli'""IIØsed the pœsihi1ity of _jar ....\...JÚe8
growing aIxIve the exist:iDg General PlIID aJ.1cœti.œs.
~. ,. 3,000,000 square feet ðbave the a.........L
General PlIID has been requested.
DUector of Chnnom;ty DewJ''j;··~·L QM!m reviewed 1M-'~·:T!~
Tier I and Tier II of the tier øyøtBD. Staff we "1norI 1£
the existing h,i1r1i'91 in the ai:b RDed area and _n,n~
Avenue Hell were eradicated am løJsing pIt in thoøe areas,
1IIbat the effect 1IIWld be œ square footage œpø. (bJrri 1
we ;nr.....~ that had not been ClCllBi.dt:r...,d.
(b1lV". Golàlll!m øtatecI be 1IIWld lilœ to lmaIf the iDpIct of
øud1 a am ~,111 the deIIe1qIer use that nfl'i~
øquare VwW""'7" A1 !!IJbœ... in the city.
DUector of Public M:»:Iœ viskDvi.c:h øtatecI that residential
traffic is less tbIm that for office 110 there _'11111 be
trips 8V"i l.....le.
Q:unc. Golàlll!m also aø!œd 8bcut areas where perMpe 95\ of
tœ ~l''I..,-,L potential has been reached, I:AIt not the
100\ h,i 1~.
He _ jnf.., ..~f that œ office space, staff bs1 aBBIDI!Id all
1IICIÙ.d EM51tually be b1ilt out,
MDVmS CF 'l1IE AnJŒJRNED æ;nrJ\R crrr CXDICIL .......L".uG HI!:[D
(If .JtH!: 23, 1992 (CC-839B)
<bmc. Golàœn requested that that square footage be folded
into llI1Y frm'nI.1...
Staff aølœd if en1l'V"il preferred the 2,000,000 square ~
l"- for ¡kp -es of the Er1VizaIœot:al DIpIIct Repœ:L.
(bmci1 ~....øed preHminA>y pref....~ for the 2,000,000
square feet for EIR ¡kl" res,
Peter zayÞrick of QJrvey RngI..-ring c:d:h.....øed en1lV"il
regarding the _ ~.........i ~..r.....",.L P.L~cau. Be
rIi......1SBeS st:rat:egieø and ideas, œøe st"nrli_, IlDÙ.toring.
Ife gave exæples of ID1I11X1eø and cited _"les of Ri~
Ranch, ",","i-w. Buøineøø Park am Bellvue, _a1lington. Ife
stated that de\lAl,,,.......L occurø over time; IlDÙ.toring IpØØ
00, uøually 00 8Jl """"...1 besis. Ife stated that ~},,,.,-.L
can gJ in steps 80 the city can see Wether or not '1DI is
'oIOrlting. Aßùe has l-' ..~·~.L loop detectorø in their
drivewsys. '1hese mu1d be bcoIœð up clliectly to city
:naú.tarø am outø œntractarø can à:> lID """"...1 audit.
Director of Public ~ viskDlridl c:d:h._øed (b1lV"i 1
regarding Tier II. Ife øtated these are ..,., ideas.
~Hic methods mu1d be øpe1led out in a œv-1'''''~'L
(bIll"'; 1 rIi......JØøed other IT'OIII'Imity ~jts that are to be
oonsidered during the Geœral Plan pL<A.é8S. 'D1ey requested
that IT'ftIIIÍ-ians be vmy ~Hic as to wbIIt they 1IImt am
not be open to --ive intetpœt:atiŒI. (~:trr. SZabo
arrives 8:00 p.m.)
Den Bumc:LL, 729 St:eodBhl LIme, pminrlarl en"""; 1 that the
'1DI _ a cleIID air --"'lIe. '!be pL' ~ pL s .led ØeEIIII
like a subversial of t!Je 1M-uœøs. 'DIe city will 1œe
ground as far as t::1...... air g:JeØ. Ife ~"""øed ,,- - "".u
regarding the OOusing situllt:icn. New Ellplayeeø will a:me
£ran greater distances am .....-1 out llI1Y clœn air
Dick Ree ._i...,., 10192 Parrish Place, 1."'iÁ e .Ung Hewlett
P8c:lœrd, calh;..eeed (Joamril regarding biB ...,,,"'''Y's plan.
Ife suggested that (Joa1l'V"il IIIÏ.I1t aølt .. ..\ .rmi_ to a:me in,
not to shew 1IWYIP1A, DJt to talk about the Hming of llI1Y
ñ..ture de\lAl'''''~lL. Ife stated lIP bas no i..-rliM:e plllDø to
bJild, DJt needs to koow wbIIt the future 1x>ldø. MJst of
lIP' ø growth wmrt:ed is DDre thIID 10 yærs £ran DOlor. Also,
there is a need to replace øaœ old h.ildingø. Ife
~CDsed rIi ~i...d~1ICI1L that the City Q:Juncil is not
willing to oonsider the """';nnu aarJUnt of square footage in
(If JtM: 23, 1992 (œ-839B)
the EIR. He reviaø1 IIP'ø leIIderøbip in TCM. Pilot
"..~..... in lIP at diffeœnt sites include a £cur day 'IOt'k
welt, rotating øbuttles ftaD Perk am Ride lots usJng
altemate fuels, am.mdng at baœ. In regatd to -other
~itø- , he stated that lIP is here to give the city jœø
am be gxxi .......~a:t.e clt-i........ Don't burden <A.U1__i_ so
they have to DBlœ deciøi.œø to 9> "J--"'~...; å:n't
pit "'""'I""'i - "9"i'Nlt eIId1 ather.
~ being ....- by a QJuncil n_.'oÞr Wat, in his
i""L"t:--tive, did he see as a øolutiœ to the city'ø
ocu.o.......i.c problEmø, Mr. Rice ,_jAT !'-4\(,,,iAoj that all
goveIDIEI1tal ~- are in the _ øituatial, It is
bard to forecast a brig1t future. He is øuggeøting that
the city keep in miIxI that if they have DDre retail, they
need DDre sbo u-e. J!2Iployeeø are oot just bJying lund1;
they are cbing other ør-vfing, Also, 10-15' are
residents. Sales tax reveme will care beck as the ......rtIr'f
reaM!l'B. If, "'I"",i""J have to leave, it is oot gxxi for
0Jpertin0, s eo ' .. .'IY. He stated further that a re....:uL lIP
study sIDWs low III1ltiple riderøbip other thIID qp"F'''"''1!d
V8DØ, 'lhi.ø is a habit and.......w. 1M-~"'" are ne ~ to
~ that habit. lIP 1IICUld liJœ a ~l,\..~.L _-,-.L
for 15-20 years. 'Blat is why they 1i8Dt the largest square
footage loo1œd at in the BIR.
NIIDcy Bumett, 729 St..n..hl LaDe, Fairgrove ~j'.t'hors,
reviewed a t...~..~........y about the P1......irç O"nmi·sia1
reo, ........à.Iati.on œgIŒding mn-residential grcwt:h. She
stated this 1IICUld SIDJI1t to five Vall(%) ~irç cent:erø or
15 of the twin toIierø on the ............ of DeAnza Baulevard at
st:eIÆI1s creek Boulevard.
Mark Kroll, City 0BI1ter .As~III:.eø, said that if cmncil is
aJ.lcidng grcwt:h, they need to CDIIB up with a systan.
Fin,Hng financing will oot 'IOt'k baøecI on Wat is suggested.
'!he city needø DDre ,ti.1"'1'" with anporaticnø. He stated
that if the city c:Ioeø oot trust a ',..1. Any regarding TCM,
then å:n't give the square footage. '!he city needs to let
a ., "1. ~'1Y knew bow it feels about this. He stated
J"I'III........hle psrameterø are aoceptable, that all traffic
during peak 1Durø is oot ftaD anporaticnø. Cmporati.œø
have heBrd everything they can't 00, new they would like to
hear Wat they can cb. Also, IIDY jJ¡pect fee Bhculd be
spent on am oot be plðœd in the General Fund
for ' pn}J:eBe. No matter what, jdJs are the key to
OJpert.ino's vitality. I"I'''' fees, oot revoœti.a1
of pennits,
œ .:JœB 23, 1992 (CC-839B)
!bllowing Iii an1S8ia1 of 8IIDCt:.iCIos 1IIhi.d1 migbt iDc1ude
reuoœtia1 of use peDllÍ.t, Mr. viBkDvi.d1 stated that
reuoœtia1 1IICU1d be a last ...........L, following about ØØWI1
layers of S8IICti.onø.
COImc. Golàœn stated that i£ ,...\.....f_ OO"M aJIEI ~ with
lID alternllt:e 1M-', the City __.M ~aJIEI JO'riring at
Pbi.1 zeitmBn, œRB, said the real point of Ii; anlSei... is
that the city has a IIIIIIÙ.l of lIIDd left am the city
is øurrounded by ~l'I·'~d.. JÞt can _ DBlœ beet use of
the RIIBining land? Are _ a city of reøideutø or
l.U.L~oat.e residents? He ..............ÐecI the holioef that
cmparationø are a benefit to the city am part of
l.U.L~oat.e I~ibility is a de\lA1'1·,-·L plan that is good
for all. 1I1at will future de\lAl,,,..-.L look liJœ after it'ø
OIl the ground? He stated pœf............. for quality of life as
.. described for Be1lwe, ¡oa.....ingl'r-1, a good .....1""""'.
Steven Haze, SIIn .JIJIID 1ÞId, adch. IS a Ii 0,,""'; 1 regarding
Tier II of devoe11"~'L. He ~ bow fees, as øanc:ticms,
1IICU1d 'IOt'k as a citywide øoluticn.
Mr. ViBkDlridl said this ~,1d have to be 1ooJooñ at ifòJal uUotL did DOt: ~.
Mr. Haze aø1œd i£ there 1IIet'e a threøbold point for Tier III
am 1IICU1d it use fees £ran Tier II?
Mr. ViBkDvi.d1 said no, it ~11d DOt: use the fees £ran Tier
II but 1IICU1d 1-"-.LaLly be lID IIS&eS--"\t district or
øaaet:hing of that nature.
JcIm adch. _ÐeCI <Dmci1 regarding the Tier II
t'L' . .....1T9. He 1IICU1d liJœ anparaticns to have the
"W'A L.mi.ty to review this. He stated that in regIIlÙ to
eaplayee spending, $2500 is the ......... uøed as lID __
by Natiœal o--11V"i 1 of Sht¡ping ceøt:erø. He felt it .......'M
be Dm'e in 0Jpertin0. He stated 0Jpertin0 is the œly city
DOt: 1Y1I'. ~u....:l regarding loss of jciIø in the area. It'ø
time to start ~ bJsi- a as bere. He urged
0,,"1("11 to reccnsider the 3,000,000 square foot fi9Jre.
0,,""'; 1 ~""ÐecI preliminary pœfm.......... for 100\ credit
for 'lŒ measures with aped fic 1M-'.'" "me mxI sancti.cnø in a
deve},I"·-¡L ~caJICI,L,
CIf .:J(H!: 23, 1992 (OC-839B)
qxm being asked if there would be rsp JIIBt:.eriDg CD Ri'.tt-J'
280 oo-rsp fJ:an tt>lfe, (bmc. DeIm .. In".. ..-<1 t:bi!Int
would be.
eo,.".i 1 _ not Iœpt infUlBa:! CD that type of inf'... .._, i,..,
-.- it is lID ~...I ;......1 c:ha%act:eristi that is IIDI:'8
~f'iC thIID inf... ..~Liœ in the Geœral PlIID.
n",."..¡ 1 again"¡i an1Øsed the square fcotagB to be lYWUIi........d
in the KIR. It.. lYYIf'iT1lW¥i with n",."., Jr> 111.....1 and .-......
dissenting, that the pr:eHlllh"'-ry prete..__ is an
addit-i......1 2,000,000 square feet far ¡w:p:seø of the 8IR.
P"""""'<': 9:05-9:25 P.M.
lIbllawing "¡; anJØ8ia1, 0Juncil ""'t"-....øed prooHnrlnony
prefa.......... for IIIÙ:a1taining or inproving levøl of service D,
-.. ~.... for lID B of 45 ~ at St:ewnø <::reek am """".....JI
0:Iunc. DeIm ~....øed a prefereoœ thIIt St.eumø CL !k
Baulevmd, DeAnza Baulevmd interøecti.œ also be a D level.
n",.".; 1 did not 1IIIIIlt peak period to -·1....... IDi previously
stated they bad desiqmted a St:ev&Is Creek mrri.cbr am a
~n"'JI corriàr for ttmIsport:atÏ.a ~øeø.
NImcy Bumo:ILL said that all aœ are in the _c.em
part of 0Jpertin0. Her '-;<1'1'" b..ud _11M lDaa to be able
to reI!Iå1 them easily. She said that &be avoids stevoeaø
Creek BoulevaJ:d am 8011 '"'7"" by using reeirloori-i..1
..t...o:o::!lø. She -- that n",.".j J lYWUIi ño.t" that I-'{)].. do
use reøideotia1 ..t.......A.s to gBt around the city.
At 9:40 p.m., n,,""';1 adjoumed to 6:45 p.m., JUne 30, to
aJDtiDœ this p1blic hearing. At that ~, an -P'-i.
will be p1aœd CD bcusing.