CC 06-30-92 crrr CF ~-.uI), 9TMB œ CALIPœHIA 10300 'lUCKIS AVIIIIB, ...,n..u:.uO, CA 95014 'JE[B(IIDIB: (408) 252-4505 œ-839C MDI1IES CF 'lBB AD ..~ RI!GL\R crrr CD:H:IL ~.&IIG HElD œ JtII!: 30, 1992, CD:H:IL awIIBR, crrr BAIL 10300 °J.uuœ AVI!RB, ~.uÐ, CALIPœHIA CAIL '10 œŒR 'Jhe meeting _ ....11...t to ULdt... by Mayor PIo ~.. Szabo at 6:50 p.m. RU. CAIL 0:m1c. P.L s .L: De!In, Golàœn, lfq:pel, Mayor PIo ~.. szabo 0:m1c. JIbs IL: Mayor ILL.......... Stðff IlL s IL: City MImager BmIID City Clerk 0:Jn-1 h,. Director of PImlic 1&.&;1t.. viøkr:Nic:h Director of n--'ln;:ty De\.-1-1;-._.L Q:Jwml Director of Ff.......... &.~ City p1 Am'IAI" 1&.&;dt.ll HcusÏDg am Services 0xItdi.nat0r Harling City At.L.u..u=J" fi 1i '"" œAL CX'IIÐÐ:CAT1(HI - Ncne. 1. Re801utiœ No. 8682: -A Reøolutiœ of the City n.......n of the City of ~ Setting IIeIu:iDg to Provide for Lien Aøøn-t and Q)llect.ia1 ReøultiDg' FraIl JIJJataIBJt of Public }llni_,- It _ DDved by ""...... lfqp>l, or- no'l...t by CDmc. (b1- and l"'a'3ecl \lDlDÛDDUBly by thcøe }IL--- (4-0) to adc¢ the Re8olutiœ. -1- Wefo,i Abatement Res. 8682 adopted MDÐŒS Œ! 'l1IE AnDJRNED ~ crrr CDH:IL ..........uC BI!:[D (If J(H: 30, 1992 (œ-839C) PœLIC HI!'JIRI}C 2. Qmøi.deraticn of a ~dierlsive caucoaiuc.íL of the 0Jpertin0 General Plan, incl\XÜng land use, housing, tnmøport:atiœ1, open speœ preservatiœ, public safety, amøervatic:m and noise elements. ~is will be CD lbJsing. [After t.eøt.iBaJy and itianlSsial, hearing will be c:xntinued to the r''''J"hor meeting of MJDjay, July 6, 1992.] Acting Mayor szabo reviewed the 1M-....ess to be uøecI. He stated that the housing element, especi"lly the afforållble housing aspect, still has to cp to the Planning o-i_icn. Director of CDmuni.ty DeIIe ''l''~1L Cowan said the Planning o-i Røia1 has iti an1eøed housing in 'F"¡eral, in bmIId .. u "'I:u, but not mit.igatjtn measures. He 1M-A 1Led a IIII!p am chart sIxJwing 1"'.......... of joi:Iø per arplcyed residents am stated that, in his op;ninn, it is not posøible to ræcb a ho1"""", withcut a jcb less in the ()"OIIIIIm,ity. He said that the Planning Catmissicn iti an1a'Jecl. where housing 10ICUld be built. He reviewed a IIIEIp sIxJwing arplayment œnterø, potential housing øites, am the quarter mile area surrounding arplayment œnters. He also reviewed areas for possible recIeve1"'l"~ .L £ran industrial to housing and stated that the P1Armh>g o-iRSia1 has not act:ua1ly IIIIde that a firm r""-A.U"~.iRtico. He hd...",:JI~ HcwIing and Servi.œø Q)ordinator Hrling who was to 1"-_s_íL the lœy points of the AffordBble HcwIing Camlittee L'&' ........Idati.co. He stated that f~ reflect ~y a 400-unit reci1cti.a1 in hillside delle}, 'l"~ .L. HoI:tØing and Servi.œø Q)ordinator Hrling reviewed the ABIIG ¡-;p......l fair share needs. She stated that a sic;JÙfiamt housing need is created when land deIIe1qJs. She reviewed the cæmittee's final r..'...···~.JAtiaIs and stated they 1IIIBt'8 as c1œe as the cæmittee 001' )it cane to a CXIIISEIISUS. (h1rV". Dean asked the 'C""".......;l1g for "affarclable housing" need. Ms. Hrling stated that this wuld not occur withcut intervention £ran the city. -2- MDI1ŒS œ 'l1IE AWOORNED RI!GJIAR CIT!' CXDCIL MBETDG IfB[D (If .J(H!: 30, 1992 (CX:-839C) Mr. CowIID stated that the intent is to provide housing for lower paid euployees if they WIlDt to live in the city. '1hi.s is hARM on a real estate ......kIdL study øhawing that housing is priced too hi.Ijl for these euployees to bJy at IIIBrlœt rate, niAl"l]Søia1 fol1....-'1 reg!IZ'ding the ratio of affordllble housing being ~,¥.sed for 0Jpertin0 am what ~_.. in other cities. Mr. CowIID stated that saœ cities have ,w.i.... to DIIlœ DO atteIpt to provide affordIIble housing. HcIoJeIIer, there is the poøøibility that without sud1 a 1M-~aw, the state wcuJ.d not "l¥L""" the General PlIID. If that occurs, the state oou1d stq> isøuance of h,i1,;ing per4lits. ~..... i1'lllOt;e1y ten years BIp, the City of Ixvine had to shut àJwn h,; 1ding for about a year am a half. A fetl cities have been put into that situation, mt not many. '!be state has said that with adequate øites for 2500 units, there should be "l¥L....nmoote1y 900 of tbBn for lCJIf and very lCJIf ÏJ1<'Y'-, 0Jpertin0 ..anuaL à) this; b::JIo1ever, it is bqJed that a cpxi faith ElUw.L will satisfy the œquiraœnt. City Planner ti:>rdell in........ ..~i C"nI1TV!'Ï 1 that the state has said that a city needs to shaw a track I:cuA.l of t1:ying tc provide this type of housing. City ~ Brown stated that there is ðDOther issue involved, the one of ..........mity interest. '!be 1M-' 'l" sed units ....'IIM be gem:ed for '()eq)le 1iho alreIIdy work here; they are not jnpaverished. '!be i'L,~~l is ~~ partly on legal :requi.raœntø and partly on IY'OIWIIImity ""1"""". D:iscusøia1 followed reg¡müng the poøøibility of _king eup10yment in the ..........m;ty a CXJDdi.tia1 of acquiring this kind of housing. It oou1d be directed toIi8rd local t-~, clerical staff, etc. 0::Iiœrn was ~'CDøecI regarding the m~ of bcuseø 1M-'''. wed and the ÏDpIK:t on the ødIool systEm should all this housing be Wilt. '!be ødIool district has stated that, ",eM ty is available in areas where ødIools have been C}, sed and along mjor corriOOrs, o:noem was ""'i"-'CDøecI that in the ratio of IIIBrlœt ratej1JOOerate and lCJIf, there is only one toIœn IIIBrlœt rate 1JC1......,. It was pointed out that the '1Iwm-ø listed on the matrix 1.<¥1. s ,L ratio I1'.'~ 0(". s, not hew a project will be Wilt. H:Jre IIIBrlœt rates will be Wilt to subsidize the lower ina:JDe ones. QJuncil discusøecl whether or not it was legal to target affordable units for CDIp!IIJy euployees and also hew to ensure that the units would remain as affordllble housing. -3- MDÐŒS <P 'l1IE J\OOOORNPD R1n11AR CITY ~ 1I!21'IlC B!U) CN JtIIE 30, 1992 (Œ-839C) City Attorney ¡rHi.... replied that sud1 ~ - legal am the city CDUld be assured that the units I:8IIIÚD affardIIble for a certain period of time throuI l deed restrict:ials or c:ptimø or deeds of trust. 'lbeøe enøur:e that the units œnnat be BOld at JII!IIiœt rate. Dtn Tt...uc:L, president of Bridge lbISing, said that yell can target unlesø yell accept state IIID!Y. If lID state IIDIØY is involved, the city can require a restricted priority øyøtøD, as lcrIg as it is not based at race, yoadu., or other øiJni1Ar issues. Hcwever, cae can always do affi:mlltive DBrlœting with IIIÍJÚJIUD outreach. Hr. Tt...UCL mentiaø:t that, in adlition to met:hocIs mentiaø:t by the City Attorney to ensure the units rsœin affordable, there is also the pœøWility of taking a "sleeping ~ DDrtgIIge" BO the first bJyer àJes not get a windfall. '1hi.ø is a """-'A.:l DDrtgIIge CDlSisting of the di£ference beb.!- the aIIDUI1t the l""'-$oA actually paid in the transact:ia1 am the aIIDUI1t of the~. '!be subsidy aIIDUI1t is held as a _..at DDrtgIIge. Hr.~ stated that Bridge IbJBing is CUl.1.d,Lly 1IIorking with the City of Irvine to ~",.. units to breIIk the bpasøe mentiaø:t earlier. '!be deIIe1.\..~.L will CDISÍSt of 382 units. '!be gap betuen the a-v.:u:ðge persœ'ø ~and the <XISt to b1y or rent in the Bay Area is øud1 greater thIID in the rest of the CDI1I1tty. As a CXJDSeqUeIICEI, JDmy euplcJyee8 a:mJUte lcrIg di.øtanœs whid1 c:rest:es a burden at the infrastructure. Other ooor-tIS are Jœoo{'ing euplcJyee8 am pollutim. 'lbere are bolo sticky ptri>1_ as Hr. Terner sees it. Q1e is the _i 1,mi 1 ity of reøourceø am the other is the tendeDcy for saœ people to think affardIIble housing will look b8d and bring in undesirable people. Hr. Terner reviewed slideø stDdng Bridge projects around the Bay Area. '!be typical split is 65\ marIœt value, 35\ law incaœ. He also øubDi.tted a mpy of the Bridge Annual Report. It _ pointed œt that this issue still bas to rp the p1.......illg Cœmissicn am lID voting will be <b1e at this meeting. 1ÞieIIer, 0Juncil can discuss it in tandem with the Planning Cœmissicn. '!be meeting was then ,{"" WI for pmlic input. Frank Jarrett, Scofield Drive, l.<¥L_senting the unia1 0mrd1 of CUpertino, reviewed a vi.ewgraJ;il of the plot plan am rezœing of the area at StevmB creek BoulevaJ:d showing the Crœsro!IdB stq:pÌlXJ Center, the previ.ous post office am the d1urd1 1M-"i'C1.Lf. He stated that the l-U-''t''-sed rezaúng c:rest:es a financial hardship for the church, It _ nerptiating with Byers PI'q)erty, owner of crossrœdø stq:pÌlXJ Center, for thsn to b1y the 1aIxI. am use for p!Irldng for the center. 1ÞieIIer, with the rezaúng plan, MIl«JŒS CF 'DIE AnDIRNED œ;mÆ CITY CDH:IL !£ETDC BBID œ JtIm 30, 1992 (CX::-839C) they are 00 looger intereøted. He hqø1 the City 0UIcil 0"'11 lit GK"-uv'e the planning rronniasia1'ø latest I........-œti.oo and not include the land under tiilll"l1Øøfnn in the 1M-'l ICsed reza1ing. Mr, Dyer wishes to g,¡ol.....1 the øtv'Wi"'1 center. Mr. Jarrett WIIS infuu..ed that øince this i'L'¥"LLJ" _ Ming tii III"IwøecI, the General PlIID IIIJSt be OCIIpleted bo::6..... ()";omM 1 could ta1æ acti.CX1. 'lbeIe will be a cloud CJ\/8I' the 1M-'¥"LLJ" until the General PlIID is -V""". '!be poøøi.bi1i.ty exists that if the 1M-~ Ly WIIS sold, the use pemi.t granted and amstruct:icn stðrted under (:W.1.....L zaúng, the use IIICUld be loclrJeð in. It WIIS IRJIBB8ted that Mr. Jarrett tiilll"lISS this with Mr. Q:Jwran. Den BuIT..LL, 729 st:.eIœhl lane, said he was glad that <bunc. DeIm had brcuIj1t up the sheer ,..WIhor of houses that need to be blilt. He IRJIBB8ted 0UIcil hold à:Jwn the nœtJer of jdJs in the .imœdiate aœa, John Hailey of TðJIdem, said that he was not in full .."..<:o::uð:~L with the Affœ:d!Ible Hwøing Qmaittee 1- .....~.IRti.aJS. He ~"""øecI cooœm œgarding the ~~íLage of affordable housing to Jœrlœt I8te. He stated that 'l'audt.n ......lit be targeting their eaplayeeø. 'lb=..dfu...., there .....1M be IIIlCh less t:Iaffi.c. He ~cSøecI re]'V+"""" for eaployer aøøiøted housing. 1ÞieIIer, T>-........ àJes 1IIIII1t the housing to be attractive to their eøplayeeø. He stated 'l'budem eaployees are relatively Iúq1 paid. '1">0,.- 1IIOI11tiHkA to knew a bit DDre about what they .....,lit be _~.... :....- befi . to _"'h~.... _~.-..", ...,..... U1.ð agIee1Dg ~'.l~~..". Bob McIntyre of çle, said that this jcÐ/hoIlei"'1 ;l'Ihol....",. OOI)]ti be heIr-' by taking jdJs el i!!'libeI:e. He stated that çle hBs sent a I1UI1ber of jdJs to other loœtiaJS. '!hey have 160,000 square feet in Napa, 450,000 øquare feet in Sa.....caucaíLo, and 140,000 øquare feet in Austin. He also stated that the be1cw warlœt. housing helps a1ly a ømall rn"'-'- of people, Mr. Ø::IntyIe stated that an in-lieu fee is còject-innAhle but, at the GK"-'¥'"iøte <XISt, .....,lit be nme acœpt:able than h,i litinl} housing ricjIt CXl çle'ø site. 'Ihe people at çle àJn't want to live in the sane envircnœnt as that in which they wcrk, '1his needs to be serJSible am have a cap. He IRJIBB8ted a $5.00 per øquare foot 1IIIXiDun. A¡:ple MIIlts to help with its fair shaJ:e, but hqJes that requireIœnts will not be so Œ'd:OUS that jdJs have to be sent elsewhere, -5- HIlCŒS CF 'l1IE ADXJJRNI!'.D RIGJIAR CITY CXDICIL ......u·J.1'G HBID (If .JtH!: 30, 1992 (CC-839C) Did.: RœEIneier, Hewlett Paclœrd, gave a brief hi.øtœy of 1oœt.iœø of HP. He stated that this is t:hø ally p1aœ where they are _boil to provide hcuøing mitigati.œ. HP is willing to ~L the Affordable Hooøing O:ma1ttee's recxmnendati.cn as it existø. '!hey believe it is possible and am 1IICrlt. He urged <hmcil oot to treat arrf un~..Lia1 differently :fJ:an another. He ~_iSecI the hc.pe that Ch1TV"i 1 will allow the growth that the cozporatiaIs -m; in CUpertino. Whether or oot a <.U1.~..Lia1 ~Ls or cbes oot ~L <Duncil's poH";_ should oot detennine if <Duncil will give them øaœthing. ~: 8:45-9:00 P.M, Mark Kroll, City Center Ae<yvoiAtes, said Den 'Ib..,.... is a real 'JI.itiiTVJ 1.iqIt and Bridge has done 101OOdt:..f.ù things in the hcuøing area. He stated it is a reII1IIrIœble ocx:urrenœ when cœ:paratia1ø with diverse c;pals and financial situatiœs are willing to my into the I-r" .Aihility of affordable hcuøing. It requires a lot of listening am understanding. Mr. Kroll cited the following isøueø: 1) via subeidy, ycu'J:8 aøking c:mporatiœs to undeJ:write what typically CDDeS :fJ:an the city or a rede\¡Iool"......lt. eqerxy. IDok for quid pro quo. 2) IDok at the profile of buyers, family øize, i~, what kind of proàJctø are built in CUpertino. '!be city needs a lot of hcuøing units, bath at marlœt rate am affoJ:dðble. Be œreful to look at what _ build and make sure it S8tisfieø the citizens. Dr, Bel/m:'ley 8J:yaDt, NIUŒ', san Jose, ~ S-Lled a secticn of Senate Bill 434 1IIhi.c:h is pending in the state legislature. '1his secticn r_L...lcts a local eqerxy'ø ðbnity to set fees en deve1'1.··~IL that are oot directly related. In aŒii.tia1, Dr. 8J:yaDt ~ a ClIp en fees and that any fees be placed only en deve]''I...~'L that is above the square footage ..n-Jed in the 1983 Genenù. PlIID. '!he City Attomey reviewed the secticn of the bill ~ S íled by Dr. 8J:yaDt and stated it was broad 1m>']I""JI" and 1IiCUld preclude a hcuøing in-lieu fee. He stated that perhaps it 1iCUld be all ri4Jt with a develcpœnt "Y'-<o<:wcuL. Michael Hudsœ of Michael Hudsœ Cœpanies, 801 SOUth WindJester Boulevard, san Jose, real estate develq¡er, said he is ""'t'"'1.ienœd in the develv¡,.auctlL of lower and uudb....Le incDne hcuøing. He said saue of the :reo.::mnendati dated June 12 were off the mark. '!be first bic are g:xxi; however, he hIId a prà>lBII with in-lieu fees rather than requiring units. Ht·, Hudsœ stated that he did oot believe the recamte!X:Iatia 1IiCUld result in a si~iœnt effect en current heme values, -6- MI1V1ES CF 'BIB ADDJØNBD RlGJIM CITf a:IH:IL .......~.uG BKW QI JœB 30, 1992 (OC-839C) <bmc. szabo ..~ that pertIepI with $1,000,000 of in-lieu fees, the city oould buy the laD:1, a ,...,...rry 001,111 then purcbaøe the laD:1 ftan the city at a r-Io..-4 rate, and þ.; 11'1 lID ~ I..ao:a1t. bcuøe. Mr . "'..-... said he did oot think the city ahno1ld be in the real estate buøineøø. IDis 1iazbJrta1, Lq& s .Ling the T """'9''' of Ludn Vbter8 of 0JpertÍDD and SUnnyVale, read a øtatement into the 1....-01 ftan the l1-<1.... 'DIe I~ of tbœD Vbter8 is amnitted to lID _1-ia1 of the bcuøing SUßlly for low and øU:b.c:o:Lð in<xme f_i li_ am B\.MA'LLa policies that assure sufficient laOO at r-CllWlAhle ocst en 1ihicb to develop bcuøing with aoceeø to stpl.aylœnt, iJIprawd air quality am t:r8IUIpOrtðtic, preøervatiœ of cpn space, and adequate pmlic øervi.œs and faro; 1 ities. '!be I~'" ~ta the 1M-' ,,:sed Affo1.'dable Hcusing Q:mIIittee r..,., ....~IdatiaIs. 'Jhey feel citizen invol-..........1.. ahno,1II start in the esr1ieøt planning øtageø am last t:hrouIþJut the 1M-' -oeeø. 'DIe T -gue B\.MA'L La a axm1inated plllD Were growth would be directed within øpet'if';M U1bm areas of these areas to provide ~y for the pq:IUlati.cn leII'e1 bAa-' en sufficient t:ransportaticn, ødIcolø, parks, cpn space, water, SEll !!rB, am finlmcia1 resources. 'Jhey ~.1d lilœ to see the jOOsfbcuøing ;_1"""", and affmdBble bcuø!ng i.ssueø co:kh.e&øed. Susen Mirà1-KretSdmmn, spet'lring 8S lID individual, said that she bas a øister who is a ødIcol t.............. '!be øi.øter am her þnahmtl who is also with a ødIcol district ~!]d qualify as øudt...ðt.e iJllY'Dl"'. Sbe said she <DeB oot lilœ to see the 8IIDD1t of growth 1M-' t.oC sed, D1t arr¡ growth Ah-.o.1lr1 ~it the citizens. Scbx>lø, parks, and other areas will be iBpK:t:ed. Sbe felt that anporaticnø ahno.1II mitigate the need for bcuøing and the bcuøing inpact. John &.L..ðlo of Scbrato IJeIIel, ,. '.~ll, co:kh.cSøed 0Juncil regarding Bridge. He stated that Bridge Hcusing bas pmlic subsidies. 0Jpertin0 is talking ðbaut p.Itting the subsidy en the backs of the oorparatiaIS. 'Jhey still WIlDt to lœep their brain pcwer here. He stated that the t:UJI....ø¡ is fragile am requiring additialal fees just to h.i Id œt to the CII1.1.Clíl General PlIID level serIds a terrible 1""""'""'7'. He ~ that 0Juncil put IID'f new fees only en increases above the œrrent General Plan. A density limit of at least 50 units per acre is ne.! jerl or redeve1q:ment will oot occur, Bridge has financed JID8t projects with tax free financing. In regard to the $5,00 per square foot cap, Mr. Scbrato stated that the in-lieu fee is hic 1 and -7- MDI7ŒS CF 'l1IE At\JCœN!D RI!GJU\R CITY CXDICIL ........:.uG IIIID œ .JtH!: 30, 1992 (CC-839C) cmporatims will cb everything they can to h,i 1tf hcuøing. If ""'-....,da are too exœeøive, it is lID invitatico to court dvo11~. He urged the full t;rRfffc tlitllYQlt be A11:Jed if the hcuøing is within the quarter mile radius of lID EIIp10yment center. In reply to a queøtia1, be stated that be believes that the best retum at ~1.øl. rate ocxurø 111181 density is 10-14 per acre. Nancy BurneLL, 729 St"...n..hl Lane, said 0Jpertin0 includes tbœe large axparatiœs IIDd I'\oooan'7A CÐllegB. yet, tbere are hvigFot problEIIB. If the mrparati.cns are lID aøøet, *y are there bari;rt problEIIB. If the cmporaticns leave, there is DO .h.a.a1 for hcuøing. In regaxd to øubøidieø, she øtat:ed that taxpsyerB bear the burden of affardIIble hcuøing. Oxporaticnø å:Jn't wmt to pay the fees; lDewIr, with DDre growth, the city 1IIDUld øubøidi.ze the coxporatiaIs via øubøitl;7M hcuøing, '1here is DO WIlY to mIœ ~.....,. COllege provide hcuøing. She aø1œd if it were poøøib1e to g:J to the state IIDd request that they h,i 1tf hcuøing CD state land. othmwise, nei.cjIborlDodø am hillsides IIII!I.Y be IIBked to ab9.. I, the growth, Janet Zeitmm, Cric1œt Hill ibid, 1."t'1. ø ,Ling CIIUœ, stated that CP.KS SIflAI.L La the Affœ:dBble lbJsing Camd.ttee r......,.,-~. '!bey hAg:jn to h,i1t1 a b.~·-Ak to meet the housing - Io¡ IIDd protect the hillsides. Phil Zeitmlm, CX>-d1air of œRB, ER n' .. Led oarparati.cDs contributing to meet hcuøing needs. Be did DOt 8''iI'" L lID aŒli.tiaJal 2,000,000 square feet whid1111DUld cœt:ribute to the ;_1"""". Ann ADger t"hAnlrWl QJuncil for al]ø."ing I*'I'1.. to epMJ< DDre thIID three 1IIÍIIUteS. John Endicott, Westfield, Inc., Valloo ""'....;nn Park, said be is interested in office devAl",,-.L am the potential c:ustaners. Westfield is a retail de.-1'1(""T am cbeø DOt wmt to be in residential deve1,..-.L. '1h::..d:U1.", in-lieu fees are iDpJrtant. Not e<.reryaIØ is able to h,; 1d hcuøing units, He requested reð1c:ed fees for retail deI/e1.q)arø and asked if there were ðDOther way to fund hcuøing. '!be city has been creative in funding parks. MIIybe it "",1r1 cb the sane thing for hcuøing. He said he did DOt mnt to live where he 1ouLkø:l. Be told QJuncil that the saleø tax ~jt of retail has to be ooosi.dt:....d. Fees should DOt e!C) eecI surrounding areas. Corpm:atiaIs will mIœ a decisiœ 00 the bottan line. It is iDportant to Valla> that they stay here. Awlying new fees to unused existing General Plan square footage is a penalty. He urged COUncil DOt to d:> this. -8- , MDI7ŒS CF ~ N)-' ~ JIIIÐ'1I'M crrr ~ .......a:.uG JIBED Qf JœB 30, 1992 (~) Jlrt"ing ...".... -....... ....4t......d __ing to the pl....¡ng n-.;...¡nn IIDd al8o, by ,.. ..., tbe 1øøœ of bavJDg II) Jro-¡ng in lID __ if tJIfIre is II) ...,cJtat...1fID .x : .ø to lID ~~...y .. h. oQ1. '!be pi)) ¡I'! œ.rlDg.. cx.atiJIued to tbe J'l'911- ~ ~¡ng of JUly 6. At 10:10 p..., ()'11"";1 edjo."'-'. ~ Æ~:- -9-