CC 07-06-92 1 (' CITY CF aJPI!:RTDD, S'JMB CF ~ 10300 '~uuœ AVI!HJE, aJPBRl'DI), CA. 95014 'JBU!:PBH:: (408) 252-4505 ex: e10 Mn«7ŒS CF 'lBB RIGJUIR _r.uG CF 'DIB cm OJIH:IL, lIEU) (If .JULY 6, 1992, tTDr'TT, aw 7 Cl'l"l HML 10300 '~uuœ AVI!HIB, UJl'I!K1'.uI), CAL1:J(R¡fIA '!be meeting WI8 called to ~ by 1ta.JU1. ~- ""'!1 at 6:45 p.m.. prRlr.R CF ALUX;IAII:B IO.L CAlL Cbunc. PL_s_1L: DeIm, Golåœn, Szabo, Mayor sorensen Cbunc. JIbe! tL: ~ staff Pl. S tL:- City MIIMger Brown City Clerlt 0xneJiuø Di:rect:ar of Public 'ib:kø VÍ8kDIddl Di:rect:ar of lhmII"Iity Del/lAI,,,-·-.L CawIm Di:rect:ar of Finance Snyder Aøøiøtant to the City ~ Brown Di:rect:ar of Perks am ~.-¥inn Dowling Public Tnf"... .....w.cn Officer K:œy City Planner iLLdt.ll lbJsiDg and services 0xm:Iinat0r Harling City Attorney rei 1 ; An CERI!HlaAL MM'D!:RS - PRBSBtf1M'ICHi: - Ncne. M..a~ It WI8 IIDIIed by 0Junc. Szabo, ..... ........ by 0Junc. Golc:!œn and passed UI1IIDÏJtDJsly by thœe 1M- a_L (~), to ~im_ ItEm No. 38 to the Jœeting of July 20. -1- . " . . Consent Calendar . . , MDI1D!'.S CF 'DÐ!: RIGJLAR Cl'l'Y CDH:IL _:L'.uC CF JULY 6, 1992 (CX:-840) œAL aHUÐ:CATIœS P1o¡d IIc>z_ ..-··-·....1 Coone. szabo ngi!II'ding his previous 1M-''I.._l for a code of ethicø. Mr. Mb~_ stated that the three l""'-DUUB, boIl8IIeJ:', øuggeøted as a .........i~ to r8VieIw issues ....,1ti DOt. be ~ as tboøe three f.... ..-- nwm,'·11 ,._,. éL. are part of the prri>1_, Be stated that lawB are in place that mu1d e1 fmf-te ¡J[ri>1_, bJt tbœe lawB need to be obeyed. Mr. Mt.~_ 'Ip"""Í f'f ....11y IIIIIde IIII!I1ticn of f.......... O'w""'; 1 '.~,....x Den FIolid1 am the IIIItd1 JIct. JæJet Zeitmm, 22907 criclœt Hill, aolh..,.,øed nwuri 1 regarding the displayB in the 1diJy. Sbe said she does agree with the 0XIœpt and aølœd if there ",,".11'1 be a øtataœnt that these tf;'i'1~.."'i& s IL ~,~":_lA am not actual de\¡R1,'I...~.L a¡:p:oved by the city. Sbe ...1nvi if II1IÙl U.L-r"¡"'-"tiœs mu1d pIt tfiqp1"¥1 ~. Mayor SaœDsen r<'{'1 i",; that ~ am. <1A.l., FIolic:h stated that the ..11"':J'"";1'IftA "9"'fnAl;; Den Frolid1 are unfounded and OUt...-....0U8. Be said be will EDDIIt'aI}E! Den to write a letter to the City QJuncil to be r-s into the I'CJ..U.Ld. QJunc. _..hn stated that be cited tbree people for the ~' oy:: s e :i ..........; ttee that be ~hno"1't ....,1tf be g:xxi, Den FIolid1, Jjm ;r... -10_-., am Bci> Mto~_... Be stated they were -''I.,1..''Y peq>le am have his ~i,"""".. a:a&Nl' <::AU!H)M Coone. 001"""" requested that ltøœ lb. 24 and 28 be I81D11ed. City Attomey ('; 1 i.... stated for the 1:.........01 that ItBn lb. 1 refers to previous actiœs talœn by the QJuncil. City MImðger Brown reqœst:ed that ItBn lb. 6 be I8IDIIed fian the agenda. It _ DDUed by QJunc. Golàa!m, -......dtal by QJunc. DeIm am p-øed uœDÙJIDUSly by tboøe 1M- S IL (4-0) to <>K'1.uVe the hl1........... of the Qmøent Qùe:Jdðr as sul:mi.tted. 1. Resolutioo lb. 8683: "A Resolutico of the City ~:uri1 of the City cof CUpertim J!dr:::ipt:ing FindingB of Fact am Need for n...r.g.- or Hxlifioati.cnø to the uni£oDn Fire 0Jde, 1991 Editia1, Because of IDeal Qnfitia1ø." -2- ". MIlI1ŒS CF 'DiE RIGJIAR CI'l'f CXD1CIL ..........uG CF JULY 6, 1992 (<X:-840) 2. Reøolutiœ No, 8684: "A RI!IØO]nHnn of the City cø".....1 of the City of ~ Allowing certain t"1.i_ IIDd tk,-,.iA Pay8ble in the JIIDUDt.tJ am FraD the PImdø as Hereinafter Desc:cibed for Gb-...l am Miøoel1---.w R.l,.uHtureø for the Pericd _h-q JUne 12, 1992." 3. Reøolutiœ No. 8685: "A RI!IØOluticn of the City oo."".n of the City of 0JpertiD0 Al1ødng certain t"1.i_ IIDd ~...., .iR Pay8ble in the JIaDmts IIDd FraD the PImdø as HereinIIfter Desc:cibed for Gb-...l IIØi Miøoe11~18 ~_ .ditureø for the Period JI'I'VIi"'} JUne 19, 1992." 4. Reøoluti.œ No. 8686: "A RI!IØOlutiœ of the City 00...,.-11 of the City of 0JpertiD0 Al1ødng certain ("l.f_ am tk.~. .is Pay8ble in the JIaDmts am FraD the PImdø as Hereinafter Desc:cibed for Gt:uaL..l IIØi !fi.ønoo 11---.. ~.ditureø for the Pericd _ing JUne 26, 1992." 5. Reøolution No. 8700: "A Resolution of the City oo......n of the City of CUpertÍDD Al1ødng certain ('l.i_ IIØi tk,_..iR Pay8ble in the JIaDmts and FraD the PImdø as Hereinafter Desc:cibed for Sa1ari.eø IIØi WIIIge8 for the Payroll Period _i"'} J\me 16, 1992." 6. RfmJVed £ran the a.;.-_iA. 7. Reøoluti.œ No. 8688: "A ReøolI1Hnn of the City o--mcl1 of the City of CUpertÍDD ~ a .......~....- of tLJt.....I..mit1g Bet1~- the City 0= CUpertÍDD IIØi the 0JpertÏDD &lpl.oyeeø J\sØOclatit:n." 8. Reøoluti.œ No. 8689: "A Resoþ*;nn of the City (JoI.....n of the City of CUpertÍDD .....vI;"'} the thL"'i'L s .led o _.~ ..·1IIrtion PLUt:fLcau.·. 9. Reøoluti.œ No. 8690: "A Reøolutiœ of the City 00...,.-11 of the City of CUpertÍDD EBt"AhH....inq Sa1ari.eø for Pœitia1ø Not Within a ~11A of Pay GL..ieø." 10. Reøoluti.œ No. 8691: "A Resoluti.œ of the City (JoImcl1 of the City of CUpertÍDD Pixing the &Iplayer'ø CaJtril:uti.cn mxIer the Meyer8-I"....,iPA State &Ip....-~ ! Medical am 9Jøpi.ta1 care JIct." 11. Resoluti.œ No. 8692: "A Reøolutiœ of the City (JoI""';1 of the City of 0JpertinD IDCI:eaøÌDg J\JI1eUnt Paid on.-....:i Insur1mœ PJ:&ni\IIB for (b]I)PÎ 1.._..1..... D. . -3- ) MIlCŒS œ '1BI!: RIGJIAR CI'1'Y <DKIL ......,.J.IG CF JULY 6, 1992 (cx:-840 ) 12. Reøolutiœ No. 8693: "A Reøolutiœ of the City now_·n of the City of 0Jpertim JIRIointing the City Attu.......,. and Aøøistant City Attorney, Descrlbing'lbeir D1foi_ am Providing For His n '''1. ..,.1Batiœ. " 13. ~-t for waiver of fees, California Public Inter:e8t !In rd1 Ga:q> (CAIPIK;). 14. Reøolutioo No. 8694: "A Reøolutioo of the City now"""¡l of the City of CUpertino JIcœpI:ing Oút..l";1II Deed and Aut:harizat:iœ for Ul&b.\¥"wOO water Ri.çþts ftan Bradley K. AlfrtJd am Peggy Alfred, Scenic Boulevard." 15, Reøolutioo No. 8695: "A Reøoluti.œ of the City now""..¡ 1 of the City of CUpertino JIcœpI:ing Grant of --·-.L for ~ PUJ:p;ses £ran Bradley K. Alfred am Peggy Alfred, Qmøi.øting of ~y 0.02 JIcreø, IDaIted ~; c Bculevam." 16. Reøolutiœ No. 8696: "A Reøoluti.œ of the City Ooo"""¡ 1 of the City of CUpertino Acoept:ing Grant of -- -.L far ~ Pu1.p.:.ses £ran IDtus Deve],\"·_.1. am Q:mstruct:icn, Inc., Qnsi.øting of JIw.....i1llAtely 0.007 JIcreø, TlV'Rt-ed west side of (kGlap Avenue Betr- n Do1ares Avenue am Alcazar Avenue." 17. Reøolutioo No. 8697: "A Resolutiœ of the City now"""¡1 of the City of CUpertino JIcœpI:ing Oút..1..illl Deed and Aut:hori.zat:iœ for tLJt...\¥"wOO water Ri.çþts ftan IDtus De\IIOI],\.._.1. am Q:mstruct:icn, Inc., Orange Avenue." 18. Acceptance of 11Im;";p"1 iBproveœnt:s 'D:I1y 0IIIDg, 22561 Iq¡py Drive 19. Reøolutioo No. 8698: ·A Reøolutioo of the City now""';1 of the City of CUpertino ~ Cl..íI......."t 01Imge 0nIer No. 1 far Recœøtructia1 of 0Jrbe, GJtterø, and !'I;,-'--11no, Project 92-103," 20. Acœptanoe of city projects pel.fOJ:JDed under ....IUt......::t: Reccnstruction of curbs, GJtterø, and Si,-'--11no, Project 92-103 (1IDix> Engineering) 21. Reøolutioo No. 8699: "A Reøolutiœ of the City QJuncil of the City of CUpertino ~ Release, of I.otø 8 and 9 FraIl It:>lding ~C<2,.,.jL in O:njunctioo With Tract No. 8332, WilBŒl Sdxx>l Site, CUpertim unim Sdxx>l District Project," -4- MIl«1lES CF 'l1IE RI!GJLAR crrr aIH:IL _rJ.l'G CF JULY 6, 1992 (a:-840) 22. Approval of Fine Arts n-rI-iœ rettIIIIIDiati. to hcmor ~ RUIIIIr as this year'ø DisH"9,i....... Artist. 23. Approval of minutes of the adjoumed J:"II)I,1..r meet:.iDg of May 26, 1992. 24. ReIIDIIed ñaD the Ca1.....íL C'Jo1-". 25. Approval of minutes of the adjoumed J:"II)I,1..r meet:.iDg of .June 9, 1992. 26. Approval of minutes of the adjoumed P9.1..r meet:.iDg of .June 10, 1992. 27. ~ of minutes of the ~,1..r meeting of JUne 15, 1992, 28. ReIIDIIed ñaD the 1'WI"""It; C'Jo 1........ . 29. Reøoluti.cn No. 8704: "A Reøolutiœ of the City 0:,0""'; 1 of the City of 0JpertiD0 Autbarizing Ex1ecutia1 of Q:ntract with BlðclI.bc..1.}' Fæ:JD Golf course Pro Jeff Piserchio. . 30. Reøoluti.cn No. 8705: "A Reøoluti.cn of the City 0xIncll of the City of 0JpertiD0 Autbarizing Ex1ecutia1 of Tenant JIy..........,L with 0JpertiD0 Historlœl Society at O.;n 1.... lhma11Ù.ty Q!nter." 31. Reøoluti.cn No. 8701: "A Reøolutia1 of the ::i.ty ""'''''';1 of the City of 0JpertiD0 ~;"'} Date for O:Jnøideraticn of þnnI:orÍ"'} Area Deøi.9Jated 'þ1-w. Avenue 92-05', P.ì.'¥"LLi' IDeated CD the Bast Side of þ1......w.n Avenue Bet : [II SlID Pernanà:> Avenue am ILmita Avenue; JIK.u...I-te1.y 0.10 Acre, lfarlti.øœ/Sdúndler (APN 357-15-026). " ~ MI-... _.. of the City ""'ftV'Í 1 AYES: MES: ABSI!Nl': AB8'mIN: Dean, Golàœn, SzIJtIO, &............., Ncne lfq pel Nœe I'l!HS Rl!H)IJE[) P1QI <DiSI!'B1' CAU!M:IIIR 24, Approval of minutes of the adjourned ~ar meet:.i1XJ of .June 4, 1992, -5- . MDI7ŒS CF '1BB RI!OlLAR CITY ancn. ......".uG CF JOLT 6, 1992 (<X:-840) QJunc. Golållm stated that there bs1 been a DIIID stating that pIIgB 3, ~ayL~ 3, sIxIu1d be _.~..-IM to:œed, -QJunc. szabo. . . - With that m..ng.. it 1I1IIØ IIDINId by nw...,.. Golållm, --.....dt.d by nw,.".. DeIm am l""agecl ,.......i""J8ly by tbœe 1& ø-Ll (4-0) to <>t¥LUIIe the minut:eø. 28. AßJroVal of minut:eø of the adjoumed 1""'9"1..... meeting of JuDe 16, 1992. It was IIDINId by QJunc. Golållm, s.,....1M by QJunc. DeIm am [""agecl '.......;""J8ly by tbœe 1& B ,L (4-0) to <>t¥L...1'8 the minut:eø as subaitted with clarificaticn as per IIIEIID received IIDd with the last parayL~1 tIIIIeßied to read, -... 3,000,000 square feet.- POBLIC IIIWU1(;S 32. HeBring to adept 1'i_1 year 1992-93 c.pI['ating h"'gPt, establish a¡:prqriat:iŒI limit am Gf:tILUIIe granting of Negative Dec1arati.on for the Five Year Qlpital Ih9:ILu..~L Pl.'"¥au. 1992-93 Budget . (8) Reøolutiœ It). 8702: -A Reøolutiœ of the City nw""';l of the City of ~ Est"Ah1i.,),;ng an J\pp1'qJriatial Limit for FY 1992-93.- (b) Reøolutiœ It). 8703: -A Reøolutiœ of the City nw""';1 of the City of ~ JltirVing lID Cþerating Ra~ for Fisaù. Year 1992-93 by Ratifying BstÏDIIteø of Rev8Jueø to be Reœi.ved in Bad1 FUnd am A¡propriating }h'I;- '.Ihe4.añ..- for ~i1';Ad P1.~.... Jlcti.vities am JIaxJm1t8 am Setting Pbrth nwri;tiœø of AåDinistering Said B1vigPt. - Pbllowing ~ by Director of Finance Br¥Er, it _ IIDII'ed by QJunc. Ib......, _ . .. ...1 by QJunc. DeIm am [""agecl \J Vm;......JØly by tbœe 1M- B .L (4-0) to adept Reøolutiœ It). 8702. Res. 8702 adopted St:ev&l Haze, 22681 San Juan b."i, asked if reverme eDbar- -·~.Ls 10ICUld be iI;.....·~øecI aft'n" adcpti.cn of the bxIget , . Be was inf....·_~ that they 10ICUld be. '!be utility tax ardinanoe will be discussed at the meeting of July 20 am business liœnses at 8 later date. -6- MDCŒS CF'l1IE RmJU\R CITY a:ucn. ...........uoG CF .JULY 6, 1992 (<X:-840 ) a:xmc. szabo requested that Cbunci.l recxmøider llllY ~...val of the hvtgFot as øubai.tted. He said the library and Aoroi".. center are bursting at the øeIIII8. He bas œam that the 1.llrmy bas to aIt hcurø back _,- of the state h~ øituati.cn. Also, arig;inAlly the city had p1.......-4 to integrate 1bu...la1 Pmk am the Sports center. HI:. szabo I'8I7iøied tr......,'l__.cl- projecting the GEI1eral P'UIId h001....... adjusted for inf1atia1 am pqWati.a1 growth, with the loø8 of no tax/lcJw tax also adjusted for inf1atia1 and pqWati.a1 growth, with the loø8 of """,i,.1e f_ adjusted for inf1aticn am pqWati.a1 growth, am the ...........1 smrtfall aBB\IIIÍDg no loø8 of revenue to the state. a:xmc. SZabo said be __ 1M-' 'V .eing that as ØOCI1 as poeaihle, the ('""n"; 1 cp back IIDd open up hvtgFot snsf"..... 'DIere will be lœg tenn hrlr;r': prcblBœ if 8Ctia1 is not ta1œo. Mr. snyder stated that the budget ~!S,MLed does not talœ into amøiderati.œ the cuts ftan the state. Staff will CXIII8 back when those aJts are kncwn. a:xmc. SZabo stated that the øituati.cn is bed CIIli..6y and they will talœ JD:JIIeY. '!be 90 . ....r the city -- reœct:icr1ø, the better off it will be. He m:ged that n"nyoi 1 re _ _..i.... the lœg tenn problen. City ~ Brown i'L s .Led lID update œ the state h~. He said that if no actiœs are ta1œo beÞ I'I!!II. the ~ s .t time am the dates projected by QJunc. Ro.7.Ahn, those fi9Jres are accurate. In effect, there is a O'U'....4. ñ. r u CD hiring. In ackli.ti.œ, other t'},;"';1' were à:me œrlng hrl;pot time. '!be city is not axàx:ting bJøineøø as usual. n""",. SZabo ...,..~.'WI the City ~ for cutting back ciJring the year. '!be state will not be œt of the ..oode after this year. He felt the city oould rely œ $1,000,000 ...........l1y being lost to the state IIDd urged 0Junci.l to CDM!De in hñ;rt: øessiœ as soan as poøøib1e reg¡mn.. of the state. He suggested that the city look at cuts mentiœed in Tier II. Mayor Sorensen stated she assmted that Q)unc. Ro.7.......__ càh.....siDg the QJuncil. He replied that, no, be __ ca.kh.....siDg the ciH~ of OJpertim, -7- . . Res. 8703 adopted Appeal of rate charges. Sigrid Wehner . MnI7ŒS CF 'lHB RIGJIAR CITY CXIH:IL I'Zril'Jl'C CF JOLY 6, 1992 (CC-840) '!he Mayor stated that the staff had subnitted the ~1f'Içpot per QJuncil directicn. staff and (bmcil are lIIoI8r& that they will have to look at it egain œœ the state """Ÿ.s their hviçrt, 0Junc. GolånllD said that at the hviçrt meeting, n-....... Szabo had requested that $400,000 be alt. 1Iø1 aøJœd 1Ibat be 1IIOOld liJœ to aIt, Q)I¡!IX", szabo said police and, in opocLal, Tier II. In 'Ping thmuc;þ the hviçrt, n-....... szabo ally øuggested one ÍDC:reII8e, which _ .....inr cltoi...... fees. 0Junc. GolånllD stated that the ally MIY be .......11'1 see to get $1,500,000 1IIOOld be rai.øing taxes. He aøJœd 0::10...... szabo what taxes be 1IIOOld raise. 0Junc. Szabo stated be wuld increBse the business li, _ - taxes. He said biD years eq:J, be wanted to aIt City Cbmcil travel hviçrt to $10,000; be _ told it_ ;"V""9ible to cb that. '1bis year, City n-."Ol1('il travel hvigioot is $10,000. Also, biD years eq:J, be suggested reduction of the police hviçrt. He _ told that ......11'1 be ;"V""9ible; bOlJever, this year, it is x-ilvWI. '!be __ is trœ regaMing eliminating the City Attomey'8 1'1. Bence at the Planning (hnn;_ilW\ meet:ingø. 0Junc. Szabo stated be is told time IIDd "9"';n that things are -inconceivable-. 1IoIieIIer, when the city runs out of JD:Jney, those ton;...". are å:me. He stated be may lose the arIpIEI1t in the øbort run, l1ut be will win it in the loog run. FlcI}'d Meyer said the city bs1 bour Jt Blac:kberzy Fæ::n. He _brl if it were aJBting IIDII!Y for the city to I1IIintain and Vi'"'LaLe it. Mr. snyder that it _ IDt. '!be operatia1 am IIBÌI1tEI1IIDœ is CDVered by user fees, ....idl are also belping to retiJ:e the debt. 81.... "1_"",}' FImD is IDt pI!rt of the prOOlEIII, It _ IIDIIed by 0Junc. Go1ñrRn, ~.Jt,d by Ccunc. DeIm am r-ð~ 3-1 with Ccunc. Szabo dissenting, to Nirpt Reøolutia1 Ii). 8703. 33. Þn-'l of rate charges for water use, Sigrid WeImer, 10327 Byrne Avenue, "'f{'""11>mt. Director of Finance snyder reviewed his l.,¥-,1.L with QJuncil. Sigrid Wehner, 10327 Byrne Avenue, _ availðble for tmy questi.œs , -8- MIl«1.ŒS CF 'DIE RIGJLAR CITf ancn. .......I.-.L!G CF JULY 6, 1992 (<X:-840 ) '!be City Attorney inf~ CDmcil that they 1T'JI')d give staff direc:tia1 for this ~1. It tiCUld be "K"-'¥L1ate to revise the ardinanœ if they 'oIIIDt staff to have the ability to adjust .œr åIarges in the future. It _ III:MId by <bmc. Golàœn, _...-wI by <bmc. DeIm and l""egecl '.......i......lSly to give staff the ability to adjust "8ter åIarges for this øit:uat:ia1 am direct øt:aff to prepare lID ardinanœ to allow for this. 34. 0xISiderati.a1 of a ~dlellSive ......aiolea,L of the 0Jpertin0 Gb.:u.al Plan, including land use, housing, tranøpartat:icn, open space preservat.kn, public safety, ccnservatiœ and noise e1-tø. (<nmcil will CXJIISider auiJcting this beBring as the last item of bus1neøø.) Mayor Sorensen anmunœd that this tiCUld be the last J"I"9.1- item of bus1neøø. PLI\RfING APPLICI.TICIiS 35. A¡:pli.c:atiœ No. 4l~3 (Revised) am 42-l!'A-92 _ Wayne ,"11m...., (Mc:Dcnald'ø Oœ:poratico) - Use pemi.t to allow a play yaM am out.doat seating. 'DIe øite is 10œted at 10990 North St.-l1;"'] Rœd. EnvL.....~.t.a1 DeteDni.nat.iœ: 'Ibe Pllm11;ng l'nmt;AAim ~. ...._.iR the granting of a Negative Declaratia1. ßA.. .,......Ide.l for 1Ippl'OIIal. Director of Chmamity De\IIO!1''l''~(L <bIirIID reviewed the rea:mœndat:.iœ am the aDÜ.tia1 that the final color sc:I1Bœ am M;Tt be 8ßI[O\Ied by the Ardú.tectural am Site Approval O:mIIittee. Wayne Jatmøcn, applicant, _ ."..; 1..hle for queøti.crJs. Be øubai.tted a pbctogœph of units a1rædy set up am posøible colors , It _ IŒM!Id by <bmc. Golàœn, s.:.u..a.bl by <bmc. s.,...n-. and l""'3gec1 '.......;......:lSly to "K"-VIIe the sppliœti.cn per Planning fhm1;-icn Resolutiœ No, 4410, deleting 0XIditia1 No. 8 wbich tiCUld have required ASN; "K"-VIfIÙ of color sc:I1Bœ and heiç 1t. ARŒrŒC1tIRAL AND srm AP'l"RCVAL <DHIT1EI!: APPLICATICIiS 36. Nœe. -9- pp. 41-U-83 (revised) - McDonald's , tort on o-mercial . MIlÐŒS CF 'mE RI!G1LAR CITY lXUCIL 1ToI5~..u.G CF JULY 6, 1992 (œ-840 ) tR"IMISHBD BVSINBSS 37. Ncne. .. BVSINBSS 38. 0:.œ.i.deratia1 of IeIp!St facn IDoovative lbJsing far $3,000 for their Shared Housing P>.~.... in QIpertino. (0:JntimJed frail the meeting of June 15, 1992.) (a) Resoluti.cn No. 8668: "A Resoluti.cn of the City Cbuncil of the City of QIpertino AutboriziDg EIœcutia1 of Ole YeBr A..,..........JL BebJe!!l1 the City of 0Jpertin0 am Innovative Housing for the ExpeIiliture of $3,000 iran the AffordIIb1e Housing FUnd. " (PœIri.ously antinued to July 20, 1992.) If'~ .!:It!: 7:40-7:50 P.M. 39. Rro".w.L frail Q:Junc. DeIm CD 0Jpertin0 info-mercia1ø. (h".". . DeIm said that this _ saaet:hinq the city bs1 net dcoe befUL... Be reviaIed a trmIsparency øhawing a I:reIW:Icwn of 1990 ;""""""', as well as a IIII!Ip of 0Jpertin0 IIDI1 the ~ area. SaDetiJœø 0Jpertin0 cit:;--..o think they're Ahry{1ing in 0Jpertin0 am they are net. Be bsd three info-mercia1ø for (h"""'¡ 1 to view. '1hese VJUld be IIII!IIII1t to 'P-=<.dle sales am enmurage peqùe to buy in 0Jpertin0. (h"""'¡ 1 then viewed the .in£o.iœrcla1s. (h"."., DeIm }11.' V sea that JIIB[å)IInts be charged pnxb:t.iœ Q)Øtø am that they be sbcwn free en numn..l. 53, 30 am 29, if poøø.ib1e. "'J';l"-'L c..u.L....Lly øonerI by the city .....,M be used. '1t1eøe VJUld be dcoe in accordImœ with oertain criteria am in gxxI taste. With (h".".; 1 ~, this project 10JCUld be talœn to the nv..m..r of n ...._..... am various clubs. 0rg!Ini.zat.iœs am l:JuIùnesseø 1IICUld be IIIIde IIIl8n that the ""M'VLl.omity to be the subject of lID info-œrcia1 is available for a fee. City ~ Brown stated that there is a prœl811 with the fact that the GOllcuaucaJL 01Imnel is down œe staff ~....... am rw-;n;""1 staff .....,I.;e.... have a full ølate without this. If info-marcia1s are launched am there is a lot of interest, it may be l""Oee9ary to have .. 4.... oe available Œl -10- MIlU.ŒS CF 'DIE RlGJUIR crrr au«::n. ~.L..uG CF JULY 6, 1992 (CC-840) a u..uL..aCt &.......·--·-·L. Bditing .,APl1itieø n-.'ld be JIIIde _i1....le for tbÍs. 'Jbe main ....~..Jl _ regEdiDg staff time. He felt, 1D18\¡~, this "",,111 be lID enterprise cperatiœ. Ma}'or SareIIBen also ŒqUeøted that lllJy fees CXM!r WIll' am tear at the city'ø equipDent. 'DIere _ also a questico regI!Irding 1IIbat l"-~~....i"'5J wuld be l"---~. Kel1yn YlIIBCIa, Cable 'ntleviøia1 PrTritœr, stated that dD:ing City cn"".q meeting breBks, there are PSAø or a newø 1'& ~~. During the day, the city has its CJIoJI1 l"-~auwing am also uses PBS b!peø. <:bunc. Szabo aøJœd if there were a legal prOOlem doing info-mercla1s . '!be City At:tomey stated that it øesœ øimilar to IIIIIterla1 the city had pr1'Vinœd for bond rating. He stated he has DO prOOlem saying they are DOt. p:åûhited as long as PBrtiaùar prcxb:ts are DOt. -;nnoo( with prices. As long as the ~.L is lIIIÚDly inF... ..-Lim, he sees DO prœlem regarding the use of p1h1i.c funds. He also sees DO probl.... regI!Irding the loøø of IICIIIEI øart of Irt:i:.rt:us, øud1 as DCn;Jmfit status, e&t.....:..lly if DIlDY of them are tkme. Ms. T~ stated that in regani to aJIJtracting with others, it is a g:xxi øuggeøticn. A .......t...aet }'OIL...... """M çp out am cb the shooting with the staff cbing the editing. Ann Anger, ItJnta vista, said it _ a fine preøEnt:atic:o. When a partial of SlID Jose de -..---<I am then ............d to 0Jpe:rtin0, 0Jpe:rtin0 cpt 10,000 peqùe, bIt with DO , , ...,_. cl.a1 1M-_ L)'. It wuld have been nice to heave ¡p'!uu___1 K~. Phil Zeibœn ay¡..-:l that 0Jpertin0 has to cb øanet:hing regarding sales tax if that'ø the city's main rEM!I1Ue. People 1obo øhcp outside of the city need to amsider that it oosts IJI:Oey to I'\D1 the car. So, hew nud1 savings in the long I'\D1 is it to leave the city to øhcp? He urged Cbuncil to ð.1h._ h'"':7:'t probl8111 new. Den Burnett, 729 ster1dah1 lane, said he enjoyed ......~..cia1s. He shops in 0Jpertin0 a lot, PBrticulðrly since he shcps by bicycle. He liked Qxmc, Dean's idea, -11- e . I.mendment to General Plan . MDI1ŒS CF 'l1IE RIGJIAR crrr CXDICIL ..........uG CF .JULY 6, 1992 (œ-840) NImcy BuIT.:.LL, 729 St-_h1 LIIDe, said that &be bsd mo'Tt ØCIIIB things that she cxX1ld not get CD a bicycle, bcuev_, she did øti11 buy in 0Jpertin0. Sbe said &be doee find in her ....ig.¡·..l......:! petple who Œn't know what øhcpe are actually in 0Jpertin0 and whidl œeø are actually outside the city limits. SbM!o Haze øuggested that 0Jpertin0 Inn am CbJrtyard Inn have video tapes of the info-mercla1s am the video of 0Jpertin0 IIIIde far the bend rating. 'lbese n"<I1J<t be ayAi 1....1.. for petple staying there. steve 1faI1Mh, Noel Avenue, CUlp1ement:ed the quality of the tapes. He mentioned three points: Q)e is, be doee DOt øubøcribe to cable. 'lbcL..fULI:7, it WDUld be g:xxI to 'IOt'k CD getting any info-mercia1ø at other dIBnDelø. '1'tIIO, the h.ain-ns 1.""" s-!Led in the info-mercialø øbcJwn do DOt ".,.... s....::L the bœIId and butter of sales. '!be city ne 18 to attadt lDr people spend their day to day dol1lOT'Ø. 'lbree, in regard to the re1atiœship of ....i'1"...... to the City of 0Jpertin0, ¡--pIe need to know when they are in 0Jpertin0 and when they leIIve the city limits. '!be .t.......dL øÏ91B or øaœtbing ahnn1rt be inøta11ed. By ,.. ....."US, en...,.; 1 directed that 'IOt'k at i.nfo-Dercia1ø be continued as lcog as the te1evi9ia1 crew is DOt over~1 am 1IIr'II'I;"'9 am be rollected to a:MD:' "'"'I-' es and the wear and tear at equipœnt. PUBLIC mra,¡mcs 34. amsiderati.co of a u.II¥L.lJcaJSive ~·~·I.·-,L of the 0Jpertin0 Geœral Plan, including land use, bcusiDg, tmnøport:atico, q¡en speœ preservatiœ, p¡blic safety, ,.. .-rvat.icn am noise elEll1l!l1tø. Msyar s....~ .........wv-d that at the dais .. lID update reg¡miiDg the St. Josep,.'ø 8EminIny 1M-~Li" '1hi.ø bsd been 1M-"""",,,.e.l by SecIway am AP""'";..œs am left by a..b..cd.u IJevAl·1.-·-.L. St:ev&1 Haze said that at the last Geœral Plan plb 1 i.. bearing œrlng Mr:. 'lb.,.....'!! present:ati.œ, the sale of air ri4rt:s bad been 1IIE!Iltiœed. '!his al10wø bcusiDg units to cp at top of ,..,.,-. ..ial1M-~Lÿ. He asked if 0Jpertin0 n"<I11rt taIœ advBnt:age of that a:noept:. -12- KDI7ŒS œ 'l1IE RI!DJLnR CITY CXDICIL .....~·llC œ .:JULY 6, 1992 (a::-840) NIIDcy Burnett ..cU._iIecI Q:Juncil regarding the 1.4811.49 ratio. She believes the Planning l'nnniaeiœ. ,n,.-....--1at.iœ is 1.48. She ...- if it were 1.29 DCW. She urged n-......n to amøi.der wbat is a amscientiouø way to a.1:h._ the housing need. She said 1.48 is oot: be1pil1CJ the øituation. rn"".; 1 then tti-wrses key .n_~ included in the ..........1. £ran the AffordIIble lbJøing Qmaittee. QJunc. Szabo stated that a fA.hn-onn;ttee of the Affu...IMh].. lbJøing Qmaittee bs1 Jœt privately 19 times. No œe_ inf.......,d of these meetingB. He felt they øhcu1d have been dcne en an opeD beøis and stated be bed no notion of wbat - «ping en, 'DIe ream! shews that the city neçpti.ated. '!he QJuncil did not give them the poiier to ~. QJunc. Szabo . U' s e:i the cxmnittee having private meetingø and not allowing the public there, QJunc. DeIm said fA1hn-nn,ittees meet all the time. He then brooI lt up t:ranøport.at.i meetings held that were not public. QJunc. Szabo z""p 1 ; M that the tnInøportati.cn meetings bs1 fo11oliled the publ ic 1M-uu:DØ and the Brown Act, QJunc. Golàœn said that this _ me of the JII08t eaim:Taøsing meetings for 1Wn as a public c;rfi';..;..1 to be attending. He stated that QJunc. Szabo was giving the bpresøia1 that he _ the ally œe aw&re and ...._",....., about hvtr;pot prm1_. He stated these are Jœrely re- ..........iAti.cnø to the Planning Chnniaøia1. QJunc. 001- stated be bs1 giwn l.'¥'.LLs at every City C'QI,..,..i1 _fng and fœ:werded written staff mn..-¡ts øI¥7.Iring the 1M-' - ~'9. No decisiœ is hooing DBde in private. 'lbere have been ~:I hcuøeø at aJIIIIÍttee meetings. Iteœ were fully Ifi ""'JØøed and ÏDp1t £ran the public was received. He stated that t10ic years acp, <bunco SZabo _ pIIrt of a snhn-onn;ttee that Jœt in private to neg:>tiate a Vallco devA]''l''~'1. '"':1'-,-,1.. He reviewed the duties, pcMmI, and l'I=Dy ...gibi1ities of the AffordIIble lbJøing Qmaittee, mid1 - publicly set up. He stated that QJunc. Szabo bs1 voted for this aJIIIIÍttee and the cxmnittee bed '¥'LáLed within the ~ ass;c;p-i, QJunc. Golàœn stated further that it - his wd:....I""';;"'1 that QJunc. Szabo has ~ privately regarding housing with indivitfllA1a. He stated that QJunc. -....... did not have to vote far re-.....__1AiI po]j "ies, 00t far him to say it _ not pmt of the public ....uu:DØ and public trust casts aspersia1ø en it. '!be 1M-' ¥"'" 1 a being DBde are very inIxwative and are an atteIIpt to try and create a <XIIIIIIIÚ.ty that will be of benefit to eveI}'OOe . -13- MDI1ŒS CF 'l1IE RI!GJlAR CI'l'f aucn. ............1lC CF .JULY 6, 1992 (œ-840) QJunc. ~.ÑYI øtated there _ little in the "'¥ALs. 'DIe Valloo CXIIIIÙ.ttee _ set up for necptiat.iœø lifter rn""'; 1 c:Iirec:tia1 CD 1IIhat oculd be œcptiated. '!be real 'IOt'k ........,1tf be àJne by the Affordable Housing ODaittee. '!be IM-uu:IDIi is bportant. Be stated that 1IIhat is n.ing 1M- ø .Led wø a BUlp1ise. 'DIer:e is need for a public }oILuuœtS . QJunc. Golàœm øtated that he øt:cod by 1IIhat he previously said. Mayor Sorer1sen ~ that OJImri 1 .._,I -'. ~",...¡ their viewpoints on the lœy <A.'la.qA.ø. 0Junc. DeIm øtated he oculd IXJt ðCOept a jd:ø/hCWIing ratio of 1.48; he .....,1tf pœfer lesø. Mr. Q:IwIID øtated that there is a desire to have a¡:praximst:ely 2500 bcuøing units. QJunc. DeIm ""'f:'L-Ðed IXIICem œga:aling the sc:bool prQhbm to wtdch Mr. Q:IwIID """¥Adod that there is a sc:bool ;'V""'t fee. A jobs/hCWIing ratio of 1.48 ties the city to 3600 houses . COme. Q>làœn ~'Casecl ITWV"PI'11 œga:aling Were the bcuøing .....,1d g;> and 1IIhat it ",..,1d laoIt 1iJœ. Be also ~CDsed .. u -. U œga:aling CXIIIIÙ.ttiDg the city to a e¡--H;c ¡TI-. Be asked hew IIIIII1Y bcuøing units - p1.....-1 for the h;11.;tiooa and _ ;nl',........1 aau-....¡-te1y 500. If the bil1øide prJlicy is .wp-oeð, the ",- is pdvWI by 400 units. Hr: felt there should be a "a/¥ in the m..m- of units err.l the General PlIID policy .........1tf identify a m_ of units and IXJt a jd:ø/hCWIing ratio. COme. DeIm ~...eÐed a desire for fellleI' than 2500 units. QJunc. szabo ~dlsed œ,p.~,L with rn...... Golàœm am supported that this be the directia1 sent to the p1A1111i"9 ChmI;-icn. Be 8\"J'.J""1.ed that the P1ATmhlg ChmIjAIii.cn be requested to --m.... whether the jd:ø/hCWIing ratio A.....ùd be the primry drive or should CJIIerIÙl deve¡.~··-at;. Mr. a:-n stated that QJuncil will be ]nnl";"9 at the city identity later. 'l!ús could be reviewed at that time with the total 1'''- of units. COUncil, by CXXISEI1ØUS, aIjI..,.,.j to that. -14- MIIUŒS œ '!HE RIGJLAR CITY <XU«:IL 1ToI>~'.u«; œ JULY 6, 1992 (œ-840) Di ØClJØØicn follololed regarding deI1sity,~, Imd deøi91 lJI,i""lineø and relatia1øhipe of new ~,; 1 dings to exiøt.ing h.; 11'1; "9"'. '!be Director of Camlmity Delle1\·,-.L 1M- smLed pictures of existing dev'91· \..'<>IItLs as exmpleø of 'lp"""if'ic deI1sitieø and relationøhipø. In reganI to new hauøing deve1.\..-jL in 88reIIS of åIIIDgB, COUIIc. Golàœn ~CDsed ~L for the ......aqA.. It øhould not iJ!pact neicjJborlxIods or hillsideø. In additia1 to areas suggested in the staff l.,,¥,LL, he ~ perhIIpø, ØCIIIB CXJUld also ocx:ur en PL. ~'"t RDIId. Ife ~_Bed deøiJ:e for infODlllti.cn regarding the types of hauøing am reaøcns for å:ling it. tbm there is a DDre 'lp"""ific plllD, øurrounding neic 1bortxxxIs should be involved, COUIIc. Szabo ~CD6ed CJRIOØitia1 to abBtemBnt, as it is mstly. City Attomey Kilian said that if a city alloWB reesonab1e uøe of the owner'ø ïrn..:..wo::uL, it is historically Al1'7U1!d. ~.L <XJUrt œseø IIBY cast øc.me doubt en this, hawever. 'Ihe abIItaœnt ~'^"""'s is not uøecI often. IDs Gat:os is the ally r"""",.L .......i'le that caœs to mind. COUIIc. Szabo expressed 8UßX)tL for I""71"IIi11g Imd CI'ef.1tÏJ1g ncn-ocnfm:ming uses. He à:Jes not 10IIEIIJt affordable hauø.ing to crMte a cjIett:o. Ife felt that 50 droJe11;'19 units per acre 1iCUld be unaooeptable to the """"'1I1ity. Ife ~o:ésed fII 'i í' '. L for a mix of affonllmle and IIIIIrlœt hoos.ing for loIIer deI1sity. He _ ir.fo· ..~i that the <XJIlœPt is not to have 100\ affordable hcuøing. COUIIc. DeIm ~CDsed ......~u reganIing cw.u"tL traffic en ButD Road. Ife also did not 10IIEIIJt residential units aver stores. Hcwever, the 'J'A1'Vioom øite ,...,..11'1 be aooeptable for hcuøing. Ife stated that £ran Seven SpriIJgø down ButD, to ~ 85, there is a great deal of traffic at thiø time. COUIIc. Golàœn expressed difficulty with the uøe of the 1oICJ:d IIIBIXiatory in the staff u:pn.L when referring to d1anging certain areas £ran office to IIIBIXiatory res~..ia1 or m;"""'¡ use deve~..c:ül. Mr. Q:Jwran suggested that QJuncil mId off en that 1oICJ:d until other decisia1ø regarding jdJø are 1II!Ide, It_ menti.coecI that the miJœd uøe area, as outlined by an oval in the exhibit, be exparxIed to incllKie Stelling Road. AlflO, the wording should enœurage a certain type of deve1\..-.L rather than uøe a stick to force it. In reganI -15- I· I MDUŒS CF 'ŒB m;m~ cr.rr CDH:IL ..........uG CF JOLT 6, 1992 (oc-84O) to JI!I'j Qmo ~ ol. No.3, wbich wœld be the r.11ocatJ.œ of net trips ..,.......d,,,!Jd when nœ-reøi.dentia1 is caJWD:ted to residential, Mr. 0:Mm øtated that ~ aJUld be uøm to help the three _jar carparatiœø in QJpertiIID to grow or they could be used for "....~, cial. Q,unc. DeIm said this IIIiçþt be ccœidered, as did n,,~. Szabo. By Q'WI......auø, n""".i 1 ......c:oc:od with Key 0xIœpt A-3. Q,unc. Golàœn revieIø1 the Affmdsble llDusing QmnÏ.tt.ee r&.....~1datims as øtated in the staff l.q.uLL. Item 1 is not a oœmi.tment for 2,000,000 square feet. '1his 1M-,~l does have the 8\.Iwu1. L of Hewlett Packard. Q unc. Szabo ".btf if it wœld not be better to have """'1"'";- þ,nrl units affaIdIIb1e to their BIplayeeø. Mr. 0:Mm stated that the ..........L place units Jœet: the ne .,., of the hif Ier paid BIplayeeø am the affordable hOlllsing units wœld be """O"(Isible to the lower paid tier of atplayeeø. By CDJSeI1SUØ, (h"".i 1 referred this to the Planning D::ImIisøia1 to study. Tb.... No. 2 Jotm RAney, ""¥L ø 1LiDg 'I8..-, said be will defer u.a...-íLB until this c;p!8 to the Planning n-mi_im. '1his _ referred to the p1anning O-;ASim by "".,......"'18. It-..... No. 3 By CDJSeI1SUØ, Council dizected the p1anni"'j o-i_im to look at half to .úlplemeot the tem of affordability am wOO wœld get eøy "windfall" when a unit is no },,.,.-, required to be "affordIIble". OJInvoi 1 suggeøted a t.weofy year tem for ownership units am requested Planning n-omü.96im revieII the "'.......... of yesrs for rental units. n...... No.4 Mr . 0:Mm stated that even sbculd QJuncil CJKI1.\N8 oxporatimø h,i 1~ing units <Xl dose by 1M-'¥"Lties, it wœld be subject to the state's a¡:proval, 1ø;Jis1ati.œ is in the mill to allow this. -16- · MI1ÐŒS CF 'DIB RI!GJIAR Cl'l'faxH:IL ........:.uG CF JULY 6, 1992 (CC-840) By ... -18, Q)uncil Mferred this to the Pl......ing lhmrI-ia1. Th... No. 5 Me. (DIIm stated that if the City QJuncil IIßIt'CMIII this policy, a cx:IImittee wuld be f) .. ..-1 to evaluate aDd po. ..'.._ai the IIIIDUIJt of the iD-lieu fee. He felt it ...."I11d be lIIImjinally hic Jer thIID the actual coøt of h.i 11th'!} to encourage the h.i 1IIi"'1 to 0CCIIt'. If the Plamúng (hmIi_ia1 is diœcted to CDlBi.der this, they .......1d aløo look at baving different fees for different 1dndø of devel. 'l-·-íL. By CXJIJSeII8U8, QJuncil diœcted the Pl......iTlg Ihnniaøi..... to CDlBi.der all q¡tia1ø. Sbculd there be lID iD-lieu fee, to what sIvJu1d it apply a....l11d it be þig-r thIID the coøt of h.; 1t'!;'>g? I~- No. 6 In regard to wai.viJ1g psrk fees for affardIIble units, C"ra""'; 1 did DOt ræch ar-. regaming diJ:ect:icn to the Planning lhmrI_;nn. 'Jbey requested the P1anning (hmI;_icnlif......ag this item. Ti-'AII No. 7 0'w11V"i1 ~ that the p1......;"'1Ihnn;agia1 re-....._ai qualificatians regaMing de!.......ing applicatia1ø for h.; 111;"'1 of hcuøing. no_ No. 8 By ........-18 (with OooID(", Szabo dissenting) , C"ra"""¡ 1 referred the ...-~ of traffic recIuct:ion credits ....ing issued for mitigaticn )v'1I!8ing b1ilt within 3/8 of a mile of lID eap1oymeot œnter to the Planning Ihnnf_ia1 for study. T~_ No. 9 By .............AlI8, QJuncil ~.".."d that the PJblic sIvJu1d be involved ñan the hPlpnni"'1 Wen affordBble hcuøing is planned. Following these acti.oos, the PJblic bearing 'oRIS a:ntinued to the adjourned r-JI.1Ar meeting of July 7. -17- . . . 2nd reading of Ord. 1596 Ord. 1596 enacted . Legislative Review COIDID. . .. I. HDÐŒS CF 'BIB RI!GJUIR C1'1'!' CXUICIL ..........uG CF .:JULY 6, 1992 (<:c-840 ) MRI'l"l1!:N CXHUO:CATJœS 40. Ncne. œDDIiH:BS 41. &:,....i r-tfng am er....L...r:uL of Qr:tIf-.- It). 1596: "An Qr:tIi......... of the City n.."""¡1 of the City of CUpertino ÞO-vting Sect:ia1 2.44.120 of ~ ,.mf";p"1 0XIa, Time of Arårl.t:ectural am Site JlM-,uvál C1:mDi.ttee Meetings." It was DDYed by counc. Q)làn!m, ".e.....1A.1 by n..1rV". I,..... am p""secI tnvmi1lrQlly by thoøe (.II: B JL (4-0) to reed 0rdinImce !b. 1596 by title only am the City Clerk'. re!Iding to cxmstitute the _..od r-ting u-.....!. It was DDYed by counc. Golàn!m, _...wt by n..1rV". DeIm and pllSøed UDBJÙJIDUØly by thoøe 1M-_J_,L (4-0) to EIDIICt 0rdinImce!b. 1596. ~ 42. Ncne. S'rAPP 1œit'\.K.l':) 43. Oral .LC¥...t.s by staff ··_·J-e<b. DiJ:ector of Public ~ Viskr:wicb 1"- s-tWd lID 'p:Jate CD the widening of no.a_ BDu1.ewInI aver ~ 280. CXDICIL 1<ISl'ÙC1-:s 45. counc. Szabo ..........tnno:II(j that he bas been elected to ømve œ the SImta Clara tbunty TrImøportati.cn BoImI. ¡p.g; ..1ative ReIrÏeIf C1:mDi.ttee - n.....,.; 1 urvm;IIInI181y <a L....d to taIœ the follawiDg act:.im regarding }'1.' ~<B ! j legis1atia1: (\01.<""" Sect:ia1 29.5 of SB 434 (Bt...'J :n), fees for ~1'l"~iL 1'I;...11-led if the f_ IIIIIY be used to (a) amstruct or recœstruct residential }'1.~Li' or, (b) q,&cìle ....,.;..1 }'1.~- which are DOt direct:1y re.1ated to the del/R1'l"-iL project; ·u·...,. SB 1955 (!t..u.y¡w) bill to .w.-..1i.... AB 939, W8St:e bœrd interveoti.on am ncn-volunt:aJ:y z-;rinnA1 ')C~a.L.icn;. ~¥ _ SB 161 (on..,!. 9:.ti), læxI use; and 'U..... SB 1757 (!t..u.y.u), eliminate EIIÚneIlt daœin and amclusive presœption. -18- . .. . MIl«71ES CF 'DIE RIGJIAR CI'l'f CXDICIL ............ue CF JOLY 6, 1992 (OC-840) 47. Cbmc. Q)låœn l.q.uLLed at the 0Jpertin0 Bcb:atia1 T.i..i.."... <DmIittee am stated that e.-..~ý preparednesø IIIIY be the IIIÙD topic at the III!IXt jo1Dt meetiD;J. At 10:05 p.m., <bunci1 adjourned to a "1:sed _ia1. lh""..n recœveoed at 10:32 p.m. in the <bunci1 ~. Q)w]c. Prcoo.:ìL: DeIm, Golåœn, Szabo, HIIyar Sorensen Counc. JIbs íL: Kqpel (h) Initi.atinq liti.gati.on (GoI.....,-=aíL Qxie Sect.Ïa1 54956.9(a). Cities v. City of 81m Jose. It 111&8 IID'Æd by Cbmc. Q)låœn, ~n.""~ by <bmc. Ro7""'" am pasøecl 3-1 with <bmc. DeIm dissenting, to authorize staff t:hmurjJ. the City ~ to pm¡ue litigatial, joining with other cities Al}"huzt 81m Jose regarding lID increase in tax for øolid waste. (e) Neçptiati.œs for p.u..~--, sale, ~, or l-~ of real 1M-'-t'CI. L)' (Gov....uuoúl. Qxie Sect.Ïa1 54956.8) . (r1-sed sessi.œ requested; sale of Seven SpriIçJ lots.) It 111&8 IID'Æd by Cbmc. Go1åœm, ........J..I by lh1l'V", Ro7Ah> am ("'agecl unarúDDusly by tœøe PL_.3....::L (4-0), to }'1.'-<'eed with the necessary tirW'O.-nts to place the city'ø four lots for sale t:hmurjJ. the aucti.œ i&.....-s. At 10:35 p,m, the meetiD;J 111&8 adjourned to 'l\Jesday, JUly 7, 6:45 p,m, ~ -19- Closed Session