CC 07-07-92
crrr œ UI1'I5K1'.uIO, &TAm CF CALDtRIIA
lC300 'lauæ AVIIIIB, ~.uIO, CA 95014
'ŒUŒ'IIIiB: (408) 252-4505
HEW (If .JULY 7, 1992, CDK:IL œr~ CI'l'! BAU.
10300 'J.UQQ5 AVIIIIB, ......-.-.:uÐ, CALDtRIIA .
CAlL '10 œœR
'!he meeting was ....111'J(;1 to ....dt.I: by MIIyar !L...,........ at 6:50
Q]unc. P~..L_1L:
Dean, Golålllln, &;gJel, Szabo, MIIyar SorEIIsen
Staff Present:
City H8MgI!r Brown
City Clerk Cornelius
Di.rect:or of Public ....k.. ViBkDlrich (ani.ved 7:00 p.m.)
Direc:tf'r of n-.m.nú.ty Dew], 'I. ·,......l CbIom1
Di.rect:or of Partœ am Recœatiœ D:Jwling
City Planner ....dt.ll
City Attorney }[i Him
1. Ccnøi.derlltion of a ~---"ive ~.~·I.·-.L of the
0Jpertin0 Plan, including lam use,,
t:ransport:atia, open øpeœ preøervaticn, P'~;" safety, and noise el-U. m.p-iø will be
placed en tr-..;ng and '-;«1'1'. ...t..odø.
Di.rect:or of n-.m.nú.ty Delle}, 'I.··-'L CbIom1 told ()'w1rV!Í 1 that
the ElJl:ÒBSis of the meeting 1IIculd be p1...-i œ JIA;gJ...I.<>d
quality, particularly in the area of pm:Iœ am protect:.ial
of neighborb:xxIs.
MIlUŒS a.r 'l1IE ADXXJRNEI) RI!GJLAR CITY a:ux:n. .....,..L~.uÐ CF
.:roLY 7, 1992 (CC--84Oa)
Director of P8rIœ and Recreatia1 Dowling reviøøI policy
øtat:sBItø ~....sing CUKEmØ recD;J1ized by the P8rIœ and
.......øti.oo rnnni ...ia1 am the Planning cmmisøia1. lie
revi.ewed a IIIIp depicting a """f."'bot of the a...1....4. psrk
øystøa. Policies reviewed included three acres of l""Lþ
per 1,000 popu1at.i.œ. '1his is the miniDun x-..,.,-~, 'lbe
city a...1.cúLly has 4.13 ðCœØ per 1,000 reø.idents; hr:MMiIr,
it is not EM!IÙY distributed. '!be ..........f...ia1 is
t'eo . ...,-'\ding that Cb'""; 1 retain the policy of ensuring
that each household is within a 1/2 mile walk of a psrk so
it is within 10IIBlking dist:ance and witbJut a major bIIrrlør.
Historically, the øize of parks has been a miniDuD of 3-1/2
acres. (Director of Public MxIœ viskr::Ni.d1 arrives at 7:00
p.m.) 'lbe ..........;...ien WI!IIIt:sd 0Juncil to CUlSi.der _11....
parks where COWL"¥-iate, espec;"lly in neicjIborlxIodø that
are deficient in ødDol and park land. 'lbe ,.,..,."i...inn is
1-' ....~.ding that park desi91 be flexible am there be
..t...~ a:upletely arourxi park ~'¥'LLÿ. '1his allowø for
eesy aooevø and ero............ security. In regard to future
needø, the oaøni ...ien feels that Neigbbolhoods N, Jl, J2
am It are in need of parks.
'!be first cboioe for Nei.c;þborbood N is that it ~;n opeo
spBCe. Othez:w:ise, a neiqIhorlxxx1 park should be provided
am boundIIries reali9JlBd. In regard to the other
"";'1"...IJOOds, the 07..miBsia1 will evaluate tbem this fall.
'!be next item reviewed was trails and qøl 9I"""'" 1 ;nlnogl-
whid1 could poøøwly a:ntinue dawn Fcot:hill BouJ.evard and
the railway cm:ri.dor ....nIl111 that be ðt:Im.b1ed.
Mr. Dowling then reviewed the ~bo""'ðe Creek trail, ....iri>
",..111 link reøidentia1 areas with jœ centers.
Another issue CUlSidb...d by the P8rIœ and ......",..inn
o-;...ia1 is a pi)lic recreatia1 f-;Hty am swillllling
pool either with the ødDol district or private sector.
In regard to Nei.cIborbood M aloog St:eIÆÐs Creek Boulevard,
if hoosing is develqled, there should be IX> ooligllti.c:a to
a:uply with park dedi.œti.a1 requirements. 'DIe ~~
site will be play fields. Its amfiguration precludes use
as a neiqIhorlxxx1 park. 'DIe Parks and
o-i ...ia1 CUlSi.ders Hiller Avenue a barrier to the Pì.<:IIIoAJL
Older site and, tiJt:1.efu...., it is not re8SClDllble to be used
as a neicjlborhood park.
Mr. Dcwling then stated that the tTOmIi -ia1 is ]nnldng at
am rli......JØ'9:iDg the ~]t.....tnn of 1181!1 -·Ls far all ~
of fi"~"-, including ycut:b øportø~. Be thm
BIIIIIBrized by reviaring the Iœy .nr""U.
DiIIDe lb..,..... told Chnvoi 1 they have the "K'WoLunity to
create a living legacy at the _iruny lam by not al10wiDg
deveJ·" ··.....jL.
HIlyer Sorenøen said this ~ be rli ......JØøecI with the
NIIDCy Bumett, FairgroIIe~, ..1:h._øecI nwmt!'Ì 1
stating that uøing ødxx>l grounds for l'IAitjil_ ..h.tod paLka
åJeø have ~. It creates additkinal tpH;,., and
parking in the 'IAitj'th,1.b..uds. She stated that ,¡ee... '" and
after ødxx>l use is limited to ycut:b øportø. '1!Ieøe are
ødxx>l grounds, not neit1boIbood parks.
Discuøsicn fol)-Jed regarding the crœøing of Miller AwDD8
to the øite mxi the poøøihi 1 ity of øaae other 10IaY to croøø.
In regIIId to trail 1in~, &be ...bit hew this "'0111111 writ
in areas withcut natural 1in~.
Mr. Dcwling stated that there are øaœ obstacles at 1'...----.1
Older that will have to be -h1ed.
MIl. I!umcLL stated that if that p&rlt area is deYe]c¡-i,
there ~ be need for an addit-i".....l traffic ø~.
MiJœ Ritter, .L<¥L B the 9..tø.álu/ARilit partnerøbip,
..1i_øecI (bmci 1 regarding the affordIJble tra-ing
requiraœntø. He said that 0Jper:t.in0 bas the hi7'-t perk
fee in the state am a t>;tJ1- ratio of parks thIID IIJ8t
areas in the county. 'BIere is œly a IllllÙl ir...... s in
perk use £ran the Apple/9..tø...tD Ò!!IVI"l, 'l.,-.L. It is
um:eII8OI1IIble to enfarœ the perk requirEIIEIJts. He said
that he bsd a 1UIDl' that DeAn~ Cbl1egB bas ""'i"'" """d its
¡mlic Indmning ln1rs mxi is trying to get lime peqùe to
use their facility.
HIlyer Sorenøen noted for the rcu.u..I a fax received £ran
JOOn Hailey of Tandem,
Chnvo; 1 then CXXISi.dered parks mxi recreetiœ Iœy anœpt.ø:
1. Maintain the three acres/l,ooo pqWatiœ ratio -
~ by oœsensus, that this ratio be used to
deteDnine park dediœtiœ fees mxi for planning
pIJ1.¡J' see, the words "Inininun 3 acres per 1,000· be
2. Maintain cpa1 of providing a half mile park '"""'""'II
rediuø - CDmcil ~ by """--uø.
3. ~ N will be amøideœd ðØ part of the
iti....lØøia1 pertaining to hillsides.
4. Agœed, by aJDSeIIØUØ, that park strIIt:egy in
Neitbub....ds Jl am J2 am K be det--fnN1,
5. Agreed, by """......_, that active plbHc park
BpIICB in nco-reøidentia1 areas where new
reøi.dentia1 develcp is 1"-''1'' øe¡i be provided when
f....aib1e, pBrt.iculerly JIEI1ti.cned St:eIIeI1s Creek
Bculeverd, BuI:b ADIId, and Valloo.
6. Agœed, by """......"118, to amø:ider a IIIÍJÚJ1UII park
size of less t:hIID 3.5 acres acoording to a 1iat of
priorities hAlJecI en existing ~s to parks am
øcboolø ,
7. Agœed, by COOBeII8UØ, the creaticn of a trail plllD
after cxupletia1 of a study.
8. Agœed, by COOBeII8UØ, to amø:ider a future
recreati.aJal f',.,.i1ity øuc:b as a gyJIIIaBi.un ar
swinm;ng pool as a park needs lISle! ,-.L indiœt:ed
that a f""; 1ity is deøiœd.
DiIect:or of lhmom;ty De\lA1,,,··-'L QMm hìt...'·1I1nOItt the
disaJBsial regarding J"A; t~. ,..I:&.u:l prot:ec::t:iœ.
CWnc. Golåœn requested that the Planning o-i aøial look
at flag lots: tIJat is the 8'v=m,p FAR, and what are the
results of flag lots including the di.øbmœ b&Lsen
n.;tJ'l'. "1&AJdb am .. ....... da1 am aà:ii.H,.....1 1xJuøing? He
requested that the ..........; .øial look at dt....._ing FARs and
lY'ftI;ng up with a variable nmge. He also requested the
amcept. of limited 1.A&.t...ul of deYoel." .,- .L in lID area by the
n.;tJ'hœ:houd be pIrBUed.
City Attorney Kilian reninded QJuncil that it is giving
directiœ to the Planning l"hnm;aaia1 regarding what to
By amsensuø, QJuncil requested that the Planning
o-;qicn -;TIe flag lots éIDd a wriable FAR l:~ with
a maxiJIun of 45\. In regBrd to neicIl..n.l..oOds having
limited <XI1trol over neazby deYoelo"......'L, it was suggested
by QJunc, Golàœn that it; ....JSsia1 take place regBIàing
deøicp guidelines and alternat.i.ves and mat a 1M-~S be
created far nei.c1t:orlxxxls to have input regarding their
deøig:¡ guidelines,
MDI1ŒS œ 'l1IE AnXXJRNED RIGJLAR crrr cnø=n. _ruG CF
.:JULY 7, 1992 (CC-84Oð)
City Attorney Kilian stated that there are diffeœnt WWlfng
9'f""'1 i..- for different neigi.u..lAJUdb and public iqIut is
t'OOIdwd during the za1ing mrl;""""'" 1M-....-a. '!be
..........;...i.on oooJlð look at a ' policy øtatsœot that
.-i g.¡ ... t...udb Bbauld have iDput en za1ing mrli""""" ......f 9'
9,;""'1 ;.-.
Q)unc. Szabo ~e...sed qp:IØitia1 to ilIdi.vidual '-i':J1
review of hcus es.
City MImðgBr Brown 81.JI}'JE!8ted that (bmcil CX1I8i.der bow
involwd they WIU1t to get in this. He said a ......-."IJS is
hard to reach regaxding desi<p åI8racter and style.
Q)unc. Q:llåœn 81.JI}'JE!8ted that the plmm;rç rmmi.",ia1 look
at this iBøue in and l.q¡uLL b!Ick. 'DIeir .Lq¡uLL
n-!I'1I'I state, "'DIe issues to deIù. with are .....", am hew
mJd1 staffing wuld be ~sary. '1his wuld not be far
individual desiq1 review.
'!be Director of Chnnm.ity De\IO>l''1..~'L stated that Cbmml
~'lt'1 give a basic direct:.ia1 saying, "IDok at
~ hImIaIy." HI:. Q:Mm stated that be believes
that what the (bolTV'; 1 is reqœstiDg is prescriptive. He
rou1d CUDe b!Ick in about a year with ;n., am look
at 'IOt'k à:me by other cities,
'!be (bmcil ~etIsed a¡:pmval. for this.
NIIDcy Bum.:.LL said she ..."...-1 with Q)unc. Q:llåœn, œt it
wuld be a hon:aaLm jà>. 'lbere are DBIIY 1oI8YB to DBlœ a
heme <XIIp!It:ilile with the DeÏI1borB', Le"
scale, texture, etc.
Ann Anger stated DDBt of the ølides i'L E_LecI to Cb"""; 1
earlier were ta1œn in M:mta vista. She said that AIœrlams
WIU1t larger haneø; they are getting their f_i1i_
together. Council Bbauld CX1I8ider that. In regBId to
quality of life, she requested that (bmcil look at
bliçþt. She _ willing to take City QJuncil .....Œc... en a
tour of M:'I1t:a vista.
Diane M.n......, M:'I1t:a Vista, said me of the slides i'L sX!LecI her hcuse. It is a single story, BIIIÙl oottðge.
Salle of the new ~ are great. 'DIe lots are big
and have small ln1ses, ~ pec:.ple purdwIe them, they
will WIIIIt to jnprove them.
MIlI7ŒS œ 'l1IE ADDJRNI!D RmJLAR crrr ancn. r...s~.uf'; CF
JOLY 7, 1992 (a::-840a)
Cbmcil took the following act:.iœs regarding ,...i~bcod
1. By 1D1BeI1SUS, they requested that 9.;1iA1i.- !or:
the he!Irt of the city RI-"H;C plans be l-'L"¥",,.ed.
'!be 9.;liAlines should a.i:h.-a l"tIi'1'l".t&.ud
protectiœ £ran noise, liçþt, and other intruøiœø
<Xl privacy and should be defetred until the city
identity theme is discussed.
2, By 1D1BeI1SUS, QJunciJ. approved that residential
nei~l~ should be protected £ran noise,
traffic, liçþt, and vi.ø intrusive effects
£ran JJDre intense delle], \"~¡Ls with adequate
bJffering setbecks, lancIsœping, wallø, activity
limitaticns, site design, and other _'¥L.late
measures .
3. By 1D1BeI1SUS, QJuncil requested the ..........; to
pn¡pare aà:liti.cma1 residential and øubdiviøia1
antrolø to protect neiqItxJrlxxx:i cbBract:er £ran
ÍJIIT'np'tÍble, new residential CCIIStructiœ am to
review flag lots, preøc:ript.ive guidelines for
delle], ~."c.¡L, and indexing of FARø.
<bmc, SZabo ~.,.,sed amoern regarding the aOOse of PDB.
He øtatecI he felt that sane del/Al,\",-.L is baøj....11y
single-family; hcwever, PO zœ.ing is used to get the 1v-..-
"1~ together. He requested sanet:hing in the GelK>
PlIID that says 0Jpertin0 does not WIlDt that to hIgIen.
Mr. COIoian øtatecI that the city does have an ordinIIDce for
Rl-C cluster hanes. '!be Planning does WIlDt to
IIIIIlœ it JJDre usable.
QJunciJ. Ii; AnJSsed the Jœeting sd1edule for General PlIID
hearings and by amsensus, cancelled those previously set
for J'uly 14 am ~ 11. '!be General. PlIID hearing _
ccntimJed to the meeting of August 18, at whid1 tJme, the
focus will be hillsides.
Q)unc. Golànan aslœd when staff "oIClÙ.d have ready the
cw.1.C&¡L General Plan cœparecI side b<{ side with the
~,~ General Plan,
He was informed tT¡ staff it should be ready at the next
General Plan hearing.
In .....01 to ~,9'4"'lh- in .".........l, n......, 1h1," .
stated be 1ICU1.d 1IJI8 ... ....-L t.estJDœy as to 1IbIIt 18
1IV'"f1....1e and wIlDt baI bem daae 111 othII!Ir 1InIIIII. ~h..í I 1
ard1itects .....dd be used _ xesourϿ, pabIbly in
cxujuDcticn with the ci1;y i_tt;y œerlng.
""...,.; 1 "'rr--,'ed this by ....L -... if there is DO ~
involved. 'D1iø, 88 wll as nHi<"" ~f'7' 9,i"'1f,,", ~.Jd
be part of ........."'"ty i-ity.
...Z"" &...ðu8en reiterated that hi11.f.....1IIOUld be di....1BUiI
next am stated that the city identity portia1 of the
hearlngø 1IIOUld start with .....,,'7' 9,f...H.-.
At 8:30 p.m., 0-........1 adjourned.