CC 08-17-92
crrr CF ........u:.uu, 9'mm CF CAI.I!tRIIA.
10300 .~~ AVI!IIB, ....-...u>J.ØO, CA 95014
'ŒŒI'IDB: (408) 252-4505
MDI71BS CF 'ŒB RIG)IM ......dtC œ 'ŒB crrr 1Tnr11.,
H!W œ Auòw'.l' 17, 1992, aJH:IL aw " Cl'1'r IIIU.
10300 '~UCiGS AvmIJB, ~.uÐ, CAtJlItRIIA
'lbe JœetiDg _ called to U.Ldt:o: by It.z-- s....... Till. at 6:45
Q:Junc. p¡. S IL:
DeIm, Golåœn, ~], Szabo, MIIyar 9oP!IIøen
Staff Pl. _8 Il:
Director of Pliùic .....k. visllDrich
City Clerk n...rA1;na
Dizectar of n-o-mity Del,D>1",,-.L 0CMm
Aøsistant to the City ~ BroIIIn
Public Tnr....._1 i,.., nFf;rar KI:ey
City AL~ [; 1 ilm
CERI!HlfIAL MJ.......,¡:. - ~
Preøentati.a1 of b......- star _1 to 1fil1ard I.eø1ie Iaœr:.
MIIyar SoreIIøen ~ B ,\.oed the b......- star _1 to Mr.
LIIuer .
It .. JII:IVed by ............ (;01-, ......n...... by ............ ~"-
and p-a'ged ' to ~im... It:øa HD. 22 to the
~,111T meeting of RoV-·J_. 8 and to n'WVIIv+ the pJbJf~
heIIring far It:øa HD. 25 CD ~_.J..... 8.
'lbe City Clerk _ directed to øeod a ~..1 DOtiœ to the
8ß)el1antø in 1.,.".....1 to It:øa HD. 22. 'lhis DOtiœ tdvIl1
state that .........,..¡ 1 will n'WVIIv-t; the beBrlng CD the 8th or
deem the ~1 <it'u.e.l.
1992 (CX:-842)
DeIm Sayre, 10805 South SI:eIIeIIø Canyœ RDðd, told rn...,.; 1
be bs1 øaœ rebJtting øt:atsœntø æga:tding the øt:m:m drain
lien and Qpntino cpv............L in y:u=al. In regm1 to the
ability to file protests about the lien, Mr. Sayre stated
that the public had not been ;nf,........j they CDÙd vote CD
this. ØJst pniIIIbly rhnoJÇþt the notice _ junk DBil.
'D1ere _ a lack of in£,.. He said that cpv...........L
..hnn)1I get out of the pecple'ø pocIœtø. Dcn't ~
their lives. He stated that --..;>1_ of l......-,esøm:y
spending 1II8nI the Pbothi.ll Bcu1.evImi 1~ing am
øiçJ1alø. Elected officials take junlœtø, øay1%Ig they
psrtain to DIIBB transit, but DIIBB transit is net uøed. Mr.
Sayre said that the C'W..u:uL City QuIcll ran against peqI1e
rak;ng acti.onø liJœ they thBœelves are taking,
OIarles !Iel900, 1.<¥L s ,Ling the Paviso fæily, cal:h.e.silecl
Cbmc:il am subDitted a letter æga:tding Barre BImIes am
regarding hillside cIeYe]''I...~(L cpiDg CD at 22801 SlID JUIID
RDðd. He requested that the City bold Barre BImIes
accountable far illegal ð and that DO h,i tiling pemit
be issued until. there is 1M-'¥"L ingresø/egress to the lot.
Director of Public ~ viBkDlrid1 said the staff did
review the site today and œae to the amclusicn that there
has been øaœ vio1atia1 of the grading orri;........... He has
been trying to 10œte Barre BImIes and _ I1rlAh1" to cb
BO. tb!n Mr. BImIes is located, be will be cited.
Barre BImIes told QJuncil that be has pemits for
deaDlitia1 am r&IDVIÙ of a tree. '!be grovIfng booing
1I;~''f ad _ brush r&IDIIed. He will get a gr-ling
pemit. A ,-; bs1 been stA> I.i,; Hng dirt CD his
1M-'¥"LLl' am be bs1 hauled DO fill onto the site. '!be
'-;~'ø dirt had been r&IDIIed. Mr. BImIes said be
aJDtacted the Rni1l1;ng ~I-:uL and eng:ineeriDg plIIDø
....n"'111 be øubDi.tted this week. He said be will not help
IID'f mare neiqIbars am that Mr. Haze and Mrø. Paviso 1II8nI
bassling Iúm.
stewo Haze, 22681 SlID JuIID Read, stated that the follcwing had all been affected by Mr. BImIes' 'IOt'k: 10675
C)nhhnœe Drive¡ 20723 Santa Lucia¡ 22661, 22681, 22711,
am 22820 SlID JuIID RDðd¡ also 22801 SlID JuIID RDðd, as-U
as lID adjacent parcel. He stated that this is net a øingle
MDI7ŒS CF 'DIB ~ C1'1'!' o:ocn. ......r.u«; CF Ai.uRn" 17,
1992 (0::-842)
i~t'tI:wtt mxI ......-...... staff far ¡"inr¡ I~.."'~iV8. Mr.
Haze said that Mr. BIIme8 bsd felled a 38-iDd1 pine tree,
not a 3O-ind!. as per the pm:mit. Also, he W8 _ _O)fng
laOOfill aver the .fe-- -.t mxi ...·1~ it. '!be City bas
lID à>1i.gatiœ to act.
In answer to a queøtiœ by the Mayor, City Atoo...~ Jri1....n
øtat:ed that if ()'!Imt.,n vim-! to "'i......16ø this iøøuit, it
Ahnl1M be placed on lID ~; 1DøIer, øiDple qœøt.ic:IIIø
wuld be "l1-Jed at this time.
Di.øcuøsi.a1 £0) 1.-/8d regIIIding a mort case Cw.1...Lly em
en-1 that involved the City of 0Jpertim, Mr. Bams8, am
Mr. Haze. By ,.. ""'_, ~vv-il directed staff to cite Mr.
BIIme8 and .L"¥A L beck at the next meeting.
Floyd Meyer .. ....__iwt n-.~i 1 œ "'-.. ~áu.c 1&" ~11"'8 aDd
requested equal time. dB a:UL_øecI n".....i 1 regIIJ:ding the
"øleepfng giant" in æ.ú.t that """1M be uøed to'
JlJDBriam t...UUJ:'D.
It W!I8 I11CM!Ci by C0l1n.-i1 -......, -,.-Ieri by Counc. Golàœn
am I"'AøecI urumi~1y to .........Ne the O'w'--t Calendar as
1. AlCDbolic BeIra&...".. a.ut...ul U'~ -es:
(a) 7-11 store, 10041 North 91""""Y Avsme.
(b) Nell'ø Deli SImdidd1 SbqI, 21801 Steveœ creek
(c) Pacific Fresh, 21255 Steveœ Creek BouleYBrd.
(d) UR wmeø am Spirits, 10991 North DeAm'a
2, Request for WlÚ.ver of business license fees:
(a) Natia1wide OMsrities of JlmBrica.
(b) DBkan n"....I1.u.ty services.
(c) Viet:œm vets am Friendø, Inc.
Consent Calendar
1992 (0:-842)
3. Reøolutia1 No. 8120: "A Reøolutia1 of the City ():O,."..¡ 1
of the City of 0Jpertin0 A1.1cJwiJç Certain ("1I.f..... and
Dt:.œndø PByable in the ADIJUntø and PIan the P\mds as
Hereinafter Described for GeÐeral and Miscel1~
ExpeOOitures for the Period Ending July 14, 1992."
4. Reøolutia1 No. 8721: "A Reøolutia1 of the City 0Juncll
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Allcwing Certain ('l,.i..... am
p...~. ~g PByable in the ADIJUntø and PIan the P\mds as
Hereinafter Described for GeÐeral and Misoe11~
Expenditures for the Period Ending July 17, 1992."
5, Reøolutico No. 8722: "A Reøolutico of the City QJuncil
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Allowing Certain ("1,.;..... am
IbaOOs PByable in the ADIJUntø and PIan the P\mds as
Hereinafter Described for GeÐeral and Miscell8neauø
Elf- .di tureø for the Period Ending July 24, 1992."
6. Reøolutico No. 8723: ·A Reøolutico of the City ,..,."""¡1
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Allowing Certain Cl,.;..... and
Dt:uðndø Payable in the ADIJUntø and Fran the P\mds as
Hereinafter Described for GeÐeral am MisoeJ1---JB
&v".ditureø for the Period Ending July 31, 1992."
7. Reøolutico No. 8724: "A Reøolutico of the City QJuncil
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Allowing Certain ('1..;..... and
p...~.~iA PByable in the ADIJUntø am Fran the P\mds as
Hereinafter Described for GeÐeral am Misœ11~
~di.tures for the Period Ending J\uIpIt 7, 1992."
8. Reøolutico No. 8725: "A Reøolutico of the City O::1\""..i 1
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Allowing Certain C1..i..... am
I)...~. ~iA !'8yable in the ADIJUntø and PIan the P\mds as
Hereinafter Described for S8larieø and W!Igeø for the
Payroll Period Brding July 14, 1992."
9. Reøolutico No. 8726: "A Reøolutico of the City ,..,.....;1
of the City of 0Jpertim Allowing Certain ("1..;..... and
1)...~..i<I Payable in the ADIJUntø and Fran the P\mds as
Hereinafter Described for S8larieø and Wages for the
Payroll Period Brding July 22, 1992."
10, Reøolutico No. 8727: "A Reøolutico of the City QJuncil
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Allowing Certain Claims and
Deaœnœ Payable in the ADIJUntø and PIan the P\mds as
Hereinafter Described for Salaries and Wages for the
Payroll Period Brding July 30, 1992."
11. !ålthly Activity Report, July 1992.
MINUlES CF 'l1IE RIGIIÆ crrr ancn. ..........uG CF AIGJ9'l' 17,
1992 (CC-842)
12, Appli.œtial 26-ASIIC-92 - MImdBrin 1b11'1lllll; - Requesting
review and a¡poval £Or ardú.tectura1 IIIXtifiœt.icns to
an existing rest:aurant loœt:ed at the ~ ............
of DeAnza Boulevard and Alves Drive. p¡e. u...~dt.d for
'"l¥LV'RÙ. .
13, ~ of minut:eø of July 6, 1992 rw;r,1tor JœetiDg
(CC-840) .
14. A¡:proval of minutes of July 7, 1992 adjoumed rw;r,l...-
meet.iD¡ (CC-84OA).
15. A¡:proval of minut:eø of July 20, 1992 J.W.l..r JœetiDg
(CC-84l) .
16. A¡plicatim 10-EA-92 - City of QJpertino - Five Year
Capital Iht--uv\ellll!l1L PL~....: ~-t for environaenta1
asses-t am finding of ocnsiøtency with the City of
QJpertino General PlIID.
17. Reøoluti.œ No. 8728: "A Reøoluti.œ of the City nw.....i1
of the City of 0JpertiD0 JIrYV;ng Odt<"h.;m Deed am
Aut:barizat.iœ for th.:b.\¥"uomd WIIt:er Ri91ts fraD
Navltinm SImù. and Jasp8l SUIrel, 10418 Mira Vista
RcIId. "
18. ~......... of mmiMpttl inprov8œntø; 'J\-..'-m QmpJter
1'11.; 1tfing No. 55.
19. A¡:proval of MbauLGlaUn of tJnderøtanding with CWIlty of
Santa Clara, ooordinated delivery of B\1wu1.Live
øerviœø for ~Jeeø f_i1i_ and tIDIe at risk of
tv-l-........s in Santa Clara CWIlty.
(a) Reøoluti.œ No. 8729: "A ReøolnfoÍnn of the City
Cbuncl1 of the City of 0Jpertin0 AutharlziDg
MbauLGldD of UDderøtandiDg Bet"S!!Il the City of
0Jpertin0 and the CWIlty of Santa Clara,
0XJrdinat".ia1 of Delivery of ~ 'R>' II L 8etvioes for
Baœlees }PI!m; 1 ; ee and 'l1Døe at Risk of
Hcmelessœøø. "
YQt§ H;,..J "''''0 of the City nw.......i1
lO!:S :
Dean, Golàœn, ~l, Szabo, sorensen
Metro Yellow
Cab Co.
App, 81,043,
Zoning Codi-
1992 (CC-842)
20. Public hearing to amøi.der isall;"'1 a taxinoh I1.....mf_
to Met:m Yellow Cab CÐ. of SIIDta Clara Qxmty ('It..,~...
O. Adey&Di. and Alatunji D. AiyecþJsi, Ig)liamtø).
'lbere being DO ooe ~ S _JL who wished to speIIk, Mayor
9areosen ~ ñianJSøia1 to 0Junci1.
It was JJDVed by (bmc. l\'cg;)el, ~a:It:.:l by (bmc. ~abo am
peøged nrumillrlUBly to issue a hnd.....h franc:hi.øe to Mbt...u
Yellow Cab n ..\ Ar¡y of SImt:a Clara Q)unty.
21. Aß>liœticn No. 81,043 - ZCning QxÜfiœticn - Pl1h1t~
hearing to amøi.der a ~~.... to reíc.n.d1.. am
CXJI1S01idate all zaùng ordinm1œø into the Kmj";!?'" 1
0Jde. '!be 1M-~"" will include a 1M-' v""!ll to wrvtfi'y
1M-'..."""'tree for review of del/el.\"-IL 1M-''V.....l.,
including a dete1:minati.œ of the final review I!Utharity
for varicus types of del/e1\..-,L Ig)liœtiœø am the
~ 1 1M-....-.ø. '!he CXJI1SOlidsticn ofax1i.fiœt.iœ
effort will include minor .........·},·-ILs of several
orr'I; """""'" am a CXIIplete redraft of the legal
DCIl-<XJl1Mrmi"'1 use ordintmœ. 1!'nvL.'...-.Lal
Det:eIminatiœ: '!he PlaIming lhnn; -icn ~'...,-.... the
granting of a Rt:u.o...-.Ww:I for
igIItMÙ. (QntiDued fi:an July 20, 1992.)
(a) First z--i"'1 of Ord;1IAnnA No. 1601: -An
(h-ñi""""", of the City CDmcil of the City of
CUpertino jlMi"'1 Title 19, Zaling, to the
CUpertino IIIm;";1?'" 1 0Jde, and Rescinding Previcus
f,tYI; ng Ordinanceø.-
Following the ..cva-L by Director of fhmI1TÙ.ty Deve],\..-,L
QMm, the Mayor ott-If'.j the plblic hearing.
Janet ZeitmEln, 22907 Cricket Hill ibid, representing CIJRB,
stated that CIJRB cb!ø have sane anœms. '!he bio _jar
ones are timely noti.fiœticn of nei9Jbœ:s and affected
citizens (eII'8IÙDg meet:ingB preferred) a."1d that deciøia1ø be
Jœde by elected officials who are reepuusil>le and
~sil>le to the pl!q)le. CIJRB cb!ø support the intent of
siDplifiœticn and suggested that it:aœ not heard by
(hm<:'Ïl be placed at the Qmsent Calerxiar, She 1M-_S_JLed a of CIJRB' s misøia1 statement to Council,
'lbere being DO ooe else ~ s!tJL who wished to speak at this
issue, the Mayor ~ the discussicn to Council.
MD«1:ŒS CP '1BB RIGJIAR CITY aucn. ..........uÐ CF AuMt'r 17,
1992 (œ-842)
QJnoe1;ua ~ lløecI included the square footaga tllz"-M1"-
which 1IICUld œt-.....i... lID it:8D t'ftIIh'9 to the (h""'; 1, the
1eDgt:h of t.iJæ allowing "R-1. to be filed, and
~..hi 1 ity to the public.
It _ IIIM!Id by Cb.IDc. Golàœn IIDd &e.A...Jt.d by Cb.IDc.DI!IIID
to ~ the staff roo-..,.,~.I8tico, with _.....j tllz"-Ml"-
of 5,000 sq. ft. for .......... cia! am 10,000 sq. ft. far
office/industrlal with a 15 calendM' day "R-1 t.iJæ and a
....".....L of deciøiaJs to the QJuncll within five ....1........
days am staff reporting bIIc:k in øix m:mths with itsB tbat
(htrV"i 1 1IICUld have seen under the a.u....,..L øyøtøD and
act.i.œø t:alœn.
Cbunc. SZðbo requeøtecllID -- .dr.-,L that the "R-1 timIt be
14 calendar days.
Ch1r('. Golàœn am DeIm acœpt:ed the muco.ia.::uL.
Cbunc. DeIm pointed out, for the œ..u..d, that the gzrli...--
ØUI};IIØtecI is a ree.........LLing of the existing oriIi........... and
does not JœIID that (h""'; 1...".. with the cxntent.
'!be ðw....led DDtiœ was ~ UDIIIÚIII:IUSly.
It _ IID"Jed by CkIuDc. Golàœn, ~.Jt.d by CkIuDc. Irqpl
am paøøecl '''''''';~ly to GKK-vVe the gnmting of a
Negative DecJ.aratiœ.
It 1IIIIIUI IIIM!Id by (htrV", KIJRIel, &e.A...Jt.d by CkIuDc. Golàœn
am (""aøecl urvmi~ly to read Ordinanœ ~;ø. 1601 by title
ally am the City Clerk'ø ~;"9 to œceti.tute the first
reading thereof.
22. Jlf!?-1 of P1Arm;ng o-;-iœ CXßÜ.tiœø of "H&U1Ial
for çlicatiœ No. 3-U-92 (DDdified) - 10021 Scutb
Bl""""Y Avenue. Clllj.-LImd Ae"","iAteø has ~
CXßÜ.tiaJs placed on Uk of :roll-up àxmJ am involving
adjacent parcels that ere not a subject of the pmmit
or _.i_ilL request. (Ccutinued £ran JUly 20, 1992.)
'Dùø it:8D _ previously cxmtinued to the meeting of
Sept_.¡..... 8,
23, Public hearing to exmsider CUpertino Kmicipal WIIter
Utility .cate increase.
Reg. Dec.
1st reading of
Ord. 1601
Appeal of condi-
tions, 3-U-92
Water utility
rate increase
Res. 8668
Solid Waste
Service Rate
Res. 8719
App. 2-2-92,
City of
MINI1mS CF 'BIB RI!GJIM crrr CDH:IL ......~..u&; CF ""-J: 17,
1992 (œ-842)
(a) RIIIBo1utia1 No 8668: "A RIIIBolutiœ of the City
QxmclJ. of the City of ~ IncreaøiDg 1Iat.a..
Rate for CUpertino ..mi";p"'l WIIter utility am
~f"'1 Rsviøed Inverted Rate saucture.·
Following the "'¥'.L L by Directar of Public øn1œ Via1IDri.d1,
the ~ ~ the itaD to ".........1 as no I.~.J 0&1 of the
¡mlic wished to EIpealr.
Cbmcil eacproe.esed no_ ...... regarding the increaøe of rates
IIDd suggested that in the futuœ, if there lID ~ø SŒJUI1t
of water available, rates be lowered or mintained.
It waø JJDVed by O:Junc, K.oßJel, _..·....1 by 0:Junc. 001-
am passed IlNmi~ly to ""'V Reøolutiœ No. 8668.
24. Public hearing to n:JI1S;Mr solid W!I8te service rate
increaøe to offset the busineøø lÏ.œIIse fee i8\. sed by
the City of SlID Jose.
(a) Reøolutiœ No 8719: "A Reøolutiœ of the City
QJuncil of the City of ~ A¡:proIring
Adjw.I-cuL in SOlid Waste COllect.ia1 Rate to
Offset san Jose Buøineøø Tax Increase for use of
Lærifi 11 Sites.·
COUnc. Kq:pel inquiIecI ..molt the 1awøuit against the City
of san Jose and "elœd if the City were reiDbIrBecI, ~~ld
QJpertino lower the rates or issue a refund,
She was in!........; that rates '·'Olll},l poøøibly be lu.a....d or
not increBsed.
Steven Haze inquiIecI about W!I8te reductia1 1M-~- am
suggested that CUpertino lcok at what they oould do with
ot!:er cities.
Diøcussicn waø l:JrouI;j1t to QJuncil.
It waø JJDVed by 0:Junc. Golåœn, e.:.u....Jt:.l by COUnc. Ifqpel
am passed UI1ðIÚDI:Jusly to adept; Reøolutiœ No. 8719.
25. A¡:.pliœtia:1 2-Z-92 - City of CUpertiID - Reza1ing of
,23 acre £ran uOOeteI:mined des~ to Public
Buildings (SA) Zooe; 10catecI œ the east side of Francx>
COUrt, ~tely 150 ft. south of Hc:mestead Rcðd.
Environmental DeteImi.natiœ: '!be Planning Catmisøiat
reu..,",,,,,.Js the granting of a Negative Declar8ticn.
Rb..u,".",,1ded for appIOVal,
MDIJ'IBS CF 'DIE RI!GJIM CI'l'f CDH:IL ..........uG œ .lu.uMr 17,
1992 (CC-842)
<a) First pM;~ of Ot'tii- No. 1602: "An
Qrrli~ of the City ()W"...; 1 of the City of
0Jpertim an-vtirq Sectim 1 of (krIi_!b. 2 by
p-'-'i"'1 JIwo....1_1y .23 acre fraD tb:ieteDaiœd
Deø~ to M !ale; IDœted œ the Bast Side
of n........ CbJrt, 150 ft. 9auth of
IIaœøtæd lÞId - ~ 2-1-92 - City of
0Jpertim. "
'Jhiø item will be p1__ œ the ~ for "'"V"........ 8.
26. Ncne.
27. Ncne.
28. Ncne.
29. Deø~ of vnHng ..."¥'lB ltative am altemate for
T ~_ of (>1; f'nruia Cities """"",1 <l.a4............. Gt:a......l
Buøinesø Meeting.
By """'-....JS, nw""';1 "-f~ the HIlyer as voting
l.~BS_Lative and nw...... ~1 as altemllte.
30. ~ of -..~.-"- of tb:Im..l..mi"'1 to fund and
creste SIIDta Clara 0-..·1 J' JIIIZaIdous MIIterials Advi.øary
It __ DDVed by nw...... ~1, """'-"".Jt.d by Qxmc. 001-
and puøecl UIJIIJ1iDDJsly to CIIW1.uv'Ø the KX1 am 1omrl;"'1
ocntri.butiœ of $1,950 a yesr for a thœe yesr period.
31. AppoLd......tL of .."¥' ø ,tativeø to serve œ the SIIDta
Clara 0Junty 'lramIit Diøtrlct Joint POlicy BoImi.
By CXXIØEIISUS, nw""'; 1 "{P';ntec! Qxmc. Kqp!!. am Gt>làœn
to serve as ..qor. B ,Lativeø en the SUnnyv81.e-OJpe
Corridor Joint POlicy BoImi.
32, Applicatia1 81,004.120 City of 0Jperti00 Sigt
0rdinIID0e - Request for CWncil to establish a Sign
0rdinIID0e SIJbn"nm;ttee. RIeo ...,.....ded for ~.
Rep, for LCC
annual conferenc'
Gen. Business mt
Approval of MOU
& fund for SCC
Haz. Mat. Adv.
Rep. for SCC
Transit Joint
Policy Board
Sign Ordinance,
App. 81,004.120
Ord. 1598
2nd reading
Ord. 1600
Ord. 1600
MJ:1UlES CF 'l1IE RIGJLI\R CITY CXDICIL ..........11'1; Œ! AIDm 17,
1992 (œ-842)
City Attorney Kilian pointed out that this amaittee .....,1tt
fall under Brown JIct ~ am require poøtiog of
~A and 1IIÍnUt:eø. .
It _ 11DIIed by coone, ~l, -<)...... by (bmc. Q)1_
am paøøed 'nvm;~ly to "H:'1.uve this eppli.œti.a1 per ASI!C
Rieøolutico No. 1693.
33. Ncne,
34. Sea:Jnd reIIding and eœctment of Q[rli........... No. 1598:
"JIn 0rdinImœ of the City n-"..,..; 1 of the City of
CUpertioo 1\JJIeoiing ~ 9.18 of the 0JpBrt.iD0
JIIIm;t'!;I""] Qxie for the Pw:ì-'-" of Protecting the state
Water cœrøeø Meeting F<:odt...al1y MImdat:ecI Ncnpoint
SoJrce <l.uLLul and St:onIIII8ter ~ -.- It P.L~......
- -~
It _ 11DIIed by counc. Go1dœn, .,.,........1 by (bmc. --...
am paøøed .nvm;1IrIIJSly to read Q[rli........... No. 1598 by title
ally am the City Clerk's powiing to CXJI1Stitute the - ...j
powiing tbc..o:uí.
It _ IIDIIed by coone. Kcg¡el, _,...wi by counc. Gt-1-
am pnøed ,nvmi1llr'llJSly to E!DIICt Q[rli........... No. 1598.
35.!WTM powi;ng and eœctment of Ol'dinanœ No. 1600:
"JIn Ol'dinanœ of the City Cbmcll of the City of 1\JJIeoiing C1IIpt:er 3.34 of the ~
)oIIm;t'!i~ axle, utility U8ers Rtor;_ Tax, To Incluœ
Interstate and Intematicna1 TeJ.,-oIt..... thnnmi"lltkn
,,_..: "
It _ IIDIIed by coone. Golàœn, 8& ...iM by counc. DeIm and
po8øec1 UDmÚJŒJuøly to read QriI;""11nA No. 1600 by title ally
am the City Clerk's r-'I;ng to cxmstitut"..e the 8&' ..i
r-'I;ng thereof.
It _ 11DIIed by coone, Kcg¡el, 8&' ...iM by (bmc. 001-
and pI''3øed UDmÚJŒJuøly to enact Ordinance No. 1600.
ptP.!'nr nl'ICIiS
36. lb1e.
37, Oral np>rts by staff no::a,Lccs.
1992 (œ-842)
38. Repotl CD øtatuø of œble b:lÍl.œa.hiBing.
'D1e >:e;)uLl foIm Public Tnr", ....Lien Off'foer Kre}' ..
39. ~l œ 0X1geøtic0 ~,-tl .~ Dt"a:ft. Defid,ency
Plan r.IIIM..l i.-.
Director of Public tbrkø Viø1uwi.d1 reviaø1 the ....".....l with
~1IV';1 am requested that IID'f cnmci1\._.J..... with bpJt
CXJIltsct him.
CXIKIL lQ5tUa:::t
43, Counc. Golåalm aølœd when the øide by side Geœral Plan
fcmnat inr.... ..~L.i.œ wuld be available.
Mr. CboiIIID said it shculd be available at the 'l'IJeøday ni91t
meeting. In regard to the BIR for the General Plan, Mr.
CboiIIID said be is meeting with <DI8I1ltantø, but 00eø need
the final optiœs £ran Chmrn 1 first. lie will provide
0:;¡01lV'i 1 with the date for the BIR CXX18ideratiœ at a later
Counc. Golåalm then ðà:iresøed Mr. VÏBkDI7id1 regarding left
tum øicpù. Hm;ng, partiaùarly at Stelling IIDd StewIIs
Creek Bou1evaJ:d am eastbound œ KcClellan at 1"""........
At 9:25 p.m., COImcil adjoumed to a clJ:¡øed øeøøia1 to
tf;øœsø the Q)11iAMIf claim v. City of 0Jpertin0.
COImcil anveœd in (]vonhor at 9:55 p,m.
Coll;ANIw ,..1.;m v. City of n,..,.,......;"""
City Attorney Kil.ian stated that the City COImcil bs1 beImi
the ....".....l am authorized as per staff
1"& . -.-.-..Jat.iœ.
In the IIIItter of a request £ran St:evel Haze to 0:>01lV'i 1
regarding possible <D1flict of interest, it _ IIDIIed by
Counc. ICq:pPl IIDd seu:a.Jt:d by Counc. Golàœn to release the
<D1fidentia1 l.,,¥,1.l £ran the City Attœ:ney to the QJuncil
to the p.¡blic prior to the 1\19J8t 18 neeting,
'1be ItDtion _ adq:Ited unanimJusly.
losed Session
MDI7IBS C1I 'DII ~.aJt CI'1'r ....-:11. rc.a¡:¿~.1Iti CJI k~..L" 17,
1992 (~)
At 10:00 p..., Q:....M1 .sy.~ to ,"9-t 18, 6:45 pea.
CitY Clerk