CC 08-18-92 CITY œ a1PI!:RTIND, 9miB œ CALIl'CIINIA 10300 'lœlU!: AVDU!:, UJl'ZIC1".u«>, CA 95014 '1EŒPIDIB: (408) 252-4505 oc-842A MDÐŒS œ 'l'HB JID.XXRa!:D RIG1IM CITY CXDICIL, &o.wsr.I.L'G HEU> CN J\IDJST 18, 1992, CXDICIL aIJIIB1t, CITY IWL 10300 'ltIIRB AVI!HIE, \.U&"Utt.uÐ, CALIP\.~";. CALL '10 œIER '1he meeting was ,...lled to œ:der by Mayor 90reDøen at 6:52 p,m. lUL CALL O:Junc, Present: DeIm, GolànBn, lfqpel, szabo, Mayor sorenøen Staff Px sanl..: City Clerk QmJe1iuø Director of PUblic ttJrks VÍBIIDVi.d1 (arrived 6:55 p.m.) D.irec:t:or of n-mity I)eVIoIl,'I."_'1,. a:-t City Planner 1bdtlll CLty Attomey (; 1 ;Im Mayor sorenøen ..nrv'II~ that in ~d to aøy ,,- - ...... 'Jbout CXXIflict of interest of a n,o......;1..-,I-1', the DBtt:er was referred to the City Attomey. '!tie City AU..........¡ prepared a 1.'¥'L I.. that øtateø, "In the IIIIItter of Mr. IIIIze and his letter, ~ œ the infatmstiœ :œœi.ved, there is no CXXIflict for 0Junc. DeIm." O"t';- of the City Attomey'B l.c:y.n.t are available to the public. œAL aHUlICATIœB - Nooe. 1. Detemdning dIIt:e(ø) of General PlIID hearlng(ø) b.~-d Sept.eIIber 1, if .--aa-y. D.irec:t:or of Chnnm;ty DeYe1 'I...-il.. a:-t øt:at:ed that rnmPI 1 is oow EIIàIrldDg œ the third theme, whim is the hillsides. P1:ul1ebly in late gept--- or early Oct:cber, they will be <XIIIØidering rnnnonùty identity. A final decisicn will 1M-ddIly be made in mid ~ _,J ~. . <bmcil estabHAt,M the follcwing .".,......al plllD meeting sd1ecIu1.e for the rest of Aug.1Bt and Sept.eIIber: August 31, SeptatiJer 3, and 9-V"--- 17, -1- MIlÐ1'BS CP 'ŒB JIDDJRNBD RŒCUIR CITY CXJIH:IL """"J:.uC CP ~1· 18, 1992 (a:-942A) MII)'ar 9arenøEn I'EI'Ii.ewed the 1M-' .ooñn-e whid1 wculd be fo11r-18d. l'br Ql.9"f'J'M groups, eIId1 group will œœiwa total of 15 minuteø. ~.....}Ø giving ~L teøtiJøJny will be ..ll'-Jed 10 minut:eø. For the.".........l ...Y i~, eIICb 1""'-...... wishing to speak will he ..11~ up to thæe miDuteø. She requested that peqIle oot øiDply reiterate 1IIbat . .,- .,.. else had said. No City Cbmcil it; at"IJØ8ftwt or ,-..¡..itwt. will be JIIIIde at .:his meeting. A reœøø will be held £ran 8:45-9:00 p.m. PUBLIC HEARDC 2, Qmøiderati.cn of ð ......t'1.dlEl1ØÌve ......... \.~,L of the 0Ipertin0 General PlIID, iDcluding land use, hcuøing, transpartati.a1, q¡en Bp8CØ pœøervatiœ, public safety, CXJDBeJ:Vatiœ and mise elEIIIeDtB. ~..ts will be pl.......t at hillsides. City Planner 1mdell revieIoø1 the plImning /"nmrI....i.œ reo ' .,.,- .1Rticnø regarding hillsides. Mayor SOra1øen then OJ?'" wi the beIIring to the public. C. rnu.1iI Allen, 20230 stev&IB Creek BoulevImI, L"¥L S-lLing the n.--.. of n.,.._.~, said he hid a føø m...~.Ls to IIIIIœ and WIIØ wi11i"'J to give 10 mimrt:eø of his time to my envircuœntal group. Be stated that 0Ipertin0 is unique; pec:ll'le £ran it;"'1"""cd.e groups Jœet and tzy to ta1lt out prob1_. '!be ~ cbes hsve ð set of I...' .,.,-.dRti.œø. 'D1ey BlJK.uLL a green belt, IIIÍJÚIIID 0CI!Structiœ, and edequat:e q¡en BpIICB. !œth.ill dewJ.,...-.L øhoold be limited to the existing General Plan. '!be deYR1,\..~.L øhoold be clustered am beJ.aIi ridge lines. '!be dJurå1 i'L'¥'LLj ..hn,,1it be treIrted øeparately. Major devel.,..,-.L ..hn,,1iI be in the area of stewnø Creek Boulevard. Put peqùe near the center of town to allaw for IIBSØ transit. Dave BIIuer, 21597 F1iDtshire SL..o::odl., l."¥L--,Ling Trail Center, øpolœ in ~L of the hillside protec:tiœ policy for all uOOeveJ.qøi hillside land. He urged Cbmcil to reject the Planning lhIIn; ..si.œ reo .....- .iRtiœ of excluding the BEIIIinary i'L~Ly. He said he <aju:.:..l with the 5-20 acre øites and the clustering a:oœpt.. '!be area øhoold be -2- MIlI7ŒS œ 'DÐ!: ADJœRNED RmJIAR Cl'1'f aIH:IL .......¿UC œ AOODS'l' 18, 1992 (CX:-842A) 90' q¡en øpace, 1IIhid1 1IICUld reIIIIÚn as undisturtJecI hllbitat for ylM1ii'e. He urged 0Jpertin0 to roq:-cíle with ot:ber juri.ødi.ct:icIJø and to establish a 1-' ..~~.L <XIIIIIittee to ..u.....s trails and q¡en øpace issues. Be also B1.IIp8ted a task forœ to worlt with the Dioce as, ~!t:StenDa, and other agencies. As Ii resident, he eçnøøed u._ ~u, regarding the quality of life. Dm Diane 1b1....&I I1œda, a>-d1air, said that QJuncil bas a Imi.que """"'" L..mi.ty to get public q¡en øpace and park land at 110 ooøt to the City, '1his CDUld be dcoe by allcwing the døv8l"l",-.L of St. Joseph's SEIni.nðzy. Dick n.l~ll, 10300 East Est:ateø, cu.L..ð«I the IIEIIIinIIIy ~~LJ" 1M-'v...al, 'DIe naJeY 1IICUld be used to ~L CJI1-9)ing Catholic """"'1TÚ.ty work. He pointed to lID article £ran the ØIIoninAn1.. 1'JIœI, "We love q¡en øpace, but who will pay? " Be øpolœ in ~L of Ii 290 haDe ~,~._l. Dick !Hn1llRri er, 11331 BuI:b Read, spolœ in ~L of rœøcnIIble døv8J..'I."'-'L at the ..-ni....'Y øite. He felt it WIIS a matter of both q¡en spaœ and eo,.. WIIi,..,.. Joe l'ì::uL..~, 20791 Scofield Drive, CD-dJair of FAIR, expreøøed ~L for balance of q¡en øpace am de\lRl'1..·-.L and øtated that the City åJes need bcusing. It is a matter :>f housing, the envircnœnt, ~~ty riI rt:ø, am jobs. MIIria lLu=u-'l!x:rn!Iø, 22821 B Medina LIme, said that the peq>le are here -.- they like where they live, they like the envircnœnt. '1bey have baœø ......"" arc:œmø 'oIII!I1'e. 'DIe peq>le deperId en Ii CXXIStzuctive, esthetic growth. 'DIe d1urd1 bas owned the BEIIIÏnIIIy .....~Li over 40 years. She urged 0Juncil to ccnsider the ri4tts of ~~Li owners. œIœ NIIdine Grant, 10463 HeIIey Creek Place, said that the group WIIDtø to pl SarIIe q¡en spaœ. Representat:.i.veø of the cwæ have met with ead1 of the CouJv"iln~.1.e.t8. 'DIe group's preference is that the ~<.p:LLy be ~ served as q¡en 8pIIœ in pmpetuity. 'DIe cwæ suwœ:L the hillside pr:esezvaticn policy with 110 excepticns, She requested Ii public q¡en space definition that am be iDplaœnt:ecl. -3- - ...,.. >~ ~. ~ _ ·.or" _p"".u,__..,," ."..___- ~"'... ........y.. ~-"'-.,.,-' '~-"~!"'i"--'~' ~",.""~._,,,~:<:,,;¡.." Mn«1ŒS œ '1B!': AnXDRm RI!GJIAR ClTf CXDCIL H!8'1'DÐ œ AIDJST 18, 1992 (œ-842A) 'I'::iu BomhIm!r, 22044 WIIllaœ Drive, said that hillside cleYe1 i ·,-tL is a draiD on the ~...uy of the City. Mavis smith, 22734 Majestic 0IIk WIly, SyWULLs the hillside preøervat:.iœ policy totally. She is also Oua__....d reg!Irding the need of the ånJrdl to lrininim:er to those in need, vicki M:Jore, Greenbelt ~11;.........., urged the CQlvril to ðCIqJt hillside policies a:møiøtent with the acIcpt:ed viøiœ Statement. She ~.....iIed .............u that øaœ of the Planning Ccmnisø.ia1' s reo ........ .iottionø are not ocnsistent with that vis.ia1 Statement. She urged that Cbunci1 treat all hilløide ~<.p:LLies equally. In regard to the land outside the City'ø w:tml øerviœ area, she requeøted that Cbunci1 keep it ocnsistent with the Q:Amty Geœral Plan. '!he City should pmme q¡en spI.ICB _.......eaLs with otber agencies. H;m-l RÍ9JeY, 4316 Bayne Place, San Jose, stated that the hillsides include ripsrl.an areas worthy of CXII1OBm. Sud1 areas I1IISt have adjacent bJffer lands. He urged œut.ion as this is ðIl ~ -. cd bl!lbitat. Ii!ss thIm 5' of the historical wet"1"m; are left in the state. Evmy house Wilt makes a diffe........... EYetything _ do has lID .iøpIK:t on the enviraJœnt. Be urged Cbunci1 to pay att:enti.on to hew the riparian areas are protected. '!his affects future generatiaIs , Dlù.e Mead, 10094 Liberty OBIt lane, .._,J 0&-' of the Sierra Club, urged n-.mM 1 to apply the hillside policy without exœpt:ions. In the last bIo electicnø, City Cbunci1 œndi.dates øu¡pJrtinq q¡en øpsoe cpt elected. '!he 1980 General Plan is IIDW ciJøo1ete. He urged CQl1I'V"; 1 to esaL.."", large lot sizes per the phmn;ng Ccmnisøicn po......~."'tia1, He expressed ~L far ðIl q¡en spI.ICB desic;J1ation for 90' of the ~<.p:LLy with q¡en spI.ICB defined clearly. Be 8UIpØted n-......i 1 set up a citizen cxmni.ttee to actively eooourage q¡en spaoe, He aøIœd what has ~ t"" lAd to Parks and Rec:reat.ia1 Ccmnisøicn po. , .,..~.Jati.onø and felt that they Ahnnlrl be given equal weight to the Planninq Ccmnisøicn r~' ····~odations. He 10IBØ inf~ that the Parks and Rec:reation CatmissÌŒl ~ ' .:..~..Jations had. been folded into the Planning CkIIInissl.a'l :J:'PI." ......... œti.a1s. DiscussÌŒl followed reg!Irding a williaJœon Act oontract on part of the semina:ry property and non..CI__.Jal of that rontract. -4- MIl«1ŒS CF 'mE AOOŒJRNBD RlGJLI\R CITY <XXH:IL .......u1'G CF AlOJS'l' 18, 1992 (œ-842A) I!:ni.d Pe&røcn, 2448 WIItøcI1 Q)urt, Palo Alto, ""¥L ~s .Ling the Q:maittee for Gœen Fcothi11ø, expressed ,",*"~íL with other environœnta1 gr:t:qI8. She expressed ØUß>Ol L for a hillside protectia1 policy that 1«JUld incl\de all of the ~""i"'1....y under tlfAl'l1Søia1. She felt that public opeI1l1p11C1t should be requiIed. In regam to housing, it 1«JUld be expensive in the foot:hil1ø, and not what CUpertino œecIø. She suggested Tã...Jbu, J\ßùe, and Hewlett Padœrd h.f 1" housing in their parking lots. John JAI..--:it of !fA;....... O::.ucuL, said œly a IllllÙl portico of the !fAf....... ~""i"'1.Li is included in what Cbuncll is cUhoc..Lly foa18ing at. ~ it is time to study the !fA;....... acreege, it 1«JUld have lID jnpBCt in CUpertioo. It is not in the city, but is adjacent. In the next <DUple of wekø, the Ccuncil mig1t think of a time and let !úm kŒJw if the City is interested, '!be gravel pit muld be u.A.....cted with Deep Cliff and a public park. 'Jhis muld be Jœde into a 72 hole golf oourse, MII.yor Sonmøen øtatecI that perbIIpø after exmpletion of the General PlIID, HI:'. Jàa....dI. muld talk with the City Manager and Director of n-mn11Ú.ty Dl!vielo,,··....'L. John 3.J:a.ato, Sà:Jrat:o De\ll'!l,,,..~,L Q:upImy, 1."¥L a kUng the Di.o¡;aae of SlID Jose, read ñan a 1990 ~ .IZ!B ~,.", _ editorial. He also Rh-¡ed ø1ideø of devel'''''-'L plllDø. He øtatecI he had a:ntact:ecI Bllbitat for Hl1n"m;ty xeganIing the poseibility of da1ating 40 units to them for ~ iIÞ ..,_ ¡AlII; 1 ; eø. HI:'. 3.J:a...to øtatecI that he and the å1urd1 bs1 nothing to cb with the "'11.-'ðíM:7 of '!be Fbtun develo,,·.....íL. ~ is p1""""",, will he a SEllSitive devR]'''''-íL. In the last 20 1IIJIlths, no ate has CXIIe fanlllUd to buy any open space, A certain area will be Bet aside and SIIYecI in case ... ...... "¡e cxmeø:fon1Brd. '!be h; .hrt' will å:Jn8te about 21 acres to the City for a park. Sc:me areas muld Clu.1.ocúLly be devR 1<:pec1 as they are not under the ¡fÎ 11 ; ~ Act. Under the ew....:uL ~. ,,<...al no baœø wculd be visible ñan ~ 280. 'lheœ 1«JUld be a pIniaey along Cristo Rey. In regam to trails, there 1«JUld be easaœnts ~ private open space to SlID 1\nt:a1i.o Randx>. 'Jhis develUJ:UlC'líL 1«JUld E!IISUJ:e preøervaticn and eIIhanœment of the ripBrian areas and native habitat; 64' 1«JUld be qII!Il space, both public and private under the ew.u:uL plan, 'Jhis is not rural hillside land. It has all of the services !IVA; 1...hle. It has h.i1dinge and grazing lands. 'Ihere used to be orc:haros. He sOOwed a transparency of Mid Peninsula ~ Space preserves. In the CUpertioo area, there is over 6,000 acres, He inquired about the OI\KS request for bemuses for ~,¥=,-Ly owners dŒIating open space to the City, -5- MDVŒS CF 'DIB AnXUINI!D RmULAR CITY a:u«:IL ......~.uG œ NnBr 18, 1992 (CX:-842A) Mr. IUAcd:o stated that he ~ øaæ diJ:ectiœ fIan the City and requested that b«:I CcuJv"i1.._.J -'. Jœet with the Dio::'!H aDd CXIIIIB up with a plllD. (J)øerwra œuld be ~_ø.LJL, auœ aDd FAIR œuld each have ooe ciJserv8r, Jeffrer:¡ no.1-U, 10160 LebImcn lJJ:ive, California Native Plant Society, expreøsed ocooemed for ~....,Ls creek in Rand10 SlID Antc.Iùo , also, the 0!Ik 1oI'YYI1 ATKI. ~: 8:47-9:02 P.M. Mayor sorensen stated that iIxiivitil",1 A msy now speak. '!bey "oICUld ead1 be limited to a IIIIIXÍJIUII of three minutes. Peter SåIubIIrt, 24624 Olive Tree Iane, Inø Altcø Hills, said he is also interested in the ØEIIIiœry ~~Ly develo'l.......L as he _ hon'ified with '1he!brœ. He hcpeø thIs~ IID'f other developnent is DDre \AAtL..olled thIID that aDd asked if the transfer of develo ~..~)L ri.cj1tø hid been CXIIØidered. 'lbi.ø"olCUld allOlll preøervati.œ of the qIEII1 øpBœ aDd allow the dmrd1 to DBintain develo'l.·,-tL riqIta. He ............ided the 1M-..........s and the ~,~ sed hillside policy. 1P.1iouo,bøth caulkinø, 437 M.mdell Way, IDø Altcø, said she _ iDpresøed with the ~........ø, She doeø envircnœntal worlt with m; 1~ aDd ...........tLed en the di£feœnœ bebJeen qIEII1 BpIICB for hI.......A and hðbi.tst for nature. She urged that councillœep St. JCSE!lil'8 area included as part of the hillsides . Salvatore Caruso, 255 North Mariœt 9L.....4., SlID Jose, said every decisún amstituteø a cMnge, He stated there is a hIo1"""", bel:" - land preservatiœ am deve1''I.,,-.L ¡Ins tL in the 1M-''Ii::,sed 290 unit ~l''I...~.L. He c:o:kh..,.,øecI the ocet of parks and the ocet of JIBint:eÐImce. 9Jusing is a furx!amental goal to achieve balance in the çr0m01l'1i.ty. steven Haze, 22681 SlID JulIn Rœd, c:o:kh..,.,sed eo.md 1 regarding Exhibit A, Secticn 2-A and suggested that Rl-10 be rezooed RHS en SlID JulIn Read and InspinIticn Heiçþts. Lama Q1ou1, 10220 Bcm1y Drive, said lDusing has a positive jJ¡pact en her career as a dentist, Wt the quality of life here is cpxi. She doeø not went DDre people. She stated that what Mr. IUAcd.o is talking about is not "affordllble". Also, one ............t enhance nature, 'lbere shculd be no excepticn to the hillside policy, -6- MDÐŒS CP 'lHB ADJOORNED RI!G1IAR crrr a:ocn. .........UC CP JIIGJS'l' 18, 1992 (<X:-842A) Bcb Sbelby, 23300 Via Eøplencbr, '52, said he is a reøftWtI: of 'lbe Pbnm. 'D1ere are 319 units, ead1 cx:Wd haYe t1IIO pl!lq)le in them. In additiœ, theœ are 88 beds for tiki lled nursing. In regard to traffic and ~S, he expreøøed 00QI'AI"I1 regarding iIIpIICt œ Cristo Rsy Drive. 'lbe Q gnty ..........t keep up with the use of RandJ:I SlID J\nt.œi.o. He øpolœ in IJ\.wu1.L of the hilløide policy. SUøIID Hird1-Kretsdmmn, 20568 Bloe9CIII lane, said that the pl!lq)le of QJpertino have sbcwD they are willing to pay for open splICe. Measure T is lID 8Xi1!11ple. She stated her ca1œrD is whether or not QJpertino is <ping to end up looking 1i1œ Daly City. She cited the Seven SpriDgø deve],,\.....lL clustering and the traffic reøult.iJç £ran that devel'\"~iL. Also, øchcolø would need DDre claø............. She expreøøed the need for affmdBble hcuøing, rather tbIID hcuøeø in the hillø. Hcuøing is r -WI in cxn:e areas. She øtated she would 1i1œ the land to have open splICe deøi~. If that œnnot be doœ, she urged that CbUncil at leBøt ðŒ¥ the hilløide policy. Debo.nIh Jemiscn, 21346 Ill""· u.d Drive, addreøøed CbUncil regarding the definitiœ of open splICe. CbUncil "MuM define what is valuable open splICe for wilri1if'e, 8Ø well as for hœImø. Ib:h of the open splICe will be c:Iistuxbed. She urged CbUncil to paøø the hilløide protecticn policy with no except:iœs. Rev, Mi.d1ael J. Mi.tÑlA11, 10110 North l1eAIIZa Bœlevard, øtated that b~,,*"~ is real. 'lbe ¡r.of-.- l"-~Ly is not the saae 8Ø the dnu:ch l&~L.i; u-.cfu.."" it is unreII8CD8ble to treat them the saae, He IqIed that the dnu:ch cx:Wd wark with the ~...ity for u.IJt'1.uuise. In regard to the SedroIay L"¥"LL, it "¡';-Jed a $100,000 81""'",1 net to the City and no net CXI8t to øch001ø. Deæ HolloW' F81:m wuld not be altered. In regard to the wil1 ;~ Act, the c:hurch has a dispute with the City œ this. 'lbe dnu:ch noticed the Q gnty and the City will not accept this filing. 'lbe c:hurch WIIIJts reaøcœble use of the land. Mayor Sorensen sug:JeSted that Father Mi.td1el1 call Hr, a:-n and discuss the notice of .....11.""_.IIIÙ.. City Attorney Kilian øtated there is no need for that. 'DIe willi5œon Act says the notice øball be giwn to the City. '1his has not been doœ. 'lbe dnu:ch gave notice to the Q)unty approximately a year 8Ip, ram Kinne, 20260 Reinell Place and II_Lea. of the Sierra Club, spoke in ~L of Hr. &.L..at.o's plan. He øtated that it does balance a lot of interests, He, h.iIœelf, would 1i1œ to live there. -7- , -~-",- ,'J.' ":-.~";",": ~j,:r'" , MIII7ID CF 'BIB ADo" . RI!GIJ[M. Cl'1'I' CXXH::IL .........&IOG œ Ñ.Aòulrr 18, 1992 (Œ 8ta) MII¡ar a..- 111 ...........- that the pU.. '-ring will be CDJt:JDus1 to the 'f'1lJ of Au!JJ8t 31 far Ib...m 1 ..f.......fnn. 'lba..... will be ~ 88t _i_ for p~1i(' ~ after that aad iDdivf",...1. IIDd gmq;J8 1Ibo bava lICIt J8I: &v .1._, DIllY do ØD at that tiDB. At 9:50 p.m., the - ~fng.. adp>rn.t. a..~ ø·.. City Clerk -8-