CC 08-31-92
· ,
10300 '1œRE AVI!2U!:, ~l1'Ð, CA 95014
'1BU!:PtDIE: (408) 252-4505
œ E't2B
MIl«7D!'S Œ 'BIB AnDJRNBD RIGJLAR Cl'1'f <DK:IL, hw.r.uu
HEID œ AIGJST 31, 1992, <DK:IL aDI~, Cl'1'f HU£
10300 '1œRE AVDIB, ..........u.u1D, CALIFœHIA
'DIe meeting _ "" 11 eel to order by MIIyt1r a.............. at 6:50
C'oImc, I'res_íL:
De!In, Golàœn, 1f<:g;Iel, szabo (arrived at 6:52 p.m.),
Major Sorensen
Staff !'res l .L:
City MBnager Brown
City Clerk <mneliuø
Director of Public 1iJrlœ v:iøkcvic:h
Director of amu.mity Delle]" ",··-'L QMm
City Planner 1brdell
City Attorney {i 1 ; An
Steven Haze, 22681 SlID JUlIn RaId, œcpIØted clarifiœt:ia1
regardinq who 10ICUld be given the 'WU1.t..aùty to speak. Be
&..b¡d if he should tI; .....)Ss Inøpiratiœ Beiçþts at this
time, or during the Bà'MI11~ polblic hearing.
(QJunc. SZabo arrives 6:52
MIIyt1r Sorensen øt:ated that Inøpiratiœ Beiçþts oould be
tli .....Issed during the hearing.
C'oImc. Golàn!m bs1 an ~ -·-.L tbat .. not œ the
agenda, but œe which he felt.. \i1.yc..L. In:regard to
Hurricane Andrew, IIBIIY people are hr0n001ees and in need. Be
wished to bring this to eII'et}'œe'ø att:ent:.i.œ. Diøaøter
relief fuOOs have been 1).. .._I by the JImerlœn Red a:œø am
the SIllvatiœ AI:D¥. Both are aoœpt:ing œsh c:IooBt:ior1ø. Be
urged all citizens to pitch in and he1p.
MIR1ŒS Œ' 'l1IE J\I1XXJRNI!:D RJ!G1IAR crrr a:oa::n. ...,.,.~·uG CF
AIaJST 31, 1992 (CC-842B)
1. O:møideratim of a ...........abensive ~·~.}.~.L of the
QJpertino General PlIID, including lam use, 1xJuøinc¡,
trBnø, q&1 spBœ pœøervatia1, p.1blic safety,
amøervati.œ and noise ..1-tø. ~Ais will be
placed en hillsides.
City Planner 10brdell reviewed her .LqAnL.
Mayor Sorensen anr>no---ð that QJuncil would <I;AnlSø the
item pert"A;ning to joint p1lmning as the first item of
busineøø. '!here would be IX) PJblic input at this tJme.
OJunc, szabo stated a preference for a Joint Powers
Ay...,aUl2,L, He would request: that the Planning O:maiøøia1
look at all '1;.H1WIS, but stated a preferenoe for a .JPA.
Cbunc, DeIm felt that QJpertino øhould not fonn lID tq!JlIC'f
with other cities, but øhould 1IDrlt with the 0:Junty.
Following <I;AnJSsia1, the IIBjority of rh1\V'i1.._tt-. stated
a preference that the p1""";ng I'hnniAsicn look at all
opt:iϿ equally, with IX) h;"-es.
In regaxd to the sd1oo1 """eElS porticn of the staff l.'¥'LL,
QJI1TII"'; 1 had IX) queøtiœø. Mayor Sorensen <¥,"bJ the
Jœeting for PJblic input.
Mike Bnmer of s..L...álo De\,-l-,,··-.L n·"l.A^Y, .L~ S~íLing
the Dilxese, said that meetings have been held with the
sd100l district am be is mere of the letter the City
received £ran Mr. CUrtain. He stated be did not \DXIer:8tand
hew St. .Jos rh Avenue ....-v muld be a pn:i>lem as the
Dio::ue has the ability to q&1 the gate to get aooeBl! to
their }'1.'¥"LLl" He stated that the dmrd1 is willing to
10IDrk wit.h the sd100l district and that the!bnecJwnerø
JIssociatiœ muld fund a van to sd1oolø.
By amsensus, QJuncil referred the sd100l access issue in
':CIJCLal to Planning Chnn; ASia1.
City Attorney rei 1 i"" anr>nomœr! that QJuncil would meet in
closed sessia1 ~.- of øi911¥;œnt exposure to
litigaticn per GO'v......UI2tL QxIe Sect.Ï.a1 549S6.9(b) (1) ¡.",~
00 a letter dated ~ 28 £ran Mr. 0Jrtain, an attorney,
suggesting possible litigaticn.
AOOUST 31, 1992 (CC-842B)
Ccuncil adjourned to "l~ øeøøia1 at 7:14 p.m.
At 7:35 p,m" 0Juncil reanvened in o-t-'.
City Attorney 1ti1.ian stated that in regatd to the "1~BBd
sesøia1 ancl the 4t.Lomey'ø letter, requiring trail aooeøø
~ be bIuIecI œ 8(""""if';1! inst:anœs. In regard to
siÇJlifiœnt exposure to litigatiœ, Ccuncil took no action.
For the :t.......á:d, Q:JImc. SZabo stated he has bs1 two
axrærøaticns with Mr. Scòrato. Im'ing those
CXJnWrBati.auI, Mr, Szabo told him that the plllDø sutmittec1
were 1.IIIIICCeptable to him as 811 iJK1i.vichal. Mr. SZabo
suggest:etI Mr. Scòrato bring 811 alternative to the City
Ccuncil. He suggest:etI that Mr. Scòrato DDYe devel,¥"",íL to
the 33 ac:œø not under the Wil1i......-.¡ Act. 'l!1iø area also
has pedeøtriIID ðOOI!SS to schools. If this were à:ae, Mr.
Szabo stated, he oould then live with a þit1Ar 1'1......... of
units than he ~ otherwise find acœpt8ble.
Mr, Scòrato stated this ~ not meet the financial cpa1ø
of the Diocne. He did say he ~ t'¡;al""~ that qd.a1
with the biøIqJ.
City Attorney 1ti1.ian said that plans Ccuncil has seen are
not awliœtials ancl that no awlicati.œ bas been filed.
At the end of the PJblic he8ring œ hillsides this evening,
Ccuncil will need to define a particular project. Since no
awliœtials have been filed, it is nece Ø11\IY to define
"project" in order to prepare 811 EnviztDnental Iht--1.
Mayor Sorensen then q¡eœd the hearing for PJblic iDput.
Jack Birkholz, 21381 Milford Drive, said he lavæ c.pen
space. If he has any bias, it is toward open BpIICB.
lÞIever, he àJeø I""" 1 ; 7.e 0Jperti00 àJeø not have eD:IUIþ
housing ancl it 8eBIIS that the St. .1ose~'ø SBIIina:ry
~.~, which ~ provide 290 houses anclloo acres of
c.pen space is c;pod. 'DIe ather ~. ~oC_l for lower denøity
wuld provide just a few 00Useø for the 'oIe!Ù.thy. He mged
Council to ~ the Planning Chm!; asien :t~.....Jatial.
Beez Jones, 10398 Heney Cœelt Place, calh._sed QJuncil
rega:tùing ~,¥",-Lf rights ancl hillside zaling. She stated
that the open space œ the hillside ~'¥"'- Ly belœgø to the
owner, It is not c.pen to the PJblic, She also stated that
there was a definitial of hillside in the Citizens Goals
Camú.ttee final rep:>rt, 'DIe semina:ty property is
transitional, not hillside, 'DIe quest;iŒ1 is, shoold there
be big lots with no PJblic access or devel'¥.....¡L with
PJblic c.pen space?
MIlI1ŒS (11' 'l1IE AnDIRNED RIUJIM crrr cnø::n. ......HM; CF
AIGJST 31, 1992 (CX::-842B)
Dick Carey, 10138 RIo_TIt LIme, addreøøecI the
iIreverøihility of deveJ......~'L of open øpece. Heuzged
C(I1IV"'I1 to IIB1œ deciøicnø that have ØU[9'" L of the mjarity
of the clH........., '!be iøøue is, dceø ,...,.. 1._-'1 'oIOrk. He
believeø that the mjority of the petple feel that
de\lRl,'I.-,....jL has been too DUd1 and too fast. 'lbis ~.fnn
will smw if the cmncl1 lis1:eI1ø to a mjarity of the
11Mm;. West, 10670 Cordova Road, expreøeed çpmval far the
hil1øide policy with no excepti.œø. In ~¥1=ù to
Inøpiraticn HeiIjIts, he urged that Q:Juncil ~y the
hillside policy caoøistent1y and to amtour lines. Soil
CCI1ditia1ø in the Inøpiraticn Hei.crt:s area have resulted in
bID IIIJd ølides, '!be area also has earthquðIœ faults.
RidvIrd M:>rriøcn, 1449 Primr:œe WIly, said reø;rW~ à:>
less n..m...;p. to the envizaDent thIID ~....... cut running am
WIilldng. He did not see DUd1 hil1øide ø1qle on the dmrd1
i"-"l"'1.Lý, He urged that Q:Iuncll use the land to its
greatest advantagB, for bcuøing. People di.øtmb the land.
As lID ardlitect, Mr. MnrlBcn stated that he am "i'.J" a
J.arvia"'V" that is I1Dre natural and will stay IIDre natural
thIID the real t1Ung.
Qmck Mt:Il~, 10446 Vista Drive, ~Ls hillside
deveJ.,'I.··~tL as 1M-"c_sed by the Diooeae of san Jose. City
C(I-i 1. let land in the middle of the IT'Om'amit:y be
develcped, but à:>es not allcw the __ for other land
owners. '!be Dioc!õ'!l shculd be ..11""- to develcp.
M!Iry EgBn, 10188 Myer Place, addreøøecI Q:Iuncll regarding a
-..nn:y ~ editorial. She stated the Diocue is not
asking for q¡-"; ..1 treabœnt.
Jay Butera, 19703 Ia Mar Drive, read lID article by AlIID
Heøø for the -..n1TV }gg in regard to the i"-' ~< sed
deveJ..'I...~(L of the T)Ï():-eae.
M!Iry JeIID RIo""",...., 21947 Sbattuck Drive, stated that the
1M-' 'l';sed bcuøing will not detract £ran Randle SIIn Ant:aúo.
0Jpertin0 needs bcuøing. With pIqII!r planning, the City
am have housing and open spðCe,
Donna Gitsdlel, 21852 Gm:demriew LIme, spoke in ~L of
the DÍOo -; e's plan.
Helen Hensen, 23500 Cristo Rey Drive, said t.he Fmun fills
a need for senior bcuøing. '!be area needs bcuøing and
needs a c;µxl plan. She urged GJuncil not to OWL\Ne of
restrictive bcuøing and to u¡ix>ld land ownership rights.
MIl«1ŒS CF 'DIE AnD1RNIr.D RI!XDIAR Cl'l'f aDCIL ......~..u«; CF
~ 31, 1992 (Œ-842B)
a.t-.L !:II....-. s, 2081 amti.ngta1 LIme, ID8 Altos, eaplGJed
by the Bishcp of SlID Joøe as Director of Caœt:erleø, said
he bad served as a n_,¡ "'I of the task force related to
Randle SlID Anta1io. 'D1e task force ....11ed for ~
of the area, not. -qJ""aion. 'D1e.ùlpK:tø of use wre
....1."'" Dunn, 10640 CotåJva RDIId, a:1:h....øed Ch""'; 1
regarding SlID J'UIID as a dtaoa....uL1œ point for hi 11.f....
1M-'¥'LLj'. He earpœsøed CXIIœI:D regarding ~.¥ øed
delle}. 'I. ·,....}L on CotåJva and the narrowneøs of the roðd.
Phil Zeitmlm, 22907 criclœt Hill RDIId, said that aJœ
... n·.. ls the hillside policy in its entirety. In regani to
the Goalø Qmnittee, he øt:at:ed they a:1:h....øed six BEpmtte
is"'-, nooe nme iDportant than the other. 'D1e SARinAt"}'
1M-'¥'LLy is just one issue. In regard to b:Jusing, aJœ
will B8Y nme UI1dBr city identity.
Jl;rilATå HemIIndez, 10723 SIIDt:a Lucia Read, ~_gecI
I.I._ -I U regarding landslides.
O1IIrleø Neløon, 22820 SlID J'UIID Read, l.'¥1.lø kLing the
Paviøo family, distributed a mn-rt; to QJuncil am
referred to claøøific:atia1 of ~'¥'L Lies on all øides of
SlID J'UIID RDIId. He ~ that the QJIuncil III!IY WIIIJt to
re-claøsify ~'¥'LLies on steep terrain to "hillside".
Floyd Meyer, 10486 Weøtacres Drive, said p!q)le who 0lIl1
}A.'¥'LLf have priDmy interest in it. 'lboøe who WIIIJt open
øpeœ dcn't own the 1M-'¥'LL.f. It is nice to be able to
antrol others' }A.'¥'LLf. Gowu.,....,uL agencies not. .....,ing
}A.'¥'LLf are affecting its value. He BIJIRI!Øted that a
develapnent district that am COOI'dinIIt:e the final use of
1M-'¥'LLf be est-Ah1ial¡ed, He urged Q)uncil to let people
put their lam to !pOd use.
Ann Anger, President, H:I1ta vista ~uvaucoiL Associatico,
said p!q)le WIIIJt and·~ erve q¡en øpace and in 0JpertiD0,
the cit+,.......A have lots of open øpace, In the City, Mid
Peninsula has over 6,000 ac:reø; SIIDt:a Clara CDmty has over
1,000 ac:res; Rancbo SlID JIntcÐi.o is over 166 ac:reø; and the
City has 148.3 ac:reø. '1!ù.s cbes not. c:nmt private open
øpeœ. Me. Anger expressed ~L for the DID e'ø
~. ¥->6al, She øt:atecI that Mr, SàJrato has àJne!pOd
delle]" 'I. ··~iL in the area.
AIGJST 31, 1992 (a::-842B)
RidIard .:roImøCI1, 7542 SbIIdcwhill LIme, said the .........qA. of
private 1'1.'¥'LLy is CXJI1fuøed here. Actionø of the City
QJuncil affects 1'1.'¥'LLi' values. Peqùe are not entitled
to the hi4Ieøt dollar their 1'1.'¥'LLy am get. !bJt
CUpertim citizens elected a City Q)uncll that wwld
restrain unrestrained deve1rp-¡t. He urged CQI"".n to
vote for open BpIIC8.
'lbere being 00 other public input, Mayor Sœ:eI1Ben brcIJIþ;
the tii """1Øøicn to QJuncil.
lIõrI&q: 8:35-8:42 P,M.
Mayor Sœ:eI1Ben stated that ti; """]89icn will be CX1 the
hillsides in ycad:ðl and the IIEIIIÍnðry 1'1.'¥'LLy.
Counc, ~l urged that CDuncil protect the hillsides.
'lbere is a need to be œuti.ous about extending the
infraøtructure as this is experIØive. 'DIe view £ran the
valley floor needs to be protected. She urged that any
develqment be of low denøity. In regazd to the cptions of
290 or 41 bcusing units, she CK1'1.CDsed ~L for the
lower nœDer at this time and that all the 1'1.'¥'L Ly under
ti;arœøicn be cœsidered hilløide.
Counc, DeIm also CK1'1.""sed s,*",,1.L for the 41 units am
that all the 1'1.'¥'LLi' be cœsidered hillside.
Counc. Golàœn CK1'1.......'iIed B\.Iw-lLL for the hillside policy.
In the future, hillsides will be developed Im1eøø there is
strict aJDtrol IXIW. He stated that this includes the
D~ e 1'1.'¥'LLj as set forth at the P'ebr\.ðry meeting.
Counc. szabo said that in the Bay Area, sprawl is a
prci)lem. It is ,Iif'¥;œlt to provide øerviceø in the
hills. He expressed <XJIICI![D about spreIIding into the
foothills. 'lbere are other issues besides just the mmber
of bcuses, i.e., deøiql. He felt this could be DDre
inportant than the m___ of units. Also, if low incane
bcusing 9Je8 in, public t:ransportaticn is ne -wi. Sdxx>l
'~s is also a <XJIICI![D, He ""'iACDsed ~L for the 41
units with a five acre m;n;....... He also felt that the
Diocue 1'1.'¥'LLy is in the hillsides. He stated that the
project for the EIR shoold be 41 units with the Dioceee
p1.'¥'LLI as hillside,
Mayor Sorensen also ""'iACDsed support to 1'1. ear-Ie the
hillsides. 'lbere is 00 planning ~liœticn filed for
develq,"CUt. in this area at this time, Qxmcil is loolting
at a:cœpt, (Hillsides include Kaiser 1'1.'¥'Lty, Dico:;:~e
1'1.'¥'LLy, Regnart Canya1 area, Inspiration Hei.Ilts, and
similar prq¡erties.)
AlDJST 31, 1992 (<X:-842B)
MI!IyOr Sorensen also øt:ated that the dIm:d1 i"-......... Lf is to
be amøidered as hillside and the ",- of units to be
øt"n';;M øbould be 41 with five acre miJùnun lots.
By CXJIISeI1SUS, QJuncil '"i¥L-.ed IteIœ 4, 5, and 7 of the
staff report dated AugUøt 3, 1992, and requested that the
original 1.arI9~ be used in the draft for tt.e i"-' '" sed
open space zœing district 0IdinImce.
JIr,¡L..........L _ ~eéeecl with Planning C'romIi ....ion
po.....,-.:1ð nœber 2, with the Diocese i"-.........Ly to be
included, and with the inclusion of the Parks am
Recreatia1 o:mnissien reo ' ....~ ,iRti.Cn as lIDdified by the
Planning o:mnission. 'Ihe Plðnning o:mnisøien øhould
exanine 5-20 acres per dIoIelling unit bIIøecI on the ølope
density fOI1ll1la, with exh.ibit as per staff l.qJULL,
Counc. Szabo requested the inclusion of a letter received
£Ian Mr, John Claudy and there _ a¡:prova1 ""'t"-....sed by
other Q:Juncihut2,Lc....,
In regard to Item No. 6 of the previcuøly mentioned staff
.LqJULL, 0:Junci1 approved the 90/10 ratio as per Cbunty
policy, espet';,,1ly in regerd to the Kaiser i"-.........Ly. 'D1ey
EIIJCpSted that they DÚ.C1t amsider drq:ipiIç the II\ÏJÙJ1Un lot
size below 1/2 acre for clustering. IDt øize muld be
unspecified, 00t made ~if';,. when the i"-.........Ly is zœed.
Staff _ directed to return with spe<'Hic 1.arI9""7', if
necessary .
By CXJIISeI1SUS, QJuncil referred the Inspiration Heightø area
to the Plðnning o:mnisøion to look at the possibility of
RHS zœing. 'Ihe future General Plan hearing 1Id-h11e is
'1hurøday, SeptaItJer 3 to start ,;;anJSSion œgarding city
i..'ientity and on '1hurøday, Sept:entJer 17, voluntary ~L
teetÎJlaT'.f be received.
In regard to the park ~ policy listed under
'SEminary" , Council directed that this antinue to be
At 9: 10 p.m., the meeting _ adjourned.
City Clerk