CC 10-01-92 --.or-~ Cl'l'f œ a.n...u.uu, S'JME CF CAI..:I:PCRfIA 10300 'lœRB AVDIB, \oWToIU"J:t«), CA 95014 mæDIB: (408) 252-4505 ocaUA MnI1ŒS œ 'œB ~ RI!GJLI\R Cl'l'f o:nrn, .........uG HInD (If ~'".I__ 1, 1992, a:u«:IL OW "" Cl'l'f BALL 10300 'lœRB AVME, UWISlQ".u.Ð, CALIItRfIA CAlL '10 œŒR 'l!Ie meeting _ called to cm:Ier by MI¥Jr 9cøJnBen at 6:50 p.m. l¥JLL CAlL counc. Present: DeIm, Golàœm, SZabo, MI¥Jr sorensen counc. Absent: lfqpel Staff Pì. s ~L: City MImIIgE!r Brown City Clerlt n.r.-1 ;'18 Director of PlÐlic N:Jrlœ VisllDvid1 (arrives 7:00 p.m.) Director of n-.nnnü.ty De\lPl''I.''~iL QMm City Pl8rmer tb.dt.ll AsØCX"i ~ p1.......... J\mg lbJsing and ser:vi.œø 0xII:dinat:0r Ibrling City Attomey 1[; H.... œAL cx:HUIICATICIfS - Nooe. PCBLIC HFARDG 1. QJnøideraticn of a ~«tensi.ve ..........',-.L of the CUpertioo General PlIID, including lIIDd use, housing, t.ransportati.œ, q¡en øp&œ pœseEVðtia1, p:blic safety, ocnservati.a1 am noise elements. ~is will be placed 00 City i.denti.ty. Director of Camlmity DeYelc:pnent QMm stated that QJuncil had wanted to start with a pr:esentati.cn by Hewlett PackaId. -1- ;',V- MINI1ŒS CP 'mE AOOŒJRNED REX;ULAR CITY ancn. .......nIl; CF u.:~UZK 1, 1992 (OC-844A) Dick Rœe1IÐier of Hewlett P8ckard, introduœd John criclœn of SkiåIDre, OWings and Merrill. Mr. cricken beg!m by talking about the city ¡'urban area as a whole. He stated that it is an aut:o-oriented area; the ..t...cdtB are wide and, therefore, pedestriIID JIDIÆIIB1t is difficult, CUpertiID CD1Øists of livable neicjIborhoocIø, beautiful tree-1ined boulevards, and natiaIally Jmcwn .:........'_. It is hard to define CUpeJ:t.iJD's center and it 1.8 a yeung city. Mr. criclœn reviewed t:rði1SpIm!I1cl øhcJwing what makes a central place: acx:essibility (Director of Public ~ks arrives at 7:00 p,m.) and bio city centers, Valloo at N:>lfe Read and the City Center dellelopœnt at DeAnza and Stevens Creek Boulevards. Linkage wculd provide identity am a SEmIE! of center. 'lbiø is the logical place for CUpertino's urban center area. 'D1ere is a distanoe of ~tely ooe mile or twenty minute walk which is a anvenient measure of urban density for centers, 'D1ere wculd be three UAlI~....::uls: 1) gateway center featuring office, hic 1 density residential am civic facilities; 2) a retail center which is ~iIID oriented; 3) a grand boulevard. As redeve~l.ent occurs, there wculd be less setback, a sidewalk line and in time, p!Irldng wculd be placed Œl the side or to the b8ck of J::uildings. Ground level uses am activities wculd be retained as nuch as possible to enoourage pedestriIIDs. 'lbiø also establishes a st:roog SEmIE! of place betl>een the bio centers, SiqWç could be brouIj1t fOIWBrd following desigl st:aOOards. Transit and bike paths sbJuld be encouraged and perhaps ewn special landsoeping installed to create a different character for this area along this oorrià>r. As ooe leaves the center and ~ the lIP area, streets wculd bt,., ..~ parkways. 'D1ere wculd be dE erer setbacks for h,i1dhç¡ and in general, a lIDre CI!IIpUØ-1i1œ al... 06pbere. In regazd to IIBjar u01.~a:le projects, they have a œIIplS-lilœ quality. Possibly by heicj1t and loœtia1, they wculd L-.u.1C like gat:e'ey lanàœrks and ......u.ect: to the city identity. ('lbiø includes Awle, Hewlett Packard, and Tandem.) In regard to DeAnza College, Mr. cricken said this is also a aIIIpU8 and part of the gat:e'ey experience, '!he oollege is an ÍJIpOrtaIlt place in the cx:mIUIÙ.ty, CanpJSeS generally have a larxIsœpe bJffer; buildings are set baclt and ycuc.Lally clustered, rather than sprawled. 'D1ere is central open space. In regazd to height, a one--stmy hei< It difference is IXJt perceivable, especially £ran a distance. varied heights make a IIDre interesting silb:luette, He suggested a 4-6 floor difference, -2- . JmÐŒS œ 'DIE AnXXJRNI!D RIG1IAR crrr CXDI:IL N!Z'1'I1C CF \x:.l__ 1, 1992 (Œ-844A) Q , the Hllltlett Pedœrd øite, a OOffer ~ exists. A gstaII!Iy perk 1IICUld be at JlBjor CÚL...a&1IA2O 8I1d the ............. of Baaeøt:ead 8I1d tblfe. Mr. Cddœn reviewed tranøpBrencieø of Hllltlett Pedœrd'ø, CUpertino maøt:er plan øhawing heiIþt, _aefng and parks. It is planned that traffic will net be fO"tiaM on one intenrect:ion, bJt cx:me out by various 1ocatiœø. If the largest þ.i1tf;"9I are in the œnter of the a!IIpJØ, there is minimIII jnpeoct. '!.be 1M-_s 114tiœ.. concluded with a transpID:'ency shewing lID overview of the city œnter& and Grand Boulevard. Mr. Criclœn said he .. available to answer IJJI'f questi.onø of Q:Amcll. cnmc. Go1åœn aølœd if in regBIÙ to the HP ~6 aIXi the muøing, 1«JUld it IIII1œ BeIIS8 to integrate hcuøing, Mr. Cridœn pt'1i..n that it had been CXII1Sidered¡ however, the feeling is that with the SlllÙlllllJUl1t of land lIV"i1Ah1A for OOoJ9jng, it 1IICUld net IIII1œ a cpxi nei4J1Ju..bood. 'l!Ieœ 1IICUld net be ---v¡. units, bJt 1IICUld end up as lID island. Be stated that at this time, he is net in favor of a hcuøing .. "1' · .cuL on this site. . cnmc. Golàœn inquired about what kind of hcuøing he 1IICUld ~ on the øautbem edge of the Grand Boulevard. Mr. Cridœn said he 1«JUld ~u,·,-al hic;þ derlsity, net DeOe(O---ily mÐ...,j..,., hcuøing, bJt lII~,·..inately hcuøing. cnmc. Golàœn aølœd about the hcuøing in dcwntown SlID Jose. . Mr. Cridœn said that the fabric of SlID Jose is old. People often epen.1At;e on land aIXi hcuøing is lost. Bcuever, CUpertino hils a øtta1g residential fabric. It is urWpB am therefore, the aœa cxWd be a lively place. Lit Jt rail is inevitable 8I1d it ....nn1tf be on stevenø Creek Boulevard rather thIm other streets in the area. cnmc. szabo asIœd about the gateway oonœpt of bn; 1ding on the Hewlett PadœJ:d caIpJS. Mr. Cridœn said that saœ gateway siç rt:s will have nme visilrl.li.ty thIm others. tIIen .....UCUIJe is close to the --p19, trees will teÐd to block the taller bJildings, cnmc. szabo inquired about Mr. Cridœn's previous stataœnt regarding potential residential on HP's site am existing residential in the aœa. Mr, Criclœn said these are arguable points ¡ 00wever, his belief is that the JlBjor streets are wide and l.,¥,-..Æ_,L -3- MDI7ŒS (II 'l1IE AD.JO'JRNED RI!GJIAR Cl'l'Y <XDICIL .........uG CF !A:.lUIISK 1, 1992 (œ-8"AA) breaks. 'lherefore, the housing is rot (U!t-fgo1O'1B and the effect is rot as Ip:d, '!be wide streets are diffi.aùt to crœø. Cbmc. Szabo asked hew mny lanes stevens creek BouleInmi øb:Ju1d have. Mr. criclœn stated that he àJes rot have a t:eåIniœ1 answer, but he believes it shculd be a cunfort:able scale for pedestrians, In reply to further questi.a1s :fJ:an Mr. SZabo, he stated the city may want even Dlu.1.uoIIeir thIID two lanes in eaà1 directia1 with li<jIt rail. He felt that Cbmcil shculd rot foreclœe that poøsil>ility for the future. Auto IIDV8II!I1ts CDUld be directed to a 8IIIIll grid of streets behind the Grand Boulevard, He stated the hR1 ;ef that the Grand Boulevard idea will 'oIOrlt well; ~, it is inportant to narrow it dawn. He is rot aLkh.-sing the funcI:iooa1 need of IIDVing oars t:hrooIj1 the area. Cbmc, DeIIn asked i£ HP was ~'¥'bjng to add 1.7 or 1.8 milli.cn square feet. Mr. a--;er answered that HP is requesting adding about 1 milli.cn square feet and about 3,000 enp1oyeeø. Cbmc. DeIm reviewed the three '"""'I'U8es and mIÒiIIIyØ 1M-' ,.œed and asked hew people 'oJCUld exit the area am get <Xl the ñ. E!'1 J&"f. (Mayor Sorensen requested that ():)omcl1 receive n"{Ii- of the t:ransp!IreIIci being shewn during the Hewlett PacIœrd presentatiœ.) Mr . a:,..,...._i.... stated that this is a trans(mtation dt2uœ.J -..-nAr_-·-aL issue. lIP is D.u..L'cully ~ œ this issue and enplaying 8I1Ch JDeI!IIIØ as te1eammting, alternllte 'IOt'k days, altered 'oIOrlt weeks and hoors, and EI1<XIIII'ðgfII of transit. He pointed out that the building pl8n is a 20 year pl8n and is not an ;....-!;>Ot;e plan. Following a questial :fJ:an QJunc. DeIIn, Mr. ~s .-;.... infcmœd Cbmcil that both Tandem and HP are ~ <Xl 'lDf 1I1B!ISUI"e8, as is çle. Representatives:fJ:an the three """'t"''1Íes neet, share cmpooling infonnaticn, and other 'lDf infonnaticn. Mayer Sorensen ~ about the 20 minute/l mile ring. Mr. criclœn said the hic 1est real estate values are CXJI1OeI1trated that way. 'lbere is usually 150-25~ acres of land in a circle. Usually this is the g::¡vemœnt/financial core of a city, IbieVer, there are always sane except:ia1s. -4- . MINI1ŒS œ 'DIE J\OOOORIB) RmJU\R Cl'l'f ancn. ...,..~>.uG œ U;!UiI!;K 1, 1992 (CC-844A) . Mayer SOJ:enøen then ~ about the 10œticn of the Grand Boulevard IIIXi the posøibility that it be ~ College to ~ Boulevard. Mr. Criclœn replied that the logical 811dDrs are ~ Boulevard IIIXi ¡.elfe 1b!Id. Extending it to ~ College 10ICUld be unrea1iBti.c for~. Counc. Golàœn iIçùred about St:eYeI1s Creek Boulevard i"-~Ly values IIIXi he was iDfœ:med that they 10ICUld prå:Jably inc:reaøe. Counc. Go1ànan then aslœd Wy the Grand Boulevard ~ wculd not work with St:eYeI1s Creek Boulevard IIIXi ~ Boulevard intersect:.i.a1 as the center of the mile. Hr. Criclœn stated that it wculd leave Valloo Faøhicn Park out IIIXi Valloo pills the energy in. He stated that his remarks are quick t-hno~ hoa....ñ on experience, not analysis. He also replied to a queøtion IIIXi stated that the drawing is appraximately to scale, Bet:l.een ¡.elfe Ib!Id IIIXi ~ Boulevard there seeIIII to be a greater ~rt.unity to redeI/e1q) IIIXi is a center in t:eDÆI of a:mnecti.onø back to the .ú. E!1 ray. Ccunc. Dean aslœd if the 1M-' v-JSðl of a Grand Boulevard with residential on that stIeet really reflec:tø the life-style of~. Hr. Criclœn stated there 10ICUld be places that am be wa11œd to end it 10ICUld reflect the civic IIIXi cultural life of 0Jpertin0. It 10ICUld be a .....11<;'19 plðœ with lots of cIeøtinat:ia1ø. 'lt1ere 10ICUld be p1aœø for perfODlling artø am civic h.; ldingB. '!be area 10ICUld be reinforced as the focuø of cultural, civic, and ,..,·,~,d.a1life of the city. '!be poøøibility of developing a center is diminished each time one of these activities is free standing DYo...were else. þ Diane ILL....... Ikeda, 10411 Byrne Avenue, ~cSsed cxmœmø reganüng a heart of the city. She stated it œnt:erB éIJ:'œnd two ugly brick h.HdingB. \b!n sanething is started, it sOOuld be a hic 1 priority to do saœthing about these h.; 1dingB. Also, there sOOuld not be eoother gas øtati.cn on the northeast u.n.,..... of the DeAnza/St:eYel1s creek int.ersecti.on. She does not want the feeling she is slIDthered by hi<j1 density t:hrouIj1 housing or business deve1opœnt. In regard to ~ion, she stated there is a need for a bus that cpes direct dawn DeAnza Boulevard to SUnnyvale fran Saratoga. Also, transit sOOuld be available later on weelœnds IIIXi there is inadequate p.1blic transit on stevens Creek Boulevard. She urged Council not -5- . MIK1ŒS œ 'l1IE J\DDJRIŒD RmJIAR CITY au«:IL MI!E'1'I1C CF IA:UazK 1, 1992 (a::-844A) to just throw buildings in the flatJands of 0Jperti00. Also, she 'oICUld lilœ a beiI lt limit on h.i1dingø. She also øurpøted that bui 1t1i'1gØ be varied in heiJjtt arx1 urged that ()10""'; 1 œIœ bu; l<H'1gØ pleasing to the eye arx1 oot just fill spBœ. 0Junc. Szabo ElJlWlsized that low density is incDrpatible with transit. . Ms. I1œda said 0Jpertim is a dense city. Buildings shoold be IIIIIde eye-pleasing. Also, they rould be subt:erranean arx1 in that way, there rould be density without exœøsive heic 1t. She stated there is IX) foot traffic in 0Jpertim to cp inside the stores that are being }IL' >p:>eed. HI:" . Q:Iwan 1M- s íLed two viewgraphs, one of a larx1 use arx1 dew}· 'I. ,.~ 'L planning district matrix arx1 one a"oiCrldng map. He clarified that the last time he showed QJuncil this infm:mation, he stated these were Planning Qmnissien r.,. ....,""rJations. 'l.'Je Planning Qmnission ~e,ssed <X81œID regarding including cmporations' requests. 'lberefore, he wanted it perfectly clear that these are ideas, oot r.,. . ....... d!ItiaIs. . HI:" . Q:Iwan then reviewed the reallocation charts £ran the Sept:eIIDer 3 l.t:pJ1.L, peges 5, 6, arx1 7. '!be Planning lhnni-ion reo .....~..... that the ncn-desiq1ated pool of square footage cp to mjor CDIpIIDÍeB. 'lbere shoold be 1.....,.-Y1t h.;1rlh1gll at stevens Creek BouleI7ard arx1 DeI\nza BouleI7ard. 'l\io millia1 square feet aJUld be added with ~f,.. ..-.,œ st:aOOardø including traffic level of service, affoIdBble housing, eo ... m; C benefits, arx1 a positive city identity. Additional del/R1''I...~,L shoold be an ea:.ŒIIIi." benefit to the city. '!be city shculd insist on redeYe1optIent. 'lbere shculd be increased sales, aàlitional fees, arx1 taxes. Other issues,H """lBsed at Planning Qmnission include h.i1t1;ng sites. '!be Chnnj6sia1 feels that the Clu.1....íL General Plan allows too III1d1 hei< It. !biever, the eicJrt; st:my building already ~ for Tèud:iu 10ICUld be græxifathered in. HI:" , Q:Iwan reviewed criteria for lanànark buildings arx1 types of activities that mi< It be in these areas. In reg¡m1 to the heart of the city, the Planning Qmnission tWo;rlowi it shoold be on Stevens Creek Boulevard, but did oot deteImine a pœcise location, HI:" , Q:Iwan introduced City Planner W:>rdell to review the report on housing. -6- . M11«7ŒS re 'DIE AnJŒJRNED RPDJIAR crrr au«:IL ,..,.".....ue; CF ~.l\.tII!iK 1, 1992 (OC-844A) MIl. 1brdell øtat:ed that the Planning n--n_iœ :1:0&""'_." Þ-ping the cw....cul jåJø/hœSing ratio of 1.48 as per the existing General Plan, 'lbere is a need to CJ:eate 1,000 houøing øites 8bave the cw....:ul General Plan as mit.i.glltiœ for the J:IL' 'V aed 2,000,000 square feet addit-il'VUll office/industrial develqInent. Jlàii.tiœal del/R1'~"-'l øbcu1d also include CXDii.tiœs for the GrmKi Boulevæ:d and the J:lLuCeSs that wuld be used, including 1T1111111I'\Í.ty review. . Discussiœ followed regarding the 8V"'; bh; 1ity of inc:reaøed density and traffic. ME". 0Jwan ~ that the QJuncil my want to diIect the Planning c:amússien to look at a mitigatia1 J:IL~""" for "...._'..ial and residential devehy....tl. 'DIe QJuncil, by CXJOBeI1SUS, dedrlAri to CDlplete the particn of the Jœeting pertaining to the city identity and then review houøing. Mayor Sorensen ~Ied the Jœeting for public ...,·,-jL. She stated that JI~ of the public will be limited to three minuteø , Stan 'lbaœs, 10900 North Blaney, 1llCULc.. of the Govca.......tL Re1atia1s Ccmnittee of the ~ of o.........rœ, said the a-m- is amnitted to the heart of the city ~ with Stevens Creek BoulevaJ:d as the <.UIIUr;:Ctor to the nodes. If MeIIsUre A pIIS'J<'A, Stevens Creek BoulevaJ:d will be a trm1Bit oorricbr and will œed bic Ier density. He 1.JJ:ged that ~mt'i1 allow growth so business J:8IBÍDB e<.UI....i....11y viable. In regaJ:d to houøing, he ~ a miYl'ñ use en Stevens Creek BoulevaJ:d. He 1.JJ:ged that <bmcil deal with the area as a unit and not just take coe piece. . Nancy Bur:ncLL, "'''¥L s .Ling the Fairgrove ¡.II>;<;td"I& HaneaWnerB J\ssOCiaticn, said the group had held a meeting the nic 1t before. Mb,Lc.... are CXJIICI![11ed regarding the devel<¥'""lL en Stevens Creek BculevaJ:d, especiA11y the Tanr::IBn Wilding heicj1ts. 'DIe bllli 1t\ing heicj1ts planned for Valloo are even bic Ier. In regaJ:d to heart of the city, the group oould reach no CXJOBeI1SUS. Sane say, "Who n: .... it?' 'DIe associaticn· s third ccnoem is I1DV81IeIlt of traffic £ran the FaiIgrove area cping west. Dave ¡t eeler, 19855 Stevens Creek BoulevaJ:d, said he had seJ:Wd m the Citizens GJals Ccmnittee and t:hc1ur 1t the Grand BculevaJ:d was an excellent idea. lb1Bing rould be affordable. He urged Council to be visicnaI:y, Part of hiS professiœ is analyzing retic""""lL plans. Few peq>le -7- MDUŒS œ 'lHE AOOOORNBD RI!GJLI\R ClTf aDCIL ...,..~.UOG CF I.A:.LUXA 1, 1992 (Œ-844A) plIID to stay in CUpertino after ret:.ir8œnt. 'lbere is a riumgFI in resident mix. He felt the þj~ density housing alcng the Grand Bculevard aIUld aLt...ðI..1. lic Jt rail. A oar will mt be as desirable in the future. A CDI-.au& CØ1Øisting of a DIljority of the Goals Qmui.ttee a¡:pmved of this UA~. SUe Hird1-Kretsdmmn, 20568 R1.....saa LIme, suggeøt:ed that QJuncil sbCJw what Ste\ÆIIø Creek Bculevard aIUld look like. PerbIIps, there cculd be a DDdel prior to any dec:isico making. She wculd like ('(IImci 1 to do DDre out:reIId1 am shew the visial. Ann Anger said she had traveled in Santa lbIa area J.....-d.ly and was iBpreøsed with the towns in the area, st. Helena, ~a, etc. She wallœd around and sb~ at little stores and unique plaœs. 'IbBt'ø what CUpertino needø in the Grand Boulevard, interesting p1_. People walk in EI.Irq)e and there are md:..\¥"uùOO shcpJ. Hic:bael Kingley, San Jose, said be had grown up in 0Jpertin0 and thinks tœ Grand Bculevm:d, heart of the city '''-'qoL is visiooary. An md:..~ aIUld put it all in jecpmiy am roin the p~t...lan ori.entati.œ, CDJgesti.œ is inevitable. Sc::metimes there is a tendency to focus œ traffic io¡¡m- and level of service and loøe the big p; ..nn-e wbich is hew to get people out of their œrs. Mayor San!œen ðIIIIOIJIlOeCl the QJuncil 1I1Wld reœøs frail 8:56-9:00 p.m. t¥I1 recaJWDing, Council ....,..ccd that the meeting wculd last until 10:00 p.m. QJunc. Szabo ðIIIIOIJIlOeCl that be wculd be out of tcJiin frail octcber 6-28. Pbllawing II; .........sien, Council set the next General Plan bearing for 'Jbur8day, October 29 t at ~c:h time the<¡ ..-ill cxmc:lude this series of hearingB. It was determined that each C1Junci1JœDtJer 1I1Wld ~esent his or her views. QJunc. Dean said that at HP and TaOOem, ~ly 10\ of esrployees live in CUpertino and 60\ of esrployees live regiœally (within five miles). Council needø to calh.c&B t.I'I:!OOs in retailing. He stated be is against bringing buildings to the street. '!his blocks the view of the hills and is just like every other àJwntown. -8- MDII1ŒS CP 'DIE At\JOURNED RI!G1U\R CITY cx:ocn. .......r.uC CP I.A:lu:r.K 1, 1992 (CX:-844A) 0Junc. Dean stated there needs to be trees em boulevanIø, incllKling the Grand BculevaId, Boulevards should be lœpt ·soft" with DO major structures. A hotel is hpartant. Ife dœø not ~L housing above retail. 0Junc. DeIm erImIJI'agBS upgrading 'DIe croøsrœdø shq:¢ng œoter. BIIndley, when vacated, may be acœpt:able for housing, but not Butb RDId. Butb RDId cculd bcu.o"" an ina:me area, but not øtoreø. Ife expressed _<OaUC&,L that the red brick h.i1..,ingø are unfortunate. QuestiaIø to aJIUIÏder are haw high the CCUncil will allow t·..; ltfil1gB aIXl what can be built em the northeast cotner of St:eII'enø Creek Boulevaxd am DeAnza Boulevaxd. Ife said the City dœø not need to þl1i1ð; let pecple see the hills, 'DIe 'oIOrld ~"""1Jr' is cping dawn. Any increase in square footage shcu1d be deper.:I",..L em what the City can financially handle. Cbunc, Goldnan BIJI}:1B8ted that Mr, Dean state a square foot nmber that he 1IICUld en.L1...e. Ccunc. Dean said there is a need to be financially responsible aIXl protect the pecple wOO are here. Ife has a prcblan with the total æDUIlt lIP, Tandem, aIXl AWle are requestÍJV1. He stated that the ampmi.es cculd deal with the housing issue thelœelves, but there is a limit as to what can be built. Ccunc. Goldnan 1-'1. s ,Led four key ronoepts: 1) 1-'1..lsarve qø1 splICe; 2) protect nei.cjIborIDods; 3) inprove ~unic vitality aIXl cb1't depelld em a1e source of incaœ; 4) create a ~mity ideIlti.ty. Ife stated he dœø have priorities in tJ:yiDg to maIœ traffic work. Safety is DDre jnpntant than IIDVÍDg traffic, but t;o.i 1 ding is not a re!UU1 to lower the level of service. Trðffic should not ...'~ Cl.u.1.l:2tL General. Plan limits. An j~1"'; tier syøtøn is acœptðble. Any new growth IIIJBt be integrated into the CCIIITIJlÙ.ty master plan. Even if p.':'Obløœ are mitigsted, there is still a need to rontrihrt:e benefits to the CCIIITIJlÙ.ty . Ccunc, Goldnan spoke in ~L of a Grand Boulevaxd, affordable housing, desi~ ~lines, district character, pedestrian arient:atia1. 'DIe CXX1CI!pt of ŒIe mile for the Grand Boulevaxd is a gxxl ŒIe. Ccunc, Golànan spoke in ~1.L of œi.p...l&.oo...i presezvatial, He stated that ne e -iPrl .iJrprovmEnts IIIJBt be financed by new revenue sourœs, '1his is a prœ time for redeveh.pllCltL. Fees can only increase 80 nud1. He suggested that Cbuncil look at the Grand Boulevaxd as the oontroller of growth in the lŒIg run. He sees CUpertino as a low rise OOilding city. If Stevens Creek Boulevard is narrowed, OOildings 00 oot have -9- ·~ ,"" ",'~;_........ :"~ 1',.,' þ þ ) .-'-~- .~,".._-. '--""''''''1i',~.Æ,< -~~":;;:!".""r:é,~'" -~_... - MDUŒS (J! 'DIE AnXXJRNED RIGJLAR CITY CXXK:IL II!'.E'I'DG CF u.:1UZK 1, 1992 (OC-844A) to be as tall to create a dawntown. SIxJpø ðla1g a ",t.....oiIt. with ø;-'-11lks create a pedestrian orientatiœ. '!be Ip!Stiœ is where to p.tt growth am still ~_3erve the neiI IbartxxJdø. NeicjIborhcodø need to be Wffered so as develo\..~.L oocurs, it happens I!I!t1a'f fran the neiI IbartxxJdø. He r.............1ded that the isøueø be solved locally so it is oot neoe&!!!Ir}' to CDJIB up with x-P......1 decisi.œ 11IIking, CUpertino is BlllÙ.l am ¡œy oot have a great iI1pact on shaping regiaIal answers. Coone. SZabo stated that the citizens of CUpertino beH_ that traffic is the nunber me ptà>lEIII am will be until PJblic transportation is a viable qJtion, which may be 10-12 years. He feels the Grand Boulevard is oot wanted if it wcu1ð IIIIIlœ traffic '4IICrSe. He ~t:Dsed support for DDre lnJøing am believes that Wen the new AWle œnpJS qJEI1Ø, there will be a lot of EIIpty office space, 'lbis øpIIC8 should be rezœed for lnJøing, including Bandley Drive am Bubb Read. With PJblic transportatial, higher åellSity en the ex>rri.dors of Stevens creek Boulevard am. DeAnza Boulevard will be necessary. An additional 2,000,000 square feet is all right il traffic 00es oot cp belø# D level of service, All Ccunci.1neJtJer agree that they -.¡t a ~ of trees along Stevens Creek Boulevard. He does oot see it bea:ming a pedestrian street, '!here muld, hoIoJeIIer, be pedestrian s1qp;ng areas elsewhere. He stated that a D level of service should be kept. When public trm1Sit is available, QJuncil could allow develo \..~.L beyaxI the 2,000,000 square feet with absolute guarantees that traffic will oot increase. Mayor Sorensen requested that the previously aàJpt:ed visia1 statøœnt be available to Ccunci.1neJtJer at the October 29 1II!I8tiIç. She stated that DBybe it is time to take the .LLcE:ts back £ran CXIIIIUters. She 1iJœd the a:nœpt of m;,.... lnJøing, such as Park Place in MJuntain view. She, too, wcu1d like trees along Stevens Creek Boulevard am also 1ilœs miJœd use. She stated that Council DJJSt . 1.~'~' -- the large cx:upanies, but be aware of the SllllÙl œes too, She ßUK.uLLs a hotel, a rail systEm, bike patbø, arxl ~ ooq¡eratively with the local school systaœ. She also stated that the City needs to be fiscally sound. She requested that at the next General Plan ræeting, staff p.tt a nap up and Council will start inking in sane areas. '!he ræeting will start with the matrix arxi then continue thJ:Q1cjl. -10- · !rnÐmS CP 'l1IE AOOaJRIŒD RIGJIAR CITY a:ucn. !I!Z'l'DC CF u.:.l.- 1, 1992 (CC-844A) Q)unc. SZabo ~_secI amcern that the GrIInd Boulevard ...-~ is ina:Jrpatible with øaœ of the other things COO""'; 1 W!II1ts¡ œsically, traffic is ir·...·i....tible with the Gt.aud Boulevard, i.'e., the level of service. Director of Public ~ viskDvic:h stated that it is neœE'ø-y to coosider that Steveœ Creek Boulevard am DeAnza Boulevard are urxier <mgeøtia1 ManageIœnt 1q!!lK:y ~. '!bey are regiooal roads. Any dJange will haw a regional iDpact. 'lherefore, this needs to be ðŒiresøecI as a regiooal issue, as 'oIell as a local issue. Mayor Sorensen stated that the GrIInd Boulevard will be cd:h._secI after the map and matrix are o::upleted Œl 0C:t:àJer 29, Q)unc. Szabo aslœd for infcmnat:.iœ regarding the traffic jBpðCt if Grand Boulevard is nau........d. Director of Public tbrks ViskDvic:h reviewed that issue. City Manager Brown said it'ø pllrtly a ¡ililœcphical questicn. What do you want Steveœ Creek Boulevard to be? Should it IIDVe traffic efficiently and fast or should the strategy and dlaracter be changed 90 it àJes not invite DDre cars to it? 'DIe u.A~ IIBY feel the sane, b1t there 1ICUld be fewer oars. In reg¡m:I to the to<A.II....Ili.C benefit issue, Hr, Brown said Qxmcil àJes need to make a decisia1. Is redevel'¥"'2tL a 90lutial to be tied to new growth? Shculd this be pmroed in future Q)uncil meetings? Q)unc. SZabo reiterated that he àJes not want Steveœ Creek BouleInm:l~. He àJes want staff to pursue to<A.II....dÏ.c ~;ts and redevel'¥"'2tL. He felt this is prOOably the œly way the City rould "K"-u1Ie an additiŒ1al 2,000,000 øqœre feet of devel,¥,,,::uL. Q)unc. Dean said a rede\re1q:meIIt agency shcu1d be one facet, b1t to<A.II.....lÌ.c benefits sOOuld not be limited to just this. '!here shcu1d be diversity. Mayor Sorensen stated that there is a CXIII8eIISUS that redeve~"'ìL be pmroed. 'DIe hearing was axrdnued to 6:45 p.m., 0ct00er 29. 'DIe meeting was aC'journed at 10: 05 p.m, /~. CitY C erk