CC 10-05-92
, '
, ,
crrr œ aJPBRl'DI), 8'JME CF CALDœHIA
10300 'laœB AVI!HJB, \AIn>IU'L!Ð, CA 95014
~: (408) 252-4505
MIlI1ŒS œ 'BIB RIGJU\R .......:.üG œ 'BIB crrr aJH::IL,
ßE[D CII ~1UII5K 5, 1992, <XJœJ("IL aIM ..., crrr JmU.
10300 'laœB AVI!HJB, U.4'KKI:'L!Ð, CALIPœNIA
'!be JœE!tÍn1 _ œ1led to a:dBr by Mayor a...~ 1!11 at 6:45
Qxa1c. PI. s ,L:
Dean, Golàœn, Keppel, szabo, Mayor 9oreI1sen
staff PL s ,L:
City ~ Brown
City Clerk QJrneliuø
Director of Public N::Irlœ vi.økDvich
Director of C"nmom;ty De\II'IJ, 'I. ·,-.L cc-n
Director of Finance snyder
Assi.øt:ant to the City ~ Brolin
Director of Parks am Dowling
Public Infœ:maticn nff;neor Krey
City Attorney If; Him
Proc1aœtia1 rv-;ng 0Ct00er 5, 1992, as "Book It" DIlly in
Proc1aœtia1 de(01t.ring 0Ct00er 4-10, 1992, as "CuDtr..u.ø:
Service Week" in 0Jpertim.
Mayor Sorensen i'L-..<.d.ed the proc1æBtiœs. She then
introcIuoed visitors f:mD QJpertino'ø Sister City, 'lbyOIraIe,
l'Œll'QIIM!Nl'S - None.
~ .
MINUlES CF 'DIB RI!GJIAR crrr axH:IL _...-.uC CF UI,;'-"- 5,
1992 (0c-845)
JUdith lIb8ter, T -JV> of M:men Vbterø of
OJpertino/SUnnyvale, ~ T-J.Ie øerviœø for the
~ electia1.
Floyd Meyer fle~ who rtøw-itWI to nat plt him em the ..._.iII
in Ib,pld to Jazz Cafe. He stated he bad beard that the
~ of a city nff';,.;..1 bad been fired fzaa thent am
that'ø when the troIj)J.e started. He bas also -- the
Finance Direct:ar for ir,í.,..·~Ua1 regarding JIB 8 am .......1tf
lilœ a ~ of it or wbatever the 0Juncil is using as a
œøis for their decisiooø.
pinance Director snyder stated that a lot of the
;nf"........Li.on is OIl microfilm and that Mr. Meyer needs to
review the cpva.........L mde for that legislatial.
Mayor s...,.......... requested that Mr. snyder fonmd a a¡py of
JIB 8 to Mr. Meyer. In regsrd to the IIIltter of Jazz Cafe,
that iøøue is bcf...... the CXJUrtø.
It _ IIDIIed by Cbmc. B'qpel, ~.Jt,d by (bunc. DeIm and
I?"'aøed UDIIIÚDIJUØly to 8dqJt: the ........-¢ Calerldar as
1, Reøoluticn No. 8771: . A Reøoluticn of the City en"""; 1
of the City of ~im MIIkiIIg am
ApprOVing the ........-rati.O of Terrltmy Deø~
'p.......- Aveme 92-06', ~.....imRtely 0.166 .JIcr:e
IDœt:ed em the south Side of Roo. n. _ AWIIIJe BebÆ en
Byme Aveme am OLCIU!:P Avenue; Fi..ldoor (APN
357-lfHJ50). -
2. Reøoluticn No. 8761: -A Reøoluticn of the City o:,o"".n
of the City of ~ J\ßJrOVing IDt Line AdjUDL.uoúL
Bet1. :. 'l\io Parœls of IaDd Without a Perœl Map In
1Ia:XI1:dImœ With 66412(d) of SUbdiviøia1 MI!p Act
as jI.,-,¡",¡ .'imn,..y 1, 1984, Betu . IDt 3930 and IDt
6-P of Tract No. 8098, seven Springs unit 6.-
. ,
MIlÐŒS CF 'BIB RI!GIU\R Cl'l'f <DR:IL ......:L".L1I; œ 1.A:J..- 5,
1992 (œ-845)
3. ~.....,., of City project .....'...._1 under UAtt...aCl.:
St:øuII!IIø creek StoDII Drain Inte.:'", ~ nr
(lb àxuDeDtatia1 neoee'9ðZY.)
4. Reøolutial lb. 8762: "A Reøolutial of the City rro""'; 1
of the City of 0Jpertim .IIppmI7ing Qntr8ct 0IIIDgB
0I:dI!r lb. 4 far steveIø creek Int:erœpt:or, Project
91-116. "
5. Acœptanœ of DID);"';p"'l jJ¡provaœotø:
(a) Dennis PðboojiIID - 21989 Lindy lane
(b) Ta<D Bell - 10710 South DeAnza Boulevard
(lb àxuDeDtatia1 neceø88rY.)
6. Reøolutial lb. 8763: "A Reøolutial of the City QJuncil
of the City of O~ ~;ng Quit-el";l\I Deed am
Anthori.zatiŒl forcrr.dt:..\¥"wnd water Riqrt:ø £ran stephen
M. Jetbic aOO .JIJlie A. Jerlñ.c, 10575 Merr.úœn RoIId,·
7. Reøolutial lb. 8764: "A Reøolutial of the City Cbunci.1
of the City of 0JpertiIn ~;ng GrIIDt of 1b.-,_.L
far RDeòtay PuLp lies fran St"~ M. JeJ:bic aOO .JIJlie
A. JeJ:bic, O:msisting of ~ly 0,02 J\creØ,
IDœted 10575 Merrimrm RoIId."
8. Reøolutial lb. 8765: "A Reøolutial of the City rro"",i1
of the City of 0JpertiIn 1Iutharizing the Public ~
Director to SÏ91 Riq1t-of-way Certifiœtiœø in
cœnectia1 With State aOO Furxied RoIId
Projects, "
9. M::mthly Treasurer' ø Report. aOO Budget tþiate, IwguBt,
10. Resolutial lb. 8766: "A Reøolutial of the City QJuncil
of the City of 0JpertiIn Allowing Certain ClaiJœ and
Dt:....ooø Payable in the AnDmtø aOO Fran the Funds as
Hereinafter Described for General aOO Miscellaneauø
Expen:ii.tures for the Period Ending SepteIIiJer 18, 1992."
11. Reøolutial lb~ 8767: "A Reøolutial of the City Council
of the City of 0JpertiIn Allowing Certain Clai.tœ and Payable in the AnDmtø 8IXi Fran the Funds as
Hereinafter Described for General aOO Misœllaner:A1S
Expenditures for the Period Ending Septarber 25, 1992,"
Transfer Tax
MI!I1ŒS CF 'DIE RI!GJIAR CITf CDH:IL ......n£ CF Ul.."l~ 5,
1992 (CX:-845)
12. Reøoluti.œ No. 8768: "A Reøoluti.œ of the City ():I¡url1
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Allowing certain ('l.f_ and
Deuðnda Payable in the JIaDunt:ø IIDcI FraIl the PImdø as
IIBreÍnIIfter Described for Salaries am Wages for the
Payroll Period Ending SEpt:ad)er 20, 1992."
13. Reøoluti.œ No. 8769: ·A Reøoluticn of the City n:,o.....n
of the City of 0Jpertin0 JI¡:proving, Authorizing am
Directing Execution of Certain T -- FinIIDc1Dg
Ih-....-.t;ø, A¡:pmving the PbDn am Authorizing
Diøtributia1 of a Preliminm:y O'#i";.l Stataaent, In
cmnecticn with the Offering IIDcI Sale of Certifialteø
of Participatia1 Relating '1beœto, J\ßIraving a Purcbsøe
~CIQICOìL IIDcI Authorizing IIDcI Directing certain Acti.a1ø
with R~1f'rt '1beœto,"
14. Approval of minutes of the adjourned l'""'J',1..r meeting of
JIUI,J1Bt 31, 1992 (0:-8428),
15. A¡pliœtion JISIIC 14-0-91 - Neløcn CIao - Request for
review IIDcI 8RJ[tMÙ of a precise delle]",. ..~ (L plllD for
an office/ttt.u..1iIIp h,; 1 ding 10œted at the northeaøt
sector of st:eveIs Creek Bculevard IIDcI Peninsula
Avenue. ~,,_...__iAli for ~.
16. Reøoluticn No. 8770: "A Reøoluti.œ of the City Ch""'; 1
of the City of 0Jpertim Setting Date for CDlsideration
of þnnøvi~ Area DesÏ9Jated 'Jll~ Avenue 92-05',
&"'l""1.L)' IDeated œ the East Side of Jl1~ Avenue
~ En SlID l"emImcb Avenue am Ianita Avenue;
~y 0.10 1\cre, Hæbiscn/Sdlindler (APN
357-15-(26). "
Y!2t§ IfbaJ -.. of the City Chmci 1
I.eIm, Goldnan, Kc.g;Iel, Szabo, SorerIsen
I'11!H:I RI!H7ÆD PtUf aIiSI!Nl' CAIJ!MII\R - Ncne.
17. Public bearing to cxmsider lID ÍDCreIISe in the
Œx:Im!ntary transfer tax.
City Manager Brown pi. sented the backgromx:I œ OJpertioo'ø
Wdget:my positiœ IIDcI IIlDcl values in 0Jperti00. 3e
reviewed transparencies depicting 'P-=al fuD:i revenues,
'P-=41 fuD:i taxes, city pl.U(.o=I.Ly tax per capita for cities
MIlVŒS CF 'DfB RI!GJUIR CITf aJ1iICIL ......n1G CF \A:l~ 5,
1992 (œ-845)
in SIIDta Clara QJunty, ~ tax pnafpt".B, the projected
Gtua....l FUnd balIIDœ and WIat the City bas dcœ to ho 1Iml'llll
the bxIgBt thJ:cuc1 rewmœ iDc:reueø or ..... ,. ui J:eWIIUe
i....... eø . Be I""'" ....-. ....1 that n-a""'¡ 1 table cxmøiderat:iœ
of this matter at this time and to .... ",- with
CCIIB.ideratia1 of --.rl; "!1 the busineøø ] f".,..- taIt.
QIunc. Szabo revi.eIoied trImspIIreocieø øbcJwiDg revermeø
O..U&....-.i:ed for iDf1atia1 and pqW.atiœ growth. Be also
revi.eIoied øervi.oeø and taxes in and øtated that
there tD1ld be DDre budret cutting at the~. .J oE<l ~a:l
Mayor Sarenøen requeøted that staff put a CXJPY of the City
~'ø presentat:ial in the nmør+inn~. It_
.....::~~ted that a øerieø of budret ÌI1fCmIIItia1 be put in the
It _ DDVed by (bmc. IfI:Wel and ~.dbd by (bmc. DeIm
to table the Œx:oœntary t...auBfer tax.
'DIe City Attorney stated that if this matter \oIeœ to a:me
bIK:k to Ocuncil in the futm:e, it tD1ld requize ~clng
am re-publishing as per original CCIIBideratico.
Mayor Sarenøen then q¡ened the meeting to pli)lic ...···-tL.
~1d Ba......LL, 10745 p.,nh1tl111Ar Avenue, øtated that the
power to tax is the BBB .n& of cpn:r.Ulll:llJL. Be prot:eøted
the øtxmn drain fee, which _ futile, am this ~rø to
be the III!IIIB. Be thinks these .,hirv;pa me tWoi..- before mry
œariDg. He øtated that be pays n-a""'¡1 and staff's
Bl-.vw- Wb..œr, 20076 La axz 0:Iurt, said biD years ðIp,
the CiH-.. Þ9"';nllt 1IIsteful speniing 1rH\i""'" against
1~-ïJre T. Ocuncil ended the City'ø years of ~l.mnoñ
"'ri;rts and ~ the JlAnJJet Club and 81.... -Io.La......{ FaDn at
"''¥''LL{ coet peak. 'DIe tntnøfer tax .... ~·:_l is ill
n""nI'JIIIiwd and poøøibly illegal.
Q]unc. ~ stated that the pnàJaøes \oIeœ Jœde ~..-
of a vote of the people.
T,; 11 ;Im Orlrlt, 20251 Reinel.1 Place, said øbe is proud of
0JpertiD0 and it is C}XXi to table the tax. She felt there
_ a lack of <XIIIIUlÙ.œticn regarding the City'ø tmget.
MDIlŒS CF 'DIB RI!GJLAR crrr axH:IL ......a:.uC CF u.:...uma 5,
1992 (cc-845)
~h1"" MI!IIz, 19681 MBrrltt Drive, stated &be wuld
.-H.... to speak -- of the DDtia1.
viIginia 'l'eny, 10343 COlby Avenue, stated &be wuld cb the
Glenn KiDøey, 1771 &Imiltœ AV\!!IIUe, '110, Sðn Jose, n~.J«
of the Sðn Jose Real Bøtate BcImt, t}uonbWI the City MIIMgI!r
and Director of FinImœ far meeting with lI~ð of the
board. '1tIey are not 'H",sed to UDœs, bJt 1IIIImt citizen
input early in the ~...- ø.
Dennis ~ ;AI"n'I, 1124 ME!Iridian, SIIn Jose, .._,J ..,I" of the
Sðn Jose BcImt of Realtors, øpoIœ againøt: the JJDticn. He
felt it øhould be to AHmi.......e the JIBtter £ran r!;anJØøia1.
He feels øt......~y there ahnnlr! be a vote of the p3q)le for
any tax. In regMd to the 1..",.1 itieø if the tax 1Iiere
d1Imged, the CU1.1.,,",L $1.10 wuld all !p to the county. '!be
~. 'lÁ sed ina:eaøe hits thœe who am least affm:d it. He
urged ChmI!'Ì 1 to defeat the DDtia1 and peøø œe eliminating
this frail r!i at"\I8øia1 period.
Dick 001'-11, 10300 Bast Estates, _.".".d that the City
needs funds. Q1e IIIJI1t:h etp, this 0--""'; 1 IIIIde a deciøia1
to give qJ the sales tax and fœe pm:k spIICB that cxWd
have resulted frail œv-l, \ ,·-do of dn1rch i'L"t'= Lj'.
Phil Zeitmn, 22907 CricIœt Hill ibid, representing aJRB,
~t.s (bmcil'8 idea of t-Ahl ;"'1 this JIBtter am
eduœtiDg the public CD the City'ø bxIget;.
A1f !hi;...., 10385 Prune Tree lane, aàiressed ChmI!'Ì 1
reganIiDg his hvtc;pot. He stated that be haø a øhortfall;
vby ahno.Jm't the City? E\Ie1}'cDe cuts back. '1he sportø
center is a white elepblmt. It is ;11..",.1 to ;n(_'- this
tax. ~;..... 4 of Pk.~tia1 13 said it was ; 11..",.1 to
peøø a 9P""";,.1 tax wit!øIt the vote of the peq>le.
Lit.i.gatWD is cping CD. He aøJœd Wmt are all the t:hinçpJ
CD his tax bill. '1he p3q)le ï...u..~dLecl to get its cwn
city cpv.:.........L --- they did not 1IIIImt to be part of Sðn
Ray Villarreal, 1451 Fruitdale Av&1ue, Sðn Jose, Sðn Jose
Real Estate Board, said the board had sent out a letter
outlining its objectives. Be also objected to the DDticn
am urged <»vv-i1 to vote to ·u.,.... the tax, not just table
it until lit.i.gatWD is resolved. In regard to the board'ø
advert-i - -.L flyer, the board ~ the release after
the meeting with the City MImager MeW! CD infcmnatiœ it
had at that tine. '1he City Htmðger called after that am
said the City had d1anged its pœit.icn.
MDUŒS Œ 'BIB Rl!G:ILAR crrr <DH:IL ........·lJG œ u.:.I.1.oaIIA 5,
1992 (CC-845)
Flajd Køy8r, 10486 Neøtacreø Drive, said SlID Jose is
IIIIIItter tbIID ~ .......- tbey Iœep DDr8 of the
1M-_LJ' tax. In~ to the d1urc:h iIL_L}', he told
(hmri 1 to gilt off their bBcIt and let them deveJ.CJp and IIDr8
~ will <XIII8 in.
'DIe DDt:icn to table this DBtter _ r-øsed urumillrQllly.
1<"'''''9: 8:20-8:30 P.M.
18. Public œarlng to cœøider lID ÍDCre!Ise in the bJøineøø
licenøe tax.
(a) FiIst rrW!; ng of 0tdÏnIInœ It). 1612: "An
Qrrlhvmn.. of the City Cbmcil of the City of
~ JImending av.¡r"'1'" 5.04 of the 0Jpertin0
JIII...i MP" 1 axle Relating to Businesø Li......-
'DDϿ. "
Director of FinImce snyder said that the bJøineøs 1.iœmIe
tax is the last œœining ilL' ¥ oØcÙ of tax increueø to tIy
to h001......... the 1992-93 budget. 1IIat is being ~ B d.ed is
the same IIIIJUDt iti ""'18sed bic to three years ag:I by the
cxmni.ttee fUuucod to look at the DBtter. He then reYÍeIIed
his staff 1."¥"L L.
Msyor &............. c:pmed the Jœeting for p1blic <.A.I,aucüL.
Ruba..1.4 Bo11;IIr6I, 11155 Ia PalaIB Drive, aø1œd (h""';l to
œœider what this IIIB!IIIØ to the arts f'T'Onn1TÚ.ty. Artists
with tuDe bJøi"-'Seø are not al10iByB able to have forty
IIIDeY _I<;ng hours per welt, 'DIe linPnRe fee will triple.
Q)œ again, &be urged <bmci.1 to cœøider what this
incresøe IIIB!IIIØ to artists.
Q]unc. Szabo stated that the ordiœnœ needs to include
9',iilA1i..- for wiver or recb::tiœ of the tax.
MIl. BolliDa1 stated that at a lID1th1y basis, the fee is not
b8d, but it hits a pe.t"&<.., all at ale time.
Jåm Little, I\:Jrtal O:ummicators, said he had started a
bJøineøs in his tuDe. a:œ Enfóu.aU=ìL st~ it. 'DIe
bJøiness _ DDVed. '!he City has a dJoioe to ~L
bJøineøs, be neutral, or be hcstile. Mr. Little stated be
belie\'eS that 0Jpertin0 is hcstile. Raising taxes in a b8d
.........uny is not a g:xx:I idea, When his lease expires, he
will take a lœg, hard look. at CUpertino.
Business License
MDIIJ'lES œ 'l1IE RI!GJlAR crrr CDICIL ......."'.uC œ lA:!UZK 5,
1992 (CC-845)
DJug Cant, 11161 Bubb RoIId, said be just received the
notice ebout this hearing ~ly a week tqJ. Be
oould not get sufficient details as to what wculd be
J:~ ..,·,-·~I. If the tax: is increaøed to $75.00, it is
ø;g"if'il"llmt to him. Be reqœsted a CXJPY of the cmlinanœ.
Director of FinIInœ snyder 1""1:"· "" I to Mr. cam' ø queøtiœ
IIDd ;..f,.......1 him of what iDp!ICt the 1JL'~ 0J:àinIID0e
1oICU1d have <Xl him.
Mr, Cant stilted it oould be II hardship if the City cbes not
ta1œ iJVY'"ll'" under CDUJideratia1.
Katrena H:Jng, 10191 South p.a-.. Bculewrd, IIDd small
møineøø owner, stated that she reœived notiœ of the
hearing a week ðI'p. She has a 2,500 øqœre foot øtoJ:e IIDd
$75.00 1oICU1d be three times what she pays new. '1hi.s is the
werst tiJœ to increBse taxes. It is harder IIDd harder for
small mø;~'IIeB. She uzged Q:Juncil not to increBse the
}{AnnAn Hijllllna, 19875 stevenø Cr:eek Bculevard, l.qu. B ,Ling
W:xxIworlœ FUrniture, BIIid he _ a ..~,J -1 of the :revenue
erIhIIn. -,~.L amnittee. Be J:FII'IH- that CUpertiDo'8
møineøø tax: is low. A phaøed-in increase _ rl;CII"'IlBøed;
however, be cbes not see that in this 1JL'~ 0J:àinIID0e.
In I...,¡atd to~ Fumiture, the 1M-.¥JØðl is a 1,000\
increBse. Be reo .....~.Je..I a ph-- in of three years. '!be
ort!hvuv,,", is sending the wrœg øirpù to the mølnesø
Qmck JIll, ~, 8147 Park villa Circle, requested II øunøet
('1",._ in the 0J:dinan0e 80 1IIben the City's l1IIJ:d times are
aver, the increase 1oICU1d expire. Be BIIid he did reœive
notice of the hearing, bIt did not koow what _ cping to
be 1JL B .Led IIDd _ unable to #A;n a CXJPY of the
1JL'~ 0J:dinan0e prior to the 1II!IØting. Sanet:hing øbcu1d
be in the CUpertiDo Ccurier or available for review in
advIInœ of II Jœeting.
Allan Bidwell, 11257 Bubb RoIId, 1.qu. S .Ling the CUpertiDo
Ouonh>r of (bwo:::&.~, BIIid the o--r CDUld 81JRX>rL the
1JL'~ ordinanoe with four chIIDges: 1) Sectiœ
5,Q4,260(b); 2) II six tier fnnll111.. which would be p¡asecI in
aver bIc years starting JIII1UðJ:}' 1, 1993; 3) an ~""""""L to
suspeIXi any utility tax increBse for three years; 4) II
JIIfJXÍDUI1 tax stated such 118 $6500-8500 annually. 'lben, II
rebate scbedule for møinesEleEl bringing in II sales tax
would not be requested. Mr. Bidwell subnitted a:yies of
the 1JL' 'P _1.
M:DI1lES CF 'DŒ RIGJIAR CI'l'f c::rocn. w.E'l'DC œ \JI,;J.--. 5,
1992 (Œ-845)
Sbiøhir ØJrkajee, 1174 cntrtlImd Drive, told Oo"" he
doeø have a IlllllÙ.l heme oa:q¡atia1. He~ why the City
.. ~.-i"9 him at all, At heme be is doing øaae
CD1SUlting. He doeø not f'¡ the City bas IIIId1 of a cue
to d1arge a baIIe-baøed artist or CD1SUltant DDre thIID a
to1œn fee. '!be City is not praviding his buøineøs aøy
øerviœ. 'lbere is a receøøico and all are in trouble, not
just the City. Tax far heme busi-ges AM",1r1 be no DDr8
thIID $50.00.
Mayor SoreDøen then brcuI1t the JDBeting JJac:k to Cbmcll.
counc. szabo er.:L1...ed the ~ of cbarging by square
footage; felt the ~~ __ ð I",,*"_ive tax and ..
unfair; felt that the~.~ __ hitting the little rp.y
too haxd; requested rt.f';n;tionø be included in the
ordinmœ; and that it be 'tru.I.ded øo øudI. people as DØIiIIboyø
and beby8itterø WBr8 ~; the ordinmœ shculd prcwide
far those working in, but without an office in 0Jpertin0 to
pay a business liceœe tax; stated he did not see aøy
reaøcn for a .....; 11111] en the tax and øuggest:ed that retail
pay leøs than llllllUfacturing per IIIpIm! foot:age.
counc. Dean diJ:ected a questico to Hr. R;'-1l.
Hr. fI;'-J 1 expressed a:aplimentø to counc. Dean for sœmit
'92. '!be 0Jpertin0 Pemey'ø store bas the tù4Jest 1I'
hcurly rate and hiIþest advertising met of aøy Pem1ey'ø in
aIder to stay ~Litive. Be said it burtø to pay for
øize, rather tbIm profih.h;1ity. ~ doeø not have
IIIII1Ufacturin facilities; it bas R&D am retail øtoreø.
counc. szabo clarified he __ using the DI!pIrtment of
n ...._. ....'ø claøøiliœ of llllllUfacturing.
counc. DeIm stated that a bio-year pbasing plan --
acoeptAhle; a øix point fnnlln1.. wcu1d help BIIIÙl
busi-ges; agreeing to freezing the utility tax __
"""""I*....le, however, having a ....."..¡...... tax __ questia1IIble.
Director of Finance snyder clarified that businesses
without offioeø here, but <bing business here are taxed.
counc. Golàœn stated that the ~~ is lID issue. He
doeø agree with Mr. snyder's basic .....JU:tIL, as well as the
bio-year pbase-in. Be wcu1d liJœ staff to look at a 6-tier
~~CUI and a three year freeze en utility taxes. He
stated he had a prcDlem with a ....."..¡...... tax, but 'oICUld·like
to knew what revenue iDpBct it wcu1d have. Be wcu1d like
the Ov-rh>r ~~ referred to 6taff; staff wcu1d then
CXI1I! back with 00w it WJU.ld iDpBct thE> City fiscally.
, .
Solid Waste
".....(""'..- ..~... ,.
MDÐ1ES CF 'nIB R!DJU\R crrr CXUiCIL ............uIG CF u.:.L'- 5,
1992 (cc-s45)
0:JuDc. R:JRIel øuggeøted that the II8tt8r be axvh'll-' for
one IIIX1th SO that staff IIDd the ~ .....,111
Mr. Snyder requested directiœ reg¡miing the ØIpII'e footage
iøøue so iDplement:atiœ œu1d occur in .TArn...'Y.
0:JuDc. Kowe 1 øtated that she feels there is a .. - .......... to
¡iJaøe in lID increaøe,
Also, by consenøuø, en""..; 1 '"!I'-......d that there øhould be
øaae use of square fcotaga in deteJ:mining tax. en"""; 1 did
not 1oIISI1t: a øunset ,.1",._ in the ordinm1ce.
Cbmc. Szabo suggested that the finIIDœ director c;p ahead
with the ardin!mce; however, the final detez:JDiDaticn ........1d
be IIIIde after the NaI.~ 2 meeting, at 1oIbid1 time the
tuiget will be reviewed. He also stated that be was
"9"inøt the ~'¥ .....1 as it is hitjùy r...,p....siw.
By consenøuø, (h"""; 1 ¥......d to a bID year pbaøing of the
It 10IBS DDVed by Cbmc. Goldœn, ""'-UIdtd by Cbmc. l{qp!l
am p-sed UJ"ft1;1IrIII8ly to cxntinue first ræding of the
ardin!mce to 0Ct:åJer 19. In the 1IIEIISIlt.hte, staff will ~
with the ~ CXIIIIIÍ.ttee.
19. Review am 8ßJ[OVIÙ of ..........ébensiw solid waste
~~""'" including eøtab1istJDent of fees. (<:D1tinuecI
£ran ~_..-er 21, 1992.)
(a> Resolution No. 8758: -A Resolution of the City
council of the City of QJpertjno Increasing Solid
Waste Q)llectiœ Rate (])arged by lIJø Altos 1:...-.".
Direct:ar of Public NJrks viskDvid1 reviewed his .L,¥,1. L with
Re1ee, 10367 Gr-worYYI Q)urt .!., CUpertino,
expreøøed the c¢nia1 that the City needs a recycling
Ann Alqe!r, H:nta vista, ~"",sed ~1.l for the ....1..:o$t
IIDd recycling ~~.......
It was DDVed by Counc. K£wel and IlE:uAdtd by Mayer
Sorensen to ðà:Jpt Resoluticn No, 8758.
MDI11ES œ 'DIE RI!DJ[AR crrr UA.K;.LL ........r.11«; CF IA:1UiISK 5,
1992 (Œ-845)
Cbmc. DeIIn ~ Bl.!.l ···-VLII reguding the rate
øtruct:ure. lilt asIœd if by f!IIpIIIding the øerviœ to
DUlti-family ñr.a11i"9'l, the City cculd adú.eve the cpWI
set for 1995.
Me. VisJIDvich øtated be bI!Is uœ pEOjectecI that, haIie-IIør, it
is poøøib1e. He......... re tI ØCIIIIII .. n ~iÌ reguding ........ t....:..d.
dwellers actually recyc1iDg.
Cbmc. Golàlllln øtated that rates p.. s d.ed!."¥,, s .L a 32'
iI.... --s overall far reøidentia1. He Sl.lfNw.Lø ....i.~'
but feels that this is a lot of 1IIJD8f. IRIybe a different
kind of 1"-~"" is poøøib1e, either use of a new device or
øcatt:sriDg ,,1 iW;ngs at the lam. He requested staff
pursue a different way as this is too expensive.
Cbmc. Szabo said be feels this is a r-V"""'~le deal; CXI8t8
will c;p up. He _ .. or "'.....d that there hIId been œ...-.L
if.... - es. He cculd ... . qIt delaying ....i· ...ting am
initiate other recycling.
Msycr SareIIøeI1 ER "". ... Led the i"-' ,. -eJ. and expresøed ......~u
regarding using up 1mv1t'; 11.
a;ux:..~ asIœd 1IIbst effect there wu1d be at -.inrø
nth f:bœd Ib" ._-.
She _ inf.......,d that there is a low i.nn-- ~;..1 rate.
Ann Anger, 10185 P}Jpire, stated that there is a need to get
rid of bli.cIt and this is lID "'K""-Lünity. 'Blat is why she
is supporting the 1M-' ¥'"'" 1 .
City ~ øtated that by the year 2000, the City IIIJSt
meet another 25\ recIuctkn and that is the prcDlem.
Alan SI1yder, ......-- Place, ",_,J_( of the original recycling
amnittee, ~ that the City rnnnnrù.œte with the
pecple and not just raise rates.
'lbe DDtiœ to aŒ¢ the resolutia1 I""ased with <bmc. DeIm
and Golàœn dissenting.
20. JIRili.œt,ial No. 13-0-90 (DDdified) - Taoo Bell -
þhrfH;œticn to ~c:íle a restaurzmt 24 hcur& a day.
P>.,¥,,- Lj is located at 10710 South DeAnza Boulevard.
EnviraJnenta1 Det:eIminat.ion: Catec"priœlly ~.
Rc...u..'ICá&bl for ~,
pp. 13-U-90,
8<:0 Bell
DeAnza Bridge
ABAG rep.
....;',"" ':';: ri:J}r~'
MDUŒS CF '.œB RI!COIAR crrr anc:n. .........uÐ œ \,A;1......... 5,
1992 (Œ-845)
DiJ.~ of o-mity De\-1, 1. ,L QMm œviøeI his "''''i''&L
with 1hmt!Í 1 .
Jim a.rxy, 0"'1IIaAl for 'DIeD Bell, stated that the
"W1i1"lll'lt; bas DO problem with the CXJDdit:iœs .....~n-:1 by
the lhnIIi..ia1. qxm ~fng .- if the t--
bet \linn the 'DIeD Bell and P8ul 'ø ReøtaurIIDt ......,1" be
C'1:nd at a œrt:ain time in the ewning, Mr. a.......J' ...-....
that the .........a cculd aekh.....s that øituatial. 'DIeD Bell is
,"11fng to mitf~.e æry problelœ.
Diøco]J'ilien £ol1,.œd reg¡m:Iing p*_il.1 deed reøtrict:icmø,
riI1t turn ally, and ~ jJJpICt.
Renee IU:.a..Lø, 10367 GI.~- ..t 0Jurt 19, told o--"""n &be
lives in this area and there is a need for a 24 hour 1'1_
to eat. It wuld be useful to have Tam Bell cpen. She
urged (b.....f 1 to "WLW8 the ~.
It _ IIDV'ed by (bmc. l{qp'1, .......""'" by (bmc. 001-
and ¡-"øeci urum;lIW'IIlBly to "M&W8 ~ No. 13-0-90
(~if'iM) per pl.......;ng .........,;..i.a1 RiI! No. 4426.
21. None.
22. None.
23. RIeqI-t for øpprqriatia1 for the desiq1 pMøe of the
~ Bridge Wi.c:Iening project.
It _1IDV'ed by (bmc. GolåœD, ............1 by (bmc. DeIID mid
P'""~ ........;_ly to CIK'1.~1ate $300,000 £ran the GlIB 'nix
FUnd to advance funding for the bridge widening project.
24. Se1ectiœ of vcting I.,,¥,- B and alternate for
.Asøociaticn of Bay Area Gaft:..uucúLø electiœ.
'1biø item _ raJDVed.
(bmc, Golàœn requested that the ABI!G Growth MzIr.A._~.-.L
PlIID be placed at the ()c:t:d)er 19 ~.
25. N::ne.
MDÐŒS CF 'DIE RI!GJIAR crrr mKIL ......u.L'G CF u.:J.~ 5,
1992 (CC-845)
26. ~ ~ and _t-ut. of OI:rlf""'>œ No. 1606:
"An QrrIi"""""" of the City ,.",,,....; 1 of the City of
~ JIM;"'J n.v- 9.06 to Title 9, Health am
SllDitatiCo, of the QJpertino ømi";p"l Oxie, RI9ùatia1
of Mu-gp Eøt!lb1isllœntø and Services."
It _ IIIM!d by CouDc. !'qpl, ...........Jt.d by Cbmc. Golållm
and p-agecl UDIIIliBDuøly to resi Ordinance No. 1606 by title
a1ly and the City Clerk'ø ~ to CDlBtitute the ..........:1
pM;ng tt.:..cuf.
It _ IIIM!d by CouDc. Kcß""1, _. niM by Cbmc. Golållm
and pe'n'~ UDIIIliBDuøly to enact Ordinance No. 1606.
27. ~ pM;"'J am _t-ut. of QrrI;"""""" No, 1607:
"An ordinance of the City COO"....; 1 of the City of
QJpertino Þ-v'J;rç nuov- 19.02, no.F;n;tíœø, of the
QJpertino ømi.cipIù. QxIe."
It _ IIIM!d by CouDc. !'qpl, .......iM by Cbmc. Golållm
and p-gecI UDIIIliBDuøly to resi Qrd;"""""" No. 1607 by title
a1ly and the City Clerk'ø ~ing to OCIISti.tute the ........1
r:-'I;"'J tha..cuf.
It _ IIIM!d by CouDc. !'qpl, ..... ...""'1 by CouDc. Golållm
and )?"aøed '1IIATI;.....1S1y to enact Qrd;""""", No. 1607.
28.!Ian'wYI pM;"'J am er-..I-cúL of Q[dinanœ No. 1608:
"An Qrrl;.......... of the City COO"....; 1 of the City of
a:prtino JIM;"'J n.v- 19.05A to the QJpertino
)limi";p"1 QxIe to EFAhHAh lID ~ SplIce Za1ing
Di.øtrict Within the City."
It _ IIIM!d by CouDc. !'qp1, _........1 by CouDc. Golållm
am p-~ '1IIATI;.....JSly to resi Qrdhv",n.. No. 1608 by title
a1ly am the City Clerk'ø ~ to OCIISti.tute the a<o<AA.:1
pM;"'J tJ.....cuf,
It _ IIIM!d by CouDc. ~l, a<o<AA..Jt.d by CouDc. Golållm
and )?"e~ UDIIIliBDuøly to enact 0tùinImœ No. 1608.
29. ~.. .i ~ and I!IIIICtIœnt of Q[dinanœ No. 1609:
. An 0tùinImœ of the City Council of the City of J\me!V"~ Title 18 of the QJpertino ømi.cipIù.
Q)de Related to SUbdiviøialø.·
2nd reading,
Ord, 1606
Qrd~. 1,606 enac ted
2nd reading of
Ord. 1607
Ord. 1607 enacted
2nd reading of
Ord. 1608
Ord. 1608 enacted
2nd reading of
Ord. 1609
Ord. 1609
2nd reading
of Ord. 1610
Ord. 1610
2nd reading of
Ord, 1611
Ord. 1611
KIlÐIBS CP 'l1IE R!GJIAR CITY a:ocn. ......:rUC CF \.VJ.uza 5,
1992 (CC-845)
It was DDVed by 0:IImc. 1fq{-1, -......:It:d by 0:IImc. GolcbllD
and P"'aøed IJI101!IDiJIDJøly to read 0rdinIIDœ No. 1609 by title
œ1y and the City Clerk'ø resding to ClXlStitute the ...:,. .._i
r-fi"'J th......of.
It was JIDII8J by 0:IImc. Kq:pel, set.mded by 0Junc. GolåallD
and P"'''øed urum;lIrIIJ8ly to enact 0rdinIIDœ No. 1609.
30. ~ 1-"i"9 am -.I..uca,L of Orrl;"""""" No. 1610:
-An CkdinImœ of the City 0Juncil of the City of
0Jpertin0 ~;"'J Sect:ial 16.12.030 of the CUpertino
Itmicipal Qxie to JIdd RequirBœntø for SOils Reports..
It was DDVed by 0Junc. Kq:pel, -.....d:.l by 0Junc. GolåallD
aM plltløed IJlIAn;lIrQIly to read ominanœ No. 1610 by title
œ1y aM the City Clerk's resding to ClXlStitute the ~
resding th=eof.
It was DDVed by 0Junc. Kq:pel, 1bAA.Jed by 0Junc. GolåallD
aM p"aøed IJI101!IDiJIDJøly to enact 0rdinIIDœ No. 1610.
31. ~ 1-";"9 and eoacbœnt of Qrrl;........"., No. 1611:
-An Orrl;""""'" of the City 0Juncil of the City of
0Jpertin0 J!dcpting aM JJJplEllEl1ting Ruleø am
Regu1atioos for Inøh.11i"9 Traffic Diverterø.·
It was DDVed by 0Junc. Kq:pel, .....' hiM by 0Junc. GolcbllD
and p"gecI urumillrlllBly to read ordin!mœ No. 1611 by title
œ1y am the City Clerk's resding to amstitute the """",,&:1
J:IeI'rl; "9 th....cuf.
It was DDVed by 0Junc. Kq:pel, """""d:.l by 0Junc. GolcbllD
and P"'agecl1.l11llDÌDDJ8ly to enact 0rdinIIDœ No. 1611.
32. NIXIe.
33. Oral1."¥'Lls by staff ..~.J~l&.
Director of Public ~ ViskDvi.ål cd:h...,.,secI QJuncil
regrmling tests of the 1III!Iter quality as required by the
State. An 8IIDCJUIICI!IIE DUSt be pub 1 ;~ in a local
newøpIIpE!r regarding level of a certain c:bEmi.œl. 'Jhis is
oot a health hazaro.
MIlÐŒS CF 'DB JIIDJ[,AR crrr aDCIL _.a:.uaa CF \Aa~ 5,
1992 (00-845)
Mr. ViBIIDv1d1 al8D in"" .. ,.-tI ():I1II'!i 1 that the county of
SIIDta Clara bee t...--£o.IL..d tile I""'1....ihi1ity of
up deIId _i_1. to tile City. 'lbe p¡j;)Jj,c ttJrIœ Dbt--t.-d.
has ....._..d a ..."¥'_ to Nmt'Il~ this. .
aDCIL 1G5tuc:S
37. Qu¡c. Q?1"- addreøøedøtaff regBIding BOUIId-off
œrdø mœiwd ~..ining to BuI::Ð Rœd.
Mr. viBlIDvid1 f,."'_.._1 him that in regaId to that ~, be
will be IIIB8t1Dg with the neiJj1barø.
Qu¡c. Golåalm recpsted a ..q¡w.L aft:e¡; that meeting.
Mr. viBlIDvid1 also inr,...,_i Qu¡c. Golåalm that in 1:"",*",,"01
to the int:a.....,....inn of DeIIJr7.A Baulev8J:d and M!Œy Avenue,
øtaff will adjust tile ø;9"'1.. Be also inr....,-tI (bImm1
that the City bsd œœived a grant for of a
&ir.1~-11r on ai:b aøI in the inWøtrlal aœa.
QJuncil edjoumecl, at 10:40 p.m.
cityih 4