CC 11-02-92
· "
10300 'lœRE AVENUE, CIJPI!Rl'IN:), ,CA 95014
'lELE1'tDm: (408) 252-4505
MIN!11ES œ 'DIE m¡x;(JJ:Æ .......J...1I!G CF 'DIE ClTf a:ncn.,
HEW CN lDlFHIBR 2, 1992, CXXH::IL Cfl~J ClTf HIUl.
'D1e Jœeting was called to order by ~ SoremJen at 6:45
Q:Jlmc. Present:
Dean, Golånan, 1fr{pP1, Szabo, Ma}'or SareIsen
staff Present:
City Manager Brown
City Clerk Cornelius
Director of Public W:lrks viskr:Jvich
Director of Cœmmi.ty Dew!.,. .,~ .L Cc!oiml
Director of Finance SIlyder
Assistant to the City Manager Brown
Director of Parks and Rec:reatia1 Dowling
Public Infomaticn Officer Krey
City Attorney Kilian
Proclamatiœs to DeAnza Cþtimist Club and 0Jpettin0
~ Club 1xmoring }'CUth ad1iev8œnt.
Ma}'or Sorensen ~ s-!Led thP. prnt"1-..ïœ to MIley Kaøøe
and Rcn Schivo. Youth ~ Week will be NoI...........
Mr, Schivo thanlœd the Ma}'or for the proc1aœt.icn.
Ms. Kasse anoounœd a œlehraticn of }'CUth a¡:preciaticn
NovmtJer 12 at 7:00 p.m. in ~ Center.
~ - Nœ1e.
199;1 (CC-847)
Alan R;'-U, 11257 BuI::b Rœd, ...lh..,.,eed QJuncil reg¡m:Iing
PLUiJUDitico 167. He urged that peq>le vote yes CD
PL'¥JDitico 163 and anncunœd that the ~ Clt.i>'s
Diclœnø Faire will be held this œelœnd.
Floyd Meyer addressed Council regarding the Jazz Cafe am
stated he had received infOD1BtÌŒl £ran the City. In
reviewing the infonœtic.n, he discovered that the c. '"Y
Manager's dauIrt:er - fired after enfo¡;...........L 1M-' ..-i;'1ÇS
began. He apo]ng:iO'<><i to the City Manager, He also stated
that he had found out the $500 charge to the owner of the
cafe _ not £ran the City, Wt _ the result of JUdge
O'Grady's actiCI1s; however, the City has been haJ:d (Xl
small businesses, ae felt that the City should 'oIOrlt to
increase pay giwn to juzy 1IEIIbers.
cn&:Nl' CAŒNDl\R
It was DDYed by QJunc. Kq¡pel, s.:..u..Jt:.l by QJunc, Golàœn
and ~ased UIl8IÚJD:)uøly to "t¥1.u'o/e the 0JnseIJt Calendar as
suhnitted, with QJunc. szabo abstaining (Xl Item No. 11,
1. Resolution No. 8782: "A Resolution of the City
0:Iuncil of the City of CUpertilD U: iA
Growing (Xl Certain Described Property to Be a Public
NUisance and Setting Hearing For <bjec:ti.ons to
PLUiJUDed Rmaval."
2. Request for waiver of business license fees to solicit
in CUpertino: (a) A'llateur Sports TrAin;ng Centers;
(b) Cburdl Soldiers of the Cross of Olrist of
3. Resolutico No. 8783: "A Resolution of the City
0:Iuncil of the City of CUpertilD n...-1Aring Its
Intent.icn to Amend the City's O:Jntract With '!be Public
&1p1oyeeø' Retirement Systan 'lb Include Hilit:m:y
Service Credit.·
4, l<esolution No. 8784: "A Resolution of the City
0:Iuncil of the City of CUpertilD Making Det:enninatia1s
and ~ the Annexation of Territory Des~
'\l~ Awnue 92-05', A¡:proximately 0.10 J\cre
I.oœted (Xl the East Side of A1n8den Avenue Betwe Ð San
Fernando Awnue and lanita Avenue; Harbiscn/Sch i.nd1er
(APN 357-15-026)."
1992 (OC-847)
5, Review of request for Alootx>lic Beverage coot.rol
license filed by ImIIhara Produce, 197~ ste\Ie1S creek
6. AWliœticn ASK; 51,834.2 - Bateh Brotberø - RequeSt
for review ðIId "WLuVal to place vehicle bllrriers
around an UIl.ÍJI¡:ItOII' let to prevent parking, '1he øite
is located at the øoothwest l.ULuer of ste\Ie1S creek
ðIId Foothill Boulevards. Reu.u......ded for "WLV>1al,
7, Resolutial No, 8785: ·A Resolutial of the City
Council of the City of CUpertino Allowing Certain
ClaÏJÆI ðIId DeIœrÓI Payable in the J\nDImtB ðIId Fran the
FUOOs 8S Hereinafter Described for General aIXI
Miscellaneous EKpeIlditures for the Period ElIding
~ 16, 1992."
8. Resolutial No. 8786: "A Resolutial of the City
Council of the City of CUpertino Allowing Certain
clëWœ ðIId DeIœrÓI Payable in the 1\ncuntB aIXI Fran the
Funds 8S Hereinafter Described for General aIXI
Misoellaneous ExpeIXIitures for th::! Period ElIding
~ 23, 1992.·
9. Resolutial No. 8787: "A Resolutial of the City
Council of the City of CUpertino Allowing Certain
clëWœ ðIId Dt:auðDds Payable in the 1\nDUntB aIXI Fran the
Funds 8S Hereinafter Described for Salaries ðIId wages
for the Payroll Period ElIding 0c:t.ciJer 18, 1992."
10, Resolutial No. 8788: ·A Resolutial of the City
c:ooncil of the City of CUpertino ~ CamlJnÍty
Deve1 \".~(L Block Grant Qx1tract Between the COUnty of
santa Clara aIXI the City of CUpertino for Fisœl Year
1992-93 aIXI Authorizing Exec::utia1 of ~"""",,,,",L."
11. A¡:proVal of minutes of the adjourned regnlRr meeting
of September 17, 1992.
12. ~ of minutes of the regular meet" of
September 21, 1992,
13. A¡:proVal of minutes of the adjourned regular meeting
of Octcber 5, 1992.
14. A¡:proVal of minutes of the regular meeting of Octcber
19, 1992.
'App, 25-U-86, ~
I St. Andrew
Armenian Churc
, I
MD«1l'ES CF '!HE RmJLAR CITY WH:IL rmr.~-UC œ ~ 2,
1992 (a::-847)
15. Reøolutia1 liJ. 8789: ·A Reøolutia1 of the Ci~
Council of the City of 0JpertiD0 ~ IDt Line
Adjl.k>~ut,uL BebIeen Two P8rœls of land Wit.icut a
Parcel M9p In Aca>rdance With Secticn 66412(d) t:1f
SUbdivision M9p Act as JIù.",d:d ."TAmlAry 1, 1984 Betueen
Parcel A aIXI Parcel B, San .Juan Ro!Id West of CbràJva
Ro!Id¡ IDtus DeIIelopœnt aIXI Qmstructi.oo, Inc, and
BàJby G. Bell."
16. Reøolutia1 liJ. 8781: "A Reøolutia1 of the City
Council of the City of 0JpertiD0 Declaring Its
Intention to Sell SUrplus Real PL"¥"L Lj. "
17. Resolution liJ. 8790: "A Reøolutia1 of the City
Council of the City of CUpertino Rescinding Resolutia1
liJ. 8357 aIXI Establishing Rules GcJverning Recruitment,
JlRx>i1I~'''''lL aIXI PeawoLl~,,,,,,L to City Advisory
Bodies, "
18. Approval of
r~llllCI..J.ations .
Mt..I....'.. of the City ('nonov-; 1
J\BSENl' :
Dean, Goldnan, ~l, Szabo, SoreJsen
Szabo (Itan liJ. 11)
I'.l»!S REHJVEI) ~ aHn!Nl' CAIBNDI\R - None.
19. J!fI-'l of Planning Ccmni&sion "K'Lu\ICÙ of an &,.",....llCuL
to ~lication 25-U-S6 to allow binçp games at St,
Ara.h.~wB ADœnian Churdl, 11370 !bIth Stelling Road,
F. S<Dtt aIXI Sharilyn Hellinge et al., ~l1ants.
(Cbntinued fran the meeting of 0ct:àJer 19, 1992,)
Director of CClmunity Devel,¥IICUL Cowan reviewed his
report aIXI stated that the total nunDer of cx:cupants
during binçp games 1oO.1ld be 117, whid1 includes 17
arployees. 'lhe Planning Carmissien is reamnending a six
IIDI1th trial period. Peq>le's CDI1CernS include the height
of the I::cilding, ooise ðIXi inadequate sound wall, parking
and traffic. Mr. Cowan stated that the staff has not
finished checking out all of these issues. Ead1 group
represented has a different oojective. 'lhe neighbors want
t..ranquility and the d1urch requests the ability to oorrluct
fundraisers .
1992 (OC-847)
City Attorney Kilian stated Council may <XX1Sider whethet
or rot the 900Ixi wall is up to ax!e when <XX1Sidering the
noise issue.
Father Vaz!œn M:lvsesian, pastor, said he CXJnCUI'B with the
Planning CbmIissia1 a:n:Iitiaul, He has cx:otacted the
Sheriff's Office anè l:een told that no cmplaints have
been registered against the drorch. CUrrently, st,
Andrew's cannot use the neic;t1boring dnJrch's parking lot
~.~ they are Ub.Jt:l.o,ping sana amst.ructicn at this
time. HaweIIer, they have used st. Andrew's parking lot
before and he stated that his drorch shculd be able to use
their lot when available. ¡t¡er¡ asked by Council, he
stated that he oould just have 100 chairs in the roan
duri."1g bbxp gmneø. ¡fen tOOse chairs were full, no IIDre
chairs 'oIC\Ùd be allowed.
i.ucy Kasparian a.lh."",sed Council regarding the bing:>
gsnes. She stated she cDes have experiel1ce in CD1ducting
the C}!III1I!B and the drorch will follow the stanr:\!mj prizes
and other practices of the area. '!hey plan to CXJOduct a
111!IXÍ1I'UII of 10 C}!III1I!B.
Mike Kuzirian, fonner chair of the Building Ccmnittee
during <X1IISttUcticn of the h.; 1r1;r¡g, was available in
0JaatJer to answer questions.
Edward Kal.paIúan, 1651 La Pl....Jt:..n, said the ADDenian
American drorch had been in the area for 20 years and has
received no cmplaints until lately. He stated that
reHg;t"OJS fLce>.bu is allowed in this CDUIltry,
l\'athryn Niclœrscn, 11360 South stelling ibid, reviewed Mr.
ec-n 's stat:aœnt regarding the wall height in a letter
dated 1990. 'Itds letter states hew the wall heicIt wculd
be measured. She stated that it is lower than required in
the use permit. Before 1986, there _ a house en the lot
where the d1urd1 is. It was then rezooed to a quasi
Fd>lic desicpaticn. 'l1le neic;t.èuLl&JU<l did rot know that
there was a d1urd1 group meeting in the residence, 'l1le
tower eOOed up three feet hilj1er than it was SIn' sed to
be. Also, a bigger sr.acbw is being cast by the !;ad 1 ding.
We find cnly 1.8 ~'"BŒ1S per car; staff figured nrY'I1paIlCY
Q, 4 peL" car. 'lh,·."f, is no requirement to keep eœrgency
à:Jors clœed. l'.c. ec-n states this is a fire
reg.ù.ation. A noise study was dooe outside of the 00urs
when pecple are cuning am <;ping. 'lhere is a lot of
out:åJor activity at the d1urd1 and the heating/air
a:n:Iitionino unit rœkes noise. Ot..1Jer sites with binçp
pennits are in either a:mœrcia1 or high density areas.
'l1le City staff is in error on the parking figures. 'Iheir
1992 (Œ-847)
werst œse is IID8t likely to be hr::N it is, 'lbere are
usually 1.5 ntX"1£"''lts per car at b.inlp ga¡mes. At the
church, sane of the 1J4lting is above the wall. 'lhere is
licpt intrusion into the neiq1bortxxxi. Saœ people did
oot write letters :---,.... of fear of retaliation. 'DIey
also felt it 1IICUld l:at cb any C}XXI. letters of oarplaint
have g:me to the Sheriff. Ms. Niclœraoo. stðted she felt
the church has an unrealistic view of funds that 1IICUld be
received by bing:> , '!be City staff reu......"".Ja.ti.œs are
inadequate, Í.naf:¥I.'¥Liate, and cb not oonsider citi.zeœ,
City ÇP'v=.,.,,,,,tL has not protected the citi.zeœ. We are
~ting the City m legal notice, We will hold the City
and the d1urc:h liable for any d!IIœges incurred. Ms,
Niclœraoo. then handed in b«> aå:ii.ticnal petition pages.
M. K. Tsai., 7649 Berland Court, discussed his b.inlp
experiences in regard to SIIDIœ, etc. He stated that the
parking lot will be like a zoo when the ga¡mes are over.
He felt it was unethical for the d1urc:h to run b.inlp
ga¡mes .
Peter Mazzola, 7655 Berland Court, said the d1urc:h has
been a C}XXI neic;#1bor and he' s been a C}XXI nei~,
However, he 00es cbject to the b.inlp ga¡mes. He welcaœs
the church as a]:p.1 ; g:i"'1S center; hc!oeIrer, this 1IICUld be
u..a"IICLd.a1. He also stated that there is CULL cully noise
£ran closing car doors,
Oùng Hwang, 7667 Berland 0:Jurt, q:poeed the ganbling
activity of bing:>. He had no c:bjec:ti.a1 to d1urc::h
services. He stated that traffic and parking is a
prcblEIII, 'lbere were 178 sic;Jllltures m the petition
against the bing:> ga¡mes. He 00es oot believe the
re1ati.aIBhip bebreen the church and neighbors has been
Baldemar Gil, 7652 Berland Court, said an:rently d1ildren
can play in the CDUrt. BinIp will affect the neighborhood
adversely. st. Andrew's has been a cpxI nei.ghbor;
however, there is no way of knowing who will attend the
ga¡mes and where they will park.
Ken fi:>, 7670 Berland Court, said he had t:allœd to IIIIIIIY of
the nei.ghbors in the last few days. '!bey expressed shock
and disbelief. '!bey cb oot want g¡mt>lers driving around,
'Ihere are certain IIDrIÙ. standards, '!here RUSt be another
way to raise 11DIIeY'
1992 (CC-847)
Garold E. Pugh, 11360 South Stelling Rœd, ~ s_,Led
pictures showing the shadow cast £ran the bJilding IInd a
letter fran a neighbor who had measured the wall. '!his is
a non-religious ......,IICl.cia1 activity, 'lbere have been saœ
noise prà:>laœ IInd ooœsionally, broken sprinkler he!IIdø
IInd other things have been thrown in his back yard.
Izwin 'lbomton, 11441 South Stelling Rœd, said when the
church l1DIIed into the neic;#1borhood he thought it was a
marvelous thing. 'l11en, they were ~r_s.!:.ILed with a series
of quest.ions, Hr, 'lbomton stated he had cx:me to City
Hall arxI found cii.screpar.cies as to what was appravej IInd
what was àJne. Now, the church is requesting the ability
to ronduct bing:> ga¡œs. He does not want any infrinp,ICI",
on religion; however, the sound wall is wood IInd it should
be CDIlcrete arxI it sOOuld be thicker. Also, it is not as
tall as it should be. He stated the neiqIbo..." need t.1}ese
CXJnCernS irooed out. People should be halest IInd truthful
arxI show <FOCi intent. ~Ì1e church should set a cpxi
exzmple. Hr. 'lbomtcn stated he oould not ~u,¡e binIp
with so many peq>le against it. '!he church needs to be
oonsiderate of its neiqIbors.
Michael Shahbazian, 1292 Estate Drive, IDs Altos,
l.¥e6enting St. Andrew Anœnian Olurch Parish CDuncil,
said it is disheartening that certain neighbors cbject to
the church' s acts. '!he funding w:W.d enable the churc:h to
stay q¡en for its ..o::uLc..s. MJst issues raised during the
hearing were dealt with at the Planning Carmissien
hearings. '!he issue regarding the height of the -.11 is
new IInd the church will folla./ up with this, He is ð"oIare
that the church should not intrude on the neighbors. He
stated he had reviewed the petitions calh..,.,sed to the City
CoImcil and there were many invalid signatures. Sane
"f{""'\red to be fran the same hand. Sane were £ran outside
the 300 foot radius. He has not seen a petition with 178
signatures. He stated that sane peq>le had been ooerœd
into signing. '1bere are many churches arxI non profits in
residential areas that have bing:> ga¡œs. 'lbe church is
not interested in gaøbling arxI cbjects to the
characterization of organized =ime, He stated that one
neighbor has slarxiered the church arxI misrepresented it to
neighbors. He said he had read a letter fran one neighbor
IInd it was a cpxi letter, He also felt there was saœ
validity to the thought that the cbjection sterœ £ran
hatred to Anœnian peq>le.
Hr. Kuzirian stated that the entire -.11 is a masomy
-.11. '!be rontractor met with the Wilding inspector IInd
Plarming and g:,t a¡:proval. '!he church CDIltracted for an
8-foot wall and hopes it cpt an 8-foot ..all. '!be wall was
finished to look like wood.
MINUŒS CF 'DIE RI!GJIAR CITY a:ocn. ..........uC at }IM!II!BR 2,
1992 (CC-847)
Mr, ShahbIIzian said that he expects IIIIIJy pnti l"ipomts in
the binIp grme will be "~·¡..,..ð of the du1rd1, psrtiaùarly
the senior group. He also hcpeø øaœ nei4Jbars 10ICUld
atteOO. '!be gI!III!S wuld be advertised in a local hi"9"
Mr, Aram Heneøian, 21669 Terraoe Drive, stated that IIIIIDY
elderly people play binIp for ent:ertainment. amp gI!III!S
are a service to the elderly,
MiJœ Kuzirian stated that the use permit had not bes1 a
t:EIIpor8Iy ŒJe; it was iøøued by the QJunty prior to
æmexing to OJpertino, '!be du1rd1 cpt a new use permit
for the new a:mstructim. '!be fcmœr 00use held a full
å¥lpel with a cross, He stated he ta1œs ~$OOoÙ offeœe
in regard to mentia1 of the du1rd1 "reta1iat:ing". '!be
tCIIoIer was engineered by CL....."p1 (, D'Angelo arxi Jœt with
City spproval. Everything tmlt Jœt with City~.
Mayor SoreI1sen ~ the tiian18sien to Council.
Mayor SoreI1sen ackncwledged a letter £ran Edward arxi Faye
King objecting to issuance of a binIp permit, '1biø letter
was lœpt for the
Fo11cJwjng Council disœssicc, it was lIIM!d by Came. DeIm,
~d:d by Came. ~] arxi p""asecl (3-2) with Came,
Golàœn and SZabo dissenting, to grant the ~1,
lIIrII'.!::.c;: 8:25-8:35 P.M.
20. Nooe.
21. Nooe.
22. None.
23. (µIrterly review of fiscal year 1992-1993 Wdget arxi
!oblthly Treasurer's Report.
MDVŒS CF 'DIE RIDJLAR crrr a:uI:IL rr.r.òntG CF MMHII!R 2,
1992 (œ-847)
Director of Finance ~ aslœd OJuncil if there were any
questia1s reg¡m:Iin;¡ the Hnthly Træs\Irer' 8 Rf:pOJ. t.
'1bere were nooe,
Mr. ~ ~ LJled his quarterly review of the 00dget to
Counc. Golàœn stated it wuld be he4Jful. to have a
tYvoo-.-¡t that reflects Capital IDprauaœnt Projects
œrried over in dollar 1!IIDUIltø. Sc::rne projects also last
IIDre th.I1 me year, A rea:lJCiliaticn LdL.JeeIl docuœntø
wuld !"!1hanc::e their r-boh; 1 ; ty.
Mr. ~ a:r.tinued review of his l.~t, 'DIe ["'osage of
AB 1012 provided ~ relief fran the maintenanœ of
effort requi.resœnt.s, 1Æ!gislaticn _ also ["'",sed that
wuld allow the City to "£1-1 its mai.nteœnce of effort
1!IIDUI1t. Mr. ~ stated he felt that the City should do
this when the "It- J pm.,n; am is put into place.
It was nDVed by Coone. Szabo, 8cuA.Jc.l by ColIne, Dean and
pElt'sed unaniJlDusly to transfer street projects listed a1
page 40 of the 00dget l.~L iran the General FI.1OO to the
Gas Tax l"Imd.
0Junc. Szabo felt the dvmt;r in maintenance of effort has
}w,l~ the 00dget a great deal; however, in three years,
the City will be faced with the same prà>lems. He
suggested estab1iRh;rg a cit-i~A' financial amnittee or
citizens' 00dget a:mni.ttee to study the sOOrt and la1g
teIm 00dget and make ~,····~datiaJs to Council.
Mayor Sorensen mworted this suggestion.
0Junc. Golàœn aslœd what they saw as the role, duties,
and re8pot18ibllities of that ccmnittee, He did state the
City needs better rTOmIIll\Ìœticn with the pmlie,
It was suggested that Counc. Szabo and Mayor Sorensen meet
and subnit a prqJ06ðl. It wculd œ ~ looking at,
Counc. l\i::g)el mentioned that Mr. Snyder wculd probably
also have saœ i.df:, \B to a::ntrilirt:.e.
City Manager Brown said the ccmnittee will IX7t forestall
the abjectia1s on the kinas of things the ColIncil has had
to do; however, they rould review service levels and
aIJduct a broad-based review of fundanert:al issues. He
rea:ll1Ileur:it,,:\ a soort term task-oriented group,
2nd reading of
Ord. 1612
Ord. 1612
KINt1lES œ 'BIB lU!X;[]IÆ crrr <DH:IL ......~..uC œ !IJ\/I!HER 2,
1992 (CC-847)
Mayor SoreDøø1 ...."'~;:ed that pemøpø they .."""M .L,,¥&L
to the City ~.
City At:t:omey ¡ri1i.... pointed out that "";ng qxm bow
the cxmni.ttee WIIØ øtruct:ured, it !lIlY requi:œ lID œ:dinImœ,
oœp 1 ; """'" with the Brown Act and filing of Statement of
EocnaDic Intereøtø.
Mr. SOydar said they wm't really help in hwnrmhllJ the
PJblic, '!be staff needs to cb a better jOO in that.
24. eonøi.densti.ol1 of amce11aticn of J:I'I9I.lIor meeting of
~~ 21, 1992,
It WIIØ IIDIIed by Ccunc. ~1, 11&........ by Ccunc. DeIm am
["'ao;ed UII8IÙJIDUIIly to ............1 the ~.lIor meeting of
~~ 21, 1992.
25. Aw';',t-:..IL of.L"1M- B d.ativc to Ca1gesti.a1 ~L
Iq!/l1C'j .
It was IIDIIed by Ccunc. SZ8bo, ..eo ..~ by Ccunc. DeIm am
passed \\AI1;~ly to 8(pOint 0:Junc. ¡rqp>1 as
1. "1M- B ,Lative.
26. Nelle.
27. ~ z-i;ng am Ell<a;L.ucu:L of ordinance lb. l6U:
"A.'"l Orñ;1'\ImnA of the City <bmcil of the City of
CUpertino -...I;ng n.v.... 5.04 of the Qp!rtino
M.mi.c:ipIù COde Relating to BusiDeøs Liœnse 'DÐœ8."
It WIIØ IIDIIed by Ccunc. ~], ¡¡"o...""" by 0Junc. Golàœn
and pllSsed '1Nm;lIW'aJBly to reIId Ordinanoe lb. l6U by title
aùy and the City Clerk's z-i;ng to aJDBtitute the sea:od
reading thereof.
It was IIDIIed by 0:Junc. Kq:pA1, ficu.A.Jed by 0Junc. Golàœn
and passed UII8IÙJIDUIIly to enact 0J:'dinanœ lb, l6U.
Ccunc. Szabo expressed lW'Biticn to any J:",*"CDSive tax.
He also felt that retail bJBiness sOOuld be given a break
for sales tax cbllars 'P.....aLed. In regard to the $1,000
exB1pticn, he stated that his ålildren III!Ide JIDre than
$1,000 as newspaper boys, He ~ that this
ordinance be brolxjlt back in me year.
MINU'IES œ 'DIE REnJLAR CITY <XXH:IL 1or.I!.J.".u«; œ !V\1I!H!I!:R 2,
1992 (0:-847)
Cblmc. Golàœn stated that ~ œ Cblmcil can bring it
b!Ick 8I1Y time.
It was m::JYed by Counc. Szabo aIXi 8cuAahl by ~
Sorensen, with the JIDtiœ defeated, with Cblmc. DeIm,
Golàœn, ~1, aIXi Ma}'or Sorensen dissenting, to bring
this ordinance back for review next NOln:aat-..
lR!'n" 11TIœs
28, None,
S'mFF ~
29. Oral reports by staff JlICI'Lc..S,
D~r of Public ~ks viskDvich told cnmcil he had met
with !t:Clellan Read area residents regarding trBffic in
the area, siçJ1als, aIXi also the DeAnza Ck>llege traffic,
Discussiœ followed regarding the possibility of off and
œ ræpI to Highway 85 directly into the oollege and
regulating traffic cxming aut of the """pm,
staff was urged to 1oIOrIt with DeAnza Ck>llege for lœg teDu
Assistant to the City M!InIIger Brcwn stated she had
received a ¡iIone call fran l' Cblmcil 1IICIat-. regarding the
senior gaxbage rates ~, 'lbere is lID age aIXi
inoaœ requireIœnt aIXi ~ is dooe Dy Ioø Altos
Garbage CœpIIny. '!be ëg>liœtiœ says anyooe filing the
fODD JII1St "f{"""r in perscIl¡ b:Iwever, this is not
absolutely neoeesary. '!be fODD can be brouIIt to City
Hall or it can be sent to IA"m by mail. '!be City can
look at the incDne tax fODD aIXi sig¡ off œ tÀ~ ina::ue
status. Ms. Brcwn will a:ntact U\œO regarding saœ sort
of ð.('o , ..... .jatia¡ to those unwilling to turn in a tax :fcmn
or unable to ~r in ~..on,
30. Mayor Sorensen - Sister City O:mnittee - TayOkswa.
Ma}'or Sorensen announced that the City 1.q,.u. B ,t.atives
will be <ping to TayOkawa and arrive July 22, 1993.
She also rerorted that the Library O:mnissiœ ~
like to meet: jointly with the City Council.
Closed Session
MIlI1ŒS CF 'BIB RJD]IM c:rrr ancn. ......:£J1'G œ IÐYI!II!BR 2,
1992 (a::-847)
33. Qxmc. 001.-.. .......",....- that the ~ Mx:at:i.c:Ð ~ to .-...,.. the dIIt:e of their joint
ITH-fng with n-o.......1.
n.......... SBSSICII
At 9:55 p.m., (00.......1 adjomned to ð Cl,-s!d !1ese;lWI.
At 10:25 p.m., n-oll'V!i 1 œcaJ\III!I1I!d in nu.m..r.
City Att:mDey ¡ri1 filii .......",....- that the r!; ""UØsicn cmrlng
..kied seni"" .......,.....:1 the poteot.ial of AS 702 œbat:eø
to eaplayeeø.
It _ JII:M!d by Qxmc. Jrrtt-1, "'" ...IM by Qxmc. szabo
and P'""'gecI 3-2, with Qxmc. DeIm and Golàœn di.naenting to
adept: the staff and nerptiate with EIIplayee
argmú.zati.œø .
At 10:30 p.m., n-o.......1 adjomned to 6:45 p.m., ~ 9,