CC 11-09-92
, .
em cp aJPERTDI), S'm!Œ cp CAI.J:lIœNIA
10300 'lœRE AVI!HJE, aJPI!RI'DI), CA 95014
'ŒIEPfDŒ: (408) 252-4505
MDUŒS cp i1IE AnDJRN!D RIGJLIIR em mH:IL ...........L1'G
HEID Ctf lÐIIIM'II!:R 9, 1992, mH:IL at'III ..., em HAIL
10300 'lœRE AVI!HJE, ..............uI), CALIPœNIA
CArL 'IO œœR
'lbe meeting was œlled to order by Mayor 90rsIsen at 6 :46
ColInc. Present:
Dean, Golàœn, Kqp!l, szabo (ar.iveø 7:10 p,m.), Mayor
staff Present:
City M8n8ger Brown
City Clerk Cornelius
Director of Camuni.ty DeIIel,¥"""L a:-n
Director of Public tt:Irks ViskDvid1
City Planner tobrdell
As'P"';"t-.e Planner Jung
fb1sing SpAt";..1; <It Gil
City Attorney Kilian
Barbara West, COràJva RD8d, expreøsed thanks to the City
staff, She had met with them regaxding traffic problems en
Cordalla and felt the meet:iDg had been productive. She
invited the City 0Juncil to tedœ ,'1 øite tour of Inspirati.a1
Heights .
Mayor Sorensen announœd that CÞ.mcil will take the tour 8S
a group,
1. Ccnsideraticn of a \..UI!,,-dlensive c:dc:t}à"'''ìL of the
CUpertim General Plan, incl\Xiing lam use, housing,
transportatien, qe1 DpIIOB preservation, public safety,
a::nserrctticn and noise elE!llEnts. ~is will be
placed on City identity and housing.
NJ\/I!H!ER 9, 1992 (Œ-847A)
fbJøÏI1a Mitigat-;11Q
Director of Camlmity Delleh¥",,"¡L Q:JNan calh."""Bed O:Junci.l
regIIrding housing questioos £ran their last General PlIID
hearing. He stated that Ms. Gil will give a presentaticn.
'lben, there will be a review of h.; 1 ding heicrt:s mxi
residential density. FollOWÍlKJ ampleticn of that portion
of the hearing, mineral resources and ttJnta vista area will
be =vered. Mr. Q:JNan reviewed a previous dec:isien of
2,000 dwelling units, ~ Coone. Golàœn's iIç1iry about
the timeline for ampletion, Mr, Q:JNan r-POlided that staff
is preparing the Envil"cnœntal InpIIct Report aOO the
CŒISUltant is reviewing for legality. A tentat.ive schedule
is February or March.
City Attorney Kilian said the EIR nust calh."""s not only the
City O:IlIncil's preliminary J:.........,....dations, but less
intense alternatives also.
Ms. Gil reviewed the housing material and recxmnendations
for residential and retail mitigation.
John Hailey, representing TarxJem, reviewed a bImb1t
s1Dwing the o:>rporations' ~1.~ for an office,lOOusing
linkage policy for the City of CUpertim. (O:IlInc. Szabo
arrives 7:10 p.m.)
Mr, Q:JNan ~ that the Cooneil define hcuøing
d>ligation in general tenns, sud1 as the ~~ìLage that
1oIOlÙ.d be "affordable"; teen of <XX"'l[""\C}', 1oIOlÙ.d an in-lieu
fee be allowed; what is the d>ligatian of Blployers,
Disœssi.a1 followed regIIrding whether or not O:IlIncil would
want a price cap on units or incx:me criteria,
Fran Wagstaff, Mid Peninsula fbJøing Coaliti.a1, said that
in IDs Gatoe a 64 unit devel,¥!,...,L is under CDIIStrUCtion.
In regard to CD8t œpÐ, might be better served
with a wide range of prices. She was available to answer
any questions Council micj1t have. She stated that, in the
patIt, peq>le have qualified thrcur;jl a ratio of interest
rates aM incx:me. In this particular project in IDs Gato6:
there was a cap placed on incx:me to be eligible to DIy a
unit. 'lbose with the lowest inmnes that 1oIOlÙ.d qualify
were selected. Ownership housing is difficult to keep
affordable. It used to be that the average ownership time
was seIreII years. It is difficult to structure the time aOO
get loans.
MnI11ES (II 'l1IE ~ RJ!UoLAR CITY aurn. tom."l'Ilr. CF
N:J\IIM!ER 9, 1992 (OC-847F.)
Mark Kroll, City Center Associates, urged Council to
a:oøider the a>rporat.iaIs' p.L'~' He sincerely believes
that if it is ~, CUpertino will get sane housing
built, oot just ðIDther law on the books.
Nancy Burnett, 729 SteD:Ihal Lane, c:d:h.c&secI QJuncil
regarding Table 2 in regard to differences with Mr.
Hailey's fi~.
Mr, Hailey stated that the ðylju'yðted their oosts
differently bBsecI on what they knew and 00w they look at
it. It includes ·soft· oosts,
SUe Mirdl-Kretsd1mann, 20568 Bloesan Lane, said she was
uncnnfortable with city subsidizing for peq>le of unknCJwn
inCXJœ. :::upertino needs to meet state guidelines, '!be
City could recoup fees when the housing reverts to IIBrlæt
rates, She urged that Council make sure the affŒdable
houøing reach targeœd gJ:Q1pB. She ~ use of inaDe
guidelines and keeping the units affordaÞle as long as
Counc. Szabo ranarked that the State is suing 43 cities for
lack of affordable houøing.
Mayer Sorensen brouIjIt the discussion to Council.
Offi"",/lbJsinn T.inlr_
By consensus, Council directed the Affordable lkJuBing
Ccmnittee to 'oIOrlt oot details regarding the price
œp/inCXJœ issue and the length of t.iJœ an ownership unit
should reJIBÌn affordable; 15-20 years was suggested.
Council, in general, agreed with a 30 year requirement on
the rentals and that 28 units per 100,000 square feet of
office would be a=ept:able. 'l\ielve of these units shoold
be affordable. A $!',oo in-lieu fee "oICUld be acceptable.
Ccunc. Dean agreed that this was a 1oIOrthy cause, rot felt
it was too nuch <:P\I=UUCIIL.
Counc, Szabo expressed the opinion that it was to the' advantage to provide houøing. He cited the
exanple of dúld care as a social area fran which OCI1pðIÙes
have benefited.
RetaillJb¡sina T.inlr_
Ms, Gil reviewed the exhibit pertaining to this item.
~ 9, 1992 (OC-847A)
Cbunc, Kq:p!l and DeIIn ~1...esed CXJI1CBD1 regarding inposing
this requiIaœnt on retail as it might clisoour8ge new
retail fran <DDing to CUpertino,
Jim Eller, attorney L"¥'-_.:tlLing Westfield, clarified that
under Westfield's delleh¥,dlL ðyL""""letlt, 93.5 cents is the
exact fee. 'I!1e City of SUnnyvale does not tax retail, only
industrial abCIIIe certain FAR8 and t.he Sunnyvale ~~..... has
been successful, He stated that sunnyvale is one of
VallCD'S direct u.up:::titors, !bmtain View suhøiñi.,..-i
CostCD <DDing into their o::mtUI1Íty. Mr. Eller suc;gesteci
that if Cbuncil does have concerns regardi1!g issues, they
mi<j1t give retailers a rouple of IIDre weeks to work this
out. '!here has not been num time since the last meeting.
He 'oICUld like Ccuncil to consider no tax; U.1I'lJCLitor cities
have no retail fee. It may not be politically CDrrect, Wt
t::U.Jl....uically UJu.,.,,;t, to say 0 for retail. In regard to
big box users, they are a major draw and he L...........c..ded
Council give them EI[-";,.1 consideration. 'I!1e City of
CailpJeIl gave HeIne Depot an incentive package. He also
suggestecl exarption for smaller retail. Palo Alto has a
20,000 square foot ........,t'Lion. He also suc;gesteci exatpting
square footage for certain kinds of uses, sum as
entertainment and restauran.;a.
Hennan Hijmans, CUpertino Owtber ot Cœmerce, felt that
retail had not been given the same tb::>rougtmess in
dellelcpœnt as industrial and R&D. He requested an
aàli.tional 30 days to allow IIDre time to study the
l'L' op.:oeal.
Mr, Cowan
stated this
is a social issue and not
it will not inpecIe t.'1e EIR
Counc. Golànan stated there is a fuOOamental deci.8ion to
make, 10ihim is, do you want a fee?
Mayer Sorensen suggested that Council allow the Charri:Jer 30
days and then cx:rne back to this issue,
In regard to a fee, Counc. Kq:p!l and Dean sugge.rt;ed there
be none.
Counc. Golànan. and Szabo and Mayer Sorensen wanted to hear
the Charri:Jer reu...'"lCIrJation and suggested there be él
threshold for any fee.
Following Mr. Hijlrans request that City staff assist the
Charri:Jer, Mr. Cowan recx:mnended that the Affordable !busing
Carmittee be involved rather than staff.
!DII!H!ER 9, 1992 (CC-847A)
~: 8:45-8:55 P,M.
~ recxnvening, 0Junci1 œ,JL",.,.,I that the meeting should
r ~ last past 10:00 p,m. ~.- of that time ronstraint,
the Ibrt:a vista f.:I.;rit>lines and mineral resourϿ will not
be discussed at this meeting. '!be next General. PlIID
hearing will be ~Lc.. 23.
Res;~;:IJl Mitiaat-ino
Ms. Gil reviewed the exhibit pertaining to this item,
Counr.. Szabo requested that staff CDIplte hew nud1
affordable housing requirement 10KJUld i.1crease housing
CDSts. He does not want to make housing less affordable
trying to make it DDre affordable. 'lbere is need for a
oost analysis.
Mark Kroll, City Center AP--;Ates, said he did not see a
park fee waiver for affordable units. Residential tW.lders
look at the IHt requirBœnt as part of the oost of doing
œsiness. Affordable units ðå:iing 15' to the oost of
housing seems hi<p. Waiver of park fees help keep CDSts
down. Upon being asked about the construction tax, Mr,
Kroll ðI1BWered that waiver of that tax 10KJUld also help.
(Dunc. Golànan remiIxied eIIe1'}'tJÐe that a density bonus is
given. 'lbere sOOuld also be a thresmId for this item for
the resi.dential/OOUBing linkage, He requested staff <XIII!
back with ðIl analysis,
Discussion followed regarding whether or not this 10KJUld
mId up the Envircnœntal IDpact Report,
City Attorney Kilian stated that hic1 density oould affect
the envÌ1.UIIUlCIIL.
Ibiever, Mr, 0:Jwðn said there will be a cap and therefore,
it will not affect the Em.
Mayor Sorensen announced that at the Nc:IveJrber 23 meeting,
Council will start with residential mitigatiœ.
Citv Identitv
Associate Plarmer Jung reviewed the map representing the
zoning districts and planned devel\¥'IC1.LB which shew
Planning O:mnissien l""-UWIC1.Jations. In regard to height
.limitations, staff is ~ing that Council not be too
specific in the General Plan. '!here will be specific plans
for each area.
IV\IEH!ER 9, 1992 (CC-847A)
Following a question !ran Council, Mr. .J'ung said that the
s+-...evens Creek Boulevard OJnœptual Plan requires that for
every sto~ there be a four foot setback,
Nancy Burnett, 729 Stax!hal Lane, L'¥£ B~ .Ling Fairgrave
Nei~rs arxi QJRB, aàiressed Council regarding the Valla>
area, especiAlly heicj1ts along stevens Creek Boulevard.
She ~....sed aJI10em regarding the anomt of heic;1t
l.,¥£_snted by Valla> arxi Tandem. Also, she stated that
absolute heic;1t, not nuntJer of stories, should be decidOO,
JoIm Hailey, Tandem, cdk.e.esed Council regarding the 'l1:M,
housing mitigation, heic;1t limits arxi stated that all
affect density. Measure A is I!IX7t if hicj1 density cannot
be Ix1iJ.t along stevens Creek Boulevard, Tandem has planned
to use the sand pile effect. He expressed aJI10em
regarding loss of square footage. with the Planning
Ccmnission ~L_3ent llOU.Alll.e.lCIation, seven stories 10UUld be
Mr. Cowan stated that the Planning Ccmnission llOU.A........Js
that one OOilding be grandfathered arxi that is Tandem's
jackpot OOilding.
Mr. Hailey said it is Íllpt'rtant for Tandem to DBintain
flexibility. Sane decisions have been deìayed, inclutting
retail ones, waiting for the General Plan. He urged
Council to IID\Ie along.
Hennan Hi jJœns, C\JpertÍlD ChanDer of Cœmeroe, said they
are asking the City to eliminate trip ends. '!be 01antJer
agrees with Mr. Hailey's remarks.
Sue Mird1-KretsdImann cdk....sed Council regarding South
DeAnza Boulevard. She stated that setbacks are inpcrtant
arxi deserved to be outlined specifically. She ~essed
aJI10em regarding waiting for specifk plans, She also
~1.....sed preferenoe for fixed heicj1ts rather than nuntJer
of stories.
Phil Zeitman, QJRB, :rea::mnended a three story or 40 ft,
heicj1t limit, whichever is the lowest. He said this 00es
not really affect open spaoe, He expressed support for the
aJI1cept of lanànark Wildings except for the heicj1ts, He
stated that all OOildings should be of hi<j1 architecture
arxi material quality. '!be restrictions he reque,"ted cb not
a¡:ply to OOildings along the freeway.
!Ð'ÆK!ER 9, 1992 (Œ-847A)
Nancy Bumett wished to clarify her remarks by stating that
the three story limit would be along ilxlustrial and
'-A.O...d....ial corridors. She did IDt ca.lh.="3 buildingB ala1g
the ÍL_I!IJBYB. In that location, it is likely that hic;j1er
buildingB would be acceptable.
Mayer Sorensen brought the discussion to Council,
Following Council discussion, Mr. Carian said that staff
would cane back with JJDre detail when specific plans are
presented. 'lbnight, staff will ex>lor in a map shewing
heic;þt limits determined by Council.
By ronsensus, Council agreed that the relationship of
buildings and existing neighbœ:hoods is inportant.
By amsensus, Council made the following prelminary
determinations regarding heic;þt limits:
'!he DeAnza/Stevens Creek Boulevards intersection sOOuld
be balanced aOO roucJùy 60 ft. buildingB are
acceptable, In the area of Stevens Creek Boulevard and
Rcdrigues, east of Torre, rnaximJm building heicjrt:s
sOOUld be equal to existing residential. In the
Stevens Creek Boulevard corridor east of Tantau to
Stelling, both sides of the street shall have a rnaximJm
heic;þt of 45 ft. (~L for OOtel). At DeAnza
Boulevard and 280, 60 ft. buildings are acceptable. At
City Center, rnaximJm heights CDUld be 60-75 ft, with a
OOtel up to 8 stories. Ib Bandley Drive, which is
cw.u::uLly office, OOUsÌIIg CDUld be placed on the west
side of the street with a 45 ft. limit aOO office would
r8IBin on the east side of the street with a 60 ft.
limit, '!he area on the west side of Bandley next to
the residential 'oIClÙ.d have a 45 ft. limit aOO l:uffer.
Ib the east side of DeAnza Boulevard approximately £ran
Lazaneo to 280, a 60 ft, limit with a 45 ft, l:uffer
next to the residential area is acceptable. '!he
buildings on Stevens Creek Boulevard to Hanestead Read,
bct\>.een the west side of ~lfe Read aOO east of Tantau
(Vallex> area) should have a 45 ft. band around thBn,
except along the freeway, with a 60-75 ft. limit for
the rest except that the "ex>re" interior may be up to
120 feet. '!he Tandan "Jackpot" building was
grandfathered in. (See attached map. )
Mayor Sorensen announced that the p.¡blic hearing was
cor.tinued to NoverIt:er 23, at which tiIre discussion will
start with residential mitiyation.
MDVŒS CP 'DIE JIOOaJRNI.I2) RlGJIM crrr aucn. ...........u«; CF
lOII!H!I!:R 9, 1992 (Œ-847A)
Q]unc. Szabo mmcunœd that th" IØI....-auœ A Authority bs1
Jœt earlier that evening. '!be old and IØI boards are not
uniting; theJ::efUL", it is ~..~ to lIRJOint SCllIeo;ìì& to
the old MeIIsure A Authority. '1bi.ø matter will be Ii; ououøøed
.t.uau..1.uoI and as there is no ~Wnity to place this en a
<Dmcil egerx\a, lID urgency exists.
It was IIDII'ed by 0:u1c. ~l, ~.Jt..j by Ma}'or SoreI1seD
and passed UllllDÍllDUØly to declare that an EIII.....'PaCY exists
and actiœ DUSt be ta1œn en this itBn prior to the next
r..gIl1..r meeting,
It W8B IIDII'ed by 0:u1c. Szabo, ~dt:d by Q)unc, Golàœn
and passed I.IlI!II1iIIDUØly to naninste 0:u1c. ~l for the
Q)unc:. Szabo stated that there is a need to set a date for
a field trip to Inspiration HeicJts.
City Attorney Kilian suggested that it be placed en the
agerxia of NoItaIb... 16,
Nanc.y Burnett distrilJuted to <bmci1 a haIóJut entitled,
"'!be Downtown v. '!be Shq¢ng Mall" and the aJRB¡ FaÏr'grOIie
NeÍl1lJOr8 recxmnendatia1 regarding 1111; lding heights ala1g
stevens Creek Boulevard.
At 11:00 p.rn" <bmci1 edjoumed to 7:00 p.m., Ncrv""Lc,. 10.
&- ~;o
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@ œœDcl:~ ·1HI4D 1111 ð III S
cða, .a ([:1II1P>~Ir~ðme
· Require sponsors of new commercial, officelR&D, and industrial
projects to contribute to the creation of housing solutions.
· In support of the regional goal to reduce vehicle miles traveled (VMT)
and improve air quality, encourage construction of medium-to-high
density housing in close proximity to employment centers. Target
this housing to employees that work in Cupertino, but currently live
· Mix product types to create diversified housing proj:cts with price
ranges targeted to a variety of employee incomes, with particular
emphasis on first-time homebuyecs. Create projects that make it
easy and desirable to walk, bicycle, or take local transit (shuttle) to
· Pnce housing in a manner targeted to today's cost-conscious buying
public with an acceptable portion of the units offered at below-
market rates so that lower income employees can be housed
· Provide regulatory flexibility f<>~ project sponsors so that they can
respond quickly to changes in demand in the marketplace.
Specific Policies to Support Principles:
· Requite the creation of 28 housing units for each increment of
100,000 sq. ft. of uncommitted, reallocated or new (excess)
office/R&D space to be built. Alternatively, require payment of an in-
lieu fee of S5,oo/sq. ft. ($500,000 per 100,000 sq, ft.).
· Require the applicant to demonstrate compliance with the office-
housing linkage policy in the following manner:
t:J. For ownership units. establish a $190.000 price cap! on 4 of the
required units, a $196,000 cap on another 4 units, and a $202,000
cap on another 4 units. These price-capped units must be occupied
by the qualifying individual/s, and are to remain price-capped for
not less th¡¡n 10 years. Any profit or loss from the sale of a price-
capped unit prior to the tenth year wiii be indexed to the percent
of appreciation or depreciation for similar market rate units.
t:J. For rental units, establish an $825 per month lent cap! on 4 of
the required units, an $875 cap on another 4 units, and a $910 cap
on another 4 units, indexed to changes in Fair Market Rent2.
These rent-capped units must be occupied by the qualifying
individual/s and are to remain rent-capped for not less than 30
t:J. Notwithstanding the above, no fewer than two price or rent-
capped units wiii be subject to BMR requirements for low or very
low income groups. Low or very low income units can, however,
be substituted for higher priced units at the discretion of the
project sponsor,
· Waive park dedicaúon fees and construction tax fees for all price and
rent-capped units.
· Price-capped units will not be counted when calculaúng allowable site
density (e.g" 16 MR + 12 P-C units on one acre = 16 du/ac density),
· Include items #4, 73 , 8, 9, 10, and I! (PC version) from the
Effective November 1992 IaIId indexed to changes in an approved housing cost
index at the time of initial dwelling unit sale or rental.
2 Established by tbe Housing Autbority of Santa Clara County.
3 Should be reworked to include creatio.. of a community-sponsored "Housing
Development Bank" to deal with tbe reality tbat office-mitigation projects will
most often not match available sites in the market. both in tenns of market
timing or the number of units that sbould o¡Jlimally be built on a given site.
Housing Proposal 11/92.1
CoaIpañson of 0fIIceIH0uIIng I.IrIUge Propot."
Applies to 1.3 mlUlon s.l. 01 . Applies to . 1.0 mUIIon 1.1.
culTent G,P, & 2.0 million /~ol current G.P. (exempt
s.l, additional olflCe Ipace, . ·committed· s.l.) and 2.0
but must meet LOS ·D· and ,million s.1. 01 additional olflCe
1.48 jobs/housing balance. space.
1 Applies to 1.3 million s.l. 01
ament G.P. & 2.0 million
s.l. addilional office space.
. .:~
Companies must ·create" 28 . Companies must "create" 28
du's lor every 100,000 s.l. .. du's lor every 100,000 s.l.
. . 01 olfice space, ~ 01 office space,
Breakdown: I Breakdown:
15 market rate I 16 market rale
6 moderate income ~I/ 2@$190,ooopricecap
5 median income; 4 @ $196,000 p~ cap
1 low income ! . 4 @ $202,000 pnce cap
,~ 28 Total
Wi Price range lor alford. units
N Irom $150,000·$202,000
~1 using "price cap. methodology.
r; Term of ^ffordability:
\i;' 10 years (ownership)
j' 30 years (renlal)
. Appreciation conlrolled
2 Companies must ·creale" 29 .
du's lor every 100,000 I.f.
01 office space,
1 market rale
23 modJmedian income
5 low income
29 Tolal
2 low income
1 very low inmme
28 Total
Same as AHC
3 Price range lor alford. units
from $150,000-$200,000
using HCDIHUD regulations.
Term 01 Affordability:
. 20 years (ownership)
. 50 years (rental)
CoaIpeñIOn of QIftceIHouIIng Linkage Propa....
4 Requirement can be met
within 2 mile radius
5 In·lieu fee option, designed
by expert panel. that Is more
than (,Ost to ·create·
6 ParK fees for affordable
units waived
7 Concurrent housing required
when office growth occurs
8 Provide fraffic reduction
credits for near-in housing
9 Public involvement from
beginning, and priority
processing for aff. projects
1 0 Locate housing in specific
areas suitable for conversion
1 1 Rezone industrial areas @
4-8 dulacre. Give companies
density credit enhancers
1 2 Allow 3,600 du's through
rezoning, on-site housing
and mixed use development
I:: in Lieu fee option of $5.00
N~ per sq. ft. for new office space
~ ParK fees & ~nstr. tex for
W ·price/rent-cap· units waived
l' Create a ·Housing Development
Ii........ Bank· to optimize project size
. and timing with available sites
S; Same as AHC. but for MR
~~ as weU as BMR units
I Same as AHC
I Same as Planning Commission,
~ or don't count BMR units
I' !ptoward project density
. Don't identify specific du I Identify and zone sufficient
number. Maintain LOS ·D· ~siles for higher density housing
and 1.48 jobslhousing ratio I to attrsCl residents who work
10 in Cupertino but live elsewhere
Same as AHC
Same as AHC
Same as AHC
Same as AHC
INO traffic reduction credits
I Sarno as AHC
Rezone indusbial areas @
25-50 dulacre