CC 11-16-92
crrr œ aJPERTINO, STAm œ CAI.Dt'ftŒA
10300 'lœRE AVENUE, aJPERl'DD, CA 95014
'lEŒPIDŒ: (408) 252-4505
MDI1.ŒS œ 'DIE RI!DJIAR ,..",...LC.U'G CF 'DIE CITf ancn.,
HEW (If lOIEMBER 16, 1992, ancn. aÐI~, CITf HAIL
10300 'lœRE AVENUE, ~.uÐ, CALIlI'CRlIA
'!he Jœeting was called to ozder by Mayer szabo at 6:45 p.m.
Counc. Present:
Dean, Golànan, KqJpel, Sorensen, Mayer Szabo
staff PL S !Œ,l:
City Clerk Cornelius
Director of Public ~ ViskDvid1
Director of Camlmity DeYel,¥ucUl COIoim1
Asøistant to the City ~ Brcwn
D~-ector of Fmance Snyder
Director of Par\œ and øecreatial IkIWling
Public Infcmnat.ia1 Officer Krey
City Planner tb:dell
AdDinistrative 8pe<';" 1 ; At Jocius
City Attorney Kilian
Proclamaticn setting 'lburBday, Nc:IIra,b= 19, as the ·Great
American SlDkeout·.
Mr. James Rœs, of the American Cancer Society, accepted
the proclamatial fran Mayer SZ8bo.
~ - None.
01ri.stine Connell, 10386 Anson, œlh..,.,sed 0:Juncil regarding
the crosswalk beLæn Mary Awnue and DeAnza College, It
has been DDVed and, in her opinial,creates a hazard for
pedestrians crossin;¡ to the mllege. She reviewed a
drawing she had made and stated that pedestrians have to cp
afety program
~'.,"'";.~. .:~. . .~.~~ .........,."J..r-..
MIlI11ES œ '!HE RI!GJIAR CITY crucIL !£E'l'Il«; (Ii' NJIJIM3I!'.R 16,
1992 (CI:-848)
IIC['OØ8 chree _jar rœdø rDtI. M::JVing the bus stqI JœIIDØ
crosøing a road, whereas, mne had to be crossed LefUL" the
stqI was m::M!d, sœ also stated other oojections to the
changes that haw been Jœde.
Director of Public ~rks viskavich 1.~t.ed on the reason
for the relcx:ati.œ of the crosswalk.
Council requested that Mr. viskcvich JœE!t with Ms. Camell.
Ronnie HenesUm, 21669 Ta-raœ Drive, CUpertino, stated she
is a blCl'Lc.. of st, Andrew 0IUrch and has been a resident of
CUpertino 40 years. She expressed difIJI1ay regarding the
NcM!IIiJer 2 meeting, particularly since sate p:q>le had been
allcwed to speak JIDre than three minutes; also, 1:Jeœ1.""
siçJ1atures on the petition ~ _8 ,Led were £ran p:q>le
outside CUpertino, She sug;JeStecI that the City adept. lID
ordinance forbickling all binçp and resciD:ting current binçp
peDllÍts. She stated that the hearing had been a mi=uU:)Ø\
of sickness in the oountry and the world, the me first
attitude. She asked if a àJnation of IIDIJeY was :..-eally
-II"Uj:l to make one feel c;µ:d. ~t about neighborliness
and tolerance? }Þor can p:q>le teach children
neighborliness and tolerance? She thanJœd Mayor Szabo and
QJlmc. Golàœn for their will.iIq:less to give the church
bing:> a d1ance,
Floyd Meyer ..:kh..,.,13ecI Council regarding a possible aæ-1
fee. He stated that he had been in error when he said that
it would be $25.00, '!be City has oot yet set a fee;
however, legis1aticn is in place to charge one. He hq¡es
that Council will reconsideI: regarding the st. Andrew's
Q!Urch bing:> pemd.t and """t' """sed ili ~i.uU"""L that the
change of u.allloculCl was r.nt à:Jne at a regular City council
Mayor Szabo anoounced that Itan No. 27, which is an
oveIView of the City's safety ~1.~a..., will be taken out of
order .
27. Overview of City's safety ~~a...,
Fai;. Jocius, 1\àninistrative Specialist, presented the
·Illness and Injury Prevention PL~<III'· to Council.
,'~.-,:'", ....,.
1992 (CC-B48)
It _ I1DIIed by Counc. Kqp!l, ...........Jed by Counc. SorerIøen
and ('...·sed unanim::Jusly to GJ:¥Lo.Ie the Consent Calendllr as
1. M:xJthly Jlct.i.vity Report, 0ct:00er, 1992.
2, Review of çlic:atim for Alooholic seo.....age Oxltrol
license: Mandarin Gounnet (fonnerly BOO'ø Big Bay),
10145 North DeAnza Boulevard.
3. Resolution No. 8791: "A Resolution of the City Council
of the Cit"j of CUpertino Establishing Fees for
J\dninistrati.o of Regulatioos for Maø8ðgB
Establishlœnts and Services,·
4. Resolution No. 8792: ·A Resolution of the City Council
of the City of CUpertino Allowing Certain Clajmø and
D!mmds Payloble in the l\IIDUnts and Fran the FuOOs as
Hereinafter Described for General and Miscellaneous
Expenditures for the Period Erxling 0ct:00er 30, 1992."
5. Resolution No. 8793: "A Resolution of the City Council
of the City of CUpertino Allowing Certain Clajmø and
D!mmds Payable in the l\IIDUnts and Fran the FuOOs as
Hereinafter Described for General and Miscellaneous
Expenditures for the Period I!'.OOinq NoveI1ber 6, 1992,"
6, Resolution No. 8794: "A Resolution of the City COUncil
of the City of UJpertino Allowing Certain ClaiJœ and
D!mmds ~le in the l\IIDUnts and Fran the FuOOs as
Hereinafter Described for Salaries and Wages for the
Payroll Period Ending NoI;.:..L.:.. 1, 1992."
7. M:xJthly Treasurer' B Report, 0:::tdJer, 1992.
8, Request for waiver of facility use fees for CUpertino
High ScOOol Football Awards dinner, DecmtJer 1, Quinlan
Center ,
9. JIWroVal of minutes of the adjourned regular rœeting of
~ 26, 1992.
10. JIWroVal of minuteF of the ~~ourned regular Jœeting of
~ 29, 19>~.
11. AWro'Jal of ffiÌ'lùtes of the regular meeting of NoventJer
2, 1992.
Consent Calendar
Appt. to
I Boards £. Com-
I missions
MDUŒS œ 'l1IE R1GJIAR crrr CXDI::IL ......~~uG œ lOI!JEBR 16,
1992 (œ-848)
12. Reøolut.i.c1: No. 8795: "A of the City
roo"",,;} of the City of ~ ~i"9 O1!tc1..i1ll
Deed and for tbdt...\¥"uùI1d 1IItt8r R!Iþ:s
£ran Neløcn Q)IIO and Ingrid Q)IIO, 10026 Peninøula
AveIUIe. .
.......1-. IS of the City lh1N'-il
l«ES :
DeIm, Golàœn, Ifq:Jpel, SoreIIsen, Szabo,
13. Ncne.
14. Ncne.
15, M:Jne.
16. M:Jne.
17. Review am 8RX>Ùd,illCliL of Council """,.........$ to wriauø
boards and cx:mnissicnø.
By ccnøensus, Ccunc. Golàœn will be the City's
l.qI1. S d.ative to the POlicy J!dviøory Board for Traffic
Authority; Ha:}'t;r szabo will l.qI1. ø ,L the City with the
West Valley Maym'B and Managers group; and Counc:. Dean will
be the City's alternate l.qI1. sentative to the
~ Cbuncil. In aŒtiticn, the I!'ntergency
Medical Care Cœmittee was deleted £ran <Dune. SoreIIsen's
~ÙiWlCliLs and the Joint Venture SiliCXXl Valley Public
Sector RDundtable was acIcIed,
18. ~ of City's inv"",wlCI.L policy,
1992 (0::-848)
Resol.Jtion No, 8796:
CDunci.l of the City
Inve..u,It2.L ~Hcy,"
"A Resolution of the City
of CUpertioo AŒytinq
Following a l'L smtation by the Director of Finance, it was
IIDIIed by Coune, Sorensen, ~.Jt:,J by Coune. Go.lånan and
passed unaninDusly to aà:pt Resolutial No. 8796,
Coune. Golànan suggested that on page 7-15 of the M:x1thly
Treasurer's Report, Hr. Snyder calculate the variance ¡.",....,¡
on how I1Uch should have been collected by that time and hew
I1Uch should have been spent up to that date.
Hr. Snyder stated that wuld require .. IIDIlthl Y b.x:Iget which
the City à:JeB mt do.
19. Acceptance of resig:¡ation of David Condon fran Parks
and Recreation O:mnission, and reccmnerxIation
regarding filling unexpired tenn,
Director of Parks and Recreation DJwling reviewed his
rep:>rt with Council and stated that Hr. Skeels prefers to
ranain a part tiTle staff meøtJer at this time rather than be
awointed to the .xmnission.
It was IIDIIed by Came. Sorensen, seconded by ())une. ~l
and passed unaninDusly to accept the resignation witl,
1cyL<::L and leave the amnission position vacant at this
20, Acceptance
of resilJ1ation of Jim Pizor fran Fine Arts
and set~ date for awliœtion and
It was nvved by Coune. ~l, 8t::uJI.Jt:,J by Coune. Sorensen
and passed unaninDusly to aco.>pt the resignation with
1cyLeL and recruit to fill the pDl,ition with the saJæ dates
as the other cx:mni.ssion recruit:z.~ cxxurring at this
time ,
21. Consideration of arœnding PERS CX>l1tract to include
military service cœdit.
(a) First reading of Ordinance No. 1613: "An
Ordinance of the City Couneil of the City of
a¡pertino Authorizing an Ault2,.\,It2.t to the Contract:
~ the City of a¡pertino and the !bard of
Mninistration of the California Public ~loyees'
Retiraænt Systan.·
Res. 8796
Amendmp.nt of
I FERS contract
MDCŒS (II' 'DIE RI!GJLAR CITY ancn. .......~·uG (II' M:I\Im - 16,
1992 (CC-848)
It _ IIDIIed by Ccunc:. QJlàIIIn, .........Jtd by Ccunc:. Ifqpl
and I"'a'3ecl UMIÚIIIJuøly to ðßJ['C.'Je IIIIEIXiing the PBRS
contract to include military service credit.
1st reading of It _ IIDIIed by Ccunc:, QJlàœn, 8eo.......1 by Ccunc:. sc...~ en
Ord. 1613 and pllBsed UMIÚIIIJuøly to reed Ordinance No, 1613 by title
œly and the City Clerk's reøding to a:asti.tute the first
reøding tœ..euf.
Inspiration 22, Setting date for field trip to Inspiraticn Heiqrt:s.
Hgts. trip
City Attorney Kilian pointed out that the }>1.'t'.:Jsed field
trip will be a Jœeting of the City Cbuncil and the public
DBY attend,
By CŒI8EI'.BUS, CbunciJ. stated that the Jœeting will convene
at 4:00 p.m., NaI...d:.c.. 23, in the City Hall pIIrldng lot.
'lhey anticipate the trip to take ~ly me hour.
RRrlvora West, 10670 ChrdcNa Read, said that 1IIOUld allcw
time if the Cour.cil drives. Mxe time will be - ~"'"' if
they walk.
City Attorney Kilian stated that bID vehicles will be used
with Cbun"i1,,~,Lc.... split bet: een the bID vehicles. 'DIe
œly bJsiness diBcussi.œs will occur when the vehicles are
stopped. 'DIe public DBY be transported in the vans also.
City Attorney:Ki 1 iAn enpbasized that QJuncil DBY net
li;anlSS any bJsiness ,,'hile in the vans.
23. Nc.Ðe,
24, Nc.Ðe.
25. Nc.Ðe.
STAFF ~':¡
26. Oral reports by staff ILII2.Lc.... - ~,
27. Overview of City's safety }>1.~a.... (Presented earlier
in the meeting,)
~...~ .T'
MDVŒS œ 'DIE RI!GJLAR CITY a:ucn. !£ETIlÇ CF 1ÐI1I!H3I!'.R 16,
1992 (œ-848)
roH:IL l(1!¡t'..<:J:~
28. MIIyor Szabo directed that the ~ 23 agenia
include an item regIIrding Ii; Rr'IJSsion and directicn for
Q.u....c..L MeBøure A Board and new Measure A Board sharing
of staff and possible advance issuing of 00nds if new
Measure A is validated, '1his \1IOOld be for road
projects œly,
Mayor Szabo anoounoed that the Santa Clara COUnty Local
'l'rIIIIsportat AutlDrity needs lID alternate to be
8RX>inted. since the 1.'¥.L B! d.ative is £ran CUpertino,
that alternate will <XII1e £ran another city; however, he
\1IOOld liJœ City Council in~:\1t.
30. Counc. Golàœn - CUpertino Fducation Ca1Ini.ttee - Counc,
Golàœn requested that the ~Lc.. 7 agenda include lID
item selecting a date for 0Juncil to DEet with that
cxmnittee. He said the cxmnittae is meeting this
Friday to investigate the possibility of a ............, radio
frequency in œsa of a,CLYC"CY. 'D1ey will also be
putting together an agenda for the joint meeting of
that time, He requested councilJllCI.t....... to cx:ntact him
with any itBœ they wculd liJœ em that ageOOa.
Counc. Golàœn also requested that the ~Lc.. 7
agenda include an item regIIrding a possible em/off rI!IIIp
£ran Hi¢way 85 directly oato the DeAnza o>llege
Mayor Szabo requested that setting a date for the þnm",1
City Manðger/City Council Goal Setting meeting be placed em
the 1),,0 ~.J ..,.t 7 agenda.
Counc, ~l announœd that em Dt:o..=.bcr 6, there will be a
tree licj1ting œ.........,y' takiD;J place by the 1ibraJ:y. Also,
the Valla> tree ligrt;ing ....".."'.....,ý will take place the day
after 'lbanksgivinq,
At 8:15 p.m., 0Juncil adjourned to 4:00 p.m., No'v"'......... 23,
City Clerk