CC 01-02-91 , Cl'lY OF an£Rl'Il«), STAn!: OF CAI..IFtRŒA 10300 '.L~ AVEKJE, aJPERl'IJÐ, CA 95014 TEIEPfDŒ: (408) 252-4505 MINUm; OF '!HE AD1CXJRNED RÐ:mAR MEE:1'nC OF '!HE Cl'lY aua:::n. HEW æ JANUARl 2, 1991, aua:::n. amMBER, Cl'lY HAIL, 10300 '.L,-"".IS AVEKJE, aJPER1'IH:), c::ALIFœŒA cx:-ø03A CAIL m ~ '1be -unq was called to at'der by Mayor Kq:pel at 6: 05 p.m. SAIl7I'E m '!HE FU\G CDmc. ~ S boil: Goldman, Rcge1:'S, SOUILen, Szabo, Mayor IC'q:pel staff P.t e eut.: City Iofanager BI:tJWn City Cleñt Comelius Director of Fublic Works Viskcvich (arrived 6:23 p.m.) Director of n-or.."1ity Døve].. 1. "-IL QJwan Director of Fi.r1ame Snyder Hoosin] and Services Coordinator Norlin] City Attomey Kilian CRAL CXHIJNICATIctS - Ncae. 1. study sessicn regardinJ A¡plicaticns 2~-89, 7-Z-90, 9-U-90, 1-DA-90 and 17-FA-90, Westfield, Inc.; V..llCO Fashicn Pæ:it regicnaI. mv-win] center, Wolfe ßœd between stevens creek Bculevard and I-280; rezc:rUn¡ sc:utheast OODm of Wolfe RcI!Id and V..llCO Pæ:icway; use l""""it to allow expanøicn; devel,1. .AId:. œ.;¡._IL to provide future devel, 1. IL in aooardance with entitl........ILs 'JoLClUted by the City; envircnIIIental detexminaticn. Director of l'nnnI"1ity DeIIel,¥,"="L c:DIan reviewed the results of the Nc:7IIeDiJer 29, 1990, CDmcil meetin;J. Disro,a·¡1fcn followed regardinJ approved land uses within the devel'¥""I,L œ.;¡..........,L. (Direc:tar of Public WQt:b. Viskavich arrives 6:23 p.m.) -1- MnroI'ES OF '!HE JJ\NUARY 2, 1991, AD1CXJRNED REnJIAR Cl'lY a:xJNCIL MEFI'~ (CX::-80JA) It ""as IIICIIed by Ccunc. Goldman that all uses E 'o. -¡.L retail l:.e eliminated fran the devel<¥"",,d:. &JL.........¡t. Nancy am-ett asked if agerDas were available. She "'"as infOImed they were en the fra1t cnmter. '!be DDtioo died for lack of secxn:i. It was IIICIIed by Ccunc. Szabo, seoa1ded by Ccunc. Rcgers and f"""''õ'ed 3-2 with Ccunc. ~ and Goldman t'lieeent:in], that hotel and retail 001..' be included in areas oavered by the devel<¥"",,,L ðg1..........,L. '!he hotel ~oo is subject to further use pe.."1Ilit review. It was pointed o.rt; that this was a "straw vote" and the decisioo could be c::han;Jed following a pmlic hear1n:J. It was IIICIIed by Ccunc. Szabo, secxn:ied by CDmc. sorensen and raeeoo unan~ly to alla.r assi.".......IL subject to the usual f.inaœial oc:n:litiooe and retenticn of the ice rink. An ~IL offered by CDmc. Rcge1:'$ to include a statement that the party shalld be experieooed in running a shc:ß¡in] center failed for lack of secxn:i. D1"""''''$ioo followed regarding inclusicn of residential in the devel<¥"",,,L and the jà:sjhoosin] .iJJtIalance in the regioo. CDmcil was unan.iJDcus in c...."""'¥lùal ~ for haJsin] or a mitigaticn fee. Jalm Endicott, Westfield, Inc., addr"'E'eeð. CDmci.' regëU:din:;¡ a potential sin]le user. He stated that often a deparbDent store may ~,.. as ooe entity, tut it is not always a sin]le user. It was !!DYed by CDmc. Sorensen, seoa1ded by CDmc. Rcgers and f""e..'9Ci unan.iJDcusly to accept an 80,000 sq. ft. sin]le user. Inlividual co.J1'X:i l1n.. }~ era expressed the following thcu;¡hts regardin; ha..1sin:J: CDmc. Szabo stated in general, he favored mixed use develcpœnts. He waùd like to see specifics in this case. -2- KINt1l'ES OF '!HE JANUARY 2, 1991, IIDJOORNED REXõUIAR Cl'lY a:xJNCIL MEErnC (CC-803A) Mayor ~l su;¡gested the haJsin:J be for eøployees of Val:co cnly. CDmc. Sorenœn expressed SIJR'Ort for CDmc. Szabo's statement; hCJWever, she felt it was premature to make I'"···'-·Ils. ca.nx:. Goldman stated that paYin:J a mitigaticn fee is a stick. Mixed use with hoosin;r is desirable and waùd pralJably benefit the OOsiP--,.es there. CDmc. Rogers stated that most pE!q)le don't want to live in a shcg>in:J center. She was urx:ertain as to hCJW high she waùd be will1n:J to set a mitigation fee. All coonei 1_..~ era """"-qJL Ccunc. Szabo gave general awroval for 260,000 sq. ft. Ccunc. Szabo stated he waùd not make that decisioo until the pmlic hearin:J. D]"'('II-ioo followed rega.rdirq an amended develu~.....=..L œ.;¡."""""'IL I:Jein;J prepared prior to the next meetin;J. '!he ec.... .......i.c stuiy is expected to be oœpleted by the em of Januazy . James Eller, attorney L"'t'L S'éllt.in:] Westfield, stated that before :redraftirq the devel"'''i..wc"t ~""""'IL, there shalld be pmlic irpzt and o....w.."Ls fran Westfield. '!ben, amther draft waùd not have to be prepared. City Manager SU};J8Sted that there be another stuiy sessicn early in February that wculd iœlude the eoouc.uic analysis and the develqJer's reactioo to the devel~IL ëlyL.........¡L. ca.nx:. Goldman IIICIIed that the City Attorney redraft the devel~¡L agl.........d. as per the meetin;r tonight and sd1edule another stuiy sessioo. '!he DDtioo died for lack of secon:l. HI" . ErxIicott stated that this was an agreE!Iœ!'1t ca.nx:il was maIdn;¡ with itself. Westfield and the pmlic have given no irp.rt. He stated further that he will not acx:ept a half a million dollars in hoosin:J mitigation fees. City Manager Brown su;¡gested that staff write up the deül points and the pmlic and awlicant respoud at the next meet:in3'. Then, a new developnent ag1eE!7"1e1ll waùd be prr:pared . -)- MDItJIES OF '!HE JANUARY 2, 1991, 1\DJCXJRNED REnJIAR Cl'lY CXXJNCIL MEFI'DC (CX::-80JA) It was IIICIIIed by Counc. Sorensen and secx:n:!ed by Counc. Ro9o:u.& to listen to Westfield and the pmlic before the next draft of the devel,"¥"",IL ~"""","",IL is prepared and that this be dcœ in an eJ!Pedient manner prior to the 8CXIa.....J.C study. 'lhis wcu.ld be notiCEd as a pmlic hearin:J as waùd the «:manic stui-.I. '!he date set for that -unq was Februaty 5, 6:45 p.m., and the hearin] will include the ec.........J.c analyais and devel,"¥"""L &,¡.............L deal points. If I--!i'aIy, i't will be cart:iroed to FebruaIy 12. Liz M.ùford, D.Jpertjno, told CDmcil she was bothered \åth the }u..........s. She was in the roan when CDmcil reached an agLc...""uL with Westfield regardin;J keepin:J the ice rink. 'Ihey \o'ere told the expansien waùd be all right if they kept the ice rink. Westfield has kept its part of the bargain. Doef¡ the City keep a CXIIIIÚ.tment? She stated this was a pmlic rl11atiaJS prà:llem for CDmcil. She was ref81:red to staff to di.....'.... the reascn the devel,"¥"""L aqreewcuL was taking a rather lcnJ period of time for apprava].. Nancy annett said she was pI -~ Council was doin:J this sla.rly. At her neighbcn.lMJd "''''''OCiatien -unq, they voted UI'IaJÚ:IIWsly that arrr acktitiooal o;paœ be held to the limits of the 1983 Genet.al Plan. 'Ihe "'9sociatien has taken no pceitioo en a hotel at Valloo. A C'rOImittee is o..u...ítl.y worlcinq 00 this. She exp.. ~-'9d alann and the feelin:J that the City CDmcil is }'L"'=ILUIIith ŒI this item. She stated that the CDmcil will hear a lot fran the ~ssociation at the pmlic r.earin:J. JaIm Endicott stated he is cx:n::emed regardin:J the time taken en the þa.UUI:I&iS; however, devel,"¥"",IL &,¡L..........ILs do taJœ time. He recXJgu.izes that there will pralJably be three or four more hearin;¡s. A devel'"¥""'Jt agl..........d:. is not WI01.ko.d o.rt; in ooe night. A ,y"..,"""""It, when finished, is - .... that is legal. '1be DDtioo was adcpted unaniJDcusly. An article will be placed in the O-..rtino Scene explaining the plIp:JSe of the pWlic hearin:J. (Director of Public Works Viskovich, Director of Finance Snyder, Boosin:J and Services Coordinator Norlin:J leave 8:l5 p.m.) 2. ~l of corxtitioos of a¡:proval of A¡:plication 1\SAC 51,908.2, sign pl:~CUD for Valloo Fashion Park, Wolfe Road beb;een stevens <::reek Boulevard and 1aIte 280. Al'{">al filed by JaIm E. Endicott, Westfield, Inc. -.;- KINt1l'ES OF '!HE ~ 2, 1991, IIDJaJRNED REX;(JIAR Cl'lY aua:::n. MEETIN::; (CC-S03A) F,;¡lla.rirxJ I19View of the 'IR""" by the Direc:tar of l'nnnInrlty :)evelc:pDent:, Mr. Endicott stated that Valloo DUSt have ~wal for Mrž signs seen frcm the ..LLe..t. '!here is no pl:':' established ðwLwal criteria. Mr. Endicott stated that he feels there shaIld be criteria established. '1hat is what Westfield is tty1n:J to do. '!he ~iUIII does not have a sign visible frcm the st........t. Many åIain sto:œs are located in Vallco and they waùd like to be identified by their regular wll-known signs. He sutmitted 1:"E!OOerirx1s of signs fran other shq:pin:J centers. He stated that ~ can be reviewed by staff; he is just tty1n:J to establish criteria. Mr. Perreira reviewed the handoots and pointed o.rt; the locatien of signs. J.tr. Endicott said there waùd prå:)ably be 20 signs all together . Following t'li......1miIIicn, it was 1IICIYed by CDmc. Goldman and secx::med by CDmc. ~.. to a¡:prave JttS1.£ Resolutien No. 1571 with the following éIIIIelÙlut',lItS: Cañitien No. 10 - Chan; e 8 ft. to 12 ft. staff will a¡:prave the locaticns. en more Drn.IIDent sign will :be pet1IÚ.tted upoo expansien of the center. Cañitien No. 13 - For tenants with 5,000 sq. ft. l:ut lese. than 50,000 sq. ft. withalt o.rt:side entrances, there may be up to 10 signs in additien to those at the pl S!'111.. time. 'Ihese signs will also be approved by staff. Signs shall be oriented alcn:J Wolfe Read and alcn:J Valloo Partcway. Nancy EUrr...LL, 729 sterohal Iane, said that she wanted no signs en the bridge 0II8r Wolfe Read. 'n¡e DDtien was éIIIIel.dt.d and sec.....dt.d to restrict any signs 00 the bridges. Mrs. B.lmelL pointed o.rt; that a sign was also _uiAd lor Ice c.~. '!he motien as ëmIPJ1ded was ackpted I.1I'IëUÚ1InIsly. 3. Set:tin:J time for t'lian,asien of effect of 1-'L'¥-Sed Valloo expaJY.i~ ., en "Grand Boulevard" oCh.~L and t'li an'ssien of 1it,ether expansioo will shift sales fran existin:J retail t'S\".ablishments. -5- J , . MIRm!S or 'JHB J1INtJAR!C 2, 1991, AIDaJRtŒD RIIi1VlAR Cl'lY cx.u«::IL ,-.....I··e (00-&03A) O:iuncil pt'8II'iœa1y øet: tbis far ocrwi..... cd.J.œ at a pnhl it! bIIarinÇJ FebI:uaxy 5 at 6:45 p... 4. Appmval of IItaff r-c:.r-t to init.iate a ."......al plan _.. do and rezcniø¡ to c::barIga the ."......cd plan and zaUnr¡ de8ignat:icns far the Rl... lcbo<t.1.j Pam ....~LJ' t.raa Private R8creaticn to p~l it! Reclaðticn. By ...... rmsus, CÞmcil reIIICMId tb18 itAD tt'aa the agenda as per st:aft PCl-t. At 8:50 p..., CÞmcil adjcumed. -- -6- II'-..