CC 01-15-91 , , .' . & . , , -. . Cl'lY OF aJPERI'INO, STME OF ~ 10300 '.L~ AVÐroE, aJFERrIN:), CA 95014 TEIEPfDŒ: (4080 252-4505 0:::-8048 MINUm) OF 'lEE .AI1JtXRŒD REXmAR Cl'l'ï' CXXJNCIL MŒ1'I:/i; HEW æ JANOAR1( 15, 1991, CXIIFERE1a KXH A, Cl'l'ï' HAIL 10300 'l\Jt(t( !¡ AvæJE, aJFERrIN:), c::::AL:IRJRNIA CAIL m ~ ROIL CAIL CDmc. Pres_IL: Goldman, Rcgers, sorensen, Szabo, Mayor Kqpù œAL CXHUIICATIctS - Ncne. Interviews of ~1icants and a¡;p>.inbDents to the follCJWÚ'l] (''nmli.... ien: Parks and Rec:reatioo t"nmIi ....ioo CDmcil .......ners O1arles Liggett, Alexamer wihtol. interviewed aiJert HqIkins, Den I.aIœ, Dick Id1mi1ler, Rebert MJrriscn and It was IICYed by Counc. ~s, secx:rñed Counc. Sorensen and I""~~ed Ul'I81'ÙJIO.1Sly to a¡p:Iint Dick Làmdller to the Parks and Rec:reatien t"nmIi ....ien. It was IICYed by CDmc. Rcgers, sec:x:med by Ccunc. Goldman and f""~-ed Ul'I81'ÙJIO.1Sly to a¡p:Iint Rebert HqIkins to the ParJœ and Rec:reatien ('nIoni ....ien. Both terms are for fair years. Cable Televisioo Advisaty OCImdttee CDmcil ........ners interviewed Jane Chiavacci, 'lhanas Clayta'1, Elmice COX, JaIm mJti:!y, Bill ~, Arnold 5d1ein an:i Milœ Winc::n. It was IICYed by Ccunc. ~, secx:rñed by Ccunc. Sorensen and I""~~ed unaninoJsly to a¡p:Iint Jane arlavacci ard Milœ winc::n to four-year terms and Elmice COX to a one-year t.aDn en the Cable 'IV Advisory o:mni.ttee. Library ('nIoni .....ioo CDmcil 1I~.lera interviewed Jean Bedord, Charles LiY':J"'LL am 0lUIJ:J WU. -1- . . . . . MI1I7l'ES OF 'DIE ~ 15, 1991 ADXœNED Cl'lY CDINCIL !V=;.uG Ccx:-ø04B) It 1IIU IIICII81 by ODIc. ~., ....oalðed by ODIc. <;0'''-'' and p"--Id urIIII'ÙD:œly to ~ Jean Bedo1'd and Q1un¡ ~ to f~ tmD8 and Qmrles IJ..~-~Lt to a ~ tam en the LibI:uy no-i_ien. CDmcil d1øcted tba City Cl8dt to ccnt:act newly a¡p:Iinted ..........i -i.a18r8 regardiD) the need for oath of office and fiJ.in;J of ~ of .........ataic interests. At 9:15 p.m., 0UIcil adjcumed to 6:15 p.m., '1'U8Bday, Jat'IJHY 22, 1991, ocnr....4Io1C. Real A for a study _icn pertaininq to the Children's Sbelter, santa Clara cmnty. ~(j~ r1ep¡ty City Cleñt -2-