CC 01-22-91 Cl'lY OF aJFERl'DÐ, STME OF CAI..IFtRŒA 10300 '.Iae Avm«JE, aJPERl'IJÐ, CA 95014 TEIEPfDŒ: (408) 252-4505 Kn«1lE9 OF '!HE RÐ:mAR MEETm:; OF '!HE C1'l'\t' CXXJNCIL HEW æ JANUARY 22, 1991, CXXJNCIL amMBER, C1'l'\t' HAIL l0300 1:UKl<I:; AVEKJE, aJPERl'IlÐ, CAUR::errA œ-S05 '1be JDeet:in;J was called to order by Mayer Kq.pel at 6:20 p.m. roIL CAIL CDmc. ~S' .L: (".J'I1......."1, Ro9=s, Sorensen, Szabo, Mayer Kq.pel staff PL S _IL: City Manager BI:tJWn City Cleñt Comelius others P). S íL: SUpervisor Dianne McKenna SAIl7I'E m '!HE FIAG Mayer }Ctypel asked evetya'Ie tò remain standin:J for a m::.medt. of silerre for oor LL"""'l'"" in the Mid:ne East. SUpervisor Mc::Kenna &.1b. ~-gli a::uncil regardi.n,J santa Clara County's a1i.J.dren's Shelter. She ~ Sb.d.ed a video basically designed for the private sector which gives an introducticn to the project. SUpervisor McKenna stated that the City of San Jose has ccntrib1ted $1/2 millicn tawra%ds the Shelter and is plannin;J toO ccntrib.1te another $1/2 millicn next year. A total of $3 millicn to $3-1/2 millien has been CUJtri1:uted by the public sector. She recpISted that CDmcil look at a ca.-t:ributicn to the Shelter as part of the ):¡I~ pt. <' , possibly f.ran l'romII"1ity DBYel""l-"""',L Block Grant funds. She has met with the 0Juncils of Bunnyvale, H.Jrgan Hill and !bmtain View. ~Lu,£I-tely $2-3 millien mare is - - for the project. In the last foor mcnths, about 2% of the -i....iŒlS to the OILL.....l shelter came frcm 0Jpertin0. If the City's ......,LLiJ:Jutien was to be prt:IpCII'ticnù to -i....ioos, that waùd mean <It¥L.urI-tely $40-50,000 fran the City. -1- Children's Shelter funding (Supv. McKenna) SUpervisor Mr::Kenna a.",.-""ted that the City talk with "_,J ~s of the CciUnty staff regardiø¡ ""-"'\ity D8Y8l,¥"",IL Block Grant fundinr::J as it shculd q¡",H~ since they are hoosin] children. Also, any cc:ntriJ::ut:ia OO'tld be stretched aver mare than a CI18 year period. SUpervisor Mr::Kenna stated there was no need far her to be later en the agerœ also. lID '1'$$: 6:4<H5:45 P.M. came. PresldL: Goldman, Rcge1:s, Sorensen, Szabo, Mayer IC'q:pel staff P1. e blL: City Manager BI:tJWn City Cleñt Comelius Director of Fublic 1LLJu:. visJa:lvich Assistant to the City Manager BI:tJWn (arrived 7:02 p.m.) Direc:tar of Fi.r1ame snyder Director of PamI IIlIi Recreaticn Dcwlin] Fublic Infamatien Officer ICrey City Planner Caughey Hamin] and Services Coordinator Norlin] Hoosin] ~;"1 ist Gil City Attomey Kilian ~ It was IŒMId by CDmc. ~.., ~.dt.d by CDmc. Szabo and I""eeed UI'1iUÚJIDJsly to rEIIK:III8 Item No. 13 fmI the agen:Ja. Directar of PaDœ and RBc:reaticn Dcwlin] requested that CDmcil CXI"ItinJe Item No. 1 to their II88tiD.J of February 4 as the recpested exteœicn of hcurs is not CXI1Bistent: with policy. '1berefare, he needs tJme to seni notice o:t the l""J-t to these in the neighbœ:hood. It was IŒMId by CDmc. aoge1:&, seoollded by CCimIc. Sorensen and l""e_ed unanimcusly to rEIIK:III8 Item No. 1 to the meet:inJ of Febroaty 4. CEREH:tŒAL Wu".LUÇj - PRESmrATIctS Pres ,jl.atien frail Buellen lbiilisoo, :Rtf, regardiø¡ an \pte en p,lblic health uenJs and describin:J DepIrtment of Public Health services. -2- KINt1l'ES OF '!HE JANUARY 22, 1991, RmJIAR Cl'lY o:::xJNCIL MEEI']}C {IX-805) Representatives frI:m the Santa Clara Camty DepIsrtment of Public Health infOImed CDmcil of a........¡L services available and health prcblEIIB en the rise in the nI"OI'III"1ity. æAL CXHIJNICATIctS Iauralee Sorensen told these .... sbo,L that the 0Jpertin0 Sports Center Master p~ Camdttee is eu.......jLly -unq and asJdn:1 for pmlic irpIt. '!be last pmlic irp.¡t meetin;J is scheduled for Febn1azy 12. An IÇp)L/L.uc.IL can be made throogh the Director of Parks and Recreatia'l' s office. Ken Kelly, 20200 Lucille, stated that in 0c::t:c:àD: he SURXIr'ted )boaure T and ~~-ted that a driver's liceœe or Califamia se:úor citizen ontl be acceptable as proof to qualify for the age e¡.-'1.Uen. Mr. Kelly stated that Sl"O'IIAŒIe frau the Fi.r1ame Department had called hiJD and asked for a rent receipt. P.e said he did not have a18 as he has a lease for the apartJDent.. He was not told ~ a rent receipt was '1; ~o>t'I¡ however, he does not plan to pay that tax. Califamia state law says that a CalifODÚa Senior Citizen card is a legal m. Director of Finanœ Snyder said he was not aware of ta'1e situatien¡ he does take any kin:i of proof, includi.n:J a1' m with picture. He asJœd Mr. Kelly to call him and the matter waùd be straightened o.rt;. cœsmr c:::AIÐIIY\R CDmc. 1O;Jers requested that Items 2 and 6 be J:'E!IIDIIed. It was IIICMi!d by CDmc. 8oL..._lI!n, e.e.c...dtod by CDmc. Goldman and p"e"'«i unan.iJDcusly to "K"'uVe the balame of the Q:r1sent Calerñ.Jr as ""hBitted. l. Request frau 0Jpertin0 MI~Œ1al ErD:::Iwment Famdatia'l for waiver of fees for use of the Quinlan ChmI"1ity Center (previœsly rE!IDYed) . ¿. Removed fran the Q:r1sent Calemar. 3. H:nthly Activity ~, Dec""..her, 1990. 4. SI.IDm:I1s, Case No. 708283, J\xli Somberger, plaintiff. Receive. 5. Claim for ~ filed lJy Heidi Ecker for Erica Ecker (a minor). Re<:......Þ.!deè for rejectien. 6. Removed iran the Q:r1sent Calen:1.ar. -3- Consent Calendar . . Bingo permits . MINt1IES OF 'mE J1\Nt!ARY 22, 1991, RroUIAR Cl'lY aua:::n. MEF:rm; (0:-805) 7. Resolutioo No. 8317: "A P9s01utioo of the City CDmcil of the City of Q¡pertino Rescin:ling Deferred J.,¡..-It Entered Into Betwen the City of Q¡pertino and Develcpers, Barclay's Bank of california and Cypress R,ilding Associates enlwgust 12, 1981." 8. Resolutien No. 8318: "A Resolutioo of the City CDmcil of the City of Q¡pertino Allowing Certain ('·bi...... and DemarDs Payable in the A1IDmts and FraIl the !\Jnds as Hereinafter Described for General and Miscellaneous Experñitures for the Period En:iinq Januazy 11, 1991." 9. Resolutioo No. 8319: "A Resolutien of the City CDmcil of the City of Q¡pertino Allowing Certain Claims am Demands Payable in the A1IDmts and frail the !\Jnds as Hereinafter Described for Salaries and Wages for the Payroll Period En:iinq Januazy 1, 1991." 10. !b1thly Tre!Isurer's Repolt, ()øo _.1-er, 1990. ~ mD\lED FIO( cx:HSml' CAInmAR 2. Resolutien No. 8315: "A Resolutioo of the City Council of the City of Q¡pertino Authorizin:J Destructicn of Certain Records - Perscnnel and Traffic ~i.neerin:3." It was IIICIYed by CDmc. Rcgers, seoa1ded hy CDmc. Szabo and I"'~~ed UI'IaJ1im:iusly to adq:Jt Resolutien No. 8315. 6. Resolutioo No. 8316: "A Resolutien of the City CDmci.l of the City of CUpe.rt.ino Authorizin] ~\tien of M:xlified J.,¡...........¡t with Los Altos Gi!.Zbage 1'h1por¡y with Clarificatioo of 0 "1. (I....=,jls of Foxm1la and A¡:plicable o:øt of IJ.vin;J Indices." It was IIICIYed by CDmc. Rcgers, sax..&Jt.d by CDmc. Szabo and I"'eeoo unanimcus1.y to adq:Jt Resolutien No. 8316. FUBLIC HEARI1«õS 11. Ccnsideratioo of annual renewal of bin30 permits in 0Jpertin0: öl) Holy Name Society of st. Jose¡:h's Ororc:h, lOllO DeAnza Bculevard. b) Interna.tiooal Order of Q:Xl FellCJWS 1170, 20598 HaDestead Read. -4- MINtJl'ES OF '!HE JANUARY 22, 1991, RmJ"IAR Cl'lY CXXJNCIL MEE:l'IN; (CC-S05) c) Northwest Valley Y's Men's Club, 20803 Alves Drive. d) 0Jpertin0 High 5d1ool Booster's Club, Inc., 10100 Findt Avenue. City Cleñt stated that the 0Jpertin0 High School Þ-."'OSter's Club had been ~ and CDmcil ClM'Luv'al need not be CX.'IItinJent upcn other I!JIÇ &....-y's actien. '111ere bein] no pmlic ç....._Id:., Mayor IC'q:pel anncunoed the pmlic hearin;J closed. It was maved by <nm=. SOrensen, seoa1ded by CDmc. Rogers and I"""'ged unaniJoously to renew the bin;Jo pendts for 1991. 12. Review and apprcval of use of Seventeenth Year l'nnnItrú.ty Devel<¥"",,d:. Block Grant f'..mds. (a) Resolutien No. 8314: "A Resolutien of the City CDmcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Authorizin¡ !':I,hnittal of F\Jndin; P....'i<"'<"',.. for the Seventeenth (1991-92) PJ:I:),¡LCUII Year of the O......trú.ty DeIIel,,¥II.:uL Block Grant PLu,¡LCUII." Hoosin¡ and Ser.'i.ces O:xmUnator Norling L,t... .,,~ Hoosing Specialist Vera Gll, 1oh:I reviewed the reo· .,.,-tdatiŒlS. Jack Goin], president of Secaxi Harvest Food Bank, handed o.rt; infomaticn aboot the agel~ to CDmcil. He requested that CDmcil find a way to ~JRJOlt this i1I;j<:I.....-y thraJgh am fI.1rxis. He has ~ ather cities and the oamty. He is also getting Sl1R)Ort fran the private sector. Sally Brennan, Director of 0Jpertin0 l'rwnnotrú.ty services, stated that she \òOrJæ with Secaxi Harvest Food Bank. Seventy five to eighty per cent of CX::S's food is BlIR'lied by the food bulk. Bill SilJœr, of IDs Gates, a vol\D'Iteer with the food bank, said the i1I;j<:I.....y is a benefit to 0Jpertin0. '!hey are unable to harxUe any Dm'e food in its ptls_,L facility and has to turn away volunteers because there is no roan. '!hey need Dm'e roan to sort the food. 0Jpertin0 will be able to get Dm'e food if the aqercy can gI'CJW. '111ere bein] no other pmlic ~, Mayor IC'q:pel brooght the item back to CDmcil. -5- CDBG (1991-92) I Appeal ASAC 51.833.3 Transient Occupancy Tax . App. 21-U-90 . 1mImS OF 'mE JA1mR'{ ~2, 1991., mmIAR ~ CXDaL MEEl'IlÇ (cx:-ø05) It was IIIaIIed by counc. Szabo, secx:4dod by CDmc. s.....,,,,,, nn and p"'e-sd \lnlUÚJlrA s],y to adqJt RI!Isclutiat No. 8314, ammk:1t.d to include $5,000 for the 5ecxni Harvest Food Bank, with that m::ney œiD¡ deducted 1'rcIII the Affordable Hcusin] F\Jrñ. 13. AJ;p-1 of cx:n:iiticn requirinq I'E!IIDVal of brick wall as part of sign )'L"": L..... at 10122 Bandley AV8I'I]8, AwJ,icaticn ASAC 51,833.3. AJ.:J-1 filed by Mika strouse, Able Sign and Lift rn.p.ny. Previwsly rE!IIIaII8d 1'rcIII the agerœ, as the ~l had been wit1mawn. 14. Hearing to CXI1Sider a 1\ increase in the TJ:ansient (h,~ Tax (hotel/'matel tax) which ~ùd set that tax at 10%. (a) First readin;J of ordinance No. 1547: "An Ordinance of the City ChIn::i.1 of the City of 0Jpert.in0 AIIIeIxiiDj Q1apter 3.12, TLCIIlSient (h,1panCy Tax, of the 0Jpertin0 HIl'1cira] COde." Director of Fi.r1ame snyder stated that the staff "'> ..,-'Idaticn is for no irx:rease. 'Ihe1"8 bein¡ no pJblic irpJt, Mayor IC'q:pel brQlght the item back to CDmcil. It was IIICMId by CDmc. t"~ldlœn, &..c....dt.d by CDmc. SOrensen and p"'--e~ 4-1, with CDmc. Szabo t'lie- ,Un¡, to ~W8 the staff 1'""'. ....- L1aticn for no inc:rease of Trarlsient (h,1pëmCy Tax. '1be matter will be t'li.,., .-;'1 duJ:inI¡ the h~~....~( I. PIANNDG APPLICATIctS 15. AwJ,icatien 21-u-90 - Dale Meyer "..........i>.lteB - Use Perødt to ~1 an exi.stin¡ 79,000 sq. ft. EIhqpin;J center and c....aLL.x:t: 5,000 sq. ft. of new office ~ urñer the lm:wisioos of Rllicy 2-31 of the General Plan rand Use EL.<aI!I1t. ~~ is located en the northeast ........,..... of stevens creek Bculevard and Blaney Aver&J8. EnviJ:t:nDental Det:eminatien: '1be Pla.'1I'1inq cc.-i....ien uo(h·'·-Ids the grant.inJ of a Negative Declaratien. p-.. . .,..- rJed for~. (0:x1t.iraJe:i frail Na,,~ 19, 1990. ) -6- MINUl'ES OF '!HE JJ\NUARY 22, 1991, REGUIAR Cl'lY cnJNCIL ME:E:I'nC (CX:-S05) City Planner Caughey reviewed the à1arY:Jes that had been made based en City Council directiCl'l. He stated there are still quest!ŒIS regard.in;J the taærs CI'l the northernmcst J:uildin:] and whether or not the scope of the project merits a banJs density. JaI1n Pluny, 20720 Garden Mamr 0:Jurt, pointed o.rt; that the pink and 'JoL.....1 color scheme has been replaced. Also, there is a OCI'ISiderable aunmt of trees in the plans, l:ut not ao :nany that the centP.r carn:rt: be seen; fCJ.JT trees were AÑÙ>r'I. In regard to tll".: taærs, what remains is an ardlitectural detail., not a huge structure risin:J up. Dale Meyer, ardlitect, an-lirgame, pointed out additiooal c:::han:Jes œsecl en Council l'Y"OmIPTJts. 'Ihe drive ~ has been eliminated, a pë'.rJdn:J space MñM, and other landscapin:J besides the four trees NŸkw'I. Also, t:Þ'! patio area in fra1t of P.J. 's r.as been eliminated, with lan:ls<--<lpin:J replacin:J it. '!he metal roofs have been eliminated and substituted with lCJW, slq:>in;¡' tile roofs. '!he taærs have been ch."M ~ in height, l:ut still break up the linear look. There is about a 6 inch averha1'rq of roof 00 the buildin;J except where it is 00 the property line. One c:w±I Olt lcnJ Blaney frantage is be1n:J !-,L,-¥-.sed. 'Ihis will eliminate ooe that is ClLLL""ttly there. It was IIICIIed by CDmc. Sorensen, secc:n:Bi by Counc. Rcgers and P""'ged unaniJznJsly to grant the Negative Declaratien. It was IIICIIed by CDmc. Sorensen, seoa1ded by Counc. Rcgers and f""e"'«i unaniJznJsly to awrove AR>licatien 21-U-90 per PlaJ'll'lirq lhIonkaien Resolution No. 4310, with staff revisiŒlS listed on pages 15-10 and 15-11 of the staff .l.qJVLL. 16. AR>licatiŒlS No. 2O-U-90 and 39-FA-90 - carlos Cora1a, Inc. - Use Permit to convert an ex:istin; 1,300 sq. ft. service statioo buildin;J to a SJDCg and tune-up ~1qI, delete gasoline E¡¡Ües activity and oooti.nu.inJ a snack shq> operatien. '!he property is located at the northwest corner of HaIIestead Rœd and DeAnza Boulevard. Environmental Determinatioo: '!he PlaJ'll'lirq Chnmi""aioo reo ....oPrds the grar¡tirr:J of a Negative Declaratioo. ~.""",rled for a¡:proval. City Planner Caughey said there is neighborhocxi support for the !-,L' p::>6al. It was lOOIred by Counc. Rc.gers, seconded by Counc. Goldman and P""'''''!!Ci UI'1aI1ÍlIY:usly to a¡:provin:J t:.l12 grantin:J of a Negative Declaration. -7- App. 20-U-90. 39-EA-90 (Corona) , 1C:W1.'æ OF '!BE J»U.R'i 22, 1991, ~ ClT'i cmNCIL MŒrm:; (a::-S05) It was IIICMId by Counc. RogeJ:s, -..:..dt.d by ·Counc. Goldman am p"ftfted unaniJacusly to "I-¥LU'J8 Applicatioo No. 2D-U-90 per Planning C'rwrOIIi-ioo Resolutien No. 4315. App. 27-U-90. I 17. A¡:plicatioo No. 27-U-90 - Sowako Brister - Use PeImit Brister to operate a package liquor and 'JoL~ retail store within a 1,000 sq. ft. tenant spaoe. Located in the (. .,.,-.c!al center en the north side of Boll~ ~, 300 ft. west of DeAnza Bculevard. Envh........,Lal DetAmDinatioo: '!he Plðl11'1in:1 C'rwrOIIi -i.cn reo ·,··.A·1ds the grantin¡ of a Negative Declaratien. Rec> ....-'1ded for ~wal. App. 24-U-90 Ikeana Rest. Simms property uses. McClella Ranch uses of res. property . It was IIICMId by Counc. Sorensen, seocn,1e..l by Counc. Rogers andl""'e'fed unan.iJDcusly to grant the Negative Declaratien. It was 1IKMICI by Counc. So1:eI nn, seoc:nBi by CDmc. ~ and l""'e9ed unan.iJDcusly to ~ ~licatioo 27-tJ-90 per Planning C'rwrOIIi -ioo Resolutioo No. 4317. lS. Applicatien No. 24-U-90 - Yoichi Watanabe - Use PeImit to add a 540 sq. ft. st....LC¥" roc:m to an existirq freestarx:tin:3 restaurant. Lo..:atEd en the north side of Alves Drive between Bandley AverøJe and North DeAnza Bculevard. Envh.........Ldl Detarminatien: Categorically ~. Re(···.....,LJoed for~. It was IIICMId by CDmc. Sorensen, secx:n:Jed by Counc. Rcgem and p"'ee"1 unan.iJDcusly to åHu.uVe Applicatien 24-U-90 per Planning l'hmti....ioo Resolutien No. 411S. Al'!HITEClURAL AND SITE APl'RJVAL CXHnTI'EE APPUCM'IctS 19. Ncae. UNFlNISHED ElJSINESS 20. <:a1slderatien of uses for residential stJ:uctures at the McClellan Ranch Pæ:it and the siDIDs prcperty. Mayor JrqJpel arn:unced that those who feel that the sites sha1ld be used for envh..........d:.al ~l<sOS cnly will have 15 minutes of ilpIt. 'Ihœe who feel that the sites sha1ld be used for ha..1s1n:J will also have a total of l5 IIIi.ra.rt:es of iJp.¡t. At this time, CDmcil will take a break so those wishinj to speak can organize their 0....-.,ts. flI'Y"'RC:C;:: 8:20-S:30 P.M. -8- MINUl'ES OF '!HE JANUAR'{ 22, 1991, REaJIAR CIT\l o:xJNCIL MEErn«; (cx::-a05) City Manager Brown Pl. as hted Council with an update and ~.~. ""<'11 regarding env:L...."""'.Lal group fl.lnc:tia1S. He stated that he had met with certain L"¥Leulltatives of envil...""""w groops an:i i"S'- an:i questlŒlS ~i"'«i by these PI :S~lIt included: pref.....,....c for a limited teIm of any hcus1n:J cootract (the Bhcrter the better): .......~ regardin¡ the pezmanenc:y of struc:tural ~ OŒIteDplated: CXI'1CeZn regarding pmlic ~~e to the prcparty; need for devel...~..I-=IIt. of a lCßJ teIm plan far the entire sits which waùd include eventual use of the Sims' ha..1se for env:L...."""'.Lal p.lZpCses: a desire to have the City provide financial ~ t for paid staff and ....'-":ILCW... in the envirc,\'IIIIeI'Ital/naturalist arena: the desire to have any po::ential inhabitVlts of the house fran the ranks of envi1:o.""",d:.al/naturalist organizatiŒlS. Catherine Sleight, 20727 Garden crest Ca.1rt., urged envL...."""'d:.al uses for M::Cleilan Rand1 Parlt. She stated that envL...."""'.talists are not against la.r irxx:me ha..1sin]. '!he C:".ueld:. situatien is a barxl-aid aw=ach to salvin] past mist:aJœs. '!he two groops have been pIt into an adversarial positien. She 1u-'~ that volunteers be used to assist the City in plamring the uses for the area. Env:ira1mental groops coulä pay rent for a meetiJ'ç and storage place. '!hey JII.ISt feel that the City is t'Y'WmIitted as well. If the sims' prcparty is used for hoosin], pIt in W1:itin] that it will a'Ü.y be for a specific period. of time, that it will be used by la.r inoc:me an:i envil...."""'¡W- sts, that aooordien partitiŒlS be used rather than penoanent walls a:xi that no aà:litiooal bat:hroc:1ls be :ot'It'Iat'I. '111ere JII.ISt be public "'"",,",",e to M::Clellan Raldl an:i any residents shalld be made aware that they are livin:J in a PI !1-erve and any harmful activities are pràúbited. Miå1ae1 T~, 836 Salth Blaney, ~ of the Sierra Club, said they are havin:J difficulty finr:iirg a meetiJ'ç place. '!his s. ~.. like a logical place. AI'Iyt:hinJ pm::hased with }4ø;o...¡re T fun: s shoold be treated in a CŒlSistent manner. '!he Sierra Club and others can I t use the l'nnnInù.ty Center because it the groop is not !!lade up of 51% 0Jpertin:) residents. If Sims is u..eed for ha..1sin], q¡en the l'nnnInù.ty Center to enviL...""",d:.al groops. Dean Skeels, 21430 Q;¡llJlltus Avenue, Pæ:its and Recreatien C'hrIni"'$ioo, said that the C'hrIni....ien had heard hc:urs of pmlic testimcny before arrivin:J at its reo.. ....-rmtioo. He hq¡es it will be CŒlSidered. When the City purà1ased the S:iJJms' pzq¡erty, they believed it was for the park system and q¡en space. -9- MINt1l'ES OF 'IHE JANUARY 22, 1991, REGJI.AR CIT'i axJNCIL Mœrm:; (CX::-S05) Janet Van Zoeren, 1105 Milky Way, CJpertim, said IIhe is an envil..........,W volunteer and expressed cx:I'XJem regarclin:¡ lCM iroc:me housin]. She stated that TNhiål is the mcst ÏJIportant, envi1:..........,Lal oon::ems or la.r :ù......... hcusin], lY"Iùd be debated endlessly. 'lhe iagl...... III1St be aQ:h-8ed separately with separate action plans. 'Ihen, look at IIII!Shin; them. If housin:J is a tq) priority, then cpm the Sports Center to the hane1ess to be CŒlSistent. What are tne 1~ and short ran;Je plans for the areas. Ccnsider short are lc:DJ rarge ramification,; of decisions. Judith steiner of Irmovative Hoosin:J stated that she was here to answer questions regardin;J tiIeir pL'-", L"'" that they waùd happy to run in CUpertino. Innovative Boosin:J began as a shared 1u.Isin:J organizatien. Now, it is ..,""""¢ exclusively shared ha..1sin:J for sin:Jle parents. In regard to a three year limit on arr:¡ use of these 00ildin;Js for housin], she stated she looks at three years as the mini:III.Jm when negotiatin::J a lease. 'Ihree years is do-able. If it used for 2-3 yeð'l:S, maybe env:L....."'ICI¡Lalists ca.ù.d find 1InCther site for la.r incane housin:J durin:J that time. carol McDowell, 422 Noel, CUpertino, said that she had requested the City t-.:) p.¡rchase the trailer 00 ~ellan Ranål Pæ:it and ther, a few moot:hs later, ~ the use of the ~1Ses for ha..1sin:J. She irtated that she has watd1ed ha..1sin:J destroyed in the City. She expressed the c lnien that the Parks and Recreatien l"nnm; R$ien and City r...dff do not knew enough about envirr...l1lDental needs. She wants the ranch envil....IIIIt'uL protected. She e>cpressed 0CI1OeI1, regarding varñalism. She suggested the fozmati.en of a citizen CXIIIIÙ.tt.ee to aàh'ess envil....IlUClILal OCIo::éL.... at the ranch and also at Blackberry Fann. She ~!!d that the City hire Sl"ftA .)& to give expert advice. 5aœ cities alla.r only residents of that city to use parks; scme charge o.rt; of towners Who use lO"'"al parks. She stated that the bam at McClellan Ranch needs work. 'lhe city owns two haues I'IC!ri that can provide ha..1sin:J. CUpertino can take a leadership role in this kaue. She suggested that a decisim be made within 30 days, then get an with dealin:J with problems. Sally Brerman, 19917 'lWilight Cant, said she has been cx:t1cerned about the ranch for many years. She is pleased tt..at env:L.....""""ltal group are offerin:J help; however, if there are a lot of pecple usin:J an area, there has to be as¡:t1alt for parkin;J. 'lhe Simms' haJSe ca1ld be used for la.r incane ha..1sin:J and nature trails and other enviroomenta1 uses ca.ù.d still be inq:>lemented. '!he Goals Ckmnitt.ee felt affordable hmsing is a tq) priority. We can make a step. Ms. Brerman pointed o.rt; that she also bel<:n:}S to the Sierra Club arè AOCubon S=iety. -10- ~ OF '!HE JANUARY 22, 1991, REX;UIAR CITY aua:::n. HEE:1'IlÇ (cx:-ø05) CDmcil t'li..,.."e'!l'ed varioos ~ŒIS in regard to potential use of the i'L~ty and it was pointed o.rt; that a citizen of QJpertino can re&6rV8 a rocm at the Quinlan l'nnnI11'\ity center far a groop meetirJ¡. It was IIICMId by QJunc. Gn'm..'1 and seo....dt.d by CDmc. Ib}ers to CCI1V8rt the hCAJse en the SiJllDs' i'L"'lA'Lty to affQll'bohle hcusin] as per the reo::- ·,··-·Idatir.a of the Affardable Boosin] O::IIIIIittee far a IIIiniDama of four years and a "",,",,"!III of five years, prcwided that the CDmcil has a¡:proved a plan by that fifth year. If that is the easEl, it will then go back to Parks and Rec:reaticn. It was IIICMId by QJunc. Szabo and seoa1ded by Q:Junc. Sœ;e1tLen to amerxi the lIDtien to state that, in the meantime, the City Manager may COWLWI! the use of the ranch by envircnDental and nature gra.¡ps. n. amebia_IL and sec:x:ni WEIr8 then withdrawn. ocø.cil pointed o.rt; that pmlic ~ to the i'L"'lA'LLj', ex(.~L fc..'t' the ha.1se, was not preclu;Bi by their mcticn. Direc:tar of Parks and Rscreaticn Dcwlin] did intcma CD.1nCil that there is a cun:euL plan for MoClellan Ranch, which states that it is to be kept as a natural i'L_3rVe ~t. far certain specific ~ uses. '!be original mcticn was p"ft1!'M unanimously. Boosin:J are services C'oaminator Norlin] stated that prer.......- will be given to "QJpertino's own". InncIvative Boosin;J .,..",1" be the c....,k....:tar with the City and han:U.e thP select:.icn. n. .....,kaCt with InnaIIative Hcusin] will incl\.de the enviraIIIenta1 octlCo..Lll& expl. M by CDmcil. CDmcil, by oct nnsus, directed that a mirute at'der be sent to the Parks and Rec:reaticn lhmIi ....icn cli%ect.1n:J them to review and revise the a.....L...1l plan far lcrç rægB use and maintenance of MoClellan Ranch Pæ:it and the siJIIDs ' þL~ty. 'Ibere are no restrictiŒlS regardin:J 1.1S8S they may S\ '''-J'''St and they do have the power and authority to ëqp:Iint a citizen's OaIIIIittee, includinq environmentalists, to assist in this þL....-. CDmcil directed that the ihmIi ....ia' CXIIIB back SOŒ1 regardin;J possible uses for MoClellan Ranch. 21. Di......·.,eien regardin;J bxJget ocmnittee. 'D1e City Manager reviewed his staff l"¥-'rt with Cb.u'x:il. -11- Budget committee . SAC " Fine rts app. . Rainbow Dr. speed limit 1st reading Ord. 1548 . MINUTES OF 'DIE ~ 22, 1991, REXmAR Cl'lY OXJNCIL MŒl'DÇ (0::-805) FollowinJ t'li"",-icn durinq which ooorx:. s........~1 and Szabn ~-"ed BUß>'~L for a citizen's CCIIIIIittee to ·...ist in the fcnmaticn of a þ~ and review staff anhnitted h"9"t and CDmc. a.."....., Goldman and Mayor KcgIeJ. ___ - .~ SUR>~L for a DJdificatien of the Cw.L"",.t þ~ t'L'< (staff þL.,.....œ h1f'\; Pl:), the Council set FfIbruiuy 25 for a CDmcil meetin;J to review the Five Year capital ~~y_.t.. Pl.~CIIII and Five Year Fiscal Forecast. A citizen's h""gPt CCIIIIIittee was net approved. At the FfIbruiuy 25 1IIØ8t.inr:¡, CDmcil will also receive infcnmatien regardin;J City services and ccsts in specific areas. CCUncil ..LL....,¡ly ED!pI'eSSed the desire for citizen inp.lt durinq the Þ""gPt h'L~. NÐf HJSINESS 22. Acoeptance of resignatien of wayne Gcn¡, 0'Iair, Architectural and site Approval CCIIIIIittee. settin¡ dates for acoeptance of awlicatic:ns, interviews and &ßX)i.n1:Jœnt. It was JD:IIIed by CDmc. Go,mn..", seoa1ded by CCUnc. Su...etlaen and p"'ð_ed unanimcusly that awlicatia18 be ",:-:",.t.ed through Februæy 13 and that interviews be scñeduled for 6:30 p.m., Februaly 25. FollCJW1n:J the interviews, the 1mget it.eœ will be reviewed. 23. ordinance re1atin;J to establishment of prtma facie ~ limits en RainbCJW Drive be.blUI'l saratoga-5unnyvale Read and 5tellin] Road. (a) First reï!IIdin1 of ordinance No. 1548: "An Ordinance of the City CDmcil of the City of QJpertino A1Den1in;J Q1apter 1l.12.030 of the QJpertino 1t.D"''';I'''' COde, Relatin:J to Establistm&Jt of Prima Facie Speed Limits en RainbCJW Drive Betwer¡ Saratoga-sunnyvale Road and stellin] RcI!Id." It was IIICIII8d by CDmc. ~,¡, secx.t1ded by CCUnc. s......'L!n and I"'eegd ~y that the City Cleñt read Ordinance No. 1548 by title cnly and the City Clerk's readin;J to OŒIStitute the first readin;J thereof. WRI'l'l'm CXHt:JNICATIctS 24. Na1e. -12- MINUl'ES OF '!HE JANUARY 22, 1991, ~ CI'lY œJNCIL MEE'l'I1Ç (cx:-ø05) œDINANC:ES 25. 8ecc:ni œadin;J and .....t:.-,L of oräinance No. 1546: "An ordinance of the City of Q]p8rtino ~ Sect:ia18 1.09.060, 1.09.070 am 1.09.140 of the 0Jpert.in0 H.lni"ip"l Q:Ide RB.1at:iJ1g to ~ ~." It was .:MId by CDmc. s........ m, &eCCl1ded by CDmc. ~s and p"~-BI1 un!IIÛJIDJSly that the City Cleñt read Orctinance No. 1546 by title cnly am the City elexk's œadin;J to CCI1Stitute the secc:n:i J:ædinq thereof. It was IIICIYed by CDmc. s........ nn, -.....:1I.d by CDmc. Rogers and past''!!d unanimoosly to enact 0J:àinance No. 1546. RESOWl'IctS 26. NaIe. S'I7.FF 1<UUW) 27. oral .L~ls by staff 1L~..J ~"'a. By c...._ msus, CDmcil set 8:30 a.!II., FebI:u2I%y ~3, for a City <mnci1/City Manager ~1.. meetirq. Direc:tar of Fublic ~k.. Vis1cDviå1 i'" s .!:tl!tad an update en the drcught situaticn. aua:::n. 1<UUW) Mayor Jrq::pel amcunced that there -. an q:øUnq for a nc.minee for the me ~1 id waste O:maittee. 'lhere -. no nc.minee ~ CDmcil. Mayor Kq:pel stated that if no other City hall a naainee, she will .._it her name. 29. Counc. Subo - Isgislative RiEIYi.eIoI ~~ttee - It -. IIICIYed by CDmc. Szabo, ..eo.....:1I.d by CDmc. Gol'-I\ and I"'--sd UI'IaJÚ.IIDBly to taka the follcwirJ¡ actien regardilIq i"'"t-,,-nd legislaticn: ~l 58 169 (Boatwright), r""I-1 of J:Joo1dzç fees and i"'~Lÿ tax adadnistraticn: AD 939, e:xtending planr1iIg ..--.., ines by six IIIŒ!t:hs 58 76 (Beverly), restaraticn of i"'~Lj' tax cuts for "1~ cities": and S.26 (Maynihan), pmlic transit and var:'p)Olin]: and to refer the cable Televisicn federal legislaticn S.U am -13- 2nd reading Ord. 1546 Ord. 1546 enacted IGC Solid Waste Committee Legislative Review Comm. MDIm!8 r:. '1HB ~ 22, 1991, RIDJIAR Cl'lY CXUICIL ~.UG (cx:-ø05) ICe ... ~-;:IIIS rule IBIdng to tb8 ~l. '1'elevisia1 ~ n..ittee. 31. Qq c. .")IN.. - ~ of Bay Aœa Gc:MŒrIIBIta - CDmc. ~. ~ that ..Ii....-im of Bay V!aia1 20/20 Ikatt Pt· ~<.-"1 far RBr¡Jicnal aa-..._d. be p1_ far ..i...._im en tb8 _å. of FeI::Iruazy 4. At 10:45 p..., CDJncil adjcum8d to 8:00 a.m., JarI.III%Y 25, 1991. I -14- J