CC 02-05-91 a:-acs MDUl!S OF '!HE .ADJOORtŒD mx:mAR CI'lY axø::IL ~.UG HEW (If .t1:õlK.lARY 5, 1991, CXXJNCIL amMBER, Cl'1Y IWL 10300 '.I.utUU:i AVENUE, aJPERl'DÐ, CALIFCRtIA Mayar KqtJel called the meet:in:.J to order at 6:45 p.m. SAII11'E '10 '!HE FIAG R>I.L œL CDmc. p¡,! r L: Gol~, ~s, sorensen, Szabo, Mayor y,qpl Statf PL II IL: city Manager BroWn Dep1ty city Clerk Wolfe Director of PUblic WoIØ Vi.s1o:w1d1 Director of no-11'Iity Devel'¥""'Jt Q:JWan Director of Finanœ SJ1l'der City Attorney ltllian œAL CXlHJNICATICIIS - Na1e. RJBLIC HEARIlŒ 2. EccI1CIIIic study pert:ainiDJ to effect of 1&" tIC 9d valloo ~iCI'l CI'1 "Gran1 BallevaId" ~~ an:!1i~aI"01S"'ia1 of Wether expansiCl'l will shift sales fraD existirq retail establisbment:s· Item 2 was CCI1Side1:ed out of order. Director of no-"Ú.ty DeIIel'¥""'Jt Q:JWan Ltt...',"~ IliJ1n Sedway, President of Sedway & ~iates. Ms.~ SUIIIII!Irlzed the results of a study ocr1duCted by seðro"'Y & Associ"tes. She}AtaB .Ited a ~~'t entitled, "'I118 ~ of the p¡" ~s9èI Valloo FashlCl'1 Pæk Exp8nSia1 CI'1 stø\I8I1S creek Ballewrd Rstail Activity." 1. ARùicatiCl'1 1-D1'-90, westfiald, Inc., valioo noð1ilW\ Pæk reqia1al shcgIin;J center, WOlfe lUId œblf- støveœ creek BallevaId an:! 1-280; døII8l_Jt ~_ l to provide future døII8l_.t in ~ with entitl_1tB granted by the city. Mr. cowan to deal ~_,t. 1& IS Ited vugra¡i1s and a staff ~~ pertain1J1IJ points œlatin;J to the 1&' ~s-.. døII8l_Jt -1- KINUI'ES OF 'mE FEERJARY 5. 1991, ADJOORNED RroUlAR MEEI'ING (æ-aOSA) When asked about the Val100 EnvL........:aatal T"t"''* F\IrXi, Director of Finance Snyder said that there is $900,000 in the furñ at this tbDe. Director of Public Works ViskDvic:h said tbat '/IØ'Ø'f frail the flnxi has been used for the overcrossirg at Tantau, larx:isœpirg in the Vall00 area and traffic signal installatien, anythin;J that was a capital i.DpraYeme11t within the Valloo area. He also said the city has full discretien as to what the turd is used for kut the uses have been kept within the envL....aue11tal area. saæ had been used to maintain the famtains in the wolfe Read mooñ;..". the devel,¥"""IL ~......-It does not wJdL -a the envL...........1tal furñ. the '/IØ'Ø'f does not have to be repaid if it is not used. 5aDe of the '/IØ'Ø'f may be used for such thirgs as a smrt;tle. Mr. cowan said that pages 16 and 17 of the devel'¥"""lt êI<, ..........ant do place lilai ts m the use of the furxis. Ccunc. Golàman said that he 'NWld not like to see Sectien 2.a.5. secx:n:i par~""'I. regardirg priorities far utility .......u......"ti.Œ'IS. in the ~oocwe¡lt. Ccunc. Rcgers stated that she 'NWld like to make sure that new CCI'1Structien is within the red cutlined area en Exhibit B and arr¡ subsequent charges 'NWld go back for the use permit ~U':JeSS. CD\.u~. GrJldman asked Ms. Sedway abc:ut the viability of ho.1sirg en a site such as this. She said that in general it is possible to p.1t ho.1sin;J arourxi the ootskirts of the site as 1<::n;J as it does not interfere with ¡:.arkirg or actual retail space. Ccunc. Goldman said he W'CUld like to consider the issue of mitigatim of hoosin;J needs. John Erxiioott. Westfield, ccmnented en the Sedway "qAJl.t. He said he was pl""'<=ÞiI that the Lt'i"'''Lt l..cog¡dzes Valloo as an e>cpansien area and ooofirmatien of an area that is in excess of what ~'alloo is asking for new. Valloo did not take part in the "qAJLt even thaJgh they paid for it. the L"i-'-''' t did not always reflect their positien. In refeu.dlœ to the time f-..:ame. thirgs are not goirg to ba¡:pm quickly. 'lb£ Develcpœnt Ap.......-tL is = a twenty year pericxl. Mr. Erxiioott stated that he is still not clear as to what the Grand Boolevard is. -2- KINUl'FS OF 'tHE FEIRJ1\1U 5, lc)c)l, ADJaRŒD RmJIAR MŒrn«i (CX:-S05A) He referred to Mr. Ocwan's ...~L. RsgiUàin;¡' ItaD 1 (Is the 1""'~ 260,000 sq. ft. expmsien ~,-¥,"iate?), he said that 260,000 sq. ft. is the mi.ni:øamI westfield can take even tho.Igh the Sedway ..~t indicates IIL1å1 mare is available. ItaD 2 (Distr:ibIticn of allowed tclldiJ1l1 area), existin;J zaùn:;J of office JII1St stay. westfield will not aoc<'{'t losin;J the office ZCI'Ü.rIJ. 'Ihey kncw' that can be b.1i1t. Mr. Endicott stated that it is not right that another traffic stu:iy be da1e CI'l sœøthin;J already a¡:proved. MitigatiCl'l .........mes beirç brcught up tonight are not project specific. He reiterated that inc:J.usia1 of the office rights in the Devel"¥"",,IL ~~It is esæntial. ¡taD 5, (aignage entitlements), Mr. En:iicatt said he has asJœd far clarificatien regardin;J sign awrcval - ÞSAC ar administrative awraval? He said that westfield has ga1B a la1l¡J way. Regarding Item 6 (jà:Js hoosiJ1l¡J balarx:Je), Mr. En:iicatt said westfield's biggest ocrrt:ribItiCl'l is sales tax. $1-2 millia1 per year. No me is goiJ1l¡J to pay a mitigation fee that big. He said he didn't kncw' hew the city calculated. the payments. Hardly any 'II'a'B'J is bein;J used art: of the exi.stirç funi, there is eI'1CJI.Ç1 Jlr:JÆ!';/ there to mitigats any prOOlems. '!he city doesn't need mare - they a't'8 not usiJ1l¡J ..mat is there new. In his q>inion, there ~s a liJllited aJIICQ1t .reqUiJ:ed ard a lot there. If there are eI'1CJI.Ç1 à:Jstacles there 'oIa1't be an co,µ.........4it. He pointed art: costs to westfield. Mr. En:iioott . . .,...... æed en Item 7 (te%m of "",,~........<1it). He said he is ocr.c:emed that ca.mcil does not want to make ~i w.-&ts for fUture cxmx:i1s. He described the costs to Westfield so far ard said w1thaIt the devel...~..lIdht lIyL.......4it camc:il oculd dwJ; e its min:i. '!hat is W!r:I the twent:y-year tenn of the agreement is úrp:¡rtant. '!he 1r/Ork may get dale in ten years, tut they need the lIyL~it far twenty years. camc:. Goldman asJœd if d1an;iJ1I¡J the J'1ITIIIho:>rs re square footage wo.ù.d help. Mr. Endicott replied that it is mùiJœly they can pi-' the deYP-1~it. Ten years is a short tilDe to oc:m;>lete the 1&"¥=S'oo project. Regarding Item 8 (vested el"""",1ts - lard uses), Mr. Endicott said there is a mechanism for dealiJ1l¡J with use peI1IIi.ts (sÙll'lified 1&oceBS for areas cutline in red, typical use peI1IIi.t p1:oceBS anywhere else on the site). -3- HIJ«1m) OF '!HE FEIRJARY 5, 1991, AI\1CXJmŒD RmJIAR ~ (CC-80SA) Mr. Endicott said that the use of the wrd "ya<.eJ:allY" (Item 9, develq¡ OŒ1Sistent with a¡:praved plan) is typical in døVe1"¥"""1t ay~.......eI¡ts. Item 10 (Shculd the amenities am cash payment be linJœd to the terJIB of the Devel~t J\gI'eeIDe1'It which has a defined, limited term, or shcW.d these issues be linked to the use pexmit which rms for the q¡erational life of the shqpin:;J center?) - Mr. Endicott said as far as Westfield is oax:erned the term of the Devel'-¥"""It ~.....œnt am the ice rink are linked. other items to be fixed to the term of the ~___ L '</OOld be the tus shelter am child care. He said the $100,000 payment was not anticipated when the process started: there is a new set of groord rules. 'Ihere CCA1ld be a $1.4 milliCl1 oost to Westfield for the parlt ani ride lot. 'Ibere is no benefit to Westfield far havin:;J it. CO.II1Cil sbculd look at Were there is a need for the $100,000 payment. It dœs not seem to be r.¡¡,c~a.ry that Westfield sbculd have to deal with that. Mr. Endicott again mentia1ed the o..u...t:l1t fund ani said it seeII8 i.ncCI1sistent to take $100,000 and then take sales tax of $1 IrllliCl'l. He said there '</OOld be extraordinarY costs with deve1~1t of the rose bowl of $20 milliCl1 (the bID retail briå;Jes spa1'1I'1in;J tne road JDJSt be tcil t). 'l\JI'Inels are anat.'1er oœt penalty. Parkin;J urx:1ergrcUrr:i costs $12,000 per parkin;J space. 'Ihe oost penalty of pu-kin;J en the roof is more than $7-8,000 per space. Mi1liCl1S will be spent to attract a major tenant. He said Westfield is aL......q am has 7 ather oerrt:ers in the USA am 22 in Australia. For this project to go ahead it 1IIJSt stack up against their ather centers in ùùs ooontry ar it 'Wa\ 't be tcilt. 'Ihe Sedway ....",...... t says Valloo is iI!¡X>rtant to 0Jperti.n0. Regardirg Item 11 (parlt am ride area radius), Mr. Endicott said Valloo n, -1.. flexibility as to Were this will be located. Item 12 Of1at shoold be the m:iniIIJJm s~ze of the deparbDeJ'It store, (major tenant)?) - Mr. Endicott said thev need 80,000 sq. ft. Regarclin;J Item 13, t.i:miD;J of the $::'00,000 payment, Mr. Endicott acpi.n asked if this was r.9E!ded. Item 14 (Riles am Regulations am the tEorm "less restricti-æ") - Mr. Endicott's q:>iniCl1 was that Westfield s.'1a1ld ~ ~ treated as fNe:ryr:re else is. Item 15 (Limitation CI1 future review) - Mr. Endicott said this deals with the fun::1a¡rentals of a dfNel<.~.Il..,¡1t ay...c.....eht. Westfield needs the certainty of a deve1c:pnent ay...eement. He said the city's side of the ledger will be -4- --~--~~- MIlCl!S or 'œE FEIRJAR'l 5, 1991, ~ RmJIAR MŒrIlÐ (CX>805A) easy to åwCk. He _..ed with o::an::il positiCl'l that f\.ltmW bl1n...~'1I1 permits shculd be reviøoIed by staff with the right of app9" 1 to the city Q:Iuncil. Itea 16 (FJ:eezin;J of fees) - Mr. En:ticatt said Westfield r ~. to kneW ~ the fees will plY far. I+-..em 17 (Prlarity far utility ~...ect:.i.CI'1) - Mr. En:iicott said westfield 11! T ~.. the assurame provided by this priority ani that they need to think the city is SI~V ...tin;J what Westfield is doin;J. Itea 18 (PL":; eing of m1Jtooñ use devel,¥,"",d.) - Mr. Erxiicctt said this is spelled QIt in the __.t. Item 19 (SbcA1ld residential uses be alla;ed? ShcW.d hoosin;J :i:aœlances resultin;J fma new eaplc:r¡ment growth be mitigated?) - westfield does not want a recpirement far residential. 'D1ey think there is another way of dealing with the prc:bl_. Item 20 (Langu21g8 m "himer ar interfere with") - westfield wants to see that ~ ani kneW the city is behin:! it. Itea 21 (can the Devel"'1-...eut ~_.t loG assigned?) - Mr. ED:iicott said he waIld like to see that in the h,¡L.......él1t. Den a.1.J..Lt, 729 sterxnIal I..ane, said he ~¥- ,tted the Fair.grcMt NeighbarS Wid1 are . owe ad to the expansiCl'l. Mr. B..u..d.t ......-¡ed a scale c1rawin1 of Valloo 2ilÙ the areas bein;J oc:.n¡:idered far expansiCl'l. He also sheWed the plans of new land area to be :.Møñ ani said this is a small fracticn of the land already existin;J to harxile a 50% m..... -- in floIJr spt""A. He shewed views of the expansiCl'l frcD valloo Paztcway ani fma di.agcnally acrœs the ~18r. He said it is __ive. n. ,- waù.d pråJaÞly be lest. Mr. B..~..dtt "-NId a d1art listin;J the patenti.al adVantageS of the e:xpmøi.CI'1 mcludin;J increased sales tax 1Ja.AoIIIB. 'Ihey are CuL~...&tly allowed a 2M expansiCl'l; 5M is 1IIJdl, IIIJdl more. Rd:e will the JJIaS'j CXIII9 frail? Rlat will ~ if _les dcn't materialize? 'l11e ~~ are uncertain. Me 1I'BY end up with more office ...nid1 dœe ~ ~""" sales tax. Q1 a chart shcWin;J possible disadvantages of the expmsioo, Mr. a.....dLt. cited large size, envira1mental degI8datiCl'l, "'-'tsened hoosin;J shortage ani increased traffic caqstia1. He asJœd at what point a limit waIld beCXI'1S:idered. 'l11e d1art shewed other negative factors includ.ir1i1 pie- ,.........1 General Plan changes. He asJœd what Tardem will do ani what aba.1t the hotel. other negative -5- HIN!Jl'ES OF '!HE FE!ß,TARY 5, 1991, ADJOORNED REXmAR MŒl'OO (œ-80SA) factors inclu::!ed . u.~~itim for existirq Wsiness. 'D'Ie devel<¥"""t. is a T'ØI way of deirq Wsiness. Mr. a..n..Lt stated that turther growth is ~ar with ())p8rtino citizens. 'l11e vote m Measure T was for c::pm ØP"""" ard in:iiœted that _,;be people have seen all the growth they need to see. Mr. 8.nTII:Itt shewed a 1983 Plannin:.J Department slide shaWin;J an intermediate level pl.' ~ 1 for devel~ of ..mat is ro« the 'l"a1ùD prqJerty. He ard his neighbors dm't t:hin1t eJ<panSlm of this type is appropriate for OJpertino. Showin:J a chart Sl1ITIIMrizirq an Õ'~-œ""""nt of Westfield ~, Mr. Burnett s+'..res8""'l thrae points regardin:1 the eJ<panSim: 1. It violates the General Plan. 2. Benefits to the ..........nUty are daJDtful. 3. EnvL........eaJtal degradatim is œrtain. p.e said the FairgraYe NeighborS believe the request is \mJ:'eðSŒIðble ard shccld be denied rDÑ. It is eM; of pl.q.¡Ortian for what westfield has been asked to de (¡Jr~st'rve the ice rink). It shccld be denied ro« so westfield will krXM where they stard. Shara'1 Iqß:esto, 891 Tantau, caid she J.'¥'!Sented FaiJ;view HaDeS Þsscdatim. She said she had enjoyed shcg:Iin;J at Vall00 when it q¡e¡øi. It was diverse ard pleasurable. In her q¡inim the quality is rot there ro« or the diversity. She goes to other centers. Shcg;>in:.J shooJ.d be one stct>. She likes lime of an q¡en feelin:]'. Valloo lacks c;:ustaDer oc:nvenieme. Ms. LcpreSto said she f0.m:3. the pë'Irldrq garage int";m;ñ;oting. 'lbere are many storeS b.1t rot quality mes in the center ro«. Older ard middle aged people are not attracted there. 'Ihese needs IILISt be adLh. esr""'" am there is IX> need for expansim. Marilyn R1ill!PS, 632 ~ Ccurt, said she oooside::'ed herself average. She did rot like the picture of what westfield wants to put in the rose bowl area. '!be ~ has been a gateway to her; she feels a sense of pri::e when she canes dawn a ..L..e.!t lined with trees. It is a grac:ioos gateway that she ard cut of town visitors fiIXi attractive. She said she does rot want the area urbanized; 'Æ can have the advantageS withoot lœin:]' the relaxed a~. steve Levin, 6223 Shadygrove Drive, said there co.lid be quality or quantity am he 1"E!(XIIIIIE!I::orx:entratin;J an quality of life. He said 'Æ need a healthy eoonanic base b.1t the current retail space is I.IOOer utilized. '!be Gran:i Boulevard CY"ùd _vimize the potential that exi.ste. Maybe IOOre footage doesn't mea.T1 IOOre sales tax. Mr. I.e\'in said that the area I s attra...'"tian is that it is suWrban· He said he goes to Valloo because it is easy. He ..>00.1" not be drawn to a center that is dense am closeá in. -6- MINUl'ES OF '!HE FEæJAR'í 5, 1991, þJ)JaJRNED RmJI.1.R MEEl'OO (CC-aOSA) E:iwarà Jajlto, ó235 Shadygro'.-e Drive, said the City does not need a deve1,¥"""IL agreement. It would benefit. Westfield, b.1t the City does rot need it. 'lbe deve1,¥"""lt ~=<..c.tt is a minefield. 'lbe whole ~ is flawed with the benefits primarily for Westfield. He cited saae of the pràJlEIIS far the Ciey: 'lbe vested elements described in Sectioo 2.2 limit the powers of the ();;UX:il to do what it is '3t'JR)OSeC1 to ro. ~ Sectioo 2.6.1, Mr. Jajko said he is cxn::en.eel that Camcil is surren!erin;J tlY.dr authority to a private ,^,.L~'atioo. Sectioo 2.7, grants perpetual -.........tts. He also said the brià;¡e ~ to be ver¡ low; wculd Wolfe Road have to be lowered? t'''1at doev the City get in return - $lOO,OOO? Westfield is saying no, that ytXl'll get sales tax, b.1t there is no guarantee of sales tax c:x:mirq in. He said there is vacant retail space in the City rt::1I1. He said the $100,000 is the aùy guaranteed payment and what is that ænmt worth <Y"'t""'red to olfsettin;J envÌLollmel.tal prcblE!ìllS. '!he use of the J1Ø'Ii!'f wculd be restricted. state III!!.OOated p..o:p:uns ccW.d give Westfield credit against this CXX1triJ::utioo. Mr. Jajlto said that the Rules, Regulaticns and Official Policies CCI1tained in sectioo 2.8.2 are .;Jreat for Westfield bZ not for the City. Alan Bidwell, General Manager of Penney's at Vallco, said he is also a resident of the City. Penney's owns 20% of the prtp:'rty at Valleo. He wculd like to see the center ~ as it is a benefit to the t1x::ucmic climate of 0Jpert.im. Vallco is c:x:trpeti.nq for activg expansion with Valley Fair, Oakridge and SUnnyvale Town center. only ~ of i'e1mey's sales cane !ran tr.e 950i4 zip code. Mr. Bidwell said he thinks -we wculd see JlDre if quality department stores cane to the center. He cited sales tax figures, also prq:>erty and use taxes. Retail spaœ has l.:~ 0Jpert.im. Ee> said ÌY" feared that dec1inin:J sales wili adversely affect the ðcaUCmiC climate. He again stated he supported the expansion of Vallco. Ann Arqer, 10185 ÐIpire Avenue, saB she has lived in the area SlnCe 1945 because her fardly liked the area. Families used to cane !ran San Francisco to see the beautiful ord1ards in blOClD each sprin:J. 'lhirqs~. It was t..'1e farmers who got the City in::orporated. Ms. An:Jer said the æners of Vallco land sh~ foresight Þy settin:J aside 450 ãcres for iJrlustry arrl sho[:pirq. She said the area attra~..ed peq:>le and blsinesses because of stanford University, Santa Clara University and DeAnza CoJ 1 . ge. High class i."Xiustry had also been attracted. In ~o.r opinion, O1pert;~..) is deterioratin:J. She used to be -ì- KD«1ŒS OF '!HE FEIR1ARY 5, 1991, ADJCXJRŒD ~ MŒl'IlG (a:-a05A) proJd and other cities were jealœs because they weren't grcwirç. Ms. ~ said,... can't hold back ~~U'-. I! ,.,. always ¡wed ~ no pI.~ J- 1òO.lld ha¡pIn. She said that stanford SI'IcgIinq eenter in Palo Alto is not so 'i V .. t4Id just by Palo Alto residents, they CXI\IØ frail other cities. 'lber8 are high quality shcpI in that Center, and this is ..mat westfield is tryin; to do at Valloo. Pecple in 0Jpert.in0 are not SI.It-ì> OJ tin;J l:AJsWg--œ. She said the city of 0Jpertin0 is very unfrierDly and she does not like ..mat is ~ here. QIris BradshaW, 6223 ShadygraY8 Drive (F'airgrOVe NeighbarB), asked far a sheW of harK:1s of thoSe .~.::rr. She said the expansien wculd create the Jdni of city she wculd not like to live in. She said she had not hea%d that quality shcpI are goirq in V~loo, just DOre shcpI. She wculd not like to see lIOre of the same Jdni of shcpI that are ~as ,jtly there. . . ihil zeitJDan, 22907 cricket Hill, said he ~ the }_ .,~ view b.1t can also see the sales tax point of view. At cne time, Vall00 brcU; ht in 47% of the sales tax, then ¢ in new stores and the percentage dL' ~~. He asked if JØ:)re sales tax wculd justify the expansien. 0Jpertin0 is a C"'"'t"'''1Y town owned by the ''big three". Sales tax reverøJeB are tied to Valloo b.1t there JWSt be give and take. uecisions JIIJSt be bafi"""l en ..mat is good far bath l:AJsing.,-Ø" and residents. citizens enjoy the amenities and kooW they cost JrØ'Øf b.1t not at the ...q¡ense of the ,.,..,. TI'Ii ty . . SUS/L"1 Pr- .:....Jt, S04 Fenx;rcve Drive, said she had :J[ØITed here fraB Miami. She wculd not like to see 0Jpertin0 þ"x...... like that city. If it be<. rnI>A a highly dense uxban center, it my caJ..... prq¡erty devaluatien. '!he pEq)le who live in the foothi1ls can benefit by the expansicn b.1t rot thœe in the naigh)xD:hcod. She said she is !Dt against pI.~ - , just wants it da1e \.>JL~.....-tly. Ði Hirshfield, 734 sterohal lane, said he can't do his shcg)1nq at valloo because the kin3s of stores he ne E ~... are not there and he did not see thœe kin3s of stores in westfield's planned expansien. He said he is forced to go Olt of town to shqI. He said the city neë.... a mix of ston.s that u.lI.~....t"..u:is to the m-.... of the residents (hardware, ,HCI'Y'IImt). Westfield shoold focus on a mix that will meet Cf"OIO'IITl'lity needs. City AttorneY Kilian informed these ~"': es~nt that this is a study sessien, not a ¡:AÙ.iic heariJ'lq. 'l11ere will be a noticed PJblic heariJ'lq at a later date proviclil'q plenty of -8- -~ . KDV1!S OF 'IJŒ: ~ 5, 1991, ADJ(XlRHID REGJIAR ru:.z:;.....uG (cc-a05A) ~ty far pmlic (> ...,_. It. He desC:rlbed the F-Lv':-i'11"8 the laW requires far devel'¥""'tt tap.........tt~· He said cJurln;J this 1&00BS8 we are t.ryinq to 0CJD8 up tdth a 1&' ,,:;_.... døYel~tt ~.........t that Ck.'1I'ICil initially JIIlJi.Y ar JIIlJi.Y not SlIlV"t I:ut the døYeloper can ~es Itt it at a fœ:mal hearlnJ. A devel'¥""'¡t ~_tt is a c:x:mpleIC doc'-It. MayOr Kq:ip" 1 asJœd if council wished to ccnti.rue thia atD!Y _ion to F8I:IrUa%Y 12. Mr. Xilian IIIÚd he wcW.ð not be av>tnahle to meet CI'1 that date, an:! said that..mat is n! .oM at this point is give an:! taka r~tiCl'1. He said ecmv::il 1fØ"j wish to direct two co.mcil _,l...-s, the city AttameY and the city Mar.ager to negotiate points an:! bring them back to a yo4.eral meetiD;J: this my be a 1!m'8 efficient 1&00 e. city Manager BrcM1 said this began as a staff and døYelc:per prc.:r-e, then it was brcU; h1: to ecmv::il far their f~(!lc· Now it's tiJDe to go back æxi narrow the je...Y"" and 1.dentifY these that are not ~: -~"'le to both sides and bring it back for co.mcil's final j'"",p,-'¡t. 'ði Cf21S 2I1SUS, ecmv::il stated their satisfactiCl'l with the sedway ..q.vrt. Mr. Xilian said after the SI~ittee c:x:mpletes r~tiCl'lS the ~........tt can be braJght back to ecmv::il far ratificatiCl'l witlø1t a noticed pmlic hearl.r¥;J. rnterest.ed parties will be natif:ie:i of the pJblic hearl.r¥;J and even of stuiy sessiCl'lS if the city ClerX has their nama. Whatever is negctiated is not subject to final approval until after the pmlic hearl.r¥;J. other ecmv::il .._,l.e1"'S not CI'1 ~tiatin;J team can give irpIt. It was 1IICIIIed by ecmv::. sorensen, -.......ded by ecmv::. ~1 and p"e~ \1I'1iUÚ1IØ.ISly to ðßX>int ecmv::il ~,1 .en Goldman an:! Szabo as J-=yutiators to a ~ittee of ecmv::il. Said Slv.:>.....ittee will incll.Ò! staff ø-·i,..s and will meet with westfield ..~f.S ,ít:atives. '!he meetiD;J was adjcurned at 9:10 p.m. // ,I z::jl'.~· ,'C//W City Clerk f -9- I