CC 02-04-91 Cl'lY OF aJPERl'IJÐ, STAn!: OF CALIFœfIA 10300 '1~ AVÐICE, aJ1'ER1'IIÐ, CA 95014 TEJ:Eæ:IŒ: (408) 252-4505 MINUIES OF '!HE mGJIAR CI'lY tDH::IL J'lUiJ;.uI:; Hm:D æ l'EBRJAR!( 4, 1991, <XU«:IL awœER, CI'lY HAIL 10300 'l\.Itu<r; AVEKJE, CXJPERTIH:), CAI.DœŒA cx:-e06 Mayar trqpIl called the IIIEI8tin¡ to at'der at 6:45 p.m. SAWl'E m '!HE FU\G roIL CAIL CC:Il1n:. Pr dL: Goldman, Rcge1:.., Sorensen, Szabo, Mayor Jlq:pel staff P.t ! .L: City Manager BI:tJWn Deprt:y City Cleñt Wolfe Direc:tar of Public Works V:isJa:wich Director of l'nnnI"1ity DeIIel.......-,L QJwan Assistant to the City Maœger BI:tJWn Direc:tar of Finance Snyder Direc:tar of Pa%Xs ani ReQ....ticn Inilin] Public InfcmlBtien Officer Krey City Attomey Kilian ~ . It was IIIaYed by CUInc. ~..._" seoo.d.4 by CDmc. Szabo and p"e'Md. unarrlmcus1y to rEIIDII8 Items 10, 21 (ruisance abated) , and 23 (matter resolved), and to CXI1time Item 27 to May 6, 1991. CEREXIŒAL MIb.".mK:j - ~QIS Mayor ~ px J e ,Led OBrtifiœtes of A¡¡oi..t.....d. to nmioe COx, Michael WlJx:n (cable Tel.evisia1 Advisary n-.m.ittee) ; Frank Jelinch (Fine Arts n-.m.i_i...,); Charles Li':H"'lL (Li.bra%y n-iqien); Richam Tm-il1er, Rebert Hc:pJdns (FUb and Recreaticn l'roIoni ....!en) ; orrin Mahcaey (Plannin;r l'roIoni ....ten) . æAL CXHIJNICATIctS Doo a.n:r...LL, 729 stendhal lane, 0Jpertin0.._ r ,lative for Santa Clara Valley Bicycle As"'QCiaticn, as- about requirin] biJœ loc:Jœrs at Apple. -l- Postponements Certificates of appointment Bike lockers I Vallco expan- sion; yellow ribbons Post Office ground break- ing H.g Highway 85 Consent Calen- dar . KINt1l'!S OF '!HE FEIRJAICC 4, 1991, CIT'l caJNCIL hua'.uG (cx:-ø06 ) By oo._BlISUB, the matter was referred to P1.anninJ staff. Director of l'nnnI"1ity DeIIel<¥"",,IL Cowan arø..n...d quest.iœs regardin:J cxn:U.tiŒlS of ðWLV'IëÙ and stated he woold retum at the next IIII!et.izxJ with infozmaticn en å1an:Jin3 the cxn:U.ticns to !ncl\J:Se a requirement for bike lockers. Nancy RkuotLL, 729 stendhal Iane, L"'io'L s ""Lin]t:he Fairgrcye Neighbors&'i"""":latioo, pl S_tt..ed CDmcil with a letter signed by residents 0CI1CeI'ned abc:ut the ~. ¢sed Vallco expansicn. She also asked abc:ut p1N!iD:] yellow ri1:ix:nI en LL and was informed that there was no reascn it ccW.dn't be dcne. Mayer Kc.'ß)el stated that at the grcundbreak:irq o...........,y for the new post office to be held February 12 there would be a larga box "'L~ in yellow ri1:tœs in 1Itú.ch mail to the LL"",¥" in the Miãne East oould be placed. JaIm Marshall, 11101 S. stellinJ Road, requested a cxpy of the mirI1tes of the IIII!et.izxJ at 1Itú.ch the use of the S~ ~_t;ý had been .....it'lañ. In l.òl1BWBr to Mr. Marshall I S questiŒlS abc:ut the shortage of affoMable housinJ, Director of C'hmI"1ity DeIIel~d:. QJwan said the City is txyin;J to develop iJ....../Lives, J::ut cw.L...tUy there are no requirements for deYelcpers to provide below-lllBñœt rate ha..1sin:J. Mr. Marshall asJ-1 if there woold be an offi.""¥ frcm Highway 85 nart:hbamd to stevens creek Bculevard. Direc:tar of Fublic WQt.J... Viskcvich said there ~ùd be. a:JISEm' CAInmAR 1. M:inrt:es of the adjc:m'nl!d regular meetin;J of De<:-..I-eI 17, 1990. 2. M:inrt:es of the regular IIII!et.izxJ of De<:.....J -e1: 17, 1990. 3. M:inrt:es of the adjc:m'nl!d regular meetinq of JII1'I.IarY 2, 1991. 4. M:inrt:es of the adjan:ned regular meetinq of JarJJary 14, 1991. 5. Mirart:es of the adjc:m'nl!d regular meetinq of JarJJary 15, 1991. -2- MINUl'ES OF '!HE FEER1AR!C 4, 1991, Cl'lY axJNCIL MEEl'IlC (cx:-ø06 ) 6. Mira1t:eø of the adjœrned regular JœØtinq of Jaruuy 25, 1991. 7. Request for waiver of OOsiness license fee, Frierx:!s of the 0Jpertin0 Library. 8. Request far waiver of facility use fees filed l7.i Regnart Elementary Pm. far use of Seniar Center en Hardt 9, 1991, far fund-raisin;J event. 9. REsW.uticn No. 8320: "A Riesolutien of the City ~ of the City of Q:Ipert.ino DeclarirJ¡ Its Intent:icn to QUßJ8 SLL-t Name Within the City of Q:Ipert.ino F\I::suant to Sectia1 5026 of the SLL....ts and Highways Cede, state of california, Fixin;J the Time ancl Plðœ for Hearln:] and PraYidin;J Notice 'lhe:reof, 01an:Je Portien of 'South Blaney Aveme' to 'DePalma I.ar.e'." 10. Request fJ:Qa Q:Ipert.ino Mx:atiooal Endcwment FcJurœticn far waiver of use fees, OOsiness license fee, and an extensicn of the closinq hour of the Quinlan cnm."1ity Center far a fund-raiser. (cœtin.Jed frail meetin.:J of JarJ.JaZY 22, 1991. staff requests removal.) PreviaJSly removed. 11. ARùicaticns far Alcal10lic Beverage a".ILL...l licenses: (a) striJçI, '1be Pasta Place, 20735-A St:avens creek Bcul8Vllrd; (b) st. John's Restaurant, 19541 Richwood Drive. 12. ARùicaticn 51,908.3 - Fresh OIoice - ReqI--t far review ancl <>t¥L....nù to _i ~ a Planned Davel,¥"",d:. Sign 1'1:...."...... and exterior mdificatiCl1B lar a new restaurant located at Vallco Fashioo Pæ:it, northeast ........,.... of Wolfe RcI!Id and stevens creek Bculevard. Reo.. _._o-lded for Gt¥L....nù. 13. ReqI-t far <>t¥L'"'i'L1atien of $65,000.00 frail the Youth Sparts ~nuve ~ to the 5d1col site Maintenanoe Activity. 14. Resoluticn No. 8321: "A Riesolutien of the City ~ of the City of Q:Ipert.ino DeclarirJ¡ Intent to Ca'1duct a Fublic Hearln:] Q:I'1cemin:] a Nuisance en Parcels 359-13--102, 103; t.J\'ÚJIprCIYed Parcels Adjacent to 10260 'l\1la Lane." -3- t MINt1l'ES OF '!HE FEBR1ARY 4, 1991, Cl'lY aua:::n. JlJEE'l'DG (CX::-S06) 15. Resoluticn No. 8322: "A Resolutien of the City cnn:il of the City of Q.Ipertino Callin] a Public P.earin¡ to Detemine Whether Public F"OMeity, Health, Safety or welfare Requires the FoDDaticn of an ~ utility District en HcIIIest:ead Read at DeAnza Bculevard. " 16. Acoeptance of 1IIJl1icipal bprovements: BAS Hcmes, stevens Creek,IPasadena Averø.¡e þ (No ~""'"'ltatien r..eoeseaxy.) 17. Acoeptance of City projects perfœ:med under CXI1tract: Traffic Signal }btiticaticn at McClellan Read at ste1lin:] Read, Project 90-101 (G.A.B.) (No tŸw-I """"1tatien J'1<'t""C'....ry.) 1.8. Resoluticn No. 8326: "A Resolutien of the City CDmcil of the City of Q.Ipertino Allc:JWi.rq Certain Cl..i1llOl and Demands Payable in the ADnmts and Fraa the F\mds as Hereinafter Described for General and Misoel1anecus Expenditures for the Period Endin;J January 25, 1.991." 1.9. Resolutien No. 8328: "A Resolutien of the City CDmcil of the City of Q¡pertino Allowing Certain Claims and DI!IœIn3s PayabI.e in the ADnmts and Fraa the F\mds as Hereinafter Described for Salaries and Wages for the Fayro1l Period Endin;J Jaraazy 15, 1991." 20. Resoluticn No. 8329: "A Resolutien of the City CDmcil of the City of Q¡pertino Aut:harizin] Ex8aJticn of stœ:m Drain p..'¡~..........,L J\o,¡L.........,L Between the City and Mariani Group of Q:mpanies, A Limited P8rtnerBhip, Hc:mestead Read, TrëIct 8325." It was IIICMId by cnn:. Sorensen, seoaùed by CDmc. Rogexs and p:ae-9d unanimaJsly to ðWLuVe the Q.L IL Calerœr. CDmc. Goldman annamced that he waùd abstain en ItSII 16 ~1H of a potential OŒIflict of interest. YQ!;§ ...1....... of the City CDmcil t AYES: Goldmlln. Rcgers, Sorensen, Szabo, KqJpel }Q!S: NCI1e ABSENl': Ncae ABSTAIN: Goldma., (en ItSII l6 oo1y) ITEMS REHJVED F1Q{ a:mmr CALÐm.\R - NCI1e. -4- MnIJm; OF 'mE mR.JARY 4, 1991, em a::JJNcrL MEm}(; (cc-a06) RJBLIC HE'.ARnG3 Item 29 was OCI'1Sidere:l o.rt; of order. 29. RepalL en light rail and requests fran the cities of Mountain View and SUnnyvale to endorse their respective projects . Director of PUblic WorKs Viskavich presented a staf! Lq.>ULL and ðnS\Jetal CDmcil's questiŒlS regarding the likelihood of light rail bein] built in OJpe.rtino and wMther it waùd be in the Highway 85 corridor. Rich Napier, Mayor of SUnnyvale, introc1uced CDmc. I.any stene, -~ of SUnnyvale's Light Rail Task Force, and said that Mazvin Rose, PUblic Works Director, and Ray Willi """"""1, the city's Traffic ED;Jineer were also p1:~eld:.. Mr. Napier said that the system will be built in ¡i1ases. CDmcil III.ISt look at what is good for bath the camty and QJpertino. Mr. stcne eXh'¡LCltulated CDmcil 00 the I"'G-:ao:¡e of ~''''''Ire T. He stated that all cities III.ISt OCI'1Sider the regicnal benefits of light rail. '!be best interest of the regien is the best interest of QJpertino. '!he existin;J light rail system does not start anywhere or go anywhere. I.ockheed is not ...............--t«i to the system, ëmd they are the léU.ycst eDplayer in the area. He said that in view of the limited funds avai:able for mass transit, he believes SUnnyvale is a better choice than Mountain View to be ..............."ted to the system; there are not encu;Jh funds to c............."t bath cities. We IIIJSt not maJœ choices today that will close o.rt; ~ŒIS to extend and OCIIplete the system in the future. F\Jture extensioo to the Highway 85 arrl Vasœa corridors waùd be more costly if the extensioo does not go to Sunnyvale. Light rail ...............-tien to CalTrain also worlcs best in SUnnyvale. '!he SUnnyvale r=te provides lower costs of oonstructien, greater ridership, a better c:hanoe for f'urñ.in; by the Federal government, a greater anã more cost effective c:hanoe for extensien to the West Valley and better integratien with exi.stiIxJ transit systems like CalTrain. He asIœd for an expressien of stgX>rt fran QJpertino to the Camty. In answer to a questioo regart:iinJ possible eliminatien of lanes en DeAnza Bculevard to provide roan for the light rail, Mr. Vi.skavich said that waùd not haRJer¡, the road waùd be widened. '!he median and BaDe right of way waùd be - iM. Alternate analyses waùd be required. -5- MINtJI'ES OF '!HE FEBR1ARY 4, 1991, Cl'lY caJNCIL MEETnI:; (œ-S06) Kevin [).)ggan, City Manager, Mountain View, said he was pinch hit.t.in:j for Council n.....¡ er Art Takahara. He said c....1I~ien of Ibmtain View to the systen waùd be best fran both regional and local pe....1""-·tives. Mr. D.IcJ:Jan L LL..Jlvoed Walter CaI1en, Plannirx:J Director. Mr. CaI1en said they are tryin:J to balance ha..1sin;, jà:s and transportatioo. Cities are ~ 00 Tt:M and the '1'2010 Plan as w1.l as light rail t...'"anSpOrtatioo. He shewed a drawin;r of the i'L' \œed line and said there are no conflicts with roads or residential neighborhoods. He said the system JDJSt serve the north ocunty and the entire regioo. 'Ibis Ìo'L''i~', waùd required no demolitioo, no relocatioo and little acq..ù.sitien of prcperty. Regartlin;r cost effectivity, the ~ View line waùd be ~itive. '!he cities of Palo Alto and I.œ Altos have erxiorsed this plan and other cities have SlIßJOrted the (X),"""'¥L of light rail. Patsy LtmiewJd, 7624 DeFoe Drive, said light rail is a t'Iø""de. She USUally sees oo1y five peq>le in the cars. The system has disrupted First street in San Jose. She asked what the advantage of this system is over b.t'œ. Use of hlSes does not take irWay fran traffic lanes. She said light rail is an expensive mistake. Gorden Frolich, 1202 Belknap c::wrt, said he had served on the Goals n--ittee. He said there is not rcx:m in the 85 corridor for light rail. We t'Q'ld go up but not 1.II'r3ergrc:ux. Mr. Frolidt said that if the systen ""....... to 0Jpertin0, it's iJII)Ortant that it be en DeAnza Bculevard and stevens Creek Boulevard to get to the "Grand Bculevard". He said he had no ..LL....'" positioo e'C':",!'L that light rail aISt cx:me dawn stevens Creek Boulevard if the Grand Bculevard ......"""'¥L is to \o1erk. Ann Arqer, Ðlpire Aver&Je, said that Santa Clara Chmty is III..Ich larger than San Francisco but does not have the pc:p1latien den;ity to pay for light rail. She said she waùd rather sge the PARI' system extended. She said she waùd prcvi.œ oc:pies of a letter regard..iIg CCliparisons of Santa Clara Chmty's transportatien - 'I.. with those of New York, Chicago and San Francisco. No re.:> ····-Ùi1tioo was received fran the City's Transportaticn CcIIInittee. Counc. Goldman stated his ~inioo that it was not ~L'-+'Liate for QJpertino to lalJby the Board of SUpervisors, the decisioo-makirg Ixxìy en this issue, by makirg ooe choice or another. We are :.ryin:J to establish regional o:x:peI1!tien. -6- KDVI!S OF '!HE FEBIaJARY 4, 1991, Cl'lY CXXJNCIL MEErIN:; (CC-S06) CDmc. Sorensen said she waùd advccate altemates to t:raœpartaticn requir1n:J gasoline. If she å1œe bettJ881h the two alternates 1-<- s_Jled tcnight she would favor the SUnnyvale alternate or light rail fran San Jose. CDmc. Szabo said a high l"'P'latien density is ~. In 20 years we will have the high density l"'P,l atioo and high E!Ipl.oyee density. 'Ihe SUnnyvale ~en is better ,,-,-,'39 we need statiŒlS at DeAnza Boulevard and stevens Creek Bculevard. CDmc. ~.. said both plans are very ~'l..tive and said she '-'CUld ed10 Mr. Szabo's I'E!IIIaZiæ. If we're goin] to do it, get both linss. Ma}'or ~ asked about the '1'2010 study bein] dcna. Mr. Viskcvich said ~ 'l'asmæ1 oarridor ~isien will be made at the end of March. If CI18 line is b.1il.t, the Sunnyvale ~en '-'CUld be better if CI18 loc!red ahead 20 years or so. CDmc. Szabo IIDIIed to po:- .,..-.L1 that the Board of SUpervisors adept the Sünnyvale ~. 'Ihe matien died for lack of a seocn:l. CDmc. Sorensen IIICIIed that staff's r<>o:- ...._Iwticn be followed: As"'"",irg that both ""'g'·-·tls are b.1il.t before OJpertino's, SUR> 'LL both alternatives. As"'''''irg that cnly ooe is œilt, based en en:- 1.. O:mnittee' s initial reoc:,,···-œtien SUßJOlL the SUnnyvale alternative. '1be DDtien died for lack of a secxn:i. It was 1IICM!d by CDmc. Goldman, seoa1ded by Ma}'or JCq:ipel and p"'-ed with CDmcil ".....J ~.. Szabo and 8oL..._ 1"11, e ,t.inq to take no positicn hoIøed en the fact that neither alternative has a direct bpact en Q¡pertino. 21. Hearinq to consider abatement of ruisanoe at 10175 ~...ers Hatch. (Removal recp!Sted-nuisanoe abated.) Prevj()l'''ly removed. 22. Arr'-l of PlanninJ t"roIoni -ioo actien denyin;J request for hearing to consider an êIIDeILlI-.,L to the Jbtta Vista Sf'ecific Plan; Marc Hynes, awellant (K.erstul.avich, l0421 0raßJe Averroe) . Director of l'nnnI'TÚ.ty Devel"¥ll"'JL Q:Iwan p1. B ~hled the staff 1 qAJL L. -7- No position re light rail proposals . . Kerstulovich appeal denied . MDC:ŒS OF '!HE FEBRJ1\RJ( 4, 1991, Cl'lY cnJNCIL MI!:E'I'DÇ {0CHI06) Marc Hynes, 499 S. 5unnyvalA Averue, 1."¥L SHilirç the Pl~Li owners, said that the Hal8in] El8llBl1t update ...w IL La the owners' request. He stated that aa:xm:Ung to the policies cx:ntained there the p... v=-,l satisfies the 9"""'. rec- ·,·,_·ùW by the City. In his cpinicn, the }IL"'}'I"LLi owners are pri.sa1ers of c...."""'¥1.s ~ are outdated. CDmcil III.1St recognize today's needs and these shculd not be tied to previcus acticns. He ~--ted that granting the request waùd be a benefit to the <'Ym01IInUty and that not grantjn; it waùd inpnee a hardship en the owners. Jolin Marshall said it ~1"ed, !ran the map that the lot is larger than others in the area. He sa.id he waùd supy ILL a yes vote as lcn:J as the lots waùd not be substantially smaller than others in the area. Jolin Kerstulovich, 10421 ~, "ß""""'1t, pointed o.rt; that he and his partner own a large and unicpe property. He told what the sizes of the parcels waùd be if the lot is divided. '1be project waùd blend with the area. He stated surprise that the City can rezcne p.."'}'I"Lty that has not been annexed to the City. Mr. QJwan said that the }IL"'}'I"L L}' had been pt'eZŒIed; neighboJ:hood meetirçs had been held. Mayor ~ closed the pmlic hearin;¡'. Mr. Kerstulavich said he had had prà)lems with the PlanniJJ] staff. He feels his property has been devalued. It was mcved by Ca.Irx:. 1;0''-'', secxta:1t.d by CDmc. Szabo and p"'e-'9d with Counc. ~.. t'li - ! ,Un:J to deny the ~'. 23. Appeal of requh........IL for a soils letter and thic:JœniJJ] or ~,... ....,~·,L of ..LL....t pavement sectien, 21861 }fè. ... ea A'VelJJe ('Ihcmas, Karen and HiàIae.l BrinKcett:er, ê'ß"" 11 ants) . PreYicusly removed, matter resolved. 24. Awlicatien No. 8l, 004. 151, City of CUpertino _ Preliminary review of ÌJL' ~ i!melldmehL to ordinaIre 778, care pr õ~tioo and rE!IDCIYal of significant LL H'. (<:a1tirnJed fran meet.irq of January 7, 1991.) (a) First reaclin:J of Orciinarx:e No. 1543: "An Ordinance of the City CDmcil of the City of CUpertino Amerxiin;J Ordinarx:e No. 778 Relatin] to the Care, Preservatien and ReIIDval of Significant Trees. " _0_ MINIJI'ES OF 'mE FEIRJARY 4, 1991, CIT'i cx:uNCIL ~ (CX::-S06) Director of C'nTmImity Develcpœnt Cowan presented the staff .L q.'UL t ani :rec...u.....1datioos. Nancy Ð.1n1ett referred to Sectioo 7.1(e) arrl inquired aJ:x:ut remaval of trees frcm underdevelcped lots. She ~ use of the list of underdevelcped prqJerties contained in the ~ of the Boosin:J Element of the General Plan. Me. Ð.1n1ett said she and others had been upset aJ:x:ut the remaval of pine trees and plantiI¡g of palm trees at the MarXetplace 00 stevens Creek Boulevard (fomerly Orchard Valley Market Place) before anyone even knew what was ~. She said the ani:lierx:e of the center had been destroyed and she hadn't talJœd to anyone who awroved. Hr. Cowan said that the request had gone before ASAC and been awroved. Courtenay Heater, 1111 Milky Way, reviewed the major j "'$I.....: constJ:uctin:J a tree inventory, protectin:J heritage trees fran remcwal, reduc1n:J c:anqJy loss, restricting unilateral cuttin:J, retaining habitat (even thcu;¡h the beneficiaries aren't voters) am satistyiI¡g ell¥Jtiooal attachments to trees. Hr. Heater said 1rÆ! need a mechanism to prevent inadvertent or intentional destructioo of trees because of the intrinsic value of trees to the emrira1JDent and because of the ~Lional value of trees to humans. FG&E has started a tree cc:nservatioo pl..ylnm. 'lbere may be state laws regarclirq Valley Oaks. He urged that 1rÆ! keep our LL --. Dean sayre, 10S05 sœvens Canyon Road, said he oojected to government micraoanagin:J of people's private property. He said he has l'X) c:bjectien to trees and has many trees. Regardinq heritage trees, he said it; was a great idea to pl tserve them. steven Hayes, 22681 san Juan, asked if the orctlr,altJe takes ~ (such as hillsides) into accx:AJJ1t. other cities have gra¡:pled with this issue. He said the perfect ordinance can't be written. Safety, ani:lierx:e, ozone - 1rÆ! !lUSt consider what is best to preserve these. Hr. Hayes said he believes strengthenin:J the ordinance is in ~ 's best :interest. Ca.lrx:il t'li<=lSSed the follCJWin;J: , TÍJDe pericxi for notification of 0I0'l1eJ:'S of trees designated heritage trees (Section 4. 2 . ) . Who waùd designate heritage trees ard ASAC awrcval of those designations. -9- I . . ordinance HnIlœ OF '!HE FEER1AI« 4, 1991, CI'lY aœ:n. MŒl'IHì (0::-806) Redumanc:y in Sectia1s 3.2 and 7 .1 (e) . Preventien of destructicn of b: r en large undøv8lqled lots (had hawcaied in Saratoga). Definiticn of develcplble lots - can be subdivided? develq¡er IIIJSt cc:me to PlanJ'lin1? PJ:otecticn of ~i~ trees en undøv8lqled lots listed in an appendix to the Gene..ðl Plan Hcusin] El........,L, or en large lots or parcels ccntaininq ŒI8 baIse. Designatien of certain ~ioes of b. es (e.g., Oak, p.o.t'Iwood) of a certain diameter to be pmt:ect:ed rather than any tree of a certain diameter. What species of trees other cities have pmt:ect:ed. Diameter of k : e to be protected. Clarificatioo of Sectioo 5.1. Iœsible invasicn of privacy. Potential difficulty of ac:1mi.n1.sterinÇJ ordinance and identifyin] heritage 1:1. T. Limitin] rnnnhø... of o:Ip8t'ies of speci.-rt trees. Iœsibility of Historical Society oœpilin] list of heritage trees in additicn to those menticned in their letter. City Attomey Kilian stateå that dIangin;J the definiticn of ~i.-rt k r waùd maJœ other parts of the ordinance inapplicable. City Manager BI:tJWn as""'" if it was CDmcil oOLensus that heritage k n no matter 10bere they are and .,..i~ k T r of certain species and size no matter where they are :be protected. Mayor Kq:pel asked if CDmcil was ready to SUIJP' '" L protectien of tL :11 in back yams in tenDs of City .....Ikol if staff spends the time cx:mi.n;J up with a list of k -. Mr. BI:tJWn said pec:ple coold ncminate k :s as heritage k :s; ASAC wœld decide if they fit the definitien. It was IIICJIIed by CDmc. Goldman, seoa1ded by CDmc. Sorensen and P"'~~ed with Council ~ Szabo and Rogers dissenting to "H-'LV\Ie the ordinance as l-L' i^'6ed with the following c::han:Jes : -10- MINtJ1'ES OF '!HE FEI'RlARY 4, 1991, Cl'lY CXXJNCIL MEFI'IN:; (0::-806) S11bse~ions in Sectioo 3 renumbered. Sectioo 3.7, Specimen Tree, to read 10 irk:hes in diameter (iJ1stead of l2) and """'aured fran 3.6 tt. above grade (iJ1stead of 4.5 ft.). ~~oo 8.1, secxn:i~,:"ast sentence, to allow Director of t"'nm!o..u.ty Devel<¥"",,,L the ~en of requirin:J replac....,-.,L of renr:wed tree with more than ooe tree. Sectioo 8.1, last paragra¡::h to read, "A request for rem::IIIal of a heritage tree or arr¡ other tree prctected by a ocntitioo . . .". Section 5.1 to read, "Except as provided in Sectioo 7 .l, no perscn shall directly or intirectJy rE!!IICMI or cause to be rencved arr¡ specimen tree or heritage tree . . .". Directed that the orùinanoe be brooght back to CDmcil in six months following CCIIpletion of heritage tree list by Historical Society and other interested citizens (list to inc1We these five trees already suggested by the Society). ~s: 9:25-9:40 p.m. PIANNIN:; APPLICATIctS 25. Awlicatioo No. 2~0 and 42-FA-90 - Pacific Gas and Electric Co. - Use PeJ:mit for a 16,500 sq. ft. expansien of an exi.stirx:J office anj maintenance arlldin:J .,.,ace with general site:iJrprovements for an exi.stirx:J utility '""'"'"t"'11Y service ._~.' ~r. Loc:ated in the sootheast quadrant of Blaney Averue and Hcmestead Road. Envh.........../Lal Determinatioo: '!he PJ.annin:] (h...d....ioo røo .......>Js the gra.~ of a Negative Declaratioo. Pee:) ....->Jo:.j for a¡:proval with ocntitiCl1S. Director of l'nnnInrlty Develcpœnt Cowan presented staff rec..u...... Jdations. Tim Sharkey, E21rlich-Rs::In.írqer, project architect, said that the current plans reflect that the screerJ.n:] which had been a c:ancezn has been taken care ot. It was moved by cnmc. Sorensen, seoon:ied by c.:ux::. Szabo and P"'''sgd ~ly to grant a Negative Declaration. -11- Neg. Dec. for 25-ë-90. PG&E e MINUI'ES OF '!HE fEEH1ARY 4, 1991, CITY <nJNCIL MEEI'ING (CX::-S06 ) It was IOOVed by Counc. Sorensen, secx:n:!ed by Ccunc. Szabo an::l p"'eeed Ul1aJÚJŒJUSly to a¡:prove the awlicatioo per Planning Ccmni....icn Resolution No. 4321. 25-U-90 approved In aJ'IS\o'et' to a questien regardin;r bike racks, Mr. Sharkey said that they are available. Present capacity is for ten bikes and they are never all in use. 26. Application No. ll-{]-90 (Amended) - SOOrato DeIIel"'l-"""",L - Use Pelmit Amendme1/L to IOOdify the prcvisicns of Caldition 1 c:x:memin;r required off-site street ~. Prt:pe.rty located 00 the east side of DeAnza Ba.1levarà between Mariani Avenue and I-2S0. Rec- ·'·'-·kled for a¡:proval with oc:n:litions. Director of Chmo1l'\Ìty Devel"'l-""""It Cc:Man Presented staff's l."~Lt and rAo ....._.ldaticns. . JaI1n Scbrato, awlicant, said the questien is what A~le's and Scbrato's <XiI/LdbltiCl1S shalld be for the bridge widenin;J. '!he êIIIIa.Ir.t he offered WáS made in good faith. He said t::he bridge is not ;-- -1A-! to make traffic Io'Crk at level D. It is a questien of what is fair. Sobrato is not asIdn;r for a subsidy. Mr. Sobrato said there is still not a closed ðÇ l:e..w.",L 'o!ith Apple. Q1e problem is arran;rin] finanein:J. '111ere is a blank check and the City is saying" Scbrato will pay sot of whatever the ocst is. Maintenance of DeAnza Ba.1levarà will be turned aver to the City. No state money is allocated at this time to furrl the othør half of the bricÇe. Apple an:! Scbratz: waùd like to see the bridge widened even if it is not r--e~"IY to make traffic Io'Crk at level D. '!hey are willin:J to iIx:rease thF.. $600,000 offer by a ocst of livin:J adjustment. Mr. Sobrato said they waùd abide by whatever reasonable index staff œes fit. He said $600,000 is plenty. If the project is tuilt canstzuctien tax will generate $1.2 milHen. '!hat plus the $600,000 will ocver the CUl.l....hL estimated ocst of the bridge. '!he OŒIStructien tax can be adjusted if ather traffic .iJIpravemem: is ~ cr if the cost will be higher. Given Mr. Viskavich's negotiatin:J ability and the state's desire to relinquish the maintenance al:>ligatiŒlS, Mr. Scbrato said the fact that SOOrato is willin:J to ¡ut $600,000 up frœrt: is fair and reasc.nabl~. Bel:> McIntyre, Director of Develcpnent, Design and Canstructien for Apple, exprc<'~ed thanks for CDmcil and cœm.mity suwort. 'The cœpany's coIpOrate beadquarters will be relocated into the project. He said that the City Manger and the project designers had been on AOC television news S1Jnjay momin;r regardin;r tel""-'-A,".u.rt:in:J. . -l2- MINUl'ES OF 'lEE FmU.R'í 4 , 1991, Cl'l'i cnJNCI1. l4EEl'OO (CC-a06) Mr. Jt::Intyre stated that significant ~"'Yu...s has been made 00 the project design. They are in thÐ market ttyin:J to secure finarx:ing. '!he Aß¡le SObrato deal has made good PL..·yu...s. Aß¡le is lOO% behirrl havin:J the brià::Je Wilt. they think it is the kind of traffic iJJprovement item they want and think it is ~"'Jáate for the City. When t-..he subject of a cap is raised it is easy to un::JeJ.stand - 101hen a C'n1pany has as its respclIsibility watchin:J oot for dollars it is not cost effective to give the state a blank c:r.eck to Wild the bridge. Bridges CXIIIe in lots of sizes and shapes and designs. If we CXIIIe up with a legitimate cap it is asIdn:1 the designer to work within a bJdget. At the present pace and with me 1-'L....p.e.:.s made so far there is a good chance to begin dem:>litioo in April and procee.l with exr:avatian in May. '!he City is in a positioo to have the JOOSt control aver negotiatioos with caltrans. JaI1n Marshall asked if there is a time frame for the brià;¡e to be Wilt, or can the state sit at the City's Da1ey. We shalld give them a time limit. Mr. Viskcvich said if the Council sets a limit it is cx:mnittin:J the City to SC1IIe future cœts which are unknown. staff can't make these cxmnit:ments. We have the cptien of acllin;r pedestrian overc:rœsings and leavin:J the ex:i..stin] brià;¡e alooe. '1his may not be aesthetically pleasing. Mr. Viskcvich said that we can't demand that the state1::W.ld at a certain time. It has to go tl1rc::J.Jgh the ~'!' and that is STIP (state Transportatien I1Iprovement P:I:~L""'), '!be project is not in STIP in the next five years. We go tl1rc::J.Jgh the PL...........s every year to tty to get this in the PrQyL...... It is in the 5-7 year time frame to get in the PJ:09L...... We hcp! the use the 50% c.;q,Ldb.rtion for seed Da1ey to advance that. ~ the Mr. Viskcvich, there are bIo possible scenarios: (1) We fail to get to SI'IP and all the rest of the cost except the SOOrato Da1ey is beL'" by the City. (2) If it gets in STIP can it be 1::W.lt by 1993 101hen we need it to mitigate the in;Jact of the project? '!he cost keeps goin] up each year that the project do'2S not get in STIP. Ms. An;Jer said she waùd like to see the City E!IXnlrage Awle and other develc:pnents who CXIIIe in and benefit and inprove the City. She said she was ham' to see that Awle will be owners instead of leasin:J. cal trans does not have the 1ID1ey. OJpertioo might have to bite the b.ùlet arrl pay more and not make the developer pay. Ms. An;Jer said she is not against t.axes rot does not want the money wasted. -13- MnI11'I!S OF '!HE FEBRJARY 4, 1991, Cl'1'Y CDJNCIL~.l.1'C (cx:-ø06 ) Hr. l"rolich said he was net suxpr1sed to _ the Apple S ~'[Cllto project beck. He said he had no interest in either ""'I'"'ny other than ät is good t.or the City. He said he thcught $600,000 is a fair am 1'8UCI1abla offer. '1hey need a cap so they can aIraIXJ8 f.i.nancin;J. Scmato has no ......,LLúl Oller negotiatiŒIS with the state. '1hey have IIIIIde cp.ite a fal ocuoe..siŒIS. He said he .·..."'Jd fiIIDXIUrIIg8 Q:QIoiJ. to COWLuVe a cap of $600,000. Hr. Kilian stated that an increase of the cx:.nIt.nJcticn tax waùd r8CJ1ire the vote of the pecple. camcil di .....,~ed the foliawiD]': 0ŒIsumer Price Index. Possibility of requirin:J cash rather than letter of credit. lBn3th of time required to b.ú.1d bridge (2 years includinq 8 JDa1ths actual OŒIStructien) . Date of OCIIpletien of Highway 85 and the ~sed project. ~ibility of City h,i ld1n:J briå; e. Hr. Viskcvich explained the STIP IILu,¡L..... and FAD (Federal Aid UrtJan) IIL",..-Ø. '!he fact that the bridge hasn't gotten in these IILu,¡L....... isn't anya'I8's fault. Hr. BI:tJWn said if we go t:hrcu;¡h the STIP IlL': - and c1cn't get included then we need to CX1II8 beck to the CDmcil with the t.imin;J of CCI1Structicn. CDmcil ac:tian taUght will be to set a base mIDII1t and pIt in saœ kind of inflator. CDmc. Szabo said the ..cuLLal issue is not 1àtt is fair; ~ has to pay. If Apple dceII not pay 0Jpert:in0 pays. If the state pays we all win. A fal hur.c'h...c1 thcusæxl in the City borigPt is a big deal hit shculd not be a deal breaJœr in a $200,000,000 project. CDmc. Sorensen said CDmcil needs to ~jt'le if they want a cap, then set it if they do. CDmc. Rcgers stated that the laqer we wait the IIm'8 it will cost. She asked if staff thcught $600,000 was reascnable. Hr. BI:tJWn said he thcu;¡ht it shoold be $900,000 with an inflator. 'Ibe questian is to4Jet:her the $1.8 millien cost for the briå; e is reascnable. -14- HDUrES OF '!HE FEBR1ARl 4, 1991, CI!1.Y aua:::n. l'IUi.L'.u«; ( cx:-ø06) Mr. Frolich said he was not smprised to see the Awl f IJ ¡.. ato project b!Ick. He said he had no int.er.t in either ~\'1Y other than to41at is geed for the City. He said he ~N-oJght $600,000 is a fair and reucnable offer. 'lbey need a cap 80 they can ðLL"'~ finlmcin;J. Sabrato hils no ,-¡l=1 CNer negot.iatJ.aw with the state. '1b8y haY8 JIBde ~te a fw 0CI10e...d,ŒIS. He said he w0l11d ~ CDmcil to '"K'Lu0J8 a cap of $600,000. Mr. Kilian stated that an increase of the CCI'IStruct.icn tax waùd røcp1re the vote of the people. CDmcil t'li......efted the follCJWin:J: 0::I1sumBr Price Index. Fœsibi.lity of requi.rin;J cash rather than letter of credit. Ii!n;Jth of time required to bl1i1d bridge (2 years inc:1.u1inJ 8 JID1t:hs actual CCI'IStruct.icn). Date of oœpleticn of Highway 85 and the~. oy)Sed project. lœeibllity of City bill.dinq bridge. Mr. Viskcvich ~lained the STIP ~~CIIII and FALi {Federal Aid UJ:bm) ~..<' ftft. 'Ibe fact that the bridge hasn't gt.'tten in ~ ~"': L""" isn't lI1'I}'a18's fault. Mr. Brcwn said if we go through the STIP pt.:'" ~ft and dal't get incl1Ùld then we need to OCIIIB bI!Idc to the CDmcil with the t.iJIinj of CCI1Btruct.icn. CDmcil act:icn taúght will be to set a œse amcunt and ¡ut in Balle Jdm of inflator. CDmc. Szabo said the .......íLLal i...... is not Wwt is fair; er-I <oîy has to pay. If Al:Ple does not pay 0Jpertin0 pays. If the stats pays we all win. A fw hundI...cl thcusand in the City hvtgP': is a biq deal but should not be a deal breaker in a $200,000 project. o:mx:. Sorensen said Ccuncil needs to ,.w.,iœ if they want a cap, then set it if they do. o:mx:. a..y.,...s stated that the 1~ we wait the mare it will cost. She asked if sta.ff thcu;¡ht $600,000 was reaBCI1able. Mr. Brc::II.'I'1 said he thcu;¡ht it shalld be $900,000 with an inflator. '!he quest!en is whether the $1.8 millien cost for the bridge is reasooable. -14- MIM1Œ OF '!HE FEæJARï 4, 1991, crl"í <IIJM:tL hŒJ:.uC (0::-806) ~ as,1rad alxut the pcssibility of the state fUndinq the project, Mr. ViskDvich stated that this is not a high priority !Jut is low CXJSt. '1bere waùd be a better å1ance if we can pl: e ,¡L seed 1ID18y. '1bere is still the pcssibility of tJ:yinq to get a nice design fc..r the ~LLlan crossin;rs which waùd brin¡ the price down. CDmc. Goldman said it is reascnable for the døvelcpr to have a cap. $600,000 is too lCJW. $900,000 shcu1d be the ..~ute 1IIiniD..mt, and he waùd go as far a.. $1 millicn. It waùd be in 8IIeXya1e'S interests to negotiate with the state. If they will b1i1d it, 8IIeXya1e benefits. If we can't negotiate with the state, we 1IIJSt go t:hraJgh the }oI.L.~ð. CDmc. Sorensen said she favored a døvelcper CXI1triJ::uticn of at least $900,000 with a Q:r1Sumer Price Index or Marshall and Swift inflator. Mayor 1C<:g:)el agl.....d with the $900,000 figure with a cmA. It was IICIIed by CDmc. Sorensen and secx:nded by cn:.nc. ~s to set the _vi...... .....uLL.I.J::uticn by the develcpr at $900,000 and use the Marshall and Swift inflator. It was 1IiCM!d by CDmc. Szabo, seoa1ded by CDmc. GoJ.dman and p"'e...'!!Ci with CDmcil ,,_.J .e.:rs Kqpù. and Sorensen t'li "'e ..~ to amerxi the DXJtien to set the cap at $l milUen. 'Ihe original DXJticn as êIIIIE!OOed P"'~ged with CDmcil 1I'~.¡J era JCtypel and Su..... nn t'li ø- : I tUng. ARCHl'IæroRAL AND SITE APP1ÐI7AL CXHŒT:ŒE APPLICATICH> 27. A¡:plicaticn ASN:; 51,199.15 - I1x:ky stares -1\ßIraval to ...mi f'y a sa.uñ wall adjacent to the truck dock serviD;J I1x:ky's MarJæt, located in !i:Cle1lan Square Shc.gIin] omter. (O:ntimed trcm meetin:J of Na\,~ 19, 1990. Request 0CI1t.inJame to May 6, 1991, after April 1 abatement heariD].) Previously oc:ntinued. UNFlNISHED RJSINESS 28. Ncae. -15- Cap set at $1,000,000 - Sobrato-Apple e LCC dues Bay Vision 20/20 . General Plan amendme:1t process . KINL"l'æ OF ']HE FEIR.JARi 4, 1991, ClT'i aua:::n. ~ (œ-806) Nœ IÐSINESS 29. ~L en light rail and requests fraD the cities of )bmtain View and Sunnyvale to en:Iorse their reøpect.ive projects. Ccnside1...d ;~i"'tely following CCI1sent OùerxSar. 30. Request for dues increase, League of Où1famia Cities. It was IIICIIIed by CDmc. Szabo, seocn:1ed by CDmc. Rcge1:111 and p"''19'!!d unan.iJDcusly to awrove the requested increase to $5,693. 3l. Di"'('l'....ten of Bay Visien 20/20 Draft Fl.~<'eal for Reg"iooal Government, Associatien of Bay Area Governments. Cwnc. Rcgers requested inpzi: fraD other CDmcil ~s and staff. It YaS IIDII8d by CDmc. Rcgers, seoa1ded by CDmc. I:nl'-Tt and I"'esed unan.iJDcusly to CXI'ItirJJe this item to the FebJ:uazy 19 IIIBE!tin] and to request irp¡t fraD City Manager BI:tJWn and Direc:tar of l'nnnI....ity DeIIel...lo.......L QJwan. 32. Dianll'''icn of i'L'V e&d wor.k i'Lvo,¡L.... - stage III, General Plan alllehlb~uL i'L..........s. Director of l'nnnI"'Iity Devel..........,t QJwan ÌIL B_,Led the i'L'-'1-o..ed P'vo,¡L- and asked CDmcil for their erd....aéauoaíL. It was IIDII8d by t.hmc. Szabo, saactü..d by CDmc. lbþ:o:t... and l""ð'C1'!!d unan.iJDcusly to a.Ju..... T.he ~L''1'' nd waèc i'Lvo,¡LCIIII. 33. ominancs relatin] to establishment of prlma facie q¡-ed limits en Millar Aveme be.ttoJeen SbMnJ creek BcAùevard and Bollin}er Read. :a) First reading of ordinance No. 1547: "An ordinance of the City CDmcil of the City of QJpertino Amen:iin:] Q1apter 11.12.030 of the 0Jpertin0 Hmicipal COde, Relatin] to Establishment of Prima Facie Speed Limits 00 Miller Aveme Between stevens creek Bculevard and Bollin}er Read." Director of Public Works Vi.skavich stated that if the ~ -.., limit is not r:o;aAd to 15 JIIil as detennined by a traffic ergineerin:J SUIVey, enfolCE!iUCIjL by radar will not be possible. -16- mNUlES OF 7HE FEIR1AR'l 4, 1991, CI'lY CXXJNCIL HEE:l'OO (CX:-S06) Ann N:1, 6031 Bollinger, said she was represerrt;iJy¡ pecple 1oIbo liv. 00 Bollinger and Miller. Both ..LL-œ are too dangera.¡s alreIIdy. She said she was also L"'t'L l' uLin] cyclists, and there is no I'OCIII for bike lanes, maJcin¡ the st......ts more ~. Ms. N:1 said she didn't believe in settinq speed limits aocordin;J to heM fast pec:ple driv.. She "'~;:ej ooe traffic lane each way and a center tum lane. 'Ibis 10IQÙd leave I'OCIII for bike lanes. Doo annett EiIIP1asized the danger in the area. He said there are three schools and d1ree c:hurd1es close by a swell as a pe&...LLlan wa.lkway ala'¥J the creek. He showed where a pedestrian crossin:J had r...o.:.JLly been remved and said no ooe had haIu....d it anyway. Ms. N:1's ~-Uan for reoa"1figurat1cn of the street waùd make it safer. '!he neighLu..l-...ud feels there is a traffic pral;>lem. Why not add stq> signs to make it rot so CXJI'IVelÚent for CXIIIIIJters to use the ...LL-=t. Ruth McKelvey, 907 Tantau AvenJe, said the survey was dcne during a time ~ there wasn't 1IIJCh traffic. '111ere are lots of kids crossin] the ...LL....æt and no crossin] guard. In her opinicn raisin] the ~ limit rewards ~'O"ß. Drivin] at 38 qil is not prOOent. '!his if:¡ a residential street. Mr. Viskavich said studies DUSt be dcne when traffic is fla.rin:J, not during peak traffic when cars are stq;ped or lIDITin:] very slowly. It was mcved by CDmc. Goldman, seccnjed by CDmc. Sorensen and p"eftt!d with CDmc. Szabo dissent:in;J to ~CNe the ~ and r<w}I--t selective enfw...........JL by the Sheriff's Department. It was mcved by CDmc. Rogers, seoa1ded by CDmc. Goldman and p"'eeed \JI1ëUÚJIIWsly to read the ordinance by title cnly and the Deprt:y City Clerk's readi.n3 to CCI1Stit:ute the first readin; thereof. WRI'l'Im CXlHJNICATIctS 34. Ncae. ORDINANCEs 35. Sec....d readin] and enacbDent of Ordi..'1anC8 No. 1536: "An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of ClIpertino AmerIr:iin; sectioo 1 of Ordinance No. 2 by RezŒ\Ú'l] Aßn:oximately .46 Gross Acre frail Rl-I0 Zone to Rl-7.5 Za1e; Loœted at 10572 Felten Way (Bruoe Itwin and Carl Zanger, 6-Z-90)." -l7- First reading of Ord. 1547 e Second readin of Ord. :536 Ord. 1536 enacted Second readin of Ord. 1548 Ord. 1548 .ted Blackberry Farm purchasE' Water use restrictions . MINm'm 0' 'mE ~ 4, 11)1)1, Cl'N mK!IL ~ (CC-S06) It was IIICIIed by Counc. ~s, &eOCII1død 'Þ{ Come. ~ and ~eeed UI1II!ÛIIDlsly to read Ordinance No. 1536 by title cnly and the DepJty City Clerk's readirç to OCI'IStitute the secxni readin;J thereof. It was 1IIOII8d by cnmc. lb,¡w.s, ...........:J..4 by CDmc. &....__. and p"'e-'\Id UI1II!ÛIIDlsly to enact Ordinance No. 1536. 36. Secc:ni readin;J am en-l..ua.IL of Ordinance No. 1548: "An Ordinance of the City CDmcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 A1IB1r1in;J 01apter 11.12.030 of the 0JpIrtin0 HJnic1paJ. 0XJe, R8latinJ to Establilll_,L of Prima Facie <¡1p i Limits en RainbaI Drive 9':.~ Saratoga-Sunnyvale Reed and stellin] RcI!Id." It was 1IIOII8d by cnmc. ""cgerB, &eOCII1død by CDmc. Sarensen and l""~~ed UI1II!ÛIIDlsly to read Ordinance No. 1548 by title cnly and the DepJty City Clerk's readirç to CXI'ISt.itute the seoc:n1 readirç thereof. It was 1!ICIII8d by CDmc. &......._311, seoa.:J..4 by CDmc. ~s and p"ø-ed urIIUÚJDCUSly to enact Ordinance No. 1548. RESOWl'IctS 37. RIBsoluticn No. 8325: "A RIBsoluticn of the City CDmcil of the City of Q¡peL'tino Authcrizin] EIcBa1ti.cn of ~_IL far Purc:base of Rl.....1obeil..ÿ FaDI, 21975 San Fer.wIdo A'\18'118 and 22100 stevens creek Bculevard." (Closed _icn ~.) STAFF 1<UUI(1::i 38. Oral L~t.. by staff 11\-.J C'B. Directar of IhhHa ~k.. viskcvich L"'t"JI.Led en water rEaLL.1cticns J.n.:1\XÜD¡ no outside wat:erirJ;J whiå1 -.y be hi" nd. He said that there will l'.ava to be t'li....-icn regaMin¡ laJ·'" "1.inJ at Jollymn Park. l)j ....-ien follaMd regardinq voluntazy LLansferr1nq of part of ~I allul..ua..L to allow playinq fi.~- to be 1riat..eJ:ecl. O1Jncil 11_.,1 'WoLD said they bad heard 1: II 1L.......,t ~--'\Id regaMin¡ the basis of allul..ua..t:s. Mr. Viskcvich said the inverted ra~ do 1oIOrlt. M:Jøt cities are CXI'1Vertinq because the allocatien method is difficult to administer. -18- MIH1l'æ OF '!HE FEæ1ARY 4, 1991, ClT'í a:xJNCIL MEEl'OO (CC-806) a:xJNCIL ~:> 39. Mayor KqpeJ. l.~".d::t en the Santa Clara cnmty Cities aa"Ot'1aticn meet:in;J and IGC. 40. <:nDx:. Szabo presented the L"'f.'ULL of the I.er;¡islative Review Ccmnittee. It was nDIIed by CDmc. Szabo, secx:nsed by <:nDx:. Rcge1:'S and p"acrOO unantmaJSJ.y to take the follcwin:J actiŒlS in reference to Pl' ~>OSed legislaticn: ~ L SB 169 (Boatwright) , repeal of SB 2557; SB Ix (Boatwright) and SB 5x (~), sales tax, e--"t'Licn of ~bl interest exesrptiŒlS. Direct staff to send letter of SIn· ILL re previoosly SUß)Ql.led legislatien, J'ICIi assigned SB 76 (Beverly), restoratien of Pl'¥"L ty tax art:s for "low-prt:1perty-t cities." 0ßx:ise SB 203 (Maddy), booJdnq fees, PL'¥"L"ty tax d1arges, and pr;q¡erty tax art:s for lCJW/no cities (expands iJJpact of SB 2557); AB 315 (Fri.edDan), redeve.1,¥"",d:., in::rEIases ho.1sin] set-aside requirement fran 20 to 50 percent; SB 27 (Kt:g», d1arter amen.:h"""ls by initiative. Refer AS 230 (Hauser), IIJJI'1icipal utilities, water, gas and electric bills, requirement for cœpariscn with previoos year, to Dir. of Fin. 41. CDmc. Goldman l'¥'Lted en the Ocunty CCIImittee en Boosin] andl'nnnln'\ity Block Grant ~"":fL"'" and the 0Jpertin0 Affordable Hcusin] ccmnittee. 42. CDmc. Rcge1:'S requested that the stan:!ard oc:n:litiŒlS of approval for devel,¥"",d:. be amen:Ied to i1x:1u:æ bike facilities as well as carjvan paolin]. 43. CDmc. Sorensen reported en the 0Jpertin0 Drug ~ CDmcil. By a::nsensus, <:nDx:il set March 14, 4:00-8:00 p.m., at the Q.1inl.an l'nnnInûty Center for a goals set:tinq sessien. Mayor JCr{'pel anrJaIOOed the ~ c:erem:ny for the new post office waùd take place en February 12 at 11:00 a.JD. Mayor ~ said that Ch,.,,; "'$icners need to be rE!IIIiJyjed about ~-in:J perscnal viE!lo'S as these of the City. At 12:05 a.m., CDmcil adjOOI11ed to a closed session to di,"<",1ae (1) ~ litigatien with santa Clara Ocunty re booking fees and (2) ~tiŒlS for pn:àlase, sale, ~, or lease of real k'L'¥"Lty (Government Q::)de Sectioo 54956.8) - Blackbeny Farm, 21975 san Fen1ando Avenue and 22100 stevens creek Boolevarcl; Berliner, Qi1en , Biagini, negotiator; Tan Nelson, et al., property owner. -l9- Legislative Review Com. PO ground breaking - Closed session Booking fees Blackberry Farm purchase . . MnÐ1D OF '1BB ~ 4, 1991, Cl'lY aua:::n. J'ZIia".ue (cx:-ø06) At 12:18 a.a., 0:u1ci1 reccnwned in cpn ..- ~1cn. All CaJrx:il . _. 1oI8r8 )'L sLit. as 1oI8r8 City ~ Brown, DepJty City c::l.8dt Wolfe and City Att.amøy Kilian. 1h+I_ --- - It ws IIIaII8d by CDmc. a...,,-., 1180...A4 by CDmc. L.._ en and p---vli ~y to autbarize City Att.am.y Kilian to seni a letter to the Q:IUnty 1P.wocutiw. R1""~L" JIIInow n~CIA. +-.,...... of ......·-·-aL _ It:.. IIICMId by CDmc. a:.,,-., MO..a.:1lod by CDmc. SOl_ e 1111 and p"-ni:'l unanDcusly to not IIign the )'L"lI.:nli agl.__1t. at this tJM ~.... of the penIiin;J fo,.,.,.¡..... sbx!y and to CX'I1tiøJe OCÞIi.....·aticn of the item to Febt'uary 19. At 12:20 a.a., the -unq adjam1Bd to '1'1- jay, Febt'uary 5, 1991, 6:45 p.a., CDmcil (t.....,J er. ~';ó.!/~ -20-