CC 02-19-91 C1'1'\t OF aJPERJ.':a«), S".lME OF CAIìDtRIIA 10:!OO 'J.U<KIS AVЫÆ, aJPfRl'IH), C'A 95014 n:IEPfI:IŒ: (408) 252-4505 MIN!Jl'ES OF '!HE REXDIAR 1'IUò.l.'.uG OF '!HE CI'lY CXXK:IL HEW œ FEERJARY 19, 1991, caJNCIL amMBBR, CI'lY BAIL, 10300 ..'tRæ AVDIJE, aJPfRl'IH), CALIFCHIIA CXHI07 SAIIJŒ 'ro '!HE FIAG '!he meetin3 was called to order by Kayar Kc.g)el at 6:45 p.m. R:>LL CAIL Counc:. PoL s_~L: Goldman, ~s, sorensen, Szabo, Mayor I<'c.g)el staff P.ì. S HlL: city Manager Brown city Clerk cmnelius Director of Public ~ Viskcviå1 Di:rectar of n-"Ú.ty Devel'-P"""tL Q:Jwan Assistant to the city Manager Brown Director of Finance Bnyàer Director of Parks aM RecreatiCl'l Dcwlin;J Public InfomatiCl'l Officer Krey city Attorney Kilian Fœ'l'KtmŒmS It was mcved by Mayer ~, sec....dt.cl by CCI.n:. S~ am I""~....g unanimcusly to cxntime Item No. 32 to the IIIBetir1I¡J of March 4, 1991. CEREJDIIAL MA:J.'.LUÇ:j - ~æ8 -Ncœ. œAL ..:aHJNICATIœs - NCI'1e. cxtmm' ~ Mayer JCrt::pel rE!IIDIIed Item No. 12. It was mcved by CCI.n:. SÓudli!!'1, seoot.dt.cl by ccurr.. Goldman aM l"'~ø9èl unanimaJsly to at ~l:uve the balance of the Q:n!ent calendar as tc::I1nnitted. -1- Consent Calendar MINU1'ES OF 'IHE FEBRUARY 19, 1991, REX;(JIAR C1'1'\t CXXJNCIL Mœl'IlG (CC-807) 1. lb1th1y Ar.:tivity Repœt, January, 1991. 2. lb1th1y Treasurer's ard axIget Rspo1.t, January, 1991. 3. Resolution No. 8330: "A Resolution of the City Camc:il of the City of CUpertino Allowin;J Certain Claims aD1 Demarxis Payable in the Amcunts aD1 Fran the P\1nds as Hereinafter Described for General ard Mi'3Cellanecus Experxlitures for the Period Erñin;J February 8, 1991." 4. Resolution No. 8331: "A ResolutiCl'l of the City Camc:il of the City of OJpertino Allowin;J Certain Claims aD1 Demarx:1s Payable in the Amcunts aD1 Fran the P\1nds as Hereinafter Described for salaries aD1 Wages for the Payroll Period ErIdin;J Januazy 29, 1991." 5. Resolution No. 8332: "A ResolutiCl'1 of the City Camc:il of the City of CUpertino Amendinq Resolution No. 5214 ard Awoirtin:; Dep.11:y City Attorney." 6. AFProval of cable Television Advisory CClmnittee grant. 7. Request for waiver of business license fee, National Organization on SJookirg, Aloà101 ard Dn>gs. 8. Inverse coOOemnation claim of Charles S. ard Sherrie K. Fels. Rejection requested. 9. AFPlication for Aloà1olic Beverð9o= cart:rol license: '!he Bottle Cap, 10591 North DeAnza Boulevard. 10. Minutes of the regular meetin;J of January 7, 1991- 11. Minutes of the regular meetin;J of January 22, 1991- 12. Removed fran the Consent caleniar. 13. Resolution No. 8333: "A ResolutiCl'1 of the City cooncil of the City of CUpertino J\coept:i11I¡J <)åtclaim Deed ard Authorization for tJrñerground Water Rights fran Bcti:Iy G. Bell æ'X1 Rita R. Bell, Northeast Corner of 0rarJ3e Avenue ard Lanita Avenue." -2- MINtJI'ES OF 'tHE F'EBRUARY 19, 1991, RmJIAR CI'IY CXXJNCIL MEEl'ING (CX:-807) 14. Resolution No. 8334: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of OJpertino Acœptin;J Grant of F;o~ for Roadway Pw:pœes fran Bà:by G. Bell an:i Rita R. Bell Consistin} of Awroximately 0.03 Acre, located East Side Oran;Je Avenue North of Lanita Avenue." 15. ResolutiCl'l No. 8335: "A ResolutiCl'l of the City Council of the city of 0Jpertin0 Acceptin:J Grant Deed of Real Property for Roadway PuIp<ses fran OJpertino DB Oro Club, Inc. , I.oc::ated at the Northeas': COrner of DeAnza Ballevarà am Haoestead Rœè, Cons1sti11l¡J of ~tely 0.032 1Ic:res Within AH, 311-18-29." 16. ResolutiCl'1 No. 8336: ".~, Resolution of the City Council of the City of OJpertino Acœptin;J Grant Deed of Real Property for Roadway Pm:pcsas iran OJpertino DB Oro Club, Inc. , located North Side of Hanestead Road Easterly of DeAnza Ballevard, Consistin;J of ~tely 0.019 1Ic:res within Am 311-18-28." 17. Resolution No. 8337: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of CUpertino A/:x:eptirq a Grant of F;o_T\t for Public utilities iran OJpertino DB Oro Club, Inc:., Located North Side of Hanestead Road Easterly of DeAnza Ballevard, Southeast Corner of Am 311-18-29." 18. Resolution No. 833!;; "A ResolutiCl'l of the city Council of the City of a,¡pertino Acœptin;J a Grant of F;o_T\t for Public utilities iran OJpertino DB Oro Club, Inc:., Located North Side of HaDestead Road Easterly of DeAnza Ballevard, SQ1thwest Corner of Am 311-18-28." 19. Al:Plication 2-ASAC-91 - TarDem CaIp1ters - Request for review aD1 ~ to add new parkin;¡' lot lightin;J to an existin;J light industrial b1i1din;J. 'Ihe site is located at the northwest corner of Tantau Avenue am Vallco Parkway. Røo ....-rx:led for a¡:proval. 20. Report on bid oper.in} an:i award of contract, sidewalk Gr:irxUJ1g, Project 91-106. 21. Report on bid opeJ'Ù11g am award of contract, Han:ticap RaIIp Installation, Project 91-9401. ITEMS IŒBJVE[) FR:M OJNSEm' CAIENIl1IR 12. Minutes of the regular meeti11l¡J of Februazy 4, B91. Mayor ~l stated that en Page 14 of the minutes, the figure should read $200,000,000 rather than $200,000. -3- e Tree Ord. . Public hearing closed . MINUI'ES OF 'tHE FEæJARY 19, 1991, RmJIAR C1'1'\t CXXJNCIL MEETm:; (CC-807) It was mcved by Counc. SZêÙX), seoan::Jed by Cour.c. Sorensen am I"'''~ed unaniJløJsly to defer ~ of this item mtt1l after Item No. 22 00 the agenja. RJBLIc HEARINGS 22. Ca1sideratiCl'l of an ordinance ~ ordinance No. 778, care preservatioo am removal of significant trees. (a) First readin;J of Oràinanœ No. 1543: "An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of O1pertino Amerxiing Oràinanœ No. 778 By lIddiJ1I¡J Regulations for the care am RerocNal of Trees 00 Private PrqIerty ProIfidinJ for a System of Granting PeJ:mits for Rem::lval of Specimen am Heritage Trees, ani for ProtectiCl'l of All Trees D..Irin:.J Cbnstructioo Operations." Director of l'hmII"1ity Devel"l-""".t Ccwan reviewed å1aD;)es that have been made to the ~q-œed ordinan::1e since the previoos meetin:.J. 'Ibere bein:.J no p.lblic camnent, Mayor J(q:pel closed the p.lblic hearin:.J. Council ñi"""''''õ'ed heritage trees ani the len;¡th of time that might be m iAñ to identify them, the possibility of a special designatiCl'l for Califomia 0!Iks, ani the possibility of ensurin;J proper main'terlame of the rema.inin;J oaks at '!he 0!Iks ~in:.J Center. '!he j.....,¡e of private p~ v. the protection of trees was ñi,,<:,,'''''OO. It was mcved by Counc. SOrensen am seoc:n:1ed by CCI.n:. Szabo to designate all oaks with a 10 :inch or JlX)Z'e diameter as heritage trees am, therefore, protected in all areas of the city wit:hcut a hearin;J l-'~U<..=.5. '!he IIDtion was adopted with Counc. Goldman ñi""entin;J. '!he first readin:.:J of the ordinance is scheduled for March 4. It was IOOVed by Counc. Goldman, seoorx:1ed by Coone. Szabo am passed unani:ønJsly to awrave the ordinance as amen:1ed ani that staff oane back in six I!alths fran the effective date of the ordinance. In the meantime, h£.ritage trees shall be identified ..00 tagged. '!he City Clerk was directed to ccntact the Historical Society requestin:.J that they seek cut heritage trees ani brin:.J a list of those to Cooneil. -4- MINlJI'ES OF 'mE F'EBI<W\RY 19, 1991, REX;UU\R CITY CXXJNCIL MEETING (CC-a07) City Manager Brown stated that information will be ¡:ut in the CUpertino SCene and citizens may naninate specific trees for heritage status. Pll\NNING APPLICATIONS 23. A¡:plicatiol1 No. 1-'IM-91 and 1-FA-90 K.W. Eng!neerirg, me, Tentative Map to subdivide approximately one acre into five lots rarr:Jirg in size fran 6,100 sq. ft. to 7,200 sq. ft. '!he prcpert:y is located on the west side of Sooth stellirg Road, 200 ft. north of Seven Sprin:Js Parkway. Environmental Determination: '!he Planning Canmission rec:aœrems the grantirg of a Negative Declaration. Rec:anmenjed for approval. Followirg the Director of Car.nuJnity Developnent's presentation, the meetirg was q¡ened for pmlic testiIIcny. Olarles c:han3, architect, stated that this was the best and highest use cf the pr'q)erty. He showed transparencies der>ictirg such things as the layoot of the lots and the relationship of tuil~, as well as the relationship of tuil~ and existin:.J trees. OWen Tainter, prqJerty owner, Iot: 4, stated that at the last City Cooncil meetirg, the applicant was told to su1:mit a four lot plan. '!he prt'p"""" 1 ruins the c::oort. stellin:.J Road is a monumental traffic jam. A new developnent in Sa.."ãt:qa has dead-en:l streets; traffic ccmes to CUpertino. Accordirq to Ron fb)re, the Central Fire Protection District is not happy with the p1.~. Mr. Tainter read Mr. fb)re I s suggestions into the record. A gentleman fran CUpertino exp:red'sed ~rt for the proposed deve1cpnent. He stated that there are t..-ees on the site and if the devel"¥"C'JL were reduced to four lots, these trees will be cut. He stated that bigger lots equal bigger hn1Ses equal bigger families equal more cars. '!he developer wants to make the neighborhood beautiful and good for CUpertino. Trees provide necessary oxygen. '!heresa Tainter, IDt 4, addressed Council regardin:.J the cuttirg of trees. She stated the whole area is full of trees and that these trees will be cut anyway. with five houses, there will be so ~ cement and the c::oort will only be 30 feet wide. '!he Ce.Tftral Fire Protection District said then there can be parkin:} only on one side of the street. '!he teIrporary fire turnarourrl will be elbninated. -5- App. I-TM-91 & l-EA-90 e pp. 2S-U-90 . . MINl1l'æ OF '!HE FEBR!1AR'i 19, 1991, mnJI.AR CI'lY cnJNCIL MEErm:; (CC-S07) Mr. Cowan stated that Central Fire Protection District requests parJdn;J ally on one side. City regulatia1S allow for parJdn;J on both sides of the eL..eet. Joe M::Dona1d, 1305 5aIth stellin;J Road, expI!!Ssed OCh.-;11 regardin;J whether or not 001S!!S wculd be faci1'XJ stellin;J. He preferred that hroses face stellin;J. '!he City CCl.n:il has two hooses facin;J stellin;J oow. 'lbere bein:J no further ~lic inp.¡t, Mayor ¡{oppel stated that the ~lic hearin:J was closed. FOllowin:J Cooneil di"""'''''''ion, Mr. Cowan said that stnùd Cooneil a~rove this, there wculd be no further action required by Cooneil except for the aw JVëÙ of the final map. It was m:JVed by Coone. Sorensen, sec::oroed by COOne. Goldman am pa$sed \.I1'1aI1iJoous1y to deny the awlication. 24. AR;Ilication No. 2S-u-90 - Teny Brown - Use Permit to CXJnStruct a 3,500 sq. ft. sin:Jle family residence in a Planned Devel...~........L residential zaú.rq district. Prq¡erty is located on tt'.e east side of SOenic Boulevard, 200 ft. sart:h of Palm Averme. Envi............,t.al Determination: categorically ExeDpt. ~ ·,..-rded far approval. Followin;J the þ1. sentation of the staff report, Mayor I<q:pel stated that there is a sin;Jle 1II.Ù ti-trunk eucalyptus, not the three ax-alyptus b: T- as stated in Condition No. 13. Teny Brown, awlicant, expressed the opinion that that tree was prOOably killed in the last freeze. Nancy Hertert, san Juan Road, said that "'''''''lyptus U...- do care back. She cited the specific case in BerJœley durin;J the last freeze. It was nv:wed by Ccunc. Sorensen, seoon:æd by Ccunc. Rogers and passed \.I1'1aI1iJoously to awrcve the awlication per Plannin:J CCmnission Resolution No. 4326 with ConditiCl'l No. 13 amerñed to delete the thU:d sentence am the second sentence chan;Jed to state"... one DUlti-tronk eucalyptus tree" instead of three eucalyptus trees. AROiITECIURAL AND SITE APPRJVAL a:::Hfi'lTEE APPLICATIONS 25. None. -6- MINUl'ES O~ 'mE ~ 19, 1991, Rm1IÞ.R CIT'í <DJNCIL HEE:l'ING (CC-a07) UNE'INISHED WSINESS 26. Dioc"ssion of Bay Vision 20/20 Draft PrGposal for Regional Government. Mayor ~l said that the Santa Clara Ccunty cities Association ~ that the 0 '''1 <J6ition of the Board be amen:Jed to inc1ud£ the Water District. Intergovemmenta ccuncil stated that it felt the region ooverecl should be shifted soothwarà an:!. inclu:3e san Benito an:!. santa cruz Camties. 'Ihere sha.ùd be regional c:x:qJeration, not regional gove...IUlIt:llts. '!bey wre in Ily.......œ¡¡t with a large advisory group, J:ut not 31. '!he group should consist of elected officials currently servin;J, not ap;x>inted officials. A concern expresseð was lack of ratification. ccuncil members had the follwin;J ,-,-o......nts: COUOC. Goldman - Repns ..tation should be by el~..ed officials presently servin;J. Altha.1gh the Water Dw..rict is a regional body, tl1ey 6hc:W.d not be ir.cluded at this time. Regional plannirx.J is an inportant cbje.ctive. For a small city, we need a lot of retail 1:0 survive. ccunc. Goldman su¡:p:>rts the OOI",",,¥L an:!. e.xpres..~ the need to start the prcx::ess so we can get used to local decisions bein::J at least reviewed by a regional agerc¡. ccunc. sorensen - Also """"",-~ed SlJ».v..L for th9 OOb..q;t an:!. that the Board consist of elected ofíicials. She ~~"ed c:oooems regarà.in; potential tax sharin;J. If the state has an overall water policy, then it may not be r--"ary to include the Water District. However, if it does not, the Water District does need to be included. ccunc. Szabo - Also expressed ccn::em regarding tax sharin;J an:!. suwort for elected officials serviIg. ccunc. Rcgers - Expressed """,......an regarding tax sharing an:!. stated if that were nocœ£"ary, perhaps OJpertino is not so interested in havin;J so mc:h ccmnercial develcpnent with all its prà>lems. city Manager Brown stated that city managers of the area have met an:!. felt that the 1J"~ is an excellent beginning. It is \n'ÙiJœly legislation will cane aJt of this year's session an:!. it is recxmnended that the Santa Clara coonty cities Association develq> a coordinated response for santa Clara Ccunty to this 1JL~ an:!. give it to the League of cities to be incorporated into their legislative process. -7- Bay Vision 20/20 e Wilson Park renovation . . MINUl'ES OF 1HE !"EIR1ARY 19, 1991, m;uIAR CI'IY CXXJNCIL MEE:1'ING (œ-807) Ccunc. Rogers stated she will take back the informatiCl'l aD1 c:onœrns of CCl.n:il to ABAG. Ann Arx]er, Monta Vista, said that she has been active a Ion; time in regional pla1'1lÚnJ and SLJW01.ts it. Cities cannot isolate ~lves; we need regional pla1'1lÚnJ. Mayor Kq:pù stated she will take the input to the Santa Clara County cities Association. ND1 EUSINESS 27. Wilson Park approval. Avenue. renovation preliminary plan, request for PrqJerty located at 19784 Wintergreen Direct..,r of Parks and Recreation Dowlin;¡' reviewed his report " d ~tion to COOncil. Ron Biennan, Bixby Drive, said that ~9r the proposal, the t-ball field is 11XJIIin;¡' closer to residents. 'Ihe Little League ~d liJœ to leave the t-ball location flexible. He asked if other than the ~t, were there any prd:>lem with the proposal. Director of Public Works viskavich stated the opinion that the water situation will prd::lably stop the renovation fran bein;¡' iltplemented. Mr. Biennan said that the City has conserved water as had the residents. He called Cal Water and was told that citizens coold da1ate their water savirgs. He volunteered to sperxl time ooordinati11g such a plogL..m. Fichi\rd Rahn, 10577 Farallone Drive, said he wculd liJœ time to 1IoplesUcuL Mr. Bierman's plan. He had not seen any restrictions on:ievel<¥D"lIL, which wculd save water. he ~d liJœ time to work on the pœsibility of da1atin;¡' water savirgs. He requested that COOncil not shut the door on buildin;J tl1ese fields. Di"C"l1SSion followed regarding the location of the t-ball area. Mr. Dowlin;¡' said it cannot be l1XJIIed sa.rt:h. it wculd be better just to relocate it. '!hat will be looJœd at. Construction ñnn"""'1ts will be more precise and will be Presented to COOncil before gain;¡' 0Jt for bids. Discussion followed regarding the street name, Parkside Lane and the possibility of c.I1arqing it to the name of a lon::¡-time resident. -8- MINUl'ES OF '!HE F'EIHJARY 19, 1991, Rm.JIAR CI'IY CXXJNCIL MEEI'm:; (CC-807) Nancy Hertert stated that !t.u:'dcd1 Lane walld sourxi gcod. She will ¡:msue this with the Historical Scx::iety. city Manager Brown stated that it was necessary for cwncil am the p.lblic to be aware of the reality of the drought. 'lbe City is prà:)ably 1ookin; at a 35-45% cutback. It was moved by CCUnc. SOrensen, seconded by CCUnc. Szabo am £"'''''l"ed 1.I1'1aItiJnoos1y to awrove the plan am direct staff to prepare preliminary plans with concern regarciin;J the t-ba11 area beirg too close to haDes am to request the Historical Society suggestion for street name if the name is not already final. 28. Recamnerr:Jatim fran the Parks am Recreatim O:mnissiCl'l re: alccholic beverage policv for the Sports Center, 21111 stevens creek Eallevard. It was l'OCIVed by CCUnc. SOrensen, seconded by cwnc. Reo ¡ers am passed 1.I1'1aItiJnoos1y to ~e policy of sellin:J beer sn:1 wine in the restaurant with special earp¡asis on soft drinks am water. It was l'OCIVed by CCUnc. SOrensen, seconded by cwnc. Szabo am passed 4-1 with CCUnc. Rogers diasentin;J, to allow servin:J beer am wine in the stadium cœrt with a permit. 29. Consideration of cl1aN;Jin:J oon:lltions of awroval to require bicycle 1cx:Jœrs on new office develcpnent. Mr. COWan recanmerx:1ed that final overall S'taIñard oon:lltion of awroval be tabled until the '1m plan is in place. In the tœantime, each awlication will be oonsidered on an irxiividual basis. Don a.Jn1ett, Santa Clara Valley Bicycle Association, said this is an inp:>rtant issue to bicyclists. Bicycles are susceptible to theft. He is also interested in prartin;J this type of item. 'lbere is a lot of bike parJdn;J at stanford in Palo Alto. Covered parkin:¡' protects the bikes fran theft. He 1JL' ~'6ed a systematic plan for bike parJdn;J in CUpertino am offered a position paper fran the City of Palo Alto. Mr. COWan requested a copy of the positim paper for his review . Mr. &1rnett said that bicycle parkin; is IOC>re ilrportant than bike lanes. -9- e 1st reading Ord. 1549 . . MINUTES OF '!HE FElRJARï 19, 1991, RmUIAR CI'lY <XXJNCIL MEE:rIH:; (0:-807) 30. Ca1sideratioo of aDIIE!!ntin;J 0Iapter 2.32 of the Q¡pertino Jbúcipal QJde to revise time of Planni.l'ç 0Ynm1_ia'\ ~ to 6:45 p.m. (a) First readin;J of ordinance No. 1549: "An Ordinaooe of the city coon:::i1 of the city of 0Jpertin0 Amen:1inq SectiŒl 2.32 of the Q¡pertino Jbúcipal Code, Planning C'nIIIni ....iŒl. " It was 1DCIIIed by coon:::. SOœnsen, seoon:1ed by coon:::. Goldman and P"""ed I.InaIÚIInJsly to read Ordinaooe No. 1549 by title only and the City Clerk's readin;J to oanstitute the first readin;J thereof. WRITI'EN CXHIUNICATIctIS 31. None. ORDINANCES 32. Second readin;J and enactment of Ordinaooe No. 1547: "An Ordinaooe of the City coon:::il of the City of 0Jpertin0 Amen:1inq 01apt:.er 11.12.030 of the QJpertino Rmicipal Code, Relat.in.J to Establishment of Prima Facie Speed Limits CI'l Miller Avenue Between stevens Creek Boulevard and Bollinger Road." (Previously oontinued to the meet.irq of Marå1 4.) RESOIl1I'Iæs 33. ResolutiŒl No. 8325: "A ResolutiŒl of the City CCl.n:il of the City of C1pertino A:.1thorizin;J ElœcutiCl'l of Agre..u..../L far FUrc:h<.se of Blackberry Farm, 21975 san Fernando Avenue and 22100 stevens Creek Boulevard." (Closed sessiŒl requested.) '!his will be considered follawin;J closed sessiŒl. S'OO'F ~s 34. Oral reports by b'taff """',~. 35. Update on COlJ;¡="tion Management. Followin;J presentatioo by Director of Public WorJæ V1skovich, Mayor Kcg;Jel ~.......,.,..; concern that the eo.~oo Management Plan aqercy is plannin;¡ a $100 stipend per meet.irq to -""rs with up to $200 per mcnth, with no stipend for alternates. She requested coon:::il su¡:p:>rt that the stipend shculd be $50 for the member and $50 for the alternate. MINUl'ES OF '!HE FEIR1ARY 19, 1991, RmUIAR CI'lY CXXJNCIL ME:E:l'm; (CC-807) By CX1'1Sel1SUS, Ccuncll ~-"'9d su¡p ...l far this and requested that the Mayor serxi a letter to the agency with ~ies to Cooneil. 12. Minutes of the regular meetin;J of FebruaIy 4, 1991. It was D:IVed by Coone. Sotet_en, seocn:3ed by CCI.n:. Goldman and P""~ unanlJoously to awrave the mim.1tes of FebruaIy 4, with $200,000 8IIIer'Ida.1 to read $200,000,000. 36. Drwght¡<XII1SeJ:VatiCl'1 statuE.. Director of C'hrm"Ú.ty Devel"¥"""IL 0Jwan p:uswbed a written J::épuLt to Cooneil regaràiJ'1g stage III General Plan Review/Initiation of open space plaJ'11'Ún3 effort. c:nJNCIL ~~ 37. Mayor ~l - Santa Clara camty cities l\ssociaticn - Mayor ~ requested that review aD1 approval of the by-laws for the ...."oc,iatiŒl be placed ŒI the March 4 agen:1a . Mayor I<qJpel also requested that the ad hoc Rec:yclin;J Camlittee su;¡gested by Los Altos Garbage ChrpIny be placed on the March 4 agen:1a. 38. Coone. Szabo - Legislative Review O:mnittee - It was moved by Coone. Szabo, seocn:3ed by Coone. Goldman and p¡i''''5.'ed 1.Il'1aIÚJDaJsly to direct staff to send a letter to federal lØ3'islators Sl1¡:p:4Lin;J lcx:al authority p:IWer to resolve cable custaDer i"""'....., to SURXrt legislatiCl'l in general to 1:'<'!pD"" 58 2557, and to 'M.<:6e lØ3'islatiCl'l in general that treats sd1ools/l'YOI'IIII11'\ity colleges differently than cities in this ca.'3e. Coone. Rcq.<rs éI1'1I'IaJOOed that she will miss the March 4 meetin;J as she will be at the Natiooal League of Cities conference. CU.6ED SESSIŒ At 9:55 p.m., CCl.n:il adjœmad to a closed session regardin;J acquisitiCl'l of prcperty - Blackberry Fann, 10075 Craft Drive (Arnold J. Bakaler and Dora Bakaler), and pZ'q)erty located at 11476 Garden Terrace Drive (Reyna1do M. and Gina K. Marin). Cooneil reooJlVened in Chamber at 10:33 p.m. -11- Legislative Review Comm. Closed Session MDVl'ES OF 'mE ~ 19, 1991, RmmAR CI'lY <DJNCIL MŒl'DC (CC-807) øm units. 10075 craft Drive am 11476 r............ 'l't.u'- Drive It was 1IICIIed U,{ CCI.n:. Rcgæ:s, Sooocn:1ed by CDInC. Saœnsen am [""8...... unanimcusly to ~0\18 the staff reo:> -œt1Cl'1 regardin¡ potential pm::hases per closed sessiCl'l with "D" 'lllMi ~ied as per closed sessiCl'l and to authorize staff to nagctiate prica far these units arñ any others. Blackbenv Farm It was 1IICIIed by CCI.n:. sorensen, secxmed by CDInC. ~ arñ [""8-9èI unanimc:QJly to adept Resolut:i.a1 No. 8325 éIIIIBIDBd to mclude a SUWlemental ~........elJt regaxåil1I¡J taxies to be aßIl'CY8d by the city Manager arñ city Attorney arñ to direct the city Manager to make a j11cli"",....,t regaxåil1I¡J acræge am nagctiate if he feels it is '"i¥'-~iate. At 10:35 p.m., Coorx:il adjoomed to February 25, 6:30 p.m. city Clerk -12-