CC 02-25-91
ern OF ....n"...:.üÐ, STME OF CALI!tRaA
10300 '.I.1..a<tœ AVDIJE, aJPER1'I1«), C'A 95014
'1EIE9DŒ: (408) 252-4505
10300 'IOt<t<t; AvæJE, CIJPER1'IN:), CALntIRNIA
CALL '10 ~
'!he meetin;J was called to order by Mayor ~ at 6:34
camc:. ~ s .~hL:
Goldmn, Rogers, Sorensen, Szabo, Mayor Kq:pù
staff Pl. r IL:
city Clerk Comelius
1. Interviews and ~Ld..,,,,,ls to Architectural aD1 site
J\pprcYal t'rMftittee and the Fine Arts t'rMfti....iat.
Architectural and Site ADDmIIal o:mnittee
Followin;J interviews, it was IIXWed by camc:. Szabo,
seoct.cJt,d by camc:. Sorensen and I"'--,d unæWDcusly to
~int Fœderique Miriam Iavics.
F~ Arts lhrIni....ian
Followinq interviews, it was IIXWed by CCI.n:. Rogers,
~.cJt,d by camc:. Sorensen and p"D-9èI unæWDcusly to
a¡:point James Pizor to the tam expirin;J Jamaxy, 1995.
It was IIXWed by CCI.n:. Szabo, sec:x:n3ed. by o:unc. ~. aD1
P"'--'!d unanimaJsly to a¡:point victoria Rà:ùedo to the tam
expiring Jamaxy, 1994.
R@~c;: 8:05-8:15 P.M.
ASAC appt.
Fine Arts appts.
Five Year
CXXJNCIL MEF'"'Il«; (œ-807l.) Po&. s _,L:
Goldman, ~s, Sorensen, Szabo, Mayor Fq:pel
staff Pres_IL:
city Manager Bram
city Clerk Cbrnelius
Directar of PUblic WOrks viskavidl
Directar of cn....1rÛty Devel"¥"""1t 0Jwan (arrives 9:23
Directar of Finance . <nyàer
Assistant to the City Manager Brain
Directar of Parlœ am Recreation Dcw1in;J
Public Infomatiat Officer Krey
city Attomey Kilian (8:45-8:55 p.m.)
HaJsin;J am services COOrdinator Nor1in;J (8:45-8:55
2. Review of the Five Year Forecast of ~tin;J Rs\IenIJe
Expenditures aD1 Capital IX1proIrement Pì.<-yLaDI.
Directar of Finance SnyI:ier reviewed five year historical
data at the General f\II'Xi revenue, five year historical data
at fI.1ms l:ui;¡eted ~red to expentitures, am revenues
~red to expenlSS. He then reviewed the Five Year
Fiscal Forecast am pointed cut that a1 page 4, line 2
should read $1.3 million. He infvuo::d Council that
refezellDe to sales tax revenue sharin;J in Bay VisiCl'l 20/20
refers to new sales tax am not (city Attorney
Kilian am Hoosin;J am Services COOrdinator Norlin;J enter.)
'ß1e city Attomey informed Oot.mcil that an emergency
existed aD1 it was r---~",ry that they take acticn
pertainin¡ negotiatiats for real P~VJ:"""'ty located at 11476
Garden Terrace Drive, Mr. am Mrs. Reyna1do Marin.
It was IIICJIIed by CQmc. Rcgers, SEoCa.Je..l by Counc. &...........-,
am p"'a"'«t unarúJIIcusly to authorize the City Manager to
execute an ag:¡.___IL for up to $110,000 towards ~ of
the ~VJ:"""'ty aD1 to ~'¥Liate $110,000 fran the General
f\II'Xi. (city Attomey Kilian am Hcusin;J am Services
COOrdinator Nor1in;J leave.)
2. Review of the Five Year Forecast of ~tin;J Revenue
Expenditures am Capital !Jrprovement Pì.<-yLctIIl.
city Manager Brown informed CaJrx::il that they will also be
reviewin;J the Capital Inprovement PlVl:LctIIl at this meetin;J.
staff has prepared a list of possibly reveruJe generators
that ca.ùd be PI r g uLed.
KIWl'FS OF 'mE ~ 2S, 1991, ~ ~ CJTí
CXXJNCIL MEE'l':I}«; (CX::-807A)
Hr. Snyder ~ the debt serviœ, speci.., røverJ.]8
fUnjs, and ent.e:rprise fUnjs as wll as a total picture of
Blackbeny Fam reg¡miirJ;J debt service aD1 turxi.
Director of PUblic Wades Viskcvic:h told CD.1ncil that he
will be brin;Jin;J to them 3 ~ ·..·-·ldatiŒ1 to :increase water
'!he city ManacJer pl. s wted a list of reveme enhanoement:s
as ñi.........~ed Dy staff. (Director of n-"Ú.ty Devel"¥"",,IL
Ccwan arrives.)
Follcwin:;J ñi"<'.....iŒ1 reg¡miirJ;J a potential inc::rease to
0C&'1Struc:tic: tax, CD.1ncil was infomed that staff will
consult with the city Attorney as to whether ar not this
tax can be i1x:reased withcut a vote.
It was JIICJIIeCi by CD.1nc. Rogers, Beexu::Jed by CCI.n:. Szabo and
~15'~ 1.I:'IaIU:maJs1y to direct: staff to OCIIIB back with mre
detail Œ1 the first twelve iteDS Œ1 the reveme enhancement
list (l'1Cn-'pOint source, WI arrests, user fees, b.1siness
license tax, transient "C'C\¡pancy tax, ya.....cù plan cost
rec:::overy, CCI1StructiŒ1 tax inc::rease, 0Jpertin0 water
frandúse, 1:........"""tiCl'l service (cw.L.,.ltly ftee) , on>
(0CIIIIIIlter netwoJ:X), auto collisioo poliœ respa1S8, fines
and penalties) .
~: 9:44-9:50 P.M.
'!he Five Year capital Inprovement PLwyLGII& was p1:SSL.lted by
Hr. Vi.skcvi.d1. It was pointed cut that the Majar Read
DIprcvement Furñ shculd be a separate headin;J.
By CX'I1SE!nSUS, Q:Iuncil ..1 i1llinated the signal at DBAnza.
Cbllege aD1 diJ:ect:ej that staff request the college to furxi
that bprawment. '.DIe city \ICUld maintain the signal Œ108
it was installed.
By CX'I1SE!nSUS, Ocuncil revised the ~wyL~".'''''' McClellan
Ranc:h buildin;J rencvatiŒ1 as follows:
1991-92 is ~ to $25,000 fJ:aa the General Furñ.
CCl.n:il deleted $500,000 frail 93-94 aD1 JIICJIIeCi it to
\.DIpJ:.UI::I..~...,Al cw....,.1t dollars with the statement
''unknown, subject to plan cq:praval".
By CCI'lSE!I'ISUS, Ocuncil directed there be another meetin;J CI'l
the Five Year capital Inprovement P.l.u,µGII& whid1 will be
included with the :budget wor~ scheduled May 28 aD1 29.
Cooncil directed that infonnatiŒ1 regaJ:tlinJ these JIIBE!t:iJçs
be placed in the 0Jœrtin0 Soe1Ie and 00 01annel 5).
Five Year Capital
Imp. Program
XDIm!S 01 'Œ! naHJAR! 25, 1991, ~ RBmAR C1'1"i
CXUICIL ~:J.1'G (oo-807A)
At U:15 p..., the adjoomed.