CC 03-04-91
1.0300 ..I.~ AV!HJE, aJPERI':IlÐ, C'A 95014
'l'EU!:FH:1Œ: (408) 252-4505
MIWm; OF '!HE RÐmAR Mœ.l'm; OF 'lBE Cl'lY <DH:IL
HEID (If MARCH 4, 1991, CXX1NCIL awmER, Cl'lY BAIL,
10300 '.I.\4<t<I:i AV!HJE, aJPERI':IlÐ, c::::AIiDaIIIA
SAWm '10 '!HE FIAG
'.DIe meetJn¡ was called to order by Kayar IC:qpl at 6:45
Ccunc. Pres_1L:
Goldman, Sorensen, Szabo, Kayar ~
CCI.n:. Absent:
staff Plls_IL:
city Manager Brcwn
city ClelX Oœ:nelius
DiJ:ec:tar of PUblic Wades Viskcvic:h
DiJ:ec:tar of Finance Snyder
Directar of n-trú.ty DeIIel"¥"",,IL cowan
Public InfœmatiCl'l Officer Krey
1b.Isin;J aD1 Services Ccard1nator Narlin;J
1b.Isin;J Sp<v'!i '" 1 i ort en
city Attamey Kilian
It was IIICIÆ!d by CCI.n:. &....._ J en, seconded by Ccunc. Golm..,
aD1 P"~-ed unanJmcus1y (4-0) to CXIJtina ItaI No. 11 to
Marå!. 18: Item 13 to Harc:h 181 aD1 Item No. 21 to April 1.
CEREH:IŒAL M¡b:.L~ - ~æs
ReocgnitiCl'l of Califomia "«"iety of JIJrIiclpJ Finance
Officers Certificate of Awam far outstandizJ¡ Financial
ReportiJ1I¡J .
MIl«TlES OF 'IRE MAKH 4, 1991, RmJIÆ CI'IY CXXJNCIL !v;I:;l',U(;
Mayer ~l ~ I,led a Certificate of Award to the
F:inæ¥:JB Department, specifically IIIE!I'1t.iaUl' Sharline
JacIœcn aD1 I.auna castillo far hoñgPt fODDat. A
depu:tmenta1 certificate was received by Director of
Finance Snyder.
Jà1n Marshall, 11101 Sœth stellin;J~, told ca.n:il that
~.his is his secx:n:l rec;p.¡est far a oc:py of the minrt:es far
the hearing en the ::'lms' 1&~ ty. He also stated that
the traffic light at !t::Clellan ~ and DeAnza Bo.ùevard
turnin::J left ŒIto DeAnza, needs to be adjusted as it is too
Michael Troiano, 10751 stevens Canya\ ~, told Ca.lnCil he
wished to &:kh.e&>8 them regardi.rxJ parJdn:J en 5a."1ta I1Jcia
~. He was infœ:med that he will be qiven an ~ty
to speak when we reach that item at tl:.! agenja.
cx:tmm' ~
It was IIDYed by cnmc. Goldman, secxn:1ed by Ocurr.. sorensen
and pa"~ unaninnls1y (4-0) to awrove the CD1sent
Calendar as 9l1honitted.
1. ResolutiCl'l No. 8340: "A Reso1utien of the City Ca.lnCil
of the city of 0Ipertin0 ~ AmcAmt of Bcn:i, city
ClerK, city T>:easurer, DEpIty Treasurer."
2. Reso1utien No. 8341: "A Resolutien of the city Ca.InCil
of the city of 0Ipertin0 Allowin;J Certain (']..i...... am
DBIIanI:m Payable in the Amcunts and FraIl the nmds as
Hereinafter Described far Salaries and Wages far the
Payroll Pericxi Endirg l"ebruaxy 12, 1991."
3. ResoJ.utiat No. f.34:!: ',\ Resolutien of the city Ca.lnCil
of the city oì t\.,,'OJertino Allowin;J certain /",..i...... and
Demands Payable in the Amcunts aD1 FraIl the nmds as
Hereinafter Described far General and Mi""""'l1anecus
Experñitures far the Pericxi Endirg FebnIary 22, 1991."
4. Resolutien No. 8339: "A Reso1utiCl'l af the city
ca.n:il of the City of 0Jpertin0 Authorizin;J Continrln;r
Participatien in the!i:lrtgage credit Certificate (KX:)
HIMllE9 OF 'IHE ~ 4, 1991, RmlLAR CI'IY CXXJNCIL Mf%l'IMi
5. Mi.rJJtes o~ the adjoumeð. regular IIII!8tin; of Februazy 5,
6. Mi.rJJtes of the regular meetin¡ of Februaxy 19, 1991.
7. Fo:vJ-t far aw..'"I""latiCl'1 to repair sidewalk and
trellis at the librazy ($15,000).
8. AßIraval of santa Clara o::unty cities AssociatiCl'l
9. Sulw....1& and crœ1f :. "I,1aint for inverse cax1emnatiCl'l:
Fels v. City o~ Q]pertino, et al. Receive.
10. ARùicatiŒ1 l-Z-91 - catholic Foreign MissiCl'l o~
America - Prezcnizg ~tely 29 acres frail Ocunt:y
Agri01ltural (A) ZŒ1e to city of 0JpBrtin0 Quasi Public
arl.ldin;J (~) ZŒ1e: located at 23000 cristo Ray Drive,
scuth of I-280, west of Foothill Boulevard.
EnvL.UlIlUClItal Deteminat1cn: '!he Plannin;J chml'l....iœ
rec· ·,·,-·ds the grantin;J of a Negative DeclaratiCl'l.
pø.~ .....Þ\ded. for a¡:p:cval.
(a) First readin;J of ordinance No. 1550: "An
Ordinanc:e of tba city Q:Iuncil of the city of
Q]pertino AmerIdin;; Sectiat 1 of Ordinanc:e No. 2 by
Prezcnizg ~,..ri-tely 29 Acres fJ:aa Ocunt:y A
Za1e to city of 0Jpertin0 ~ ZŒ1B: Located at
23000 cristo asy Drive, ScA1th of I-280, West of
Foothill Boulevard."
Di:rectar of rn-trú.ty DeIIel,¥,""",L CCWan reviewed his ~~t
with Q:Iuncil.
Mayor ~ aJ'Il1CIU1'x:ed that speakers ~d be required to
adhere to the three minute time lwt.
Mr. Hansen, attorney far Mazy Rholl, said that a lot of
damage had been den! chIrin:J the earthquake. A sprinklin;J
system is ~ am there is not ernJ3h water pressure at
this time. '1herefore, city water is neoe8':!ary, whim
requires annexatiCl'l. 'Ihat is the reascn far the prezcninq
of the prq¡erty. Mazy Rholl is a haDe far retired
priests. '!his applicatiCl'l does not involve any expansiCl'1
of the blildin;J.
App. I-Z-91.
Catholic Foreign
Publ ic hear in
Neg. Dec.
1st reading
Or,:. 1550
Street name
~ge, Blane
.epa lma Ln
Uti1- Dist. I
Publ ic hear in
MOOm; OF 'lHE Mm:H 4, 1991, mmtAR ClT'í ant!IL 14Em1C
H1il Zeitman, 22907 Crlclœt Hill, 1o'el.. .,_1 the Fathers to
Q.Jpertjn:I. He stated his a11.y OCIlOm.l\ is potential
residential zaUn:J. He su;¡gested they waive that right if
all they want is water.
Kayar Ifqpl anncunced that the ¡œlic hearin;J was clœed.
It was IIICMId by COUœ. Sorensen, secc:r1ded by ca.n:. Szabo
aD1 p>....9d UMJÙJIøJs1y (4-0) to aW%ove the grantin;J of a
Negative """'l..ratial.
It was IIICMId by COUœ. Sorensen, secc:r1ded by ca.n:. GoJ"""""
and p"'....ed UMJÙJIøJs1y (4-0) to ~licatiCl'1 l-Z-90 per
P1.aYU'Ûl1l1 t'rMfti -ial Resolutial No. 4327.
It was IIICMId by COUœ. sorensen, secc:r1ded by ca.n:. Szabo
aD1 !,<,"'õ'ed UMJÙJIøJs1y (4-0) to read 0rtUnanœ No. 1550 by
title a11.y aD1 the city Clerk's readinq to .:>oabtltute the
first readinq thereof.
ll. Cc:I1sideratiCl'1 of ...L..~ nama change, part:.iCI'1 of Sc:uth
Blaney Aven.Je to DePalma Lane.
(a) Resolut.ia1 No. 8343: "A Resolutiat of the city
ca.n:il of the city of Q)pertino o:rderin]
Name 0\angB Within the City of Q¡pertino FI.1rsuant
to Sectial 5026 of the streets aD1 Highways Q)de,
state of california: Q\an;e Pcrtiat of "Sc:uth
Blaney AvenJe" to "DePalma Lane", Located Sc:uth of
B::Idrigues AVØl1Ie North of Regnart Creek."
(PZ'eviamly cx:ntimed to Marå\ 18.)
12. Cc:I1sideratiCl'1 of fODlling tJndergrcund utility District
No. 14, HaDestead Jt)ad and DeAnza BcW.evard.
(a) Resolutiat No. 8346: "A Resolutiat of the city
Q:Iuncil of the city of 0Jpertin0 creatin;J a
Specific Undergramd utility District and
Establishir1l¡J utility District No. 14, Haœstead
Jt)ad at DeAnza Ballevard."
Director of PUblic Woriæ Viskcviå\ presented his ..q.¡u¡. L to
'1here bein;J J'X) __.........Ls fran the p.1blic, Mayor Kq:p!l
closeè the ¡œlic hearin;J.
KDCl'ES OF '!HE MARCH 4, 1991, RmUIAR CI'lY o:::uNCIL MEE:l"DG
It was IIICIYed by come. Szabo, -....dt:d by come. &.....__Bn
an:! p..,....., unanbaIsly (4-0) to adept RssolutiCl'1 No. 8346.
13. Hearin¡ to CXI1Side.r abatement of misanoe at 10260 'l\1la
(a) ResolutiCl'l No. 8344: "A Resolutim of the city
comcil of the City of <lIpertino orderin;J
Abatement of FUblic NUisance at 10260 'l\ùa Lane."
(Previcusly CCI1tinued to Karch 18.)
14. 1IR'liœtioo No. 20-u-86 (AmeIDed) - .JMB Prt:perties
~ - Use Pemit ænen.h...:.IIL to inc::rease allowed
restaurant seatin;J fJ:aa 800 to 880 and to allow J:'EIŒMÙ
of existin;r <pICi.-rt oak trees; located oaks Shqpin;J
center. EnviraJœntal DateminatiCl'1: '!he P1anniD;J
t'rMfti ....iCl'l z-:- ,.,-œ the gnmtinq of a Negative
r-.1Matioo. Reo ·,··-Idal far "H"'u.1al with cx:n:iitiŒ1S.
Mr. cowan inf"'"""d ca.n:il that this appliœtioo provides
the linkage between the tree plan am parJcin;J plan. Sc:IDB
L.. H III.1St be remcved; they are rli--·aeð. am a dan;Jer to
pEqÙe ani prq¡erty. It is bein¡:rAo . .,.,....<"ded that the
...............t.ý owner reIIICMt these four L.. - as listed, aD1
replace them with fie1d~ t.ì. e s, but located in 1DCIl'8
advar1t.ageoos positiŒ1S. (Assistant to the city Manager
Brown arrives 7:15 p.m.)
Followin;J di ·'c"....iCl'l regaIàin:J use of '!be oaks Shqpin;J
center by these atten1in:j events at Flint center, it was
!D~ that perhaps fiint OO'ùd c:tIarqe 1DCIl'8 far tic1œts
an:! provide free ¡midrg. '!he city Manager stated he will
cc:ntact fiint center reg¡miin;J this.
Jim Jadæa1, attorney~...... s .Lin1 JMB Prcperties, said the
loss of the L.. e s is a blow to the owners. '!he awlicatiCl'l
CXI1S1sts of two f..........: CI'1Ø is a use permit far seatin;J
far 'Ihe COffee SOCiety aD1 Senor Pepe' S expansiŒ1S as well
as ~·s Bistro. In regard to the staff rec:. ...._.,datia1,
Mr. JacJœcn said he is not sure that the center has space
far 18 more parJcin;J places. If this c:aJIIXJt be dcne, he
said it was <>yL -·hle to just reduce the restaurant seatin;J
at a 1&'¥Jrtia'1al anomt.
Mr. COWan said that was also agreeable to him.
Res, 8346
App. 20-U-86
In regard to the trees, Mr. Jacksa1 said that Mr. Oc:wan is
..........,....t. 'Ihcse four trees are dan;¡ero.1s.
william ~I'l, amorist, said that Tree No. 3 is between
80 aOO 100 years old; the others are _u...i-tely the _
'1bere bein;J no p.1blic 0 ...,.AI ,t, Kayar :KcßJel brought the
item back to Cooneil.
Cooneil di......,,,,,oo the possibility of susta.iniJq Tree No. 3
with a DDre aesthetically pleasin;J SUW' ",L.
Mr. ~I'l said that such a SlJR)01.t coo.ld be dCI'Ie. It
waùd Mve to CXIDB fran above as well as both sides. Not
IIIJCh of the tree wrold be seen. '1bere waùd be extensive
liability. 'Ihe tree is of massive weight aOO has gene
thrc:u:Jh massive deterioratioo. 'Ihe device waùd be similar
in ~ to a cage.
City Manager Brown stated that I:x:rth arborists were in
ay............/t. '!he Envircnmenta1 Review cœmittee did want the
tree saved if it were possible to do so aOO it did not look
By ocnsensus, Cooneil _....d they waùd like to tty to save
Tree No.3, but realized the need to remove the other three
Neg. Dec.
It was Dr:JVed by Coone. sorensen, secc:njed by ca.n:. Szabo
aOO l""""OO UI'IæÙJIIa1sJ.y (4-0) to appt'CIIIe the grantinq of a
Negative n..,., aratioo.
It was Dr:JVed by Coone. SOrensen, seax1ded by Coone. Gol......"
aOO l""~~oo \.Il1aIÚJIDJsly (4-0) to Applicatioo No. 2O-U-86
(AIDenied) per PlaI1l1in;J (.......i=ioo Reso1utiCl'l No. 4328, with
a paragraft1 NiñM to o:ntitiCl'l No. 3;J, "In lieu of
reb.I:rnirq to the PlëU"l:1inJ ,..,..,."i .... len, the omer my
voluntarily reduce the authorized J"I............ of restaurant
seats by an amount ~<:¡ual to four seats reductioo far each
~t"1;' less than 558 bei.-q provided." am amenli1g Ca1ditioo
No. 4 to delete the last paragrarn am to authorize removal
of oak trees labelad 1, 2, aOO 4. Cooneil directed the
aß)licant to prepare a sketch showin;J a possible device to
SURX>rt aOO save No.3 aOO return at the April 1 meetin;¡'.
15. None.
16. First readin;J of Ordinanoa No. 1543: "An Ordinance of
the City Q:Iuncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 A1Den:iinq
Ordinance No. 778 By AddinJ Regu1.atic::nJ far the care
aD1 R8Dr::Mù of Trees CI'1 Private P"'¥"L'ty Prc:Jo."...dinq for
!l System of Grantinq Pemits far RieIDava.l of Speci~
aD1 Heritage '1'_ n, am far Protect:.iat of All Trees
J)Jr:tn;J CC:.r1st:ructia ~tiCl1S."
It .. 1IICII8d by 0Junc. Sorensen, secx:r1ded by 0Junc. Goldman
aD1 P---BtI unan.i.JID.Jsly (4-0) to read Ordinance No. 1543 by
title a'Ily aD1 the City Clerk's readirr::J to 'JCX1Stitute the
first readin;J thereof.
17. paq.--t far pardn:J fran residents of santa
IJJcia laid.
(a) Resolutioo Uo. 8345: "A Resolutia1 of the city
Q:Iuncil of the city of 0Jpertin0 Designatin;J a
Portioo of Santa I1x:h Read SUbject to Pezmit
Parltin;J. "
Director of Public Woñœ VisKcvic:h ~ s wt.ed the request to
Mike Troiano ð:l:h. -ed O:iUncil reg:arãin;J the original
installatioo of the fire hyàrant am water pràJlems. He
stated he has b 1 bñ to neighbors reg:arãin;J not pu:kin;J
against his retainin;J wall. 'Ihey CXI1tira.Je to do so. Also,
acts of vandalism have been CCIIIIÚ.tt.ed. He requested P"'""it
parlcinq as he feels this will save his retain.iD;J wall. He
~-œd pe:mit parIdnq be extended CI'1to stevens Cai1}'a1
AI FUentes, 10244 Santa T·...ia Read, 1& s .tt.ed photœ he had
taken eMIr the WBBIœnd. He said autos ware parJœd CI'1 the
pIIVSB1t all weeIœrñ. He has had bills (,,'1IIn<It $4,000
warth) far 1iA......JeB in the last 1IICI'Ith. He also stated that
acts of vandalism have been 0CIIIIIitt.ed. He is petitiCl'1in;J
the city gcIr....,.......L far relief.
James st:alJtq>, 10750 stevens Canya1 Road, said there are
..-,ds am brush alŒXJ Santa I1x:ia. If these 101eI'e cleared,
the area ocW.d be used far parJd.-ç. He received notice of
this meetin;J 00 Saturday am requested that it be ccntinued
so he ocW.d speak with the City EN3'ineer ~ ..mat can
be dale.
1st reading
Ord. 1543
Res. e345
HDÐl'ES OF '!HE MiœCH 4, 1991, RmJI.AR C1'1'\t CDJNCIL hui.L'.uG
Mr. Vis1a:wic:h stated it is his belief that t:høre 18 no
paxfd.nq CI'l støY8n8 canym RcI!Id for safety reuaw.
Mr. Troiano said there are parkin:J zcmes in the tr1-plex.
'.DIe prå:)lEID is the pq>le do not use them. Eight yærs
tJqO, a truck lost a tire canin;J down aD1 Ño""'ged his
1&........ty. A IICtorcyt:1e also ~ his 1&........ty.
Al :ruentes said that the petitiCl'l requestin;J pemit parkinq
has bEn signed by loot of the residents CI'l his tiL..ooét.
Kayar ~ brtu#It the i ......18 back to c:nmcil aD1 stated
that it looked like there were several abank:ned cars CI'l
santa IJJcia.
Foliawinq ili"'<'O.....iCI'1, i~ was 1Ir::IIIed by ca.n::. Goldman aD1
seca1ded by ca.n:. Sorensen to adc¢ ResolutiŒ1 No. 8345.
Kayar Kqp!l ~......-ud that the resolutiCl'l be lIIDfi!I'ded to
wrap around stevens Cëmya1 RcI!Id.
Martina stalvo, owner of the tr1-plex, said that her 16
yœr old ~ had bEn parked in fra1t of MiJœ
Troiano's hcuse far five min1tes and he stated that if she
aver parked there again, he WO'1li1 kill her.
ca.n:. GoJrn..." said he did not want the resolutiat .....elUded
to include a part.ia1 of stevens Canya1 RcI!Id, b.1t eno::uraged
neighbors to solve their own differences.
Came. &........_E!I1 .........c1t.d the amerd..,ht Wich was adcpted
with Came. Goldman ili- ,;J.
Resolut1a1 No. 8345 was adcpte:i unani.JDaJsly.
)j...........ia1 followed regaJ:dinq an arnJal fee far pennit
parkin:J to oover adIIIinistrative cœts.
Mr. Kilian stated that he did believe that the city ooùil
d1aJ:gB far an MI'I.Ial sticlœr.
CCI'IsideratiCl'l of an ordinance to adjust Oamcil salaI:y
as allowed by state law; to k-eor- effective upon next
new term of office.
(a) First readin;J of 0J:dinance No. 1551: "An
ordinance of the City Q:Iuncil of the city of
0Jpertin0 Amerdirr;J 01apter 2.16 of the QJpert.ino
fobrlcipal 0Jde, City CX:Juncil - Salaries."
KD«7rfS OF 'DIE MiæCH 4, 1991, RmmAR CI'lY caJNCIL ftua'.uG
It _ IIICMId by Q:unc. s......_ nn, 1oor.A&.dtd by CDmc. Gt"~
aD1 pe'HStl 3-1 with CDmc. S'JIIIM iU-ShtiD¡, to read
Ordinance No. 1551 by title CI'lly am the city Clerk'.
readirw;J to cx:œt:itute the first readin;r thm:eof.
It .. IIICMId by CDmc. Szabo, seoQllded by CDmc. r..l1'......"1
aD1 P'" 1:\ unarWacualy to _...... waivin;J of the reading of
the ardinan:» ..... ~,t. by title CI'lly.
19. O::ndderatiat of 0Jpert.in0 o--"Ú.ty services i"'" v -,
to prt:Ni.c1e sc::resúD¡ aD1 pI'" --. It services far the
døv8l, , IL of otbBr affard.1b1e hcusin;J c¢.ima.
(a) Rssolut.ia1 No. 8347: "A RiBsolut.ia1 of the city
Q:Iuncil of the city of 0Jpert.in0 Autharizin;J
ExI8c:utia1 of Q.d...aCt with 0Jpert.in0 o--"1ity
services to Pnwide Sc:reenin;J aD1 pl... ...'-'It
services aD1 Autharizin;J Expenditme far service."
Followin;J by HaBiJJ¡ ~",i.1ist Gil, it was
JDCJYed by CDmc. s.......... nn, ..........:1ed by CDmc. ÇnM...." aD1
I"'eeed unanimcus1y (4-0) to -V Rssolut.ia1 No. 8347.
20. Ncna.
21. readin;r aD1 ... I IL of c..'"C1inance No. 1547:
"~ 0J:diJ1ar:2 of the City Q:Iuncil of the City of
0Jpert.in0 1I1.Ienr:Iinr] 0Bpt&r U.12.030 of the 0JpfIrtin0
)IJr1i":ll""il COde, RIIlatiD¡ to EBt:abJ.ishIIIe of Prima
Facie S¡w:'l Limits CI'l ifill "'1:' AverIJe Betuun stevens
creek BclJJ.eo,...rð. aD1 Bollin;¡er Rœd."
Previcusly ccnt.irued to the meetJn¡ of April 1.
22. Seex:nl readin;r aD1 eœ..;I-,L of Ordinance No. 1549:
"~ 0J:dinance of the city Q:Iuncil of the City of
QJpertino AmBI1ding 0Bpt&r 2.32 of the 0Jpertin0
Hmicip"l COde to aevise TiJDa of Plannin:¡ t'rMfti....iCl'l
Meetin:Jø. "
It was JIICMId by ca.n:. s......_ Tn, .........dt..d by ca.n:. Goldman
aD1 I"'-.t unaniDaIsly «-0) to read 0J:dinance No. 1.')49 by
title ClÙy aD1 the city Cleå's readin;r to ccnrti.tute the
seoaû readin;r t1'.ileuf.
It was IIIaYed by Q:unc. s...,~"L1!I1, seoaùe.l UI Q:unc. Szabo
aD1 I"'e....... unaniDaIsly (4-0) to enact ominance No. 1549.
lat reading
Ord. 1551
Res. 8347
2nd reading
Ord. 1549
Ord. 1549
Review Comm.
MDIm!S OF '!HE ~ 4, 1991, RmJIAR C1'lY CDJNCIL J'II:õI:i.L".uG
23. Ncne.
f!1I!AFP ~
24. Oral ~.,.....Alts by staff 11_.. ets.
25. Dl:clught¡CXI1S8rVatia1 status.
Mr. VisJcDvicñ ~ B d.ed ca.n:il with lID upðate aD1 a letter
receiwd fJ:aa Mr. Glen Rcgm. regæ:dinr;J use of water in
famtainø .. noted far the r..........d.
27. ca.n:. Szabo - IBqislative Rsviar t'rMftittee - It ..
IIICII8d by o:amc. Szabo, seo....c:1bd by o:amc. r....'......'1 and
poo-9èI \IrIaJÚJIØJ81y to t:aJœ the folJ.cwinçJ act:.ia1
regæ:dinr;J 1&...yJSed leqislatiCl'1:
SU¡p.t.l AS 434, vM~t'!le registratiCl'l f_ increase, with
t.eàmical ~dA; AS 939, extensicn of Marå1 15
plannin:¡ "--"1 "11e far source reductia1 aD1 recyc1in;J
At 8:45 p..., Q:Iuncil adjourned to Marå1 14, Qpertino Inn,
4:00 p...