CC 03-14-91 · CI'lY OF C1JPER1'JJÐ, STME OF CALIFœNIA 10300 '.I.ut<&<I:ó AVÐIlJE, CJt'I:.K.\·.I.}Ð, C'A 95014 TELEPHONE: (408) 252-4j05 oc-8OSA MINt1l'ES OF '!HE !IDJOORNED RmUIAR JoIu;.1'.uG OF 'IBB CI'lY CXXJNCIL HEW (If JWDI 14, 1991, aJPERl"DÐ INN, 10889 Œ'ANZA IØJU.VARD, aJPERl'I1«), CAI.IF<RaA CAlL '10 ut<I.1U( '!he meetin¡ was called to order at 4:00 p... ~IL CAIL a::..mc. P... ! It.: Goldman, RIoge).d, sorensen, Szabo, Kayar Fc'ppel staff P.. s~Jt: City Manager Brown ORAL <XIMJNIC'ATICRS - NcrIe. City Manager Brown requested a clœed sessiCl'l far ~.......d. matters (J:eOIgiU1izatiœ). COuncil reocnvened in ~ sessiCl'1 at 4:10 p.lI. DiscussiCl'l of Policv and ~1tYr~ IS<;I- status l"'l-""'t CI'1 last year's i..",_. Q:Iuncil reviewed last year's 9"""" and l:~ts fJ:aa the DeparèDent u--~.. givirg them an update. Q:Iuncil .Ii..... ~ preparati.ca of a city ",i_il'll'\ stat....-Jt and a ........."Úty missiat statement. By OQ, EIISUS, CDD:il ~~ to cœa back to a "'i....ion sn+-- d. later 1n the meetin¡ and, in the meantime, to prc........... with other it8llls. '!he Mayer arnmced that CCunc. Szatlo "'0011.1 have to leave at 6:30 p... Mayer lC<::ppel _-~ed ......c...n regædi.nq the General Plan stat8llant t:bat the uman service aœa will not be exparàd into the hills. -1- HINl1l'E9 OF 'mE M1\RCH 14, 1991, AMaRŒD ~ œí o:xJNCIL HEEIING (CC-aOSA) City Manager Brown stated his belief that it .. a pr:cblem of definition. 4 city Priorities for 1991-92 Fiscal Year. Each c:o.mcil """-.r and the city Manager snhnitt;ed a list of five or JOOr8 priorities. 1M list was not 1"""'""'''''''>-1ly in oxder of i:IIIportanoe to the c:o.mcil """"""r. By CXI'ISeI'ISUS, the followin;J list of priorities (also not ~"~rily in order of hportanoa) .. establishø:l. 1. Recreation Master Plan a) General Plan vision/goals b) Specific sites, such as Blackl:leny FaDI, 0Jpertin0 Sports center, n:~1t Older Park, sc:hcol playin;J fields, IÞ1ta Vista Recreatiat center am McClellan Ranch Park. 2. Cityfl''rln'''i\tion Rcundtable a) Meet bi1art:hly b) Review 0 ..... "'\ i ....".... c) No staff involvement 3. Revenue Enhancement and¡ar Oot.-t Reductia\S a) Review/revise fees b) Look at two-year h1ñqPt c) Explore a NoveIIIber tax """'""11:9 (bJs.iness license tax) d) Ðcplore ~ ~. àtiat to save 11.'I%ef e) Rsdevel"'lA'&"1t 1qeœ'f 1. look far ~ f) Trial court fun:iin;J 1. cx:.ntiDJe to PJrSU8 and protect g) Use Q\-..¡ er of n -...... ce (Sbcp 0Jpertin0) praDOtia'IS in I'\".,.....pi.... scene; ..L.. the importarre of stx:win;J 0Jpertin0 to residents h) Fee in lieu of sales tax far offices i) Proactively seek ~ retail cutlets (~gÚc develc.pœnt) t -2- t t KINI1l'ES OF '!HE MAlQI 14, 1991, ADJaRŒD RmmAR c:r1Y CXXJNCIL HEE:l'ING (a::-aOSA) j) k) 1) More narrowly detille "retail" to ",,_ tax qenaratiCl'l Be watå'.ful of regiaW. sales tax sbarin;J Oa'1sider a qrants writer 4. General Plan a) Goal to cæplete - JUne¡J\Jly b) Residential design guidelines 1. Floar area ratios, setba,{oJœ, _aain;J, height: 2. Not win:Ja.r style, arå1itec:tural style, xcof material or color 3. Planning t'rMfti....ia1 brirg back reG- .,.,.MJded qu1delines c) "Grand BcuJ.evam" 1. To be detexmined 5. Affœ:àable Housin;J It a) Affordable policies, policies. Housin;J Calmittee develq» ilL' ~ fundin;J iø:entive. Ccunc:il set (Counc. Szabo leaves.) 6. CammJnications a) Finance ani bIxiget infoxmatiCl'l in nm..,+h", scene b) 01annel 53 SUßÙ.ement by qrants for new eqt,ipo-rrt:. Groll at pace as per rest of 1:Iudget. c) With CXI1Stituents ani variety of inteœsts (schools, tus.u-~es, etc.) d) Diversity eqj1asis e) Council cutreac:h to youth 1. No staff f) yart:h 1. IDok far .;)()(){~.rative p1"':1~......./efforts to address youth needs It 7 . others a) Watez-savin;J toilets b) 0::nt.inJe Q:Iuncil to"""""", i1 ðin;J c) Evaluate E!III8Xgeue}' ARKs d) Shorter Q:Iuncil JDeet.in;Js e) Strergthen internal organizatiCl'1 f) IDok at p.¡rdIase of recycled materials aD1 SUWlies q) Slogan 1. 'lbe city '!hat cares 2. City Ocun:::il work m missiCl'l &tat.....:M.t Council Directim m Related Issues -3- MINUl'ES OF 'lHE ~ 14, 1991, ADJCIRŒD ~ crt'i CXXJNCIL HŒl'ING (OC-aOSA) Mayor Kqpal addressed Co.Jnc1l regardinq the p.u:'å1ase of banners. '!be pm:ha.se would be made with surplus f.\nSs in the ~""'Jre T Call1littee bank acccunt. Came. Sorensen said tha'c Pat T ,,~ of the Så100l District, wants to meet with the Mayor regarclin:J bBnnIIrB far ''Red RiJ:ix:r1 week". She would like to 1oIOrk with the Mayor for corporate donatiCl'lS. other co.mcil "_>oJ .ers su:nested that perhaps the f.\nSs shcW.d be given towards solvin;¡ other _u"e:. Mayor ~ stressed that !of=Ic:ure T funds were dcnatia1s frail Þ.1siness people an:! the Boa1;à of .........Jre T determines the use of the 1'lDlV3Y. '!be banners would be visible to all in the t'Y'OmI"Ú.ty: it is obvioos that no General r\m:1 JI'Dr'S'j is available for banners. 'lbere is also sane JI'Dr'S'j available in the Mayor's Discretionary r\m:1 ..mich is a private donation. Dj",<",e:e:ion follCMld regardirq a possible event to welOClD8 hane the t:rocpJ. As of this date, the exact )'11-1:" frail ClJpertino is not known: however, if it were not many, it cn1ld be in=ozporated into the FOJrth of JUly celebration or the Heritage Parade. It was suggested that' it be in=ozporated with the FOJrth of July celebration aD1 that it be for all veterans, with the Ql1f vetenns, perhaps, as Gran::l Marshals of the parade. Di'K"""i.a\ included mention of a sign aver stevens creek Bculevam sayin;¡, ''Wel0ClD8 HaDe Troc::ps" ar ''Welccme HaDe Desert stona". co.mcil Noxms City Manager reqI.'.eSted Ccuncil directiŒ1 regardin;J norms. He asked if they wanted a resolutiŒ1 ar just a list. Mayor Kq:pel an:l co.mc. Sorensen suggested a resolutia1. '!his cn1ld serve as a transitional guide far new Q:Iuncil ~, as well as a guide to the ~lic. Counc. Goldman agreed that he would like the ca.n:il to act in the manner as listed in the resolutiŒ1S frail other cities that were fOIWcm:Jed to the Ca.mcil. He felt that co.mcil leazned procedure at the team tuildin;J ....L....at at IaJœ Arrowhead. He questiŒ1ed the need of art:! codification. Mayor Keppel did point cut that 13a119t:hiJ1g in writin;J would have assisted her in her fi:cst year Œ1 Ca.mcil. -4- KIH11D OF '!HE IWICH 14, 1991, ADJaJIIŒD RI!ØJIAR c::t'lY OJUNCIL J'IUiJ.".uG (oo-8OSA) At p..., the -.t.inI¡ .. adja.ø:ned. city Manager -s- '1 - - ')