CC 03-18-91
10300 1U<tœ AV!HJE, WnoKI.·..u«>, C'A 95014
'ŒIEPIDIE: (408) 252-4505
HINUlE9 OF '!HE REmIAR MŒl'Ilr; OF 'l1Œ CI'lY a:uaL
HEW (If MAB:H 18, 1991, a:uaL aÐIMBBR, CI'lY HAIL,
10300 '.lU<tœ AvæŒ, aJRm'DÐ, CALDœIIA
'.DIe meetJn¡ was t";II11ed to order by Mayœ: Kqpel at 6:45
lÐIL CAIL Pl. S91lt:
Goldman, Rogers, Sorensen, Szabo, Kayar ~
staff P.L S _JL:
city Clerk Qm1e1ius
Di:rectar of PUblic ~ vi.skcvi.d1
Director of n--"Ú.ty DeIIel"¥"""1t CC7.oIan
Assistant to the city Manager Brcwn
Director of Finance snyder
Di:rectar of Parlcs aD1 RecreatiCl'l Ikwlin;J
PUblic Infœ:matiCl'l Officer R:rey
city Attorney Kilian
It was IIICIIed by ca.n:. Szabo, seccnded by Q:Iunc. Sorensen
and l"'aa'!!d unarúmcusly to CXI1t.irJJe Item No. 11 to the
meetin;J of April 1.
P1. S tlatiCl'l of certificate of AppoL~d. to FœœriqJe
Iavics (Ard11tectural aD1 Site Aßm:J\Ial o:ma1ttee), James
Pizar aD1 victaria Rcbledo (Pine Arts t'rMfti ....i.CI'1) .
James Pizor am Victaria pnhJ~ accepted their
Mayor I<'c.g)el c:alled Director of Parlcs aD1 RecreatiCl'l steve
Ikwlin;J fœward to a~X:>qJL a state Facility Design Award far
the RàJert w. ()ùnlan n-"Ú.ty Center.
FnselJt:atiCl'l in ha10r of DeAnza Magic girls S«'œr team.
, ,
MDIm!S OF '!HE MAR:'H 18, 1991, RmUlAR C1'1'\t CXUICIL J'II:õI:i.L".uG
a:unc. Gal......" 1& S Jted a proclamatiCl'l to the tema
1m J oftS, the 00I!Iå1 and assistant oœd1es.
Jàm Marshall, 11101 Sc:uth stellin;J, 1:~1SIlJt.iJ1l¡J 0Jpertin0
IÞ.Ind Tœe, inf.....-i Q:Iuncil that the IÞ.Ind Tœe resident:s
ware 1'111\'1n;J prå)lBlB with cable teleIrisia1. QØ
Enfœ:-.-._uL had been called cut CNer the we1œn:i. muted
cable has taped cable CI'l the øP-JaJk and it is a hazard.
'.DIe Þ. 1.""OWn81:S have sent letters to muted, J::ut !XI act.ia1
had been taken.
Kayar lfqpel ~-œd that Mr. Marshall CXI1tact Dcma
Rrey, PUblic InfOI'llBtiCI'1 Officer, \oh) will get in toud1
with united cable.
ca.n:. Rcgers reJII:I\Ied Items 3 aD1 6. It was IIICII8d by
ca.n:. Rcgers, seocnded by ca.n:. sorensen aD1 p"'-9'!!d
unaniJIOJsly to aw.we the balance of the CC:nIent calendar
as a1tmitted.
1. ~ of resignat.i.Cl'1 fJ:aa cable '1'elevisicn
hl'visozy Q:mDittee by Katherine Trujillo; set:tin;J date
for inte:rviewB aD1 /IR)OL,t.....:.IL.
2. Mcnt:hly J\ctivity ~t, Februiuy, 1991.
3. Riemc:III8d frail the a...Æ IL calerœr.
4. Request far waiver of Rule No. 4 of RIIsolutiCl'l No.
8055, attendanca at t'rMfti....iCI'1 meetings (1P.lli. .....Jer,
PUblic; safety t'rMfti ....i.a1) .
5. AutharizatiCl'l far loan fJ:aa the Gena1:al I\md to
Q¡pertino PUblic Facilities <l.4.}'UL..tiCl'l.
6. Riemc:III8d frcm the CC:nIent calerœr.
7. SIn,...... and CCIIplaint, Lisa J. RdJertscn. ReoP..ive.
~ OF 'DIE MARCH 18, 1991, RmJIAR cr:tY cnJNCIL MEZl'DD
8. Resolut1a1 No. 8349: "A ResolutiCl'1 of the city camcil
of the city of Q¡pertino Allowin;J Certain ('1..i- and
DE!IDIIJDI Pay8ble in the ADø.Ints am Fran the FUnds as
Hereinafter Described for General and Miscellaneoos
Expenditures for the Periott Endin;J March 8, 1991."
9. Resolutia1 No. 8350: "A ResolutiCl'l of the city O:.xIooil
of the city of Q¡pertino Allowin;J Certain l"l..i_ and
DE!IDIIJDI Payable in the ADø.Ints am frail the FUnds as
Hereinafter Described far salaries and wages for the
Payroll Period Endin;J February 26, 1991."
10. Applicatia1 for Aloàx>lic Beverage CQ¡L<ul license:
Jojo's california Family Restaurant, Inc. (COCO's),
10145 North DeAnza BcW.evam (formerly Bå)'s Big Boy).
11. ~licatiat 1tSAC 3-u-90 - c:rcuta1's Inc. - Request for
review and a¡:proval far roof mounted medlanical
eqnipo-,.L screeniD;J at an existin:J restaurant. '!be
site is located at 10100 scuth DeAnza Bo.1levaro,
southeast corner of cali Avenue and DeAnza Ba.ùevaro.
~ . .,..-œi far a¡:proval with oonditia1S.
12. ResolutiCl'l No. 8351: "A Resolution of the City Ccun::il
of the city of 0Ipertin0 ~~ Parcel Map am
DIprO\Æ!IDent Plans of Prc:p!rty Located at 22050 Regnart
Road, Am 366-2-37, Developer RaIald E. Hansen,
Autharizin;J Exec:uti.a1 of lJIpraYement A,µ;
AutharizÚ1g Signirq of Parcel Map am InptO'v......,¡¡t
13. Resolut1a1 No. 8352: "A Resolutia1 of the city Ccun::il
of the city of Q¡pertino Autharizin;J ExecutiCl'l of T ....-
A,µ.......1t Betwen the city of Q.]pertino am the
Q.]pertino UniCl'l SChool District PrcNidin::J for the T ....-
of FL_....dL Older SChool Site."
14. ResolutiCl'l No. 8353: "A ResolutiCl'l of the city Q:Iuncil
of the City of 0Ipertin0 Autharizirq Executia1 of
Awea.œ to A,µ...........d. BebJeen the City of Q.]pertino
am the Q.]pertino Unia1 SChool District far the
Pw:d1ase of Fu....,..¡t Older SChool Site."
15. Resoluticn No. 8354: "A Resolutia1 of the city Ccun::il
of the city of 0Ipertin0 AutharizÚ1g Exie('lltia1 of
O:.cperative A,µ...........¡L Between the city of Q.]pertino am
the santa Clara Co.mty Traffic Authority PrcNidin::J for
Ccst SharÚ1g of City Traffic CarpJter K:x3el."
user fee
Public hearing
Res. 8355
MI1I1l'ES OF '!HE Mi\RaI 18, 1991, RmJIAR C1'1'\t OXJNCIL MEE'l'I1G
rmts R!XMD FR:H cramm' CAInIDAR
J. Jb"tthly Treasurer aD1 ~"V't ~L, FeI::Iruiny, 1991.
Di:rectar uf Finance BnydBr ~ the ."....,.i1S CI'l pIW'J8II 7
aD1 24.
6. Autharizaticn far loan in the aIIDJr1t of $260,000 fJ:aa
the General !\Ind to the Resource Recavm:y !\Ind.
Di:rectar of FUblic Wades Viskcvid1 defined Resource
ReoaIIery !\Ind.
It was JIICJY8d by came. :RogeIs, seoc:r1decl by ca.n:. Szabo arx:l
peoti'('t!d unanimcus1y to GHJLU'Je Items 3 arx:l 6.
16. CCI1sidt...cítiCl'1 of iJx::rease in rec...o:dt1Cl'1 p1:.UI:I..CWI user
(a) Resoluticn No. 8355: "A ResolutiCl'l of the city
Q:Iuncil of the city of 0Jpertin0 Rescin:tin;J
Sd1edule F of Resoluticn No. 7454 arx:l Establishin¡
Rec::reatiCl'l P.L...."..CWI User Fees."
Di:rectar of Finance BnydBr reviewec1 the rec..,·,....datiCl'l with
Nancy an...LL, 729 sterIdahl Iane, stated that the $3.00 fee
far 11_.. 6L..b1p at the seniar Center: shcu1d be :increased,
espe<'i,,'ly far ncI1-I'8S1dent:s. It is too 1IIJå1 of a bargain.
Di:rectar of ParD aD1 Rec::reatiCl'l Inflin;J said that SCJIIB
federal fUnds are used at the Senior Center: so
ncn-resid81ts cannat: be åIarged mare than QJpertino
I'8S1dent:s. '.DIe $3.00 fee stays at the Seniar center far
activities aD1 does not go into the!\lnd. '.DIe
rec. ·,··-Idatiat bein;J ~ .. ¡Led does not incl\Ù! seniar
citizen 1"!1a--œ.
Mayer Jfq.pel annoonced that the p.¡blic hearinq was closed.
It was JIICJY8d by came. Szabo, sec:x:nded by 0Wnc. Sorensen
aD1 l"'s-etl unaniDoosly to adept ResolutiCl'l No. 8355 aJIIIi!njed
to reflect the ParD aD1 Rec.1.o:dtiCl'l t'rMfti ....icn
Ie(1o ····-·dat1Cl'1.
It was JIICII8d by Goldman, ee.::....dood by ~.
aD1 p"8_'!d unanimcusly that staff CXIII8 back by May 6
ca.mci1 meetJn¡ with a ""'!A"" L regardin;J a review of
sutlBidizatiCl'1 policy (recreatiCl'1 furœ and ':F'.....ál fUnds)
of recreat1a1éÙ. fees, inc1\Xlin;J a Ið<> .....aldatiCl'l fJ:aa the
FaIiœ aD1 RecreatiCl'l t'rMfti ....ia1 regardin;J any åwges.
Statf is to mclude a list of ~t is a,U_ìUy bein;J
17. Hearin;J to CCI'ISider abatement of ruisance at 10260 'l\1la
(a) ResolutiCl'l No. 8344: "A R8øolutia1 of the city
ca.mcil of the City of QIpertino 0J:deriJ'1I¡J
Abatement of Public Nuisanoa at 10260 'l\1la Iane."
(CCI1tinued fJ:aa the meetin] of March 4.)
Assistant to the city Manager BrCM1 reviewed her l"'l""-L aD1
1& S _1Led three ¡:b:Itos of the site taJœn that mamin;J.
'Ihsse ware entered into the I...........d as Exhibit A. She
stated that she believes that the storage of lUllàlr CI'l the
lot is against the Rl ZCI1in;J.
James c. Hoffman said he had thcught that wculd be
p""""i....1ble. 'Ihe Code Enful............1t Offiœ.r hacll~ at
the ....."¥""ty today aD1 said that the l\Dli)er n--- to be
nIIIaIIed. He plars to use the l\Dli)er in his Bbcp in his
garage. 'lhere was no time far the nIIICMÙ. prior to the
heIIrin;J. Previoosly, he had rem:wed the debris an:l1llCMld
stille of the l\D1i)er to another site. Mr. Hoffman stated he
is ready to answer quest1a1S and do what is Gt'i""""I"".Late,
.but he does not feel it is a mùsance. 'Ihe lUllixlr is not
far c:.....-.cla1 pmpoes. ·In "'M4u.r1-tely 90 days he
expects to have a Wildin:.J permi.t.and a st......~ shed bú1t
in 1oIhic:h the l\Dli)er will be placed.
It was JIICII8d by ca.n:. Goldman, secx:nJed by ca.n:. Rogers
aD1 ~~sed unanimcusly to CCI1tin.1e the ¡:AIblic hearln¡ to
the meet.iJxI of April 15 by which time all lU11à1r cw.ullìUy
stared CI'l the vacant lot is to be JIICII8d to a lØ}Ù plaoe.
18. Q:r1sideratiCl'l of ðdh.=s change, portiCl'l of south
Blaney Avenue to DePalma Lane.
((1) Resolutia1 No. 8343: "A Resolutia1 of the city
ca.mcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Ordering C21argB
of Aà:lress far Certain Parcels Pursuant to SectiCl'l
16.04.050 of the !tmicipal Code." (ccnt.inued fJ:aa
the meeting of March 4.)
Nuisance abate-
ment-Tu la Lane
Address change-
S. Blaney to
DePalma Lane
MINUl'ES OF '!HE !9.JOi 18, 1991, RmJIAR CI'lY c.aJNCIL MEEl'DC
DiJ:ectar of n-11'\ity tevel'¥'C"ít COWan reviewed tl1e
history of tl1e 1&' y:eed ad:iress ci1arqe with c:œnc:il. In
re&pc:'r}88 to Mr. Dennis' letter expressin;J 0CI1OelT\ regardinq
mail delivery, Mr. Q:Jwan said the postal service's official
policy is to cxntime delivmy of mail with the ø
eighteen 1IICI1t:hs after the address d1anJe. tJrx>fficblly, a
post office ~"¥'- s mtative did state he is willin;J to
OOC{'&;L..te with tl1e neighbors.
city Att.omey Kilian said he does believe the lIIJI'Iicipal
code does give tl1e City Q:Iuncil tl1e power to ci1arqe i"B, bIt even so, it WQÙd be a legitimate use of
police power. '1bere is no vested right to an ad:iress.
Jim Bristow, o..jL..cù Fire Prct:ectien District BattaliCl'l
Chief, said it is best to stay within the system far
ðå.:h. -_. <:nt of tl1e haDes had a gas leak and R;&E OOIlld
not find it. '.DIe driver was goin;J up and down Blaney
look1nq far the
Nelsen Dennis asked c:œnc:il if they had received the faxed
letter fJ:aa his SCI'l, an att.omey. He said the letter
quotes a portiCI'1 of tl1e IIIJI'Iicipal code å:wioosly JDe!U'1t far
new endeavors. '!he haDPs with the aèdresses bein;J
t'li......--'9d are en a lalg, private driveway. Mr. Dennis' SCI'l
said he does not know if tl1e city can charge¡J
ðd:h. -_ ar not, bIt the sec:t!cns bein;J usecl do not a¡:ply.
Mr. Dennis wants a guarantee his mail will be deliveœd far
3-5 years. He sees potential pråJ1ems regardinq thin:]s
sud1 as r-'""11 notices, å1ecks, 0CI'Itracts, aD1 dealin;J with
credit CCIIp! He àJjects to tl1e persCI'1al kurden of tl1e
ci1arqe _ and ~:F""--t.s that tl1e city post a sign
CI'l the ............. of south Blaney and DePalma Lane shcwi.n;J the
ðd:h. es.
Mr. cowan 6I.,r.--œd that prior to tl1e end of the eic:Jhteen
1IICI1t:hs 1).. ....l1y used by the post office, the Mayor OOIlld
seJñ a letter to the postmaster requestin;J that the policy
be cx:nt.iJ'Œd. 'Ihere 'WaÙ.d be no guarantee, bIt at this
time, he has ~_.-.:I a desire to assist aD1 ~te.
tavi.d Fishœck, resident en Parcel 4, ay¡......,d with Mr.
Dennis regardiDJ postal ocn::Jer11S; however, he also ~.....,d
with the battaliCl'l åú.ef :regardirq safety ocn::Jer11S. His
main ""-.....£.16 were mail delivmy and if cne a¡:plied far a
loan and is asked hew lalg they have lived there, tl1e
c:harge of ðd:h.....s might pose a prà:>lem.
It was pointed cut that certified ~ies of the resolutlCl'l
c::han]in;J the ~""-~es owld be given to show that the
pecple had not JIKJIIed, bIt the City had just chan:Jed tl1e
a..1.h. CCJS.
1mI.J1'FS OP '1Y2 ~ 19, 1~1, ~ ϒ cmNCIL ~
steven Dennis, attarney, as"-i about CDIncil's 1&~
authority far this ac:tic:n. He stated that the Q¡pertino
DmÚ.cipal oode sectia1 is for new ~'¥"Lty am no
iDprovements are gcin;J CI'1. If there LiI a sectiCl'l
authorizin;J this actiCl'1, he WO'11t'1 be ham' to look at it.
Mr. Kilian Rtated Q:Iuncil has the authority of police
pa.<er .
Mr. Dennis said he had nothin:.J to add.
Mayor Kq:pel ëU'II1CJUI'IOed that the plJ:>lic hearin;J was clœ9d.
It was JD:IYed by cwnc. Saœnsen, secxn:1ed by cwnc. Szabo
and l"'~~ unarùmcusly to adept Resolutlcn No. 8343 and
direct staff to send certified cx:pies to affected property
owners. staff is to p.1t a reminàer in a suspense file to
send a notice to the post office priar to the end of 18
JDC.I'Iths. 'Ihe letter is to request that mail still be
delivered U it has the old adch. ~ CI'l it.
p¡:r"F.~C;: 8:35-8:45 P.M.
19. AR:>licatiCl'l No. 17-u-90 - 0Isvrcn RsE'--....œ¡TedIlLllogy
Co. - Use Pm:mit to demolish an existin;J service
staticn ani reoa...L..\JCt a new self service fuel statiCl'l
with 1,500 sq. ft. of ....iMh19 area en()··;J a foot
market am car wash, with related sitei:øpraveœnt:s.
'.DIe property is located CI'l the northeast ........,..... of
Hc:mestead Road and CeAnza Baùevard. EnvL..........ttðl
Detezminat.:"m: '.DIe Plar1niD;J t'rMfti....icn reo:· ....-.ds the
grantin;J of a Negative Dec1arat.iat. Rb........·....1ded far
aw<-wal with ocn:titicns.
Followin;J the ~,¥""L ~CID the Director of n-"Ú.ty
Devel..........L, Hartt Manes, CbeYra1 Rss--rd1 am Technology,
adch. -ad Q:Iuncil regarc:lil1I¡J L.. aMlandscapin;J. He said
he has ,......k..d with staff regarding the architecture am
1&' s .Led renderin;¡s am material sauples of the
devel~.l. Colors will be darlc grey, light grey, blue
and there will be a red missicn tile roof.
Bill ~, a~cal OCI1SI.Ùtant, clarified the height of
existjn:J fencin;J and also ex:i.stin:J mise ocn:titicns.
cwncil's quest.ioos involved level of sezvice, trip;¡, am
trees to be rem::rved.
ublic hearing
s. 8343 adopted
pp. 17-U-90,
MDIm!S OF '!HE ~ 18, 1991, REmIAR ClT'l CXXJNCIL ME!l'IlC
Neg. Dec.
It .. IIICMId by 0c:u1c. Sorensen, seceud." by 0c:u1c. Szabo
aD1 P"--ed unani.JDcusly to _we the grantinq of a
Negative ~1ATatiCl'1.
It was IIICMId by o:an::. Sorensen, seocI'ded by ca.n:. It)gers
aD1 P"-ed unani.JDcusly to _we the awJ,icatiCl'1 per
Planninq o--i....iœ ResolutiCll No. 4329.
20. NcrIe.
21. Nœ1e.
Park ren-
22. ~ of SCIDerset Square Park rencvatiCl'1 plan,
stokes AverJ.I8.
Kaz Abbey, þ" Ii ¡Led slides shcwinq the park aD1 abJses
that have occurred. He also shewed a slide of the master
In nspalSe to Q:Iuncil's questic::nJ, Mr. Dcwlin;J said that
at this time, evetythin;J 1IICUld be dCI1e that is not affected
by the draJght.
Appt. to
It was 1IICIIed by ca.n:. sorensen, secxn1..d by ca.n:. (;01......'1
aD1 p"eeed unanimcusly to aßIIXIY8 the 1&' y:sed plan aD1
aut:horize inplementaticn of iDprcyeœnts that are not
subject to draJght r_L..lctia1s aD1 directed that L.. n be
tr!1IWna(I higher far pnp.:ses of surveillanca.
23. A¡:prcval of i'L' C" ~e far recru11Joe.d. aD1 /IR)OLII.....,IL of
advisory board 1II-..I.el.I:t.
It was IIICMId by CDm:::. Szabo, sec::x:n8i by Ocunc. Rogers aD1
p"'eeed unanimcusly to _we the ~.. ~",. far recru1t.......d.
aD1 the iIlO -",. far interviews aD1 /IR)OLII_"uls with
1!IIIIei.ðl.....¡ls as follcws:
ChI sentence was -- to ItEm 1 statin;J that follCN-l.1p
questiCl1S may be asJœd by other Q:Iuncil -,~ ....... dL1ri:r1I¡J
the intervi... ItEm 5 will mclude an exhibit with
~--œd guidelines far the "II""""" of ballots an:i
"IInnhør of 2'ßÙ1cants CIl whid1 to vote.
MINUl'ES OF '!HE MARCH 18, 1991, RmmAR C1'1'\t o::xJNCIL ftuiJ:.uÐ
24. A¡:r..roval of the Socpe of o:asultant Services far the
U.dJIm Design Element of the General Plan, i.e., "Grarñ
Sculevard" aD1 request far "W",¥-latiCl'1.
(a) Resolutim No. 8356: "A Resolutim of the city
Q:Iuncil of the City of Oope:rtino Autharizin¡
ExBc:uticn of Ap.--=a1L Between the City of
0Jpertin0 æx! the Design Fizm of n.~""'''' 'l\1rJj
aD1 BottaIIley."
Followin;J Q:Iuncil ili......_ia1, it was IIICJ'oIed by ca.n:.
Goldman, ........cJ..d by CCJunc. Sorensen aD1 pel88'!1d 4-1 with
ca.n:. Szabo ili~-u1t.inq, to ~ Resolutim No. 8356
autharizin;J e:xecutiCl'l of the ag.J::eebIeII1t am apptqJriat:irç
$34,000 1'raII the General F\1nd. Q:Iuncil will meet in joint
sessiCl'l with the Plannin;J n-.m.i -ia1 a'l April 9 reqardin:J
the GraJñ Sculevard.
25. Cansideratia'l of an ordi.nanoa to mclude vehin,' lOt" step
required at alleys intersecti.n;J Scofield, sunrise,
(a) First readin;J of Ordinance No. 1552: "An
Ordinance of the city Q:Iuncil of the city of
0Jpertin0 Amendin¡ 01apter 11.20.020 of the
0Jpertin0 !lJr>i,.,ip'll COde, to Include Vehjn,"'"
step ~ at the Alleys :Ir1te:rsectin; with
Scofield Drive, SUnrise Drive aD1 Rcdrigues
Averme. "
It was IIICIY8d by ca.n:. Sorensen, secx:n3ed by CCJunc. 00]......"
am l"'-OO unanimcus1y to read Ordinance No. 1552 by title
CI'1ly the city ClerK's readin;J to CXI1Stitute the first
readinq thereof.
26. Ccnd.deratia1 of an ordi.nanoa to establish pII%icin;J
prohjbitiCl'1 CI'l the west side of stevens CéU1ya1 RcI!IId at
a point ± 100 ft. SaJth of the center of McClellan
road, øcuth ± 170 ft. (in fra1t of stevens creek
MarJœt) .
(a) First readin;J of Ordinance No. 1553: "An
Ordinance of the city Q:Iuncil of the city of
0Jpertin0 Amendin¡ 01apter 11.24.150 of the
0Jpertin0 Hmicipal QJde, Relatin;J to
Establishment Pañcin:J Pràùbitia'l ~ Certain
SL..-ts, to Include the West Side of stevens
CéU1ya1 Read."
It was IIICIY8d by CCJunc. sorensen, secx:n3ed by <:nID:::. Goldman
aD1 l"'8""'" I.II'1iUÙJID.Isly to read ordinaooe No. 1553 by title
CI'1ly the city ClerK's reading to OŒ1Stitute the first
readinq thereof.
"Grand Blvd."
Res. 8356
1st reading of
Ord. 1552
1st reading
lOrd. 1553
2nd reading
Ord. 1543
Ord. 1543
2nd reading
Ord. 1550
Ord. 1550
2nd reading
Ord. 1551
MINUl'ES OF '!HE w.RCH 18, 1991, REGJIAR C1'1'\t cx:uNCIL huit·.J.J'I;
27. None.
28. Seoc:n:i reactin;r ani ena...lmo,ut of Ordinanoe No. 1543:
"An Ordinanoe of the City CaIneil of the City of
Q¡pertiro Amen:lin;J ordinim::e No. 778 By AdcliJ1I¡J
Regu1atioos for the care ani Remr::Mù of Trees CI'l
Private Pt'q:)erty Providin;¡' for a System of GJ:'ar1tin;J
Permits for RieIIaYal of Specimen ani Heritage ~.cees, aD1
for Protectim of All Trees DJrin;J O:Jr1stzuctiCl'l
It was moved by CaIne. Sorensen, secon:ied by ca.n:. Goldman
ani paS'!i'ed unaniJJrJusly to read Orclinance No. 1543 by title
only the city Clerk's 1.-eadiIx:J to constitute the secc:ni
reading thereof.
It was moved by CaIne. Sorensen, seconded by ca.n:. Szabo
ani passed unaniJJrJusly to enact Ordinanoe No. 1543.
29. Seoc:n:i reactin;r ani enactment of omir.ance No. 1550:
"An Ordinanoe of the City CaIneil of the city of
CUpertino AmeIñin;J Sectim 1 of 0I:ttinance No. 2 by
Prezcnirq A¡:prax:imately 29 Ac:res fran Camty A Zme to
City of Olpertino 82 ZŒ1e; Located at 23000 Cristo Rey
Drive, south of 1-280, West of Foothill Bculevard."
It was moved by Came. Sorensen, seconded by CaIne. Rogers
ani passed unaniJJrJusly to read Orclinance No. 1550 by title
only the City Clerk's reading to constitute the secc:ni
reading thereof.
It was moved by CQ.;oo. Sorensen, seconded by CaIne. GoldlW\
am peo","'ed unaniJJrJusly to enact ÛI'CÙ.l;--nce No. 1550.
30. Seoc:n:i reactin;r and enactment of 0I:ttinance No. 1551:
"An Ordinance of the City CaIneil of the City r>!
CUpertino AJIM:!n:iin;J 01apt:er 2. 16 of the 0Jpert:' no
M.micipal Cede, City CaIneil - Salaries."
It was moved by CaIne. Sorensen, seconded by Came. GoldrŒ.n
ani pasosoed unaniJJrJusly to read Ordinance No. 1551 by title
only the City Clerk's reading to constitute the secc:ni
n.adin;J thereof.
It was 1ICIVed by Rogers, secorrled by Szabo ani
f"'''''ed 3-2 with Cou."1C. Goldman and Kq:pel di "sentirg, to
table this ordir.ance.
MDIm!S OF '!HE ~ 18, 1991, REXõVIAR Cl'lY CXXJNC:IL 1'U:òI:iJ.'.uG
31. NcrIe.
tn1IFP JCUU<I.::i
32. Oral repœ:ts by staff "'-,¡>91S.
33. Drought update.
Mr. Viskr:wicn 1& s mtad Q:Iuncil with a drcught update aD1
IU"IDJnCed that the turfin;J of Jollyman Park has been
så1edu1ed to start as the city is l00kin;J at
lClWlE!r'-'than-anned water 0CI1SeXVat1Œ1 cutback.
'Ihe turfin;J will start saœt:.iJDa after 'Ihursday. In the
meantime, CDmcll will let Mr. Vi.skcvi.d1 knew if they
cbject to this turfin;J.
caJNCIL t<J:;tU(1::i
35. ca.n:. Szabo - Iegis1ative Review QmDittee - It was
D:M!d by CDmc. Szabo, secc:med by CDmc. RcxJm:s aD1
P"-ed unan1JzøJsly to taJœ the followin;J actiCI'1
regardin;J 1&' 'J¡-<sed leqislat.iat:
~",=- 118 234, }::t,ildiJ1l¡J peDllits: aD1 SB 27 (Kq:p)
charter l!III!!.\'.:J¡¡.".jls by initiative.
ca.n:il, by ocnsensus, sugc}BSted that the Directar of
n-"'1ity DeIIel"¥"""jt oc:nt:act JMB PL_ties regardin] the
use of œJœ bein;J cut dawn at the oaks ~in;J center.
At 10:40 p..., the meetJn¡ was adjanned to 6:30 p.m.,
Marå1 26, C'cnfea::&...... lÐ:IIIJ C aD1 D.
Ci{y-~ ~
Drought update
Review Comm.