CC 04-01-91
C1'1'\t OF aJPERl'Di), S'mTE OF CAI.IRRaA
10300 'l\.tQu:¡ AVDIJE, aJP!Rl'JJÐ, CA 95014
'ŒI.EPIDIE: (408) 252-4505
(If APRIL 1, 1991, CXXH:IL awmER, CI'lY HAIL,
SAII1l'E '10 '!HE FIAG
'.DIe meetJn¡ was called to ()tile by Kayar IC:qpl at 6: 47
R:>IL CAIL Pl. B üL:
Goldman, Rogers, sorensen, Szabo, Kayar ~
staff PÃ. r IL:
City Manager Brcwn
city Clerk cmne1.1us
Di:rectar of PUblic Wades vi.skcvi.d1
Director of n-"Ú.ty Døvel~IL cowan
Director of Finance 8nyt!er
Assistant to the city Manager Brcwn
Di:rectar of PaDœ am Recreaticn DcJwlin;J
Public InfcmaatiCl'l Officer R:rey
City Planner ~
PJ;JUSin;J am services coordinator Narlin;J
city Attorney Kilian
Request 30 day CXI1tiraJarx:e far Item No. 28.
QJunc. Rogèl.. nq.¡ested that Item No. 28 be t'liClt"O-ed this
eveninq rather than ccntirue it.
Di:rectar of Public WInk... vi.skcvi.d1 nq.¡ested l'8IICMÙ of
Item No. 33.
It was IIICIIIed by ca.n:. Szabo, -......dt.d by Q:Iunc. Gol--"
am I"'p-etl UI1i!IlÚ.IIDJsly to table Item No. 33.
It was IIICIIIed by ca.n:. Sorensen, s.........dod by ca.n:. Szabo
am ~E'eed unaniDcusly to ...-4---018 Ca1SideratiCl'l of Item
No. 28 to the JIIBetin;J of May 6.
MIN(J'ftS OF '!HE APRIL 1, 1991, RmlJIAR CI'lY caJNCIL hu;~J..rÇ
Proc'-tiCl'1 recognizin;J Mediatioo week, April 7-13.
Prn<"l-tioo reoog¡dz.irç Public SdIcols week, April 6-12.
ProcJ-tiCl'l reoog¡dzin;J April 7-13 as week of the Youn;J
Mayor ~l pras ..led proclamatia1s ha1or.irç the
California :Fb:1e1.ated ~I'S Club, Mecliat.ia1 Week, '.DIe Week
of the Youn;J Child, aD1 Public SdIcols week.
Ray EkHy, 10052 Messy oak cwrt, 0Jpertin0, address'9d
ca.mcil regazdin;J 0Jtread1 aD1 Escort aD1 the ':Ii ....hIed who
need their services. He urged ca.mcil to shew 8IW:rt far
the œganizatiCl'l by increasin;J their ëIIID.Int of f'unding.
~ CAInIDr\R sorensen nq.¡ested that Item No. 15 be nIIICIIIed. Goldman nq.¡ested that Item No. 4 be nIIICIIIed aD1 Rcgers nq.¡ested that Item No. 22 be r.'ØIICYed. It
was IIICIIed by sorensen, seca:LJed by }G...~ aD1
J?"'BB9èI unanimcusly to ðW'CNe the balance of the Ooo~
Calemar as snhnitted. ( Goldman abstained CI'l Item
No. 13.)
1. MiraJtes of the adjœrned regular JIIIi!E!;J of FeŒuary
25, 1991.
2. Mirutes of the regular;J of March 4, 1991.
3. Mirutes of the adjœrned regular JIIIi!E!;J of March 14,
4. RsID:MId fJ:aa the o:œent Calemar.
5. Resolutia1 No. 8357: "A ResolutiCl'l of the City ca.n:il
of the city of 0Jpertin0 Rescirñin;J Resol·JtiCl'l No. 8055
aD1 Est:ab1.ishin¡ Rules GoIIemirJ:J Recruit..ueut,
A¡:poLII...../ht am ....... WL,t.......t to city Advisaty Bodies."
6. Approval of Fine Arts t"nmIi....iCl'l grant :t...............ldatiŒlS.
7. RBsolutiCl'l No. 8358: "A ResolutiCl'l of the City CQJncil
of the City of Q¡pertiro Allowin;J certain Claim an::l
c........ids Payable in the ADnmts an::l Fran the F\mds as
Hexeinafter Described for General aD1 Miscel1anacus
Expenditures for the Period Ending Mard1 22, 1991."
8. ResolutlCl'1 No. 8359: "A ResolutlCl'l of the City Council
of the City of Q¡pertiro AllOliin] certain (''''d""" an::l
DeIIIands Payable in the ADnmts am fJ:aa the F\mds as
Hexeinafter Described for salaries am Wa'3es for the
Payroll Period Ending March 12, 1991."
9. ResolutlCl'l No. 8360: "A ResolutlCl'1 of the City Council
of the city of Q¡pertiro Authorizin;J ExecutiCl'l of
~"""""'lL Between the City of D..1pertino aD1 ReyMldo
aD1 Gina Marin for:tease of Prq¡ert:y Located at 11476
Garden Terrace Drive."
10. ResolutlCl'1 No. 8361: "A ResolutlCl'l of the city Q:Iuncil
of the city of Q¡pertiro 1)e(-1arin;J Its IntentiCl'l to
order Vaœ.tiCl'l of a PortlCl'l of Mi.raJD:::I1te Road Located
at Its Southeasterly TeJ:minus, As PrcNided in secticn
8320 Et seq. of the sr.reets am Highways Code of the
state of califomia, Fixin;J Time am Place for Public
Hearin;J am PrcNiciin;J for Notice 'D1ereof."
11. ResolutiCl'l No. 8362: "A Resc>lutiCl'l of the city Council
of the city of Q¡pertiro Dec:1arin;J Its IntentiCl'l to
Order Vaœ.tiCl'l of a Public serviœ ----rt; Within the
city of Qpertino Pursuant to SectiCl'l 50430 Et seq. of
the GaII....,.......¡L Code of the state of California, Fixin;J
Time and Place for Public Hearin;J am PrcNiding far
Notice 'l11ereof; Mirama1t:e Road at Its SQ1theasterly
'l'el:Iain.Is. "
12. Acceptance of IllIl'Ú.cipal inprcvements:
a. Craltat's, 10100 south DeAnza Ballevard (Rainbow
DMilJl'1S, Ltd.)
b. Tract 7616, CUpertino Ccmœrcial DeIIel~lL
c. Jim Sisk Project CI'l south Foothill Ballevard.
(No ,y..,..,-,tatiCl'l J""""'<'~~ry.)
13. ResolutlCl'l No. 8363: "A ResolutiCl'l of the city Council
of the city of CUpertino Authorizin¡ p..i~¡L to
Mariani Group of Cc::IIpanies Fran Master stom Drain F\Jrd
far Master stom Line Constrocteã in ccnjurx::tiCl'l with
Tract No. 8325, Hc:mestead Road at DeAnza Ballevard."
MINtm!S OF '!HE AÆIL 1, 1991, REX;UIAR C1'1'\t CXXJNCIL M!Œ1'DI;
14. Reso1utic11 No. 8364: "A Reso1utlCl'l of the city Camcil
of the city of Q]pert.ilXI Dac1arin;J Its Int:ent:i.CI'1 to
Order Vacatim of a PortiCl'l of scenic circle at Palm
Averoe, Rst:ainiJ1g It as a Public Serviœ -""""""'1t As
Provided in Sec:tiCl'1 8320 Et seq. of the SL......ts ard
Highways Q:)de of the state of California, FixiJ1g Time
a.rñ Place far Public Hearin:¡ and PrcIridin;J far Notice
'Ibereof. "
15. Rear::Ned frcm the Ca1sent Caleroar.
16. Review of Aloà1olic Beverage OJntrol license for:
a) Good Earth Restaurant, 20807 stevens Creek
b) Fa1tana's, 20840 stevens Creek Ballevard
17. Resoluticn No. 8366: "A ResolutlCl'l of the city Q:Iuncil
of the city of 0Jpertin0 Settin;J Date far consi.derati.a1
of Annexin:¡ Area Designated 'Blackberxy 91-0', P..."""",Ly
IDeated CI'l the South Side of stevens creek Bc:W.evaxd
Be.tuen scenic Bc:W.evard and Byrne Averoe;
~...,M-tely 32.989 Acres, NelsaýI.anas (APNs
357-08-020, 357-12-001, 357-10-004, 357-10-00)."
18. ARùic:ati.Cl'1 81,003.618 - city of Q]pertino - Review aD1
findin¡ of Geflm:ðl Plan CXI1S1stency for the k4-¥sed
rev1sia1 of the Five Year Capital rq.....",...¡ls
Pl."':JLGIII. Envirc:nDental Deteminati.a1: '!he Planni.n;J
t'rMfti....tat rec' .,......Jds the grantin;J of a Negative
19. ARù 51,854.2 - Tait and As"OC"iates - pa.;p--t:
far review aD1 ~ to J:IIP''''''''' foor 'JBøoline
r'li ".....s at an existinq service statiCl'l located at
the sc:uthwast """""..... of stevens Creek Bc:W.evard aD1
Miller Averue. ~,,--...Alded for appr:JVal.
20. AI.1tharizat1c: far loan fxaI\ the General f\nù to
0Jperti.'"XI Public Facilities O""'?'..atiCl'l.
21. Resoluticn No. 8367: "A Resolutim of the City Q:Iuncil
of the city of 0Jpertin0 Settin;J a Public Hearin;J to
0c:nIider Water Rate Increase and Institutin;J Drought
Plan far 1991."
22. ReIIIcJ\IecI fJ:aa the Ca1sent Calendar.
MIlf1m! OF '!HE APRIL 1, 1991, RmJIAR Cl'l'Y CXXJNCIL MŒr'OO
Ysi!t§ )Ao...,J eta of the City Council
Goldman, ~, sorensen, Szabo, Kq:pel
Goldman CI'l Item No. 13 aüy
1'1»6 RœJ\/ED ~ cœsmr c::AU'ND1\R
4. MinItes of the regular ~ of March 18, 1991.
It was IIICM!d by Counc. Szabo, secxn:1s:1 by Counc. Goldman
and l"'--ed unaniJrr,:,Jaly to CJWLuVe the minutes as su1:mitted.
15. ResolutiCl'l No. 8365: "A ResolutiŒ1 of the city Council
of the city of 0Jpertin0 Authorlzin;J ExeœtiCl'l of Joint
R:Iwers h;Jtee.-/t, santa Clara Camty Ccn;¡estiCI'1
~~'-'IL Aqercy."
It was IIICM!d by Counc. sorensen, seoc:n:3ecl by Counc. Szabo
and paesed unaniJrr,:,Jaly to adept the resolutiŒ1.
22. Sett.inJ date far acceptance of awlicatiŒ1S, interviews
and ~L,L.....íLs far Cable TelevisiŒ1 Advisory
It was IIICM!d by Counc. Szabo, seoc:n:3ecl by Counc. ~ and
l"'-'"«! ~y to set May 10 as the deadline far
filin;J. Q:Iuncil directed that a ~ H release and nct:ice
be pl~ in the nmoori'i...... scene aD1 Œ1 the City Channel
and that the Q\.....J -er of ('I. ...._1 <::a and other ~
organizatiaw be notified. '1he interviews are to be held
CI'l WedI :SMy, May 15 at 6:30 p.m. in CGafereooe Rcan A.
23. Hearin;J to cxnd.der abatEment of nrlsaooe at ~ellan
Square ShqIpin;J Center: northwest corner of DeAnza
BcW.evard aD1 McClellan RaId. (0::intirIJed!ran JaJUIZY
7, 1991.)
(a) ResolutiCl'l No. 8313: "A ResolutiŒ1 of the city
Q:Iuncil of the city of 0JpBrtin0 ordering
Abatement of Nuisance at ~ellan Square,
Northwest a....,.... of DeAnza Boulevard and ~ellan
RaId. "
Ib1 cali, IIIIIl1I!Ig8r aD1 owner of ~ellan Square, told
0:Juncil that he ~d not weloaœ a pemanent c1wd Œ1 the
1&'+'= ty 1II!m:1atin;J permanent fencin:J. It is his intentiCI'1
to leave the fence up. A lot of IID1eY was spent Œ1 its
Nuisance abate-
ment, McClellan
App. 80.002.441
Hazardous Hat.;
Ms. H:xxe, 10364 Paradise Drive, &aid the fence is
1«I1derful ~L for CI'18 thin:¡-I.ucky has OCIltrol of it.
'!he store ~ managers ragularly. She recpISted
ac:met:hin;J that they CXJUld not d'Iiu'çe. She also ..:}:h--Md
O:u1c:il regardin;J 0Jpertin0 Joe's arrl the garlJ!Ige pido..1p.
She stated the restaurant's garlJ!Ige is not picJœd up when
!JJc:ky's is, tAJt is picJœd up at all hours, even before 6:30
p.m. '!he truck """"""" back latr~ arrl picks up at !JJc:ky's.
She also stated that the I.œ Altos Gamage ChIpIny's rate
for senior citizens is for these at poverty level anly.
'lberefore, 'Nhy is it referred to as 1 senior benefit?
'!he city Manager informed her that it was :intended to help
those Ioi1o need it, the low-inoane seniors.
Gerty O'Hara, 10404 Pa..'ëIdise, said the fence has helped.
'!here is still a great deal of daytime noise. She asked if
the bread deliveries CXJUld be sent back to the frc:nt of the
store. She also mentlŒlSd that ooe house is havin;J a
visual prà:lhD. Mrs. M:xIre arrl neighbor would fini Mtkw'I
privacy frail a baffle cc:min:J fran behin:i the fence.
Bill Hoffman of lJJcky Stores, said he hcped that he would
not be ~ as manager; however, if there were a naw
manager, he would sperñ a fal days together with that
persat for orientatien. '!he bread deliveries have to go
throogh the 0CIIplter in the back roan. 'Iherefore, the
locatien of the delivery cannot be ~.
Rat Cali said tb:.t as 1aJ;' as the Calis awn the center, his
offioe will be right there. !JJc:ky is well aware of the
situatien an:i needs to tos tne line.
Ma}"Or JCr'ß)8l anncuJ'D!d that the public hearin; was closed.
FollCJWinq di...........iCl'l rega..-ciirJ:;J the fance, garlJ!Ige pido..1p,
am redwood baffle, it was IIICIIed by 0:u1c:. Rcgera, seocnded
by 0:u1c:. Goldlllan an:i I""~~ed unan:im:Jusly to fini that the
n.rl.sanoa has been abated thra.Ç1 the vol\.D1tary installatiCl'l
of a fence.
24. JlR:¡licatien SO,002.44 - City of CUpertino - Ordinanœ
i:IIplement.iIç a General Plan policy ocncernin] hazardaIs
waste JIIalZLr·_·.L arrl est:ablishirg a petmit 14' ~1'f"'e
far local revial of hazarda.1s waste stu"CII:I'" treat.u....L
and ñi~l facHities. Envl..............tal Det:endnatiCl'l:
'!be PlëU'1J'lirq t'rMfti c:.c:.ien reo ·......rñs the granting of a
Negative Dec:laratien. RecaIIœrxied for ~.
(a) First readinq ~ Ordinance No. 1555: "An
0ltl1nance of the City cnmcil of the city of
0Jpertin0 Establishin;J Permit Pl., ~11"8S for the
Sitin;J of Off site ñazardaJs Waste Facilities."
city Planner Ca~ reviewed the ordinazx:e with Q:Iuncil.
Followinq t'li.."'.....·icn reg¡miin¡ possible penaltiee, ....;. ,.~
IIICJII8d by cnmc. Rogers, secaded by cnmc. sorensen aD1
p"'e-sd unarúmJusly to ccnt.iraJe the first readiJ'1I¡J of the
cmiinanoe to the of April 15. A failure to
....-..p' Y /penalty clause will be N1ti<oñ . (City Planner Ci!lJJ/:þi!tf
lesves 8:05 p...)
25. A¡:plic:aticn No. S-Z-90 - JU:iy 01en - Request for
rezarln;J of ~tely .41 gross acre fran R3 (K.ù.ti
family Residential) zcne to P (RES) (Planned
DeIIelO'....cIÍL with a density raI9! of 20-35 dWellin;J
unit¡gr. acre). Ioc:ated at 7359 Rainbc:Jw Drive.
EnvircnDental DeteminatiCl'l: 'Ihe Plamin;J t'rMfti ....1C1'l
reo:· .,.,-..ds the granting of a Negative I¥'claratiCl'1.
Pe.~" -.-.-..:1ed, for denial.
(a) First readin;J of orclinance No. 1554: "An
Ordinance of the city cnmcil of the City of
0Jpertin0 A1IIeIñ1n:J sect1C1'1 1 of orclinance No. 2 by
Rezaún:¡ A¡p.o.n-tely .41 Grœs Acre fran R3 Zcne
to peRes) Zcne; Located at 7359 Rainbc:Jw Drive
(JU:iy Q1en - S-Z-90)."
Director of ChmllnUty DeIIel"¥",,,IL cowan reviewed the
I'eZCI'Ú.l1I1 request with CQ.Inci1.
1""i.. Green, ~"¥" : E! lLin;J the applicant, 400 Hamiltcn
Averue, Palo Alto, said that he did provide ¡:botos aD1
other infcmaatiCl'1 to the Plamin;J t'rMfti....1C1'l. He requested
that the entire project be legal cxn:kDinium units. In
regani to the þL' 'l...../ltId design, he said that staff did
roo- h····..Ù ðku-V'IëÙ with certain cxntiticns. 'Ihe applicant
has ðil:h. -stt the hcusin;J issue, I:IUt does not yet kncw the
cost of the project. She cannot o'Y'O'IOIIit that feur of the
ten units will be far leu:'06t hcusin;J; however, the
applicant is willin;J to look at this down the rœcl. At
this point, boio ens k...d!......... units could be used. fa: low am
1IIC>Jt.dlte inoau.. rates. Also, a ten year raI9! Wt.-..ùd be
preferable with other units at the market rate.
'1bere !:Ieiz1I¡J no cne ~ 9 eld. fran the ~1ic who wished to
speak, Mayor Kqpe1 aJ'II'XU'X:'ed that the ~1ic hearin;J was
App. 8-Z-90.
Public hear ing
Neg. Dee.
lset reading
o 1554
Bid opening,
Proj. 91-103
It was mved by Oounc. Szabo, seoaldsd by Oounc. ltx;JIna aD1
p"ø~9èI unan.imcusly to approve the grantin;J of a Negative
It was mved by Oounc. Szabo aD1 seoc:nied by ca.n:.
SOrensen to ap¡....U\/8 Aß>licatiat 8-Z-90 as par Planning
t'rMfti "'Siat Resolutiat No. 4330 amended that there be three
lower incxma housin;J I.DÚts, tIoIO of 1IIhid1 will be bolo
bech......... aD1 CI18 rental I.DÚt at 1II!Irket rate with seoaìd
pi!lral}UI}il of a:ntitiCl'1 No. 4 to say that the intent of this
cx:nlitiCl'1 is for a 20 year per1cx:l (. ...,-cin¡ date of
initial 1'YY"11p8l1Cy. Oounc. Goldman su,;,¡....-œd an amer.db....tL
that aix additiatal parkin;J ~œe be required. '.DIe
aDIeIIdI....,L was ðOC,¥Lai an:1 the IDCItiCl'l, as amenJed, P"'-9èI
unaniJ!n¡sly. 'Iberefore, Ccn:iitiCl'l No. 5 regardin;J pIU'Jdn],
is NŸVod to read, "'!he parkin] ratio shall be three parJdn:J
¡qpaces par each t.ownha.1se aD1 tIoIO parkin;J ~ par each
apartment far a total of 26 parkin;J qpaoes.
REI ~S: 9:00-9:10 P.M.
It was mved by Oounc. SOrensen, seoc:nied by ca.n:. Szabo
ani p"'ø-9èI UI'1aJ1imaJsly to read ominance No. 1554 by title
CI'lly ani the City Clerk I s readinq to ooostitute the fiIBt
readinq thereof.
26. Nate.
27. NcrIe.
28. ~1icatiCl'l 20-u-86 (AJrI.'3Ided) - JMB Prcperties CO. -
~ of døviœ to SlIppOrt ani save Tree No.3, 0IIJœ
Shq:pin;J Center. (30 day CXI'It.irJuaIXJ requested.)
(Prwicus1y c:x:ntJn.Jed to May 6.)
29. ~L CI'l bid opening, Reccnstruc:t:iCl'l of nn+.oo/
QJtters, am. Sidewa1Jœ, Project 91-103, aD1 award. of
u...- ~~aet.
It was IIICMId by ca.n:. JÐ:erB, secaded by ccunc. Szabo am
pa-ed unanJmcus1y to momd the project to R. H. Wehner
CCI1structicn in the 8IIICI.D1t: of $69,300.50 bIIsed at the
la.est bid received (par altematives) am to authœ:ize a
1.5% CCI1tin]ency.
30. Autharizati.a1 to invest Debt service res BrY8.
It was IIICMId by ca.n:. SoLe..._1, ~àocl by ca.n:. Szabo
am pa,9èI unan.imcus1y to aut1xIrize repm11ase ag1:~1ts
with maturity dates not to ~ five years far DeI::Jt
Service P\mds.
31. Resolutia1 no. 8368: "A Resolutia1 of the city ca.n:il
of the city of 0Jpertin0 Autharizin;J Execut.ia1 of
~_d. Between the city of Q¡pertim am DcI1ald
Brcwn Deøignatinq Him lIS Holder of Alcxñolic B8Yoæ.~
o...,L..úl L1.o........... far B1acJdJerJ:y !'am."
Director of Finance snyder stated that this rœolutiat
shOIiI.d be CI'1ly CI'1 the agerña far the meetJn¡ of the
0Jpertin0 Public Facilities Cla.r"""CltiCl'1.
32. Nate.
33. secxa.d reac1in;J am en....L....,L of ordinance No. 1547:
"An ordinance of the city Q:Iuncil of the City of
0Jpertin0 1I1I&'dirxJ Qøpt:er 11.12.030 of the QJpertino
)tJrIki~l Q:de, Re1atin;J to EFahli. .....t of Prima
Facie S¡ r1 Limits CI'1 Miller 1Mn.Je BlllbMlIl1 steYens
Creek Boulevard am BolliD;Jer Read."
('lh1s item was ¡:¡œvicusly tabled.)
34. sec.....d reac1in;J am en.....1-:a,t. of ordinance No. 1552:
"An Ordinance of the city Q:Iuncil of the city of
a¡pert:ino 1I1I&'dirxJ Qøpt:er 11.20.020 of the 0Jpertin0
MJroicipeù Q:de, to Include V~11a... StqI ~ at
the Alleys Intersectin;J with Scofield Drive, sunrise
Drive aMlb!rigues Averue."
It was JIICIII8d by ca.n:. &........_111, seoollded by ca.n:. Go1c1mlln
am 1""-9èI Ul1II1ÚIIIOUs1y to read ordinance No. 1552 by title
CI'1ly am the city Clerk's readizJ.J to OatStituts the seocni
readinq thel:....f.
Debt Service
2nd reading
Ord. 1552
Ord. 1552
2nd reading
Ord. 1553
Ord, 1553
July 4
MINUlE9 OF '!HE AÆIL 1, 1991, RmVIAR CI'lY CXXK:IL ftUi.l.".uG
It was DDII8d by 0:iUnc. &""',",,-1In, seo....dbd by ca.n:. ~.
aD1 p"Wlsd l.Ir12IniJoously to enact 01:dinance No. 1552.
35. Sea:n:l readin;J aD1 enactment of Ordinance No. 1553:
"An ordinance of the city Q:Iuncil of the city of
QpBrtino .Amer1diD;J 11.24.150 of the QpBrtino
ØmicipaJ. 00cJe, Relatin;J to Establishment: ParIting
Prch1bitiCl'l CI'l Certain SL.._ts, to Include the West
Side of stevens CðnyCI'1 Road."
It was DDII8d by 0:iUnc. Sorensen, seoo.:dtod by ca.n:. Szabo
and p"8",ed unanimcus1y to read ordinance No. 1553 by title
ally aD1 the city Clerk's readin;J to oaøt1tute the sec....d
readin;J thereof.
It was DDII8d by Cooœ. Sorensen, secxn:1ed by ca.n:. Szabo
aD1 I""8'3'!!d unanimcus1y to enact: 01:dinance No. 1553.
36. NcrIe.
S'mFF ~::;
37. Orall,¥,lts by staff T.~,¡-ers.
38. status of JW.y 4 activities.
DiJ:ect:or of Parks and Rec:reatiCl'l IkMlin;J p.. s ,.teet a status
l:~ L CI'l the J\1ly 4
0:iUnc. ~. stated that sha .....'10:1 1iJœ to WJX with Mr.
IkMlin;J as the Bicentennial caœdttee is :interested in
doin;J EICIIIet:hinq far JW.y 4 also.
0:iUnc. lb".:u... will serve as Q:Iuncil ~...... s"uLative far JW.y
4 activities.
39. Drcught update.
DiJ:ect:or of Public Wades V:iskDviål pl: as bo.teet a status
40. o...~-tïŒ1 Mar~.L ~L.
Director of Public Works Viskaviål ~ SIJ.t.ed a status
MIlÐDS ar 'lBB AHŒL 1, 1991, RmUIAR C1'1'\t caJNCIL 1oz=.uG
a:oaL ~
42. ca.n:. S.~ - IøJislative Røviar t'rMft~ttœ - It ..
IIMId by Qux:. Bzaœ, ~ded by ca.n:. ~s am p"r-ett
1JrIIIIÛJaOUIIly to taka t:bs followin;J actia1 reg¡miiDJ 1&' y..sed
~..v ,..L SB 82 (1fqIp), 1&'"t"""ty tax, rEI'o'eBJ8 increase to
cities by t!1.œin;J lcx:.p¡ole far msiness 1o'l'"t"""tieø that
cbanI)e cwners1ùp, SB 358 (~is) , logo signs ptOject, am AS 930 (Cannella), _11
t!l..~_ court. ~ AS 833 (BolaM), PJblic liability
far ministerial pemits; SB 508 (L. Q......e), joint use
of local iI¥a"'~ lands; ani SB 495 (Jàmsta1), fish ani
CJIIII8 fee de 1Iinimis st:amard.
Qux:. Ro9-. amcunced that she will not nm far
re-elect:.ia1 in the NoI.~ elect:ia1.
At 9:50 p..., Q:Juncil adjœmad to April 9, 7:00 p.m.,
SEIûar CsJter.
Review Committee