CC 04-09-91 C1'1'\t OF aJPERI':IlÐ, S'mTE OF CAIJ:RRŒA 1.0300 'l\.1lUCr; AV!HJE, CUPERl'DÐ, C'A 95014 TEIERIJŒ: (408) 252-4505 HIK1lES OF '!HE ADJCXJRNm RmUIAR CI'lY caJNCIL ~ JOINl'LY Wl'1H '!HE PIANNI1C CXHaSSIaf, HEW (If AFRIL 9, 1991, maœ amm, 21251 S'I'EVÐa CREEK BŒJIEI.I1IRD, aJPERl'DI:), CAI.IRRIIA oc-ølOA C'AIL '10 œJER '.DIe meetin::J was called to order by Mayer ~ at 7:05 p.m. RJIL C'AIL ca.n:. "œs ezJt: Goldman, SOrensen, Szabo, Mayor Kq:pel Came. Absent: Rcgers Planni.n;J 1"roIon; qiCl'l þro..,¡ I8t'S Pl.: s L: Austin, FazeJcas, Mahcney, Mann, MacIœnzie Aråú.tectural ani Site ~ t'rMftittee JoLL~~ PrfS8ht: Lim, Wel.1er staff p,¡, = ,IL: City Manager Brown city Clerk a.....,.l1us Director of n-"Ú.ty De\Iel. 1. L cowan Assistant to the city Manager Brcwn Director of PUblic Wades vi.skcvi.d1 City Planner caughey "....~i'\te Planner Woldell 1b.Isin;J ani Services Q)ardinatar Norlin;J Mayor JCtype1 stated that the meetin::J .....,1rI be limited to two haIrs. Director of n-nùty DeIIel"')oOlc..l 0:Jwan said that the meetin:J taú.ght waù.d be devcted to the "Grand Boulevard" OCh..q¡L. 'Ibe idea is to see if the "Grand Boulevard" has further merit. If it is detem:ined that it does, another meetin:J date will be decided at the end of the <'Ii "C'19~iCl'1. ORAL CXHIJNIC'ATIæ8 - NcrIe. -1- Mn«71ES OF '!HE APRIL 9, 1991, ADJCURNED RÐ3VIAR CI'lY axJNC:IL MŒl'DC (œ-S10A) 1. 8t1ñy sessiCl'1 to meet with Uñ:IIm Design CCœultant, Miå1ael Friedman, to ñi"'<"IE'9 the "Grand Boulevard" OCII~L. (CI'lY crERK'S 1Ðl'E: cnnr.. Rogers had met previously with the ocœultant and providsd written iIp.¡t.) He ilL... .1.","," OCII'ISUltant, Michael Friedman, Wo designed the "Grand Boulevard" OCIIo..qJL and asked how that oould be awlied to stevens Creek Boulevard. He stated the pw:pœe this E!\IeJ1Ìn.1 was to get basic OCIIo..qJL f~ck and OCII'a..q.>L i~.., not questiŒlS regudin:J iDplementatiŒl. ~ a boulevard there is a sin;Jle species of trees lined ~L..lc:ally to create space limite and identific:at1Cl'1. He 1& a lIiLed several q1tiŒlS to these pnssnt, with his :t:eo ·,··~).]atiCl'1 for OJpertino: p..tt the trees toward the center line of the street (two rc70IS with ooe CI'1 eaå1 side of the center). Alternate A ~d be L.. r- in the center, with five lines of thrc:u;¡h traffic¡ curtJs '-'Wld remain as 1& aiL. 'I11ere ~d be no ....-rrt: ar a five foot ....--,IL CNer tbDa. Alternate B ~d brin;J the mildings to the back of the walk withcut setbacks. E:veryt.hing 1ŒM!S toward the center. ~ ocx:ur with f"Æ'oÑ amers and new devel,¥"""lt. A l4-foot ""'-rrt: ~d be required as d1aI1I¡Je œw-IS. ca.n:i1 may want express þ1S$ en the tlu'tu3h lane. 'lbere ~d be no b.1s duckD.1ts and there oculd be a ñi ~ lane inside the tree lanes. 'lbraJgh lanes and service lanes ooùd still ocx:ur even if stevens Creek Boulevard had light rail. Another possible idea is a panhanile-type park in the center sh"ibt' to that in san Francisco, with traffic lanes CI'1 the sides. '!he "Grand Boulevard" ~d be fJ:aa 5tellin;J to POrtal ala1g stevens Creek Boulevard. Mr. Friedman said he had been asked to determine ~ the .............uœ:Js ~d look like. '1his area ~d be totally redeYelcped with ",iVlOt'! use, and not strip devel,¥,.ent. '!he "Grand Boulevard" will transitien strip devel~Jt frail stevens Creek Boulevard. It Sl.gX)rts clustered shcp-fratt devel,¥"""IL. '!he scale of mildirgs ne 'I.. to match the scale of right-of-way. An alternate far the DeAnzal5tevens Creek Boulevards intersectiŒl is grade separat:l.CI'1. However, his OOUC:ém is p..ttting traffic 1.IJ'Idergromd because riders oculd not see the "Grand Bouleva.>:d" image. Hr. Friedman ~-';!ed prefeJ:"eI'Ce for the at-grade alternate "---- it p.Its the boulevard en display. It also marlœts the revitalizatiŒl of the crossroads. He shcMed drawÌJ'X3S -2- MDUræ OF '!HE APRIL 9, ,_' 91, ADJCXJRNED REX;UIAR CI'lY CWNCIL Mœl'DC CCX::-S10A) Orrin Maha'I8y asJr...., haIi traffic woold get fran high çeed to low spnli lanes. Mr. Fri -" intersectiaw. signalized. low s¡: T 1. Mayor Jfq:p!l reinforced that the pw:pœe was to ñ i ""'''E'S o...."""",¥L, not detail. replied that this woold be done at It woold be l""'CeEð~ty for everythin;J to be It is mre flexible fran high ~ than fran Calm. Maclœnzie expl~"'«t ocn::em that the City wau'_cO ani up with pocIœts bein;J redeveloped alCIYJ stevens ek, while other sectiŒlS woold remain as they current. _ are. He asked haIi that transitiCl'l WQ.Ùd cxx::ur. Mr. Friedman stated that the City woold make a policy decisiCl'l regardin;J strip develVl-W"'rt. Q1e cannot get ac:tivity with sbq>fra1t retail. stevens Creek Boolevard is at a t:urniJ1I¡J point. A policy woold be the tool to effect transitiCl'1. 'Ihe corner of stevens Creek am DeAnza is the most bpJrtant. If the City wants strip develVl-W"'lt ar does not want this oCh..qJL, then they shalld not do it. 'Ihe focus taú.ght is: n:> yoo want to look closer at this treatJDent? Calm. Mann felt tr.at this have questic::nJ regardi 'g CI'œsrœds ShqJpin;J Center. Mr. Friedman stated that it woold be r--e~ to redevelq:> th£ ~le center, inc1u:lin:] Mervyn's, to streetfront ~. is a beautiful idea. She did existing l:W.1din:Js at the Ocuoo. Goldm!m in:¡uired about height aD1 high density. Mr. Fri,.,lI'-'l stated that a IUle of thuIIi:> woold be for every four feet acrœs the ..L..eat, deve1Vl-W"'IL woold go up ŒIS foot in bni1din:;J. MinÌIII.mI b.1ildin:;J height woold be 30 feet. '!his is equivalent to a tall two-story l:W.1din:;J. 'Ihe c::pt:.iD¡m woold be a 1:2 ratio, with a five-stozy or 60 foot l:W.1din:;J. ca.n:. Goldman stated that if the "Gram Boolevard" CXJI"""",¥L is iDplE!llll!l1ted, the City !lUSt be careful to presezve the neighb..,Ll.....ch. arcun:i the boulevard. He felt it was r--E"~~ty to look at the height of the b.1ilclin;¡s at the street and haIi it woold relate to the neighl:orl1cods behin:i stevens Creek Boolevard. -3- HIlI1lm OF 1HE AFRIL 9, 1991, ~ RfXìUIAR art caJNCIL 1'JUòJ.'J.lÇ (CX:-C10A) Mr. Friedman stated that he has famd the values of the ~ artIUn1 strip zaúø¡ usually gees down. Retail cannat be mintainec1 aD1 therefore, the value ara.JIÙ it gees down. He referred to it as c..l~in;J disinv_L-:.lt. came. ~ldman asJœd hew the retail bein;J 1&,¥=eed relates to vallco Fash1C1'l Parlt. Mr. Friedman stated that regia1al retail nodes are ,.,...11 y near t1: euay exits. 'lhe local cluster retaiJ.'-"'l1y serves the local area. It develops its own eca.c..J.c niåIe and serves as the local serviœ activity center. Mayor Jfqpel then opened the meetJn¡ far public irplt. Ann An; er said that olcl Ib1ta Vista had done that type of thirg'. Rl1i'din;JB are next to the si....ralk, etc. 'IhB area tried to get foot traffic l:Jut did not get it. She as~ if Mr. Friedøan thcught this ooold ~ with the post office. Mr. Friedman replied thrt CI'18 of the prcblems is that across the 5t...~ frail then! is a strip center. A gentleman asked q then! were :Local lanes CI'l each side. He also ~ -~ed 0.............. regardin;J any potential q:e1 cafe aD1 the fact that then! wo.ùd be smoke frail the cars. He also stated that parallel parIcin¡ is a lost art. Mr. Friedman replied that the local lanes ware oanfortable far those d1."'Win;J thin;¡s off, tKU'1t:.in¡ to drive at a leisurely pace, etc. In regard to any exhaust fJ:aa cars, it is famd that a wide sd..2-raIk alcn:J with L..! pmalts outdoor cafes. An:Jled parIcin¡ has always been eas1er1 however, it uses mare right-of-way. It does, hcweY8r, create less delay. Ccunc. Szabo stated that tx:W.evazt1s do wark in Ðn:ope Were the primary IŒIde of transit is not aut:.aoobiles. He eoIp1. -ett Oc.......UI about 0Jttin;J the capacity of steYes1s Creek Bc:W.evard. 0Jpert.in0 wants wide ..L......t8 so traffic IIICMIS aD1 traffic stays aJt of residential areas. 0::mIcil 1r_,J «8 were elected CI'l that issue. '1his wo.ùd put traffic back in the J:esidentia1 areas. Mr. Fri"'-" replied that then! are c:w..._ltly three thrcu 1 lanes in each direct:.ia1 and with the "Grard Bc:W.evard", then! still wo.ùd be. If the Ccuncil preserves stevens Creek Bc:W.evard far thraJgh traffic, it cannot solve the image prcblem. -4- HIN!J1'ES OF '!HE APRIL 9, 1991, ADJCXJI&:ED REX;UIAR C1'1'\t CXXJNCIL MEE:I'IH; (CC-810A) CWnc. Goldman asIœd if it can be proven that four lanes in the :miŒUe will work; will it lessen the iJIpsct CI'l the size of the WildirJ;Js? Mr. Friedman replio!d that there is a need for critical mass. Mr. Maha1ey stated that when Highway 85 cpens, that might be an ~t..mity +:.0 narrow stevens creek Boulevard. Dama lWstin .........=aed cxn::em that this was a 30 year plus project and ~ real caœdt:ment. 'Ihœe currently sezvinJ 00 the varia1S CY mill; ""..ions and cnmcil will be gene. What assuran::es are there that devel'¥'.el1t wœld go in acoordance with decisions made at this tims. þ Mr. Friedman replied that the 30 year plus time frame is the reðeve:..............t part. '!he o..u .._It Council could install the gateway entries and put the policy in place. Wayland Lim ~1.: tn'eel cxn::em that it might brin::J Dm"e p.q>le aD1 traffic. He felt this is just one solutic:n to the identity problem and asIœd ~t oth= alternatives there were. Mayor ~ stated that the "Grarxi Boulevard" had been a Goals OaImittee idea. A gentleman YL , 'It stated that the "Grand Boulevard" needs to integrate with the rest of the city. It s, .... that it wœld encaIrëIge large Wildings. '!he city has not thooght of heM people can get ar'CI.L""ii. Ideas need to be integrated better far ~ll citizens. Mr. FrJ.e.am replied that the oct.....=t..L of the "Grarñ Boulevard" was to link varia1S public nodes together and to provide ~ and ............a. Mr. Friedman stated that 1DCIVin;r people intc, public transit !ran cars is a slow transitiŒl; however, th.~ is roan in the Y""'lJ')',.,,1 for a b..Is system and then a transitiCl'l into light rail transit, if desired. '!he City would need to make sure that what.1ver decisic:n is made, q¡tions are not eliminated. Mayor ~ ~ that it was 9:30 p.m. and she woold like to brirg the discussiŒl back to the Plannin;J ('nnmi """iŒl and City Camcil ani set tr.e date for another meetin::J . . -5- · M:IK11m OF '!HE APRIL 9, 1991, AD1<XRŒD RmUIAR CI'lY CXXJNCIL MEE'l'DC (œ-Sl.OA) Mr. Friedman asJœd if Q:uncil aD1 Plannin;J t'rMfti-iCl'l ware at all interested in a "Grani BculElVllJ:d" aD1 if there ware any ~ific aspects they w:mted tested. Also, if they do want to p.¡rse the oOh..""'t'L, 1oIhat, in pIIrtic..ùar, do they want? Directar of n-11'Ú.ty DeIIel,¥"""IL ~ said he did have saœ quast.ia1s involvin;J how existin;J uses cculd be adapted aver tiD8, how three or fcur stozy Wildin:]B 1rØ1ld affect existin;J naighborlIcods, the feasibility of the existi.nJ stœ:m system bein;J adequate, whether or not the city cculd keep the basic infrast:rocture the same. Q:unc. Goldman stated that he felt a key iStl'Je is havin;J the heart of town CXJI'ISist of quality gra./th. citizens need a way to get arcurñ. He does not want a ' OñAl in Wlc:h all the city and the districts are expanjed. He wants devel,¥""",L to have encuJh variety to create inteJ:'e; t. Mr. Goldman stated he does want to pursue the ''Gran:i BcW.evard" c.::tAA¥L and to look at it in the 0Œ1text of 10Ihat Q:uncil wants to do in the rest of the city. Q:unc. Sorensen stated that she did liJœ the ...aa..A!pt and it looks geed. She 1rØ1ld liJœ to cart:inue to look at it. She also wanted to look at possible height limite and felt it was i:øpartant to mcl\X3e biJœ lanes. Sl".e also wanted light rail transit """I"'bility and miYDl'l use. CCIIIII. MacJœnzie stated he 1rØ1ld liJœ an inventmy of ..mat is likely to à1an;¡e on stevens creek Bculevard in five year iJã.¿~tl.s. Calm. Mann also c4J1:,~6''9d SU¡;Þ",L far the ...a~L, as did Mayer ~. þ Mr. Friedman stated that ..mat he was hearin:1" that Q:uncil does not knc7.or if they want to iJlpl........,t the "Grarñ BcW.evard" , rut they 1rØ1ld liJœ to cart:inue to look at it aD1 get saœ aJ'ISIIIIerS to their quest!aIS. He stated that he heard ca.n:il agree to explore this further. He as1œd if there was interest in cost estbDates to be 1& U lled in phases at the next meetin;J. Mr. Friedman No" .,.,-rùd that Q:unc1l not get into signalization in detail at this tiD8 as the 1&q.araticn of the infonnation 1rØ1ld be oostly. Calm. Austin suggested that they be 1''' s u.ted with the cost diff.....""....... of the two qñ;ions. staff cculd help with saœ rcu;¡h idea of the cost of a grade separation. -6- · huu.m!J or 'lBB APRIL 9, 1991, ADJaJIIŒD RfŒJIAR C1'l'IC CXDCIL --~,.,,,, (oc-ølOA) Mr. FrI"'-'k Aid be OCI"'" ~ b!Ick in abolt th.._ W881œ with PCJ-ted infœIat1a1. 'Ibis al80 wcnld ~ ~ ......L.._'1: -'~ f't.c::at.iaB. Q:Iuncil II8t Illy 2, 7:00 p... at the Seniar a..w, if it is lIV"'il"h]., as t:iJa an:! pl_ for the next joint rntlu:J. At 9:55 p.m., the meet:Jn¡ .. adjourned. C1: -7-