CC 04-15-91 C1'1'\t OF aJPERl'DI), S'mTE OF c::AL'I!tRIVo 10300 '.I.~ AV!HJE, aJPERl'DI), C'A 95014 TEIEADŒ: (408) 252-4505 MIJm'!S OF '!HE RmmAR CI'lY caJNCIL ~.uG HErD (If AmIL 15, 1991, caJNCIL af1~, CI'lY IŒL, 10300 '.I.~ AVDIJE, aJPERl'DI), c::AL'I!tRIVo 00-811 SAWm '10 '!HE FlAG '.DIe M8ti.ng was called to oM8r by Kayar Yqpl at 6:50 p.m. R>IL CAlL c::nmc:. Pl.13 Hit: Goldman, R:Jgers, Szabo, Mayor Fqpo] c::nmc:. Absent: Sorensen staff B. sAIL: city Manager Brcwn city Clerk cornelius Director of PUblic WOècs viskDYidl Director of n-"Ú.ty Devel"¥"""1t ~ Director of Finance Snyder Assistant to the City Mim2Iger Brcwn Director of Parks aD1 Rec:reat1Cl'1 Dowlin;J PUblic Infœ:mat1C1'l Officer Rrey 1bJsin;J aD1 services 0XJIdinatar Narlin;J 1bJsin;J SpeciAlist Gil city Attomey Kilian ~ It was D:M!d by ca.n:. a::qers, s..QQudal by ccunc. Szabo aD1 P"'"....A unan.imaJsly (4-0) to ocntirJJe Item No. 27 to the JIIEI8tin;J of May 6. CERf.JDŒAL M1\:1'.1UC:i - PRESENrATIœs ProclamatiCl'l reoogll1zin;J NatiCl1lÙ Youth serviœ Day. Proc1""""tiCl'l dec1.arin3 April as "Fair 1bJsin;J !bIth." 'Ihe Mayor 1& S l1ted procJ """"tlCl'1El r..ocIgIdzin;J Naticnù Youth Service Day aD1 Fair Hcusirç !bIth. -1- . MINUl'!S OF '!HE AÆIL 15, 1991, RmJIAR C1'1'\t caJNCIL MEEl'ING (ae-811) aw:. CXJHJNIC'ATIaIS - NcrIe. Consent Calendar CXHŒm' ~ Mayar Fqpal I'E!IIICIÆ!d Item No.2. QJunc:. R::qB1:S J:'E!IIICJ\/ed Itaœ 6 aD1 8. It was IIICIYed by QJunc:. Rcgers, S8CXC1ded by ca.n:. Szabo and l"'B'!i''9d unanimaJsly (4-0) to ðWlU"/8 the balama of the 0:J1s IL Calendar as sutlllitted. 1. Rsview of AloOOolic :BeIIe1:~ a....L.."l license çpIicatiCl'1, Fresh Cb:>iœ, Inc., 10123 N. WOlfe RoI!Id, '2104. 2. RieIIIcved frail the 0:tIsent calendar. 3. SJ·..····s ani Receive. cœplaint, steven Mid1ael Mendoza. . 4. Mc:r1thly Activity Rlep:n.t, Marå1, 1991. 5. Treasurer's ~L and !bTthly a.1dget Update, Marå1, 1991. 6. RieIIIcved frail the Ca1sent Calendar. 7. Resolutiat No. 8370: "A Resolutiat of the city Q:Iuncil of the city of 0Jpertin0 Accept:ing Grant Deed of Real PJ:q)Brty frail Reynaldo M. aD1 Rsgina Marin, IDeated at 11476 Garden Te:rraœ Drive, Am 362-30-089." 8. RieIIIcved frail the 0.... T: liL calendar. 9. ResolutiCl'1 No. 8371: "A Resoluticm of the city Q:Iuncil of the city of 0Jpertin0 Allowin;J certain Cl..i- aD1 DBIBnds Payable in the A1IIaD1ts II"Ù FraIl the P\mds as Hereinafter Desc:ribed far Gen.s1.al and MiIIœJ.lanecus Expenditures far the Period ÐII:lin;J April 5, 1991." 10. Resolutiat No. 8372: "A Resolutiat of the city Q:Iuncil of the city of 0Jpertin0 Allcwinq certain <:1..i- aD1 DBIBnds Payable in the A1IIaD1ts aD1 fJ:aa the f'.m:is as Hereinafter Described far 8alari.es aD1 Wages far the Payroll Period ÐII:lin;J Marå1 26, 1991." . -2- MDÐI!S OF '!HE APRIL 15, 1991, RF.X;UIAR C1'1'\t CXXJNCIL ftUi....ue (oo-8U) U. AecJ-t far apprqIl"iaticn 1'rcm General P\Irñ to ,,"~-,tt the city Q:Iuncil ""'9"':. 12. RIIBolutiat No. 8373: "A ResolutiCl'l of the city ca.n:il of the city of 0Jpertin0 ~ Q:ntrac:t 01an; e Q¡,~ No. 3 far Traffic signal M:dificatiCl'l, McClellan aoað¡st.ellin;J Read, Project No. 90-101." 13. ResoJ.utiat No. 8374: "A ResolutiCl'l of the city Q:Iuncil of the city of Q pertino ~ O.uL....ct 01an; e order No. 2 far Traffic Signal Jtx1ificaticn, 7a11oo ParblayjWolfe Read, Project 5005." 14. Acceptanoe by city of ..u~... aro¡or _~. (a) ResolutiCl'l No. 8375: "A ResolutiCl'l of the city Q:Iuncil of the city of 0Jpert.in0 Ratifyin;J certificates :X:-1ed by the city ClerK Aooeptin:J ani Catsent.inq to R&........datiCl'1 of 1'<>eds." Cb) ResolutiCl'1 No. 8376: "A ResoJ.utiCl'l of the city Q:Iuncil of the city of 0Jpert.in0 Authorizin;J the city Manager to Accept am 0:nIent to All .......- ar Grants 0Xlveyin;J Arrf Interest in ar FA""""'""'1t Upa1 Real ~~ty in Favor of the city, Fursuant to SectiCl'l 27281 of the Gav....,.......IL Cede of the state of Califomia." YQt§ ~. Ea:S of the City (h1rr!U AYES: }KJES : Aæmr: ABSTAIN: Goldman, RoJe¡.s, Szabo, ~ NcrIe Sorensen NcrIe l'11!HI REHJVED PKIf CXHŒm' CAInIIWt 2. Resolutiat No. 8369: "A ResolutiCl'l of the city O:uncil of the city of 0Jpert.in0 Authorizin;J ElœcutiCl'l of T -.... am caœtaIœr A".._.L with InnaYative Hcusin;J far the SiDms Hoose in McClellan Ranå1 Park." Nancy Hertert, San JUan Read, requested sane à1en;Jes in the ..".............L. She wanted refm:_....... to lawn deleted ani the inclusiat of a statement that the residents ~d receive trainirx] in the care of the prqx!rty, with the traininq to be da1e by the city's naturalist, Ba%bara Banfield, particularly care of the creek area am the rest of the -)- ,. Lease Agreement- Simms House . M:INUlES OF '!HE AHUL 15, 1991, RmtJlAR CI'lY a:::uICIL lou:ir;.I.'.uG (œ-811) lAL'¥"Lty. Marilyn Narlin;J said that Judy steiner has ~ t.rairú.r1I¡J by the naturalists. '!his 1«:W.d be _"I""late. It is planned that there be a fenced area behind the hcuse far the åú.ldren to play. !+_ .....'ld be eJqJeCtecl that there \ICUld be SCIII8 kind of ground CXMIr such as grass. It ~ not be in trart: of the b.1ildin;J. Followin;J t'li",<,-iCI'1, it was det:en.ined that shcW.d there be a lawn in back of the 1:W.1din;J, it ToIaIld be fenced with SCIII8 kind of scœenin;J such as a vine. It was DICJIIed by o:unc. Ib; a&, seocn:Bi by ca.n:. Szabo am l""~-ed unanimcusly (4-0) to adept RssolutiCl'l No. 8369 with the ~,","""",¡L aIIII!!OOed to state that there ToIaIld also be trainirx¡ by the city naturalist an::1 that a 30 x 30 ......ller lawn ar g:a:"CAJI'Id 0CNer as natural as possible oœld be located in the back of the 1:W.1din;J. 6. ResolutiCl'l No. 8368: "A ResolutiCl'l of the city Q:Iuncil of the city of 0Jpert:i.n0 Regardin;J the Adcpticn of p~. ...."'t!o~n-es to IiIplement the Negligent Drivin;J urœr the Influence an:! Intentional WL"'>::Iful Ckn:hIct a.....__...y RespaISe ccst Recovery PL-.yLaIII an::1 Rescinr:iin;J Rssolutkn No. 7778." . It was DICJIIed by o:unc. Ib; a.., sec:cnæd by ccunc. Szabo an::1 paesed unanimcus1y (4-0) to adqIt ResolutiCl'l No. 8368. 8. A¡:proval of cable TelevisiCl'l Advisory CCIIIIIittee grant 1:'&)0 -.-.-rœtia1. It .. DICJIIed by o:unc. ~8, ........c1t.d by ccunc. Szabo an::1 l""-9èI unanimcus1y (4-0) to _U'Je the grant. RJBLIC HF.ARDI;S Nuisance, 10260 15. Hear1.n;J to ccnsider abatement of misance at 10260 TUla Tula Lane lane (0CX1tirued frail March 18). (a) ResolutiCl'l No. 8344: "A ResolutiCl'l of the city ca.n:il of the city of 0Jpertin0 0J:derin;J Abatement: of FUblic NuisarY:e at 10260 'l\1la lane." . Assistant to the city Manager Brown stated that the situatiCl'l no lager exists. It was DICJIIed by o:unc. Rogers, seocn:Bi by ccunc. Szabo an::1 peI$sed Ul'1aIÙ!IIaJsly (4-0) to take the item off calemar. -4- MINUl'ES OF '!HE A1'RIL 15, 1991, RmJIAR C1'1'\t CXXJNCIL ME:E'I'I!Ç (æ-Sll) 16. /lR)li.c:at.iCl'1 SO, 022.44 - City of 0Jpertin0 - Ordinance i:aplSB1tinq a General Plan policy CCI'IOBrIÚn1 hazarda.Is waste IIBl'Ii!kr'...·.L aD1 establishin;J a pendt ~n-e far local review of hazardoos waste st:arage trea'buBlit aD1 di-V-l fac::i1ities. Envh.........iLal Datenû.natiat: 'D1e Planninq O--i ~iCl'l l'A> .,.,-<œ the granting of a Negative 1'1Dc'laratiCl'1. ~Jo ...,-ù,d far ~\Nal. (C'cr1timed fran April 1.) (a) First readinq of Ordinance No. 1555: "An Ordinance of the City Qxmcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Establishin;J Permit Pl.. '~n-es far the Sitin;J of Off Site Hazardous Waste Facilities." It was IDCJIIed by Qxmc. Szabo, seccn:Bi by Qxmc. Rogers aD1 pas>eed unanimously (4-0) to a¡:prove the granting of a Negative """b'l'ëitiCl'l. It was IDCJIIed by ca.n:. Szabo, seccn:Bi by Came. Rogers aD1 l""a~ unanimcusly (4-0) to a¡:prove the applic:atiat per Planning t'rMfti~iCI'1 Resolutiat No. 4331. It was IIICMId by cnmc. Rcgers, seccn:Bi by Coorr.. Goldman and passed unanimously (4-0) to read Otàinance No. 1555 by title a'Ily am the city Clerlt's readinq to <XI1Stitute the first readinq thereof. PIANNnC APPLIC'ATICH> 17. /lR)licatiCl'l 16-'IM-90 - SOOrato DeIIel~jL - Vestin;J Tentative Map to create a six lot Sl1bdivisiCl'l with parœls rcmginq in size fran 0.6 acre to 1.2 acres with cna adcU.tia1!Ù. lot held in .. .,... ., omership. Request to redefine the starœrd of 51"........,8 of the Envh.........iLal H::rútorin:] am MitigatiCl'1 PL'-Y"aJU to allow far a _vi..."" noise exposure level at the adjacent residential prcparty line fran 64 dIP. to the _vi..."" extent allowed un:Jer the city Noise COde. Located CI'l the east side of DeAnza Bwlevard be.bJ'gel'l Mariani Aver&Je am I-2S0. Envira1menta1 Det:e1:minat.im: ~tive nø.,"'ratiat l'A' .,.,_...1ed. Rb...........ù,d for ~ with cxntitiŒ1S. Following the l.q,.vLL of the Director of Chma1TÚ.ty DeIIel~jt, City Attorney Kilian eJCPlained the COILqJL of Vested Tentative Map am its histozy. He stated that at page 17-4, are liste:l the varioos fiIxtirgs that are ~a,,\zy to make and that the entire ..q,.v..l and agreements III.ISt be ocnsistent with those firxlings and that all of this -5- Haz. Kat. Mgmt. Neg. DeL. granted 1st reading Ord. 1555 App. 16-TM-90, Sobrato MINt7IES OF THE AÆIL 15, J.991, RmJIAR Cl'lY OXJNCIL MEE1'DG (œ-all) is )'\A -rry tar _....r.ù. '.DIe City can still review the it:eIIØ that 10IQÜd J'IO%1DIÜly go thJ:aJgh the Ardútectunl aD1 Site A¡:prcyal CcIIIIIittee. J:ut the devnlqm- walld have rights for the rest. He stated he does di-;Jl'B8 with Mr. Cowan in that he feels that ~'s vested CI'lly goes tar as len¡ as the use pemit, in this case, seven years. Vesting' starts WIen the awlicatiCl'l is a¡:praYed by the Q:Iuncil. '.DIe use pemit is ......L..ullin;J; it Q:Iuncil œmat maJœ the tiroin;¡s req.ûred, then it IIIJSt reject the applicatiCl'l. Bob H::Int:yre, ~~! .Lin;J Apple CaIp.tter, ðG\h. -9èI ca.n:il regardin;J questiCI'1s aba.1t the lan;¡uagø in the aq...............L relatinq to the guar.mteec1 ride hade 1&~CIIII. He stated that Apple is agl: -hIe to the 1&~CIIII, J:ut wants CI'lly rea&a1able IUles intemally, i.e., ~ W1idnq late all the time and gett.in;J a free cab ride baDe. He stated that JIR>le is lTWIOIIitted to the 1&~CIIII. He also recpested that the ~-....a.L be ~ to allow the Directot· of Public Wades to have the ability to ~...,. eliminatiCl'l of III8IISUrin:j i! Apple oa1tir.ues to live up to the requirements. Mr. Viskcvic:h stated that the Q...~Œ1 Mana.r-,-,.L Act: J1J1JY recpize aà:1itiœal "'EIaSUres aD1 does require anrJJal DD1it.ori.n;J . Mr. H::Intyre said that lemers len:1 CI'l the project based CI'l the ocn1itic::nJ of tho use ¡:emit. Da1na P1' snr, 10699 Larry Way, addressed ca.n:il regaminq noise incræse. Mr. cowan said it is CXI1St:ruct.icn noise. 'Ihere is an '""'~..... in the "'-ry prepaœd by the cc:asultant. '.DIe city's cx:nrt:ructia1 noise CIldinaJat does apply. By (XLillSUB, ca.n:il stated that they waùc:l liJœ to cx:nt:.ime this itEa aD1 œoe1ve an agr.........L ir........~Atin;J c::han;Jes ~ted. Cameil recpested that a lTWIOIIittee be fu. ..-, with two ca.n:il ~ to meet with Mr. Viskcvic:h, Mr. cowan, Ms. Prœser ar another neighbamccd ""'I-'L S_Jl.ðtive, aD1 an Apple ~"'I-'L S_Jlative. Mayor l&y'pel aD1 ca.n:. Roger", were selected to serve CI'l that lTWIOIIittee. It was IIICMId by ca.n:. Szabo, seoa&Je..l by Came. Goldman aD1 I"'ø-ed UI'1alÚJIDJsly (4-o) to 0ŒJtinue CXI'1SideratiCl'l of this applicatiCl'1 to May 6 and ctirect that the following c:han;Jes be made to the oc:n:iitiŒlS: -6- MINUI'ES OF '!HE APRIL 15, 1991, RmUIAR C1'1'\t CXXJNCIL ~ (CC-811) Page 17-78, ~ E of ..""",..t: is 1nte%preted to mean that no further 'ltH (traffic demand ~It) """''''JreS waùd have to be i:aplemented. Mea9Urin;J will be done pemanently. 'n1e guaranteed ride hana p!::-.y..aw shall have reasa'lable rules an:l regulatiŒlS for i:aplementatiŒ1 of the p1.u,¡LaIU. A statement such as '''!be adqIt1Œ1 of this 'ltH _~lt an:l all the cx:n::litiŒlS contained in the vestin;J tentative map do not preclude enfœ:oemellt of requirements made ~ by state, federal, reqimal or local bodies to oœply with those rules an:l regulatiŒlS." SaIx:tiŒ1 waùd not J""""""'C',:,arily revoke the use permit Wt remedies used waùd be the same as those given for all pIqJerties if other agencies are Dm'e restrictive an:l the ~licant cannot oœply. staff is to c:utline any differences in the 'lDI ~u,¡Law fzuD the use perm.it requirements. Arr¥ subctivisiŒ1 of the project invalidates the ð9.........:4It. 18. ~1icatiŒ1 l-U-91 - Craig Balœr - Use Permit to operate an autaDotive repair shc:p in an existin;J 2,677 sq. ft. buildiJ1l¡J O"".....ILly located within the Camty of Santa Clara. Located at 10280 IDp!rial Avenue. EnvhUlJlllt:l¡tal DeteminatiŒ1: Negative DeclaratiŒ1 Ie-...........rled. Re<:> ...._.~ for ~ with cx:n::litiŒlS. Craig Baker, aw1icant, i.........ti "'te neighbors an:l eliminate any problems. noise mitigatiŒ1. said that he has talked with he feels that he has tried to 'n1e p.."1~ wall will help with Ann Arger, president, M::nta vista I1Iprovement AssociatiCl'l, said she realized that this use was within the ZClÙlX3. 'n1e neaJ:by residents have nice m1Se&. '!hey are not in the City, Wt still in the Camty am are at the city's :œrcy. 'n1e sound wall will help the noise: however, an auto repair shc:p cannot control noise an:l ~. Rich Fratarcan;Je1i, f............ tenant of the prcpnty, said that he feels the cul~ is a r--'øity. '!he prq¡erty is currently bei11l¡J annexed also. 'n1e area aram:i is Camty, so the City Co.mcil has no control. He also mentioned that there is noise fran a semi truck that goes up the street to drc:p off paper at the print shqJ. HI" . Baker said that he still has a ta.ri11l¡J service aro.m the =rner ...ru.ch could be used for car par~. He is asItiI1I¡J only for a two-bay shop with tIoIO or three eJTP10yees an:l will !X1t be doi11l¡J the same kirxl of thin;s as a service station. -7- ¡ , I I I I I I I' App. l-U-91, . Baker I I . Neg. Dec. granted . Agr. wI CUSD. school sites . MDIm!S OF '!HE APRIL 15, 1991, RmUIAR CI'lY <DJNCIL ftuiJ.'.uG (0)811) Mr. Fratalt:aJ1I¡Jei stated that pnrvi.amly the aœa beJn¡ diac::ussed 8C\Jo .,.,. ·Jated a stretch liIID tulinesø. AnøwerinÇJ a questic:n by Q:Iuncil, he stated that his father is the 1&_Li' owner. It .. IIICMId by ocunc. ~., seo....èIbd by came. C'4'>1......" aD1 p"..··nd unaniDIcuI1y (4-0) to .".......U1/'8 the grant.iJ1q of a Negative Declaratim. It was IIICMId by ocunc. ~. and seoaded by ca.n:. ~......" aD1 to ~U1/'8 the aw1icat1c1 per PJ.anninq t'rMfti RfJiCI'l Reso1utiCl'l No. 4335. ocunc. Szabo atated that he feels this site will not '-'Ork beœuse of its proximity to residential and prå)leaø with parIdn;J. He also ~ ø.... .::........m regaI'din;J hcurs of operatiCl'l. HI:". BaJœr ap' ~ined that he did not :int.eni to wark Saturdayll and 8urdayB aD1 it "'0"'" be ..".. --....Ie with him to have that -- as a ccn:litiCl'l. '.DIe shq) will open at 7:00 a... with no 1IIOdc befoœ 8:00 a.m. Work stqø at 5:30 p.m.; hcw8ver staff 1Nl';/ stay CI'l until 6:30 p.m. '.DIe amsu,h_uL pert:aini.n;J to hcurs and days of cpexlitiCl'l as alxJ\Ie .. -- to the 1IICticn aD1 seccn:l. 'Ihe 2IIIIE!l1ded JDCt:icn P"-~ 3-1 with ca.n:. Szabo tli..- 1tin;J. ~ AND SITE AP.PKm.L CXHnTmE APPLIC'ATIæ8 19. Hale. tJNFINISHED EœINæS 20. Hale ~ 1ISINm'3 21. Ccnd.ds:atim of ag:...........jL with 0JpertiJ10 thiCl'1 SChcol District, mint:enance aD1 :bprcvement:, certain open "'{"".... areas within certain sd1col sites. (a) Resolut..iat No. 8377: "A Reso1ut1C1'l of the city Q:Iuncil of the city of QJpertino Authcrizin;J F.xøCI1t1C1'1 of ~.........jL Bet\reeJ, the city of ClIpe.rtino, 0Jpertin0 thim SChool District, aD1 QJpertino Schools Public Facilities Fironcinq Cl....1A""AtlCl'1 Pert:.ainin} to Maintena."'Dt aD1 Inprovement of Certain ~ Space Areas within Certain School Sites." -F- KINUr!!B OF '!HE APRIL 15, 1991, REX;(]IAR C1'1'\t caJNCIL ftI:¡c;.I.".ua:; (œ-&ll) ca.n:il recpISted that Mr. Dcwlin;r give them a list shcwinr¡ the iJx:ræse in the I'II~ of fields as a result of this açp.~IL. Ann AI1I¡JBr, H::rtta vista, Ø)Cpl"'-8"(\ SUR>OlL far the GII:J&o íL. It .. IKMId by Q:Junc. Roger., seoo.dtod by ca.n:. GoJ.c:1man aD1 P"'--ltt unanim:œly (4-0) to adept ResolutiCl'l No. 8377. RÐ ..~: 9:01-9:06 P.M. 22. Ca1s.ideratiœ of a "Druq Free Workplace" policy. (a) Rssoluticn No. 8378: "A ResolutiCl'l of the city ca.n:il of the city of a¡pert.ino JIdc¢in3 an AlcxmoJ. and Druq Abuse Policy." It was IKMId by ca.n:. Szabo, seoo.dtod by CaIne. ~s aD1 l""-Bd unanimcus1y (4-0) to adept Resoluticn No. 8378 aD1 the policy with bath 8111eidtod to state "helps ensure". 23. Selectia:t of date lor civic 5..Jrviœ Awards Oou.o:.uLafž. By ....... T ~IWUS, ca.n:il apprcyed 0ctà.:Jer 10 far the civic service Awards cer&Da'Iy. 24. Dj.....-iœ of the ....,~<sBd "Ma....J --e" OUice¡'aesidenti¡ Devel""t'""""ìL in the city of santa Cla%a, 8CIUt:bwest c......,..... of Iawrence ~ ,?lay aD1 ~ Rœd, aD1 <,., IL at Draft EhvizaDenta1. T..1.A{X ~l. By ....... nam, Q:Iuncil requested that the ..............,... of the PlanninI¡ t'rMfti -iœ WI J « be incluœd in a letter ~ in;r Q:Iuncil's ""-.......,.... '1bey su.;i"J"'Dted that santa Cla%a be ~ to ra _i". tho¡ results of their traffic study, rather than åwga their IIIBthod of ocuntinq. Q:Iuncil also recpISted a cc:py of the final dca.1mrmt aD1 that the latter be schect.ùed for further r'li.....-iCl'l. 25. PeqI-t frca Q pert!no Jaycees far $5,000 to assist in vac:atin;J the recyclin;J center at DeAnza O:ùlege. It was IKMId by ca.n:. ßoç ms, se......dtod by ca.n:. Goldman and p"8-r:1 UI1alÚJIOJsly (4-0) to ~,¥<1ate $5,000 frail the Resoorœ Reocve%y FUn:l. -9- Res. 8377 adopted Drug Free work- place policy Res. 8378 adopted Civic Service awards ceremony "Marchese" dev. Recycling Center, Cupertino Jaycees e . Legislative Review CODDD. . MIH11'ES OF 'lHE APRIL 15, 1991, RmJ!AR CI'lY caJNC:IL 1'IUi.l.'.uG (œ-811) Mu:nul CXIIIJNIC'ATIœs 26. Nc:rIe. œcnwa:s 27. Beoo.d 1:'8!Id1nq aD1 ....I:...",IL of Ordinance No. 1554: "An Ordinance of the city Ccuncil of the city of 0Jpertin0 A1Iø1din;J Sect:.iCI'1 1 of Ordinance No. 2 by RezaUu;¡ Aa-,..i-tely .41 Gress Acre fJ:aa R3 ZCI'1e to p (Res) ZCI'1e; Located at 7359 Rab1bcw Drive (JUdy Chen _ 8-Z-90)." Prell l'JUSlY ccnt.inJed to May 6. RESOWl'Iœs 28. Ncne. t1rAFY ~ 29. Oral ~"¥",,la by staff.. J -era. QJunc1l J:eCp!Sted a ccpy of the actual profile sheet. CXU«::IL ~~ 31. Ccunc. Szabo - Ieqislative Review t'rMftittee - It was 1IICM!d by Ccunc. Szabo, seo...áJI.d by ca.n:. Go]~ aD1 P"'--f~ unarúJIcus1y to take the followin;J actiCl'l regaxdin¡ 1&' 1": 1 ai l8ÇJisJ.atiœ: Slb·...L AS 434 (Sher),.xar vehicle registraticn aD1 other fees, air 'J1A1ity IIIIUIa.., ·-,L, as _!ded; AS 1110 (.~..,.I_11), dli1ri œre, r.,h1ic agency EÐ--",!"ticm fJ:aa 1icensiD¡. ~,..... SB 837 (To..~-), ~.' 1XIIp., firef~c;rt'~; aD1 SB 838 (TI.....~_), 1III.&k-.' 1XIIp., firefilþter.ø aM other safety officers ecr...cl.l reqIJIISt:Id ""P~- of AS 1865 (J"'n"'.~), recSeII8l~,L, sal_ aD1 \188 taxes; aD1 1&'~!led Fede!:d ~bl ~ty Riegu].at.iaB. Follcwirq d~""'-ia1 regarclin¡ gIm legislatiCl'l, it was 1IICM!d by ca.n:. Szabo, IIeCCI'XB:l by ca.n:. GoldllBn aD1 }'"'--ftt 3-1 with Ccunc.~. ..i- 1Lin}, to ERW...L HR 7 (BnIdy bill) and authorize the Kayar to øwolte the letter in Øl1ß:·...L of the bill. 33. ca.n:. ~. - As part of her ~q.vLL, Ccunc. ~& noted noted 0"·'-datiŒlS received by 1N"I'..e1... of the Finance Depn1:ment and the Parks and RecreatiCl'l Deparbœnt. -10- . . IIIII11m OF 'lBB APRIL 15, 1991, RIDJIM C1'lY CXXK:IL J'II:õI:i.L".uG (oc-ø11) At 9:50 p..., 0::Junci1 adjcmned to May 2, 7:00 p..., at the saüar 08nt8r. ~dL - . . -11- C1T'I œ ~.uÐ, 9IMZ OF c:M.'IPtRŒA 10300 '.1.\&<I<lOo AVEtIJE, w~.uÐ, C'A 95014 ~: (408) 252-4505 JIIlI7mS œ 'lBB ~ Cl'l'Y a:o«:lL MI!Z1"1!G HEm (If w.Y 1, 1991, Cl'l'Y HAIL, CDm!:RI!2ICB RXM A 10300 '.I.~ AVDIJE, w~.uO, C'AIiD\:I!NIA CX>8llA CAlL '10 ~ '.DIe meetJn¡ was c:alled to ......dt:or by Hayar Yqptl at 6:40 p... ImL CAlL came. p~ L: r<-,,,-,,, a.."....., s......",,_Bn, Szabo, Hayar ~l Statf P.... S íL: city Km~ Brcwn aw:. alllJNIC'ATICRS - NCI'1e. l"fmRn S!SSIaf At 6:41 p.m., l"'"'-r.....-..œ sect.icn 54957). At 8:55 p.m., Q:Iuncil reccnvened aD1 arII1CQ1Ced that they had .......,1 eted a IIt ¡(:>: f\1l evaluat1Cl'1. Q:Iuncil adjœmad far evaluat1Cl'1 of ncn-elected pet..........l (GaIr....,......«. COde At 8:56 p..., o:amcu adjœmad to 7:00 p.m., Hay 2, 1991, city Ball Q:Iuncil (h)JIi:Ier, far a joint JDII8tin;J with the Plannin¡ o-~-~"". v city