CC 05-02-91
HEm œ w.Y 2, 1991, caJNCIL am~, CI'lY HAIL
10300 '.I.U<tUS AV!HJE, aJPERTDI), c:::AI.IRRITA
CAlL '10 ~
M!Iyar lfq:ipel called the meetJn¡ to .....dt... at 7:06 p.m.
SAWŒ '10 '!HE FI10G
ca.n:. ~ S _IL:
Gt'>1.-." RogIæ:&, &:4:_"",,", Szabo, Kayar Kqpel
P1.anninq t'rMfti....ia1ers ~ nut:
Austin, Fazekas, Mahcney, Mann, Chrlr HacJœnzie
Statf Pt: Ii ..L:
city Maœger Brown
Daprt:y city Clck Wolfe
Di:rectar of PUblic Waècs vill1ccvicb
Di:rectar of no-"Ú.ty DeYel"¥"""jL 0::iWan
Ae~iate Planner H....dtùl
1. study sesaiCl'l to meet: with UJ:bm Design CCI1sUltant,
Mi.åmel h- 1..._rJ, to "'......'aa the "Gìalal Bc:JUlevæxl"
Di:rectar of n--"Ú.ty Dew1, 1. d. cowan }AL s Jted lID
outline of study S ~lW\ subjects, aD1 stated that this was
the of two ~ to f'}- cut the r......'.
~~:t:tee's OCI~ of the Grand Bculevard in teDø of
f-·ibi 1 ity, pcl8ØiNe œsts, effect CI'l traffic '~L ......~ty and
re1.ati.awhip to laM use. If 0Junci1 is cx:mfortable with
the ......~, a prelja1Jm:y positiCl'l oooùd be adcpted at
this 1Ø!tirq. He shcuId the General Plan worK schedule aD1
said it is new tiE far evaluaticn of alternatives. To
evaluate growth scenarics, 9"""1.. DUSt be defined. Mr.
cowan reainded Q:Iuncil that there are IIEInY otl:er i-.- to
be adch. lid. He dimcted O:ux:il¡t'rMfti_iCI'l attentiCl'l to
itEIII III of the staff c:utline, a possible preliminaJ:y goal
they might adqIt. He LjL....l........-1 M:iåIael Fl*-l.,...", uman
design ot'I1SUltant.
Mr. Fl-l.·..." said the p.IlpOS8 of taùght's 1&__I14tiat was
to respad to cp!Stioos resultinq fJ:aa his first
1& Sl.ltat1at and to arrive at what the City's visim of the
oorridcr is. He stated that he planned to back up and
figure aJt tmat was really reo .,.,""'1ded. Instead of
answerin;J isolated questioos he wanted to flæh aJt a
Mr. F.....-hM" 1& se¡Jted a series of slides. '!be fintt
stated goal of the Goals cœmittee "'as to create a sense of
plaoa. A slide shaied the "IUral. ~" of the Gra1Ù
Eb.ùevaIå area. Mr. FL"...lI·...'1 stated that it is i:qIortant
to have the city center located ~~cally at the
center of a city: the Grand Eb.ùevaIå is so located. He
said CI18 difference between stevens creek Eb.ùevaIå aD1
DeAnza Eb.ùevard is that DeAnza III1St remain the nort:h-sa.rt:h
freeway-to-b. '<Iy ~1I__'"tial, but we do not have to rely
CI'l stevens Creek Eb.ùevard far the same intense need to
mcve cars throogh tow1'1. Nevertheless, visually stevens
creek Eb.ùevard am DeAnza Ba.ù.evard are not di..stin;¡uishe
very strtn;rly fran each other.
South DeAnza Eb.ùevaIå is a cx:muercial strip: North DeAnza
Eb.ùevard is a \iIOI'k plaoe. stevens Creek Eb.ùevard is in
the ~.....- of -"""i"XJ a strip. Mr. ~" shaied
slides of possible l.!rxierutilized parœls aD1 explained the
natural evolutial. 'Ihese pocJœts are vulnerable to ~.
In Mr. FL_b.",l'l'S opinial, the three JDCS1: i:qIortant places
in the city are CI'l stevens Creek Eb.ùevaIå - DeAnza
College, Town Center aD1 Valloo. stevens creek Eb.ùevaIå
can }:QQo ..... the ~II-=tial between these points. It does
not have to V>o' ..... saoethin;J for peq¡le ~ dat't live
here. stevens Creek Ba.ù.evard does not have CI'lly to do
that, it can be recaptured by the city to be a pieœ of the
city that is pri:mari1y far residents, a
destinatia.........lented thoJ:'cu#1fare.
Mr. FL_1.._1'l said he is often asIœd tmat to do with
:business strips. '!hey are image aD1 devel"¥,,,=,IL prc:blems
for many cities. '!he strips came into bein;J ~Jse cities
in california particularly have developed aramd the
aut.c::llr;i:)ile - retail is stretched <nt in a linear fashiCl'l,
not in a (> "\ ect "downtown." With the advent of fi. B'lIays,
custcmers of the strips maved fran the arterials to the
r.I._ways. After reqiCIIiÙ shcg)in;J nodes were b.rl1t,
custaDers maved to them.
Mr. FL~lI....l'l shewed slides of retail strips shawirq hew the
bJs~-'!!S are isolated am the lack of shared parJdr1g. He
also shaied un:Jerutilized parcels - ''blildin;Js loakin;J far
ways to find value." strips are fallin;}' apart. M1at do
cities do aboot retail not sharin;}' custaDers or parJdn;J?
'.DIe lIl'Ø.kI. is to cluster retail. 'Iben ~ quest:iaw are
(a) 10àIre do ycu cluster, (b) 10tIat about: the rest of the
"flank", (c) haw does trlmsitiCl'11o'ŒX.
In ar&IIBX' to "!mere", Mr. F,¡--">,,,""1 said Crcssrœda "l'P""'1"'J
to be the best plaœ. All four comers cxW.d be used far
clusterin;J, bIt the Sedway sbxly shewed. the market is
Mr. F:I.-1>.-1'\ shewed. a slide depictin;J Market Hall, a 1IIivM
use ~·1.·,-L in 08k1and. It is visibly a 1.andmæ:X with
grwnd level retail, professiŒ1lÙ offices aOOYe that.
Another I!lliliA shewed. parœls with rcc:m far c:ha:tge. '.DIe
GraM Bculewrd 1DJSt a.~:' .,.,. -date sud1 b.1s~,,_ as Target
that aren't goin;J arJy\Iobaœ.
'.DIe ("_1.. caœdttee oc..cq..L of the GraM Bculevard has
talJœd about ather uses far the area mcludiJ'ç night life
am resiðentia1.
In reft:.._AA to high-œnsity hcu¡in;J. Mr. F:I.-1.,~" said it
is scary far cities to oc:.nteDplate. He shewed slides of
blq haœs CI'l wide roads with blq, grand fra1t entrances.
He said high density can also be attractive. '.DIe best
projects can add pJblic ~. '.DIe City can create
standards aD1 guidelines to allow high density with
seœitivity. SUCh things as massin;J, fenest:ratia1s,
rooflines aD1 haw the parJciøJ works 1DJSt be u..L..ulled by
standards. Office Uí.1!S can also be u..1L..ùlled.
In hl1i1dj"1ÇJ a Gran:l BcW.evard ycu wculd want JŒ%8 of a
pJblic......... iCI'1 aD1 mare of a "fULL.. -like" look even
with grcund floor retail. He reiterated the ~ of
standards aD1 guic1elinas. Mr. Fl_1.·_1'\ shcweð. the GLa.old
Bculevard cxmfiguratiCl'l am stated uses do not have to be
åw1:Jad, cnly CXX1figuratiCl'1. He '"'<P".i11ed the "preft:..u.d"
",'ildin;J cxmflguratiCl'1: retail am offiœ CI'l the ground
floor, a little taller builclin;J, JŒ%8 pecple livinq and
wcrkin;J CI'l a main spina, buildings at the fra1t of
'.DIe GraM Bculevard takes a quality neighLu~l&AJCl aD1 pb.-a
it to the fra1t.
Regarciir1I¡J traffic ~ity, Mr. F!-1>..,,1'\ said the City
shcu1d be able to maintain the prDseht capaC"ity if we want
cr not maintain it later if we dcn't want to. He defined
the two different kin::!s of traffic - cxmø.Jters and local
traffic. I.oœl traffic is destined far IICIIIIE!t:hin¡ Œ1 ar
near stevens creek B.:W.evard. Camuters Œ1 the ather hæñ
OOJld have stayed Œ1 the highway and are not destined far
anytb1JJ¡ en stevwns creek BouJ..evud. '1'0 :r:ec.apt..D:8 steY8Iw
Creek IIau1.8vanI for the Grarxl Bculevard, 0CIIIII1ters 1IIJSt be
1""pl~ by local traffic.
Mr. n.-1\..~.J shewed three inte:mecticn treatments and 1Ibrt
the --~gns 1IICUld do to road ""IpaCity. He di......, eel
int..&~~,.., cptic::nJ far DBAnza Bculevard at grade and with
."....dt. øepu:At.k.r1.
RÐ 1--'5: 8:45-8:57 p.m.
Mr. F.a.-1.._., qave ccst estimates far the bprcvement
part:iCI'1, not mclucIin;J eø¡ineerinq part:iCI'1 such as 1IICIITin:J
utility lines, J:'€IIICJIrin;J pavement, addin;Vmodifyin:¡ Bel æ...,
and 1Iignjn;J.
Di:rectar of PIlblic ~b Vi.skcvi.d1 stated that the ccst of
l::JI1i1d1n¡ the gr¡œ sepII%atiat is estimated at $10,000,000.
em. Mac1œnzis aD1 a:unc. Szabo asked where entrances to
retail 'o'tI'1Jd be - """"'~'t pecple go fJ:aa the ~ lot
i.'1 the rear thrcngh a rear _d......_ aD1 not even walk alc:n;J
the trent? Mr. F.-bt.." said that he didn't think many
J:uJJnesses 1IICUld have a rear entrance to their space. An
a:LL.....tive "gateway" wculd lead fJ:aa the parkin;J lets to
the trent.
em. Austin asked abœt ~L..1an wallamys aD1 bike
lanes. Mr. F.ì,- 1"-11 said be reo .....Þ\ dad arqled parkin;J
aD1 lev81. ~ far bike lanes, p:JSSibly colored as¡iIalt
far a \oAoaILLaSt.
MayI:Jr J:q:Ipel stated it was time to .-.,¡..... Wetber we are
rædy to take a preliminary positiCl'l as to Wetber we want
to go ,ru" with the OGh..qlL.
ca.n:. "on''-'' 1& T ìLad a 1&' y ooal that he tñcught might:
be a wy to 1"'" < ~. '!he 1&"¥-"-'ðl stated that the
followin;J ~-.sideratia1s 1IIJSt be ...:kh. 9èI:
1. Hell axn wi}.¡ it cost aD1 ¡;ho will pay far it? '.DIe
city does net: have the funds; it IIIJSt be
se1.f-finïm:::i.r1g .
2. Hell will traffic be affected?
3. ¡f]at specific devel,¥"""IL will ocx::ur and when?
ca.n:. Goldman tIiÚd
had been 1& S L,Lad.
work there IIIJSt be
he 1IICUld like time to absotb all that
In his opiniCl'l, far the project: to
""f""("ific guidelines. Before Camcil
MI1Ð1'ES OF '!HE ADJaJRNEI) ~ m=,".uÇ OF MAY 2, 1991
_4.... w th8 idea, he felt that OQ, r røus IIIJSt be Þ1ilt in
the œsidential and bJsiœsa ...-noj,tieø. 'Ib8re IIIJSt be
underst:andin;J and a plan far hpl...·-d.at1a1.
ca.n:. ('J'II1~ 1&'~ that a GLa..:! Bculevard n--ittoe be
set up . "'I.<n::1 of ~_ s &t.rtives fJ:aa l:Iusiness aD1
residential ......"Ú.tieø, Q:m1c1l, Pl8nninq aD1 ASN;. '.DIe
.........ittee .....,1d be åIarged to analyze the Grarñ Bculevard
O"'........L aD1 1& s .d. a ~.........L to Q:Iuncil. ~- CI'l that
~.........t., Q:Iuncil ~ ~M.. ~ ar not to 1&' .~ with
the .......~L.
Cbmc. Goldmn said that he knar that the 1&' y.."""'1 'IØ'f elow
dawn the Ge'lm:Al Plæ1 and delay SCII8 de(-i "iC::nJ regardirg
laM use, bIt said that the potential product 'IØ'f be warth
the wait. He stated he was not sayin;J iDplement the GraD1
Bculevard, just give it its due. we need to find out Wet
the rY'ftWN"Ú.ty's expectat.i.cI1 is. '.DIe best thinq Q:Iuncil can
do in the GsIeral Plan 1&' .;! is CX'D8 together with a plan
that is a ...........JSUB h,il&n- in the rY'ftWNnoj,ty aD1 aekh. ~O(I'
interests of l:Iusir -,- and residents.
ca.n:. Go1~ IIUIIIIIarlzed his 1&' ~<lSal as follows: Fatm
.........ittee, åIarg8 them to CX'D8 l:øc:k with answers to the
three cpest.ia1s and to brin;J l:øc:k a 1:......... L as an
infODlBtic:.n base far Q:Junc!l to use in makin;J a decisiCl'l.
CDmc. Go1~ apologized far 1& s .1L.ln1 the 1&~1 CI'l
short notice.
Kayar IC:qpl said she ~ 1JJœ to refer the matter to
staff to WCIk out a time line that 1IIa1ld WCIk out with the
Gene1::al Plan and ~",':J"'D-tia1B as to the makeup of the
ca.n:. Szabo said he wa1ld also 1JJœ an estJmate of the
cost of doin;J the study. In his cpiniCl'l, staff is heavily
iDpICted by the General Plan.
ca.n:. GoJ...., experried his ""*........L. He said he saw the
.........ittee þnilðirç....._ Br1SUS aD1 findiJ'IJ cut whether ar not
there is a rY'ftWNnoj,ty ca HØJS to go fmwazd before a lot
of mcn!Y is spent CI'l detailed design. '.DIe ccmnittee shcW.d
be the drivinq farce.
ca.n:. a.y..... said she hcped l.,.... S 4.ðtives 1IIa1ld be these
\ib:) live near stevens:::reek Bculevard. She said it WtUld
be premature to make a dectsiat at this time.
Kayar Kqlpel ~ there be 7-10 pec:ple at the
City ...~ Brcwn said he thcught Q:Iuncil .. asking' far
two thiJ1I¡Js: 1. Get IIm'8 detail regardin;J ocst, traffic
aD1 dlnlity; 2. t!l1i1d lY'IIWIII1IÚ.ty oab!sœus. He stated hID
wsn't sure CI'18 .........ittee caùd do bath - they oonld do the
døtai1 bit not reach ~_!nsus. He asIœd far
ca.n:. t:Q'~ said the CXIIIIIÚ.ttee .....'lð be ~"""" S ILatlve
of the hJsiness am residential lY'IIWIII"Ú.ties. It they
cbooøe they 71Ii!l';/ want to go into detail as ~ T rary to
1& S IL a plan they think Q:Iuncil can 1IØka a ........f.sia1 CI'l.
'.DIe Jain thin;J 1O.Üd be to døbmaine if the project fits
the - 'of the lY'IIWIII"Ú.ty aD11041c is payin;J far it.
ca.n:. a.."..... stated that this wooùd ta:œ time. MeIu'M1ile,
1It1at abcut çplicatic::nJ alen¡ stevens creek BcW.evam that
COE in in the int.erUa.
Diz9ctar of n-"Ú.ty DBvel"¥,,",,d. cowan said he ..
confident that the tedmical ¡¡ark will be ~cJcly.
t'rMft'¡-~nwr Austin said we need to find cut: Wat the
-----"Ú.ty feels and S\).:.,....-œd a survey.
Mr. n-1>·...,1 stated that he had found that 1It1at ~ CI'l
the leY8l of gettin;J a lY'IIWIII"Ú.ty to feel a sense of
cwnersbip is a blanJœt mailin;J invitin;J them to OCIIIB hear
the )'L' y ~1 aD1 give irplt. A steerin;J .........i·è:tse l'Y'II11it
ÚIplð.ad. the milin;J, then there 1O.Üd be a town hall
JDeet:in;J. He said the ~ are still inf",."".l bit a lot
of pecple get involved. '.DIe wcrJœhcps ..l~ always
iDproIIe the "--ign.
ca.n:. S'"'''''' .- if it ware realistic to get this into
the a4 r IL Plan Amerdu.:.IL.
Mr. CXIwan said he thinks we can p.ùl t.ogøthBr
fairly 'J''¡''1cly reqardinI¡ the tec:bni.œl wadt (6-10 waeks).
'.DIe _11 graJp ~ùd be the steerin;J .........ittee, then it
l'Y'II,l it go to larger groups.
OD. Mi!Ict.m,zie said he 1O.Üd like to 1DCI\I8 the General Plan
as far as possible with ¡¡ark that can be before we
have to '-IIÚt far the CXIIIIIÚ.ttee's irpJt.
0:.. Mann iti""--9èI the åWXJ8 of philœq:hy fJ:aa a set:bI!Ic:k
of 50+- ft. to O. ¡bat haWEm to lIRIlicants ~ are in the
Hmbo betIoi8en the General Plan am the Grand BcW.evam far
the next year?
O:iunc. r~.-., said he respected the views of Q:Iuncil
,,_,J C$ &Ù t'rMfti -ia1ers. 'Ibe decisiCl'l CI'l the Gerll4:al
Plan has to be integrated. '!he Di('oÇ1õ? 1&~Lý, Gran:!
Boulevard, ~fardable hoosinq, growth - all IIIJSt be ~i.-,
in CI18 piece. 'Ibe steerin;J .........ittee wculd be a start
~ 'II'Irf a,:.:, .,.,. >date the m ~,. ani desinls of the
....-"Úty. Pecple WImt a sense of pl""," ani to 1& SBrV8
neighbamccds. '!he Grarñ Boulevard my affect all of
these. '.DIe jei> dcne at this time en the Genm:al Plan
shapes the future of the city. He said all he was askin;J
far is that we ~tely explore the cxb..qJL.
O:iunc. ~. said that thirteen years ago there was a lot
of di """-iCI'l abcut "where is dcwntown 0Jpertin0." She
thinks the feelin;J in the <YOmIm.ity is that there is a lack
of identity. Maybe it is time to be visicnary. We shcW.d
look at the pl' Y .....1 aD1 see ~'lhat we can do.
Mr. Brawn said he understood Q:Iuncil ani t'rMfti -ia'!e1:& were
askin;J staff to oaœ back at the next meetinq, ~'..,œe
.........ittee ,,_.J _..hip, 1& salt a br.-ef wcèc plan aD1 a time
line, aD1 that it wculd not require a ca1SUltant; the
.........ittee aD1 staff cculd do it. 'Ibis might lead to a
seocrxi stEp: A large <, an invitatiCl'l to the
entire ....-wú.ty aD1 a big pl s "LatiCl'l to the ""-"Úty,¡ in a p.1blic hear1n:.J aD1 fOI1Dal ocnsideratiCl'l.
Mayer ICqpl said she felt there was ~ that the
fY'OII!IIittee meet to explore the o....""'"'¥L further. Statf was
directed to return with the ~"'i""- L ani ~> ····...rJdatiCl'l at
the May 20 ca.n:il 1IIeetiJ1I¡J.
Plar1nin¡ t'rMfti ....iCI'l 0Iair will dxJœe the t'rMfti "EIiCI'l
1."'t'L i ILatlve far the omnittee.
At 9:45 p..., the JIIB8tin:J was adjou:med to May 6 far
Q:Iuncil aD1 May 13 far Plðmin;J t'rMfti-iCl'l.