CC 05-06-91
C1'1'\t OF cmml'INO, S'mTE OF CAIìDtRIIA
10300 '.I.\.a<iQS AVDIJE, aJPERl'IH), C'A 95014
'l'!:tœDIE: (408) 252-4505
HEW (If M1\Y 6, 1991, au«:IL amMBER, CI'lY HAIL,
10300 '.I.\.a<iQS AVÐIUE, aJPERl'DÐ, c::ALDtRŒA
'.DIe meetJn¡ was called to .....&... by Kayar 1I:qpel at 6:47
SAII1l'E '10 '!HE FI1G
CCJunc. Pl. _ _d.:
Rogels, SOrensen, Szabo, Kayar ~
CCJunc. M:6 tL:
staff Present:
city Manager Brown
city Clerk O""'....lius
Director of FUblic Wades Vi.skcvi.d1
Director of n-mity DeIIel_IL 0Jwan
Di:rectar of Finance snyder
Directar of Parks aD1 ccwlin:r
PUblic rnfomatiCl'l Officer Bnty -
HcAulin;J aD1 services cocmsinatar NorliD;J
city Attorney Kilian
staff nqJeSts ccnt:inJance of It:8a Ro. 34 to May 20.
It was JID\Ied by CCJunc. Szabo, -.....dt.d by ca.n:. ~s aD1
I-øø'Sd unanImcus1y (4-0) to CCI1t:iruI Item Ro. 21 to JUne 3.
It:8a Ro. 343 to May 20, aD1 IteIa Ro. 36 to JUne 17.
Letter of OCIldolenœ far family of Navy :u:. CCIIIIIarŒr
Meredith Ham.
certificate reocguizin;J Deputies Pete Vellios aD1 RI::beI:t
!m'ganthaler far bein;J awarded first place in the Pl!lcific
Grove Motorcycle 0 ,,\«itiCl'l CI'l April 20.
MINUmì OF '!HE MAY 6, 1991, RmUIAR CI'lY au«:[L MŒl'n«i
Proo] -tiat reoogllizing Ð Medical serviœs Weak.
Anne Nq, 6031 Bollirçer Read, QJpertinc, ackh. ~'!!d co.mci1
regardirç bicyl::les an:! the aut.allatic traffic gate CI'l
Pacifica. She requestecl that they provide an cpenirJ¡ far
bicycles an:! that they fODll a bicyl::le advisœ:y nnnwft~t...tee.
staff was requested to l.¥lt back haw bicyl::les can be
facilitated at Pacifica an:! requested infomatiCl'l regardin;J
famat!a1 of a bicyl::le advisœ:y OCIIIIÙ.ttee.
steve WIoll<1œ, 11507 Silver SprÙJ3S CaJrt at seven SprÙJ3S,
cdh. -ad Ccuncil regaIdinq solicitors in the Seven SpriD]s
devel<.pœ:ltt. He stated that the œ&Rs say that anya18
wishing to solicit in the area 1II.ISt OCIIIB to the boImi far
Cll-l""V'IëÙ .
city Attomey Kilian said the city ordinance gcverns all of
the city. He su':.FD-ud that Mr. Wallace refer to his
.........~..te att:œ:ney far advice as to whether ar not the
œ&Rs supersede the city ordinance.
0CUnc. Roge1:s reIIDIIed Itesœ 6, 7, 8, an:! 16: Kayar Kq:pel
rEIIICJIIed Item No. 10. It was JIICIIIecl by ca.n:. sorensen,
seoot4.d by 0CUnc. Szabo am paE'~ unanim:Jusly (4-0) to
Cll-l""U'/8 the balance of the 0... .L calen:!ar as anhnitted.
1. Awlicatic::nJ far Alc::åx)J.ic Beverage O"'.L..ul lioensæ:
(a) valley Q......, T,i'1'~, 10073 Saicn Way: (b) BreBd of
Life, 10983 Harth Wolfe Rœd: (c) Apollo Pizza, 10625
south Foothill Boulevard (fULIiDLly Ma1ta Vista Pizza
~ny) : (d) Pacific Fresh, 21255 stevens creek
2. Resoluticn No. 8380: "A Resolutiat of the city 0CUncil
of the city of 0Jpertin0 MaJdn;J Det:em:inatia18 an:!
AßJrcvin;J the AmexatiCl'l of Territory Designated
'Blackberry 91-0', ~"""-tely 32.989 Acres I.ocated
CI'l the south side of stevens creek Boulevard Betwelln
scenic Boulevard an:! Byzne Aveme: Nalsa1¡'LaIIas (APNs
357-08-020, 357-12-001, 357-10-004, 357-10-00)."
Mnm!B OF '!HE MAY 6, 1991, Rmt1IAR CI'lY CXXJNCIL Jœ:f:1'nG
3. P-<.r-t: far waivm: of bJsiness license fees, múted
states Missicn.
4. RII!I8olut.icn No. 8381: "A ResolutiCl'l of the city O:ucll
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Authorizin;J ~Itia1 of 'Ihird
1ImeIdDeilt to Ao"........-d. to PrCJvide IDeal laW Enfut..........1t
..,..i .Acor" to the califamia IdentificatiCl'l System."
5. M:I.mtes of the regular meeting of April 1, 1991.
6. ReIDaYed frail the o:.œent calendar.
7. RemcNed frail the o:.œent calendar.
8. RemcNed frail the o:.œent calendar.
9. Aw11catiCl'1 ASN:. 51,871.2 - Payless Drug stare -
Request far review ani a¡:proval far a 1&'-¥Jsad trash
.......,..t'!tQr far an existin;J retail store. '.DIe 1&~ty
is located at 20580 Hc:mestead Read. Reo:- .,.,~I1ded far
10. RemcNed frail the <l:a......d. calendar.
n. RII!I8olut.icn No. 8376: "A Resolutiat of the city a:.mcil
of the city of Q.Jpertino Authorizin;J the city Manager
ar Designee to ~ aD1 o.........ít to All [' ~11 ar
Q...íts Q:n\/ey1D¡ Real P.L'¥'"'- t.y rnt:erest to the City."
12. Resolutiat No. 8382: "A Resolut.icn of the city ~'OCil
of the city of Q.Jpertino A/:X:eptin;J ()lit-,.,bi1ll Deed :>f
Real P1.'¥'"'-ly far IaIdway ~s_ fJ:aa Stæœrd oil
r...,""'r'f;f of califamia westeIn~, nx:., IDœted
~ a.......... Hc:mestead Read aD1 DBAnza BcuJ.evard."
13. RII!I8olutiat No. 8383: "A Resolut.icn of the city a:.mcil
of the city of Q.Jpertino Allowin;J 0Brtain Cl>'~"" aD1
DIIIIaråI Payable in the Amr::amts aD1 FraIl the !'UIØ as
Hereinafter DescriJ:)ed far General aD1 Miscellanec\IS
Expenditures far the Feriott Erxlin;J April 19, 1991."
14. RBst)lut.icn No. 8384: "A ResolutlCl'l of the city a:.mcil
of the city of Q.Jpertino Allc::llliD1 0Brtain (')..i.... aD1
DIóWI1œ Payable in the Amr::amts aD1 FraIl the !'UIØ as
Hereinafter DBøc:ribed far 8alarles ani Wages far the
Paymll Feriott Ðdin;J April 9, 1991."
15. Resolut.icn No. 8385: "A Resolution of the city a:.mcil
of the city of 0Jpertin0 Allowin;J Certain ClAi..... aD1
Demands Payable in the Amr::amts ani FraIl the !'UIØ as
Hereinafter Descri1Jed far Salaries ani wages far the
Payroll Periott Erxlin;J April 23, 1991."
tmIJl!S OF 'mE te.'l 6, 1991, mmtAR crI."í o:m:::IL l4EmlG
16. RImcN.d fraa the 0...._ IL calen3ar.
6. Min1tes of the adjœmad regular meetJn¡ of April 9,
It was JIDY8d by came. Rogers, secc:njed by came. Szabo aD1
P"--lId unanimcus1y (4-0) to GWLV'18 the mirIItes with a city
Clerk note that came. ~. had met previoosly with the
cx:nIUltant aD1 prcvidecl written irpJt.
7. Min1tes of the regular meeti.n;J of April 15, 1991.
It was JIDY8d by came. Rcgers, secc:njed by came. Szabo an:i
["'--9èI (3-0) with came. sorensen abstainin:J, to GWLV'18
the mirIItes with page 10, Item No. 33 aIDE!I'ñed to include
Parlcs an:i RecreatiCl'l DBpartment in came. lb;ers I 0 ...,_. &t.5
regardin;J ." -···-rdatiaw received.
8. Þß') i~tiCl'l ASN:; 3-u-90 - Ct'a1ta1' s Inc. - Request far
review an:i ai¢uYIÙ far a roof JIICU1ted mechaniœ1
""1',iP""'"lt sc:reeninq at an exi.stin;J restaurant. '.DIe
1&'"'i""&.Lj' is located at 10100 8aIt:h DeAnza Boulevard,
scutbeast ........,..... of calif Avenue an:i DeAnza Boulevard.
pa.... ····-rded for ~uYIÙ.
It was JIDY8d by came. Szabo, .........L1e..i by ca.n:. s......__1m
an:i p"--,d (3-1) with came. Rcgels di.ssent:in], to GWLV'18
the lIRIlicatiCl'1 per A1:d1itec:tural an:i site A¡:prcYal
O:nIdttee ResolutiCl'l No. 1612.
10. ~ 32-u-85 - '!be FonmI - Rsquest far review
aD1 GWLu¥al far a Planned DeIIel,¥"",/L Sign ~~_ aD1
site lightiD;J plan far a new retirement facility. '.DIe
1&..p.:lly is located at the temiraJs of cristo REly
Drive. Reo ····--œd tor approval.
It was JIDY8d by came. SulenSel1, secatJed by ca.n:. Szabo
an:i po' !j (3-1) with came. RI::IgeN dissentin;J, to
c:x:nIideratia1 of this lIRIlicaticn to the meetJn¡ of May 20.
16. Resolutia1 No. 8386: "A Resolutia1 of the city ca.n:il
of the city of 0Jpertin0 settin;J Fees an:i 01arges far
the ~ICY RespaISe Cost Reoc:Nery ~~_."
(Drlvin;J Un:1er the Influeooe Cost Rect::Ner:/.)
It was JIDY8d by CQmc. 1b}e1..., ~.Je.1 by ca.n:. SOUl! E'1In
an:i ["'--ed 1.II1aIrlJJD.1s1y (4-0) to adopt ResolutiCl'l No. 8386.
MnVl'!S OF 'IHE w.Y 6, 1991, RmUIAR CI'lY CXXJNCIL MEE:l'I}Ç
(CX::-812 )
17. Q:ndde:ratia1 ot water rate increase aD1 institutiCl'l ot
drought plan tar 1991.
(a) Reøoluticl'1 No. 8387: "A ResolutiCl'l of the city
Q:Iuncil of the city of <lIpertino Increasin;J Water
Rates aD1;J Revised Inverted Rate
stzu:::ture. "
Cb) Ordinanœ No. 1558: "An Ordinanœ of the city
Q:Iuncil of the city of <lIpertino AJIIelxiin;J 01apter
15.22, 'Water Ca1serIIatiCl\', of the Q¡pertino
}b1it'!ip'l Code Establishirç Restrictia18 aD1
Regu].atj.a1s far the Ca1serIIatiCl'l of Water and
Declarin;J the tk.p¡cy 'lbereof."
Followin;r 1& 5' by the Director of Public ~~b,
Kayar ï&wel cpned the hearin;J for public irrput.
O1arles TeIIme, HJar lap Drive, asked aI;)œt the œsic rate
for water and the -,""."" rate. He then inquired about heM
the blllin;J was da1a.
Nancy steele requested c1arlficatiCl'l regardin;J pool
:re.oL.. ictiŒlS.
steve W>oll aoe of Sellen Sprin;s, asked about use of
deoontive famtair.s, ÆW ~"'""'TÙ'r:J, aD1 broJœn sprinkler
O1eryl straight said that she was a big water user since a
pool, ~in:], and guest hcuse had been ~ CI'l her
1&'¥"" ty since 1987. She had received a letter fJ:aa the
water depsrt:ment regardin;J installatiCl'l of flew x_L..lctars
that ST ,....., threat:enin;J to her.
A gentlE!llllln residin¡ at <lIpertino Waterfall stated that
\ben ~.rtive fountains are not used, the P''''t'''' are
ruined. He asbd if use of the famtain at night was
steven Cox, 80enic Boulell8rd, ~~ .....-..-,
Devel~jL, aø.1rarf aI;)œt the meter used far l.anðecðpin;J.
He was told to call the water department to see if it was
CI'1 ~I ...._t cia! rates.
steve Wallace aslrWl if the use of ncn-potable water was
allowed. He was inf01......J it was.
'n1ere befnoJ no further public irrput, Mayor F.cwel closed
the public hearirq.
Water rate in-
crease & drought
Public hearing
Res. 8387
Reading (0 en-
actment of
Urg. Ord. 1558
Vacation of
Miramonte Rd.
Vacation of
public service
ea_ent, Mira-
MINtJ'DS OF '!HE w.Y 6, 1991, ~ CI'lY CDJNCIL huiJ.'.uG
Pollowin;J council l'Ii"C'-i.a1, City Manager BI:tIWn stated
that there will be positive reinfut...........d. articles aa WIll
_ infarmat1a1al articles regazåinq water savings am the
drcu:#lt in the amert:ino scene.
It .. IIICJIIed by counc. Szabo, seccnded by ca.n:. sœ....L en
am P'"-'9d UM1'ÚJIIaJsly (4-0) to adept ResolutlCl'l No. 8387.
It was IIICJIIed by counc. Sorensen, -.....ded by ca.n:. Szabo
am PM'1tld UM1'ÚJIIaJsly (4-0) to read Ordinance No. 1558 by
title aù.y am the city Clerk's readin;J to exnrtitute the
reading thereof.
It .. IIICJIIed by counc. Sorensen, seccnded by counc. ~s
am I""ø_gd UM1'ÚJIIaJsly (4-0) to enact: Ordinance No. 1558.
18. o:.as1deratiCl'l of vacat1C1'l of pœ:tiCl'l of MiraDxrIte RaId.
(a) Resolutlcm No. 8389: "A Resoluticn of the city
Q:Iuncil of the city of 0Jpertin0 Orde.rirg vacat.iCI'1
of a Portic:n of MiraDxrIte Read at Ita
8a1theasterly '1'eminJs as Provided in secticn 8320
Et seq. of the SL..~ am Highways Cbde of the
state of califamia."
(b) Resoluticn No. 8390: "A ResolutlCl'l of the City
Q:Iuncil of the city of 0Jpertin0 AcoeptirJ¡ GLGld.
of FJo--./t far Poadway Pw;poses fJ:aa Glaty Anne
Bratt:a1, An t1rIIIanied WCIDan, o:.asistin;J of
~......-i""'tely .036 Acres, IDeated MiraDxrIte Read
at Ite southeasterly 'l'e:cIú.mIs."
(c) Resoluticn No. 8391: "A ResolutlCl'l of the city
Q:Iuncil of the city of 0Jpertin0 AcoeptirJ¡ GLGlIt
of FJo~ far Public services, sanita%y SL_
am stem Drain fJ:aa Glcny Anne BrattCl'l, An
~ WCIDan, MiraDxrIte Read at Its
Southeasterly '1'eminJs."
(d) ResolutlCl'1 No. 8392: "A ResolutlCl'l of the city
Q:Iuncil of the city of 0Jpertin0 AcoeptirJ¡ GLGI.t.
of FJo~ far Public Utilities fJ:aa Glcny Ame
BrattCl'l, An ~ WCIDan, Located Mi.rama1te
Read at Its Sc:Altheasterly 'l'e%1IIims."
19. o:.asideraticm of vacatiCl'l of public service .....,.....-d.,
Mircma1te Read at its southeasterly teDninJs.
MDKJ1ES OF '!HE w.Y 6, 1991, RmUrAR CI'lY caJNCIL 1'JUi.l.'.uG
(a) Røøolut.ia1 No. 8393: "A lWIolut.ia1 of the city
Q:Iuncil of the city of QJpertino oroerin;J vacatia1
of a Pl1blic service 1O'>I---rt:, MiraDød:e lad at
Its Sc:Alt:heasterly 'l'emirIJs, P\.u:BUant to Sectia1
50430 of the GaIr..........,L COde of the state of
Pbllcwing ~ by the Director of FUblic ~,
M!Iyar ~ qø¡ed the p.1blic hearin;J.
'!here bein;J no ptbHl'.! irpIt, Mayœ'~ closed the p.1blic
hearin;J .
It .. 1IICI\/8d by ca.n:. ~., secc:'I13ed by CaJrx:. Sorensen
aD1 P""-ed un...J.mcu:ùy (4-0) to adept lWIolutiaw 8389,
8390, 8391, 8392, and 8393.
20. Q:nd.deratiCl'1 of vacatiCl'l of scenic Circle at PIùm
(a) Røøolut.ia1 No. 8394: "A RøøolutiCl'1 of the city
Q:Iuncil of the city of QJpertino oroerin;J vacatia1
of a Part.iCI1 of scenic Circle at Pal.m AveruI as
Pravided in SectiCI'1 8320 Et seq. of the SL.....sts
aD1 Highways COde of the state of California,
Rstaininq It as a PUblic servioa 10'>1"""".... it aD1
sanitaJ:y ~..æ: ......aaor-.¡L."
Directar of PUblic ~~Jc& vi.skcvi.d1 reviewed his repent with
M!Iyar ¥<:g)el cpened the p.ù:>' i... hearin;J.
'!here bein;J no P"t'I] ic bplt, Kayar ~ closed the pnblit!
hearin;J .
It was 1IICI\/8d by ca.n:. Szabo, -.....d.d by CaJrx:. Su.._4!lBn
aD1 po'-'!Id unarU.mcusly (4-0) to adept ResolutiCl'l 8394.
RÐ ~~S: 8:30-8:40 P.M.
21. AwJ,icatiCl'1 20-u-86 (Amended) - JMB Pttperties 00. -
A¡:.proval of device to BUl t:- u. t. and save Tree No.3, oaks
ShGwin;J center. (a:ntirJJed frail Aprl11.)
(Pr8vicusly CCI1tiJued to JUne 3, 1991.)
Public hear ing
8389, 8390, 8391
8392, 8393
Vacation, Scenic
Cir . ¡Palm Ave.
Public hear ing
Res. 8394
App. 16-TK-90. I
Sol>rato Dev.
NA Dee.
1mIJI.'ES OF 'mE IO.Y 6, 1 ~l, RmJlAR crl"i c.mNC!L 14EEI'nC
22. ArI'liœtiat 16-'1H-90 - SåJrato DeIIel~jL - vestin;J
Tentative Map to create a six lot subclivisiCl'l with
paroels raD;Jin;J in size frail O. 6 ~ to 1. 2 ~
with CI'18 2àiitia1!Ù lot held in (. ...,. '1 ownership.
EnviraDe:nta1 Det:eminatia1: '.DIe P1annin;J t'rMfti ....too
rAo:· --&Jø the grantin:J of A Negative """"1 ",ratiCl'l.
R&:- -. -.k.Ied far a¡:p:oval.
Directar of C'nrm"Úty DeIIelcpœnt cowan read a letter dated
April 29 frail the project samd oc:nsultant.
Glen R'I1+Y'OJr of Awle CCIIp1ters told 0:Juncil that they
m-""'""" the vested map to get finarcl.n¡ far the project.
Awle has hired a fulltime Traffic Demand Manager aD1 two
helpers. '!he City's guarætteed ride haœ r<>o:> ·,·,.Þ'ldatiCl'l is
'!be city Attorney told Q:Iuncil that if the applicatiat is
~, it shculd be ~ ocntin;¡ent upcn the city
Attorney's Office approval as to fœ:m aD1 oart:ent CI'l all
Mt-.-u as to cc:nsistency with Q:Iuncil GWLUIfal.
It was DDYed by Coone. SOrensen, secaded by ca.n:. Szabo
aD1 I""-ed unarùmœs1y (4-0) to grant a Negative
It was DDYed by Coone. &.....,.,._en, secadood by ca.n:. Szabo
and p"'--ecl ~y (4-0) to ðwLu-Je the applicatiCl'l per
Plamin:J t'rMfti ....iCl'l Resolutiat No. 4336 with the followin;J
13. nJwnC'ATIŒ OF 'I'(H ~
'Ibe Draft ~a1 Mi!Inc..j-·--íL
~,","""",,IL dated 05/06/91 shall be WW"rli f'ied priar
to r............datiCl'1 to reflect the below changes.
A) Eliminate all reft:.._____ to "Awle" in
Par"~aPì 6(B), Fage 5.
B) SectiCl'l]A shall be amended to provide a
1&' <-'~ to allow the City 0:Juncil to GWLWI!
the J1I1mh:n- of bike loc:Jærs if the 'I'(H
COOrdinator aD1 Director of Public works
c:anoot reach ¥èo:.u=att.
C) Sectioo 6B(4) shall be amerxied to add
bicycles as a qualified fom of transit a.-.d
delete the below ~ !ran the sectioo:
tmm!S OV H 10.'[ 6, 1991, mmIAR CIT'i am:::IL MEmlG
" . . .WUå1 rules aD1 regulatic::nJ J1Jl1Y provide
that the guaranteed ride haIIa shall be
!lV"il..hle to err¡ suå1 eaployee a'Ü.y far a
r;pecified "II- of times in a designated
tœ period, suå1 as a calerñar quarter or
a'Ü.y with specific authorizatia1 in eadl
instance by the eaployee' s supervisor."
15. ~ OF "~~'mJ F.I'~
'.DIe subject Vestin;J Tentative Map secures to the
"~ividør/owner the right to 1&' ~ with
cræ.tiat of lots as described in the diagra
œf...._.....d in Q:niitia1 11 abcJYe, alŒ1l1 with the
rights, cml.igatia1S aD1 entitlements sec:ured umør
USe Femit U-u-90 as stated in the city Clerk'.
letter of No.-t-. 21, 1990.
'.DIe adcptiCI'1 of the 'ltH __It aD1 all the
cxnIitic::nJ CXI1tained in the;J tentative map do
not preclude e'Ifu............,L of requirements mde ~
by state, f~, reqicnal ar local bodies. sanct.ia1ø
.....,,,. not r-;r --rtly r8II01œ the use permit, but
~ _'f_ used to ensure ct'IIplianoe with these rules and
~ .....\ld be the BIIIIIB as these used far all
1&~Ues if other agøncies are IIICJ:'8 restrictive and
the ~ 1"""1t ca..AJt ':ö:JIp1.y.
~ ..1h:iivisic::a of the project invalidates the
~ AND srm APBÐVAL \Ãft'I.L'.I.".mri APPLIC'ATIæ8
23. A¡plicaticn ASN; 51,199.15 - lucky stares - Approval to
WW'W4~ #'y a scund wall adjacEl1t to the truck dock serving
lucky'. Malfœt, located in )fr-t"'I.,l1'V'\ S9Jar8 Sbc:HdnIJ
0Intar. p.o.:- -.ded far _..wal. (a:mtimød ~
F8bruazy 4, 1991.)
Ray lib-. said that he bad heard an aooostical axpert Will"
be ...."eeI in prior to reIIDVIÙ of the wall. As it is, the
'-'f....'. are abaY8 the 0Jpertin0 limit.
Ara1e JI:)QL.., 10364 P8radise Drive, wants a study da1e J:Iefcne
the wall is touched. In regard to Los Altœ ,......~
(I_.1.....'Y', she stated that they do cœe before 7:00 a.m.
Gerry O'Hara, 10404 P8radise, said that dIJrin;J the daytime
bcurs, it is still noisy and there are f'UmBs and vibratiaw
tnD the trucks and cars. She Wllld liJœ SQIIEI deliveries
at the fra1t of lucky store and the noise study OCIipleted
priar to the wall ocmin:.J down.
51, 199.15,
Lucky Stores
A ~ ~idinq at 20606 Paradise Drive, said tha
noise leY8l is better, but it is unbearable dIJI'in;J the
day. He also requested the noise stu:iy be den! priar to
the wall bein;J tcuåIed.
St:8II8 Cbristian, architect, stated that the applicant wants
the wall wiœ1ed aD1 put at an aJ'1I1le (CI'l a bias) .
Geny O'Hara said that the noise stu:iy as den! is not
encu;¡h. '.DIe stu:iy J1U~'" to ackh. - deliveries, vibratla1ll
aD1 day prå)l8111S.
city MimIIger Brawn stated there aæe"T'S to be two i..........;
a1II is the sam wall and the deliveries is another.
Anne ~.. stated that they were talJdn;J IIba1t noise after
the truck has stq:pd and is \.D1lœdin;J.
It was JDYed by CDmc. Szabo, secc:med by CDmc. RIOgerS aD1
p-""- unaniJDcœly (4-0) that prior to ise:uæx:e of a
",,11t'1'1'111 p-mit far the 1W'V"Iit'1ed wall, there shall be a
~.........L .."....itted to the Director of n-"Úty Devel..........d.
fJ:aa a sam engineer regardin;¡ anticipated noise level.
'.DIe neighbamood shall be given a CXJ9f of the ..a¡Xrt aD1 if
it has been ~ by the Director of n-vrl.ty
DeIIel___&t and the neighbœ:hcod t'li--,¡, , they have the
ability to ~, to~. Also, if the anticipated
noise leY8l is not an iJIprcM!ment, the çl1cant is to
œtum to Q:Iuncil. '.DIe noise ...........L shall mclude not just
tmc1CB goin;J bBck aD1 forth, but also deck noise (any noise
there per:tainiD;J to the wall à1arge). '!he city Mana';er
will CXI1tact Los Altos ('....~ cnopor¡y regardin;¡ tilDe of
plda:p if given 'T""'i t'ic dates aD1 times. '.DIe Director of
n-o-"1ity Døvel..........d. will d1eck to see if a previous
ocn!itiCl'l recpiœd bread deliveries in the fra'1t of the
Bill Hofflalm, ID:::1ty 1IIIMg8r, stated that bBck deliveries
are...~ .ry _..... of the payment system, OCI1tJ:ol, and
security. Bread deliveries are ~ by 2:00 p.m.
It was pointed cut that this t'li......' is not inc:l00ed in
the ~.da item.
24. Na1e.
MDCl!S OF '!HE w.Y 6, 1991, RmUIAR CI'lY caJNCIL )zr;.I.".uG
25. P-qI-t far aut:harizatiat far eaœaltJ.a1 of ~_ìt
with ccœultant far nøxus stmy as ~ ...-'1ded by the
Affordable Hoosin;J Ccadttee.
(a) Resolut:icn No. 8379: "A R88olut:icn of the City
Ccuncil of the city of Cl1p8rtino Autharizin;J
Executia1 of ~_IL aD1 ~ of !\D1ds.
It was 1IICJIIed by CCIUnc. Roc}el., ..........A.d by ca.n:. Szabo aD1
I""ð_ed \.1I1aIÚ.IIr;uüy (4-0) to adept Resolut:icn No. 8379.
26. OOnsideraticn of ordinarx:ø ~ Chapter 2.20 of
Qpertino ØJnicipal o:œ, city Clerk.
(a) First readin;J of ordinance No. 1551: "An
Ordinance of the city Q:Iuncil of the city of
QJpartino A1IIerñin;J Sec::ticnI 2.20.030, 2.20.040,
2.20.050, 2.20.070, 2.20.080, 2.20.100, and
2.20.UO of the 0Jpertin0 ø.micipal o:œ ReJ.a1:in]
to the city Clerk."
It was 1IICJIIed by ca.n:. s........_ en, seocrDed by ca.n:. Szabo
aD1 l""ð'ged unalÚJIDJSly (4-0) to read ordinance No. 1551 by
title CI'lly aD1 the city Clerk's rædin;J to OOi~tute the
first readin;J thereof.
27. Rq....... L CI'1 bid c:pening,;J of Q¡pørtino sœœ, aD1
award of c...íL..aet.
Followin;J review of the ~"¥",,L by the PUblic Infozmatia1
Officer, Mayar Iq:pel asÞd if anyt'I18 1& S d. wished to
speak CI'1 this item.
vhu Rajdev, 10225 :n..-.ial A'IIeI'Ut, stated that VIP
Pri.r1tin;J is a _'1 establishment. In regarcl to the
1&'tJCsed å1aJ1I¡J8 in fYuiaL to a larger size, she stated this
"-'CUld increase the city's postage costs. She also
eup¡a&ized that the printer sbculd be located in the city
of 0Jpert.in0.
Jerry Hill, II1œpendt:luL FUbl1shers, with the
~ wdty to keep b.1sinesø in SilicCl'1 vaUey. He stated
that theœ was nathin;J in the bid that said prefeulIlC6
wculd be given to a loc:al printer. !ndepaÌl:1lflhL PUblishers
is a 1oIaIIim-CWned b.1sinesø with a ..L.....~ envircnDental
Nexus study, rec.
by Affordable
Housing Comm.
Res, 8379
1st reading
Ord. 1551
Bid opening,
Cupertino Scene
Pilot program,
Stevens Crk/
Hyde Avenue
parking re-
1st reading
Ord. 1547
Spped limits,
Cristo Rey Dr.
MIR1I!:S OF '!HE MAY 6, 1991, RmmAR CI'lY OOJNCIL J'II:õI:i.L".uG
JU..... L AlCl'1ZO of AlCl'1ZO Print.1ng, told Q:Iuncil he had
.. .d-1 with 0Jpe:rtin0 befare VIP. His f1œ is al80
involV8d with the envi.ra'aDent am årat.ia1. SOybeI!In ink
is used. '!be f1œ is minority owned am serviœ-ariAnta:.
PUblic Infœ:matiat Officer Kr8y stated she wanted IIICII:8
infœ:matia1 reg2Irdirq postage. She prefers the larg8r
size, but it 1IIa1lc1 deperñ upc:n hell DUCh of an incœue
pcstage rates 1IIa1lc1 be.
By ocnsensus, CDmcil ca1t:iruJed this item to their III88t:ing
of May 20 aD1 directed PIO I<:rey to find CAlt about postage
rates far the larger size fœ:mat.
Also by 0CI1SenSUS, a:uncil a¡:praved the use of :recycled
peIpE!J: . Q:Iuncil:inc1icated they will go to the lowast
J:upoIsible bidder whether ar not the firm is located
within the city limits.
28. P-:l-t far a¡:praval of I?"'""~""ive left turn pilot
1&o.y.LCIIII at stevens creek Boulevard aD1 Portal aD1
r-:p-t far _'"¥Llatiat.
It was IIICIIIed by Ccunc. sorensen, secxn3ed by ca.n:. Szabo
aD1 p"'....«t UI'I!I!1innJsly (4-0) to awLU'18 the pilot project
aD1 _'"¥Llate $10,000 frail the vallco envircrJmental fund.
29. CD1s1deratiCl'l of parkin¡ restricticn CI'l Hyde Averme.
(a) First rædi.Ix¡ of Ordinance No. 1547: "An
ordinance of the city Q:Iuncil of the city of
0Jpertin0 1I1IIBrJlln;J Q12Ipter 11.24.150 of the
0Jpertin0 H.lnicipal COde, Rslatin;J to
Establishment ParJdn;J Pråúbitia1 CI'l O&rtain
SL..è&ts to Include Hyde AV8rUI."
It was IIICIIIed by Ccunc. Sw::6Ibnn, seo...ð.cl by ca.n:. Szabo
aD1 P"'-gd UI'I!I!1innJsly (4-0) to J:eIId ordinance No. 1547 by
title CI'lly aD1 the city Cleric's readin;J to OCI'1Stitute the
first readin;J tnereof.
30. Establishin;J "I{'Md limits, cristo Rey Drive.
(a) First rædi.Ix¡ of ordinance No. 1556: "An
ordinance of the city Q:Iuncil of the city of
0Jpertin0 1I1IIBrJlln;J Q12Ipter 11.12.030 of the
0Jpertin0 Itmicipal COde, Relatin;J to
Establishment of Prima Facie Speed Limits CI'l
cristo Rey Drive, Within the city Limits aD1
Between Foothill Boulevard aD1 the West city
Limits. "
~ OF '!HE Mi\Y 6, 1991, RmJ'UJ~, CI'lY CXXJNCIL JŒE'I'I1Ç
It .. IICMId by CCUnc. &""__1111, ~A.d by CCUnc. Szabo
and P"--,:1 unalÚJID.Isly (4-0) to read ordinanoa No. 1556 by
title CI'lly aD1 the city Clerk's ::eadin;J to CXI1Stitute the
first I'eIIdiD:J thereof.
31. CD1sideratiat of requirin;J step CI'l cristo Ray Drive.
(a) First I'eIIdiD:J aD1 enact:mant of U.I.~IC.Y ordinanoa
No. 1.:)57: "An ordinanœ of the city CCUncll of
the city of QJpertino A1IIIniin:3 QJapter 11.20.020
Vehicular step and 11.20.030 All Direct.ia1al
Vehicular step at Cristo Ray Drive ~tely
4,000 Ft. West of Foothill Ballevard (At the
Entrance to the Gate of Heaven cemetery) and
Declarin;J the U.I.."...&..ý '1bereof."
It was 1IICIIed by CCUnc. Sorensen, seocn:!ed by CCUnc. Szabo
and P"'--~ unanimr::ully (4-0) to read ordinanoa No. 1557 by
title CI'lly aD1 the city Clerk's I'eIIdiD:J to CXI1Stitute the
readin;J thereof.
It was IIIaII8d by CCUnc. Sorensen, secx:I'ñed by cnmc. Szabo
and !,,"-1'd l.Il1iUÚJIcUslý (4-0) to enact Ordinance No. 1.557.
32. PØtJ-t far ElpeC."bl ~~'-'i""iatiCl'1 to fund a noise/air
quality CXI1SUltant and traffic CXI1SUltant, and
aà:iitiCl'lal funds for uzban design CCI'ISUltant.
It was IICMId by CCUnc. Sorensen, seex:nJed by cnmc. Szabo
aD1 !,,"-9èI Ul'.aJ1i'llW'llW]Y (4-0) to ~'-'i""iate $7,500 fJ:aa the
ge~ furxi far a traffic CXI1SUltant and $6,500 frail the
~Ta1. furxi 1'ar an air and noise CCI'ISUltant.
33. Request for authorizatiat to retain the sezvice of
JCD!S, Hall, Hill and ¡frlte to fcmn a city-wide
..-- . IL district far ntqX)int source funding.
It w.s 1IICII8d by ca.n:. Szabo, secx:I'ñed by CCUnc. lO}ers and
pa~-.ed UI'1IUÚJIIcusly (4-0) to retain Ken JCD!S far legal
sezvioes far fOIllBtlCl'1 of an ..--n-.....'«. district aD1
aw.."'l""iat.e $27,000 frail the Master stm:m Drain FUm.
34. Rq....... L regardin;J review of sutsidizatiCl'l policy
(rec.....atiCl'1 funds and 9é& f'unjs) of rec:reatiCl'l fee
aD1 No' ...,_lxSatiat regardin;J chan;¡es. (staff requests
ca'1tin.Jance to May 20.)
Previcus1y cx:ntinued to the IIIE!E!tirr;J of May 20.
1st reading
Ord. 1556
Stop signs,
Cristo Rey Dr.
1st reading
Ord. 1557
Ord. 1557 enacte<
Nonpoint Source
2nd reading
Ord. 1555
Ord. 1555
KINt1l'ES OF '!HE w.Y 6, 1991, RmUIAR C1'1'\t CXXK:IL 1mI:i.I.'.uG
35. Ncae.
36. ~.:l reIId1n;J am er.c....L...:a.L of 0Minan0e No. 1554:
"An 0rcUnance of the city Q:Iuncil of the city of
0Jpertin0 A1IB1din;J Sec::ticn 1 of 0Minan0e lb. 2 by
RezaUn;r ~..·-I-t.ely.41 Gross Acre fJ:aa R3 Za18 to P
(Res) Za1e: IDeated at 7359 Rainbow Drive (JUdy QØ1 -
Prev100sJ.y 0CI11:JraJed to JUne 17.
37. 8ecx:n:l readin;J am enactment of Ordinance No. 1555:
"An 0rcUnance of the city Q:Iuncil of the city of
Q¡pertino EBt:abJ.ishirJ¡ F81:mit P1:<:('A'hTl"SS far the sitin;J
of Off Site Bazamcus Waste Facilities."
It .. JD."JII8d by QJunc. &""'__,, HCOddllild by QJunc. Szabo
am I"'ø-v"3 ~y (4-0) to read 0Minan0e No. 1555 by
title CI'1ly aM the city Clmit's ~ to <X:ialtititute the
seo.A.:l reIIding t1'&k.......t.
:;:t was 1IIDII8d by QJunc. 8ora1sen, .......dt!d by ca.n:. S,.~¡.".,
am ~!!'ntt ~y (4-0) to eœct Ordinanœ No. 1555.
38. Ncae.
tn:AFF ~
39. 0J:al ~"¥4t.s by staff ,,_,i ers.
41. ca.n:. Szabo - Isgislative Review caœdttee - '.DIe
l'Y'WIMIi:ttee ~ _..._ikJaticn as below was çproved
'.DIe Mayer will call legislators regardin;J &1-.......l of SB
169 (Boatwright), the :t'I'I"""'l of SB 2557 relatin;J to
bcx:IJd.n¡ fees. By oct UI'ISUS, <:nmcil . MJCnd AD 1865
(Pon~), redistrllJUtiCl'1, redeYel~lt, sales a."ñ use
tax: AB 1417 (Friedman), p.¡blic safety off1œrs,
administrative ~: SB 1238 (Rr::Iyce), solid waste,
man:3ated variable can rates; AD 652 and AD 2067. A
letter will be sent to legislators in su¡:p ...l of SB
229, AD 2092, AD 750 (Margolin), financial i.noe1itive
MDÐ17S OF 'DIE w.y 6, 1991, REØnA'a cmr mH!tL \Œ!!OO
far collecticn ~ ocntBin8rø (ncyc1.inq) , AB 1423
(GotdI) , and SB 235 (Hart) , c::œatia1 ~ ~ far
IBt8ria1a oo1.1ected far rec::yc1.iIr¡ l:Jy c:uxt»id8 and otbør
recyclin;J 1&..."..- by xequiriJIg oc:mtain8r ~ to
use IIinbamI recycled c:xntent in pr:oduct:i.CI'1 of Jør
At 10:40 p.m., ocuncil adjcumed to closed I ið'\ to
rI~ "'(JI- lal1ar negotiatia1S.
Q:Iuncil reccnIÆn1d in at 11:02 p...
ca.n:. p~ S IL:
~., &.....__ 1In, Szabo, Mayor Kq:pel
Q:JUnc. no L:
staff P.&.ÐS It:
city Mà&~ Brcwn
city Cleèt o........ü.ius
city Attmn8',y' Ki1iæ1
It .. IIItMId by Q:Junc. ~.., seocrded by Q:JUnc. B.Aèotilm
am P' ett UMJÚJIICUÙY (4-0) to diJ:ect the staff
~_ s d.at1ve to 1"'" - - J-,.uUatic::nJ as per closed
s iCI'l.
Q:Iuncil adjcumed to 2:00 p..., Wedn, ~, May 15, far a
walk1lç taIr of vallco. '.DIe meetJn¡ ~;ill CCIM!In8 at the of \TAlloo Pe%bIay aøi ~:te Rœd.
At 11:05 p..., the JII88t.inJ was adjcumed.
ci Cleèt
Closed Session