CC 05-20-91 þ CI'lY OF aJP!:Rl'DI:), 9rA'Œ OF CAIìDtRIIA 10300 'lUGus AVEtIJE, w~.uÐ, C'A 95014 'l'EŒHDŒ:: (408) 252-4505 MDIm!S OF '!HE RI!XmAR MEE:1'I1C OF '1BB C1'lY aDCL, HEm (If MAY 20, 1991, caJNCIL af1'......, CI'lY HAIL, 10300 'IOt<aœ; AVIHJE, aJP!:Rl'DI:), œDœtIIA 00-813 'Iha M8ti.ng was called to .....db.. by M!Iyar IC'cppel at 6:45 p... SAJJ1m '10 '!HE FL1!G K>IL CAlL COUnc. ."nuhL: Goldmn, Rcger$, Sorensen, Szabo, Kayar ~ þ staff Pl; i hlL: city Manager BrtM1 City Clerk a...... ...u.us Direc:tar of PUblic Wades Vi.skcvi.d1 Assistant to the city Mm~ Brcwn Direc:tar of n-"Úty DeIIelV}oU&'lIL cowan Direc:tar of Finance snyder Direc:tar of Parks an1 RecreatiCl'l Dclilin;J PUblic InfOI'llBtiat Officer Krey IfcJusin;J an1 Services Q)ordinatar Narlin;J Hcusin;J SJ?e<'i ",1 1st Gil city Attomey Kilian ~ I.avema Black, 20947 Faizwcods CbJrt, tald Q:Iuncil that 0Jpertin0 is a bi-c:ultural """"""Úty. A ¡'8titiCl'l has berm circulated ~ the 1&'~!f:t ..J.a1 garden at st. J\1de's ~ Chm:h aD1 O\IW 600 ~ haV8 berm collected. '.DIe Qùnese ...., i8V8 that a ~ "",'1" be a bad aœn aD1 WOIIùd sell their t...... U tb8y ware loc:ated neamy. She urged that Q:Iuncil not ccnt.ime the ita 80 that residmrt:s cxW.d haV8 p-;~ of mini. Mayer ~ e:xpJ ained that U 8f'OIIAI"I'Ie rEICJ.III8ts that an ita be c:x:ntinIed, it is 11C!1""l1y dcne 80 as stancfard cperatin;J þJ.' ~n-g. -1- þ MJJ«11ES '" '!HE MAY 20, 1991, RmmAR CI'lY <XXIICIL IlUiJ:.1lG (a:::-ø13 ) City At:t..&.-i' ltllian stated that the ¡mpoø of a CXII'1t:!ø.Ianc ....lld be to allow tbe Ç'pliamt to d~..,.,_ the matter with ....~~ .d.....d grœps. Ms. Rb"1( that the area had not be notified of a ~ibJ.. CXII'1t:!ø.Ianc. It .. 1II:MId by ca.n:. &.....__ en, seoo..dt.d by ca.n:. Roger. and P--1':" unIIniJDcusly to cxntiJ'IJe agenda n.. No. 18 to the M8ti.ng of J\Ina 3 as recpasted by st. JUde'. J!þ1soc:pl QJurch. CEFŒJDaAL M1u"~ - PRæENIM'Iœs Proc:lmIIatic:n ha'Iorin;J IIåWMaent:s of Gœq Siwek, calUomia SåXIlar/Athlete of the Year. Greg Siwek received his P1"""'" -tiCI'1. Marine co..~al Paul Hyer received a procJ.amatiCI'1 ha1cnin;J him far his service in the Q11f Way. æAL CXIIIJNICATIæs Anne K.........., 10364 Paradise Drive, Alh. --õtt Q:Iuncil regardin;J Los Altos (;oo"""v.Jø (\··iœ.y' arrivin;J before 6:00 a... far pickup at 0Jpert.i:n0 Joe's Restaurant. Kayar F'qpl stated that she .....'ld di .....1$9 this with t. 'Ie city Mæ~ aD1 requestecl that Ms. 11:)0.... put her ........o..u..' in writin;J. city Mæ~ Brown told Q:Iuncil that he .. urdBr the ~ ~..., that his dizect:kn .. to speak to Los Altos t:I!o'-;J8 n .,"11i regardinI¡ pickup at lucky stare. later, he r-l h'-ed it: was 0Jpert.i:n0 Joe'.. 'lO the best of his kncwl~, th8œ is no qpecobl mst:rictiat CI'1 0Jpertin0 Joe's p~'io:p the. Assistant to the city Manager Brcwn '"'<P'''i118d that ~ am far res.iåmtial, not .=~ _._._r ~, areas. '.DIe franctUse ~ .A d. ðèICh. n ""ig.... ..d.....d sensitivity. city MIuIage.. Bt'CIwn offered to talk to Los Altos t:I!o'''-ya (I .", WJY regardin;J pickup the at 0Jpertin0 Joe I S aD1 will let Ms. K.......... aD1 the city Q:Iuncil knew the results of that oc:nversatiat. -2- MDCl'ES OF 'mE w.y 20, 1991, RmUIAR CI'lY CDJNCIL )sua-.18j (oc-ø13) ~ Haze, 22681 san Juan Reed, ..cJch. 112 0CIunc1l regarcIin¡ rIIIICYa1. of ver;J8tat.ia\ CI'l SlID Juan Read aD1 .............,. regudin;J erœiCl'1. !n additiCl'l, sa. oak L.. WIIr8 ~_J8d cne welt prior to the new tree ordinance goin;J into effect. He asJœd if tlw city Attornsy hIId œœiwd his a1:t:œ:nsy's letter. city AttamEIy Kilian replied that he hIId aD1 he ......".. rH .....- the ::atter with city Q:Iuncil in closed sessiCl'1 if they so desire. Mr. Haze stated that tlw developer hIId .......",1"'Ød a bmIcruptcy. '1h8 t.. are just layirq there. He l'8CpISted that the City lock at the hillside areas -- of posaible 8I:t18iC1'1. Mr. Haze stated that it is r--ØAry far him to file suit by JUne 5 aD1 s"hnitted ccpies of his attamey's letter. CXRSENl' CAIÐGR ca.n:. ~. r1IIIICMId I~ 4 aD1 8. It wullDll8d by ca.n:. Szabo, seccn3ed by ca.n:. soreœen aD1 P"' T i UI1IIJ1iJaœsly to ClK'LuVe the balance of the a.....-.L calen:Jar as ~"hnitted. 1. Mirutes of the adjœmad œgular meetJn¡ of May 1, 1991. 2. Mirutes of the adjc:mned œgular meetirq of May 2, 1991. 3. RBsc,lutia1 No. 8380: "A Reso1.utia1 of the city Q:Iuncil of the city of Cl1pert.im IfaJdn¡ Deteminatic::nJ aD1 ~ the Amexatia1 of 'l'erritar:y Designated 'A1'V"1Ib...~y' 91-0', ~"""'-te1.y 32.989 JIcres I.cx:ated CI'l the South Side of stev8ns creek Bculevard BebÆ in scenic Bculevard aD1 !tjme Aven»; 1fe1.sa\IIaDa8 (AHfs 357-08-020, 357-12-001, 357-10-004, 357-10-00)." (CDJtiraJed fJ:aa May 6 meetJn¡.) 4. Remr:MId fJ:aa the a..._ .L calen:Jar. 5. ~ of cable TelevisiCl'l Advismy t'rMftittee :m1J'J:1r grant. 6. lb1thly Tœasurer and ~"?t ~ L, JIpril, 1991. 7. lb1thly Activity ~L, April, 1991. -3- Consent Calendar . . App. 32-U-85, FW MIlUl'ES OF 'lHE MAY 20, 1991, REmIAR CI'lY axJNCIL hui,L'.uÐ (cx:-a13 ) 8. RIIDI::MId trc:m the c.........,L Calendar. 9. R8ø01utiat No. 8395: "A ResolutiCl'1 of the city ca.n:il of the city of 0JpBrtin0 Allow1n;J certain Cl..i- aD1 c...-œ Payable in the Amounts aD1 FraIl the F\1IÜI as Høreinatter DescriJ:Jed for General aD1 Miscel.1anecus Exp81ditures for the Period Erñin;J May 3, 1991." 10. Resolutiat No. 8396: "A Resolutia1 of the city camcil of the city of 0JpBrtin0 A1.low1n;J certain Cl..i- I!DÙ Demands Payable in the Amcunts ani FraIl the !\m::!s as Hereinafter DescriJ:Jed far Salaries aD1 Wages far the Payroll Period Erñin;J May 7, 1991." ll. paq.-t of waiver of tusiness license fee, G............ ,11-. 12. Applicatiat ASN; 51,782.2 - Measurex a.....)AAL..tiCI'1 - paq.-t far review ani ~ to make architectural -~f'icatia'lS for ....i.....io up;JraCling to an exi.st.in;J rn--7'tñ aD1 dsvel,¥"","IL hni1dinq. 'D's site is located at the no:rtl1west ........,-. of McClellan RaId aD1 aJI:i) Road. R8c'- ····-ded far ~V'I81. 13. Applicatiat 6-ASI\C-91 - Peny ani JŒ1e& DeIIel~IL - ~-t far review aD1 "1¥LV'I81 of architec'b.1ral design far a sin;Jle family haDe in accordance with cxniitia'lS of "1¥LV'I81 for 9-u-83. '1he site is located CI'l Lot 193 CI'l stauffer Iane in the Seven Springs DeIIel~lt. p-.. ....-Lùed far ~. 14. ApplicatiCl'l 7-ASI\C-91 - Dave ani laura Ar.ch._s - ~-t far revieIi and approval of ardú.tectural design far a sin;J1e family haDe in acco:rdance with cxniitia'lS of "1¥LV'I81 far 9-U-83. '1he site is located CI'l Lot 192 CI'l stauffer Iane in the Seven Springs DeIIelqlllŒ1t. 18,. - ..._~ for approval. 15. App1icaticn ASN:: 25-0-90 - I'G&E - Recpest far review aD1 ðw&.u.ral far final architecture, lam'"""'lpiD;J arx1 ligbt:in;J far new additia'lS to an existin;J I'G&E maintenance facility. '1he site is located at the scutbeast ............... of HaIIestead Read arx1 Blaney Averue. ~"····-ded for ~'-^'éÙ. I'Im6 REHMD f1Q{ a:tISENl' CAInmAR 4. ApplicatiCl'l 32-{J-85 - '!he Forum - Recpest far review aD1 "1¥LV'I81 for a Planned Devel"¥"",,lt Sign ~~CIIII aD1 site light.inq plan far a new ~ facility. '.DIe 1"""""'- ty is located at the teDninus of cristo Rey Drive. Reo:> ...,-.Ided far approval. (COnt1rnJed frail May 6 M8ti.ng.) -4- MDIJ1'ES OF 'mE H1\Y 20, 1991, RmJIAR C1'1'\t OXJNCIL MEE1'I!C (a::-a13 ) Director of n-"Úty Deve1___íL Callan reviewed the altemate fixtuœs bein;J þL",œeci. A L<¥L r ILative of HKI:&T Ardlitects, said that saœhcw this had fallen t1m:u3h the crac1œ. 'Ihe lightin;J å1œen is meant to create a residential feelin;J. 'Ihe develcpm¡ did not ~ '.DIe Forum to have a "Period" look. It was IIICIIIed by 0aJnc. ~'" seoo.A:d by ca.n:. Szabo aD1 p"'--eci unanbr::Jus1y to "M""uY8 Applicatia1 32-U-85 per Ardlitectural aD1 Site ~ Qma1ttee ResolutiCl'l No. 1613 tdth Fom 10 SEml-s¡:bele (Wi), m doubles, bein;J used. 8. ResolutiCl'l No. 8388: "A Resolutiat of the City Council of the city of 0Jpertin0 ~in;J a..íL..aCt 01an:]e 0J:der No. 1 far Traffic Signal InstallatlCl'l, a.ü:b Rœd Results Way, Project 91-101." Garda1 Frolich, 1209 Belknap Ca.D:t, said pecple are not awaJ:8 of the c:harJ;¡e aD1 he ~_øed <XtlOool.n reqrJ:din;J safety aD1 level of 8elVice. He asJœd to 1ob:m protest calls shcu1d go. Kayar Kq:peJ. said they cxW.d CCIII8 to her at extensiat 265. 'Ihe city Manager ~ that prior to any protest ""'1111, the citizens qive it a little time far break-in pericx1. Kayar Fqpel agl......d with that o...~L aD1 st.,¡."....--œd that Mr. FrnHt+o wait a .....1ple of weeks. It .. IICMId by ca.n:. lbJala, seoo.dad by ca.n:. Szabo aD1 I""ø--¡ci uœnimoos]y to adept ResolutiCl'l No. 13388. A review of the traffic situat.iCl'1 at a.ü:b, H::Cl.ellan, anti Results will be pl"<'ed CI'l the agema for the meetJn¡ of June 3. FUBLIC HFARIJœ 16. ArP-' of PlannirJ¡ t'rMfti-iCl'l denial of 1""" ,,<JSed new seoc:t.d floor addit.iCl'1 aD1 new set:bi!Ick requirement:s of first floor, AJ:plicatiCl'l l5-u-80 Revised, 10366 Miller Aver&Je (R¡r:i)ert Var.te1mnn, AIA, "R""l1ant). Director of n-"Úty Devel,,¥,,=IL Callan 4'iXplained the situaticm to OaJncil. city Attorney Kilian said the use pemit is not final until it is iDpl_íled. '.DIe a¡::plicant does have the authority to withdraw this 1IR'1icatlCl'l anti the old use pemit ~d be reviseci with the old time limit. With a notice of withdrawal in writin;J, there ~d be a reversiCl'1 back to the old use pemit. -5- Res. 8388 adopted Appeal, 15-U-80 Revised · App, 2-2-91 · Public hearing closed Neg. Dec, granted · Kl:NUI'ES OF '!HE MAY 20, 1991, REX;UIAR CITY CXXJNCIL ME:E:l'DÇ íCC-813) Bc:b Varrelmimn, aråútect, gave historical backgrcurñ of the lJl' \,,""'1. He requested that COOn::i1 avm-tum the Plannin:¡ t'rMfti....im denial of the seoorrl floor and give the ðRJlicant the previous setba.c1œ. 0Jœana OkqrJyi, owner, said she did not understani what was goin;J CI'l. It is neces~ary far her to have an office to ,'Ii ......,.... private oanfidentia1 matters. If she had krnm she oc:uld have withdrawn the new ç1ication, she wa1ld}]æ¡e da1e so. FollCJWin:¡ ñi"'C'1Ssian, it was m::wed by COOn::. Sorensen, secx:I'1ded by COOn::. Rogers and passed unanimously to ðRJr'C'IVe the ðRJlicatim ¡er PlaI'll'lÍn:J caønissian ResolutiCl'l No. 4338 modified to delete Ccniition No. 5 and to allow 300 sq. ft. for a seccn:i story office and half bath. '!he square footage is exclusive of stair area. 17. Awlicatim 2-Z-9l - city of 0Jpertin0 - Preza1in;J AWlùJ"i_tely 34 acres frail 0Jpertin0 PRE-FP (Private Recreatim) Za'Ie to 0Jpertin0 PR (Parks and RecreatiCl'l) Za'Ie' preza'ÙIx] of site identified as 357-10-005 and 357-10-66 frail 0Jpertln0 PRE-FP (Private Recreation) Za'Ie to OJpertino Rl-7.5 (Sin;Jle family residential) Za'Ie' located at the BO.Ith side of stevens creek Ballevard beboIeen Byrne Avenue and Soenic Drive. Envi......"""'.tal Detetmination: '!he P1aJ'1I1in:J rnnni.....im reo:> .,..-'Ids the granting of a Negative Declaratim. Reo ··....·ùed for approval. (a) First readirq of Ordinance No. 1559: "An Ordinance of the City COOn::i1 of the city of 0Jpertin0 AIIIenclin¡ Sect!m 1 of Ordinance No. 2 By Prezcrún::J ~tely 34 Acres frail 0Jpertin0 PRE-FP Za1e to 0Jpertin0 FR Za1e and Preza1in;J of Site Identified as 357-10-005 and 357-10-66 fran 0Jpertin0 PRE-FP Za1e to 0Jpertin0 Rl-7.5 Za1e. Located m the South side of stevens creek Ballevard bebIeen Byrne Avenue and Soenic Drive (City of OJpertino - 2-Z-91)." F~llCJWin:¡ a report fran the Director of l'nrmlTÚty DevelVlA'""'IL, the Mayor opened the ~lic hearinJ. 'I11ere bein;J no ~lic inp.Jt, the ~lic hearinJ was closed. It was m::wed by COOn::. Rogers, secx:n::led by Came. Sorensen and pao;;sed UJ'1éUÚJIDJsly to grant a Negative Declaration. -6- MDIm!S OF '!HE w.Y 20, 1991, RmJIAR CI'lY caJHC:IL ØUi.I.'.uG (oc-ø13) It...:JV8d by ocunc. ~., ......dac1 by ocunc. &""'__10 aD1 r , unanimcualy ~..... the 8¡t)licat1at PR' Plannin¡ n--~-tCl'l BeIIolutiCl'l No. 4339. It .. .:JV8d by ca.n:. &......._ lilt, 88OCI1ded by ocunc. Szabo aD1 ( I II unaniJDaJsly to r8IId ordinIInce No. 1559 by title CI'lly and the city Clerk's rea:iin;J to .....~tute the flxst readin;J the1.èu!. 18. ~, of Planning t'rMft~-i(ll1 appraval of ..........1al ~I, ~ 3-u-91, J_ Har.r:ah, st. J'L1de's ~-po] CbJrå1, steJ.linq RaId at Jot:CJ .11..., RaId (J_ Herpick, "Iß""11~). PreIricus1y c:xm:.inued to J\1na 3. PIANHDC APPLIC'ATIæ8 19. NCI'1e. ARiCHl'1EClURAL AND Sl'lE API9:I\1AL \.U'ftL'.I.'.I.Di APPLIC'ATICIIS 20. Ncne. tJNPINT,....1r.t I IISINESS 21. Meine. 1ŒJf IIImŒSS 22. ........L CI'l bid c:peIÙD;J, 'lDftic signal Maint.erIIInce, variCIus Intersect.iaIs, Project 8602, aD1 aiiIU:'d of .......d.aCt. It .. .:JV8d by ca.n:. s...... 111, &eOO&ided by 0:uIc. Szabo and r f j unaniJDaJsly to aiiIU:'d the ......L.....A. to Signal MIaint8Bnos, Inc. bued CI'l the larest bid of $137,603. 23. ........L CI'l bid c:peIÙD;J, printinq of 0Jpert.in0 scene, aD1 . md of ......L..aCt (Q:nt:inJed fJ:aa MIIy 6). It.. .:JV8d by ocunc. sœ:........., ..........dtod by ocunc. S.....ñn aD1 r It'! unaniJDaJsly to awm the .....tt......."t to AlCllZO Printin:¡, Inc. far bolo years beIsed CI'l the lallllSt bid of $36,783 per year. 24. ........L regardinq revieIi of subsidiu.tiat policy (:t.......atiCl'l fI.Dxls aD1 \P"....Al fUnds) of :rec:reatia1 fee aD1 NC' .,.,-'ldat1Cl'1 reg¡mlinJ c::han:Jes (o::rn:irIJed fJ:aa MIIy 6). -7- 1st reading Ord. 1559 Bid opening, Proj. 8602 Bid opening, Cupertino Scene Subsidization Policy, rec, fe e HIP reques t re 4-plex acqusi- tion . Res. 8397 adopted Affordable Housing polic ies . 1mIn'ES OF 'mE M1ù' 20, 1991, J!mJlAR Cl'l"l CXDICIL huõ.l.'.uC (oc-ø13) Di:rectar of Parks and Recreatim Dowling _ T ,.bad his ~"¥"" L far Council' a infarmaticn. ']be city Manager stated that at h~ time Q:Iuncil will be ~ L.led with a list of all ~bl events. It .. N<:' ,·,-·ded that at h~ time, Council look at the pœsibility of bein;J assisted in fI.1n:i11'1I¡J noon t1ma school events. 25. Request 1'rcm Hcusin;J for IJñepeJ.:à:IIL People to use the previcusly çproved $100,000 loan far aoquisitiCl'l of a four-plex to serve eight law inc...uð mentally ñi ""!bled in:tivi "'lUll' ". (a) :ResolutiCl'1 No. 8397: IIA :ResolutiCl'l of the city Council of the city of 0Jpertin0 Rescin1.1n1 Resolutim No. 8142 aD1 Awrevir:::J the Use of $100,000 in rmm"1ity Devel'¥U""JL Block Grant F\Ims to Hcusin;J far :rmepement People far AcquisitiCl'l of a ~Plex to Serve Eight Low Inccw.. Mentally Disabled !ndiviñ"..,.. aD1 Authorizin;J ExecutiCl'l of ~.........Jt aD1 ~'"¥LiatiCl'1 of F\Ims. II AI l)iT"ñl"·'ico, Executive Di:rectar of Hcusin;J far Indepe!ùa.d. Fecple (HIP) was available to answer ca.n:il ~. It was IIDII8d by Counc. Sor"'_SI'1, seoc:I1ded by ca.n:. Ib;¡m:s aD1 l""ð-9èI unarWIr:Iusly to adept ResolutiCl'l No. 8397 with the stipulatiCl'1S that the fœr-plex shall be in ee......"", within six IDŒ1t:hs and that staff .. to negotiate with HIP regardin;J the payback schedule aD1 terms of the loan. ca.n:il also stated that if the prcp!rty is within the spt...... of influence, bIt not within the city limits, it ~11" be J'IA _1I!!I'l'Y to annex. RÐ~: 9:C>0-9:05 P.M. 26. Request 1'rcm the Affozdable Hcusin;J ChmIittee far ca.n:il directim regardin;J ~'¥JSed Affordable Hcusin;J Poli"iee. Nancy an:t..LL, 729 sterdah1 lane, stated that she SlI~:þ ~ led the staff I'e'<" .,.,~. dation that this be referred to the Planning ChmIi....im. -8- MnVms OF '!HE w.Y 20, 1991, RÐDIAR CI'lY CXXJNCIL hui.l.'.uG (cx:-a13 ) It .. IIIOII8d by ca.n:. ~., IleCClded by O:iunc. &n__1n aD1 p"--11:1 unaniD::Ius1y to refer the policies to the P1.anninI¡ t'rMft~-ia1 far review aD1 cawideraticn aD1 a ref' .. ,-1datia1 %'8ÇJIm1in;J intagratiCl'1 into the General Plan. 27. A¡:praval of :t"Ao. . -..:1at1aw far .:. "1 -<'4JitiCl'1 of 1"Y'ONft~~ aD1 time linø G....dd 8culevard o...--....L. It was IIIOII8d by ca.n:. 5;;¡abo, secc:med by ca.n:. s.....__Bn and l"'øntt unaniD::Ius1y to ~uv'8 the dmter aD1 maJœup of the l"Y'ONft~ttee with the Kayar 1I¡p)int.in:J ca.n:u, resident, and open ~ ,,_.1-ecl.. Each positiCl'1 shall have an alternate. '.DIe ca.n:u will sul::lllit BU:h--ud 1I¡p)int:ees aD1 alternates to the Mayor within 48 hoors. 28. Update CI'1 status of vacancy CI'l Cable 'l'elevisiCl'l Advisœy t'rMftittee aD1 request far autharizatiCl'1 to 0CX1tact to........ t'rMftittee ",-,1..... (s) . It was DDYed by ca.n:. SOrensen, seo....cJt.d by O:iunc. Szabo and l"''''*!d (4-1) with ca.n:. ~.. t'li~ _1L.1n:¡, to waive the ~. ",-'II of ResolutiCl'l No. 8357 and authorized staff to cx:ntact t~ "_.1 -et. of the l'roIoni """iCI'l. WK.I:.I.·J.:I:.1'l <XIHJNIC'ATI<H3 29. Request fJ:aa Ro""'ara w..]~, city of SUnnyvale ca.n:i 111_,1 ~, far ca.n:u "W""itiCl'l to eUminatiCl'l of the Child Care n.h~_", P~"":t'oCIIII fJ:aa the fiscal 1992 state Atri;Jet. It was IIIOII8d by ca.n:. Sok.""_Bn aD1 BeOI:Ia.cJt.d by O:iunc. ~. to taJœ no city CaJncil act:icn. '.DIe IIDtia1 aD1 ~.c1 were witiA...... It was IIIOII8d by ca.n:. Szabo aD1 seo.....cJt.d by ca.n:. &.....__Bn to 8'1p1' ...L O:iunc. w..l"-", of SUnnyvale aD1 authcrize the Mayor to write a letter. It was IIIOII8d by ca.n:. Goldman aD1 seca.cJt.d by ca.n:. Szabo to aIIIeJXi the IIDtia1 to mclude a si1lli1~ letter %'8ÇJIm1in;J ..m""<'ltiCl'l furxiiD:J (Pl"¥-,,,itiCl'1 98). '.DIe amerJdl.....L was aa:Jepted aD1 p"....ed 4-0-1, with O:iunc. &....._ rBn aœtaininq. '.DIe originalDDt1at l"'ø-'Eid unaniDaJsly. -9- Grand Blvd. Cable TV Advisory COUlD. opening . 2nd reading Ord, 1547 :Jrd, 1547 enacted 2.eading :Jrd, 1551 :Jrd. 1551 enacted 2nd reading )rd. 1556 :Jrd. 1556 enacted . MINt7I'ES OF '!HE ~ 20, 1991, RmDIAR CI'lY caJNCIL ftUi.l.".ue (00-813) ce:mw«:æ 30. 8eocn1 ~ aD1 enc....L-..L of ordinance No. 1547: "An ordinance of the city Q:Iuncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 A1IIerJ1iD1 QI8pter U.24.l5O of the 0Ipertim HJnic:ipal QJde, Relatin;J to Establishment F8%kin;J PràrlbitiCl'l CI'1 certain SL......ts to Ioolude Hyde AV8I'IJ8." It was JIICIIIecl by CaIne. sorensen, seccnXd by CaIne. Szabo am p"ø-9èI unanimcus1y to read ordinance No. 1547 by title ally aD1 the city Clerk's readin;J to CŒ1St.itute the e.-.d readin;J thereof. It was JIICIIIecl by CaIne. sorensen, secxI1ded by CaIne. ~. aD1 I"'ø-9èI unanimcus1y to enact ordinance No. 1547. 31. 8eocn1 ~ aD1 enactment of ordinanca No. 1551: "An ordinance of the city Q:Iuncil of the city of 0Ipertin0 A1DBndirq secticms 2.20.030, 2.20.040, 2.20.050, 2.20.070, 2.20.080, 2.20.100, am 2.20.UO of the 0Ipertim ltm1.cipaI QJde Relatin;J to the city Clerk. " It was JIICIIIecl by CaIne. sorensen, seccnXd by Kayar Kqpù and re",-d unanimcus1y to read ordinance No. 1551 by title ally aD1 the city Clerk's readin;J to CŒ1St.itute the -.......1 readin;J thereof. It was JIICIIIecl by CaIne. sorensen, secaüe.l by ca.n:. ~. aD1 I"'øø1!d. unanimcus1y to enact ordinance No. 1551. 32. 8eocn1 readin;J am enactment readin;J of ordinance No. 1556: "An ordinanœ of the city Q:Iuncil of the city of 0Jpertin0 A1IIerJ1iD1 QI8pter U.12.030 of the 0Jpertin0 lIJniciI"'] QJde, Relatin;J to Establishment of Prima Facie Sp 1 Limits CI'1 cristo Rsy Drive, within the city Limits aD1 Beltueen Foot:hi11 BcW.evard an:! the west city Limits." It was JIICIIIecl by CaIne. Sorensen, secaded by CaIne. ~s aD1 I"'ø....... UI'IIUÚIIICUSly to read ordinanœ No. 1556 by title ally and the city Clerk's readin;J to CŒ1St.itute the ............d readin;J thereof. It was JIICIIIecl by CaIne. Sorensen, seocn:ied by CaIne. ~s aD1 pas-.ed UI'IIUÚIIICUSly to ,~ ordinanœ No. 1556. RESOll1l'Iæ8 33. Ncne. -10- MD:t11'ES OF '!HE MAY 20, 1991, RmUIAR CI'lY OXJNC:IL MI!:E'1'IlG (œ-813) gmn .KrõtUU~ 34. Oral ~"¥",,ls by staff "_,J ers. 35. ~L CI'1 bicycle -----... durin¡ closure of Pecifica Drive. Anne Ng, Bollin:1er Rœd, spJIœ against havin;J to walk bicycles aJ:'t:UÙ the barrier. She urged Q:Iuncil to ocndder a bicycle advisory cc:amittee. She stated that a 4 foot c:.peI'Ún] is enough to get thrcugh Wen yal're a1 a bicycle. Den B....I.LL, 729 Stendahl Lane, SI.II}geSted not just a bicycle advisory cc:amittee, J::ut that it also inc:lude hand!. "I.~, t/heelå1air, and pedestrian access. It was IIICJII8d by COUnc:. Goldman, seccnied by COUnc:. Sorensen and r---~tt 3-2 with COUnc:. Boqel.. and ca.n:. Szabo <liag 1Lin;J, to a¡:pltIYe ~CI'l 3 withaxt ns.r CCI1Struct1C1'l and to I!IIIIBrX1 the 0Jpartin0 ø.miciral Q:)de to allor.. for ridinq CI'l the sidewalk at that loc:atia1. It was IIICJII8d by COUnc:. Sorensen, seoc:nded by COUnc:. Szabo and r---~d U11aIUmcusly that staff snh1lit reo. .,.,-'ldatiCl'l regarding' a han:lk~ho&l and t/heelå1air l"Y'01IIIIittee. caJNCIL l<I:itU(J.~ 37. ca.n:. Szabo - legislative Review o:mni.ttee - 'Ihe ca.n:il unanimcuslYawroved the lY'III1Iittee reo· ··-·-&JatiCl'1 as follows: SIlly'LL 58 628 (Maddy), amends cities into mintenance of effort relief aD1 SB 352 (C. (;L"""'I), air pollut1C1'l. (\1.- '" AS 883 (Boland), plblic liability; AS 769 (Q]accn), tree prunin;J stamards; 58 552 ~s) 1&__Uat of local orùinanœ regardinq water softenars. 'Ihe City Attamey anncunoed that there waùd be a closed sessiCl'l pertaininq to potential litigatiCl'l, steven Haze, et al. VB. city of 0Jpartin0. At 10:20 p.m., COUnc:il ~sed 1.D'lti1 a meetin;J of the QJpert1no Public Facilities Coli'U....tia1 was adjœrned. At 10:50 p.m., COUnc:il recx:nvened in (}\;mIhø.r. -11- Bicycle access, Pac i fica Dr, Legislative Review Comrn, Closed Session MDIm!S ell 'lBB w.Y 20, 1991, RmmAR CI'lY CXOtcIL J'II:õI:i.L".uD (CX' .13) '.Ih8 city lit to... '-f amaunœd that Q:Iuncil WOO"" nDII -.t: in ('1r.n:1 il'W\ ør;¡ardin;J pot8JtiallitigatiCln. At U:05 p..., 0UICil J:'8CCIMI8!. city Att.........,¡y Kilian announced that 0::mIcil had. nIC81ved a ~"¥"" L ard lID actiCl'l will be takæ. At U:l0 p..., Q:Iuncil adjcmned to 7:00 p..., May 28, 1991. ci~~ -12-