CC 05-28-91
10300 'lœRE AVENUE, aJPERTnD, C'A 95014
TELEPHONE: (408) 252-4505
CXXKIL, HEID (If ~ 28, 1991, a:ocn, CEIMBI!'.R, CITY
HALL, 10300 'J.U<KIS AV!HJE, wt'ISKJ.".u«>, CAI.I:FCRfIA
'!be meeting was called to <ñ.dt:.. by Mayor Kq:pe1 at 7:00
Counc. Present:
Golànan, Rcgers, Sorensen, Szabo, Mayor Kq:pel
Staff Present:
City Manager Brown
City Clerk Cornelius
Director of Public works ViskDvid1
Director of Q:nm.mi.ty Dew}. 'I. ..~,L COWan
Assistant to the City Manager Brown
Director of Finance Snyder
Director of Parks and Recreati.c:n Dowling
Public Infomatiœ Officer Krey
Acoountant Sharline Jacksœ
City Attorney Kilian
~ - None.
Review of fisœl year 1991-92 Preliminæ:y 9IvigPt and the
Five Year Capital Inprovaœnt¡......
City Manager Brown reviaÆd the a...~....L i';_1 year hri;1¢
and the 1&<¥JSed 1991-92 cpmIting hvigPt. He pointed aIt
that the ~''l''Jsed hvigPt does not include a child care
ooordinðtor positiœ aD1 has eliminated sane SUnday
q¡enings .
Ccunc. Szabo stated he was not CDDfortable with the
$4,000,000 drop in revenues Oller the next five years and
felt that there sOOuld be a limit pIt CI'1 sperxiing. He
~....sed the q>inían that there was a need to eliminate
$4,000,000 in sperxiing Oller the next five years.
Library budget
MEE'l'DC (CC-813A)
Mayor Kq:pel asked hew IIIJå1 was being cut this yær.
'1he City Manager stated that he oould not bnnediately state
hew IIIJå1 was cut this year; however, the reason for part of
the drqI in reserves this year was park aa¡ui.siticn with
the park dedication tax.
Sharline Jackson reviewed a Dethcd of de'-...emining
OWL"¥'-iation Umi.t and asked if Council ~ of that
Dethcd of calculation. If so, a resolution will be brought
to Council. '!his Iœthod is per capita.
Council directed that she use whichever Dethcd is IIDSt
beneficial to the City.
Director of Finance
unknowns, therefore,
œainess as usual.
~ said the state budget has many
the bo1l'lgF<t was prqm:ed as per
He then reviewed the estimated
revenues .
City ""'nAIJ"''t' Brown told Council that department heads will
give an except.ioo ~"¥",,L only. He then reviewed
aàninistration changes in his hlvigPt. '1he oonference and
meeting hlvigPt for City Council has been r->tinced, as it has
for library cx:mnissiœerø and planning cx:mnissi.cners.
Also, the library will be ~l~ed two addi.tiooal SUndays.
'1hel1œ Epstein, Library f'rnm; ..sial, said there are 29,000
with library cards. She felt the City should increase, not
cut, library hours, espe<";..l1y CI'1 weelœr1ds.
Mary Arm Wallace, CUpertino Library, said that the cost to
lœep the library open for six hours CI'1 SUnday during the
school yær is $1,525.49.
Council requested that they be presented with a breakdown
ahcwing the IJeL......,Lage of SUnday users who are CUpertino
residents. Staff was requested to oontact the County to
see if they oould cloee aane time beside SUIxiay without
disrupting the systan.
Jerry !tùvey, chair of the CUpertino Library Ccmnissial,
..~..Led aane I.Ullu=IlLs fran citizens regarding the need for
SUnday library service.
Cbarles LigJett, 22415 Palm Avenue, also expressed the need
for the library to remain open.
MI!:E'l'IlG (CC-813A)
Ikn Bumett, 729 stendahl Lane, inquired about the $600,000
a year in the Public ¡m-ks hV'lgPt designated as
Edward JajkD, 6235 Shadygrove Drive, stðted he is a
lilmIrian in ancther city. He urged QJuncil not to njM-,.,l
arxI dime thingB arxI stated Mr. Bumett' s point is a cpxi
ale; r;p for the big 1lUIIiJers. Libraries are basic.
Mr. Snyder told tnoee present that the Public ~k..
unallocated hvigPt CXX1SÌ8t8 of vaœtia1s, sick leave, etc.
Mr. JajkD suggested it be renamed in the hV'lgPt to be nnre
explanatory .
IDis ~f, 20713 Rodrigues Avenue, IUCi.Lee of the first
Library (hnn; Asian, said that there is a real need far the
libraIy ri¢t now. Volunteers are spreBd thin. She felt
nnre m:xJey ahculd be allocated to the libraIy.
'!be City ~r reviewed his boV'lgPt arxI CXXltingencies. He
pointed out that Law Enforca.¡f!!I1L Services has been listed
an item for potential cuts.
Assistant to the City Manager Brown said the Sheri£f's
Department prefers ~ No.3, to ~""" their hvry:.t by
3% arxI let them n,.,-.;n.. where tnoee reduct:ioos would occur.
Lt. ,TÆn<>A Huber, Santa Clara County Sberiff'a Depart:ment,
W8S i'" s_lL arxIllV"'il..hle to answer questi.a1S.
Ms. Brown stðted that the cut \oICUld have perhaps, an ;"I"""t
in :œe¡:...- time of 1/2 minute. '!be need for law
enfU.L· ....,~,L in CUpertim has be<.. .,- stable. If the City
reaches about 43,000 P'Y",, there may need to be a
change. '!be need to call for assistance fmn the outside
in ","""",'_ol"Ï_ would increase. She stated the that
there wÕuld a minor d1ange in service. Staff is not
re......~.ti;'1g a cut, bIt if Ccuncil dœs cut the Sheri£f's
hvigPt, there is a preference for ~ No.3.
RJ!1"R-Ct<J: 9: 00-9: 10 P.M.
Upon rea:mvening, Mayor Kq1pel stðted that CDuncil will
attalpt to end the meeting by 10:00 p.m.
'!be City Attorney's budget arxI the City Clerk's hrl;rt
nvrlntains the status quo.
Public Infonnatian Officer Krey reviewed the budget for
cable arxI the Fine Arts
Law Enforcement
MI1«1.ŒS œ '!HE MAY 28, 1991, AnJOORNED ~ CITY CDJtCIL
!£B'l'DC (œ-813A)
Jðn Rindfleisch of the Eu¡iIrat Gallery, 1& a _ILed QJuncll
with a request for ðå:iiti.ooal funds.
Charles Nf-n, CUpert.ino, ~....sed ~L far the
request far Eu¡iIrat Gallery. He felt it is a ClÙtural
bargain. He suggested Cbmcil take r.ooey out of rec::reati.a1
and IIIIlœ a DDre prqxxtia1ate balance.
Alan Russell, chair, Retail Ccuncil, 745J Bollinger Rœd,
.."¥" the Qvmh:wr of ewlllCl.ce, presented 8811ples of
the "Explore 0Jpertin0" 1""~aall and requested $10,000 far
the year.
Charles !T7-1'\ held up a ropy of the CUpert.ino Courier
sOOwing the "Explore CUpert.ino" ad.
Ray Eddy, 10052 M:)ssy Oak Cwrt, said he was a citizen and
wished to cáliLcaS Cbuncil regarding Ooltreach al1d Escort.
He stated that this transportatial allowB the Iii ~led to
get out far necessities. '!be h"";rt far huIœn services bas
not been increased for three years. ~t ~ and
Escort received this year just 1oICI'1't be adequate.
Public Infcmœ.tiœ Officer Krey pointed out that the Sister
City is sr+-iI,led to receive $8,000, not $10,000, in the
h"";rt .
en"",. Golàœm requested DDre detail or a CDlUllll sbcwing
interest rates and SCJI.Irce of payments in the final h"";rt.
He also requested that it be IIIf.Ide clear that the eç¡msiœ
of H::w.....ial Park is ~itiœ of the CUpert.ino Sports
Center .
In review of General Services, QJunc. ~. stated
perbIIpø, that it '«IUld be "l¥",¥-Íðte to aà:i that the City
bas adcpt:ed a ..,.",...1 harassment policy and m;ld care
policy. Sbe also stated she '«IUld the City to look at
paternity leave.
During the Director's review of the recreatiœ bI"";rt,
QJunc. Golàœm ~....sed cxnoem regarding aå
ooet, in youth and teen 1""~aa'a, and also the
naturalist 1""~QU.
Mr. Dowling infn1'1llPñ him it was a change of way of
alloœting ccst:s. 'lbere has been no reduction in 1""~-'
RecreIrtia1 is labor intensive, whid1 is reflec;t'.,ed in the
aàninistrati.c: CDSt.
QJunc. Golànan inquired about the $454,000 listed as the
Sports Center-Physiœl Progréllœ.
M!N(1ŒS Œ' 'nIE w.y 28, 1991, ADJIXJRNED RmJLAR CITY a::ucIL
He .. infu~ it actually c;pes beya1d the 0Jpertim
Sports Center and as stated en pðÇ':: 100, $87,000.. sper.t
en the Sports Center. Mr. Dowling stated he will 'oICI'k CI'1
III!Iking titles DDre clear. Open being asked àt prUI.:JL-
were cw...e..Lly offered at the Sports Center, Mr. Dowling
replied that he dJes have a list of ~;..1 events;
however, the C'\moorHnn SœI1e ¡xIDlishes the rect....t:.ia1
sdJedule. In the future, he wishes to make it a ~
¡xIDlicaticn, whim he am å> for about the same 8IIDJIlt of
m:Jney the departJœnt is currently contrib.Jting to the
C'\moorHnn SœI1e. He will look into not serx:ting it the same
time as other sdJedules, sum as the oo11ege oourse
Public Infcmnati.c:n Officer Krey provided Coonc. Golàœn
with infOIJllatioo regarding savings if there are only eight
issues of the C\¡pertim SœI1e.
'!he Director of Camlmity Delleh.pllc..t requested that CI'1
~ 118, the IID1th of February be changed to August.
'lbere is 00 increase .in planning staff; there may have been
an error .in allocatia1s. en page 124, Mr. Cowan said he
will reword the port.i.CI'1 n-Hng with seCDIKi nmtgages.
Coone. Rup... requested early status Le¡.u.cls en agencies
requesting Chmnrú.ty DelleI....p."".L Block Grant funds (page
Ma}'cr l\'qp!l anncunœd that tcuu........... evening Council will
reviev the i"'" ¥ sed hori;pot for Public ~rks and the Capital
IDprcvœIent Pt....."..<aII.
At 11:00 p.m., the meeting was adjoumed.
City ·Clerk
Comm. Development