CC 05-29-91 · .. crrr CF aJPERTDI>, S'IME CF CALIJ1'C:RŒA 10300 'J.UUQS AVENUE, CIJPERTDD, C'A 95014 'IEU:PfDŒ: (408) 252-4505 MDI1lES CF '!HE mDJRNFD RI!GJLAR ~.I."JJ.'G CF '!HE CI'1'f axæn., HEID (If MU 29, 1991, CDH:IL CEIMBI!:R, crrr HAlL, 10300 'ltRRE AvæJE, aJPERTDI>, CALIJ1'C:RŒA œ-813B CALL 'ID œIER '!be Jœeting was called to order by Mayor II'q:pel at 7: 10 p.m. Counc. Present: Golànan, Rcgers, Sorensen, Szabo, Mayor II'q:pel Staff I'resSiI1L: City Manager Brown City ClerK Cornelius Dlrector of Public ttJrks Viskcvi.ch Director of ChmImity Deve1'1.......,L Cowran Assistant to the City ~ Brown Director of Parka and RecreIrtion Dowling Public Infonnati.œ Officer Krey City Attorney l{i H.... œAL CXHIJNICATIaiS - Nooe. Review of fiscal year 1991-92 Prel imi....TY ~ri;p>t and the Five Year Capital Inprovement 1>1.....".."'u. Director of Public ~ ViskDvich reviewed the differ-v- in his hvig'>t £ran the au....,.¡L hrl;rt. /'h1lK". Golànan requested an aàninistrati.ve ooøt bre8kàM1 regmling the CUpertino Spnts Center. Counc. Rcgers requested a list of city..-.œd h,i Mings. Allen Snyder, 10534 Meteor Place, 8IJ91I!S1:ed that CUpertino look at prepa-ing a hrl;rt lilœ SUnnyvale's as it is _fer to understand. He ""t""cased a:nœm regarding City priorities. He felt the City needs quiet rcaœ for classes at the <X:IIIII.mity center, as ~l as the Ability to IIIIlœ the rcaœ dark. -1- ~ HINIJŒS CF 'DIE MAY 29, 1991, AroaJRNED RmJLAR CITY cnH:IL MEETnC (CX:-813B) FIVE YI!'AR CAPrnu. IMPRCI1I!H!Nl' PIU;MM Counc. Golàœn requested a oorrected 8UIIIIIInY of funding aourœs al the final bJdget. Any increase in bike lanes is not reflected in the Capit:ðl DIpIo\I8Dent PLU\IL"'u. By amsensus, Ccuncil directed that the reserve far land/road acx¡uisitioo be elimina'.:ed £ran the Capit:ðl DIpIo\I8Dent PLU\lLaw. By amsensus, QJunci! agreed to aJt $4,000,000 aver the five year period and to review possilile :revemæ enhano -,~ .Ls. Potential cuts were ttdl discussed. ~C;: 9:23-9:28 P.M. Council reviewed a list of potential :revemæ enhanœIœnts. By amsensus, they directed staff to look at ncn-resident fees at Blackberry FaIm. Counc. SOrensen ~ that the J:IL' ~«i half-time positioo of 01ild care Coœ:àinator be discussed next spring when Council and City ~ discuss cpals. ChtlV'!i1 ~ced that staff have a cpal of cutting $250,000 £ran --l-.ditures during the 1991-92 fisœl year. Nancy Burnett, 729 SteIJdahl lane, cal.h._sed Chmt!i 1 regarding hI"'I'" in the œm:.er of streets in residential areas. She asked Wy the City "'88 spending Da1eY al that. She .. inf(l1'1N'JCl that that is a ~9ful J:lLU\IL..... to slow cbm traffic. '1he hlmp> are a1ly ~ in when the City receives a petitioo £ran the adjaoeot residents. Me. Burnett stated she wanted them rEIID'Æ!d £ran her neicjIborlIcod and "'88 infnrnM the way to cD that wculd be to pass a petitioo. Council discussed the possiliility of bolo tax measures; one a business license tax, the other, CXII1Struction tax. k~c;: 11:00-11:10 P.M. -2- MINUIES OF lliE MAY 29, 1991, AI:\JOORNED RmJU.R CITY ŒXIOCIL ME:P:I'ING (CC-8 13B ) Council took the following actions: Reduced the aIIDUI1t to be spent on Blackbeny Fann to $250,000 (5-0) ; plaœd the RainJ:x7".r median in the unacheduled oollDT1ll (3-2, with Counc. Szabo and Rogers dissenting); placed DeAnza Boulevard median as unscheduled (5-0) ; cut MirDr Road Inprovanents in half (5-0); eliminated 1992-93 00s turnouts and cut the res~ in half (5-0); cut handicap r;mps in half (5-0); N'Htoñ $7,500 to 0JaIrber of Carmerce cbnation (5-0); IIDVed $2,160 fran Sister City to library to keep Sunday openings as are (5-0); awroved shifting $1,000 !ran sister City to Euphrat Gallery this year only (5-0); eliminated one production of Junior 'lbeatre and eliminated Spring festival (5-0); reduced Sheriff's budget 3% (4-1, with Counc. Rogers dissenting) and requested detail f~'1ck regarding effectiveness (BU<};JeStion to reduce Sheriff's budget an additional 3% was defeated with COI.IIlC. Goldman, Rogers, Sorensen, Kcwel dissenting); eliminated Má:lellan/StelJ.ir!q one right turn only southbound (5-0); directed establisiúng resident/non-resident <plf fees at Blackbeny Farm as soon as possible (5-0); directed staff to ronsult with the 0JaIrber of Carmerce regarding when and how ouch of a change in OOsiness license tax and ronstruction tax increase and institute this as soon as possible (5-0); increasM fines and forfeitures (5-0) ; approved $25 resident and $40 non-resident fees for picnic reservations (5-0) ; referred senior excursion overhead reo:Nery to Parks and Recreation Camù.ssÍOI1 and expressed support of fee (5-0); IIDVed De:Anza Boulevard strip widening back one year (5-0); directed staff to save $250,000 1.Il q¡erating budget (5-0) ; directed "Reserve for land/road acquisition" be eliminated !ran Capital Inprovanent PIuyLalll (5-0); kept t-..he Planning CcmníssÍOI1 travel budget at $4,700 and stated the cxmnissÍOI1 rould request use of the City Council travel budget if necesBéU}' (5-0). Mayor Kcwel requested tiJat staff look at the possibility of the Sclxx>l Foundation funding thP. class tours of Má:lellan Ranch Park. '!be public hearing and ~ion of the b.Jdget will be scheduled for July 1. At 11:40 p.m., the meeting was adjourned. / ~, / /LÆ~Æý ! / City Clerk j" þ .., / ,;~ .~~