CC 06-03-91
10300 '.I.UUUS AVENCB, ~..&1Ð, C'A 95014
'1EIEPIIH!:: (408) 252-4505
HnCl'ES œ 'ŒE RIl'mAR ¡·z&n:.aG œ 'ŒE CI'l'f <DH:IL,
HEW (If JtIm 3, 1991, CDH:IL (]I........., CI'l'f HALL,
10300 '.I.~ AVI!BJE, ~'.uÐ, CALIFœNIA
'!be Jœeting 'oI8S called to .....db.. by ~ IC:qpl at 6:45
Q:Iunc. FresenL:
Golàœn, ~'" Sorensen, Szabo, ~ KqIpel
Staff PL S JL:
City MimagBr Bn.~
City Clerk Camelius
DiIector of Public Mniœ viskDvid1
Director of thl'll'l1n;ty I)eyRl''l..~.L QMm
Assistant to the City ~ Brown
Director of F;I'IAnnP! Snyder
Director of Parks 8IXi Recreat.i.œ Dc¥ling
Public Inf... .....t.iœ Off; QI'IT Krey
lbJsing aD1 Services Qxxdinator Norling
City Attorney J{; 1 ; An
A¡:pliœnt requests ItEm No. 16 be cxntinued to August 5.
Laverne Black''''''¥L S .Ling the 11A;g.t·<)bood, said that she
1IIIS pl-wi with the neç in l""...ya;ð8S and is
looking for a win-win reeolutiœ.
~ Faird1ild, I'epr' the dn1rd1, stated be also
felt that way.
It 1IIIS IIDIIed by Ch1TV'". Saren8en, _...!A.I by Ch1TV'. ~..
aD1 peE-sed nnAn;nnusly to CXJOtinue a:nsideratia1 of ItEm
No. 16 to the Jœeting of July 1.
Moffett Fld.
Res. 8402
loIDIJl!S œ 'mE JœE 3, 1991, mnR CITY cmcIL w.mø;
CEREH:IUAL MkJ............ - PR!SI!JiTATI(H
Present:at.Ï.a1 to 0,01l'V"'l1 by ""......ra walm..n, lh1l'V"'l1 1In,' er,
City of Sunnyvale, regaxding closure of M:>ffett
Field end requesting "'g;«L far its use as a jojnt use
federal f.....i 1 ity under NASA Ames ReS$arch Center.
!.any Stooe, lhtl'V'il..~,, City of Sunnyvale, ...1.h.cased
It .. IIDII'ed by lhtl'V'. ~'" ~ by Q)unc. Sorensen
and pBSsed urvmi......lSly to eà:pt Resolutia1 No. 8402,
~ca8ing ~L far use of Jl:)ffett Field as a joint use
federal f.....i 1 ity under NASA Ames Res--<reh Center.
Sp!Irky Q)ben ðå:ll::eesed cmncll regaming the time of
pl~ -,"'~L of the barrier al.aç Pacifica.
'!be Director of Public tmits will folla.t up am dJeck that
it is not put in place earlier than its sd1eduled time.
Q:Iunc. Rógeor8 r8IDII'eCl It:eIœ No.3, 4, 9, 13 and 15. It was
IIDII'ed by ca.n:. ~'" e& . . -lAd by Q:Iunc. a.....~ and
pBSsed \IDIII1.ÏJIIJUsly to "'M""uv'8 the balance of the lh1aø11t
Calendar as subDitted.
1. ReIriew of rw;p-t:for AlaJIÐl l!eII=aIF Cl.JL..ul LinronaA
far a) R1N"'lr_ bany FaJ:m, 21975 San Fern8IxD AV\!!IJU8i b)
Deep Cliff Golf Cld:> House, 22222 ~]..11..... lbK1.
2. .Appoù!...ur:ad. of Ia1 BBtriIA lnr to n.hl e Televisia1
J!dvisary t'rMftittee to fill a 7-mœth v-vy.
3. RsIDIIed ftan the lh1aent n.l..m..r.
4. RsIDIIed ftan the t'ronaoof1t n.l..m..r.
5. Resolutia1 No. 8398: "A Resolutia1 of the City lhtl'V'i 1
of the City of 0Jpertim Allowing Certain C'l..i..... and
Dt::aœnd8 Payable in the JIaDmts and Fran the FImds as
Hereinafter Desc:ribed :for Salaries and W8ges :for the
Payroll Period Rnr!i"'J MIIy 21, 1991.'
MnÐmS œ 'mE JtR 3, 1991, Rl!mtAR em ~ '_.ruÐ
6. RIIIøoluticn No. 8399: "A Reøo1utia1 of the City th1lV"'l1
of the City of CUpertiDo Allowinc¡ Certain C'l..i.... and
1»-.-. .IA Payable in the 1IDD\mtS and Frœ the Funds as
B8œina:fter Described far General and MisoellA1'1N'11J8
1l.1.-,dit:ures for the Period Ending May 31, 1991.·
7. RIIIøoluticn No. 8400: "A Reeolutia1 of the city <;n1Jr!1
of the city of CUpertiDo A¡:pro\7ing o....L..act nu.r.g..
omer No. 3 for ~l..11An Road stxmn at StewI1ø Creek,
Project 91-102."
8. Accept:anœ of City projects perf,........d under 0XJtract.
a. Traffic 9i9""1 )h'Iii'icatia1, 1I:)1£e And Vallco
PIIriaoIay, Project (5005) 96501 (Res ..un Electric)
b. stxmn Drain CI'1 !Þ:1e11An Road, Project 91-102
(RR11icitti & Pe1liociotti)
(No Œx:uaentatiœ n&?'t'sary.)
9. RøIDIIed fxan the O:mseot Calendar.
10. Minutes of the p?,bT Jœeting of May 6, 1991.
11. Minutes of the adjourned p?'lAT Jœeting of May 15,
12.Minutes of the adjourned r'egI.l RT meeting of May 15,
13. RøIDVed fxan the OY\"""1t C'A l....viRT .
14. Request for apprqriatiœ fxan the ."., fund for
Debt service.
15. R&IDu'ed fxan the OY\~ Calendar.
3. A¡;plicatia1 20-u-86 (þ,....iM) - .:De PL"¥"LLies 0). -
A¡prova1 of device to Iß.oKuL L and eave 'l'I:ee No.3, 0IIlœ
mvwilYJ Center. (Q:ntinued fxan Aprlll.)
Directoc of n-nmmity DeIIe¡,\",~tL CoIoIIm reviewed the
1&"10' B'ed device with Council.
'!be ~"¥"LLr """""'.;F" of the 0EIks stated that there is no
oost estimate of the device at this tine.
App. 20-U-86
(Amended), JMB
"pp. ASAC
~riani Dev.
Res. 8401
MIWŒS œ 'l1ß JUNE 3, 1991, ~ C1T'l cnæ!L MI!'.2rnC
It _ IIDWd by 0Junc. Sorensen, ~.Jt:o.l by Counc. Szabo
aD1 passed unanimusly to ØW"uv'e the device to ~L and
save Tree No. 3 at the OWl S1qping Center.
4. Aß>liœtia1 ASIIC 10-U-S9 - Mariani. Devel''I...~~L -
Request for review and awroval to nnn; Ty previ.cusly
~ site aD1 Wilding oolors for the first 97 duet
units of a P!armed Residential Develq.,~tL. '!be site
is located at the southeast oorner of It:mest:eBd Ibid
and DeAnza Boulevard. Rcu.oIl'....Jt:o.l for ØW"uIIIÙ.
Director of Q:mIurÙ.ty Developœnt Cowan reviewed a oolar
palette with Camci.l.
It _ IIDWd by 0Junc. RcgerB, ~.Jt:o.l by 0Junc. Sorensen
and passed 4-0-1 with Cbmc. Golànan abstaining, to ØW"..,¡e
the awliœtia1 per ASIIC Resolution No. 1621 auð1ded to
state that the tile insets shall be reacved and the oolar
palette change is a¡:prcved; hawever, there JIt1Bt be the
ari.ginal oolar difference to the atories.
9. Resolution No. 8401: "A Resolution of the City Camci.l
of the City of 0Jperti:n0 Approving the Aß>liœtia1 far
Grant FUnds £ran the uman Foresb:y P..uyLC1IU under the
California Wilrl1ii'e, Coastal and Park Land QxIser.vatÌa1
Bcn:l Act of 1988 for the Following Project: Trees: A
PrtrGrowt:h Pì.uyLC1IU."
It _ DDVed by Cbmc. Rcger8. s........aJt"j by Cbmc. Sore'IBen
aD1 passed unanim:Jusly to acq,t Resolution No. 8401.
13. Minutes of the ~,l"r meeting of May 20, 1991.
It .. DDVed by Coone. ~s, s........aJt"j by 0Junc. !'t7Ah'1 aD1
petpsed UIV"';1n'QJly to ØW"..,¡e the minutes following city
Clerk's review of tape of the meeting veri£ying that (O]D('.
~e had requested a list of users pertaining to
Blackberry FaIm aD1 to delete pedestri.ðns £ran the advisoIy
camdttee, as mentia1ed CI'1 page 11.
(City Clerk's Note: Upœ review of the tape and other
minutes, it _ det:eIJnined that the list requested by
0Junc. RcgerB took place at a meeting of the Bœrd of
Directors of CUpertino Public Fer; 1 ities Cmporati.a1. '!be
minutes of May 20 were amerded to delete pedestrian £ran
the camdttee.)
15. Request far GW'-'¥ fxtm the general fund far
recreatial pL~aul&.
It 1II!IS IIDIIed by Q:Junc. Royer8, ee-.. .1M by Counc. Sorensen
am I"'aøed unæùm:lusly to authorize ~'¥Liaticn of
$52,000 fran the Recreatia1 Fund.
Mayor Kt:gJel amvwmnorl that she wuld take Item No. 21 out
of orœr. It will be heard at this time.
21. ~ of plan and award of oontract far the
rehab; 1 ; taticn of the Simœ Hcuse located at McClellan
Ranch Park, 22241 McClellan Read.
Housing and Services Coordinator Norling reviewed her
..q.O}; L with Council.
Bcb Li.WI1IpOd of the Rn; lding Industry of America, said
that they have dœe aimi l..r work in other areas and that be
is aVAi l..hle to answer ðlI'f questia1s fxtm Q:Juncil.
It was IIDIIed by Counc. !'I'7AI-n, tI<::o ...1Ati by Q:Junc. Rogeora and
I"'9søi unani.JID1sly to GW'-<Ne ~ No. 2 New
Wave, Inc. to ~,le and supervise the 9Ubaxrt:ractors. A
City staff perøa1 is to act as ycu=csl cxxrt:ractor. Council
a¡:proIÆd $38,776 fran nœ-QB; IIrIIeY in the Affordable
Housing Fund to be used far this project.
16. Þ£t-l of Planning Chnn;A<3icn ~ of MI::ua......ial
Garden, ç1iœ 3-U-9l, .TAn1o>A Harrah, st. Jude's
Epi~] 01urc:h, stelling Read at McClellan Read
(JæEs He1:pick, a¡:pelllmt).
(Previously CXXItinued to July 1.)
17. çlicatioos 2,ŒA-89, 7-Z-90, 9-0-90, l-D!\,-90 and
17-EA-90, westfkld, Inc. - Gt:uel:csl Plan A1œnåIocatL to
increase the c:le!wl.\.,~,L cap far the VallO) Fashia1
Park reg:iooal s1Dæing center frail 1,385,000 sq. ft. to
1,645,000 sq. ft.; RA'7.l'Tlil'1g of ~ly 5.9 acre8
at the southwest oorner of Wolfe Read and VallO)
Parkway fxtm P (a;, Mr., Office, 1iJte1) Planned
Devel<.p,....tL with Qmœrcial/Light
lIxh1strial/Office/1k)tel intent to P (Regional ~
Simms' house
St. Jude's Mem.
Garden appeal
estfield app.
MnmES œ 'mE JUNE 3, 1991, RmJlAR cm CIUC1L 1UmC
Intent or such other zone as de ,_i ~,-¥"iate by the
Planning Ccmnission or City Council CXJr18istent with the
Geœral Plan; Use PeDnit to allow net exp8I18ion of the
Valla> Fashicn Park regianal s!xgrlng center by 260,000
sq. ft.; DeveI<.pllCuL ~CCI'IC..L bet\<een the City of
CUpertino and Westfield, Inc. to assure :future
devel<.pll"IIL cf said Valla> Fashion Park acoording to
land use entitlements granted by the City for a fbœd
time period in exchange for defined p1blic ~;ts
granted by Westfield, Inc., and providing far other
benefits and à>ligati.cns to the sicprt:ories of said
aLLCClœnL. Envi.rcDœntal DeteIJnination: '!be Planning
Ccmnission reo . ....~Ids the granting of a Negative
Declaration. Rc.........."..ded for ëgJroVal.
DirectDr of Caml:aù.ty Devel<.pll",1t Cowan reviewed key
findings of the negXiating team. He reviewed the
1ocat.i.oos of major IIhcgring oenterB in the area. He stated
there is a need to I1eIptiate further regarding the ~. ~sed
cinema and parking distribItion. He alao cIescribed
intensity within the ger¡eral plan policies. He stated that
~ I, regarding architectural designs, will be
attached to the devel,¥,lCLíL ay..CCI.é/lt.
Q)unc. Szabo reviewed the ~uOeSs of the and
the hist:my of the use penni.t.
0:Junc. Golåœn stated that the necpt.iators had 12 meetings
within four m:xrt:hs, with an average of 4-6 hours ead1
meeting. A tr",IICI..Lüs effort had been put forth by
ever}'ŒJIS involved. He requested that the citizel!s provide
inplt regarding specifics at this time, what cb they like
and what Œ:n't they like.
John Endioott, ""'l""-~Ling westfield, stated that the
deve1 'l"~íL ay..CCllcuL is an iIrportant don..-t1: whid1 sbcwø
a amnitJœnt fran Westfield. '!be ~~s has CX>St the
"""T"'''Y $1,000,000. In regard to the cinema questico, be
stated he <Des have aà:titi.œal infcmnation.
'!be mayor BUg1e&ted that it be brought to the necptiating
team first.
Mr. Endioott said that in regard to the cinEmas, they are
planned to be next to Sears, with the roof at the S8Iœ
level as the existing entrance to Sears. '!be cinEmas ~Ild
be oonnected to the Food Court, with the entrance t:hrouIjl
the mall. M:)st of the ci.nena OOsiness 'oIOIlld be at ni4tt.
It 'oIOIllcl not be free starxling. '!be current road system am
parking systems can handle the traffic. 'lhis 'oIOIlld be a
state-Qf-the-art cinana. In regard to noise roncerns, he
stated that the stOOy shcwa there will be 00 problem. In
regsrd to traffic, Mr. Endioott said that the cinemas will
not have the IIIÚn traffic while the lIhoR>ing center is
Mr. Endioott 'oI8S told that the City CDuncil will ........cuL
after the negotiating teIIm reviews the iI1foDllf.ltian.
~9: 8:50-8:55 P.M.
Mayor ~l then opened the public hearing.
Mayor ~l stated that OJImcli wuld like first to hear
£ran a desiqlated..,,¥,- aenlative fran the neighborhood arxi
fran the d1urà1. Following that, other speakers 1M}' CXJœ
forward. '!bey will be li,,1Ú.ted to three minutes each.
Linda WalJœr, 11660 Rf91art Canyon Drive, expressed ~L
far the devel,¥"",íL agrCallcuL for expansion. She stated
that the physically limited need a close lIhoR>.ing center
with variety arxi that the ¡.u.'¥Jsed expansion is CXJßSistent
with the Goa] $ Ccmn.ittee recx:.mneI1dati.
D:Jn Burnett, 729 Stendahl Lane, r,,¥,-aoenting Fairgrove
Ne.ig1bors, said that there 'Æt"e aaœ serious negative
aspects, including the drought, envirœmenta1 iJrpact, arxi
traffic ;"t""'t, the peak of whid1 is the Clristmas F~a.........
He ""'t"-essed amœrn that IIIld1 of the ¡.u.u=oos had been dr:me
in secret. '1he size of the expansion is a critical issue.
He felt that the view pl._s_"Led fails to ðÒ:h:ees the
existing square footage totals aI¥i the I1eIi hl1; 1 ding tot:a1..
Also, the h,,; lr1;ng bP;"') ¡.u.'-¥Jsed, is intensely urtJan. Mr.
Burnett stated be has also seen the plans ¡.u.' ~sed by
Tandem and they are also quite ant>it.iouai. Mr. Burnett then
revieIoIed infODDat.ial regarding this year's éIIIDUIlt of
revenue £ran Valla> and what it ~Ild be with thP.
expansion. He also reviewed the size/revenue relatiooship
for local DBlls arxi stated that there can be a point of
diminishing returns. He then rev.iewed the anchor stare
distrihltion of Stanford ~ing Center, ValICXI, Valley
Fair, and Eastridge. He exptessed CXIlloenl for the
pot:ent.ial far am that there is a lot of
vacant retail space presently. He ~=sed the opjnion
that DDre stores dcn't nake IIDre retail sales, DDre
cust:aœrs do arxi housing brings cust:aœrs. He said be is
oonœmed regarding "secret" neg:ciatioos and locking in of
square footage. He urged OJImcil to reject the a.,p:e.allcuL
arxi scale back the expansion allowed.
MINUlES œ '!HE .JUNE 3, 1991, R!!nJlAR CITf a::ucn. MI!Z'l'IlG
SUsan ~eI~, resident just south of Valla>, ~....sed
<X'IlOBID regarding increIIsed traffic cx:ngestim. She
""'t"-....6ed CW'Sition to the mall as ~.~ and does not
feel the traffic study is accurate.
CDmc. Golåœn requested infODll!lti.on regarding the
Bðrringtal nridge hcusing <DIplex and the Bollinger/Miller
1ÙV'ß';"9' center expanskn. Staff will provide infcmœtia1
regMdinq ~~ square footage.
Me. PeelXck referred Q)uncil to B....;~...:: -xx:urring around
Valla>. She Wl\S infoDœd that her time allocation had
Ikn Allen announced that he was willing to give Me. ~nY'Ic
one minute of his time .. 11 """tion.
Me. Peacock then refCL~.,.j Council to a ..q,')Ort issued by the
Sheriff's Department CDYering nine 1ID1ths. She stated that
during that nine DaJths, 65 ......;~ ooanTed around the
Valla> shcJwiDg area. She ""'t"-ðSsed cxmoem regMdinq
public safety. She also su1:mitted an I'Œ report.
KeDœn Hijmans, i.J1r1tot-........L retailer, ""'t"-c66ed 8UßX)rt far
the ~'¥J6ðl as 1& s-::Led by the necptiatioos team. He
felt it was the best possible deal for the City.
Rich AhiAl"h, ør-1<;"9' CI'1 J:eb¡>li of the ~ of
D..uw=œ, expressed ~L for the ~~. He pointed
out the increased reveaues that the dty should acx¡uire am
felt i;.hat r.\~ves can be mitigated.
Ikn Aller, resident of 0JpertiIx> and President of Clpertino
Naticnal Bank, told Ch1lV"i 1 that he was speaking as a
~. CUpertioo has a hiI1 level of life and would like
to lœep 8UßX>rting t:bœe services. So far,
have been gxxi. '!be valla> area was desig1ed far the
expected traffic. '!be state of Califomi.a is requiring
affordable hcusing. '1hi.s~, ~1 provides a gxxi step
u-rd mitigation of this. He stated he li1œd the desÌl;J1
and felt it had a pleasing~. In regard to the
theaters, he felt this n'II,lñ be discussed later. Eastridge
stx:gúng Center was hurt when it did not ~ca:ie.
Westridge is currently trying to avoid this.
Ed Puccinelli, resident west of Valla>, stated that his
living roan faces a sour..d wall Œl Perimeter Read. '!be view
above the sound wall is sears neat sign and parking lot
lights. Saœtimes, there are loud noises early in the
IIDrning. He expressed <X'IlOBID regarding theater parking
HDCŒS Œ' 'nIE JUNE 3, 1991, RI!XDLAR CITY a:ucn. ........~.J.1'G
IUId noise. He suggested the theaters be located CI'1 the
other side of ~lfe Road IUId that stores CI'1 the west of
~lfe Rœd be limited to P9,lAr hours. He stated he ~,)it
not have cbjecticns if Perbœter Road were not acoe8sible.
Nancy Burnett, 729 St.eI1d!Ihl Lane, said she was still
amœrned !!bout the 8IIDUI1t of expensiœ. She was also
amœrned regarding the straw vote taken at a previous
neeting am the clœed meetingB at which necpt.iatiaJs took
place. '!be negative declaration ne-.... to be explained to
the public. She aleo ~_sed IIBjor cxmœm reç!II'ding
it.elœ CI'1 the enviraJmental checklist. She felt that it.elœ
such as traffic iIrpacts, increased <DØt of housing,
substantive demand far new housing, offensive sight open to
public view, increased needs for services, IUId iIrpact CI'1
~ utilities sOOuld have been answered yes, becaJl6'"
of the n1l1l'l..tive iIrpacts.
Janet teit:m!ln, 22907 cricket Hill Road, asked if a new
Geœral Plan supersedes the old one IUId if the developœnt
cap.CClUClìL hae to be dŒJe. She felt the expensiœ ahoulñ
not be allowed and that it is too large in that small area.
She stated that all peq>le cx:ming to Valloo will not be
taking 280; there are no givens where the cars will be
cx:ming £ran. F1:a......ìL Older will be :i.-¡pacted.
Phil Zeit:m!ln, dJair of aJRB, stated that the $2.2 million
addiHtW'III1 sales tax is not a s~icant aaDUnt. He felt
that the 1&'¥ -.1 wea1œns the Geœral Plan. At this time,
the total Geœral Plan is being reviewed. '!be housing is
in ;.......1......... already IUId this ....,1 it IIIIke it worse. He
stated that the City oould get a better deal.
Barbara Jones, 10380 Castine Avenue, said that Valloo is
neœesary for the survival of CUpert.ÌlD. She stated that
the ClJuncil hae dooe a ranrsrkable jcb in turning the
&ß)lic::atiœ eo that it is under the Ccuncil's centrol. She
stated that Macy's case regarding ~,¥,",ltiœ 13 is çw;>ing
to be heard by the ~edIe Court. If M!II..y's wins, there
will be a major fiscal iIrpact. 'lhis i"'" ",<Mal can help the
City ......""!ther the fiscal crisis.
Phyllis Kaufman, 867 Hyde Avenue, ad:h.e:..eed Council
regarding the i""~;sad theater. She felt that 45,000 seats
were too many. She stated it cannot help shcg>ing in
Valloo if the stores are closed. She aleo urged Co\mci.l to it em the other side of the .::enter.
MIlIJmS œ 'l'tU!. JUNE 1, 1991, RmJU>.R em <D.JfClL ~
Pac McMahen, 553 Bucher Avenue, Santa Clara, stated that he
had k- . ..- involved with Valloo throoJÇh the ice rink. He
u.a__¥-atulated the City Council for the jà:> they have done
for the City so far. He stated that Westfield is ooing a
çµxi jà:>, too. He expressed oonoern that if Westfield did
not ""; lr1 100,000 sq. ft. in the 15 years, oould they then
bank 260,()()i'I sq. ft. and let the ice rink close?
He was infonœd they could not and the devel..¥lIcut
~"""'lCOlt wculd expire.
Mr. McMahen stated that I1e(ptiations have cx:me about
becanee the ice rink was to be a oon-profit amenity. He
wants the oon-profit amenity idea tied CÌJWIl.
Arm Anger, president of M:mta vista Irrprovement, said that she was iIrpressed with CO'.'ne.
Golànan and Coune. Szabo's presentation. She ~ctlsed
8lIi¥-'Lt for the expansicn. Ms. Anger stated that with the
first Valloo, there had been over 100 1IIE!etings. 'l\«)
develqJers wanted regia1al centers and there was a oonflict
as to who wculd get it. Everyone is oonoerned about
traffic. She stated that Vailoo is not taking over the
whole area.
Edward JajkD, 6235 Shady Grove Drive, expressed OWOSition
to the 1&"lJ(Bed expansion. He said he was sony he sent
his letter to Council as he felt Balle of it had been used
in the negJtiatian J:1LU<.-.s. He urged Council to stick to
the J:1L BEfJt GaJeIëÙ. Plan regarding Valloo. He UWCaaci the
devel.'l"~Jt ar;p:esllent and said the City does not need it.
'!be benefits are not <DIpðrëIble to what Valloo gets. He
felt the a¡:proach of netptiatioos with b«> oounci1JnesrtJe
CI'1 the team has tainted the whole pIOOeSs. '!be u.a'"IICOJLs of
CcAmc. Golàœn and Szabo I!eEIII to indicate they've already
decided to vote yes. He stated he did not know how they
aJUld give 811 honest vote. Citizens will ~ how the
,.w.;Aial was mBde.
CcAmc. Golàœn stated that the team was given a charge
hA~ CI'1 parameters set forth in µ.¡blie City Council
JœetingB and Planning Cœmissicn Iœetings. CouncilIneltDers
have not mBde up their minds. Mr. JajkD 6 letter and
evo>.xyaJe's \.UI1'ICOILs provided inpIt. 'lbey helped get a
stronger position for the City. Couneil has to weigh the
benefits VB. the negatives.
(CX:-814 )
Allan Bidwell, 11021 Bubb RcIId, and II1!Il1ðIJeI' of J. C. Penney
at Valloo, said it W!IS the tol9Jest deve~ICIIL agre&tlClll
he had heard of. He ~_sed ~L for the deve~""iL
e.g¡:e.:..ICIIL. NÌJ1ety-aJe percenL of Penney's busineas CXIIIe8
fran outside CUpertino; JID6t ftan north and east. Off
ranps ftan 280 are C}XXI enoogh to handle the traffic far
years. He disðgreed with Mr. Burnett'a figures on stanfcml
and stated that the àIðrt anitted MBcy's ftan Eastridge.
He mentimed signi£iœnt retailers that CDUld be attracted.
Pam Hershey, 19698 Wheat:a1 Drive, stated that she hears the
same noisea as Mr. Puccinnelli She did not know hew pecple
CDUld be at.. H.,oo ftan using Perimeter RcIId during the day
and ~_sed concern regarding late nights. She told
Council that at PO;..-tal and Stevens Creek Boulevard, another
a=iñooott had occurred that day.
SUsan Mirc:h-Kretsehmann, 20568 Blœsan lane, expressed
concern regarding housing and CXIIIIIJnity deve~'ICIIL. She
stated the City is short of housing unita, both nDderate
and 10117 ~dLe œes. She also asked where the City CX>Uld
put and protect qet space. ~le feel grcwth is at ita
rnax:imJm new. '!be City has finite resources. She stated
that many are crnœmed, but CDUld not be þL_.3SihL. She
asked wœre the City intended to hnild housing and if it
'oQÙ.d be tWp rises.
As there W!IS no further PJblic .........""'IL, the Mayor brought
the meeting back to Council.
Co\.u1t!i h,~,~ ..,u. made the following .....'..lCIlts:
Counc. :o,........ requested that staff check the traffic
figures. He ~_sed the need to think about 00-.:: to
handle seat limita+'..icn for the theaters.
Counc. lb,pL.. stated she wished to absort> the infcmnatia1
and she ~ that Counc. G:>!ànan and Coone. Szabo
negotiate the nud::Ier of theater seata. She also requested
infœ::mat.iœ regarding the truck bays on the west side of
the slxwing center and ~_sed concern that they might
be serving as an echo ~.
Coone. Sorensen alao suggested that Counc. G:>!àœn and
Coone. Szabo negotiate the nuntJer of theater seata. She
stated :hat the City needs to CDllSidf'r traffic noise and
location of parking areas.
MnIJŒS Œ' 'mE JtIIE 3, 1991, RIGJIAR crrr <DH:IL _ruG
CkJunc. Golàœn requested mre di.recti.c:n regarding the
theIItera .
CkJunc. Szðbo said, hoIIIever, that they did not need 8IraCt
11"~le of &eIIt:s that oou1d be 1111711ed.
Mayer ~ CAt""_sed ~ regarding the parkiDg
structure behind Sears and aølœd if it OCJII]ld be above the
theater ICoflina. She .. inf'o,)' ..~1 that Sears .....,1tt have
to "K"'uv'e it. Mayor ~ suggested that be 1'1; IU"\JSsed,
ðB well as the \IDl..-iing dock aD1 tpffic. '.DIe Mayer then
requested that the negXiating teI!III 1Ià-~111 e a meeting.
It .. IIDIIed by CkJunc. Szðbo, ~dtal by (bmc. SaœIIIIen
hæxi ("'Gsed 1.1DIUÚJD:IUIIly to cxmtinue of this
item to the meeting of July 1.
'!be Mayor requested that at that time, the l'Iia/"tlSlI1œ focus
CI'1 the theIItera.
~: 10:45-10:55 P.M.
18. JIR>liœtiœ 9-U-90 - Westfield, Inc. - (Pleaae Bee Item
No. 17.)
19. Nœe.
20. Nœe.
22. Rfiport at bid "1-';119, þnm...l OVerlay, Project 91-104,
aD1 award of ~L......"t.
It .. IIDIIed by thnvo. ~, ..e.. ...1aI'I by ())II:1IV'. Ruyc..D and
p8l1sed tnvm;~ly to !II ~d the antract to O'Grady Paving
based at their law bid of $514,964.26. Q;oVV"'Íl also
approved a tranIIfer of funds to the SL..~ Pawmeot
Mainteœnœ &U\:fLœII and "K"',¥,-Ìðted $82,055 £ran tee
GeI1eral FUnd until I:P;..................L ill received.
23. Rfiport CI'1 bid rr-oing, Street MainterJanœ Slurzy seal,
Project 91-105, and award of cœtrac:t.
KDUŒS œ '!HE .JtIŒ 3, 1991, RI!GJIAR crrr CXIH:IL .......-.uG
It 111M IIDIIed by 0Junc. Sorensen, ......u...b1 by 0Junc. Szabo
am p-øed '1NIT1i1lr'WJly to IM!II'd the ocntract to Valley
Slurry Sell! .,......., CI'1 their low bid of $110,633.90.
24. Revisia1 to the CUpert.i.oo ømi";p"l QxIe to allow for
bicycles CI'1 the s;"'-RÙk when Pacifica is closed to
throur1 traffic.
(a) First reading of Qrrl;""""", No. 1560: "An
Qrrl;""""", of the City rnnv-o; 1 of the City of
CUpert.i.oo Amending 0Iðpter 11.08.160 of the
0Jpertin0 ØJnicipal QxIe Relating to Bicycle
Riding at Pedestrian Path."
It .. IIDIIed by rn1lV". Golàœn, &eo ...Wi by Counc. Sorel1SE!l1
am p"aøed IJNm;1Ir'WJly to CJK""u>Ie authorizing bike riding
CI'1 Pacifica around the barrier.
It .. IIDIIed by rn1lV". Sorensen, ........Wi by Counc. Golàœn
am pe'i!wd I.IDIDÚJIaIsly to ræd Qrrl;""""", No. 1560 by title
only am the City Clerk's reading to CXJDStitute the first
r-i;"'} th:u......I.
25. RBvi.sÍCIl of <Dde regaxding ......Jt:.. of œsiness at City
rnnv-o; 1 Jœetings.
(a) First pNi; "'} of Qrrl; """"'" No. 1561 : "An
Qrrl; """"'" of the City rn,."..¡ 1 of the City of
0Jpertjn0 Revising Sect:ia1 2.08.090 A, Order of
Business, of the CUpert.i.oo ØJnicipal Q)de."
It .. IIDIIed by ~1IV". Golàœn, ee-....wI by 0Junc. SorED;en
am peI'i!ged I1N1T1;1Ir'WJly to CJK""u>Ie an ~,~.l,"'.L to the ........II=r
of ~18i-ø at rn1l)l"'Ìl Jœetings.
It .. IIDIIed by CQo1lV". Sorensen, ........~ by 0Junc. Golm-.
am p"aged I1N1T1;1Ir'WJly to ræd Qrrlirumnoo No. 1561 by title
only am the City Clerk's reading to CXJDStitute the first
pM; "'} tt.:...cUf.
26. Ntne.
27. ~.J reading and ena~ullc..L of ordinance No. 1559:
"An Ordinance of the City Q)uncil of the City of
CUpertino Amending Sect:ia1 1 of Ordinance No. 2 By
Preza1ing AppraxiJœtely 34 Acres fran CUperti.m PRE-FP
Bicycle traffic
on Pacifica
1st reading of
Ord. 1560
Order of Business.
Council meetings
1st reading of
Ord. 1561
2nd reading
Ord. 1559
Ord. 1559
'-sory COIDID.
Redesign of
Rainbow Dr.
MIlÐIZS œ '!HE .JtH!: 3, 1991, RI!DJIAR CITf <DKIL huoJ.'.uG
ZcDe to 0Jpertin0 PR ZCrIe and Prezcning of Site
Identified as 357-10-005 and 357-10-66 £ran CUpertino
PRB-FP ZcDe to 0Jpertin0 Rl-7.5 ZcDei IDœted CI'1 the
9cuth SJde of SteI/eDS Creek Boulevard bebrnn Byrne
AWIIU8 aD1 Scenic Drive (City of CUpertino - 2-Z-9l).·
It WISS JIDIIed by <bmc. SoreÐsen, ~ by th1lV!. Gol"'-'
and peesed unaniDœsly to read ordjyumnoo No. 1559 by title
caly and the City Clerk's reIKÜl1g to amstitute the ...... ...1
r-'li"IJ thereof.
It .. Dcved by Counc. SoreÐsen, ~ by 0011111"'. Go''''-'
aD1 ¡-,sed ,nvm;1R"WJSly to enact Ordinance No. 1559.
28. Ncne.
29. Oral ..~ls by staff ,.~,i...r& - Ncne.
30. ~L regarding advisory amnittee related to bicycle,
hImrIi ClIp, whee1dJair, pedestrian eç--g.
It WISS JIDIIed by <bmc. Golåœn, 8tou.&d=d by 00ImC. ~&
aD1 p-aged ,nvm;lIY"IIlSly to CJKILu>Ie an advisory tTmII;ttee and
directed that the other ~aOI1 a¡;p>ÍDted to the Bicycle
Chftnittee live in a different part of town t:hIII1 Mr.
BumcLL. QJunci1 also requested a list of bike 1_ in
31. ~L en BIÖ),IMcCl~11.... Read traffic.
Gxdcn Fmlid1, 1202 ~11nvq> court, stated there have been
saœ ~_. ·-,ls at the intersectia1 aD1 he ~....øed his
0:/1"""; 1 received the ..'¥"" L.
32. Report en redesi91 of Rainbaii at Saratoga-Smmyvale
Iewnt ErBoy, Primrose Iane, requested that staff natily
his ~ when dIanges are being made. He .....,lcl
have liked to have provided input.
Q)1Œ:.1 Fmlid1 requested that a total of three lanes be
By CXXISeI1SUS, OoImcil urged the keeping of three lanes.
MDIJ'.ŒS or 'DtB .:JŒ8 3, 1991, RI!IGOUIR Cl'l'!' CXXK'IL _....uG
{,-.. llr ~
34. n........ S7.oJ.o - I~a1.atiV8 RIIriøf n-o-Ittt'"" - n..-11
UDIIIÜ.DJU8ly . »< ŒI sa 63 (1'c.IW) ngmIiDg open ~.
At U:40 p.m., the meeting.. ady.....-I.
Legislative Revie,