CC 06-17-91 , . . Cl'l'f œ aJPI!RI'DD, STAm (11' CAI.IFœNIA 10300 ".1.'-- AVJaJB, '-U&T.oIU".üÐ, C'A 95014 'l'BœPIDœ: (408) 252-4505 MIImBS œ 'lBB RI!DJIÆ H!'.B'1'IlI; r. 'lBB Cl'l'f CDH:IL, HEW (If JtIB 17, 1991, CXJKIL aw ...., Cl'l'f 1mU., 10300 '.I.UQQ5 AVBNUB, ~.uD, CALDtRIIA 00-815 SiW7.Œ '10 'lHE FLIIG '!be meeting .. called to ordæ by Ma}'ar Pro ~.. at 6:45 p.m. RŒL CALL 0:Iunc. Pres~jL: Golàœn, Royc...., Sorensen, Ma}'ar Pro ~e szabo Qxmc. Jlbs_!L: Ma}'ar ~ Staff Pl!SBnt: City MIInagBr Brown City Clerk ~1i",. Director of pnh1i,. tb:'ks vislccvicb Director of rnm.m;ty DevAl·1._·-.L 0:MBn Assistant to the City )(10""':1"1'" Brown Di:rectar of Parks and Recr&cticn DclfliDg PUblic Infcmœti.cn Officer Krey AccxJuntant .h..1._~ City Attorney ¡ri 1 i 1m Fœ'lRHH2fl'S It .. IIDII'ed by n-o....., Sorensen, "" .........., by n-o...... ~. and pegged \1Nmi......J81y (4-0) to CXJDtimJe ItaD No. 34 to the meeting of anc;pm 5, antiDgent qx:n the awl i........ p'i~ing the city far the cost of re-DOt.ifying the ¡ù)lic. CBRI!HlUAL MM'lERS - PRBSI!NIMIæ8 Recoc.JU.tiCI'1 of no.a.,.,... Athletics Girls' sc,.. w: TeIIm. Mayor Pro 'lb.~.L" "I>7",hn presented the terJm and """'.-nee with procJ.amst:ioos . -1- " . Jul!y_.. Park batting cage . Consent Calendar . MINUlES œ '1BE.JUNE 17, 1991, RI!GJLAR CITY CXXH:IL !'II!oI!a:.uG (œ-815) œAL CXIIIJNICATICHI John Shielrn., 7548 De La Farge Drive, CUpertino, caih.....øed CbI....i 1 regarding the batting œge at Jolly¡œn Park. Be stated that be is lepresenting the ai9mtorieø of the petiti.cn qp»ing the œge. He requested that I'n....il either take it dawn, l'8ID\Ie it, or relocate it. Director of Parks and Recreatic:n IkJwling aaid that the park had had a 1mg review period of ClJ:¥Lwri-taly three years. ~t was finally çraved is what is being å:IIe. '1his.. not the orjgi....l plan. '1here has been an atteøpt to soften the effect of the batting œge with landscaping. City M!Inager Brown pointed out that any recanfigurati.cn is a funding questiœ. By <XIISE!I1SUS, I'n....i 1 directed that this matter be brouI;þt to the Parks aD1 Recreatic:n I"'rnm; -iœ at their meeting of July 11 and be pl~ em the I'nm"'; 1 agenda far July 15. Staff was directed to provide ootioe to the pmlic and petitiœers regarding this. CXHD!Nl' c::AIENDi\R Came. Rt..yere raJDIÆd Itaœ 14 aD1 24. It was 1IDII81 by ~)I1l'. RI.JycL.., Be.' ".-lAd by COliD('. Golàœn and I?"aøed nTUmi1MlJSly (4-0) to IID\Ie <XX18ideratiœ of Item lb. 14 to the ern of the agenda. It was 1IDII81 by Counc. Golàœn, ..........:It.d by I'nmt", RI.JycL.. and p8Søed 'mAn;1MIJSly (4-0) to CIJ:¥L.ne the hAll1nn'! of the """"a-rt; calendar as sutmitted. '1here was a IILUICOJL of silence to .. .,..~.. .. ð:le the yeung DIID We .. fatally injured in the bi~e Arr;ñRnt em IbnesteBd Rœd. 1. Reøolutica lb. 8403: "A Reøolutica of the City I'nnvoil of the City of CUpertino Allawing Certain C'1A;nm and DImmds Payðble in the AnDunts aD1 FIan the FI.1rDI as Hereinafter Desc::ribed for Salaries and W8ges for the Payroll Period EOOi.ng .June 4, 1991." 2. Reøolutica lb. 8404: "A Reøolutica of the City CD.mcil of the City of CUpertino Allowing Certain ClIÙJœ and Demands Payable in the AnDunts and FIan the FI.1rDI as Hereinafter Described for General and Miscellaneous Expenditures for the Period Ending May 31, 1991.' -2- MINI.1ŒS CF 'mE JUNE 17, 1991, RIGJLAR CITY CXIH:IL l'ZI!i.l.'.uG (œ-815) 3. Resolutioo No. 8405: -A Resolutial of the City COUncil of the City of Q¡pert.ino Granting a ~a.r:y Qmstructiœ II'....--rt; to Santa Clara 0Junty Traffic Authority and 1Iut:ØJriziJx] Exea1tiœ of R.ic It-«-W5y Q:ut:ract, RDute 85.- 4. Awlicatial ASH:. 51,760.3 - Edwin J. Myers Associates - Request far review aD1 a¡p:oval to """oJ; Ty an existing st.u....ãu..L at the CrœsrOIIds Shq¡ping Center. 'Ihe site is located at the southwest comer of Stevens creek Boulevæ:à and De1'....." Boulevard. Rev..uIICl1ded far a¡p:oval. 5. Approval of Cable Televisioo JIdvisory cœmittee miner grant awards. 6. Request for waiver of aolicitora' feea for AmIIteur Sports Training Center. 7. Acceptðnœ of equipœnt à:nated by A¡:ple 0:IIpIter, Inc. to City of CUpertino. 8. SImm:ms an croes~lII;'1't¡ Matthew William Minjoe and Bill Minjoe, croeS-<XIIplainant. Receive. 9. SI.mIaIs and petitioo far Pl.~ Writ of Mandate and Injunctive ReH"'¡:¡ tW'.....Mnt - City Council, et al. and Wanda J. Barnes, et al., plaintiff - E. Stephan Haze, et al. Receive. 10. Resolutial No. 8406: -A Resolutial of the City ~m,.i1 of the City of CUpertino Approval Fù1al Plan far the InprcMment of Fra1tage Ioœted 22561 Pqpy Drive, Deve1.qJer, 'lbny tœg and Cathy Tsang, Authorizing the City !'ngi.neer to SÏ91 the Final Plan¡ and Authorizing EIæcuti.cn of ~~.~.L in CcImect:.ioo 'D1erewith.- 11. Resolution No. 8407: -A Resolutial of the City Council of the City of CUpertino Acœpting ().dtc1...;m Deed and Authori.zatiœ for t1ndt:..y¡.uUIXI Water Rights £ran 'lbny S. ~ and Diana~, Jf1,AhR!'¥1 and Wife, as Qmnmity Pl.<¥="Lj', As 'lb An UDdivi.ded 50\ Interest, and David Tsang and Cathy Tsang, Husbarxi and Wife, as Qmnmity Pl.<¥="Lj', As 'lb An UDdivi.ded 50\ Interest.- 12. Acœpt:ance of City projects performed under oontract. a. Annual Sidewalk Grinding, Project 91-106 (P & F Construction ) -3- MDUŒS CP 'ŒK;JUNE 17, 1991, RI!DJ11IR CITY CXDI:IL -....ruC (CC-815) b. Jflmdiœp Ranp, Project 91-9401 (ADtJo Fngineering) (No doanentatia1 necessary.) 13. AooepI"..anœ of mmicipal jnpmwments: a. Dar En Shu, Clarkst:a1 Avenue b. B1mar Buxtcn, 11234 Bul:b Read (No doanentatia1 necessary.) 14. R8IDIIed fzan the Ccr1sent calElJdar. 15. Reøolutiœ No. 8409: ·A Reøolutiœ of the City Co:1lY'j 1 of the city of CUpertim Authorizing 1!:xecutia1 of eoq¡." cd.ive ~...:aucuL Bet\Jeen the City of QJpertino am the City of sunnyvale Providing for the cœstructiœ of Traffic Ckntrol Signal SystEm and Sefety Licj1ting at :.:ntersecticn of Haœst:eI:Id Read and Blue Jay Drive.· 16. Request far s¡--iAl "K"""l""iati.a1 of $42,000 fzan Geœral Fund to retain Envi.rŒImental a:msu1.tant and gre¡:àics/editing !llJßX>rL for the Geœral Plan. 17. Request of the CUpertim ~ of 0.......,08 far use of Torre Avenue bet,¡een RcdrigJes Avenue and St:eIÆÐS creek Bculevmù, ...lnng with the 2.4 acre paved tri""91e area adjaoeot to the east side of Torre Avenue far parkiDg åJring the .eo.mtry Festival· event en August 9-11, 1991. 18. H:rrt:hly Activity Report, May, 1991. 19. Iblthly 'l'J:eBsurer's Report and ~"7t qœte, May, 1991. 20. Minutes of the adjoumed r""g"1...r meeting of May 28, 1991. 21. Minuteø of the adjoumed ~,1Ar meeting of May 29, 1991. 22. Minutes of the P9',lAr meeting of June 3, 1991. 23. Blarl<l-ny Fimn statanent. Receive. 24. R8IDIIed fzan the Ccr1sent CalElJdar. -4- MIN\JmS œ 'mE JUNE 11, 1991, RmJIn CITY CD.JOCIL MŒrI}(; (œ-815) I'ß!HS RI!HJ\1ED PR:N ~ CAIDII)AR 24. Resolutial No. 8410: "A Resolutial of the City council of the City of 0Jpertin0 Acœpt.ing Grant of Easement for ~ PuIp::ses Fran Foathill-DeAnza Camlmity o:>llege District Ca1Bisting of Çraximately 0.038 Acres, M:xe or Iæs, IDeated at the North Side of McClellan Road at Rœe Bl088CIU Drive." It was nDWd by ccunc. ~s, EIct.AA)ded by Counc. Golàœn arxi I"'ased unanim:lusly (4-0) to ackJpt the resolution. PUBLIC HI!'.ARI!C9 25. NaIe. PIANNDC APPLICATICIIS 26. ç1iœtia1 23-U-90 arxi 3-'lM-91 - Lanànark Devel<¥""'tL (IarIy Guy) - Use PeImit to cxmstruct an 8-unit semi-det8d1ed tawnhane delleh.pllCltL as Phase II of an adjacent 36-unit tawnhane develcpnent. Tentative M!Ip to divide an existing parcel into 8 residential lots ranging in size fran 1,950 sq. ft. to 3,930 sq. ft. with ate additional lot to be held in .......-... ownership. 'DIe 1&~ is located an the north side of PA;n........ Drive, 500 ft. east of Gardensi.de Lane. Envirtnœntal Detetminat.ia1: 'DIe Planning O::mnÍBsia1 ~.....~.d.. the granting of a Negative eeclaratÏ.a1. Rt:. . ....~ .oWI far aau-wal with cx:oditioos. Following J:&_sentatiCl'1 of the staff report, IarIy Guy, 20432 Sil"-.caL Avenue, SUite 8, CUpertino, answered questia1s of council. It was nDWd by ccunc. a...p..a, EIct.AA..:b.l by ccunc. Golàœn arxi pa9sed unanj~ly (4-0) to grant a Negative eeclaratÏ.a1. It was nDWd by ccunc. Rogers, s.::u..oded by ccunc. Sorensen arxi I"'age(i urvmh.....JBly (4-0) to aau-u>le the awlicatian per Planning Q:mnissia1 Resolution No. 4343 am 4344. ARCII'IælURAL AND SI'Œ APPRrJIlAL CXJKTIEE APPLICATICIIS 27. NaIe. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 28. NMe. -5- App. 23-U-90 & 3-TM-91 Neg. Dec. granted e Tripartite agreement Quinlan Ctr. facility use policy . . KDI1ŒS œ '!HE JtR 17, 1991, RPnJLAR CITY CXJH:IL !I!:E'l'IlC (CC-815) NBIf BVSINESS 29. ApproInù of Cable ðI1d 1"""':fL...éI. cad!t~t.s of ðyl.e<:IICO~L with united Artist DeAnza COllege regarding public aoceøs (a) Resolutial No. 8411: "A Resolutial of the City COUncil of the City of CUpertiø> A¡:proVing Jlwr:aducut.s to the Tripartite J\o,j¡.~L with united Art: at Cable aD1 DeAnza COllege and Authorizing Executia1 'lbereof." It .. IIDIIed by COUnc. sorensen, s..........Jt,.J by COUnc. Ra.JgerB aD1 paased unaniDrJusly (4-0) to eŒJpt Resolutial No. 8411- 30. po>. ......etmt.i.œ regarding changes to fð"i 1ity use policy at O'i"1Io" I'hmIomity Center. It was JIDIIed by COUnc. sorensen, ~a.Ied by COI;Dc. ~B and p119'ged '1Nm;~ly (4-0) to "W"u>Ie a U uart:h lelld t.iJœ for reservatia1s for Groups II, III, and IV weelœn:l functia18 . It was JIDIIed by COUnc. &.gers and &eo. . .-IM by Ccunc. sorensen to GK""uv'e staff reo· ....~.datia1s a:xrt:ingent upcn these groups paying DDre than City groups and staff a:raing back with r... ....,~. \oil fees. 'n1e JIDtiœ aD1 9"" ...d were withdrawn. rno"."... Q)1ttnAn JIDIIed to reject the staff 1:... ..,.,-œticn and require rno1TV'rl 1 "W"uv'IÙ. by except:icn ally with a hiT-" fee i£ the ""'. "'i. ;ty1 is granted. '.&be JIDtiœ died for lack of _..,iI. Following discussi.œ, it was IIDIIeCl by COUnc. SareI18en, ~ided by rno...... lb,pLe and passed IJIIaIÜJ1D1Sly (4-0) to ðå:i Group V classifiœti.œ for ncn-cupertino majority groups with the auiiticn that the J.ca~ible perty (a¡:plÍJ"lmt) JII1St be a resitiRnt; of CUpertiø> and fees dIarged JII1St be !W Ier than organizatioos with a majority of 0Jpertim J.'f"8ident ,,-,i-.e. COUncil directed that Parks and Rec:reIIti.œ t'rMft; -ial po ......'hi the ncn-resident fee. COUnc. SareI18en JIDIIed for staff I'b.utuocaJdaticn an Item No. 3. 1obt.i.œ died far lack of ~. -6- MnIJŒS œ M JUNE 1'1, 1991, RmJIAR ClTt <IDCL 1ar1lC (CC-815) It .. DDVed by Colmc. ~D, s..u.....Jt.d by Ocunc. Golàœn aD1 1',,; led with Ocunc. Sorensen and ~ P!:o- ~.. Szabo dissenting, to allow no <A.U..II!I1:da1 uses at the ChmI1rÚ.ty Center. Qxu¡i.deratia1 of this item will be brought b8ck to 0Junc:il on July 1 when all QxJr1d lr.~,~ .eu are 1& a_IL. Staff was directed to get CX'IIpIIr&tive 1'lI-.l"oe..á for charges at CXIIpaI"ðble facilities. 31. Ordinance prohibiting parking œ Blue Jay Drive, both sides, bet.reen Hc:mest:ead Rœd aD1 ± 900 ft. BOUth to Northurst Drive. (a) First reading of 0rdinæIce No. 1562: "An Ordinance of the City 0Junc:il of the City of CUpertilx> Amending C1apter 11.24.150 of the CUpertilx> !bùcipal COde, Relating to Establishment of Parking Probibitiœ Aloog Certain streets, CI'1 Blue Jay Drive ± 900 Feet South to Northurst Drive." It was DDVed by Counc. Sorensen, seoo.&:Jt:d by Counc. Rogers and pBSsed unaninnlsly (4-0) to read Ordinance No. 1562 by title only and the City Clerk's reading to oonstitute the first reading thereof. 32. Report on bid q¡ening and award of OXltract, 300 RW yo:a.....ator set, Project 91-117. It was DDVed by (bmc. ~D, ee-...iAti by Ocunc. Sorensen and paesed un&"'.imJusly (4-0) to amtinue cxnsideratiœ of this matter to the meeting of July 1. WRITmN CXHIJNIC'ATIcm 33. Nœe. œc:nwas 34. s.........J reading and eœctment of Ordinance No. 1554: "An Ordinance of the City rn1l'V"n of the City of 0JpertiJx> Amending Sect.iœ 1 of Qrrii......nA No. 2 by Reza1ing Awroximately .41 Gross Acre £ran R3 ZaJe to P (Res) ZaJe¡ Ioœt:ed at 7359 ¡lIOin}yw Drive (Judy CJen - S-Z-90). " (Previously oontinued to the meeting of August 5.) 35. Secxxx:I reading and eœctment of Ordinance No. 1560: "An Ordinance of the City rn1l'V"i 1 of the City of CUpertino Amending 01apter 11.08.160 of the CUpertino !bùcipa1 Code Relating tc Bicycle Riding on Pedestrian Path." -7- Parking on Blue Jay Drive 1st reading of Ord. 1562 .~---..---_..--~---~-.---.------~-~-~-----------.--..'--_._--------_._._------_.._--_._~-~-,----- e 2nd reading Ord. 1560 Ord, 1560 enacted 2nd reading Ord. 1561 Orc!, 1561 enacted . Permit park- ing, Orange Tree, Cedar Tree, Merritt . MINt1ŒS œ 'mE.JUNE 17, 1991, RI!GJIAR. ClT! CXJH:IL ......:.:.uC (0::-815) It was J'IDIIed by QJunc. SOrensen, &eCu.Jtod by Counc. Q)1ttnom and paased 'YI'1IOIni1lnJSly (4-0) to read 0t'dinLmœ No. 1560 by title ooly and the City Clerk's reeding to cxmstitute the seoond zo-iing thereof. It was J'IDIIed by QJunc. SOrensen, seca.Jtod by Counc. lb,pL. and paased unanimously (4-0) to eœct 0t'dinLmœ No. 1560. 36. Sea:n1 reeding and enactment of 0t'dinLmœ No. 1561: "An Or:din!mœ of the City Cbmcil of the City of CUpertino RslTising Sect:.i.cn 2.08.090 A, Q[der of Business, of the CUpertino !<tmicipal Q)de." It was J'IDIIed by Counc. Sorensen, seoo..Jtod by QJunc. Rogeu and paased urumi.....JSly (4-0) to read 0t'dinLmœ No. 1561 by title ooly aD1 the City Clerk's reeding to CXX1Stitute the seaX1d reeding thereof. It was J'IDIIed by QJunc. Sorensen, &eCu.Jtod by Cbunc. Q)!dœn and paased unanimously (4-0) to eœct Ordinance No. 1561. At this tine, HIlyer Pro 'I\::u~..c ~Am stated that Item No. 14 '4IiClÙ.d be heard. I'DHI RIiHJIIED FIOf 'mE ŒNSENl' CAU!lmAR 14. Resoluti.cn No. 8408: "A Resoluti.cn of the City Chm";1 of the City of CUpertino Designating Cedar Tree Lane, Cedar Tree ChIrt, Arxi FOrtia:Is of Ch.au.F Tree Lane and Merritt Drive As PeImit Parking zœes." Director of Public W':>rks ViskDvich reviewed the request with CDmcil. Director of C'hnnmity Develq.,~'L COWan reviewed the use pemit hearings that oca:a:red "W'-' ,. ;~.ely two years 8q). Mary Shennan, 10595 Orange Tree Lane, ~_.a_.Led Ch""'; 1 with a flyer and stated that the church has brolœn its prnni -es. '!here are creeping prà>lems. 'DIe aoluti.a1s provided during the use pemit hearings st:. u...d after about 6 J1D1ths. She stated that the ....i g.h..Iixxx! n: e:ia ~,.".;" s help. 'J!1is is not a churdl/ro>J;g;nus issue, Wt a noiee and parking prà>lan. A waœn residing 00 Orange Tree Lane stated that cars are blocking the residents' driveways. -8- MDI1ŒS CF 'mE JUNE 17, 1991, RI!rnlAR CITY crncn. MI!'.ETDC (CC-815) A gent1E111!m residing on Orange Tree lane stated that on SUnday nmning he played t:em1i.s æx1 œme back to his house at 8:30 a.m. '!be street was getting full £ran cars of people going to churdl. Upon speaking to saœ of these people, he fourxi they knew nothing about the dn1rd1' s cx:mnit:ment regarding mi.tigat.iœ. '!here was a potentially violent situation, so called a Sheriff's dep1ty. He requested that Council re-visit the use pe¡:mit æx1 rescin:1 aId revoke it. He stated it is also difficult to Jœlœ a left turn onto Blaney SUnday nmnings because of restricted vision £ran cars parking. Kathy Wade, Cedar Tree Iane, said there is a lot of traffic going to the church æx1 fuœs £ran the cars. '!here are ncre people at churdl every ..-k¡ the ooise level is horrible. She requested council's help. Tracy EllfM>rth, 19961 Merritt Drive, f!ðid there are 150 pðrlting spaces at the c:hurd1 aId they need 250. He stated he had given pictures to Hr. Cawan when the issue was at the Planning Catmission. 'lhese pictures were I"'ased to council for review. Hr. Ellsworth stated he agreed with the others. '1bings have 絡e beyond oontrol. He is not against the church. 'I!Iey used their parking lot to hi,; ld their SUncIay scOOol¡ ncN, there is not eoough parldng. 'I!Iey need a bigger parking lot. Marilyn Spiller, 10572 Cedar Lane CDurt, stated there are many cars fran the c:hurd1 æx1 when people are late, they jockey for parking spaces. She urged Council to treat this issue à>jectively. William Wade, 20085 Cedar Tree Lane, said it is hard to IIIIIke a right turn £ran Blaney onto Cedar Tree. A rear-ending is inevitable. 'Ihe turning lane œnnat be used. He "-'OOld like to be able to park in frœt of his house, b1t cannot heœ11æ of c:hurd1 parking. He stated the ooise is also I.IIIbe!Irable because of activity at 5:00 æx1 6:00 a.m. œ Saturdays aId then again at night. 'Ihelma Mx>re, 10575 Cedar Tree CDurt, stated that people £ran the c:hurd1 are pðrlting in a bike lane œ Blaney. 'Jhis is very inronsiderate. She requested Council's help. Phil Plyrœle, Peninsula Bible C1urch and resident at 10951 Linda Vista Drive, stated that he <Des recognize that there is a prcblan æx1 he is CXI1CetDed. '!be churdl has aàJpted ~uy.La"D to deal with these prcblerœ. '!be scOOol district discxmtinued the churdl's use pe¡:mit for use of Portal Sclxx>l parking lot last SeptentJer and would awreciate any help the City rould give them to get it back. In regard to -9- . MINUlES CF 'mE JUNE 17, 1991, RIGJIAR CITY CXXH:IL ~.1'.uG (CC-815) siq18 that were placed aloog the streets stating, -No Peninsula Bible ctmrd1 Parking", last fall, a neighbor CI'1 Merritt oœp1ained and Q)de Enfœ:œmenL J:'EIIDVed the si9w as they did oot CDlp1y with the sign ordinance. 'ß1e du.1rd1 does try to raniDd people oot to park in certain areas and IIII.IpS are aVA; 1 able where parking is pennitted. 'ß1e du.1rd1 has maintained an c:yC<3UCIlL with Jensen Onporatial far use of their lot and does provide a ahuttle serviœ £ran there. In the last 1ID1th, the school district did r-o;"v! them that the school lot is a public parking lot; they just œrmot give a pel}1aIk:..L pennit for ita use. 'ß1e du.1rd1 ~ like to reinstitute use of the lot and s1nIttle service; however, the school district has oot ~.,..sed 8UßX1tL for the shuttle service. In SepteIiJer, the du.1rd1 started a third service which is held CI'1 saturday niçþt. '!his has had no .:h.aou:a:tic effect an SUnday attendance. '.DIe c:hurc:h does oot cwose the restricted parking the nei.ghborhood is requesting. '!he church does WI!II1t to be a c;µxI neighbor. Mr. Plymale stated he would like to meet with the traffic engineer and reinstitute the t-~'l' OJ. ð1:Y si918. '!he c:hurc:h is oow aàninistered £ran a local offiœ which is staffed H::cIday through Friday £ran 9: 00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. In regard to the saturday nmni.ng noise, Mr. Plymale said this was easily preventable. In regrm:l to noist, during services, he will cp back to the du.1rd1 and mention this. Director of Public \b:iœ ViskalTich suggested perb8ps advisory signs CI'1 existing electroliers. 'Ihese siq1s ......1Ii oot be enforceable. . Res, 8408 adopted Following Council ñiRnJSsi.on, it was IIDIIed. by Ch...... Golànan, seoondeal by Q)unc. Sorensen and I"'''sed u,rumi1lrlllSly (4-0) to adept Resolution No. 8408, providing for I""""'"t parking zcœs. It was IIDIIed. by Q)unc. Golànan, 8<::u..u.lt:ù by Q)unc. ~. and passed unaIÙJJDUsly (4-0) to request the du.1rd1 to reiIIi::Iurse the City far the rost of the signs and to actively pursue overflow parking rmedi.es. 'ß1e City Manger stated that he would rontact the school district regarding the shuttle bebJeen the school parking lot 8Dd the church. . staff will meet with t<¥,,_sentatives fran the residential area. -10- Hn«11ES Œ 'lJŒ JUNE 17, 1991, RfWIÆ CITY CXUQL l'ZCil-.u«; (CC-81S) ~1Yl'Iœs 37. Nooe. S'mPF 1<ISt'UCJ:S 38. Oral ..<¥""Ls by staff n.:::IILc..s. CDJtCIL 1Q!i/:'\.K1':) 40. Coone. SzaOO - Mayor Pro Tc..~.. Szabo requested that a substitute to the Policy J\dvisary Boæ:d for the Traffic Authority be placed on the next agenda. legislative Review Qmni.ttee - It was IIDYed by Coone. SzaOO, tIA ...iAj by Coone. GolånBn 81X1 plUlsed UIlðIÚJlDUBly (4-0) to ~ AB 54 (Fri-,-,,), trees-protectia aD1 planting; 81X1 AB 1905 (Frazee), subdivisial IIIBp act¡ 81X1 request an IIIIIelIàœnt to AB 72 (Cbrtese), resoorœs bond, local grants <XIIpŒlE![1t. ~ 'IN-'3: 9: 31>-9: 37 P.M. Q:Juncil went into clooed sessial regarding matters of peIXÜng litigatian (GOI"::::LIJ&UCUL Code Sect.ia1 54956.9(a) ~ v. City of 0Ipertir0¡ signifiamt exposure to lit.igat.icn (~""CI~L Code Sectiœ 54956.9(b) (1) - Traffic Authority¡ n.&n'7.A Boulevard widening CM!I" 1-280; aD1 labor negot.iatia1s (GcM:::u....ul. Code Sectiœ 549S7. 6) . At 10:50 p.m., Q:Juncil reoonveœd in o-m-. Counc. 1'>. s ~l.: Golåœm, a..yer19, Sorensen, Mayor Pro ~e. Szabo COUnc. J!be~L: Mayor Kq:pe 1 Staff 1'>. _S_.iL: City ~ Brcwn City Clerk Cornelius City Attorney Kilian It was IIDYed by COUnc. Ruy.::::...., s.:.u....a.bl by Ccunc. Sarensen and passed n"'m;~ly (4-0) to direct staff to neIptiate settlement in the matter of Gannett v. City of 0Ipertir0. It was IIDYed by Ccunc. RcgeJ:s, s.:.u....a.bl by Counc. Sorensen 81X1 passed UIIðlÚJ1DU8ly (4-0) to direct staff to necptiate as per Mr. viskDvich's report (Traffic Authority; DeAnza Boulevard widening over 1-280). -11- --.-- Legis la t i ve Review Committet Closed Session --~~-----_.,.~-~-_._-_._._-------,_._---~-~--- \ I MDI7lBS œ 'œB JtIB 17, 1991, RID][M Cl'l'!' aDCIL.-r.uG (~15) It W8 ~""'IJ~' a...,,-D, _.._1M by Oo",rvo, 9cDœeI1 aDd pe'" Y (4-0) to direct: staff to 1&"'i""Lð the ........_...... to ......HIIh ~ aDd ~it:s purINIIDt to direct:iœ giWiD In Cl. ì!tt u!e""". At 10:55 p.m., n-._i1 adjr-1n1M. Ci -12-