CC 07-15-91
10300 ".lUC1œ AVEKJE, C1JPFRl'I!Ð, C'A 95014
'ŒU!:E'IDŒ: (408) 252-4505
MIl«1ŒS CF 'DÐ!: RIGJLAR 1ZI!ò:L".uC (11' 'DÐ!: crrr cnø:n,
HEID œ JULY 15, 1991, cnø:n, am-., crrr HALL,
10300 '.lUC1œ AVI!2IJE,'!5KJ.".uÐ, CAI.IFœNIA
SIW1lE '10 'DÐ!: FIJ!G
'!be meeting was called to .....dt:.. by ~ lfqpù at 6:45
Counc. Fres_JL:
Golåœn, Rcg&...., Sorensen, ~Ahn, Kayar Keppel
Staff Pres~iL:
City Manager Brown
Deputy City Clerk 1t>lfe
Assistant to the City ~ Brcwn
Diœct:or of Public 1t>...b viskrNich
DiIector of Fi.n!mœ ~
DiIector of Catmmity Del¡pl·i,,-.L CDwmI.
Diœct:or of Parks and Recreatico IkJwling
.Public InfOIIllatiœ Officer Krey
City Attorney Kilian
~ - It was JIDIIed by o,,1rV", Golåœn, ........1wI by
o,,1rV". Sorensen and pasaed '1Nm;~ly to cxmtimJe Item 28
to the meeting of August 19.
Presentat:.i.a1 by will KaIpta1, ~ve Diœct:or of SBnta
Clara 0Junty Traffic Authority, sœm Draft strategi.c; Plan.
Mr. KsIpt:a1 said revenues are cbin¡ there is a $76.6
mn H.... slxJrtfall. '!be Authority is txyinq to get DDJ:e
state revenues am grants, as 1IIIEÙ.l as fedetal dollars.
~l cpIIcI.l_iLs too are "";''9 GK"'" ~, esp&"';Ally
thœe who own rights of way. Other cptiœs will have to be
c:xmsiœ.....I - lower oost rrr;fWKI for øaae 1I1Crk: (e.g., 280
and 85 interchange), ar the possibly of DO ~ at
this time. '!be Authority t-.h;nb the state .....,1ti a:me Al<'4'1'J
under STIP in a sOOrt time and do the wrk. ~icj1t
defenoc.iL of the project wrk is another qtia1. Mr .
Kenpt:m said that the met painful i"t'6'<'t that will save
IIaIeY is slowing dawn project wrk. At this time they
can't afford the luxury of ~lerating ocnstructicn. A
1<HraJth delay would mean <XIIplet:.ia1 in 0ctd:Jer, 1994.
Strategic Plar
. .
high school
Items removed;
Consent Calen-
dar approved
MD«1mS œ '!HE RmJLAR CITf CDKIL ..........uG œ JULY 15,
1991 (OC-817)
'ltIwn meetiDgB are being held; œe is sri-in' ed in H::Iuntain
View t....uuuw niqIt at 7:00 p.m.
ProclslBticms hœoring outstandiog húj1 adJcol students.
Mayor ~] i'L-.!I ILed procl.sIBtiaI8 to Ravi
(HaœsteIId) , 'l'ae steve Kim (a:prtim) and Brie Ding (H:mta
vista) aD1 ~ them CI'1 their outstanding
ad1ieIÆments .
< Rùyœ... I"E!IIDVed IteDB 13, 14, 17 and 18 £ran the
QJr1sent calendar. It.. JIDIIed by < Sar&Jsen,
r-......:bJ by 0:Iunc. Golåœn and )?'"Gged UDII1ÙJ\DUSly to
approved the balanœ of the rn.~·L calen:lar as sutmitted.
1. ~-t far...u.ver of business 1iœIJse fee: a)!t
9<v"iøt:;y, Santa Clara County 0I8pter; b) 0IUrå1 of
Soldiers of the Cross of of the state of
("...1 ii'nrnia.
2. !b1thly.Act:i.vity ~L, .J'Ime, 1991.
3.!b1thly 'h'e!IsUrer's ~L and SI'"';JPt ~,.J'Ime,
4. Resolution 1'). 8435: "A Resolution of the City ():)tmMl
of the City of 01pertin0 AlloIfing certain C1"i""" and
1).,..., "ill PayBble in the JIBDmts aD1 Fran the P\mds as
Hereinafter Desc:ribed far and Mi£tn> 11---.18
~1ditures far the Period RnrI;ng .J'Ime 28, 1991."
5. Resolution 1'). 8436: "A Reso1,....i..... of the City ():)ttnMl
of the City of 01pertin0 Allowing certain ('1";"",, and
p.o....., .. Payable in the JIBDmts and Fran the P\mds as
Hereinafter Desc:ribed far Sa1aries and Wages far the
Payroll Period Fnding JuDe 26, 1991."
6. Resolution 1'). 8437: "A Resolution of the City ():)ttnM 1
of the city of 01pertin0 Allowing certain {"l";"",, and
Dt:wœ.Ja. Payable in the JIBDmts aD1 Fran the P\mds as
Hereinafter Desc:ribed far Sa1aries and Wages far the
Payroll Period Fnding .J'I.l1y 2, 1991."
Mn«7mS œ 'DIE RI!J3UIAR CITY ancn. MBE'l'IlG œ .JULY 15,
1991 (Œ-817)
7. Re!IOluticn No. 8438: "A Resoluticn of the City QJIuncil
of the City of CUpertiD:> ~ Final Plan for the
Dy,uv6.."..L of FrŒItage I~ at 10360 Rnooni('
Bcu1evard, DevelqIer, Terry Brcwn, Authorizing the City
RngJ- to Si.c;J1 the Final Plan; and AutOOrlzing
ExIecut:ia1 of Jlyu:oa"ClíL in a:mnectial 'lber:ewith."
8. Re8Oluti<n No. 84.19: "A Re80lutiat of the City (bmt"i1
of the City of ~ J\cœ Gr8nt of -""·-.L
for ~ PUl:PCSeB Fran Carl Brown and M8rtha Kanter
Qmsisting of A¡:proxÏJII!Itely .023 Acres, I.oœted RnooniC
BoulEMlrd. "
9. Re80lutiat No. 8440: "A Resoluti.œ of the City Coovri1
of the City of CUpertiD:> J\cœ ()litcWm Deed aD1
Authorization far undt:a.y¡.uUnd Water Ric1t:s Fran Carl
Brown and M8rtha Kanter, scenic BoulEMlrd."
10. Re8Oluti<n No. 8441: "A Resoluti.œ of the City (bmril
of the City of CUpertiD:> ~ Qmtract 0Iange
Otder No. 3 for Jollyman P8rlt IhI""UV<::UO::OíL, Project
91-9101. "
11. Resoluti<n No. 8442: "A Resoluti.œ of the City 0Juncl1
of the City of CUpertiD:> JWroVing Qmtract 0Iange
Otder It). 2 for Traffic Sio;J"'l Installaticn, Butò
Road/RSSUlts Way, Project 91-101."
12. Reøolutiat No. 8443: "A Reøoluti.œ of the City 0Juncl1
of the City of CUpertino JWroVing Qmtract ~
OLdt.,. It). 1 for 'l'rBffic SÏ9Jal Installaticn, North
'l'antm1 Avenue '.nmdem 0:IIpJter Driveways, Project
91-110. "
13. RieaI:MId fIcn n-...~ CalEiOOar.
14. RieaI:MId £ran Qmsent CalEiOOar.
15. Ç1i.c:aticn 10-JlSAC-91 - Syva <mporati.œ - Request far
review aD1 <>f:¥LuV8l to aà:i roof screerúng co lID
existing li91t ïmustrial },o,i1tiing located CI'1 the south
aide of MBriani. Avenue. Ra::u...,.,~.iM for ~u.nù..
16. A¡ 51,669.2 Restaurant Enteqrises
(B8xt:er's) - Request far review and ~ to dvmge
the },o,i ltii~ and awrWç rovers far an existing
restaurant located at 19624 st.evens Creek Boulevard,
'lbe Ma...kc4>laœ Plaza. Rt::..u...,.e:.AJt,d far ëgJIOVal.
Hn«7IES œ '!HE RmJIAR CITY a:mcn. HI':E'l'n«; œ .JULY 15,
1991 (CC-817)
17. RBIDYed iran Qmsent calesùlr.
18. R8nJI/ed iran Qmsent calesùlr.
19. Request iran Q1!IItJer of i".···,.etœ for a¡:proval of City
a>-spcnsorship for œmidate forum to be held at
()1inlan a:mrunity Center.
20. Resolution No. 8455: "A Resolution of the City COOVV'il
of the City of CUpertino l\à::Jpting Injury and 111.......9
Preuent.icn Pì.uy&.ClUle·
Y2t§ Mt:u¡ -. to of the City (hmr.; 1
AYES: Golåœn, Roger8, Sorensen, Szabo, Mayor Kqpel
l«ES: Nooe
ABSI!Nl': Nooe
13. Resolution No. 8444: "A Resolution of the City Council
of the City of CUpertino ~ Rescin:ling
Resolution No. 8425 and ~ IDt Line Adju..lüc:uL
BebÆen 'l\ID Pðrœ1s of rand Witinlt a P8rœl MIiIp in
AI::COIdImœ with 66412(d) of SUbdivisi.a1 MIiIp Act
as Amended J"l"''''''Y 1, 1984, SteveI1s Canya1 RœId JUst
Nort:herly of santa T",.;.. RoBd."
Res. 8444
It .. JIDIIed by Q)unc. ~8, """-UI&b.l by Q)unc. sorensen
and p-alled urIðIÙJIDUSly to aåJpt Resolution No. 8444.
14. Docnn-.;t8 providing for the a¡:proval of Tract No. 8332,
deI/e1q)er, CUpertino T1n;...... SdIool District;
.installati.c:n of jJ¡p:tMments at Wilsc:n Park by City:
(a) Resolution No. 8445: "A Resolution of the City
Council of the City of CUpertino Authorizing
Executi.a1 of ().J.itc1A;m Deed of PLI.¥=Lÿ to the
CJpertim mú.œ SdIool District, wi1sœ Park Site;
fc.r Pmpo8e of Adjusting Bcu1X1Bries in QJnjuncticn
With the Dellel"l..~.:L of Tract No. 8332 by the
SdIool District."
(b) Resolution No. 8446: "A Resolution of the City
Council of the City of CJpertim Aoœpting
().J.itc1A;" Deed of Pì.I.¥=Lj iran the CJpertim SdIool District, wi1sœ Park Site, far the
Purpose of Adjusting Boondaries in QJnjuncti.a1
with the Devel<¥"'2íL of Tract No. 8332 by the
SdIool District."
1991 (CX:-817)
(c) Resolution No. 8447: "A Resolution of the City
cnmcil of the City of CUpert.j.m Aut:harizing
Exec:ut.ia1 of !q:plemental JlgIe.auc.lL Betwe en the
CUpert.j.m uniœ Sd1col District am the City of
CUpert.j.m Providing for the BcmxIary Adju..I..Ul:lUL of
Tract No. 8332 aD1 wilson Park Site."
(d) Resolution No. 8448: "A Resolution of the City
cnmcil of the city of CUpert.j.m Authorh:ing
Executiœ of 11 "teue" Betueen t.1]e city am Har1y
Gbeno am A. Fred Qø1o, Trustees, Edith E. QJE!DO
Fanily Ttust, Allowing t.'1e City to UH H,... the
Gbeno PA."""",Lj' for 'Ib'tA'la.ty Parking Pu1:lJCBSSi
wilson Sd1col Site."
(e) Resolution No. 8449: "A Resolution of the City
cnmcil of the city of C"..1pEIrtÍIX) Accept:ing Grant
of 1õ'.A---rt; for Roadway Pu1:p. see £ran Har1y Qø10
am A. Fred Q]eno, Trustees, Edith E. Gheno P'8mily
Ttust, &"""",Lj' a.......b.lng South Blaney Avenue,
Rodrigues Avenue, Wil8Œl Park Site, Hall Cburt."
(f) Reaolution No. 8450: "A Resolution of the City
cnmcil of the City of CUpert.j.m AßJroving the
Final Map am Ih"....uv'eI'coiL Plans of Tract No. 8332,
am Authorizing ExecuticIl of ~Uy_.L
Jlyu><1ucl.L, WilAnn Sd1col Site, CUpertiIx> nnitW1
Sd1col District."
(g) Resolution No. 8451: "A Resolution of the City
cnmcil of the City of CUpert.j.m JIuthar;"'ing
Executiœ of "P.;1Ih1rl!eaucuL Agl<><1ucdL" Bet:we en the
CUpert.j.m uniœ Sd1col District, the City, of
CUpert.j.m, am Barry Qø10 aD1 A. Fred ~,
Trustees, Edith E. Qø10 FIIInily Ttust, Providing
for the JlA;.........._lL of FUnds to Apprcprlate
Parties in Qnjunctim with the DeIIeJ., \·'~IL of
Tract No. 8332, aD1 the Installatia1 of
~uV8ilcuLB at the wilson Park Site."
(h) Resolution No. 8452: "A Resolution of the City
Council of the City of CUpert.j.m Author;";ng
Exec:uticn of J\yL~I"",L Betueen the CUpert.j.m mum
Scb:x>l District am the City of 0Jpertim
Providing for the Aàninistration mxI 0Jnst:n1ctia1
of II1proveœnts at the wilson Sd1col Site am the
Wilson Park Site."
1991 (œ-817)
(i) Ræolut.ia1 No. 8453: "A Ræolut.ia1 of the City
Ccuncil of the City of QJpertino Approving Joint
Recording Instructi.oos for wilscm SUbdivisico
Tract No. 8332."
(j) Resolutiœ No. 8454: "A Reso1utim of the City
Ccuncil of the City of QJpertino Approving Joint
Escrow Inst:ructi.oos far Wilscm SUbdivisico.·
Director of Public NJrks ViskDvi.c::h 1&_B_it.ecJ. a ~~t.
Follawing <bmc. 1bF1e' questim regaIding aLi."""t MIIII!IC in
the area, Director of cœrnnú.ty DeIIelcpnent 0Mm. described
the 1987 <buncil policy regaMing using historical MIII!8 as
street names whenever possible.
It WBS IIIJWd by 0:Iunc. 1bF1e, tM:U.<Iabl by <bmc. Cblcmm
arx:l passed unaniJlDusly to ðIXJpt Reøolutim Nos. 8445, 8446,
8447, 8448, 8449, 8450, 8451, 8452, 8453 arx:l 8454 with the
exœptiœ that the tentative III!Ip ~']d not shaw the name CI'1
it eo that a public hearing can be initiated to c:.:hangB the
name £ran to an GK"",¥>Ïðte local name.
17. Applicati.a1 1~9 - Mariani Deve~ucaiL - Request for
review arx:l aß'IOVZÙ. to JIDdify }",ntiirç mlm.'CJ of a
planned resi.denti.a1 rrrrrnnú.ty located at the 90IItheast
mrner of IÞœStead Read arx:l DeAnza Boulevæ:d.
Rcu.o......Jded for a¡poval.
Director of ChmImity Devel"I."~iL 0Mm. shawed the new
It .. IIIJWd by 0Junc. ~, tM:U.<I..Jed by Ccunc. SoreDsen
arx:l passed with 0Junc. Cblàœn abstaining (due to possible
CCDflict of interest) to GK""U\/e Applicati.a1 10-U-89 per
.IISIIC Reøolut.ia1 No. 1628.
18. Applicati.a1 11-0-90 - & Develcpnent '"'1?""Y-
Request for review aD1 aß'IOVZÙ. of a o.A.IIt""ot-.sive
~ plan for a new offiœ cxmplex: located at the
90IItheast quc.;lLaúl of DeAnza Boulevæ:d arx:l 1-280.
ae... ....-1ded for ~vnù..
Di.sa1ssico of this itan WBS ~4Aa.ed until later in the
meeting Wen the awlicant cxW.d be 1&-ent.
21. ÞJ;t-l of Planning o:mnissico ~ of Mt:uurÏAl
Garden, Appliœ.tiœ 3-U-91, James Harrah, St. Jude's
Epis~ 0lurd1, Stelling Read at !t:C~ellan Read
(James Herpick, ¡gJellant). (Continued fran meeting of
JUly 1, 1991.)
1991 (CC-817)
~ ~l Slllllllrized the issue and said she ......ld 1i1œ
to limit iJpJt fIan ead1 side to IS minutes, followed by
pJblic iJpJt and ca.n:il discussi.a1.
Direct:ar of Ch1mvú.ty Devel.,..~.t Cbwan presented his
..~L and ,U""'lssed cxmditi.ons of COWLU'lZÙ.o
Mayor Jr<wel stated that following pJblie testimcoy,
COI!DI"; 1 .....,11'1 adjourn to a ..1-ad aessi.a1 to discuss their
'''9''1 X-¡:. ....;h; 1 itieø as related to this applicati.a1. No
,w..¡..i.a1 .....'ld be IIII3Ide in ..1~ aessi.a1.
Don Allen stated that there are strCI'1g feelings fran both
the d1urc:h I._.i _.. aD1 the J1Ø;'i')y>rø. He had facilit:at:ed
meetingB to seek a o. ..... .. amcl.usi.a1 to the prd>IE111; this
multi DOt be ctme. Mr. Allen named the churà1 1112,"""'a and
'f'Þ;fjVoo,.. 1oibo had met (""'ilL S tLing st. Jude's - JeIm
C'tvoml er, a..."c.. Fairfield, Jane Katt:myer and Frank 8rDI;
~"'I""lB-!Ung the J:1A;'1'h).IJuuJ - IaVerna Black, Jjm HeJ:pic:k,
Nicol Iøt, Gt:u...",. Sfeir and Steve C1ang). He u..o·.....xIed
them en their sell8itivity and amœrn. He said that all
mn. -. ,_ but one IY"Olld he resolved, and that was the
~;"!l of the ashes outside a structure. '!he neighbors
~.,.,d that wbateIIer one cbes within his awn 00use is his
awn business; if the dmrch ~ AN¥i to keep the ashes in a
h,; 1d;'''1 ocntigXlW! to existing structures they torI11ld DOt
'!be d1urc:h had ~.,.,d to 1!--led ums, (,...,~.L vaults and no
beIIdstaJeø ar 1IIð1.k.., but a lIUtually ~ -hle aoluticn
1Y"011ti DOt be reached. Different traditia18 and bel ;"1:s are
held by the ....;Th.... of the c:hurd!, and feelings are
øt..""",. A on __ lY"O,lti DOt be reaciøl. Mr. Allen said
that both the d1urc:h and ....;'.1>h- 'I" .....,11'1 1i1œ a timely
,w..¡..;tw1. !me delay !lIlY polarize tJo.e <'ft1I1Im;tyo
Mayor ~l t;þImbwi Mr. Allen for his efforts.
,or- Little, lID attorney ""'I""_s.!ttUng Dr. and Mrs. Bart
A1A1'k and frienda, said be bas lived at 10275 ParbIcod
Drive for ten years. He said that while the d1urc:h is
.,..-.\<l for pl.U.l· 18a of taxes, it is DOt e.-·it. fIan
applyiDg for the use of their I"""'i'= ly, and it is 1""~1y
I!~ '-;"'1 a "YT,HH".".l use pecnit. '!he use they applied for
is DOt aJStaImy in this ammmity. He asked that C"Q\""'; 1 .
ccnsider 1ibet:her ar DOt the use is a JTI';""""'" and offends a
S;<pH;nomI; group of <'ft1I1Im;ty ..~,¡..,....... for historical aD1
cultural reBØCI1S. Mr. Allen bas stated that there is a
u..oI¥L....i- _n..hle¡ he didn't knew why the u..o'I'L","ise
hadn't been reached. '!here are several things the 1&' 'i': ad
use will 00: 1. ge culturally cbjectiooable to saœ
1991 (0::-817)
--to 2. Be offensive to scme people if not CXIVI!It'ed.
3. In the sense there is a \.UI\' 8\1>In.....18 it BeE!IIIB a
JIIItter of lIeI18itivity if the u..oJtAL,...iRA nonM be ~
and perbIIps of inseœitivity if not readJed. '1heøe
feell'9" I\I!IY oot have been relevant to this CXIIIIIJI1ity
t.-ùLl" ~ BIp. 'l!Jey are relevant and need to be bem:ù
new. 1IIat œnsti.tuteø a nuisance here is feel h"", -
dt:t---lco, unease and the effe...;; CI'1 1&"¥"'oL~ values.
laVerne Black, 20947 FainIcods Q)urt, cited Sectia1l.d of
the original Planning Cœ1niesion Resolution. MImy
~ have said they 101CUld have to 1IDIIe. 'l!Jey are
\.D'1o . ...fOlrtable with a oemet:eIy in the neiqIborlxxxi. 'Ibis is
oot just 811 Asian issue 00t it is a CXJIIIIJrÚ.ty issue. How
am 0Jpertim have 811 Asian sister city am take 811 action
whicb 101CUld offElld 80 DBI1Y Asian residents? Ms. Black said
that IIIIDY d1Urch m...Lc..s and officers are not QJpert.ino
reøi.w.t-.s. Granting the ~l will bellefit fe.r and offElld
IIIIDY. Ms. Black said it is within OJuncil'a power to have
bath sides win - they am awa.<Ne ashes in urns am in 811
abcve-ground structure.
,-r--, ~11A11t, 20968 Fainicods Court, said the
meet.:;¡gB bad IX) results that are satisfactoxy to both
sides. '!be reasCI18 far this 00eervati0n were as fo1.1.olf:
1. PbteI1t.ia1 loss of 1&"¥"'oLl" values is æry iDportant to
him and his neicj1bors. 2. ~; """1M set a
}IL~.r'---.L. 3. pl;rmn;nIJ C'nnniAAial k·-·¡~.I.a did not
<TW1R;..... the f_li'9" and ....HAI's of residents next to the
dmrc:h. Mr. said this is oot 811 Asian issue, it
"{t'1iN to DDSt people of all races.
'.DIe dmrch P 1 M1T1<W'I to re-use the ni~. Mr. said
be felt that the Pl......lng Chnn; treated this as t:hcuj1
it 101118 a ~ . ..I stmy additiœ. He wculd oot have
purcbIIøed his 1&"'¥"'L Ll" if there had been a œmet:ery there.
He _bot! that en..".; 1 reverse the Ccmnisaion's ,w.iRion.
It is Dportant to the well-being and ecta¡œ¡y of the
I'Y'MI1IImi ty .
Icpitius Ting said he did not live in ¡)JpertinD 00t ..
~1ring for Ping Lee who lives CI'1 FainIcods 0Jurt am the
~;g.¡...... in the yi"';n;ty. He said they are well-educ::ated
intel1ectua1s and are not BI.¥=..Litious. 'l!Jey bel; "'lIe
their pn.perty will be deva1œu. '!be matter inYolveø
1&"'¥"'L Ll" rifjl....a as well as reli <Ji "'J8 rights. '!be church
should pract:.i.oe what they preach.
1991 (<X:-817)
Reger Fairfield, ~;nr WIm:Ien at St. Jude' a Churcb, said
the c:burd1 hIId followed}'lo'. - "n-es and hIId been granted a
use pemdt. He also quoted the Plmming CCIIIIIissica
fimingB and an1itials and sbJwed CI\Ioo¡,l u"a of the
~'~8ed garden and lXIW private the place is. He stated
that the 0Juncil decisica sOOuld be be~ CI'1 whether the
awlicant violates axØJ pertaining the public safety,
public DDrals ar public bealth. '!be Plmming CCIIIIIissica
reøolutica states that they do not violate any of these.
He beli.eved 0Juncil DI1St find in the c:burd1' 8 £aver in this
matter .
Bå) Mayer, RALk.u. Priest at St. Jude'8 Churcb, ,:¡;......]8sed
points where the 0mrdl'8 initial ~iticns and
at.aœptiœs csne frœa. He spoke of historical burial laws
and CUfItaœ. He said that crøœt.ion is left to the taste
aD1 seotiment of dmrd1 lU<2&t.....s. Mt..t....... use alternate
fœ:Jœ of burial including burial at sea, c:raœticn, ar
crypts .
MarIpt ."fA.. ~ ,en, dmrd1 .,~,J ~ and f~ Senior Warden,
said that the bJpartant part is that ashes be interred in
the grcurxi. '!be gaxden wuld be nice but i.nt:etment is the
iDpart:ant part. She said St. Jude'a is f"lllily and bane to
her in DBDY ways. It is the only place she wants her
l'"f'IM;nA to be interred. St. Jude'8 is an oasis. <¥Ð
8pIICB is iBportant. She feels by being interred her
l'"f'IM;nA ...",1ti ~. ..... part of the earth and her family ...,,11"1
feel ,.1,.,.,..,.. to her.
Frank SDrJw said that be had been elected to the positicn of
Junior wanten by the c:burd1' 8 body, the Senior
Warden is 8ßX)inted by the Rector. St. Juda'8 8ince its
fl'ln,vH"'1 in 1962 has CXI18istently cIem:xIst:rated 9XXi
jo""_-.-'L, IT'ftmIM;ty ....""IU and ext:eosive ccnt:riJ:IUtica,
DDØt ~........:Lly restraint and 9XXi faith ~ in
n-1.;"'1 a win/Win 801utia1 and 9XXi IT'ftmIM;ty re1aticns.
He t:m.vtt lID ~""""",,"íL had been readied at cne point, then
.. told that ncne of the altemat.ives 1III!re of interest to
the ....i~. Mr. SDrJw said that the tiJœ-hŒ.........l
tr8ditioo of burial ca hRl17 Jed dmrd1 grouOOs has ~
little Oller the centuries. If the erpeel is YLCWt..ed, the
c:hurà1 .....,1ti be in a positioo of civil t'!;arlw¡;""1œ if they
œrried ca with the practice. He said that the use .......wt
bEl rlo>n;..t'! at the grouOOs of public health, safety aD1
DDrals. He asked far an ;....-I;..œ vote denying the ~l,
ar a decisica to m. "J8e not to ~ this private
reH<j1'OJ8 practice in whim case thP. use penni.t is not
MnIJ1'!S œ 'mE RmnAR Cl'l'Y o::ocn. WJ!.TnC œ JULY 15,
1991 (0=-817)
Austin Silvester, 836 So. Stelling~, said he offered It
thiJ:d point of view. HIlyer Kqpe1 88lœd 1£ he .....'ld be
willing to wait until the d1Urch aD1 neicIbarbood
LC!"" B~l4ti.ves had apo1œn.
CkIunc. Golàœn asked for It c1arifi.œt.ia1 of the ~....I.... Mr. SDcw said it was that 00 hi, ~adBble
o:ntainerB be used, that sealed I.InI8 be plaœd in axx:ret:e
n:c:hes, and that the initial exercise of the use .....')d be
I deferred for two years.
0:Junc. Golåœn asked about re-use of the nicæø. Mr. SDcw
said that the I.InI8 ",.. M be disinterred aD1 the ni.d1eø
re-used. In regard to CkIunc. Golàœn's questions regEding
placing of the ....t- in a structure, Mr. SDcw said that a
furùmental aspect. of St. Jude's is qømeBS as evidenced
by its 1ccati.a1 in an ordJanI. When asked 1£ the d1Urch
was still "';lH"'1 to ~""'-, Mr. SDcw said yes, but
they still preíc..u,d the ori '];.....1 use as a¡;proved by the
Planning 1'"'nmI, ....i.a1.
Counc. Go''''''''' said he ~......"t't that one key point is the
st:ructure. ra'leme nl"<ir: said any abcJve-grcund, e,.dçaed
structure ...",M be....,.. '!Ible. '!be c:amamity has offered to
t.elp the d1urch dt:ñcay 0DSts far cx:.ostructia1 of It
st:ructure but the d1urch B ,_1 insulted by the offer. Ms.
Black said that the site 1ICU1d be CXXl8hb.e.l to be a
0E!IœteIy if ashes were pl...-i in the ground.
Ma)'Or I{qpù said that she understood the d1urch was not
insulted by the offer, but felt they 1ICU1d ~T" to have
been "trw.g.t off."
Austin Sylvester said that be can see the i""''''': nd \,_.. ....la1
I garden fIaD biB patio and is the ClÙY 11A'T"'(1l who am
actually see the area. He said he .. aabivalent about the
use and .. ~Id"<] neither for nor "9"'n<>t it. He said
that what the åIurch bad planned didn't bother him, but if
they pIt up a ",1]iH"<] that 1ICU1d bother him. Froliå1, 1202 I3el1nvq> 0:Jurt, said he.. not lID
'--"ate .....,'1J... of the dmrd1. He said he wi..- he
hadn't beard the threat about .Jt.u.---1 i""<¥'LLi' values as
an arçpœnt. He didn't ""n_ the remains hA,"<] there is
«ping to dt...L..uj the health, educaticn, '<iII!1fare of the
I'Y'm1Imity, ar the ",,_-tic tranquility. It ~ be in bad
taste to acme residents aD1 affect mental tranquility of
residents who Œ:n't hAli_ this is the 1&'¥='- plaoe for
the remains. In biB ~iniœ the remains should be plAced
saœwhere else.
Hn«1l!S CP 'IffE RmJIA(( crrr aJHJL MEE'l'OO Œ' JULY 15,
1991 (<X:-817)
steve Ting, 1053 West Hill CbIrt, said he had partic:ipllted
in the DeIpti.ati.cns and that 1iIœ it or not, there are
rBclal averta1es. Q¡pertino is beautiful, bIt also
0Yer-pcpùated. If ooe cemetery is allaied, where will it
stop? He ðSlœd that <bmcil think 8bout living next to a
cemetery. Mr. Ting said he .. _'7M that the dmrd1
s ,wi to be DDre """"éual with people who have pallsed
ll/IIIrf thIIn with the living.
c........'J& Sfeir, 20927 FainIcods QJurt, said he t:houIjrt: the
Planning (hnn; ~'.IÍ.CI'1 had ~ its authority in 8ßJtOVÌDg
the use pecnit. J\axJrding to Ordinance 220 regulating
quasi--pubic 1&'¥CLLj', a cemetery ~ not included as a
use. In his opinicn, in citing the exmpt.Ïa1 relied upcI1
by 8ect.Ï.a1 1530 in the staff ..q.t.n.L dated April 22, the
Planning staff had failed to cxmvey to the Camlissicn the
quantitative difference the œmet:ery wculd IIBlœ to the uses
custaœrily ðI!''''''';-ted with the dmrd1. M1at we are really
cbing is à1Bnging the law. Mr. Sfeir spoke of the Gf:¥"uval
setting a ~~ìL. id1at will ~ if all ctn.Jrcbee in
town 1Iß>1y for a s;m;'"t' pecnit? 8ect.Ï.a1 20.24.030 of the
!tmiciplù. Qxie required the Planning Cœmissicn
reo . ...,~.Jaticn to include a detenninaticn that a use will
ar will IXJt affect the preservation of ~'¥CLLy value.
'lbese point were missed by the lh'ImiAsicn. Mr. Sfeir said
he has had his house for sale and 1& buyers say
they will IXJt my next to a œmet:ery.
King tImg, 7583 Erin way, said he lives four tx:Juses ll/IIIrf
£ran the dmrd1. Prices are cping cbwn and his children
are to cp near a œmet:ery. Tr8ffic and noise were
other .........r ~1.uS.
Rex TIIcu who lives near the dmrd1 said he .mœ at
:tu..Jo.1 e Ii Missiles and space 0:>. am tead1es at San JOse
State måwrsity. His wife is eup10yed at PH:, and they
have t.1io dù1dren. '!bey DDIIed to 0Jpertin0 -,- of the
sdxJols and also ~!æ it se ,~I to be a þt,rr..rr,it'!
rnnnmity. His family W8IJts to to the
rnnn1l'\i.ty. Other f"",iH~ DBY have 'IDII'ed here far simil_
r-.......... Evetything was satisfactory until this issue
surfaced. It has been }AJ..L...ayed ðS a cultural CXI1flict by
the nW!;" . Mr. TIIcu said he had been quoted out of context
by the news nW!i" and had received saœ very nasty phcne
calls. '1be DBtter is an unfortunate misunderstandin. He
said the reasoo. he and his neiIJbors are '1ere is for the
future 1&~ity of the <XIIIIIIrÚty. He urged a no vote by
Victor Ting, 1694 James 'lbwn Drive, held up a sign saying,
'lÐ œmet:ery in CUpert.j.m.'
tmm!.S œ 'DI! mJW. CITY anaL w..E'l'OO œ JULY 15,
1991 (CC-817)
Jh0u01tt and June Pallsi, 819 Kim street, indicated that
their positi.c:n had been stated by previcus speIIlœrs.
Marc ziegler, 825 Kim street, also said that he ~.,.,d with
those who had s¡olœn in qJpOEIiti.c:n to the k"-' ~sed use.
Alice Tsai, 20861 'l\1la <b.1rt, there .. not a lot of
~ in the neiqIborl1cod when the issue went to the
planning ChnniR'IUn. It C8UI:1t them by 81.lqIrise.
Laura NIIda, 21015 Clasaic <b.1rt, said she had caœ to
0Jpertin0 .......,- of the schools and beca'lSe it was a
k"-"Y"-CDSive tT.....1rÚ.ty. She.. not aware of the 1&''Y sed
use until she heard about the 8ppe" 1 . Initially she
thcuc1t it .. WCIIderful that the cburc.h ~ bm:ying their
awn CI'1 their awn grouOO. Iater she thouIj1t she .....'llin't
W8I1t to have a œnet:ery next 000r. A cemetery sOOuld be in
the outskirts of town.
Pete GL.......ð, 811 Kim SlJ::eet, said he ~ speaking for his
i'.....ny's ræctions. '!bey felt that if the cburc.h had been
amœmed about the tnll'nlmity they 1IIOUld have solicited the
~L of the neicj1bors. His hale is a large ï.m.-I..ucart.,
and he dcesn't want to live near a oaœtery. He lived in
Q)1Jœ tIIbc.... there are many œlŒ!teries. 'lbere were IX)
reHg;inlS fee1ingB about living near a œnet:ery there. Mr.
Gt.cwct:ð said he can see his grandd1i1dren being t~~
about living ammxi the CDDIer £ran a œnet:ery.
G.....d..u Liu, 20871 'l\1la <b.1rt, said he bad three points.
1. '.DIe 1&'¥*Ù is outside interest ;".:<sed CI'1 the
tnII'nImity. 2. !)]ring the necptiati.aJS, St. Jude's didn't
<X1ISider the neil;Jbors' or residents' q>;n;.-.u¡. 3. If a
s;mi 1.... use ware 1&' ¥:sed CI'1 a blSiness ..L..~ it .....,lrl be
rliRllliaaert. . Mr. Liu aelpl two questiœs: 1. Hew will it
be ~ - the cburc.h DBY W8I1t to expaIX1 it. 2. A
oemetery is a blSiness 1&,¥,,"iti.c:n. Hew can the price for
tmial be ~?
Dtb....ðh ,'1lOIII;......., 21346 JIIwnf, u.d Drive, said she is oot a
.._.1« of any cburc.h, nor does she live in the jnmediate
....;7d...~ of the churd1. She said she sees it 88 a
matter of :[AHg;iIWJS ñ.~"'" and 88 an envi.rtDœn1:al issue.
Caœt:eries next to d1w..J.e.. dot the oountIy, often in
residential areas. 'Ihey offer a quiet spot. She said she
can't buy the ~ that this will decrease ~'+""'- Lÿ
values, at least not in the 1cog teIm. CUltural tolerance
and aensitivity IIIlSt '«Irk both ways. '!be church IIIlSt be
allowed to use the ~,+"",-Lÿ 88 they have traditiooally. we
are l06ing the luxmy of interring in cemeteries - land is
scarce and expensive. CrElœted remains of our loved ooes
MDIJ1!S cp 9 mm Cl'N CDICIL JftrnC cp JULY 15,
1991 (CX:-817)
can be found both below aD1 abaIIe ground in DIlDY
....igm. ...1&A.dø. 'lhi.s use is IIDr8 CJK&"'¥".iate and less
emr' ..w-;p'19 than other possible usee of the
i"'-"l'CLLy'. Ia it a CXX1Stitutiœal issue? Ms. .Tlllni4JCO said
she believes it is. She urged cmncil to deny the ~l.
Kathy staIœIy, 7941 0ctàJer way, said øhe is jn real estate
sales and ~'t regard this as a J"Al'"ÏAl issue. She is
perøcmaliy ·wsed. Pl."l'CLLy values had been aó:b::_øed.
She said tbIIt bJyers are oot interested until the sit:uatiœ
is resolved. In her~.inia1 the prnrimity to a 0I!IIIBtery
wuld have to be dtsc10sed to i"'-...ø bJyers and will
negatively affect values.
'1Qn I.e'JlDl, 10468 vista Knoll Blvd., lives within half a
block of another dmrch. lIB stated the belief that the
(bmcil should find that the Planning rmmi Al;lia1 in
j1·I.,r.-'L 1IIhen it stated it .....,1ti not have a siqlifiœnt
iDpct. Mr. T"9""' said that while be is sensitive to the
øepsraticn of dmrch and state and the issue of reI'll1S
.ú......\..., he believes uses III1St be amshb...J jn the antext
of the ....i<j>l..d..AAl. He urged overturn of the Planning
I'hnni Agia1' s position.
Grace Yen, 21560 EdwIm1 way, said øhe drives by the
int.&....c.*~t'II1 several times a day every day and wuld prefer
not to be J""'IIIIintWi of her DDrtality en a daily basis. In
her rpinit'll'\, the use wuld affect the mental health of DIlDY
.....idJ jn tom 1010111<1 affect physical health and the inll1"....
system. She said it àJeø pose a threat to the .".,....,al
p1hl ic health.
Sally Br-mtm, 19917 '.L'.dliçþt CDIrt, said that her cDg had
been .....~ and the pnRin.. reøùle jn her baDe. She said
~ is g-ing to die. She ~........l1y dces not WDt to
cp to another pl_ to visit laved cnes. She said aha
t'.hinlrR we're A......,..LLing we all have to cp :'~'s
cnly our pnRi",,; our souls are with the living. 1!Je
iD¡Drtant thing is haw we think of and ~_,_.1_ ~ who
have ('tiRed CI'1 befœ... us. I)) we want to ship our ~eed
1i1œ 9"'>~ to another Peqùe visit their lCM!d
cnes; haw far 00 we have to travel to 00 this? Ms. Br:ermIm
said we III1St think about provisicns for the living and
thœe who have I'"G(!( l!Na'f.
~L Lin, M.D., 20895 Jollyman Lane, said he lived biD
blocks fran the dmrch. He has a dt,y...... jn public health.
Dr. Lin said tbIIt the existenœ of a cemetery dces di.sturl>
mental hyrJi- far sane groups of pec:.ple.
MI1I1ŒS œ 'mE RI!GJIAR CITY a:ucn. Mœl'DC œ JULY 15,
1991 (0:-817)
Nicol rea, 10468 vista Rnoll Blvd., aaid the Gate of HeIM!n
cemetery is ðCro6B the street £ran her aDd aile koowB it's
there. It is a lavely, c.p!Il setting. Ms. lea said aile bad
served on the negotiating teem aDd WBIJtø hA. .... 'i.
0Jpertin0 is a growing CXIIIIIII1ity with ethnic and cultural
differences. She aø1œd 0Juncil to qrold neighbœ:bood
. ... -. uS aD1 aaid we need JllJlÚ.toring, 8ØSUI'AJ1o~ aDd
lY1t}"; "9 t'H ,,1 og.¡e.
Steven Haze, 22681 san J'I.Ian Road, said that Palo Alto has a
cemetery bu...dt:...ed by a m;,yile scbool, a hi.cj1 øcbcol aDd
resM....~. 'l!Jere is a pstmey skirting the Lu....b of tœ
cemetery aD1 kids DaJSt cp by daily. 'l!Jere are 1&..~tri.....
at the grave sites 8M children see this. &...udhaw Palo
Alto has survived. 'DIe ~. ¥= sad llaIULial garden is DUC:h
f:lasHer aD1 leaa intrusive than a cemetery. Mr. Haze said
that we're all IBr to this <XIUßtry, historically speaking.
MImy œma fleeing rel ;gín,¡s persecutia1. 'DIe a:nøtit:ut:ion
~ rel;T.... ñ--!.m. Talk about 1&'-¥"LL.}" values
is øuperficial when relating to saœt:hing 80 ~... >II"" 1 . Mr.
Haze said he didn't think the neicjIborø of the Palo Alto
œmetery had health ar PL'-¥"LL.j' value prOOlans.
Frank SIxJW responded to neicjIborø' ~. He as1œd that
th"""; 1 be œreful to ~ the legal definition of
œmetery £ran the ~''i'::sed use; p18(';rç ashes à:Ieø not
a:møtitute a œmetery. '1hiø is not a IBr use but a
pract:iœ which has been CXX1duct:ed for 29 years. 'lbere ere
at .leBst six aets of ashes on the 1&'-¥"LLj' new. t=:. SIxJW
said the cburd1 ~*I amst:ruct the IUI:aIO.ALial ~dtu
i1lllwHAt:ely and defer plaring of asheø for t1IIC years. lie
said there is no à1argc for L1e service.
laVerne Black said:yes, Pa-..o Alto à:Ieø have a cemetery, but
it is the preferenœ of the iJxli.viåJal. as to whether they
wish to live near it. She said this is not a
a:møtituH......l issue; the neicjIborø ere not seeking to step
tbI!m fran practicing their rel iT"",
At 9:00 p.m., Cbmcil adjourned to a l!1':)6ad sesøia1 per
Section 54956.9(b) (1) of the GoIt....UlCÚL 0:xIe.
At 9:24 p.m., Q:uJcil reccnvened in c.p!Il sesøia1 in th"""; 1
t"h..-..I ~I .
Ms)or ~ 1 cl :sed the p¡blic hearing. She said aile has a
¡:it; 1. ~œ1 prà)IEID with raœins in a garden in a
residential nei~l.......l and aaid it wculd set a 1&""'-.....L.
that is distasteful to many. She aaid she 'oICUld hate to
see the issue split the cx:mramity 8M that she ~1ld vote
1991 (CC-817)
DO and Il\iwU&.L residerr..s aD1 overall ~
n-....... Sorensen said there is DO easy answer. She said she
bad received letters aD1 ¡ùme calls aD1 bad listeœd to
the l't'inilWJ8 ~.,.,øed. She bad also done 8CIIIB nø- ...h CD
cultural traditicns. 0Junc. Sorensen thanIœd Mr. Allen.
She said this is a l'A Hg;nlS ú__' ... issue and will vote to
uphold the use I""""it an:ii t-irœd CD sealed ums in
~odl.e vaults and a 24 IIDlth deí=-:úL of the use.
n-....... SZðbo said he is 811 Dnnigrant aD1 is BellSitive to
hew people in the tTmIImity feel. He said he wished there
.....,M have been a 8Olutiœ. In his qú.nial, the IIBjor
issue is it matter of the first _..lœ..L. He urged the
dJurch to oaœ to a reasonable a. . . ."" <'et-..ia1 with the
n-.11)(". Golàœn st.~ his ¡,.,Jief that CI'1e the ..L.....rrt
aspects of the ~"'tUy is l'AHg;nus b...-'." whid1 ..11(10111J
diverse cultures aD1 Drùiefs to live together. He said be
.. proud that we ðLL..aet people ñau all CNer the wcrld.
He said be wuld vote to deny the "'ß""" 1 .
CDmc. ~... said she 1IIBSI1't suq:¡rised that it ~....i_
wasn't ræched ~,- this is 811 E!IIDticoal issue. She
said that she .. a:nvinced that in land use
i-_, 1iben l'AHg;.... is involved, re1igicn œrrieø
wei.c!t. 0Junc. a..."c.... said she .....,]<1 vote to uphold the
a¡:pttNal subject to CXJDditicns. She said she .. proud of
the people who spoke and ~ we can build CI'1 what has
been said here.
It .. IJDIJ'ed by Colin(". Sareœen, ~. ..Wi by CDmc. Roger...
and pEle'ged with Mta~ Kqp1 di.ssenting that the pllll1l1ing
Chm!i_iQl'S tiooM..itTI be 1IrYfHiAli to reflect the "K""\ÑIÙ,
subject to the follclwing JlDdificaticns: 1. Ashes æ
pl__ in sealed ums in CXXJCœte vaults and that the
..-.. ..la1 garden be ccnstzucted bIt the dJurch not I'l_
-- for a period of bolo yeers; 2. Amend 3 of
Pllll1l1ing Chmri-icn Re80lutiœ 4337 to renDYe the WId
·collllÒlIi1.lll· and "IIIE!Dd 3.d. to read, .
IIM11 be ~ lJ.oÞrdd art.'md any w-, ..~d. lot.· 3. to DBIœ
the following fi1v'Ii"9" 'W8OCÏated with the use I""""it:
(a) '!bat the use ar 1JSe8 are in <XX1fonœnœ with the Plan of the City of 0Jpertim, and are mt
detrimeot:a1 to existing uses ar to uses sr--Hiœlly
p-mitted in the ZICDe in which the ~'¥'Ced use is to be
1oœt:ed. (b) '!hat the ~<.p:rt.y involved is adequate in
size and shape "CO a,......·.Jate the ~.¥'JBed use. (c) '!bat
the ~<¥J6ed use will not generate a level of traffic CNer
St. Jude's
1991 (œ-817)
and aboII8 that of the œpt..""ty of the existing .L......dL
system. (d) '!hat the þL' ~sed use is othetwise DOt
cIetriment:a1 to the health, safety, P--~I DDrals and
'P""Lal welfare c ~ pm:euliJ resMi""] ar wrking in the
nA;~t....ud of such 1&''1'' sed uses, nor injurious to
1&"'i'"'LLy' aD1 ÌDproII8Dents in the :-;g.t. ...t....ud. (e) '1bI!It
the }IL"t"Aa.1tu.auœ of còjective evideooe indicates that the
10œtiœ of this garden .....,ld not be injurious to
any of thcøe emeerated Jœtters. (f) Of the evil'loo.--'8
bem:d, very little related to the particular a¡:plicatic:o
b.:oñ...... 0:Juncil but with a ç,'eneral u.. '8l.U about ameteriee
aD1 0EII1I:It&.f uses in the City¡ there .. not suffi~EDt
testhm;y related to the particular a¡:pliœtia1 to justify
a difft:...,.tL a:nclusiœ.
Den Allen thanked n-."".j 1 and urged eIIeX}'CDe to tzy to a:me
together and not strilœ out in anger and hurt.
A previous speIIlœr stated that re1ig;i~ .ú.~\..,.. DOt
the issue here and that cnmcil should not use it as a
~8is for their ,w.;Aiœ.
(City Clerk's Nate: Cards indicating "w.,;¡itiœ to the
n_.....ia1 garden were also received £ran the follcwing
people wOO did not ~ at the meeting: Im:raine Brmm,
10594 tlù.te Fir Cburt¡ GÏn-Pau In, 10720 Orline ChIrt¡
Catherine T. BaxI, 837 Kim Street¡ Resi.deot at 802 lbIe
8lœsaa Drive¡ Walt Jue, 1117 ~lid1 Drive, San Jose;
Jotm 1Uen, 20870 'l\ùa ChIrt; Wem:ao 81m, 10320 'l\ùa LIme;
I SU Pcb ()Jah, 802 IbIe Bloesaa Drive.)
~..-: 9:45-9:57 p.m.
22. JI¡ No. 2-V-91 - Mr. and Mrs. Avi '1"1."-" _
varianœ to Sectiœ 8.3.1 of Qrrt;,""'œ No. 1449 to
r-tI- the required first story set:œck for an aà:litiœ
to an existing siDgle-family residenœ. EnvL....,-.LaJ.
DeteI:minatiœ: Categ.:Jrically J!:).a&¡JL. 'DIe þL"'i'"'LLi' is
loœted at 10380 Malvern ChIrt. RI::o..uo.....,..:Itd for
(a) Resoluticn No. 8456: "A Resoluticn of the City
0:Juncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 ~
variance £ran Sectiœ 8.3.1 of ordin!mœ No. 1449
to l..nl1œ First story Setback far an Additiœ to
an Eristing Single-Family Residenœ at 10380
Malvern ChIrt (2-V-91, Tepnan)."
1991 (œ-817)
Direc:tar of o--nwú.ty De\IIe)'1.",-,L a-n.... B d.ed a ~~L
and ~...d questiœs. He said 8&...1 stories are I!Ill-m
in this zœe and that peq>Je am get sjq¡atureø £mil their
r-i~ when see'-;"'1 a variance.
Avi TepIIm, applicant, said he bad looked for a hcuse in
the area ·tut ne ~A four bc.:h.......s. He looked far a three
bc.:h......... hcuse CI'1 a large lot Widl would allow for lID
additial. He said he 10IBJIted the S8IIIEI aàiitial as bad been
å:oe to a house in the ~.
Mr. QJIiBn said that there is no evidence that a varianœ
_ granted for that aàiitial¡ the setback requirements
were different in 1978 when it was
Pbllcwing rl;.......1Ssi.a1, it was IIDIIed by CDunc. Gol"""'",
~.Jed by CDunc. sorensen and I""ased UDðI1iJIDJsly to grant
the variance subiect to the cxuiiticn that the 8& ...i floor
winà:Jw en the side facing the r-;<jomr be r&IDIIed and with
the fiøiing that enc::roacDœnt into the set:bBdt area .....,1ti
be m;n;1'I'IA1.
18. JlWli.catia1 11-0-90 - SLL..ólo DeIIelopnent a...~.Y-
Request for review and a¡:praval of a ~ddlsive
1~ plan for a new office cœplex: located at the
BCJUt:heast of DeAnza Boulevard and 1-280.
¡w. " ....- .-iørl for elK&U'/a1.
Director of n-omomity De\1Alrpnont QJIiBn said that Mr. and
Mrs. Prœser bad written a letter regarding this
~. He 1""- d.ed a u¥....L and stated that the
~~"" tJ:ees. l""''i':sed were rlAMrlIV"OJS and that _ the
maJOt' usue 1;n'11<jrt.
Bill '!'egg ~"l"" 8 the jojnt venture betLeen JIWle and
lUA,d..u intmduœd stelle Terus8ki., lIE.
Mr. Terus8ki. said that when desiq:ùng the lA1'1rl"""'l?i"'1 in
the deYel.\"·-.L plan a major Ca1Sideratial- to organize
the planting palette with the site plan. He said that a
lot of broIId leafed _.,..._ had been lost due to the
aevere winter. '!bey were striving to get plant material
that ~'t die 80 bad 1""~ased rlAMrlIY"JI]8 trees Widl grow
about four feet a year. NiUe the LL e,. will lose their
leaves, there will be a brand1 pattern to provide
sc:reeniD¡. Mr. Terus8ki. ta1lœd about the plantings in the
parking areas. He said that broIId leaf _.,..."",18 had teen
eliminated ~n_ of allergies aD1 wealœning due to the
drought .
0Junc. Szabo said that the residents bad been prani..sed they
w:::JI,)rl not see the hni1ð;rv;¡s and the pl':"';RA sbJuld be 1œpt.
Res. 8456
Tepman variance
MIl«1JES œ 'mE RIGJIAR CITY CDH:IL rr.r;J.'l.1'G œ .:JULY 15,
1991 (œ-817)
Mr. Terusald. n; anlSsed the DeAnza fnntaga. 'lbeir~. ¥J84l
was to nm:Ne the dieing trees and not replaoe than ~'"
the ~ are getting big E!DCUIl. Sane of the planting
a100g the frart:age 1riCUld be rejuveœt:ed.
Mr. ec-n said the drawing sOOws trees at their full
St:eIIen Haze said this looks like extensive landscaping am
he was a:nœmed about water usage.
Mr. Terusaki said they have taken to heart the City's
:xeriscape ordinanoe and these plðnts are all drouIlt
tolerant. In fact, the turf area is 13' of the total and
the ordinance allows 25'. '!hey are trying to miJúmize
water amsœptian.
Austin Sylvester said ~ trees se ,~~ to thrive during
the drought am tolerated frost.
Bill T8gg said the hnHcüng oocupært:s have to live with the
nei~ and he recalled that Mr. &.L..c:Lo had said there
'-'CUld be ellcLy...:dlS belLe en the h,nð;ngs and the beck of
the residential 1&'¥"LLies. He said they want to JD!Ilœ the
neighbors hIq:py. He thinks the 11)'.............. is the rj¢t tree
for the spot but WI!Ißts the nA;r1tnœ to be hIq:py. He will
meet: with neic1bors.
Nancy Hertert, San Juan Reed, said œrcb trees are tourl,
drought-resistant and fast-grawiDg. She also 8\q)E!Sted the
possibility of cedar L..: e i .
ll-U-90. Sobrato It was DDVed by <bunco Regers, ......,..a:!t:d by <bunc. Golàl.."'JI1
and pIIesed '1NII1;1Ir4JSly to GWLU\Ie A¡:pliœt:icn 11-0-90 per
Plamúng ChmI;-im Resolution 1629 with the exceptia1 that
the trees ..11Y1lJ the easterly edge are not 8ßJIOWd am that
a ~"'i'¡;sed list of L.. eø far this loœt.i.a1 will be placed
on the CaIsent Calemar for the AuIpJt 19 meeting;
~=sed expectaticn that broad leaf ellcLy¡......IS, drouIlt
resistant and fast-grawiDg if possible, .....'Id be used.
23. Nooe.
1991 (<X:-817)
24. Rea:x1si.deration of positicn ŒI light rail.
Mayer Ifq:pe1 said that she wanted to clarify the positim
held by 0:Juncil into a 1IDtia1.
It was IIDIIed by 0:Junc. Szabo, &.:.u..a:1t,d by 0:Junc. ~.. and
I"'aged with 0:Junc. Golànan dissenting to SUWOlL fuming of
both the Sunnyvale and MJuntain View optiŒIs, but if there
is insufficient furxting for both, that the Sunnyvale qJtiœ
be Wilt.
25. ~l to c:xntract bebieen the City of 0Jpertin0 am
Public 1!2Iployees' Reti.ranent SystEm.
(a) Resoluti.Œ1 No. 8457: -A Resoluti.Œ1 of the City
Ccuncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 stating Intenti.a1
to A¡:prove an J\Jnenå1l.,..L to Ccntrac:t Betweæ the
BœId of J!àDinistraticn of the Public 1!2Iployees'
Reti.ranent Sy8tEm and the City 0Juncil of the City
of 0Ipertin0.-
(b) First reading of QrrIirvmnR No. 1565: -An
Ordinance of the City Ch",,,.i 1 of the City of
0Jpertin0 Authorizing the Aluc....hcúl to the
Ccntrac:t Betueen the City Ccuncil of the City of
0Jpertin0 and the BœId of Aàninist.rati.C of the
califomia Public 1!2Iployees' Retirement System.- to the City Manager Brown expll1ined what the
&uca&iucu:L JDeBDt.
It _ IIDIIed by Coone. SoreI1seI1 EJAo·..iA.j by QJunc. GoltbIuJ
and I"''!'øed UDIII1ÏDDusly to aŒ:Jpt Resoluti.Œ1 No. 8457.
It _ IIDIIed by Ow""'". SoreI1seI1, &.:.u..Abl by QJunc. Golàœn
and pB9øed UDIII1ÏDDusly to read Ordinanœ No. 1565 by title
OIÙ.y and the DepIty City Clerk's reading to a:msti.tute the
first reading the1::euf.
Light rail
Res. 8457
First reading
Ord. 1565
1991 (œ-817)
26. REpœ.L CI'1 installati.a1 of batting cage at Jollysœn
Director of Parks aD1 Rec::reat.iœ IkJwling ..'¥""Led œ the
bBckground of the issue.
MI!Irc McGee, 10715 Orline Court, President of CUpert.ino
NFi,..".l Little IeBgue, said that other 1A1OOJ'- have
bI!Itting cages. '!bey are an integral part of a little
1'""'9'''" f.....i1ity aD1 provide amt:her prac:tioe VMlity.
'lbere are 42 t:eaIœ in the 1"""9J8. Very little ooise is
as.......iRted with the cage's use. Residents had asserted
that the cage bas l.owered ~UiJeLLÿ values. Mr. McGee said
that if anything iu-UiJeLLÿ values have been increased
œ....uLiœlly by the park reoovati.on. We need to ask if we
are ttyinq to mrnrímiæ pn:perty values. Does it malœ seœe
that 10œl citizens get to d1cose the fA"i 1 ; ties they \eDt
at this park, all with an eye t.cIim'd IIIDdmizing ~"'l""LLy
values? Are we trying to JllVÎmi_ p...UiJeLLÿ values ar
Uying to h,;M a better tTftlllnù.ty far all clH....... of
0Jpert.iJX>? Q)e altemate ~ was the p1.....i'VJ of
privet hedges which will screen the cage in a year ar 80.
. Mr. McGee aalœd if the 1>.....œes ,......kCrJ - did we have a fair
hearing? He said he believed it did work. He said it is
time to IIEIXI a .......sage that we're not going to revisit the
Austin Sylvester said he t:IxuJt the project Ahnn1d be
finim-, up.
Jotm sþi4;>]<.'Ie, 7548 DeI.aF8rge Drive, said he t:IxuJt that
wbIIt little lAlOOJ'1e 1i8Dts little 1'""'9'''" gets. If anyooe of
the II~,J.....& of the Parks and Recœatia1 fhnniASi.œ lived œ
DeLaFarga Drive the bI!Itting cage 101ld not be there. He
.....,,,.. like to see it be collapsible if it is installed. It
I'Y'II,M be l.owered during the off s"a'9Œl to half its ....içþt.
Mr. IkJwling said it is feaaible to do that Wt he doesn't
knew the <DSt. It .....'ld need to be desigled¡ there is not
a CX)llapsible desi91 œ the 1IIIrlœt. '!be <DSt to r8ID\Ie the
cage ~]ld be $1,600 and $4,500 to re1cœte.
Mayor Kqpù EIJIi1asized that 00 cne gets everything they
Following disc:ussi.œ of whether ar not to try to get an
est.imste far a new desi91, Mr. IkJwling l~rted that the
Jollyman project is not over 00dget.
HIlUŒS (II' 'DiE RIGJLAR CITY au«:IL rmro.L'uG (II' JULY 15,
1991 (<X:-817)
0:Iunc. Golàlllln said an engineered desigl will 1&.l.dbly cost
t:housaOOs and £laid he thinks it is inaw""'l""í.ate to delay
cœpletiœ of the project.
AnthJny Alexand£.r, 7520 DeLaFarge Drive, said he li1œs
little '--:;rJe, but residents CI'1 his tiL..~ have ..... ~....s
8bout 00urs of q¡eratia1 and mise frail the cage. PerhIIpø
it could be talœn dcM1 and stored after the s~a9Cll. '1his
shoo1d be cxnciliatoJ:y.
Mr. McGee stated thIrt ]"""':1-' S-A<1t'W)8 run year round.
It was IIIJWd by <DIne. Q>làœn, &eo...Jo:w:t by <DIne. ~..
and passed UlIðIÙDDUsly to eôbrse the reo· ....~a.Iatiœ of the
Parks and Chnni AS͌1 that the cage remain at its
1&_B~íL aD1 to direct staff to meet with r-iThnrs
and little l"""'.7J8 ..~l.a_iLatives to define hours of ColIne. lb;Jar.. suggested that they find out Wet
ather cities cD in t.ecœ of hours.
0:Iunc. Szabo stated thIrt it disturtJed him to have petitiœs
filed dividing an area by ~~.
27. Request frail Associ.atia1 of Bay Area GoIIertIœnts for
rn""..i 1 eIk1.....D<3t.enL of Dec::1aratia1 of P'isaù.
Int:erdependenc and St:ateIœot of r.:nirliTVJ PriI"..ip1~.
'lhe pmpose is to deveJ.cp a 'mif'ieri pœitiœ of the
fisœ1 int:ðt.I.y-..-...... of 10œl g:¡vermnents and seek
avenues for ref· 'II" of a......,.tL revenue authorities,
atructures and œlat:iooships bet:.reen the state, cities,
oounties and sdIool districts.
It was IIIJWd by 0,0""... ~'" ~ ......i by Counc. SOI,---A4!I1
aD1 passed urvmimnoJSly to .....L...... the Dec:laratiœ and
28. 0:msiderat.ia1 of ordinanœ eF",h1iAhing prima f¥'i~
speed limit CI'1 ~lell"" Rœd bet:\. m Mira vista Avmue
and ClI.ÙiD1Se laDe, 25 m.p.h.
(a) First reeding of Ordinanoe No. 1566: ".An
Ordinanoe of the City <mncil of the City of lWending CI8pter 11.12.030 of the
Q¡pertino ~";I'E'] Qxie Relating to Est:ab1is1m1ent
of Prima P'aci.e ~ e e::l Limits CI'1 !t:1:lellan Rœd,
Between Mira Vista Avenue and Cll.ÙiD1Se laDe."
(Previously oontinued to August 19.)
Batting cage -
Jollyman Park
Declaration of
~isca1 Inter-
Ord. 1566
. .
Cse of Mc-
Clellan Ranch
1991 (œ-817)
29. Reo ........1datia1 ftœI !t:Clellan Ranch Ad Hoc C<:Jnmi ttee
regarding use of !t:Clell8n Hoose.
Director of P8rlœ am Recreaticn Dowling intIIJduœd
catherine SIei4It, "~.¡ ~ of the !t:Clellan R8Dd1 lid me
Ms. Slei.lþt listed the ßIIIIIE!S of the other o-nmittee
.._.l~.S: M;1"'hAA1 O'DJwd, u.ThAra RAn'f;Ald, Debi. .~'¡at'W1,
NImCy Hertert, Iamie 'lbeI1Sfe1dt, Judith carøon-Croes and
DeIm Skeels. She descdbed the pl.'" -9 the lTftIIIittee used
. to arrive at its :["". ....-'ldaticn. She ahcwed a dJart of the
five organi.zatia1s who have awlied far use of the
f8('Í1ity. 'DIe ()-omIittee had three criteria for the
orgIII1i.zatiŒ1: 1. that they are stable and
1oIell-estab1ishedi 2. that they wuld be a benefit to the
city am residents by offering envirŒmental ec:Þ",.ti.a1
pI.........-i am 3. that they 1oD1ld amnit volunteers to aid
in park Ms. s1eicþt described each group's
possible cx:ntribItion to the City. 'DIe sperA would be
l_...wi ftœIthe city.
DeIm S1œels, ..~,i er of the CUpertino Parks am Recreatia1
f"ronni Aeion, described the f"ronn;' a ræ am
~""'t""¡se to the ad me amnittee's pI..~l. It - their
unanimus de<-iAiœ that this use at this time is ;.w.] and
we can à> it ;--'I;..œly.
It _ DDIIed by 00\'I1V'!. ~'" &eo ...Wi by ():)I'I1V'!. Gol"'-n
and I""ased unanimusly to 1. Er.:L£se the cxmœpt: to
foster stewm:dsbip of the earth by'providing the ",...,...mity
with access to envirŒmental educati.on, ieødersbip and
œøourœs, am to retain mx1 maintain the Ranch DCIf mx1 in
the future as a spot for envL·..,~·Lal leaming for the
city. 2. 'lb autb:rize the fol1cwiDg acticos: (a)
Dediœti.on aD1 amversion of the RaDå1 IÞJse at !t:Cl..1ll111
RaDå1 Park as a ncn-profit envh..·'~ILal œnt:er, where
4f""'"A would be provided to local, lXIl-profit envh..··-·
groups far offiϿ, meetings, libra:ty, sales itsIB and
sLu...ðge. (b) Neçptiati.on of 1--ss in time for fall
cprati.on to aNer full CDØts of çperati.on am DBint:enImœ
with the Jb"~I1h-81 SOCiety, Trait center, Sierra Club,
EnvL....,~,lal VOlunteers, mx1 cali:fornia Native Plant
Sod t¢y, as well as sum other organizat.ia1s whim also
meet the criteria set by the ad me amnittee mx1 as -
stated earlier in the meeting. (c) CCmnittee
CXXISi.derati.on of creating a vision for the entire !t:Cle1l8n
Ranch cx::uplex.
MnIn'BS œ 'mE RPQJIAR CITf ~ ............l1C CP JULY 15,
1991 (OC-817)
30. Hone.
31. ge-. ..~ re!Iding and enacbœnt of Ordinance No. 1539:
-An au!;.......... of the City 0::J\1I'V"i 1 of the City of
QJpertim Amending Secticn 1 of 0I:dinance No. 2 by ,
~ing AR;Iraximately 5.9 Acres frail P (00, MI.,
nffiœ, Ibt:el) ZCne to P (00, MI., Office, Batel,
p.o.¡ptw1Al ~iTJg) ZCne; IDœt:ed at the Soutbeast
a.......... of M>lfe Read and Valloo Parkway (Westfield,
Inc. - 7-Z-90).-
It _ JIDIIed by QJunc. Sorensen, 1k:o..A.A.dt:d by Counc. Golållln
and p-aaed unanimJusly to read CIrdinIInce No. l53!. by title
œ1y and the Dep.1ty City Clerk's z-iing to amstitute the
_ . . .i re!Iding thereof.
It _ JIDIIed by Counc. lb}e4..., -.....dt:d by Counc. SareDsen
and r-ged unanimrJusly to eœct Qrrli"""""" No. 1539.
32. ge- ...1 z-ii"'J and eoacbœIJt of (kñi",.,....,.. No. 1540:
-An Ordinance of the City tnvri 1 of the City of
QJpertim A¡proving Çliœ l-DP.-90, DeIIe},'I...~.L
~cauca.L Bet\œen the City of QJpertim and Westfield,
Inc. -
It _ JIDIIed by Counc. Sorensen, e.,. ...1M by <bmc. Rogers
am pMged Invmi~ly to read Qrrli11llll1nOl No. 1540 by title
œ1y and the Dep.1ty City Clerk's z-iing to amstitute the
_ ...1 z-ii"'J tb.:..cuí.
It WS JIDIIed by ~D1C'. Sorensen, -..."'"'" by 0::J\D1C'. ~8
and ~ged ,nvmimnoJBly to enact Qrrli11llll1nOl No. 1540.
33. s.e....1 z-iing and eœctment of (kñi....",.... No. 1563:
-An Qrrli.......... of the City tn11'V"i 1 of the City of
~ AmeI1ding t"tuI¡rer 3.12, Tr8Dsi.ent Oocupancy
Tax, of the QJpertim ,.mi"iI""l a:xie.-
It ws JIDIIed by <bmc. Sorensen, _ ...Jt..oi by Counc. RupL.
and ~aed Invmi~ly to read Ordinance No. 1563 by title
œ1y and the Dep.1ty City Clerk's re!Iding to oonstitute the
&eo . . .1 re!Iding thereof.
It ws JIDIIed by (bunc. Sorensen, ..... ....Jt..oi by Counc. Rogers
and ["''?aed unaIÚIIDu8ly to enact Ordinance No. 1563.
Isecond reading
lOrd. 1539
Ord. 1539
Second reading
Ord. 1540
Ord. 1540
Second reading
Ord. 1563
Ord. 1563
MDÐmS œ 'Dm RIGJUIR' Cl'l'f ŒXII:IL _....uG œ JULY 15,
1991 (CC-817)
34.~ J:eading and ........ I··-.L of Qr'fl'UM'V'lA No. 1564:
-An 0nU.nanœ of the City QJuncil of the City of
~ ,an-vting ~- 11.24.150 of the ~
)emjrnpol 0:xIe Relating to EF..h1i~ of P8XidDg
Prctú <Xl Certain SL..~, <Xl the BItst Side of
DBImza Boulevaxd BetL ' a l'bÜ1t 600 l8øt RJrth of
Mariani AWII1Ue to the !tJrther:ly city Limits.-
Second reading It _ IIICMId by O:JiImc. &...~ -.., """-AA.Jt.d by 0:JiIV"'. ~s
Ord. 1564 and J?"8sed n"'mi~ly to œm Ordinance No. 1564 by title
ally and the Dep.1ty City Clerk's ~ing to CDlStitute the
seccnd ~ing tbœ.....f.
Ord. 1564 It _ IIICMId by <bmc. sorenøEIl, ~.Jt.d by 0:JiIJD(". ~..
enacted and pelesed. UllalÙDlJU81y to enact Ordinance No. 1564.
35. lb1e.
36. oral .L"¥""Ls by staff ..~,J~......
<XXKIL 1<I!it"\.KL~
38. IAgi..1ative Review fhmrittee.
It _ IIICMId by ()'II""'. -..m., Ø&' __Wi by 0:JiIJN'!, Q\J"""'"
and ('e'~sed UDæ'Ji.......1S1y to ta1œ the following -+~......
reg¡miing i"" ¥= E!!!d legis1atiœ: ~ SB 959 (Presley),
wter utility, 8UI'à1IIrge <Xl nrtwm wter user:s; SB 821
(Petri), _i....t: .+-i." ~..1 use i"'''''i''''LLz'; and JIB 496
(Flcyd), to,,..... (;<), """"":1"" in t-""lties, state 1&-'1 ~ i..... of
)......1 authority. ~L.AB 72 (Qnteøe), park --, if
AQ.·~-iAd to include local grants ····'I.·.......L. Rsqœsted
-·.....·'.-.L to JIB 434 (Sber), of fees to
i11pl-rt; provi.siaIS of o.lii'nru!a Clean Air .Act.
At 11:40 p.m., the meeting _ adjourned to 1bIday, JUly
29, 1991, 5:00 p.m.
':12. é ¡;).v¡, -
Dep.1ty City Clerk