CC 08-20-91 , . crrr œ aJPBRTDD, S'lM'B œ CALUaINIA 10300 '.LU<1<15 AVI!HJB, .....-...u'.uÐ, C'A 95014 'ŒU!:PID8: (408) 252-4505 Œ-S18A Mn«1mS œ 'ŒB AOOœRNBD RInJI~ ...........ue œ 'ŒB crrr CDH:IL HEW (If ~ ~ 20, 1991, <XXK'IL œ~, crrr HAIL, 10300 '.I.UW5 AVI!HJB, ~.uÐ, aLIIœNIA CALL '10 <ì<LtsK 'l!Ie meeting _ called to .....dt... by __ing MII}'ar So:reI1ss1 7:03 p.m. ROLL CALL Q:Junc. ~ S aL: Golàn!ln, ~'" Sorensen Q:Junc. Aba .lL: Szabo, MIIyar ~ staff l'rea_IL: City ~ Brown City Clerk comelius DiIector of Publlt'! .....ÀD VisJIDI7ic:h Director of rnm.mit:y De\ IIol.'l0.-.1 num Public Tnf....._tia1 Off"ner' Krey City Attomey J[;li_ ŒAL CXHIlaCATICIiS Ed Bloem, 22150 ,..,11_ Drive, said the n.,."..¡, bad a bad habit of overruling their ....-I...i..... ---ily. Be st'«ted that, in his "Pi ni,.." tbere 1iII!!t1t t1I1D r . - to 0V'IIIrrUle: 1) that there has been ð grœs injustiat -~<:b __.M result in irrepIrable ham; 2) to "'-.r or clI.rify the law. As a result of amstant overruling, IYWIIIñ _i..... be-. 0'- lOOØK and ]nœer and feel their 1I1IXk is DOt DpJrbmt. Be stated his ....Hoof' that n...,....¡ 1 is 0III!IaUling tbI!a IIIX.b too oftea. He stated that 1ibED they do, they """..ld give ~i'ic directiœ and r8II8OIIB to the "'"'"'" _i...... Joe Brcwn, 20985~ 'In!e LIme, recp!I8ted that Item No. 3 be CDlti.nued until there is a full n.,."..¡ 1 to bear it. -1- '. . App. 8-U-91, Gachina . App. 8-U-91 approved App. 3-V-91, King/BaIde . . MDI1.ŒS CP 'DIE ~.l' 20, 1991, AnJaJRNIm RI!DJLAR crrr CXXH:IL 1.ToI!ò:l.-.ue (a::-81BA) FrImk Oldh8m stated that the çlicant does want to be heard. By ITTI....._: QJuncil stated they will hear the 8R>licatia1 at this meeting. ~ APPLIc:ATIC6S 1. J\ß>licatiœ No. 8-U-91 - John P. GIIdlina~ }(RnAt_~,~.L - Use PeDait to occupy bic aingle-f""'~ 1y resi~ CI'1 a t~'I''''alY basis, to '¥CLcd:e a landsœpe offi oe business. Envircnœnta1 Det:eminatiaJ.: Catecprically ExBIpt. '!be 1&'¥CLL)' is located at 10026/10038 OLalJc}e Avenue. Reo . -,..~a.It:.l for ~. Director of Cœmmity Delle], " ...... .L COWan reviewed the çlicaticn with QJuncil. John r"-+'il']ð, 21811 fIo-. n. _ Avenue, stated that he is a la1g time resident of 0Jpertin0. Prelriœsly, his business was located where the post offine is Clu.u:otUy being b1ilt. He felt this was a haJ:dship case arxl the sbc m:mths is - ~ to fiIXi a nev place. T.......... ~'..r, 1046 Iqrln Way, San Carlos, enployee of Mr. r"-+'i"", said that they are actively looking for anat:her site. ~ Craig, 10035 OL....ç¡e Avenue, said that the busi---g does not fit into the ....;gm. ..1&..ud. '1bere are truc:ks arxl early t,rAHic. He did state Mr. r.-+.i11a had iBproved the 1&'¥CLly a great deal. A plan for wrap-up "M1I11d be iniH..1i..-i. A sbc-i1D1th pemit .....,1" be all riçþt. It _ IIDIIed by Q)unc. GoJttnom, ~a.It:.l by O:.ollK". ~. arxl ¡--- UD!IIlÏDDusly (3-0) to "W'-..,¡e the çlicaticn per Planning ChmIi ....i.cn Reeolut.iœ No. 4359. staff _ diJ:ect:ed to amt:act Mr. r"-+'il']ð in five m:mths to :['I'OIIinrl Iúm that the tem of the r-mi t was a1IID8t over. 2. çlicatia1 No. 3-V-91 - Iarin King/Marlnko _lrlA - Var1"""'" to Sectiœ 8 of 0I:dinan0e No. 1449 I"eg!InÜng side yam setbacks to eIdsting single-fBmily resi~. EnviztJnœnta1 Detetminat:ia1: Categ:Jriœlly ExBIpt. '!be 1&'¥CLL}' is located at 10741 Santa Ll1ri.. Read. Rcu.u.UClIde..l for a¡:proval. -2- MIlÐ1ES Œ '!HE AIGJST 20, 1991, AnXXJRNED RlGJIAR crrr a:uiCIL ..........'.L1'G (œ-818A) (a) Resolut.ia1 No. 8492: -A Resolutial of the City 0JunciJ. of the City of QJpertino ~ Variance £ran Sectiœ 8 of 0ttIiœnœ No. 1449 Reg!Irding Side yard Setbadœ to Exist.ing Single-Family Reøidooo-ree at 10026 and 10038 OL"'"!P AWIJUe (3-V-91 - IøIin KÏng/Marinko RA1œ).- (b) Resolut.ia1 No. 8494: -A Resolut.ia1 of the City o,,1l'V"; 1 of the City of QJpertino J\¡pt'oving IDt Line Adju..L..uca1L Betueen 'l\oio Parcels of Iand Without a Parcel Map in Aa:m'danoe with Sec:t.iœ 66412 (d) of Subdivisia1 Map Act as Amc.d:,d Jarmary 1, 1984, King Pl.Uj,JCLLý and RAlr\e l'Z._Lÿ; Scuthwest: Cb1:uc.. of Santa 1",.ia Read and stevens CanyCI'1 Read.- (c) Resolut.ia1 No. 8495: -A Resolut.ia1 of the City o,,1l'V"; 1 of the City of 0Jpertin0 AßIroving IDt Line Adju..L..ucaIL Between 'l\oio Parcels of L!Ind Without a Parcel Map in Aa:m'danoe with Secti.œ 66412 (d) of Subdivisia1 Map Act as Amelùod Jarmary 1, 1984, King l'Z._Lÿ and Garza Pl._Lý; Scuthwest: Corner of Santa r..,.;.. Read and stevens CanyCI'1 Read.- It <i8S IIICM!d by 0,,111(', Goltboro, ~. ..oWl by QJunc. a..."a... and pessed UMlÚDDU81y (3-0) to aOOpt Resoluti.a1s 8492, 8494, and 8495. 3. A¡:pJ.iœti.cn No. 26-0-90 and 46-£&-90 - NelBCI'1 QIðO _ Use PeDlli.t to ~aLe a f'hvmci..l services office in 8D existing 2,800 sq. ft. h,; M;ng. EnvhaJœnt:a1 Det:e1:minatiœ: '!be P1Annh'9 t'rMft;-ial reo. .....,..db the granting of a Negative Dec:J.arat:ia1. '!be project is 10œted œ the north side of Peninsula Avenue mrtherly of and adjacent to Stevens Creek Boulevard. Rb.....,.....d:,d for ~wal. Mr. 0Jwan reviewed the "'fPlíœt:iaJs with CDuncil am info, ....I them of the need for parking. He reviewed the hist:oricaJ. pel.~tive of a joint participatioo. with the ""';Thors regarding abmL......1L. '!be Plarming Omnissia1 tW-iñed that the~, ¥ Bed use 1iOOld be too intense far the area. '!be h,; lding is too large and 1iOOld be easy to use at ncre th!In petmÏ.tted density. 'Ihe Plarming Omnissia1 feels that the City shculd start aMn.),-atl::ut of ~. -3- Resolutions adopted App. 26-U-90. 46-EA-90. Chao MIlI1.lES œ 'IHE JUGJST 20, 1991, AOOOORNIm RI!GJIAR CI'1'f CXXH:IL MI!Z'l"DC (œ-818A) P'rImk O.ldhlln, aràú.tect, aD1 resident of San Joee, said that Mr. 0Ið0 had been a resident of CUpertino sinœ 1984. '.DIe neiqJbors are new saying that the City b1-"-i1ed thI!III into this agr-'~.L. '!be awlicant is txying to 9"t a }-.,; Mh"1 that will fit City cm:tinanœs. He does need to start his busmess. It is not fair to 888IIœ he will DBJœ this an illegal }-"i 1t!;ng. Dr. Brown stated thi:rt the "hmvI, "....cuL aD1 the appl.icat.icm were BepBrate issues. He is not upset with what Mr. OMID is 1&~ing. He stated he put up with BIPO M1c::roi'i 1ming; he has no abjectic:n to Mr. 0Ja0. It is not true that he is not OX~LaLing. '.Ihi.s is not- 11 typical ,,"'n.\--.~IL. '!he State owr.s II triangle beD leerl the street and St:ewos Creek Boulevard. '!be prc.perty is far to the west. He and !blt:a vista Inn have joint use of the parking area. In regard to the AII....,~.L to Mr. C1eo's rær p.."'i""LL}', Dr. Brown stated he did not have me. Dr. Brown had to bawt stoJ:m drainage far his ~"'i""LLy' and he is not wi1Hng to give up an ea8ð1b~L 011 his 1&~' As rH "CUSaed, it """J"ld eliminate three of his parking 8J?"'œo'. '.DIe reciproœl ðgœculCllL does not offer him anything. Bob Slavich of ADI1let Drive, said he owned a larger office }-"i Ming acroøa £ran the !blt:a vista Inn. Parking is II problem. He does not m.Jt=u.!:and the abant\ ..,~ .L of the ..L......t and ""'i"'-....aed the opini.œ that it wculd anfuse the situat.iœ. Milœ Pericilis, 10014 Peninsula Boulevard, ~, Ib1ta vista Inn, says there is a parking prob1an. Ann Anger, President, H:I1ta vista ~u_De..L Assoc::iat.iœ, offered histariCIÙ ÍI1faI:DBt.icn regIIrding the ..L....dl. She stated it is not easy to ..hmvinn the ..L..~. She has been involved in HiI lway B5 fur IŒIl1Y years. tbm. a ..L....dl gets abar>oio_-:f, the owners get it free; it CðluaA. be sold. She ""'i"'-eaaed cxnœm regIIrding future enf.....u::wcaJL. She stated she feels sony far Mr. 0Ja0; he is stuck with the }-.,nIii ng. She surpsted it be tom à:Iwn aD1 a bIo-stary }-.,nliing be a:astructed. 'lbree cars oould be put in £root of the }-"i 1ding. She felt this area 1oII!IS the gateway to !blt:a vista. Mr. 011i1uwq surpsted asking for histaric }-"i1rling status. 'lbere are often ...,... ., driwways in sJxgrlnq centers. '.Ihi.s tTII"d be à:me. 0Jpert.in0 has no 'JI';tielines I:eg!Irding _11 driwways. '!be building has been there over 40 years and has been used over tlDse years in different mpacities. Mr. 0Ja0 has à:me no Íllprl::M:ments without II penni.t. In the -4- MINUŒS CF 'DIE AtXDS'l' 20, 1991, AnJOORNED RIGJIAR crrr CDJNCIL h=~'.uC (œ-818A) future he may tear down the "',UrliT1g, b1t not at this time. For nine Dalths, the water bas been turned off and the ...,; UUT1g Cðll1lOl be used. Q} the inside, the "',i 1i!;">g is in usable cxmditia1. Mr. Chao wants to remvat:e the front. City Attorney Kili.an stated the cxmditia1 of tIß1ttMÙ reads that Dr. Brown is to enter in'.:.o reciprooal jngress/egL....s &gl..,...ßcaíL with the 1&~ Lies to the east and the west. '!be intent was to include all ...,udinga, inc1nli;""1 the MJnt:a vista Inn. Acting Mayor Sorensen brought the discussia1 bBck to <mncil. It was JJDYed by Counc. Golàœn, sec....a.It.d by CoImc. ~. and passed unaninrJusly (3-0) to u¡òJ1d tiPn;Al of the awliœtia1 per Planning Cœmissia1 Resolution No. 4366. City Attorney Kili.an Iead a cxmditial CI'1 Dr. Brcwn's a¡:proval regarding abIu.d....ucuL of Peninsula Avenue. It was JJDYed by Counc. lb;Jers, ~a.It.d by CoImc. Golàœn and passed UlIðIÚJIDU8ly (3-0) to set a PJblic hearing to consider abIIId....,cuL far the ~-,~ eI 16 meeting and that material p.. S_íLed to rr.."..; 1 include the cxmditia1s CI'1 previous awliœtia1 approvals CI'1 affected I:""~Lies. 4. A¡:pliœt.ia1s l-V-9l and 3-EXC-9l - I!sang lee _ Veri"""'" to Sec::t.iœs 8.3.2, 8.4.3, aD1 10.3.2 of Ontinanœ No. 1449 to rAin".. the first story sFMroIr, the seaui story setback suråImge, the seaui stmy side decking set"~. EJ., "'I. ;A'\ to Q18pI:er 14.04.040 of the 0JpertiD0 ¡,ami";J?"'l Code to waive aL.._t. dediœti.a1s and iDprovBœnt requiI&œnts. EnvizaJœnta1 Det:eJ:miDat.ic: '!be Planning Cœmissia1 r<"-' ...,~a.Is the granting of a Negative Dec:.-1Ar.atia1. '.DIe 1&~L)' is 10œted at 10091 Hillcrest RDad. pA.. ··..offided for denial. (c) Resoluticn No. 8493: "A Resoluticn of the City CoImcil of the City of CUpert.im ~ Variance frail Sec::t.iœs 8.3.2, 8.4.3 and 10.3.2 of Ontinanœ No. 1449 to Reduce the First Story Setback, the ~... Story Setback SUrcharge and the Secu.... Story Side Decking Setback (I-V-9l _ Ilsang lee)." -5- App. 26-U-90 denied App. I-V-91 & 3-EXC-91, Lee . App. 1-V-91 denied App. 3-EXC-91 denied App. 81,004.15 Heritage tree . Ord. 1566, speed limit on McClellan ~ MDK1mS œ 'I!IE lIuou::r.r 20, 1991, AOOOORNI!D RI!GJLIIR Cl'1'J' <DH:IL .........'.uG (CX::-818A) Soott 0Ien, le"... s~LiDg Mr. lee, oojected to the <XXIditiœ pertaining to dedicatiœ. '1he neigbbors did not have sud1 a 0CI1diti.cn of a¡:pmval. He requested that there be a side driveway with DDre 1~ing and a sewn foot, not ten foot setbeck. It 111&8 11DIIed by Ch....., Q>ldœn, -.....Jt.d by 0:Iunc. a..."..... and passed \lß!llÜJlcusly (3-0) to u¡:tx>Id denial of the Awliœt:.ia1 1-V-91 per Planning lhrmiAøi.cn Resolution No. 4360. It 111&8 11DIIed by Ch...... Q>ldœn, sero..Jt.d by Ch"1('. ~. and passed unan.ÍIlDUBly (3-0) to deny 3-EXC-91. ARaII'lEC1URAL AND SI'Œ APPROVAL CXHœl'lEB APPLICATICIIS 5. Awliœtiœ 81,004.154 - City of 0Jpertin0, Heritage Tree 1I'mi ""tia1s - Request fI:an AråU.tectural and Site A¡:proval QJmU.ttee to a:osider trees 10œted at p.tblic larxfs be jncJ.uded in the Heritage Tree desi.çJJatiœ and pIOtectiœ. Reo 11 ....-.tM for Clf:¥Lu\Tðl. It - 11DIIed by ChVX". Q>ldœn, ~..Jt.d by Chill('. a..."..... am passed unan.ÍIlDUBly (3-0) to cxm.inue a:osiderati.cn of this itEm to sept~.J.er 3. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 6. None. Nmf BUSINESS 7. Qmsiderati.cn of otdi.D!Inœ establishing pr.ima ¥,.,...¡.. lip ::1 limit CI'1 ~'..l1A1'1 Read beL "m Mira Vista Awrme am a point 900 ft. southerly and westerly u.....cu!, 25 m.p.h. (<mtinued £ran the meeting of J'uly 15, 1991.) (a) Fi:œt r-ii"'1 of Ordinanoe No. 1566: "An 0I:dinanœ of the City Council of the City of CUpertino 1Imending C1apt:er 11.12.030 of the CU[ertino )li1l1;,.;I"\] O:xie Relating to Estab1i~ of PrinB Facie 9çEed Limits CI'1 M:£le11"11 lb!d, Beb1een Mira Vista Avenue and a POint 900 ft. Southerly and Westerly 'lbereof." Followin:J staff "<¥ALl, Bob 8:Dœie, 22237 Ma::lellan lb!d, said that there are IIIII1Y bicyclists, walkers, runners, and equestrians œ the street. '!here have been at least three a......il'¥>l1ts with cars IUm1ing into walls. '!be entrance to a g:>lf rourse is at the bottan of the hill and cars sp: e j there. Ma::lellan Ranch Park is also a dangerous area. At -6- MDUmS CP '!HE AInJS'l' 20, 1991, AOOŒJRNIm RI!GJLAR crrr <DH:IL ........J.'.uC (œ-818A) the new renovated Shms' muse, there will be single ¡m..uLs with dúldren. Mr. H:1xBie felt the 20 D¡i1 limit Ahno,1d be extended. BOO Hendricksen, Mira Vista Awnue, said in about one wet, sc::bools start. 'Ibis will E!IIa:IUrage DDre parents to driw their m; ltiren to scbcol. It is a dangerous &L.._t. Be read an article dated 1987 and urged Q)uncil not to booøt the q¡: c:l limit. If the 25 D¡i1 were strictly enforced, it JDÏ9lt be all rj¢t, bIt there should be DO 30 D¡i1 forgiwœss. He suggested road undu.1aticns entering Mira Vista. Gail Abro, 10450 Mira Vista, said that she can hear œra aquealing CI'1 tums. She ......'1d love ~ e ed b.IIps in fra1t of her muse. She also stated the 25 D¡i1 ~ be all ri41t i£ it were strictly enforc.:..l. BOO H:1xBie stated that œra fP through the stop sÏ91 CI'1 Mira Vista. It _ DDYed by Qxmc. Golàœn, s.::..u.abl by Qxmc. ~.. and pBSsed UD!IIÚIIDusly (3-0) to read 0I:ùinanœ No. 1566 by title ClÙY and the City Clerk's reading to amstitute the first reading thereof. n".......; 1 requested that this be enfo1:~ with zero tolek.a"...., and that strict att:ent.iœ be paid en Miller and en Ibo;nhcw wbel.. sp: e:i limita have r.....,..Lly been p;ooed. PI!> ~: 9:20-9:27 P.M. It WIIS DDYed by n"........ Rogel.., ...,.....aJt,d by <bunc. Go1"-n and p8l1sed tnvm;.....mly (3-0) to øriwri,1e (hrl;""""" No. 1566 far the meeting of ~ -,1_ 3 BS an w.~...y ordinance and that interested parties be note; f'; ed. 8. Request for approval of t"tumgr>a in solid. wste ag.-·-.L with Ios Altos Garbage Ch1pot1y. (a) Resolution No. 8496: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of CUpertino Aàiing New Cat:ecpry to Service Rates C1arged by Ios Altos Garbage Chrpany far Collecti.cn and DispoøaJ. of Refuse and Supc......,.i;.>g Previous Rate Tables." (b) Resolution No. 8497: ·A Resolution of the City Council of the City of CUpertino Authorizing Mxlificatian to the Solid. Waste Frandüse Agrt::allCllL, Inrorpuu.ting and Defining New Services to be ReOOered by Ios Altos Garbage Cœpany." -7- 1st reading of Ord. 1566 Los Altos Gar- bage agreement K'B1ŒS (J.I' 'lHE 1IUAA:rl' 20, 1991, AnJOORNI!D RI!DJIAR crrr <DIClL I£B'l'DG (<X:-818A) (c) Resolutia1 No. 8498: .þ Resolutia1 of the city Cbmci.l of the city of CUpertino Setting a Public Hearing to CcIIs1der YImi Waste P1."""'....; MImdataty Service erxI Cb11ect.iœ of Delin;¡uent Fee 'lb......uí; EnvircDœnta1 Bill Inoozporating r...,~, Recycling, and NaIpoint Sourœ Fees; in O:njunctico with the Solid WBste Franc:Iúse l\g1:"""ocuL with IDs Altoa GaJ:bBga Q:upmy.. Director of Public Mmœ ViskDvid11& senled his ~",¥""L. Dr. 'l\:m English, 20771 Scofield Drive, "<¥L"'¡~ìLing the Santa Clara County M!Inufacturing Group, said that the .._.i ~8 of the 0 ....-. ci.a1 Recycling Qmai.ttee ware DOt given draft lY'{'ies of the l"¥ALL in advance and do DOt agree with all of it. '1hey œrmot m"'~ìL until they talk with the cœpany'8 legal oounsel. '1hey feel they are negatively jJ¡pact:ed by IteIœ Sa and 8b. Mr. ViskDvid1 stated that the itelœ included in the draft ~",¥""t had been 1'I;"""EOsed at great length and therI" shcu1d have been 00 surprise. Dr . RngJ ; Ah request:ecì that Council amtinue aJrISideraticn of IteIœ Sa and Bb. }4o..,i e.... of the amni.ttee need to 1'1; """US8 the ~"'¥"" L with staff and get intema1 ~uval of . . .-1. -ny oounsels. Mr. ViskDvid1 stated he t-....."i't that there had been an ..".~,~.L. '1ba tnnnittee Bet about 50 times in the last year. He ~....æd SUIprise that there is . WOSiti.cn. Iœ Altos r...""":1> n "loA{)y has offered a lower rate and å:me øaœ ÏDplementati.cn -- en the belief that there we an ðo"J."",..."..L. It _,"M be delayed, but IDs Altos r....m..g,. n "1 -MlY may not want to iDplaœnt at this risk. He IIAbw:: what the problen is. Dr. English replied that there is a ser.ies of issues and stated he assumed the City .....lld lilœ the 8\JßAn. L of the group. City Manager Brown said it was unfair to ask what their objectia1s are i£ they just çpt the ""¥ALl. He ~....sed ---xt, that there had been 00 ~ call stating that there 1o'eI'e objectia1s. Dr. English said that they would need ooe DDnth. It_ his uncIerstanding that the a::mpanies did CXJDtact staff. -8- MDÐŒS at 'lBB NDJS'1' 20, 1991, ADDJRNED RBGmAR crrr aIH:IL _.I.'.I!Ð (œ-818A) It .. IIIM!d by ca.n:. a..y....., eeu.....Jt,d by (hmc. Gol"-' and puøed tDVlninn181y (~) to a:ntinue Items 8(a) and 8(b) to the meeting of Sept:eIIà!r 16. '1t1II Harsley, 10798 Wil1cwgrove way, cd.h.....sed th1l'V"il regarding ItEm 8(c). Be saki that Palo Alto has a .. .." .:...L.lng 1&..."...... which he fJ\IR)Ot ls. Be suggested that a flyer be sent explAining bow ciH.......... can cb this CX1 their 0I0ID. Be also stated he 1oICU1d like to see the Jaycees Recycling Center re1oœted. Joyce H1ava, 150 A1JJw'Ioon, '900, &In Jose, represeot.i.ng BP'I, saki she is one of the -gypsy- ...,~enies, whim picks up 1IÜJCIed recyc1ables. '!be. . .." ......y dces have a state aJIISOlidated ¥Al"i 1i ties pecait and ta1œs m;,,,ort ..............ci.al 1œdø. She offere.:i a 10' fee reduct:ic:1 and ðSlœd why the city of 0Jpertin0 i8 direc::ting their rarrier to bring the miJœd .)[ ....-........ia.l 1œdø. She _ inf,.. ......i that the City dces have a fnmchise ðgl.COQIICO.L that states æry aolid waste IIII8t 4p to Neoby Island; rec:yclables ŒJn't have to gJ to Neoby. '!be Acting MI¥Jr suggested that Me. Hlava Bpeðk with our Director of PI.1blic ttroœ. Mr. ViskDvic:h stated that in aamdanœ with the fnmchise ðgI.~''''''L, all CJ"'~ be1"""7 to UGD. Pure recyclers can "'\'C'-c:d.e here. Be ""'i""_sed un '&1:n regæ:dinq CXIIpIU1Ï.es that cb both. Following th1l'V". Golålm1's quest.ÏaI8, it was riP(-itWi that he aD1 Mr. Vis1coo:idl will meet to disa.Jss source infcmœticn. Be will meet with other City CDUI1cih.~........ also. John Angin, Gt...::..al ~ of UGD, said that no one hIId amt.acted him about the recyclmy. By CDI8EII8U8, th"""'¡ 1 IgIt'oved bJplEllEllt:atia1 of the au:tIxJard 1&..."...... with drcp-off centers and a¡:proved, in tTY1t'1!;!pt, the expmsla1 of the recycli.ng ~vyL"" to Ill.Ùti-fsnily units. If the au:tIxJard ~vyLalll hurts the Jaycees' recycling 1&vyLauJ, staff will disa:ntinue it. It was IIIM!d by <bunc. Ruyc...., seoo..J,:Ù by Q:lunc. Golànan and passed UDðIÚJIDusly (3-0) to acX¢ Resolution No. 8498 set;+-..ing a PJ!>lic hearing for 0c:tàJer 21. -9- . , . · Fees-Nonpoint Source Res. 8~99 adopted Bid opening, Stevens Creek Storm Int., Proj. 91-116 · Ord. 1554, Chen (8-Z-90) · MDÐIES " 'lBB ~.I.' 20, 1991, AI>JCUR!D RI!GlLAR ClW CDK:IL ,.........11'1; (<X:-818A) Q:Iunc. Go1"","" noted far the r....u..d that be œjects to the use of ·Solid WIIste ",~,.""i_ Iy-'-'L with IJJS Altos 1~...+...7' n.,1.-ny" in the title of the resolnH...... 9. AßJroving Jœthod of collecting fees and fee structure - ~int Source. (a) Resolution No. 8499: ·A Resolution of the City Cb""; 1 of the city of 0Jpertin0 Setting a p\1hH(' 8eBring to C'a1sider the Fee Structure far the )1- 'i 'Ô.Í.nt Source P.Luya.alU.· It WB8 IIDIIed by Q:Iunc. Golàœn, ~.Jt.d by Q:Iunc. ~D aD1 p-"Bed '''''''''i......JSly (3-0) to adtpt the resolution. 10. Bid "1-'ing and -ro of CXX1tract, stevens Creek stoIm :rnterœptor, Project 91-116. It _ IIDIIed by 0,0....... l\"yeLD, _, ..~ by Cb....... Go1"","" aD1 peeBed unanimJusly (3-0) to award the ~ðCt to KJB P;p>1 iœ far their law bid of $1,226,020 aD1 "K"'u>18 a 5' CDJt.ingency far a total of $1,287,321. WRITmN aHDIIC'ATICHJ 11. NoDe. œDnw«:ES 12. Se-...I z--Hng aD1 eDca.:~L of Qrl'u.......... No. 1554: "An Qrñi.......... of the city Cb"""i 1 of the City of QJpertino J!n-v-Hng Sectia1 1 of 0J:dinImœ No. 2 by -ing JIwo.... ¡-.øly .41 Gross k::re fraD R3 Zcme to P (Res) Zcme¡ located at 7359 Jboi......... Drive (Judy 0Jen - S-Z-90) . . DiJ:ector of n....."l1nity De\,IIo 1. 1. ....,L tbwm1 requested that this item be ref......cd b!Ic:k to the PlAnning Chnni....iœ far their Sept_,J ex 9 meeting far a r,¥""L. It will retum to Cbuncil at their meeting of sept -.. ~ 16 as an advertised, noticed public bearing. It WB8 IIDIIed by Cb".".. Golàœn, -..,..Jt.d by Ck:unc. Rugers and I"''i'Bed '''''''"', ....JSly (3-0) to refer this item back to the Planning Chnni ....iœ. far u:p..rt and that it cxma back to Cbuncil as an advertised, noticed hearing CI'1 septaItJer 16. -10- Mn«7J.ZS œ '!HE JUaJST 20, 1991, AnXJURtIBD RI!GJLAR crrr <DH:IL _.I.'.uc (CC-818A) 13. S& ...1 z-t~ng aD1 en...:t-..L of Qrrli","""," lb. 1565: ·An 0nIiMnœ of the City n-.",....¡ 1 of the City of CUpertino Autborlzing the "·--\·-·L to the Cl.ul.&.aCt Bet1 - the City n-.1IV'i 1 of the city of CUpertino and the Board of Aàninist:rat.iœ of the r...l i i'nrnia PtÐlic EIIplcIyees' Retireœnt System.. It we DDVed by Q:ux:. GoJ.åœr.1, 8eo.A.a.:Jt.d by n-.""... aog..... and J?"'lIøed urvm;......JSly (3-0) to reed Ordinance lb. 1565 by title a1ly and the City Clerk's x--f;ng to cxmsti.tute the secxni z-t;ng thc..cu!. It we DDVed by Q:Junc. Go1ànrm, "'....1M by Q:Junc. ~. aD1 J?"''iløed UI1IUÙIIIJusly (3-0) to enact Qrrl;........- No. 1565. REæn11'ICRS 14. NCI'1e. S'mPP 1œt'\.K!'8 15. Oral ~~Ls by staff .._.I~~Itt. <DH:IL 1œt'\.K!~ 19. n-.,.".. aoga.... - BiœrJtlonn;..l nw-ittee _ n-.~. RogeG:& noted for the reoœ.d that the R;~......i..l n-rnnittee a¡p:eciates the àÍ.fu&. La of steve IDfling aD1 the PðrIœ and Re.....<:o::ttim staff and the 1'\"1;" .....k.. staff in œgani to the JUly 4 event. n-.VK". GoJ.àœn stated that he ""eo".- that aD1 tJumlrM steve IDfling and Joe H..u.... for their 1IIDt'k CI'1 the }'OI1tb sports i';Alt1ø. n-.ur. Gol"-n also stated that he went to the SeII'eo SprÏnr;JB Jt. .,~ --.. Asøociati.a1 ~-ti.ng. '.DIe lYmm;ttee told him that they .....,1it .........M.... a fee waiver in ~ve Sessiœ. Be --l~~ to beBr bBck £ran them by AI¥prt 31. At 10:35 p.m., the meeting _ ady...-.-t. City Clerk -11- 2nd reading Ord. 1565 Ord. 1565 enacted Bicentennial Committee Seven Springs BOA