CC 09-03-91
crrr œ Cutomcr.uÐ, 9TME œ CALIPtmIIA
10300 ·.LUWS AVBIIJB, ~.L1Ð, C'A 95014
'1EŒPHH!:: (408) 252-4505
MIlClES œ 'lBB RIGJIM ............L1'G œ 'lBB crrr <DH::IL
HBID QI ö:iI!it'~~, 3, 1991, <DK:IL aÐII ...., crrr HAIL,
10300 '.LUWS AVEtIm, UJt'NCJ:llÐ, CALDCmŒA
SAU7lB 'It) 'lBB FU!G
'!be DEeting was œlled to .....Jt... by Mayer lfq:pel at 6:45
Counc. Freses:.L:
Golàœn, Royc....., SorensEo, Szabo, Mayer !'I:Jppe1
staff 1>1. s!>lL:
City Manager Brown
Deputy City Clerk tblfe
Assistant to the City Manager Brown
Direc:t:or of Public H:Jrks ViskDlridl
Direc:t:or of pi"""""" snyder
Direc:t:or of cnm.m;ty Delle1"1...~.L ~
Direc:t:or of P8rlœ and Dowling
City Attorney 1[; 1 ;....
It was DDVed by Ch11'V". ~), e&o ..._1 by Chm~. soreœeo
and pllSsed 'uvm;~1y to antinue Item 19 to the meeting
of Sept_, 16.
CERIHJŒAL MIb,".IJSI<:j - ~ - N:ne.
aw. CXHDIIC'ATlCRS - N:ne.
<X:H3œ1' CAU!:NI)AR
Itaœ 1 and 13 were rEIIIM!d fran the rn,9«tt Calendar at
the request of Ann Anger and Counc. ~'" respect.i~y.
It was DDVed by Ch,.".. Golàœn, 1Io::uAah:l by Counc. sorensen
and pllSsed unaniJlDusly to <>KJI.U\Ie the reIIBinder of the
QJnsent Calendar. Counc. Szabo abstained 00. Itaœ 5 and 6
only; Mayor !'I:Jppe1 abstained 00. Itan 6 only.
1. Ra1Dved.
Items continuec
Items removed
Consent Calen-
dar approved
_.r.uG (œ-819)
2. Review of request for AlcdJolic BelA:lIage a...L..ol
liœœe for Buster's Grill 8I1d Bar, 1(}123 North 1b1fe
RoBd, '2053.
3. Des~ of vcting deleryot:.e for Annual 0Jr..,..-s of
Cities .
4. Resoluticn No. 8482: "A Resoluticn of the City (b~l
of the City of 0JpertinD Rescinding Resoluticn No. 8417
8I1d Fixing the Eøp1oyer's QntribJtia1 UJIdBr the
Meyer...{".-irIPA state Eøplayees ~;nRl 8I1d Hospital Care
5. JIWrOVal of minutes of AiJǵJt 19, 1991 regular meeting.
6. JIWrOVal of minutes of AiJǵJt 20, 1991 8djoumed
~,br meeting.
7. Resoluticn No. 8490: "A Resoluticn of the City O'JI'IIY..1l
of the City of 0Jpert.iJXI Declaring Its Intentia1 to
Order of a Portia1 of Peninsula Avenue at the
Northeast corner of Ste\IeDS Creek Boulevard 8I1d
Peninsula Avenue As Provided in Secticn 8320 Et seq. of
the Streets 8I1d Hic1ways 0x1e of the state of
California, Fixing Time 8I1d Place for Public BeIIriDg
8I1d Providing for Notice '!hereof."
8. Acœptanœ of city projects:
a) Traffic ~;9""'1 Inøt.allati.œ at Butb 8I1d Results
way, Project 91-101 (San Jose Sicpù. Electric)
b) þnm...l OIIerlay, Project 91-104 (O'Grady Paving)
No àx:ImIentati.on neoe8saty
9. Resoluticn No. 3493: "A Resoluticn of the City 0'JI"",;1
of the City of l"\Jpertino Approving IDt Line Adju..t-.úL
BebÆ en 'l\io ParaÜs of land WitlxJut a Parcel MBp In
AcoordBnœ with Sf!Ct.iœ 66412(d) of Subdivisial MBp Act
as Audlåed.JanuMy 1, 1984, Guer.gerid1 PL,¥=Lj and the
I'aboojian Pì.,¥=Lj, Limy lane .Just Northerly of Lindy
MDI1.ŒS œ '!HE ::iISt"~ 3, 1991, RPXDIAR crrr aJH:IL
It!:E'l'DG (OC-819)
10. Resolution li:). 8501: "A Resolution of the city <bmcll
of the City of CUpert.ioo ~ 0:ntrIIct 0Iange
order li:). 2 for Traffic Signal Installatiœ, Harth
TmJtau Avenue at Tandem Carp1ter Driveways, Project
91-110. "
11. Resolution li:). 8502: "A Resolution of the City ccuncl1
of the City of CUpert.ioo ~ 0:ntrIIct 0Iange
order li:). 3 for Traffic Signal Installatiœ, Harth
Tantau Avenue at Tandem Carp1ter Driveways, Project
12. Resolution li:). 8503: "A Resolution of the City ccuncl1
of the City of CUpert.ioo Designating Street SUbject to
PeImit Parking, Hyannisport Drive."
13. RfmJIred.
14. Resolution li:). 8504: "A Resolution of the C".ity ccuncl1
of the City of CUpert.ioo Allowing Certain C''';,,,,, end
DeIII!IOOs Payable in the Am:Junts ani Fran the F\mds as
Hereinafter Des=ibed far Salaries ani wages far the
Payroll Period Ending August 13, 1991."
15. Resolution li:). 8505: "A Resolution of the City ~:\IY"n
of the City of CUpert.ioo Allowing Certain C''';'''''' end
I)A,"" alA Payable in the Am:Junts end Fran the F\mds as
Hereinafter Des=ibed far General end Mi.soel1aneaus
Expenditures for the Period Ending August 23, 1991.·
16. çliœticn for waiver of b.1siness lj..-..... fees £Ian
CiH .,..-... for a Better Envimnnent (CBE).
17. J\I:xJeptanœ of res~ of J'OOy Kirkham £Ian &....o,¡i
Chm!; -i.œ end :rea:mœndatia1 regarding rec:ruillucuL.
~ Mb.~ -. t:I of the City rn.~; 1
AYES: GolttnAn, RDgeIs, Sorensen, Szabo, Kr:JßIel
MF.S: låle.
ABSENl': lb1e.
ABS'mIN: Szabo (IteIIII 5 end 6 only), Kr:JßIel (Item 6 only)
1. 1\dc:ption of resolution ani Cooperative J\yL""",ét,t for
continuing participatioo in the ~rtgage credìt
Certificate (K:c) PIuy¡.aI".
Credit Cert1fi
cate program
Res. 8500
approved -
Siemens Corp.
Second reading
and enactment,
Ord. 1567,
MDCŒS œ 'IfIB ::õISt"~~. 3, 1991, RFDJLAR crrr <X:OI:IL
!I!'.E'l'ING (œ-819)
(a) Resolutia1 No. 8500: -A Resolutia1 of the City
Qxmcil of the City of 0Jpe.rtin0 Autbarizing
Executi.œ of a O:q.«ative ~_ICIJL Bett. ~ an tile
Q)unty of sent:a Clara aD1 tile city of 0Jpertin0
for PBrticipatiœ in 8 øntg9ge Credit Certi.fioate
Pl.'¥-.... and Autbarizing Appliœt.ia1 for A1loc:at.ia1
of H:D:tgBge Credit Certificate IIJ8I"""""
AJ.ttOOrity. -
D·-~ of ~DU'ty n...-lc .. ......--- ed ,,-
:1.1.,.,.,........ u:!!!!!!!!_....."... '1..~I.. .......... ðIIS\."': ......
Anger's quest.j.œs.
It was IIDIIed by <Dmc. Sorensen, .........a.!t:.l by <Dmc. RL..,p...
and pllSsed UDIIIÜmcusly to ~ Resolutioo No. 8500.
13. 12-ASl\C-91 - Siemens Cbzp::Iratia1 - p-p-t
far revieII aD1 lIßJ[OI7ðl to install· 8 wall around
Jœd1anical equipœnt at an existing imustrlal
h'Htii'1g. 'Ibe site is located at the sout:he8st ........ó=
of JbDestead Read and 'l'Imtau Avenue. R- . ...,~.Jed for
It was IIDIIed by <Dmc. RuycL.., se-. ..~ by Counc. sorensen
and I""ased unaIÚmJuSly to "K"'we 12-A8AC-91
per Ardù.tectural and Site Approval Cœmittee
No. 1634.
18. Public bearing to a:Dsider ~·~·1.,~L of 0VJpter 16.16
of the QJpertino ø.micipBl a:Jde to ~ tile 1990
0.1 ii'nrQia B1ect.rical a:Jde, pBl.C09L~l 5, reaL..lcting
~i,.., of 10œl ~.~·},,~.L CI" qA.. far 10œl climAtic,
geolQ9i....l, ar ~a¡.hical aJOditioDS.
(8) se. .._i r--I;ng and eoacbnent of 0rdi.Mnœ No.
1567: -An Ordinance of the City Qxmcil of the
City of QJpertino AmID:iing 01apter 16.16 of tile
0Jpe.rtin0 ø.micipBl a:Jde to JIàJpt the 1990 I!'diticl1
of the california Elect:riœ1 a:Jde.-
It _ IIDIIed by Counc. Sorensen, ............Jt:..l by Counc. Golàœn
and I""ased ,.....n;1Ir'OJ8Iy to read 0rdi.Mnœ No. 1567 by title
only and the Depl1ty City Clerk's reading to anstitute tile
~.:l reading thereof.
It was I!IJIIed by Counc. Golàœn, 8t=u.JI...Jt:..l by Cbunc. Sorensen
and ~ased UDIIIÜmcusly to enact; Ordinance No. 1567.
MIlÐlBS œ 'lEE ~~~. 3, 1991, RI!X;OI.¡\R Cl'l'f aDICIL
...........uG (cc-819)
19. Application No. 4-BXl:-91 - A. I.ðIprlo - Exceptiœ to
~.... 14.04 of the CUpertino ømi..iI""l Qxia to
reIJ11r8 dedicaticn of real 1&'¥=LLy' far tiw:eet
DpmvBœnt pnpcses. DJvL....··-·Lal DeteIminatiœ:
~y L:.atA-. 'D1e 1I'-'¥=LLj' is 10œted at 21841
þl__. Avenue. Rt:.u....._~ far denial. CCI1tinued
fJ:an the meeting of JUly 1, 1991.) (Rs1œSt
ccat.inuanœ to Sept~.J er 16, 1991.)
Previously continued to SEptr-,J.Þ[" 16, 1991.
20. Applicaticn 81,004.154 - City of CUpertino, Heritage
'lne ncminatia1s - Request £ran Ard1itectura1 and Site
JIR:IroInù. amnittee to a:osider LA. 10œted CI'1 public
lands be included in the Heritage 'lne des~ aDdŒl. &,.. .,.,~abl for~. (CCI1tinued £ran
the meeting of August 20, 1991.)
Director of QmIIJnÌ.ty DelleJ.,I..~.L a:-n re\TÍSoII£d the staff
It MIS IIDIIed by CDunc. Sorensen, --.......Jed by CDunc. ~
and J?""'B(!d UDaJÜJlDusly to dizect staff to ..,..h-'111e a public
heIIring to a:osider an of Otdinanœ 1543 which
~ care and reIIDII8l of L.. e a al private property.
21. ~ No. ASI\C 51,742.1 - CUpertino Inn -
Referring IIŒl-<Dlpliance of lTYIrIitiœs aàDinistered by
Ard1itectura1 and Site JIR:IroInù. n-nittee for lID
existing hotel located at the mrthIIIest quach.aaL of
North T\ooan?AI Boulevard and 1-280. Rt"....,....."""t.i.a1 for
&art of use p:mnit revcœtia1. (staff:reo . ·..,~Idation
is for aJDtinuanœ to 0ct00er 7, 1991.)
DiIectar of a:mmnity Devel.I..~.L a:-n 11'--.3 ILed a staff
City Att:mney Kilian ðI1S\o..I::ed questicœ about the
reII'OCIIticn 11'-~8.
John Fisher, representing John vià:Jvic:h and CUpertino Inn,
read Mt. Viåwic:h' s letter.
In answer to questioos £ran Ccunc:il lIK2ILc..s, Mr. Kilian
stated the q>inion that OJuncil ~d be justified in
starting reII'OCIIticn procedures.
4-EXC-91 -
continued to
Sept. 16
Heritage trees
on public lands
ASAC 51,742.1
Cupertino Inn
Reading and
Ord. 1566
_ i
S dreading i
an ~nactment,;
Ord. 1568
MDCŒS CF 'DIE :>&'m&"JDI:A 3, 1991, RnJIAR CI'1'f CDICIL
..........ue (CX::-819)
City MBnager Brown said there is another alternative - do
notbilvJ .
It W8S DDWd by QJunc. Golànan, r...u..aieo.J by QJunc. lb,¡aL.
and peeaed unanim:Jus1y w table the matter.
22. None.
23. a:osideratia1 of urgency ordinance establishing prlma
f"",; A Sf : -:1 limit CI'1 Md:le1lan Road be.t:wen Mira Vista
Avenue and a point 900 ft. scutherly aD1 westerly
thereof, 25 m.p.h. (o:xrt:inued £ran the Jœeting of
August 20, 1991.)
(a) Reading and enactment of urgency ordinance No.
1566: "An Ordinance of the City <nmcil of the
City of CUpertiD:> AmerIding CJapter 11.12.030 of
the CUpertiD:> Mmicipal Q)de Relating to
Est:8bl.ishlœnt of Prima Facie ~: ~ Limits CI'1
Md:1ell1m Road, Bet\¡oeen Mira vista Avenue and a
POint 900 ft. Southerly and westerly '1hereof, and
Declaring the urgency '1hereof."
It W8S DDWd by QJunc. Rcger8, by Qulc. Sorensen
and p""sed u¡um;......lSly to read urgency Ordinance No. 1566
by title œly and the DepIty City Clerk's r--f;ng to
cxmstitute the œly reading thereof.
It W8S DDWd by Q)unc. Sorensen, 8c:uA.Jad by Ccunc. ~s
and J?"'''sed u¡um;1IrQly to enact urgency Ordinanc3 lb. 1566.
24. None.
25. $eo. .."I reading and enactment of Ordinance No. 1568:
"An Ordin!mC8 of the City Qulcil of the City of
0Jpertin0 Amending Section 128.1 of Ordinance No.
220(1) Relating to Regulating Public RnHdings,
()Jasi-Public RI,; ldirgs and Transportatiun Zones."
It W8S DDWd by Q)unc. Sorensen, 8c:uA.Jad by Qulc. Golànan
and p"..sed :.manimJus1y to read Ordinance No. 1568 by title
œly and ::ne Dep1ty City Clerk's reading to CXIIIStitute the
~.J reading thereof.
MDCŒS C1" 'mE :iI!it"~ - 3, 1991, RPGJIAR CITY mx:n.
~ò1:.LI'G (CC-819)
It _ IIIM!d by :""uDr~. Golàœn, ~.Jed by ()'Io1fV". Soreœeo
and ¡-"ged nrumi......mly to enact Ordinance No. 1568.
26. r--!ing and eœcbnent of 0rdi.nImœ No. 1569:
-An 0rdi.nImœ of the City cmncil of the city of JlñV"ing and I11plementing the State noor.aity
BœJus. -
It 10IBS IIIM!d by 0?01fV". SOreœen, 1kou.A.dt.d by QJQnc. GQlttnom
and passed urvmi~ly to reIId Ordinance No. 1569 by title
ally and the Dep1ty City Clerk's reading to amstitute the
&.:.u....J r--!ing t1-.aA:.
It was IIIM!d by o,.1I'V". Golàœn, 1kou.A.dt.d by <bmc. Soreœeo
and {"'aged UDaI1ÌJII:œly to enact Ordinance No. 1569.
FR.<rIr Tf1'ICRS
27. Ncne.
S'mFP' 1<I5tUO.~ - Ncne.
CDH:IL .ta5tQu$
30. 0'1Inv-. t'liAl"OlSsed volunteerism. CiH--.. have
volunteered their time to keep the Sport Center q&1 1~ §'''
hours. He described the 1&..."....... at El r..minn IbIpital and
......ty of C!o_R_1 He --".. .......... ....,......--'1 . ~...
"'"""-I. ...........z".~e. aa.:u... ..:.&.:a.... J.D. ..-_~.LCI&AA al ~ iI --__
pou.~._1iœ are all volunteers. Mr. ~Ahn alao menticDed
volunteer fire and poJ.ï."e departments. In his t".{'ini~, the
use of volunteers will be neœssary in unit... to deliver
services in
Mayor lI'q'.pel . . ...,~ -Led that there DBY be prœlElœ with the
laixJr 1m; t'WUI.
City ~ Brown said that staff will de\Ie1.q) ;.nfm:Jœd:ial
~f'ic to this subject and let O'1I,.".,il know hew
voluntearø are 1& B-!Lly used in the City. He told them
about the gifts catalog and "wish list- survey cw.~....Lly
being deve1qø1 by staff ~
Mayor KqtJel menticDed that !lImY volunteers bad ~tLly
been hak.......! at the -.inr volunteer lunc:bea1.
COUnc. lbp... said ¡œybe 'D::m Lai'OOCk frail SUnnyvale <DU1d
CXJœ to a and talk about hew their volunteer
1&uy¡.aall works.
Second reading
and enactment,
Ord. 1569
Review Com.
MDIJ'lES œ THE ~~ - 3, 1991, RJ!GJLAR CITf CXXH:IL
......:a:.uG (0::-819)
Me. Szabo said it is iDpJrtant that other Ellp1ayees feel
that volunteers are there to help, not to œp1.aœ thsn. Jfe
doesn't think there .....,1l'I be any cooflict with the unia'IS.
Phil zeitmBn, Cricket Hill Read, said he er!å....._es the .idea
of volunteerism¡ he ~ that his services are still
ne "eod even thcucl he is œtired. 'Ihere are IIBDY volunteer
aides ~ far the sdIooI districts. 'I!Ie Senior Center
1Ø1ld not ~ðle without volunteers. He said there are
lots of pecple O'.rt: there who are willing to help.
Following the report of the I~A1ative Review (nnn;ttee
meeting, it was IIDIIed by Coone. Szabo, Sc:U)jàhl by 0Junc.
Rogers and I"'9sed unaniDDusly by those ~_~~L (0Junc.
8oreI1sen abs _iL) to take the fol1owing acti.œs regrm:iing
~,-¥~sed legislatia1:
SlJRxxL subject to CDJrt's authorizing the increase, AS
2142 (Frazee), clemmp bill far trial oourts funding
ðIIA.1M further to ",11,.., DDre time far cities to iDplEllEl1t
jncreased perking as~"<)'--rt:s. SUßXnt sa 751 (DeMM),
IllÛnt:enlmce of effort, Pn:.p. 111. SUwœ-L sa 445 (v-'..-Io>b),
asbestœ, reùItJurseIœut for CDSt of reacval. Qxrt:.i.nue to
.'U...... SB 1056 (Bc..'~ s:m), roadways: annexatiaI8 and
inanporatiŒls. Send letter to Gcv. wilson urging him to
aign sa 76 (Bellerly), local cplt=1."c:uL finance, low-tax
cities, l""~Li' tax restored.
At 7:47 p.m., Mayor Kq:p:!l adjourned the meeting to
SepI"_,i-er 10, 7:00 p.m., Ca1ference Roaœ C and D, for a
jojnt: meeting with the Architectural and Site A¡:proVal
'ß.ç U#
'Deputy City Clerk