CC 09-10-91 . . . ~. '.' I cr.rr œ ~.uD, 91MB œ CALI!œHIA 10300 'L'- AVDIB, ~.uÐ, CA 95014 '1BL!PIDB: (408) 252-4505 œ-819A MIlI11BS œ 'BIB JU). I.....4m RI!GJLAR .......:.uG œ 'DIB cr.rr CDKIL ~JlflU' Wl'lH 'BIB ÀR.DJ.'DL"L'UMAL MÐ Sl'lB APPR:NAL CDIIl'l':ŒB H!ID (If ¡:j&'_ - 10, 1991, <XRIRDI:Z RXIIS C ¡ D, 10300 '.I.......... AVDIB, \..U&'UU'.uO, CALDtRIIA 'D1e Jœeting _ ....11«1 to .....ok by Mayor ~J at 7:00 p.m. RŒ.L CALL 0Junc. Preseot.: Golållm, lb"aL., ac...~ --, szabo, Mayor IC:qpl ~ )ft-.J ~.I.a Pi .s .1: B:lx8ie, IJ.m, 1Iebm:, Chair .TA. "'-11 ASIC )6...1 ~.a.D ltbs .L: IAviDs Staff 1'.. s~L: City ~ BL__. Dep1ty City Clerk 1I:)lfe Di:rectar of lhnIIIm;ty nw-l,,,"·-,L 0Mm Mayor !&'{pel ....11.... the.. . ;"'1 to .....db.. at 7:04 p.m. She thanked ASIC ··~·J-..D far their bani 1«Jrk. 1. pMl~.. Chair ,TA. '" - .. said ASIC 1IIIDt8 to be in sync with lhmtrll ph;".~ of bow tbøy .. the n-ittee œgm:ding the point of viør ASIIC triDgø to i...... lh".".. a..y.... said &be bsi øerwd CI'1 the n-ittee and DØ\._ "hN~ now....... 1 ~.... .........n:ttee .u_.J -.... to œly reflect their vah-. lhtnl', !b..... ........-4 that lYmIIri..i....... ........ld not be an ElXtellsiœ of lh""';l'S t-11no>c ots. If o,omtrll 1IIIDt8 to dictate tbeœ ........11'1 be a policy. In the atun¡:,e of a policy tTIImIi...;tw1 .......,11'1 reflect the rnnnm;t.y. CoIUlC'. Gol...... JIIEIIti.cned cmuta1's, the vallco siq1 and the ARa) sÍÇJ1 as areas ........ lhmtrll bsi not ........-4 with ASIC. He said the prtòlEm is lhtnI"Ï 1 .......,11'1 tiMinR policy DDr8 -1- '., KDI7.ŒS CP '1BI!: _ ~ - 10, 1991 cr.rr (X)(ICIL .......L".uG WI'1'B ASIIC (CC-S19A) pr-i-\y 80 .ASIIC can follcN it. 'DIe prri'>1_ in int-....., i ing policy is toIbeo it is not ~-, ASIIC'. jd:) is to de1 i..-œ _ where there are g!Ip8 and inamaistencieø in the policy. 0:lIl. RaIBle said if there is a tlL......" f_ling CI'1 ",,_n but ASIIC is not sure, 0Juncll n ~ e:1e to be ~ ¥i c. 1bIt is iDpartant is that anyme Wo CDIII!8 to the City with a project hils an underBtanding of what be DUBt provide to the city in œ:de1: to get the project ~. we ..hno,"" fi9Jre out hew to avoid hIIviD¡ matters g:J b&ck and forth bet:\. 'e or the Oamdttee and CCJunr,.il. a,o-. sorensen said minute ur.:b.tI would be a fom of IY'IIII'Imiœtico bElL¡un 0Juncll and the Oamdttee. n-..onv.11 n"II''''' use this mathcd to let .ASIIC knew why they 0IIet't.um their reo· _......4~. 0:lIl. Lim said it would help if they lmew earactly 1iby a,o""...¡ 1 is 0YemJl.ing them. n-..o_. ~. said that en the other bIuxi, Q:Iuncil also - ita to understand why ASIIC votes the lollY they cb. a,olll('. Q) 1"-n nmindad Q:Iuncil of the vote last year regIII'ding asking caœdttee/I'hmri -1m amrs to atterd n-..o""...¡ 1 JIIIetings. 0:lIl. Lim said ~i.....m;s saœt:imes g:J to CoIuri1 aD1 mi '"1'.J:Ite ASIIC views. 0:lIl. 1II!ber "'....,¡pD-œd vmbatim mimJt:es en "ß-led itBIII. 0:lIl. _i.. said ASIIC m ~ to knew earlier when there is an ~1 of an .ASIIC item CI'1 a a,omMl "'-""". 0:lIl. 1II!ber said be bad ~ to three n-..o"""'¡1 - ~ ~i'9' to bear a ~, and it .. œntinued each tJmB. (bill(', Q)1"-n .....:r:---œd that .ASIIC let the Mayor knew when they plIIß to atterd a n-..o""...¡ 1 1III!Iet.ÙIg. n-..o_. ~. said that within the amstraints of Ql'I"Ii.......... ASIIC De e:ls to have as IIIJd1 disc::ret:Jœ as pœsible. She stated she did not ....1 i"'118 <bmcil ..hno,"" have poli";- stating very IJPE""H;c ~-, colars, etc. -2- ,.. KDIPDIS (R '!HE 8Ist'_ - 10, 1991 crrr CXDCIL ........utl; W1'DI ASN:: (crr819A) n.1I1I!, -...... said we .......'1m't 8llY lID to pa1m L... ; t:hele are œrtain loœtiaJs ~ tbere is lID 1'hn1œ. A policy nrI~ øø.y that in 'P"'"'-41 palm L... Hare di~. Be said be thinks ASIIC er.fu....- the si9l ar;rii"""""" tiqItly and n.""'¡ 1 SCIIIBI:JJœs ..Ii - J' T1 ¡i1i1~i ....11y. 0Jair .T>.. I. - '" said sbe thinks in teDIB of po] J"'¡ - and '1',;_H..-. 'lbere are r-o.......... given far .-......i...... (e.g., xerisœpe 9";-Unes 8llY a txee is water bW-i.ve). (bI1IV!, Go1~ said be thinks the pa1m tree issue is a mtter of style. 2. Eßíu¡". ---It of œ:ri;~ 0:.. ~ says be sees lots of vioJ.¡ot-i......, particu1arly s.. Qùy a few have been UA......ted. He eeÞtt if we are defeating the ordinImca by oot enfarc:ing it. Mr. Q:Mm said it is a questia1 of "",.Hing. _ are DOt prœctive in oode eofo..~. It can taka up to 20 bcur8 of staff time to }umtt1.. one vio)~i..... It is easy to eoJi.t"06 a h,i1,Ung axle vio1atiœ. Staff tries to avoid liHg.H....; it took biD years to resolve the PbDto Drl"lo'lql vio).H..... You can't pit - ...... .... in jail far a IÜ91 vioþWi..... OUK'. Go,-" said pethrIpø we can ~ the bJ8i......s lY'IIIOIIImity and ask them to be self-reI.Jllating. City JofIIftA9""" Brown ...bot! bow IIIIU1Y ""-8S are œ.œøolved. 011. ~ said be can think of five or Biz, bit t:hele is an ""'9"'; ng list. Q:a. _i.. ay&..-1 that the 1&' o('I'ñ1T'fl far code eI'Ifw.. -·-·to e('t'~.... œrpi.œs a lot of staff work. Mr. ":):7- deøc:ribed the 1&' <""lime. Mr. WIlber said there are IIDX'8 outstanding vio1atialø than these listed by ataff. n.,.".. lb,p£a suggested that when the siq:1 ardiMnœ is revised pe1'hIIps enrOl:' -.-oL can be JIIIIde ---;...... 0Jair .TA. I._~ talIred about the bJsiness 9";- given out by the Q1...,¡ -e'I" of n ......., œ. -3- MnI1D!S œ'ml::ilSt"_ - 10, 1991 Cl'l'f <DKIL ...........ue W1'1B ASIIC (Œ-819A) ClD. fhnIie said IIIIybe a tbœe ar four pIgS tvrir1et _ling with sip am be put togI!II:ber and dist:ribJted to .._,J -eœ by the nu..fowr. ClD. Lim said it is fnøL....1 ~"':J .......... eppli.amts f1...- ASiIC ........iaIs t-.n_ they IaxJIf they 1ICD't be '1[i1eld. ClD. Webet aslœd if the fine st:ructure am be pi~. Mr. Brown said that j\dgeø 1Q1't be as t.ouIþ as we WIlDt them to be. ClD. "'"'-ie said ASiIC IIU8t dell! with døt:ails, if they dCI'1't no <me ~,1rt. By """"-., (h"""¡ 1 """".,.",.;1 that they WIlDt ASIIC to cxmtinue to cb 80. ca.n:. Go1"-n ""~ if thm:e 1Mr8 eny -.y (h"".i1 am help staff ~ in"... .·-Uœ. Mr. Brown 8UI}:JII8ted a .L......", øyøt&Btic letter that ~.. aut.....-L1cally, tben .L......" lol1V'" up witlDlt a tiJœ lag. He œn ~1 to the rh..-..I-r to ask their .._·J-LD to .~ up.. ClD. Lim -h(:J if after a 1'I'W~'e of letters ar ¡h.... ....11., the ..- of off.....:1t.... (O"II.1rt be p1hlilllø;i in the -- or t'hItrlør. 4.~ 'lhis it&D.. ft"W\8;AA. a1 cut of UL~. em. -Ie said tbst ~li.-.t'.. "......l1y .L._.~I as DUCb as they're 11l1-'8d. ASIIC _.dly GH'L...... &J9Is of no """....,¡tør tbIID 10' in hooi~, bit the orrIi......... 1111..... 20'. Mr. 0:IIIIIm said thm:e is too DUCb discœt.icn in the mrI.¡~. ClD. -tø said ASIIC has beeD CDlSistent and II 1 1718d 6-8 ft. s~. C1air ,-fA. "'- .. said ASiIC ne iø a feel far heN 0:Juncil feels reg¡miing si91 hooiT':. ClD. Lim IIII!IIti.oœd t1Jat the City is not retpired to CXIII8 beCw... ASiIC far s191 GKIL...nù.. 0Junc. GoJ....... stated it is I'IHi'ia1lt far en"".;, not to grant an "ß?"""'1 to +"-0& wID ~1.. sÌl;J1 hei9It ~,- -4- MDI7ŒS œ 'ŒB :il5t"Jm~ 10, 1991 Cl'l'f aJH:IL r-...J.1G W1'1B ASIC (œ-819A) the arðt.-- ae.yø 20 ft. ASIC eOOo''''' let O'w.....n IaIcIIf 1IIby thI!Iy feels l4.&.~y about øiq1 heit 1t. He said it is better to CXII8ider the issue CI'1 a case by caøe buis ratbI!Ir tbIIn to ~ to oriU""nt'A. Mr. BI:'cM1 said before the ordinance is dvInged _ rœ.y wnt i.JJput fIXII the rh.-.I.r of n ....-. œ ~naø a iIL~8 with the ~ has been ~..ed upCI'1. Q:Junc. Cn1"-n¡ ~ if aside fIXII the ~ of n····-·œ 1""ooeBB ASH:: bas a policy of ~ si9ul urà!r ten feet. OD. Lim øaid it "IOI]]rI malœ it ell8ier to set limite i£ the orrIi""""'" were riuo"'9""". OD. Weber øaid the 1"""..,.... with the Q ,..,¡...r ..",,,.. i"-'~'Y work better i£ all bJsinessœ laøf there is a 10' limit. 01air Jactram t'l1J1norI i£ _ are talking of sicp!lge as advertising ar i.dentificaticn. Frank strazzarino, ~ of n ....-. \,oa, øaid the rh-.J -e~ sbIIre8 the visi.... of a beautiful QJpertino. Pecp~ need eduœtiœ ri.c Jt at the hoog:inn;ng of the ç1iœtiœ 1""..ce&8. Be said that is WIy the rt--.J '""t" is inteœsted in a ~còellSive nNiwe of the Bi91 or:diJ'1l'lV"R. In 1.icþ; of the ."....era! plan review, ':1'0....:1 bculeIIard aD1 ~ 1_ O-ittee, tbøy understand '&ihy JDt is DOt a cpxi time far that to occur. '!bey are (X)l1~~ng Dm8 inf..._tim, "'A11ring to .._.J ~-.c8, atteDpting to ~'V"'A1:e tJ"-\'~1ves CD bath sides of the is"- and ttying to CXIIB up with soluticms. 'DIBy bIIve been assured of a t:......~ 1&' ..:oeas aDd ......,11'1 bIIve ··.-"11& if that l&.~. were øbœ:tcUt. Hr. stmzzariDo .....\AIý1y urged Dm8 talk regarding __t:i.... VB. ~.... -l.. E\Iet1'CD8 WBnts 0Jpertin0 to antinue to be ....--......,1. 3. ~1cp standaIds C1ai.r .'TA."'__. e-- i£ there are standards ar t:t- that Co""'; 1 1 i- when CXJIISidering roof style, exterior ";n;ah.a, CDlors, etc. Co...... sorensen s-;ng treIIdy CXXISet'VIItive. øaid she 'oi88 ,......" ""I ned ~n... she is tÞ;"9'Ii she is Dm8 trBditimal and t ca.n:. Go1åœn said _ need standards to avoid trendy b.lsiœe- who is deue1.qrlng -5- desjq1 c.nd architectural projects and -,... Ii 1&'-""'" l.)" bas a ri.c Jt to . . . MDÐmS œ 'BIB ~~~, 10, 1991 CITr OXH:IL 1'IIIoIIi&.&aG wr.œ ASIIC (CC-S19A) UDdBrBtaDd what the city ~. BIIvi.ng qp--If'iC .....ic;:r øt:.andaIdø .....'ld prcbIbly 8harten the 1&' -eN" rather than 1eogthm it. De8i9'l st...........'ds need not be a on_....ot ....... the mole city is a JJa]Ollth¡ øect:ianø of the City ....M have different .......~. O:JI--. ~..}on said he favors desÏ91 9,;..1 ines. '!he prrhI. is 8"0 ....<t. for the Vallco 1"RC.:Jf......, style bas been establ ; At-f. 0:JI1I'V". ~. said IIhe prefers diversity. Desi91 9';"lines ml1ld be very stifliDc¡. She said she H_ 8~;"'J different ardú.tec::ture and L.. and bas a prrhl_ with ASIIC çpin;J by <Dmci1'8 f_H"9' Wià1 ...tumgta wbm .._.J "".8 cbanga. '!hey should look at what is 1& 8_.d.ed and detemine if it 1IICrics. MII)'ar Yqptl said (,hUT...i 1 .._oJ _a need to be visi.c:DsriM¡ 1ir.......... bas to have indiviåJal £-H"'J. 'lbere is not a lot WIll am å:I -,- of }",; 1~ -.. _.... at vallco. She said she _ sorry 9,i"lineø hadn't bêen established earlier -,- there is no flew. a.úr .TAI'oIr~ said ASIIC -:!œ to IaIcw wbat is iDpJrtaot to 0-.""'; 1 when looking at a¡:pHn.H....... O:JI""". Q,lttnom said if a ,w.;AÌCI1 1II!!œ JIIIIde to -V- "'ic;:r 9,;..H.-, overall City repœ8EDtati.cn .....,11'1 be - ""1 to set them up, not just (:'n""'; 1 . a.úr .~ 1.._.. aslœd if Iþo..""" is our ally dvoll~1 is 0-.""'; 1 8"-;"'J saaet:bi.ng there S;nrll_ to Vallco ........ir.n Park? Mr. CCMm said the PIAm1i"'J n--iq;r.n is also CDlSidI!IriJIg t-_i... .....ic;:r standaJ:ds in certain areas of the City. t)oII4J~c;:r st.-.....· db in IbJta Vista have ......ká1 out wall. '!he city IIpSJt tw yeørs1llDrking with busi- øes and reøiÑntS co t-Jo. Be øt:.andaIdø. plAm1;"'J n--i_;r.n 1IIIU1ts to -v..vt the 0 . - - ""* of a _jar tbeIIIe for œrtain areas. In ref..ua...... to }",i ltioot, Mr. CCMm stilted that _jar redev-1-'l-·-.L œn ~. Ckm. weber said he bas anoems with lcu.'JCL 00uses whether CI'1 hillsides ar flat lots. Ckm. Lim suggested an ilY·... .-1 floor area ratio for difí..U2íL size lots. -6- MDÐDIB r. 'DB __ . 10, 1991 CITf c:oKIL _....uG W1'1B ASIC (~19A) Hr. '00' DIll 8Bid th8nI is a lack of hA. - . 'f t- I of 8CIIII8 large bcuøu in "'1'.th- ,. I. «Iø that had -11""fl' ar-IgJ"'" 1 bot18 u. By .... -.., ASIC L·_·J-LD GI, Io~ tbat their ...--..u. hIIId bem di...,1J ett at this meet.iDg. C2Jair ''-~-.I 8Bid sbe ClJNLv"';"" staff aDd """'~1 .._..loA... tÚIIt in ~""'9 ~..... and .....~.øiDg iI9"'. Qu. Lila .....,,---œd lID ASIIC !111m! be giwa far g:xx1 architectural ~. II. -·Z with 8Urroll"""~. 5. other '1hBre ""h~ DO further þ 8i.....Ø, the meet.iDg 11118 adjourlBS at 8:40 p... ~~.r kJ~ Dep1t.y City Clerk -7-