CC 09-16-91
crrr œ aJPBRrDÐ, S'mTE œ CALJIl'CRfIA
10300 ',lUUQ5 AVBIU!:, ~.L1Ð, C'A 95014
'lBU!:PIIH!:: (408) 252-4505
MDUmS œ 'ŒB RIGJLAR _:r.uG œ 'ŒB Cl'l'f tnN"Tr.
HEID (If :1&'__, 16, 1991, axR:IL œm ~, Cl'l'f BAU.,
10300 '.I.UUQ5 AVBIIJB, \.\Jt'IStCr.L1Ð, CALDœHIA
'!be meeting 1IIBS called to w.dt... by Mayor Jfqp1 at 6:50
0Junc. P.... .s IL:
Go1ållm, ~'" SOrensen, Szabo, Mayor Jl'l'H'el
staff P.&. B IL:
City ~ Brawn
Deputy city Clerk 1blfe
Assistant to the City ~ Brawn
Director of Public w.....k.. ViskDvid1
Director of Finm10e Sn}œr
Director of n-nú.ty Devo>l''I.··-.L <bwm1
Director of Parks and Recreatia1 IkJwling
Public Tnf........Li.oo Officer Krey
City Attomey
It _ IIDYIEId by O'101TV'. lLpL.., _...'WI by 0'10""', San!DseD
and I"'a<Jed UDIIDÌJIDUs1y to cxntinœ Item 22 to the meeting
of Oct.c:ber 21 and to I'8ID\/e item 20 fmD the ...__lA.
ItelDS con-
CI!:RI!HlUAL MM"D!:RS - ~ - H:Jœ.
aw. CXHDn:C'ATICRS - Nœe.
aHIBN'l' ~
0Junc. ~.. raJDVed Itaœ 7 aD1 8 fmD the n-....-nt
Calendar .
ItelDS removed
It was IIDYIEId by ~mc. Soreosen ..... n......~ by 0Junc. !:Io7a1-.n
and passed nrvmi1lW"O:lSly to "K"-uv9 the rw-h".¡.... of the
0Jnsent l'Al"""¡"r as subni.tted.
MIM7mS œ 'DIE :zt'~_ 16, 1991, CITY CXUCIL n...-..-uG
1. Ç1iœtia1 ASAC 51,885.3 - Reid J\s--'...." - P-;P-t
for xevieIf and ~ to ¡i1ase a 1"".......,.4ng plan
for an exi.stinq retail center, located at the øoutheut
............. of stevens creek Boulevard aD1 Portal Awaue.
Reo· ....~ded for a¡:proval.
2. Resolutia1 No. 8506: -A Resolution of the City n-.wvoil
of the City of CUpertino Allawing certain M1I4.... and
1)-0,-",. Payable in the JIaDmts and Fran the lI'Imdø as
JJereinafter Described for aD1 ~11----..
Expenditures far the Period Ending Sept-,i-r 6, 1991.-
3. Resoluticn No. 8507: -A Resolution of the City Cbmcil
of the City of CUpertino Allawing certain ("III;.... and
~,-, .iA Payable in the JIaDmts and Fran the lI'Imdø as
Hereinafter Described for Salaries aD1 W!Iges for the
Payroll Period RrvHng Au9Jst 27, 1991.-
4. Request for ~ £ran the Water P'Imd to
purchase 'P""'''Lor.
5. ~ of IIIJIlicipal ~:
versatile Q:Instruct.iœ project at 10228 &Ipire AW11U8
6. Resoluticn No. 8508: -A Resolution of the City n-.~41
of the City of CUpertino JIpproIring and Authorizing the
Execut:icn of 1"..... .i.._ .L to Grant of Water SyBt:&D
1P.a4Mlm1lØllIL¡ QuitC1A;m;"'j ar;c¡;"",' Water Line Ra~'''''''IL;
JIcœpting New Water Line ---,L¡ Santa Clara
Q)unty-In OJnjunct:ia1 with PbrID Project.-
7. ReaDwd.
8. ReaDwd.
9. !b1thly Activity ~L, Au9Jst, 1991.
10. Resolution No. 8509: -A Resolution of the city n-.1I'V!i 1
of the City of CUpertino A¡:proving lhmIImity
l)ewI.'I..._.L Block Grant 0Jnt:ract Betueen the 0Junty of
Santa Clara aD1 the City of CUpertino for P'ï.J:u-l Year
1991-92 aD1 A1Jt:OOrizing Executim of J\o,jLcclllcuL.-
II. Affinœtive Actia1 Annual ~ L. Receive.
12. l\ßJrcMù of minutes of SepI'_,i..,,, 3, 1991, P9'll1r City
0Juncil meeting.
MDI11BS œ 'DIB M¥~_. 16, 1991, CITY ancn, 1'ZI!ò.l.'.uG
13. Resolution No. 8511: -A Resolution of the City Cbuncil
of the City of Qprtino ~1i¥u.Ling the Santa Clara
County ~ Q:Juncil ~leea ØJrit Plan.-
ygt;§ ......1 ...~ â of the City CbDV!i 1
AYES: Go)~, lb;pL.., Sareœen, Szabo, Mayor ICq:pe1
KBS: NCI'1e.
ABSEtft': NCI'1e.
7. Approval of L.. 1 to be plaoed a100g easterly edge of
project, A¡:plicat.iœ 11-0-90, &.L..cíOO DeIIel,,, ··~.L
n ·'!.AYl.Y, located at the southeast quadrant of n..a".,.A
BouJ.e\nIrd am 1-280. (Qntinued ftan the meeting of
A\91St 19, 1991.)
Director of n-.m.m; ty DevR t. 1-·- IL <bwBn provided Mr-ll~. \AJDd
;nr... .....Lia1 to Ocuncil. DB said there had ~ a
~.I.I""U1'IIJ with the deve1c.per reg¡u;ding whether the
trees will be planted at 22 ft. in height or a 24- box.
Bob McIntyre, Director of DeveJqment, IJes~ aD1
0:JDst:ructir:n, A(p1e Q:upIter, explained his ur.:b...'.I""Ung
of the amditia1 œquiring L.. ea. DB said that A¡:ple am't
gœmmtee the .......-th rate of LA. e a; he said he had no issue
with the L.. ea 1&'''' red. DB is ~ of the rw>;tj>hnrø'
~, bIt there are ¡ limitatians. 'læy are
inc:ressing the m___ of L.. and chimging the ~;ng,
bIt they cXn't WIDt a reø IIIIIDdatinq the growth rate
- nature dJeø that.
HI." . McIntyre said that the residents had rejected the
~;.. tree am he "'1111'1 underst!md that. '!be EldIIri.œ
Pine is JICIW ÜMD:ed by them. '!he trees will be 1x:JuI11t JICIW
am ......L..aCt ......... by the nursery until they are planted.
'læy start at 8-10 ft.
HI." . McIntyre said that they are adding as IIIIIlY trees as
possible in the ~;ng areas that -jut out.- 'læy are
tzying to III!I1œ people baßJy bIt am't cpmmtee the growth
SImIh Ißwis, 1m T~;ng, reviewed the ~.-œss by Wià1
they C8IIIB up with the ilL' ¡p.:aed tree list. Barry Q),.'tes
(horticulturist) _ 1& B-".JL to ðD8Wer quest.ia1s. Ms.
Iewis said that the larger the tree }'OIl plant, the lcmger
it talœs to adapt to its new site.
MIH11ES CF THE 1>iISl'~~. 16, 1991, CITY ..-.u.øG
Mr. <bates and Me. lads answete.l 0:Iuncil questJœs
regarding growth rates aD1 the use of 36" VB. 24" bax.
Mr. a:-n said he t:houI1t 0:Iuncil ' s expect:.atia1S ware a
tree that _ cping to fairly ~l screer. the h,i Mh9".
If en"".; 1 sees a practical diffic.ulty in achi.eving the
20-22 ft. bei.9tt there might be other solut.i.cxJs - plantiDg
trees a10rIg the easterly edge to provi.œ t-,1.· d1.y
screening, pJ.anting biggPr trees next to the h,i ltt~"!J
itself .
01uck Eaneff, Iarry way resident, said that he had been to
several meet:ingB aD1 thought he unr:IerBtood it 1&..LL}' wll
and thought he unr:IerBtood the same as staff. NcN _'re
here with a few hours notice to fiIXi out that what _
~ upcn with Awle is not be so. 'Ibis is not ally
irritating, it's PJZZling. He said he t:houI1t the
underst:arding ~ WBS to pR'd1ase trees 12-15 ft. in
hei9tt and have them CXJDt:ract grown far several years at an
ammal growth rate of 3-4 ft. No ooe had menticned the
restrictia1 of 6 ft. planters. He stated "u>0'9itica to
planting of 8-10' hiçþ trees. '!here are alternatives.
Dœna Prosser, 10699 !any way, said this is the third tine
11A;tj>Mra have met with Awle and fouOO out the next day
the infot:maticn given at the meeting WBS inwu..ct. She
~!ltt prefer to have g:Jtten the right infcmœtia1 the first
tine. Att:eI1danoe by residents has been low, partly ~.-
of their frust.rat.i.œ at thinking ~_ls had been
ræàIed coly to find out the next day they had not. She
had the iu....caBi.c:n that L.. es were to be a visual e.......e&> of
h,iltt;'ÇI. If LL [EI are not the ~'¥"L height and spad'lg
they will not provide a screen.
Mr. <bates said that he had planted Eldarica Pines and in
four years they were 18-20 ft. tall and 15 ft. in
He said that œoe the tree is planted in the ground, its
growth rate acœ1erates oÀcouciLlcally. '1he tree is ..l-t
like a Ib1terey Pine.
Mr. <bates 8IIS'owa&.cd questi.c:ns about which trees .....,ltt
provide screening. He said that the Etlœlyptus Nid1o!ii's
growth wcu1d acoelerate the JroSt rapidly. '1he Eldarica
10ICUld ~ 00t gmwB slower than Eucalyptus.
tI1en asked about other trees not on the list provided, Mr.
Cbates said the à:lllar gImI (aoother Eucalyptus) wuld also
1oIOrk there.
MIl«7lES CP 'mE ~~_~ 16, 1991, CITY <DH:IL ........:.uG
Mr. !t:Intyre said the lVY'I1['!InCY Btw.r1n1e of the six
h,i 111ingø 1IIeI'8 as followø: 'Ani1l1ing 1 - Oct;å)er-Hal.-d:>....,
1992. 'Ani1I1;"1.Cj 2 - JanuIIry, 1993. 'Ani 111;""7 3 arxI 4 -
April, 1993. 'Ani1l1ing 5 - JUly, 1993.
()-omt'!. Szabo stated that that meems the L.. ~ need to ræd1
20' in ""i~ by April, 1993.
Mr. !t:Intyre said everycœ didn't leave the œøtings
betveen the :residerrt:s, J\¡:ple arxI city staff with the 81!11111!1 He as1œd if they ware ta11dng about a total
visual barrier. He said he didn't think BO.
Ms. Iewis agreed there 1IIeI'8 di£ferent œcollecti.a1s of what
hBd Juon--I in the meeting.
Mr. 0Jates said that the cpal of 20' ....i~ 0·,..111 be
readJed. He also clarified that field grown meant .,....-. in
biv-lrRts, not in the ground. 'lMre is too IIIJCh growth rate
loss and transplant stxx:k when trees are grown in the
ground and then transplanted.
Ms. Iewis described the stringent ~f'iœti.crls giwn to
the 1l1Jr&=:ies with whan they ~L..act to f'i"1d gt'C7If L.. !I.
Mr. 0Jates said that if it 1IIeI'8 his haae he _ sc:r->ing,
he ......111 plant the Rnn.1yptus NidJolil ar Silver Dollar
Ms. Iewis said that if she were screening her bcuøe &be
.,.tld Wi!II1t trees t'!1~ to the fence line, ~. a
1lll1"'.lyptus in the perking lot and øaœthing else that
doesn't shed "loser in.
Mayor Iqpel suggested œe DDr8 meeting to include Ms.
IBwis, Mr. 0Jates, J\¡:ple arxI :residerrt:s.
Steve ~, Larry Nay, said he .....,111 like a ataff 1._.LeI:
1& B-!l also.
thnv-. Golàœn said two ar three t'.hirvp need to be
clarif'i..n. Is the intent to screen the view entirely? Did
WEt wY"'pt the growth rate when we acœpt:ed the 24'" bale? He
t'~ no. tIIatever &"L~,~.L is r-m..n IIIJ8t q¡-'if'y the
starting hei~ of the L.. ~B and st.ip1late that the .,...uoIth
rate is not sanething that can be antmlled.
Mr. !t:Intyre suggested that the parties ueet at this time.
However, :residerrt:s indicated that they favored ð meeting at
another time.
Budget update
MIl«1.ŒS œ 'ŒB: aIW_ -'< 16, 1991, CI'l'f CIXICIL _r.uC
Mr. McIntyre stated that there am 57 L.. fl involved aDd.
""I[J"'""- is cme amsiderat.iœ. In ðdditiœ, large L.. ss my
not transplant well.
Mr. cœteø ¥.,.,d and said that by a certain point a l6.....-
tree am be OOUI1ter-productive. He felt that point ...
anything over a 48· bale.
Mr. Q:Iwr¡m said the be ......1<1 feel aufort:able with Mr.
<bates 1...... I_Ung the City, bIt the œsideots said they
WIUJted a staff ........J ..,.'" . It _ clarified that Mr. Q)stes is
a sub-a:msultant with ID( aD1 is not retained by A¡:ple.
Ms. Lewis clarified that if ttæs are p.¡rcMsed in a 24.
bale, they will be p1ant:ed in a 48· bJx:.
It was DDYed by en,.".. Gal"""", øeu...Jt.d by en,.".. ~.v.o
end p""ased urvm;nrœly to CXJDtinue this item to the œxt
meeting and to direct staff to meet with "..; g.t. 'I.D, A¡:ple,
Mr. cœteø and MIl. Lewis to agree CI'1 a tree type and a
starting hA~Tt of the tree that will give it a m..rv- of
reBdúng the 22 ft. hA;7rt: desired at planting time.
8. H:mthly T.r:eII8u:rer' a Report and 1'IIri;r>t ~, J\or.JJSt,
Director of Fi............ snyder pl_8~Led the ~"""",L and
""-__01 questiœs.
It - DDYed by en,.".. RcgIõ...., e& ...Wj by en,.".. ~~OO and
I"'I!Ised '1I'1Im;1III'IIJØly to ðC'<:¥ the ~"""",L.
14. Aßù.iœtiœs 8-1-90 aD1 47-EA-90 - JUdy Oleo - P->ning
of COWL....rI-.ely .41 acre gross £ran R3 (II1lti f'.m ly
œsidentia1) zcœ to P(RES) (Planned Deve1.'l"-IL
Rssideotia1) zcœ with a density "CIU!:P of 20-30
'-11ing units per gross acre. '!be 1&'¥'LLi is 10œted
at 7359 'lA;mr.. Drive. 'DIe Planning is
fonmùing a ~"""",L p......_.i;'1g denial.
(a) First :r-i;ng of Ordinance No. 1554: ·An
0rdinImœ of the City Qxmcil of the City of
CJpertino JIn-vi; ng Sectial 1 of 0rdinImœ No. 2 by
ReZIoning ~ly .41 Gross Acre £ran R3 Za1e
to P (Res) Za1e; I.oœted at 7359 Rainbow Drive
(JUdy Oleo - 8-Z-90)."
Director of en..""n; ty DelleL 'l"~iL a:-n presented the staff
.."""'" L and said the best soluticn is to ~uYe the zaúng
MDÐIES œ 'mE 1:II!õt"~~, 16, 1991, Cl'l'Y axæn. .......ruG
plIIß witbcut desicp
CXXJditioos to rori'~
Tt,l1ia B. Green, 40 HIImiltxn Avenue, P8J.o Alto, a¡:pli""nt's
attomey, tiianJSøed the 26-~ parking requirement. lie
said they are in ~d with the staff's :r:-.....--_ilWJ
with the UIkb",I.ATri;T1g that the zaúng provjdes far a
'P....41 DIItu:r:e of delle], '1."- ¡L that City cn1l'V'i 1 bas review
detail. lie pt ssnt.ed 1&' ~ ud
the "'I-'Hicity of the zaúng
Mr. Q:Iw/m said the:r:e 10ICUld be aΟ.ti.ooa1 fl-;h; 1 ity if a
r-.....,Lage were ~HiM instead of ð ba:r:d rnWlhor 1IIben
referring to m'-'" of units, and rn..m..r parking ~ per
unit were used rather than ð total far the project.
In refe:r:enœ to parking, Mr. Green said they œed
fl...nh; Hty aD1 V'!111d prefer that bani m~ not be
included in the ordinance, bIt ,w.;rlAd with use ¡-rnñt
It was JIDved by ca.n:. So:r:ensen and _.....IAtj by cnmt!.
~. to "M""U>Ie the staff recxmœoiatial with the ....-...
of units aD1 parking spaces in CXXJditioos 1 and 4 å1IIngBs
to perœnt:ages.
A substitute _ 1&_s.:o.jLed by (bmc. !'!7"'M and
...... ..-., by cn1l'V'. &....~ as follows: Approve the
appliœtiœ per the }&' v se:! CXXJditioos with ODti.tiœ 1 to
"P""'i f'y a .......-I...... of ten units, a m; ni...... of four rental
units, ð miniDun of three of which SDBll be affmdable to
IIcl1rholds with lower i no ..,-¡ ChvH tiœ 5 to "IJ?""""Ï f'y th:r:ee
parking ~ per ead1 and t1oIo parking øpaceø
per ead1 cy:u.'-:a1L. '.DIe p89øed l111An;1mQ8ly.
8-Z-90. Chen
City 11.++.......... "....- --,.. the .........---- -..... '- ~ ~
.---a_z ~I DG.LLI u.LU.LUCII.If.A::' IUUD'-.LIC' _._-~
before first I'eIIding. It will be sd1edu1e far the next
15. A¡:p1iœticn 9-0-91 - Tait and AP-;At:es -- use Pe:r:mit
to CCIM!rt 154 sq. ft. of existing office area to ..11ow
retail sales of pre-pacllA'Jed food. and drink it:.eœ. '.DIe
1&<¥=LL}' is lo=at:ed at 19550 Stevens Creek Boulevard.
Envi:r:tonenta1 Deteminaticn: Catecpric:a1ly EIoaavL.
Reo· .,.,-..Jt:,ù for ~.
9-U-91. Tù1t
and Assoc.
MDI1.ŒS CF 'mE :>r;t'~ 16, 1991, crrr caH:IL ..........uG
Director of O::ammity De\Ielo'l."-.L 0JwIm 1& SMLed the staff
~C¥""L and distributed ccpi_ of æe.;&Jtod I'YYviftiœ 6
pertaining to security.
Brian DIffey, 1217 ZinfaOOel, 1bIeville, .."""'_B.....tUng BP
Oil Cb., said he saw no p¡:mJøn with the staff ~C¥""L or
p::evicusly approved cxniitiϿ bIt WIlted to clarify the
one ~ s....;:1.ed at this meeting. 'J!¡e l'YYviitial œquirlng use
of the pIUI8 t:brcIx1 winå::Jw after 11:00 p.m. Affectively
ends the sale of beer and wine at that tiøe. He also aslœd
that the security cxniiticn be ~ to say security safe
rather thæ1 floor safe.
It was IIDIIed by thmc. Szabo, ..........dt:od by 0Junc. ~D and
(""aeed UI1III1ÏDDusly to "WLu>18 çlicaticn 9-0-91 per
Planning /'hnniasion Resolutial 4372 with the nnriH'fœtim
of Qmditial 6 to read ð8 follcws:
6. ~1RT'I'Y
'J!¡e a¡:pliœntjþL"i'CLLyowner sball i'Tl...,-,L a security
pJ..øn to reduce the patent.ial far theft and m:iJe1y far
a 24 hour opemt.ia1, whid1 ......11 a:msist of the
following IIIÌJÚJIUn requinments:
'J!¡e a¡:plicant sball iPpl~ the pess-tbJ:cI.91
wiIxbø payment systEm far gIISOliDe and food
~ mde after 11 P.x.
'J!¡e o::uL..auee àJors to the offi oe area sball be
..køed after 11 P.M.
IDstall a security safe to ....id1 the attendI!Int has
no -ooeøø.
Provide ArioowpJat:e aite J.i9¡ting, including areas
l!fJtIIfJY fJ:an the ..L.......L fta1tage "'('ϯ1J.ible by
'JII'!hi cles. IDoatiœ and type of f'iWureø sball be
aubject to ¡g:¡roval by staff prior to instal1at.i.a1
and prior to anversion of the nffioe.
Avoid obscuring wiIxbø area with sl9œ ar
mercbImdise to E!II8IIte visihn ity of I"R..hi.... area.
Avoid use of tinted wiIxbø g1aaa.
16. çlicaticn 4-V-91 - Philip M. LenÏhIm - vari........
request to the following øecti.œs of Ordinance No.
1449: Secti.a18 8.1: Rnnñh";' 0:M:..cry=; 8.2: Floor
Area Ratio; 8.3.1(a): Fnnt-¥ini1lllWl1i 8.4.1(a): Fnnt
Minim.Jn; 8.4.3(3): Set'~ (SUrdIarga); 10.1.4. and
10.1.7: Setb!Icks and HeitIt, Det:adøi Acoessoxy
Ðl1nñi11g8; 12.1: Extension A1CI'1g Existing Rni1ñir¡g
lines. '!be pIqJerty is 10œted at 21841 Þ.l~
Avenue. Enviramert:al Det:eIminatiœ: Cate!prically
g--'I"L. ~1' for ~.
MDI1ŒS œ 'IHI!: I:ir.õt'~~, 16, 1991, Cl'l'f CXXH:IL MBF.'1'IlÐ
(a) Resolution No. 8510: "A Reøoln~irn of the City
t"nmM' of the City of ~ JIpprov1ng
variance to the lIbllowing Sectic::IIø of 0rc:U.nImœ
No. 1449: Sectiœs 8.1: Rni 1IIi"9 O::N_..."..; 8.2:
Floor .Area Ratio; 8.3.1(a): Frœt-lflni1lllWll1
8.4.1(a): Frart: Min.iJJun; 8.4.3{a): SF......
(8uråIargB) ; 10.1.4. am 10.1.7: get'....... and
RAi9Jt, Detad1ed J\cœ(1SOXy RnntlingB; 12.1: A1œg Existing AI,; 111;"9 T.i""",; IDeated
at 21841 þ'~, Avenue. (4-V-91 - T-.ihMt)."
Director of t"nllnn.Úty DeIIeJ.opnent <boiIm ~lSl d.ed the staff
City Attorney JC; H...., said that if this appliœ is
8ßJl"OII'!d, JlR>liœ 4-EXC-91 (Item 17) .....,11'1 be rt'IIDIIed.
'DIe awlicant stated that he ay¡.ccd with the staff
r-- ,. ...._).]atiœ.
It _ IIDIIed by <bunc. SoœnsEn, &o:.u.aaJtd by en..".. Go1dœn
and I""ased IJI!811ÏJIDusly to CJKoILu>Ie JlR>liœ 4-V-91 per
Planning Chrm;....tcn Resoluticn 4374.
It _ IIDIIed by <bunc. SaœIISen, ~aJtd by enmc. GoJñrrIm
and pllSsed nrum;1IrOJSly to ac:q,t Resolution No. 8510.
17. A¡:plicatial No. 4--EXC-91 - A. LIIçprio - R..~ to,.. 14.04 of the QJpert.ino JIImiclp"" QxIa to
require decIiœticn of œal J:IL,¥""L}T far øL..~
.i.JIproyeIœnt pn¡. ses. '!be 1&,¥",L}T is located at 21841
Þ.11Mt\an Avenue. EDvL.....··-.Lal Detenninat.iœ:
catecpriœlly 1l__41.(.. R&......__1A.j for denial.
(antinued ñ:an the meeting of Sept:.BJœr 3, 1991.)
'!be awlicant withdrew the aw1iœ
Res. 8511
~t 8:45-8:50 p.m.
18. NcrIe.
19. Nooe.
Five Year
MDI1.ŒS CF 'DIE ::iISt"~_. 16, 1991, CI'1'! CXXH:IL ..........uG
20. JIRJrO'ral of City'a .iIr...::..Lwc.ìL policy.
Previously reacved fran agerJda; to be resc:bedu1ed.
21. Review of Five YeIIr Fi.sœl P'orecðst.
Director of Finance snyder pt!i!..Led a r;~L aD1 anB__..d
questi.œs regarding MIIinteœnce of Effort.
City Attorney Ifi 1 i"" 8I1SWCIl:e..l questi.œs 8b:Jut jJplementiDg
new taxes during the "WiJxXIw" following Prep. 62 ""h'9
declared un<D1Stitutiœal.
~.. '
Following discussicn, mmd 1 gave the following
to staff: (1) Gather infcmœt.iœ regarding haw our
l:::wIiness license, CXIDStructi.a1 aD11&"¥"LLÿ' trzmsfer taxEIs
"""P"Te to tb:Jse of other agencies 8I1d what it .....,1tI IIIBIII1
in teDns of dt::..L~..-1 services if we da:\'t increase l!ItIY
taxes to bring in a ~Hi""¡ 8IIIJUI1t of revenue. (2)
After Annual FiMncial REpur;L is cxaplete, update Five YeIIr
Fi.sœl Forecast to include actual fund balances; both
Annual Financial RqA.... L 8I1d updated Forecast to be J:IrouI1t
to ccuncil in NoI....L..... (3) sœedule study sessicn to
rli ""'1S8 revenue aourceø.
22. Request far "1¥Luv'ðl of d1angeø in solid waste
~~.~.L with Iœ Altos t:..~ Q:apmy. (0::ntiDued
fran the meeting of August 20. Staff requests
amtinuance to the meeting of 0ctå:Jer 21.)
(a) Reøoluti.a1 lb. 8496: "A Reøoluti.a1 of the City
Cbmcil of the City of CUpertino 1Wing New
catecpry to Service Rates 0Iarged by Iœ Altos
~mage n "1, Any for (bllec:tia1 8I1d Dispoeal of
Refuse 8I1d ~~i"'J P.revious Rate Tables."
(b) Reøoluti.a1 lb. 8497: "A Reøoluti.a1 of the City
C'(o1Dt"1 1 of the City of Cupertino Authori.zing
Hxli.ficati.a1 to the Solid Waste FPrv+ti_
" L T~;"v. --' """-F{~{~ New <0_"-
.'qL"",""""I, -~-~"':t au,~ ~~"':t ò>CI.v.........
to be Re.b..It:le..l by Iœ Altos Garbage Cœpany."
Previ.ously CXXItimJe.d to 0c:t:åJer 21, 1991.
23. CalBideratiœ of rev1SIDgœ of the
Envi.ronmenta1 Review Cannittee.
MIl«1l'ES œ 'lHB :MSl"~~. 16, 1991, CITY ancn. _....uG
(8) First readi.D:J of Ordinance No. 1570: "An
()rrlh"mn.. of the City <Dmcil of the City of
0Jpertin0 .au-ñ;'1g Sectim 2.84.010 of the
0Jpertin0 þlm;";p"l Coda Revising the n .,~tiœ
of the EDvinDœntal Review Q:mnittee to Provide
far an At; Large Ncn-Vbting ~.J -er. "
It was IIDVed by ~mc-. Golàœn, s.:u....dt.d by Cbunc. Sorensen
am p!'vsed '1Nm;1IW"JUSly to ~uIIe Versial II of QrrliY1MV"A
No. 1570.
It _ JJDved by t'bnv-. Golàœn, ...........dt.d by Cbunc. &....._.....
am I"'ased '1Nmi1lW"JUS1y to read 0J:rI;"""""", No. 1570 by title
cnly am the Deputy City Clerk's reading to CXXIStitute the
first I""""i;ng tic...:...f.
24. QJIIsi.deratia1 of Pœiti.a1 statemeut regæ:àing p..g;......l
Govemanœ. Reo ....,- .IM by the Santa Clara 0Junty
Cities Associatiœ ~ve QmnÏ.ttee.
It was JJDved by Cbunc. ~'" 1:RouA.dt.d by 0Junc. GoldlRn
am I"'aøed '1Nm;mnoJSly to fonllllId to Santa Clara 0Junty
Cities J\ssoc::iatia1 the positi.a1 stataœnt 1&' ¥,sed by ~
RvDroIltive lbnn;ttee with Item 6 deleted, and to attach the
"statemeut by MByar -.......'['8. I&'g)el, City of Olpertino to
Associati.œ of Bay Area GaI.=.......Ls Regarding Bay Visi.....
2020", with a stat"....'-.L NirWi to Item 5 of the MByar's
statsnent saying that until there is 8 thcrour1 analysis of
heN local c;pue..UllClJL are 1'i"""'-', includingœ
of 1&,¥",L~ tazes, no revmue abaring i"-'~ should be
Ord. 1570.
25. lb1e.
26. lb1e.
27. lb1e.
S'mFF !<&Ua'S
28. Oral u:¡AJ.Lts by staff ..~.]>eJ:8 - lb1e.
MDUmS œ 'DIB :II5t"_ - 16, 1991, C1'1'f <XUI:IL ........:.uG
30. LBgislative ~ Omaittee - It _ IIIMId by (bIft'1(".
szabo, ~,,__iArt bjr I'hwv.. s.......- Daft mxI ¡Jelled
11111011f......JBly to tdJœ the following N+~...... 1'egIIIding
1&''''. nel ,\,._ BR 2946 (~), BR
642 (~) and BR 2537 (ø.........), POlice
nFf'~næø Bill of JU7"""; aD1 SB 1017 (C. Gr:eeD),
}Øz-íL of prevailing wge for tmy 1iDrlt tbIIt qo...lfi'f_
as "p:Ðlic 1iDrlt.- Slu·...L B 3026 aDd S 1557, to protect cities £Ian 1 -.lite ""'l-~ng
1III,.,-I..1p"'1 solid wste with bazudaus~;
SB 1100 (Bih,~ acn) to pnhihft dist::ribJticn of ~..--...
ouonplee CD p¡:Ðlic 1&~LX and aJ.low cities and
munties to EIMCt stricter arrihumn_.
At 10:05 p.m., the meting WI!I8 adjaJmed.
Ý.d4: tJ~
Deputy City Clerk