CC 10-07-91
C1'l'f CF ww.Kl'IlÐ, S'JMB CF CAIJ1ItRŒA
10300 'lUUU!: AWRJE, ~nD, C'A 95014
'lEIBPIDŒ: (408) 252-4505
MIlCŒS CF 'DIE RI!mU\R 1'II!oI!ir.uÐ C1!/ 'BIB Cl'J.'!' CDK:IL
HInD (If UI:J.uzR. 7, 1991, <DKIL am~, Cl'J.'!' BAU.
10300 'J.U<l(I!" AWRJE, ~'.uÐ, CALII!tRIIA
'!be œeting WBS called to .....der by 1ttY"'" B'q:pel at 6:45
Counc. PL...s íL:
Golàœn, ~.., SCJreI\SE!I1, Szabo (leave 11:25 p.m.),
Mayer Kqp!l
Staff PL__íL:
City MaMger Brown
City Clerk Cornelius
Dircct:or of Public 1i:Jrlœ visl!Dvic:h
Director of eamamity Dellel. 'l"'-íL QMm
Assistant to the City ~ Brown
Public InfOI1lllticn Officer Krey
City Att:orneY If; 1 ; An
~iticn of visitors :fIan ~""'l, J?".
Mayer Kqp!l i"'!B ¡Led gifts am a proc1æIatia1 to the
visitors. A letter :fIan the JIIIIYOl" of ~ - read. A
sbxient cá1:h...ssed (bmcil.
l'ŒTI1CHHNl'S - Nooe.
Dick Weaver, 21426 ~"..r,..d Drive, CUpertino, said his
street bas "}b Parking" for tiLL",¡\, B'!Æ'!{';1VJ. He stated
that few streets have that xeøt:rictiœ in CUpertino and be
would like the City to review this.
Director of Public 1i:Jrlœ viskrNic:h said that the City bas
fomxi ~ for this i"'<¥cau aD1 it will ~ly be
expæxiing .
MDI71'ES CP 'mE \A:J.UZK 7, 1991, RIGJIAR CITY a:oI:IL
........uIG (CC-821)
In regIIXd to the jcb/bOUSing balance, Mr. Weaver sn,~-ted
that the 0Juncil amsider an oMiMnœ that states
qualifiœtiaJs for 1øJsing wcu1d be baged CI'1 the length of
1T"I1III1I:e. 'Ibis wcu1d help eliminate l.c.Ðg amIIJtes.
Items 1, 7, and 13 were reDDVed. It was IIDIIed by """ftVO.
SOrensen, ~.Jed by Q)unc. Rugers and p"<Jsed 1.JMl1~"""J81y
to ~u>Ie the balance of the n-r.....¡t 1'">o1..vitor as
1. RsIDVed £ran the QmsEnt Calen:lar.
2. Resoluticn No. 8512: -A Resoluticn of the City QJuncil
of the City of Cupert.iJÐ Authorizing of Deed
of Reo:I1Vey8I1Oe to Carl F. Z8nger and Bruce W. nwin
PLUI'= Lj en Felten way.-
3. çliœtiaJs for Almholic BeI.=..".. a..1L..ul li.-.-;
a) Tea Garden, 10457 South DeAnza Boulevam; b)
M:D;IA110 It-...liAtD Restaurant, 20343 Steve1s Creek
Boulevam; c) Cafe ()Iynh, 21269 Steve1s Creek
Boulevam; d) '!be Ultimate Slice Deli, 7335-Cl
Bolli'7'" Read.
4. Accept:anœ of 11UIlÌ.cipa1 jJ¡proYements:
a. Q)ffey a:curt:ructia1 - 10161, 10171 1'">0....-. lÞ!Id
b. 'l'Img Ping 0Iang - 10399 Mira vista Drive project
c. Sisk - Tract 8297, vista Drive
d. Ki O. scn - 10190 Pbothill Boulevam
(No docœJent:.aticn necessary.)
5. Accept:anœ of city project perfu.......J under cxntract:
a. Installaticn of Traffic SiÆ.Juù. at T8ndem and
Tantau, Project 91-110 (FIcsendin Electric, Inc.)
(No c:DcuIœntaticn neœesary.)
6. Resoluticn No. 8513: -A Resoluticn of the City COImm 1
of the City of Cupert.iJÐ Acœ a Grant of II'A_·_.L
far St:oIm Drain £ran Meaøurex: Cbrporatian, a !)eo) -rara
eorporat.ica, IDœted en Inp:9:"ial Avenue.-
MDÐŒS OF THE u.;U.tZK 7, 1991, RmJIAR crrr CXXH:IL
..........uIG (CX::-821)
7. ReaDVed £ran the Q:asent CaJ.endM'.
8. Resoluticn No. 8515: "A Resoluticn of the city (h,,-n
of the City of QJpertjno Allowing Certain Cl..i_ aDd
fA'nRndø Payable in the JIDDUI1tS and FraIl the P'UOOs as
Hereinafter Descdbed for salaries and WI!ges for tbe
Payroll Period Ending Sepl-,I.ør 10, 1991."
9. Resoluticn No. 8521: "A Resoluticn of the city (Jour-oil
of the City of QJpertjno Allowing Certain ('1..;_ aDd
DEmIIrJ:Is Payable in the JIDDUI1tS and Fran the P'UOOs as
Hereinafter Described far salaries and WBges for the
Payroll Period Ending Sept~.I"'T 24, 1991."
10. Resoluticn No. 8516: "A Resoluticn of the City Cauncll
of the City of QJpertjno Allowing Certain Cl..;1IIA and
DemIInds Payable in the JIDDUI1tS and FraIl the FIJIÒI as
Hereinafter Described far General aod MisCAll----.18
Expenditures far the Period Endingœr 20, 1991."
11. Resoluticn No. 8517: "A Resoluticn of the city CQo~l
of the City of QJpertjno Establishing of Reserve PuDd
to Include kIy Reœinder Public mrp10yees RetirEment
Syst8II (PERS) Smplus AccxJunt M:nies Plus 1.5\ of
Sal8ry of mrp10yees CcIIered by PERS aod Providing for
IntereSt EamingB."
12. Minutes of the adjourned ~egul"T xœeting of sept"_,J-eT"
10, 1991.
13. ReøDvui £ran the Q:asent Calen::lar.
14. Resoluticn No. 8520: "A Resoluticn of the City Cauncll
of the City of QJpertjno Autb:JrizmJ Executia1 of
Delle],. 'l"~iL J\o;L...,...e¡,t with westfield, Inc."
Y2t§ ..I -, & of the City 1'h1l'V!; 1
AYES: Go1ånlm, ~s, SoreDseD, SZabo, lfq:p!l
lIES: Nooe
ABSI!Nl': Nooe
1. A¡plicati.œ 32-U-85 - '!be Forum Group - Request for
review and approval to install screening far aeveral
residents at an existing ret.i.raœnt. fad 1 ; ty located at
the terminus of Cristo Rey Drive. Ro::u..alll""lCIed for
App. 32-U-85,
Forum Group
portion of
Peninsula Ave
MIlCŒS œ 'DIE lA.:1UZK 7, 1991, RI!GJlM cr.rr cx:ocIL
MI!ZTIlC (Œ-821)
Director of O:mII.mity De\II!!¡''l''~'1.. CcNIm stated that
Cculiticn No. 11 has been nnilHi~ to reflect the ex1.stJDg
ordinanoe. '!be vines will be pl8nted if the onIin!mœ is
.."ødecl to allow sud1 planting.
It was suggested that the 8ß'U œnt look at planting native
vines .
It was IIDIIed by Coone. RuyerB, ~.Jed by Coone. soreœen
and p"ftged unaniJDJusly to JlWlicaticn No. 32-tJ-85 per
Ard1it:ectura1 and Site A¡:proVal caœdttee Resolution No.
1648 with Cculiticn No. 11 ....eslded to reflect the existing
ordinanoe and sOOw that vines will be planted if the
ordiJvmœ is .....elided to allow the planting. 0Juncil
initiated the hearing ~vo:-aa to revise the ordinImœ.
7. RequeSt far $30,000 "K""'¥".iaticn £Ian the Gf:mcral P\m1
for city's antributial towBrd project ..~t. for
DeAnza/280 bridge widening.
It was IIDIIed by Coone. ~ð, ~.Jt,J by Counc. soreœen
and pllSsed unaniJDJusly to "K""'¥".i.ate $30,000 £Ian the
General FUOO.
13. Minutes of the retJ',lAT meeting of Sept.eI1iJer 16, 1991.
It was IIDIIed by Coone. Golàœn, EM::uA.Jed by (b¡Jrlt'. ~s
and peftged UM'1inr-..mly to "K""uVe the minutes with pegB 7,
peragra¡:h 6, clarified to sOOw the DDti.a1 as follawB:
"A¡proII8 the awlicaticn per the ~'¥~Bed cxmdi.t.iCI1s with
Cculiticn No. 1 to øpe<"ii'y a III!IXÌDUII of ten units, a
mini1d1lD of three of whim shall be affmdllble to housetJ;)lds
with laoIer inccIIIe¡ ..."
15. ccasiderati.c:n of of a porticn of Peninsula
Avenue, north of stevens Creek Boolevard.
(a) Resoluti.on No. 8518: "A Resolution of the City
COUncil of the City of CUpertino ordering vacaticn
of a l'Ortiœ of Peninsula Avenue at the Nort:heBst
corner of stevens Creek Boolevard and Peninsula
Avenue As Provided in sectiŒl 8320 Et seq. of the
SL.....,œ and Hic1ways 0xIe of the State of
california, Retaining It as Public utility
Easement, Public Service Easement, Sðnitary gel.!!I'
Easement. "
MINUŒS œ 'BIB Ul:J.UZK 7, 1991, RI!D1IAR Cl'l'!' c:xJœICIL
MEETIlG (œ-821)
of Public
tbrks viskDvich and DiJ:ect« of
CbRm reviewed the ~""""",L with
Dr. .Jos![n Brown, 20985 ~ Tree LIme, said that in 1983
in u..Jt:r to get a h,i tiling I""""it, he had to agree to ~
Jt:.œnd. PL__1L n::~A and £-Aihi1ity abJu1d be 1.acD1 at
naw. In 1991, the Planning n-nmi_i,.., found p,oninAl,b
Avenue an .iDportant tr8ffic link. He SUIJ1I!8t:ed --,-.....,
not an abar-~."~1L and that the City œtain Peninsu1a
Avenue as a PJblic tlL..~. It bas been in use since 1917.
Bob Slavià1, me of three partners who awn the nffiœ
hl1; ldi1'lg in that area, said the eicjlt b.Jsinesses bring in
about 100-200 cars a day. He ~....6ed great ...."',n
regarding ingress/egress and did not see the re1at..iœship
to the parking prcòlEIII with the abIIr>- ~ ..,.....1L. Be stated
that he feela the City just <pt tired of the ..L..~ and
said, ·You œn IIIIlÌntain it.·
City Attorney ¡ri1 ;,m stated the :functia1 of this ..L.._t is
00 looger a PJblic t:horcJIÇ1fare. It serves the tbree
1&"¥"- L)' owners.
Mr. ViskDvià1 stated that there IIIJSt be a reciptaœl
ingress/egress ay...,cI1IC01L. '1his and the pBI'king prcòl8D are
not tied together.
Gord:Jn Froliå1, 1202 Belknap CDJrt, asked lxJw mx:h the City
bas spent en this street since 1983. He felt it IIIJSt be
minusa1le. He stated it is not legal to g:> ~ the gu
statim to turn amlIIXi. If the three 1&,,¥,,-L}" owners ay¡.....
that the abBnr.:laalll:lÙL of the tiLL....t is not good far: tbeIII,
why <b it. Be urged Council to 1_ the ..LLcodl. as it is
for ccnveni.ence.
Mr. ViskDvià1 stated that the public utility "'fo..-,~,ls will
be retained. '!be owners œn still use Peninsula to çoet out
to stevens Creek Boulevard.
A.'1Il Anger, M:nta vista, said it is getting DDre ocmfusing
and asked Wat was g:>ing en. She urged Council nat to
laIxlli.ù the owners.
Mr. vÍJJkDvià1 stated that the property owners will prOOIIbly
g:> through "quiet title". '!bey will not be 1aIXiloclœd.
'!be Cit.y Attorney stated that the use pennit cxn:liticn
pertaiIung to this is not repeated in the defcu....I
agreerœnt as signed by Dr. Brown and others.
\ppeal of
. 51.446.3,
lea Schwab
MINI1ŒS Œ' 'D!B U,:.LUZK 7, 1991, RJ!DJIAR C1'l'!' axø::IL
II!Zl'IlG (CC-821)
Doug Healy, CI'18 of the owndt:S of Parœl No.4, stated it
PhoI,1I'I be four p:u.œ1s, not three. lIB .....,11'1 1i1œ to see
the .."..cðuctll as he hils not seen it. lIB .....,)1'1 also 1i1œ in
the reoord that there are four perœls.
Mr. Kilian stated that the use peDllÍt a:o:iiticn requinø
this to be a private rœd. Mr. 01lIO is the last ~8CI1 in
that area aD1 since he 1oJ6IIts to c:Ieve1qI, that hils triJpred
this hearing.
Mr. viskDvidl read the pertinent a:o:iitioos of the use
Mr. Healy expreased the q>iniœ that this is a shart temI
aolution whidl creates a long temI prå>lEIII.
Jack ~1JOd, Las Q)das way, identified hi1œe1f as the
third partner in the office h,Orl;'1g. lIB stated that if
the street is oot widened, there wuld be no addiH......l
parking places possÜlle. lIB urged QJuncil to be practiœl
am not create a new prå>lEIII. '!he ~'¥"'LLj' owners cb oot
want the street, it will be an expense.
Dr. Brown said he did oot ajql the .."...,.,.¡""uL to abanIcÈ1D the
street. He agreed to pay his ahare for iDprcMmeDt8. He
1oJ6IIts the City to keep the street. '!he l:IL..ooét is used by
the pmlic.
Mayor KlJß'el cl::øer:l the pmlic hearing as no CI'18 else
wished to cdh.=s the issue.
Pb11awing discussial, it was IIDIIed by Cbmc. Go]dnom IUd
~.Jed by Cbmc. SOrensED to aau-uv'e staff n:ou..,.,~.dt¢icn
with Item No. 2 _.AIkwi.
It was JIDIIed by Cbmc. SOrensED IUd e..u..abl by ~.
Golàœn, in a substitute DDtial, to antinue <XII1Sklt::Lal i...
of this item to the meeting of ~.t-. 2 am for staff to
pursue an ay............iL with Mr. 01lIO for ingress/egress am
JD.Itual maintenance cajLClCUcüls.
'!he JJDtion passed with cnmc. ~a dissenting.
lW"RRq: 8:45-8:55 P.M.
16. ~l of ASI\C denial of internally illuminated letters
am reductia1 of letter height CI'1 ~. ¥:aed wall sjqls
for 19960 SteIIenS Creek Boulevard, OIarles SchWIab;
aw-1 filed by George Kelleridl, Kina-Tree Sic;J1S,
Inc., A¡:pliœtion ASI\C 51,446.3.
MI!:E'l'IlG (œ-821)
'ltm Stacy, "<¥L__lLing Mina-Tree SiÇJ18, Inc., stated that
OIarles SåJIoIIBb is retail in nature and need visibility.
'J!¡e future ~ of the CUpertino office stated that the
sil;p is a bus;......s issue aD1 there will be a business
jIIpBCt ~,.... of restrictiaJs. OIarles Sd1WIIb will be
cbing a 1IIC['ld .......kdL business with extEßied hours. '.DIe
lcttIy qBIS at 6:00 a.m. 'J!¡e finn does no loaù
advertising and nee1s IIBXÌDIII visibility with cpxl taste.
'J!¡e Shell CI'1 the c:x>r.1eI' is bathed in li41t.
PizzerÌð tb:> has a red neŒ1 sign. '1!Ieir ail,J1ðge CI'1 their
current bo'; lrl; '19 is the IIDSt understated in the area. She
ÌDÍULloed Council that they cb need lit, large letters.
Mr. stacy said that they had originally aw1ied far a
IIIJID.IIIØ1t sil;p and they are not aw-H'19 its denial. 'J!¡e
request is within the City ordinance. Oxnish and Carey
has a log:> and also ad:iitiœal o:1f!I. 'J!¡e~. ~Bed 1aIIIer
case letters are 17 ar 18 inches and CI'lly the capitals
1oQ1]('I be 24 indies.
wayland Lim, Ard1itectura1 and Site J\RmJV8.l Qmni.ttee
1lIaIbc.., said bio Ard1itectura1 and Site J\RmJV8.l ()-nm;ttee
IIlCIoLc.... wanted the size reduction. '!here were four
~_B tL. With a sbort setback, 18 indies is adequate. In
regam to the illœinat.i<n, ~,.... the business is
primarily àIring the day, does not seem
neœøsaY}'. 'l'oJo Ardù.tectura1 and Site J\RmJV8.l /'hnn; ttee
..~,I '"'1:8 were in £aver of the aize as in the awliœticn¡
bio were in favor of the reduction. 'J!¡e awliamt's
"<¥L_-LLative 1&C<J<:UL '"""'........;..-i with ASN:; and \.BIheg)ily
...,....ed to no illuninati.œ. 'J!¡e cx:mni.ttee felt the was not Dportant as there is lots of li41t at
that <.UlßeI'.
'!here being no further PJblie input, Mayor Yqptl closed
the PJblie hearing.
It was JIDIIed by (b"",. sorensen and s.:...u....b.l by Mayor
KqJpel to "K"'v.Je that the bio capital letters be 24 ÏI1<'MA
and the rest be 18 indies, except the vertical extensia1s
of such letters as h and b.
'J!¡e IIDticn was defeated with ColIne. Szabo, Golåll!ln, and
RL.y=& disaenting.
It was JIDIIed by ColIne. SOrensen and s.:...u....b.l by Mayor
~l to allow of the sign.
'J!¡e DDtion I"'ased with ColIne. Golànan and Szabo dissenting.
App. ll-U-90,
MI1Ð1ES œ 'mE ocnø:R 7, 1991, RIGJU\R CI'l'f au«:IL
............uG (CI:-821)
It _ JII:M!d by 0Junc. Go1dœn aD1 ..........Jt.d by 1"h11rV"'.
~.. to uphold Architectural and Site J\ßIroVal t'rMftitt;ee
,w.i..ia1 regarding letter size.
'!he DDtia1 passed with Counc. SoreII8en and Mayor !'qpù
17. A¡:plicatia1 11-tJ-90 - SOOrato DeIIe1qment 0 "I.'Y -
AßJroVal of trees to be p)--'I alœg easterly edge o£
project, southeast quadrant of DeAnza Boulevard and
I-280. (QJntinued £ran the meeting of Sept~,i.eI 16,
1991. )
Director of O::mII.mity Deve1qIIIent ec:-n reviewed chm1ges
with Council.
BOO McIntlre of A¡:ple Q:up1ter, Inc., said this is a large
project end A¡:ple .....,1tI like to rp ahead with it. '!bey
will try to plant before Mardl.
Cluck Eðneff, Larry Way, said there is a ptå)lem. Q)œ
again, dIar¥JeS ocx:urred bebI'E! en meeting with the neic]bors
end the City Council meeting. He stated his is not a
minority view. CoIm"; 1 directed the L.. be 24 feet tall
at 0CCIJP""lCY. He ~c&6ed aJI1œrD regarding dmnges. As
l""'-¥ sed, the trees will be 17 feet at OOCUp',rlCY. He urged
that QJunc; 1 stay with 24 feet at oocupancy. He.m:s
A¡:ple to fol1cw t.hrooI;þ.
Barry CbIItes said that nurseries are reluctant to grew
L.. eEl in 36 inch bœoea. '!be trees .....,1ti be tall and thin
and break eðSily. 'Ib..u:fore, be J:""....._.iM planting the
trees in the grouOO. With rpod care, they 1IIOUld 11 to 12
feet tall in bio years, fÏ9Jring a miJÜm.I1\ three foot
growth per year; however, it oou1d be as III1d1 as five foot
per year. Sane trees oould start out at 14 feet (24 inch
Sarah lewis, fŒ ~ architect, said usually the
trees will grow three feet during a shock period end then
the rate of growth increases. Eleven feet to 14 feet LA.
are plaoeñ in 24 inch bœœe. '!be price in that tange is
the Sl!Iœ reg¡m:i1ess of how tall they are.
Mr. McIntlre said be gets the feeling that the ~
are saying they were using "bait and switdt" tactics.
COOditioo No. 24b says that the developer should pick a
MDI11ES œ 'lHI!: U,;'1\.IZK 7, 1991, RI!DJlAR CI'l'f <XIKIL
..........uC (œ-821)
tree that will attain bel41t as 80CIl as possible. JlWle is
picking a fast growing tree. Mr. McIntire also requeeted
that the a¡:p1iœnt's næœ be cMnged to CUpertino GateIIIay
PaL t...... &.
Dœna Prosser, Iarry WIly, said that she Mø met with the
a¡:pliamtB three times. 'J!]e dIIy after the, the
infcmœtia1 _ i""""'mrt:e. Hew oould residents not feel
"bait aD1 switd1" tacticø were beh"J used? staff and the
develq)er c:hImge the infcmœtia1 and d:n't notify the
residentll. Receiving a letter bIo dIIyB before the beIIring
00eø ¡lOt allow the resident in the 1&u0e8S. 'l\iIenty-four
foot heic1t came frail the ðß)liœnt's plans.
Mr. cœtes stated that the Eucalyptus DÍoo1i is not ~i ly
available in 24 inch bœœø. ¡ftat is aY"UAhte today may
not be &VAi lAhle tuuu.....uor.
Steve Prosser, 10699 Iarry WIly, asked if in bIo yeIIJ:Ii the
trees d:n't d:> the job, then what's c;ping to hIgIen?
Mr. Q7,¡¡¡m stated that œk LL e ~ CI'1 the edge of the 1&'¥"'- Ly'
are fallback positicn.
Mø. BeIIetti of Iarry WIly, stated that øhe bðd said the
El\('Jolyptus DÍoo1i were fragile aD1 that Mr. Coates bðd said
they were not. New be says there will be a loss in
Mø. Iewis stated that if the L.. H are larger (36 inch bcJK)
then there is a lœs.
0111ck Eaneff said the neiI1b:Jrlxxx1 is getting cxmf1icting
infoImaticn pick a øuitable þAi'1¢ and if the amditicn is
not cxmplied with, allow far øuitable punis1Jœnt.
Sally BrenMn, 19917 'l\d1icIt QJurt, stated the deve},~.,~.l.
00eø need sc:r-"ing. Q:Juncil can legislate that they wnt
that screening¡ JlWle can provide the Jœthod of d:>ing it.
Mr. McIntire reviewed the hnUdiT¥j cxmpletia1 ød!edu1e.
Rni lñiT¥j 5 (to be cxmpleted July, 1993) is the 1ID8t viø.ib1e
to the DDSt peq>le.
Mr. Q7,¡¡¡m said Cbmcil oou1d require an average of 12 feet
with a JD.injnun 11 feet. 'J!]e œks øOOu1d be pl&1ted as 80CIl
as possible. He stated that aC"...iAR were the first idea
for øaœthing in the fu1:o::y¡.uùIKΡ however, because of
allergies, that idea was rejected.
Co. Service
Area for
animal contra
Res. 8519
1991-92 Human
MIl«1.ŒS œ 'DIB U,;.LUZK 7, 1991, Rl!SJIJIR. crrr axø::IL
.....,...,aG (Œ-821)
Mr. <bateS stated tbat œk L.. !I grew faster .In mnt-...i......... £oll.4ed regmiing various types of L.. !f and 11
trellis with lID _y¡.'I:II:à1 vine far screening.
It _ ~~ÌI~1IV!. szabo, ........iN! by l'rIImt'. Golm.m
am paøsed ly to '"i¥"..... the IJI_lyptuB nicoU in
the largest cx:.otainer possible far ......""'""..1119 to be pit in
88 soon as ~le and to defer CDJSiderat.iœ of the
1~'1''''ary scœen as 811 interim JDeBBUJ:8 until the meeting of
Oct.c::ber 21.
It was DDVed by c001lV!. szabo, ee-. ..¡""J by ()'111IV!. Go]m.m
and paøsed '''''''' to '"i¥"..... a 12 foot mininn'l far the
Euœlyptus nicoli and to '"i¥"uv'e QJl]ditioos 1 (exhibit), 2
(tree selection), and 3 (JII'Y'Iif' of '"i¥"U\18d tree
planting pIan) as per staff reo-. ., and tl]at the
applicant'D 1~ arddtect ..hAll certify the tn.'e8 are
a miniDun of 12 feet hi41 wben puråIðsed.
18. Nœe.
19. NcrIe.
20. of establi.shing a County serviœ Area far
animal .....~ul services.
(a) Resolutim Ro. 8519: -A Resolutim of the City
Comcll of the City of ~ BBtabHRhing a
County serviœ Area far ~i....l a..ìL..ul services.-
ABsistant to the City ~ Brown 1&_lIented her ~"¥",,L
and 8118\.~ City COO"""¡l cpIØtiœs.
It was DDVed by l'rII1IV!. Sareœen, lIo:u.AaioJ by Come. Go1åœn
and ("'ased ,,,,,,,,i1W'!lJSly to -V Resolutim Ro. 8519 and
direct the Mi!I¡ar to 8E!I1d a letter to the County that the
City 10RJUld prefer a lesser oost.
21. ÇtoV8l of re.....'....iRtiaIs for 1991-92 HIIœn Services
Funding .
MDÐmS œ 'lHI!: l,L'.I.UZK 7, 1991, Rl!DJIAA CITr a:oc:n.
..........u«; (Œ-821)
Sally &.....11111, ""¥L~_tUng 0Jpertim "",","mi:ty Services,
said ciu:ing the recessiœ, the m1llhor of C1i....t:& in.... -utt
aDd ,~,....H.,.". dt..........."""'. 'J!¡e recessiœ bas the _ ..,reet
CI'1 Q1L.........h aDd &.u.....L. She told (þ1TV!i 1 that this ....11'1
be the last time she .wd ~ b.:d:w... t:bøD as -",1"1_
Diz..ctor of a:s. She t-hlmbñ n-.1TV!i 1 for their ~L.
Cynthia ~n,.., 800 Bl C'Æninn Real west, SUite 180, with
Mid por.ir1Anl.. SIJa.:., L Network for Battered ToIo__" said
d...u..dtic violence is a _jar issue. Sbe t-......Irwt n-.wvoi 1
for their efiw. Lß to help the 01"gIII1izatiœ to pnwJda
aervices and requested that in the future, n'W1tII~""'"
any L...... - eø possible.
It _ IIDII'Sd by CbI!JV". SCIreuIen, ...,.. ..~ by n-.nvo. G?lttnom
am passed UDIIIÙJ1I:IU8ly to 8IIIIIImi funding as fol1aws:
0Jpertin0 ()"nnImi:ty Services, $8,700; 0Jpertin0 ~'nr DIIy
Services, $3,500; IaIgt:ecn C8Ie n.ft.&....'I, $3,465; Mid
Peninsula SI'K,...L Network, $4,500; Q1tr:eBcb and B8cDrt,
$10,335; -'...1 Bðrvest Food BlInk, $4,500. n-.wvoil also
~ tb!It next yesr'a "''''''''' Services h"7t be _.1:.....-.:1
to 0CJII'e[' at least <DSt of living increases.
22. NŒIe.
23. First t-iing of Qrr'IirvmnA No. 1554: -.An Qrrthvmn.. of
the City n-.1I1I"'Íl of the City of 0Jpertim ..._.1'"9
Sectiœ 1 of Qrrti""""", No. 2 by p--"ing JIw¡....I-tely
.41 Gross J\cœ fran R3 ZaJe to P ,Res) ZaJe; IDeated at
7359 p..imr- Drive (Judy (]en - 8-Z-9O).-
Director of n-om.m'ty I)eyAl''I..,~(L <Dim1 reviewed Exhibit c.
By '-U".-."'US, Council ~ ,¥",LucatLs rather thIm
rental ,,,,'06.
Mr. IDuis GreeD, of Palo Alto, ""'I:"- sH1LÏng Ms. (])eo, said
he thcuçþt t.tYy ~1JiI all be u..a.b.. Mr. CkMm'B staff aDd
the QIrlirvmn-. say four apartments. Mr. GreeD said this bas
en inpBct at the 8Wliœticn. It js not . ..,... -. to have
aparbœntB att:adøi to u....n.Wå\IIB. Iasues include sale
lIbi 1 i ty, loans, and haneawnerB BBBOCiati.aIs.
It was IIDII'Sd by Ccunc. Szabo aDd s.:.u.....hl by Cbmc.
SorerIsen to cxmtinue CDlBideratia1 of the 8Wlicatia1.
is tread ing
Ord. 1554,
2nd reading
Ord. 1570
Ord. 1570
MIN!JlES CP 'DIE U:l\.tZK 7, 1991, RIGJLI\R crrr a:ocIL
M!:E'l'Il(; (a:-821)
Following discussial with Mr. Green, the DDti.m ðId ~...)
were witt.:h...-n.
It was IIIM!d by ca.n:. Golàœn, e.,....1ArI by 0Junc. ~.v.o
ðId I"'''øed UMIÚJ1IJUSly to "W'-.Ne the çp1iœtia1 with
0::nditiaJ. 1 of Exhibit C ðdI!!I'.ded to reIId, .. oc""";ml1m of
ten units, a mini11un of four rental units, a mini".." of
three of which shall be affordðble to OOuseholds with lcwer
ina:Iœ¡ ....
Upon inquiring if it CJJUld be ooe unit with four apsrtments
in it, (h"v·i1 ~Ided yes.
It was IIIM!d by Q:Junc. SoreI1SeD, 8t:<AA..Jt,J by Q:Junc. a...,,:... e
ðId peo"sed UMIÚJ1IJUSly to read Ordinance lb. 1554 by title
ooly aD1 the City Clerk's reading to ooostitute the first
reading of the ordinanoe as amended above.
24. Secxnd reading ðId enact:Dø1t of 0Idi.Mnœ No. 1570:
.An 0I:diMnœ of the City Cbmcil of the City of
CUpertÍD) .i\JIIeOding Sectia1 2.84.010 of the CUpertino
Kmit'!iI"'1 Q)de Revising the o··I·06itiaJ. of the
EnviIaInenta1 Review O'mn; ttee to Provide for an At
Large Ncn-VOting .....J '""l: . .
It was IIIM!d by Q)UnC. Golàœn, ~.ded by Q:Junc. Sw.~.--
ðId P""øed UMIÚJ1IJUSly to read Ordinanœ No. 1570 by title
ooly ðId the City Clerk's reading to ooostitute the ..... ...i
reBri.;ng thereof.
It was IIIM!d by CQU1l'!. Golàœn, ...........Jt:d by Q:Junc. Sw.~''''''
ðId I"'''øed UD8IÚDIJUSly to enact Ordinance No. 1570.
25. None.
STAFF 1<I5t'\.K.L'S
26. oral ""'I"-"-ls by staff 1UI:2ILc..,..
tUf-1\G8NDA I'lDIS
Q)UnC. Go1ttnAn requested that that there be an item·CI'1 the
next ðÇJfi'iIXB regarding q¡en space credit for residential
clevel,-¥,,,::::uts. NIat cIeve1U~"lI:::"ls have received credit ðId
why? NIat opti.oos are ë!V"n"hle to CDmcil regarding
ncdifying the Cl.u.Lent ordinance? staff was requested to
prepare draft a.."::bl,.,,.,ls for review. (City Clerk's Note:
Oaunc. Szabo leaves 11:25 p.m.).
MIR71ES œ '!HE u';J.U;!;K 7, 1991, RI!GJIAR crrr CXQ1C1T.
_.L'.uG (Œ-82l)
S'mP'F ~'S
27. ~ CI'1 tZ""Hic si91al ..mii'icatia1 at BIÖ) and
~lellÆ1 Rœds (requested by 0,.",,". lb,p.&).
~mci 1 received the "'¥ALt.
G.....d..u FJ:olid1, RAl~ 0Jurt, stated the intersec:t:ia1 is
not as g:xx1 as it 101IB8 a year l1qJ ar in May; hcweIIer, it is
better thm1 that terrible !b¥iIIy. Southbourx1 traffic in
the evening caIlnot tum left onto It::Clellan lbad. New
there is an issue of bicycle aD1 pedestrian safety. He
suggested that DDtorcycle of'f';~ be plaoed at that
intersec:t:ia1. '1here are vi.o1aticns of traffic rules. He
urged staff to leave Stevens creek Baulevard and BuI::b lbad
intersectia1 licj1t:s ala1e.
<DH:IL ~ß
Mayor ~1 88lœd ~1ßI"; 1 .._,1_,.. far input regardiDg 8IIy
Visial 20/20. She also ga'Je a "'¥ALL regarding a
trImsport:ðti.c cxmferenoe in 'lUL-..JLo.
CDmc. Golànan requested that the meeting times of the
Affordable B:Jusing o:mni.ttee be p1aœd in the 0Jpertin0
At 11:45 p.m., <bmcil adjoumed to a C1raed Sessia1
relating to litigati.œ, r......_LL v. City of 0Jpertin0, City
of 0Jpertin0 v. li>rf..~.., and Perry v. City of 0Jpertin0.
At 12:05 a.m., (btnl"il reccnveoed.
t".....u..LL v. City of n_rHnn
It _ JJDVed by Cn't'<". lb,p..." &eo' n~ by Counc. Sorensen
and P""ged UD8IÜJIDJ8ly (4-0) to CJKILUl"".iate $7500 £ran the FUnd for full sett1eIœnt.
City of n..........;nn v. HDff'mAn
It 101IB8 JJDVed by Counc. Ruyc£&, ..........aJt.J by Q)unc. Golàœn
and p"9ged unaIÚ11DU8ly (4-0) to authorize staff to execute
the ~C<2l1cuL 88 per the Sept~,I- 25 letter £ran the City
Attorney to avoid further actiœs.
Traffic signal
Closed Session
Gannett v. City
City v. Hoffman
. .
. .
Perry v. City
MDI71ES œ 'BIB \A.:J.~ 7, 1991, RI!GUUIR cr.rr .nlN.LlI
.......,.uG (a:-821)
P8rrv v. city of n__Hnn
It _ JJDVed by QIunc. ~ø" ......--- by OOiIDr. L..- lID
aDd ~øed (4-0) to autbarize $54,506.90 fraD
the J!'uDd far payment, SUperior QJUrt No. 618561.
At 12:10 a.m., OOI"",n adjoumed.
IJø ~4:.-
Ci Clerk '