CC 11-04-91
... .
10300 '!UUUS AVEIIJE, CJPERl'DÐ, C'A 95014
'lEŒPfIl£: (408) 252-4505
lIEU) eN lÐ\II!HmR 4, 1991, <DIICIL QI~J Cl'l'f BALL
'!be meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro 'Iby...... szabo
at 6:45 p.m.
prRlr.R œ AIUGIAlD
Counc. P.L S IL:
GolåDan, ~.., Sorensen, Mayor Pro ~6 _.......
Counc. Aba_iL:
Mayor Kq:pel
Staff Fres tL:
City Manager Brown
City Clerk O:>melius
Director of Chmunity Delle],. 'l.....jL CDfan
Asoistant to the City MBnagE!r Brown
Director of Finance Snyder
Director of Parks am Recreatia1 Dowling
Dep1ty Director of Public ......... Mú.tten
lbJsing am Services Cbm:ÜnIItar Norling
lbJsing ~;..HAt Gil
City Attorney Kilian
~ti.a1 of recipients of ~ Club of QJpertino
-roe for seIVioe to sdJool am çaI1I'Imity.
Dean Skeels introduced Ed Melinda of the QJpertino
~iIltists Club am Stelle Kline of the DeImza ~
Mayor Pn) Tbat-Vre Szabo ~ s tLed each of tbem with a
proclamati.a1 pertaining to Yooth ~ week,
NoveIItIer 3 throucjl NoveIItIer 9, 1991.
. ,
-' . ,"
. .
. ,
MDI1ŒS œ 'nIB to.1P2Ø!R 4, 1991, AnnJRNIiD RfDJUIR CITf
a:ucn. HI!:ETDC (0::-823)
Mayor Pro n:..., R7...m anncunoed that the adjoumed
meeting for oaths of office and electiœ of Mayor and Mayor
Pro ~.Le will be ~ 15 at 7:00 p.m.
It '<i8S DDved by CQl1I1(". Rogel.., ~ .....wi by Qxmc. Sorensen
and passed 3-0, with Qxmc. Golàœn abstaining ~- of
pot:ential CXJI1flict of:interest, to a:ntinue Itan No. 25 to
the meeting of NovaIber 18.
It '<i8S DDved by QJunc:. Ruy=.., ~.Jed by <bunco SoreI1sen
and passed 4-0, to <xmti.'1ue cxns.ideraticn of Itan No. 22 to
the meeting of NoIt.""Lc.. 18.
Allan BidIoJelI, Butt> ibid, calh.....sed Q)unci.l regarding the
disaJunt garb8ge rate far seniors. He stated that eo ..-108
had applied far this and been told there were several
qualificati.oos. He has particular questioos pertajJúng to
a required ina:IIIe level. He did net recall that al ~-"'Ire
Mayor Pro Tt:a'I"'.L1E; R7Am stated that '<i8S diff....o::uL t:hI!In
garb8ge fees. '!he City Manager will dJeck regarding in.. ......
level requirements. He 00es believe it '<i8S increased.
HI:'. Bidwell stated that last week IDs Altos GaJ:bage 0 "1, oðl&y
had said the 1e\Æ:l was $14,800. He requested the City let
the gazbage CXIIpBIly kncif. Q)unci.l will be sent a DEDD CI'1
this Jœtter.
cœsI!m' <::AU.KII\R
Qxmc. Rcge:re I"EIIDIIed Itan No. 19; <bunco Golàœn .........ed
Itan No. 14. It'<i8S JIDII'Ed by Qxmc. Golàœn, _ ...1M by
tn11'(", Sorensen and p"'ased UDðI1ÌJIDJsly (4-0) to GW"uv'e the
ba1anoe of the QJœent CalE!Ðdar as subnitted.
1. Reeolutiœ. No. 8531: "A Resolutiœ. of the City CQl1!V"il
of the City of CtJpert.i.m ~ the Estab1is1Dent of
and Participaticn in the Santa Clara Cbunty jIhA....lo"...j
Vehicle J\bateœnt Services Aut:h:>rity and Authori.zing
the City Manager to ExecIIte the J\ýL"""'lCIíL far Santa
Clara Cbunty JIIJarJŒmed Vehicle Abatement Services
Authority. "
CXDCIL MBE'l'nÇ (œ-823)
2. Resolutia1 No. 8532: "A Resolutia1 of the City 0Juncil
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Decl"ring Weeds Growing en
Certain Descr:ibed P""l'C'-Lyo to be a Public NI.ù.sðnœ."
3. Request far waiver of certain fees for use of Quinlan
n-"1ity Center by Ibœstead Hic1 SdxIol Athletic
Boœterø Club CI'1 April 11, 1992, far ð fuOOraising
4. Request far waiver of bJsinesa license fee, Girl Soouts
of Santa Clara CbJnty.
5. ~ of award of grants J:cu.u.."".Jt:.l by the Fine
Arts l'
6. Resolutia1 No. 8533: "J. Resolutia1 of the City Council
of the City of 0Jpertin0 ~ of
Certain ReoolJt. (Rni lt1ing"
7. Ratifiœ of .....,L..aCt far Bla...t.t.oc..~ yo F8Dn waterline
8Dd waiver of fODllÙ bid 1""u=tOS.
8. Request for waiver of Rule C2 of Resolutia1 No. 8357,
at:teDdanœ at meetinga (Jean Becbrd, Libræy
l'hmIi .
9. Resolutia1 No. 8534: "A Resolutia1 of the City Council
of the city of 0Jpertin0 Allowing Certain rl"i""" 8Dd
1)-.~..iA Payable in the AuDunts 8Dd Fran the FuOOs as
Hereinafter Descr:ibed for Geœral 8Dd Misœ 11"N¥'JUS
~AMitures for the Period Ending October 18, 1991."
10. Resolutia1 No. 8535: "A Resolutia1 of the City Ch1rV"jl
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Allowing Certain C1aiJœ 8Dd
1)-,~..iA Payi:lble in the AuDunts 8Dd Fran the FuOOs as
Hereinafter Descr:ibed far Salaries 8Dd wages for the
Pe:yroll Period Ending 0c:t:.00er 22, 1991."
11. Resolutia1 No. 8536: "A Resoluticn of the City Council
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Authorizing Executicn of ðJl
Aìœ.ù.J J\greE!Iœnt with the Jbvintr.} ~E"ty."
12. Resoluticn No. 8537: "A Resoluticn 01 the City Council
of the City of 0JpertiJ1O ~ IDt Line Adju..~""ìL
Betwen 'l\ic Parœls of land Without ð Parcel Map In
AaDrdance With 66412(d) of !' Map Act
As J\meIù.J JanuaJ:y 1, 1984, Lands .:;f VtJes, Northwest
a.....'1CL of Pbothill Baulevmd 8Dd Al.....lrlR Read.·
MDClES œ 'mE lDII!JH!:R 4, 1991, AnDJRNI!'.D Ri!GJU'R crrr
CDH:IL ......:r.U!G (0::-823)
13. Resolution No. 8538: "A Resolution of the City Ch1N'"il
of the City of 0Ipe7:tiIÐ Jw«Ning cmtract n-w;p.
order No. 1 for stevens Creek Int:erœpt:or, Project
91-104 (lb1te 85 Traffic Authority Project).-
14. RaIDved £ran the n-..-'"'\t CalEÐdar.
15. Resolution No. 8540: -A Resolution of the City Ch,.".i1
of the City of 0Ipe7:tiIÐ AutOOrizing Jw«Ning Perœl
Map aD1 IJIpIov8œnt Plans of Pi.'¥"L Ly I.oœted at OLCIU!I'"
Averme and Ianita Avenue, DeIIelCJper Terry Brown AutOOrizing Executian of n.~u..~d.
Ay..,cuII...Li AutOOrizing Signing of Parcel Map aD1
IDpmv8œnt Plans.-
16. Resolution No. 8541: -A Resolution of the City 0Juncil
of the City of 0Ipe7:tiIÐ Acœpting ()litçh.;m Deed aD1
Ai1t:hori.zatio far¡.wrd Water ~ £ran BIÖJy
G. Ball and Rita R. Balli Orange Avenue aD1 Iani.ta
Avenue. .
17. Aß>lloatia1 16-ASAC-91 - Dennis KiJrœB - Request far
review and "f:¥Lu.ral of a single family bale in a
planned residential develo 'l..~tL located <Xl stauffer
lane mrth of Prospect Read. Ra.uu,r.o"~ for "f:¥Luval.
18. Request far <X>-spalSOrtihip of Northwest 110 of
I'mmnùty Health Fair and B.i.ood Drive.
19. RaIDved £ran the n-....-¡t; CalEÐdar.
20. Resolution No. 8542: -A Resolution of the City Ch""'; 1
of the City of 0Jpert.iJX> Revising City's Im......L....:att..
FOlley. -
14. Resolution No. 8539: -A Resolution of the City Ch"""; 1
of the City of 0Jpert:im AutOOr;"';ng ~ of
A.,p:ec...c.tL With &:.2 '.8 Landscape Arà1.itecture
11k.u"~áLed, Providing for Ardåtectural ¡;'~œs far
Eiçþt SdIool Sites At Various IoœticL..~ Io;ithin the City
of 0Ipe7:tiIÐ.-
Q)unc. Q).I.åoan asked hc:III the ardJitect ~ been selected.
Director of Parks and Rec:rea.t.ia1 InIling stated that RFP8
went out last spring. '!he cx:mnittee interviewed the
finalists and selected RAA 1 A.
MDU.ŒS CF '!HE NJ\1I!HI!:R 4, 1991, An:JaJRNED R1!G1LAR C1'1'r
CXUICIL ......J.'.uG (a::-823)
Me. Golàœn requested a list of the Tooth Sports CkmIIittee
It was IIDIIed by o,,1lK". Golàœn, ~.dt.d by QJunc. Sot~--
and pBSsed UIIðIÚlIDUsly (4-0) to ~ the resolutial.
19. çliœti.on 11-0-90 - CIpertino Gateway Plu.L....... _
A¡:proval of t.esIpoJ:my screen aepmatjng offiœ perk
£ran residenœs, southeast qu.&!Lcull of DeAnza Boul.evm:d
and 1-280. (QJntinued £ran the meeting of 0ctc:.iJer 21,
1991. )
It was IIDIIed by 0Junc. ~&, se.:u.dt.d by 0Junc. Gol""'"
and pBSsed unaniJoously (4-0) to "M""u\Ie the application
with the following exnditi.ons:
F.ad1 adjoining 1&Ul"=LLi' owner shall have the ri9lt to
--œpt or reject the screening device ~ will be
required to siql a a:osent fœ:m prior to inst:al1atia1.
Inst:al1ation shall .be ŒJne m later than MBrd1 1, 1992.
'!he screen shall be lattice as shown œ the ~CIIII
dated 0ctc:.iJer 24, 1991, ""''' qA. the fencing !lIlY be
bolted to the tq> of the existing nine foot SOUIXI wll
and .be a miniDun of four feet in ....;tj1t.
Screens I'eIIDIIed at the owners'œ ar in
five years, whic:beller cx:mes first.
çle CkIIpJter, Inc. ar the O'U'.....tL project site
i""Ul"=LLi' owner shall .be respœsible for l'8ID'Iing said
21. çliœti.on N:>(a). 1-GPA--91, 2-0-91, 11-EA-9l - IbJta
vista Cente:-/'l'erry Brown - General Plan Ao....~ to
allow residential use enphBsis CI'1 Am 326-19-117 in
lieu of meeting the ~ Qmnercial use
objective for the H::1I1ta vista OAoUuoc.....ï.a1 district
stated in the" FImcti.a1" statanent for the H::1I1ta Vista
~;...l Planning Area in the Land use l!Lt5IBlt; use
Pecnit to dBJDlish an existing retail center and
deve1cp 20 semi-det:ached townhaœ units CI'1 2.5 gross
acres, 8 units per acre, and retain the miJœd-use
15,000 sq. ft. OAoUIIICLcia1/office st-:uchJre with 10
senior units œ 1.1 net acres. '!be i""Ul"=Lty is located
App. 11-U-90,
Cupertino Gateway
App. 1-GPA-91,
2-U-91, 11-EA-91
Manta Vista Cente1
MIN!1ŒS œ 'DIE H:::I\IPM!ER 4, 1991, AnXXJRNED RmJIAR C1'l'f
axK:IL 1'ZI:iuIG (œ-823)
en the north side of stevens Creek Boulev8rd, 300 ft.
west of Mann Drive (Old !blta vista IIIIrdwBre site).
EnvirŒIœnt:a1 DeteIJnina....icn: '!be Planning O:mIIissiœ
r.......uwc..Js the granting of a Negative Dec1araticn.
RAo .., far Gf:¥Luv'ðl.
(a) Resolutim No. 8491: "A Resolutim of the city
0Juncil of the City of 0JpertiJK> Approving
A¡:plicatia1 1-GPA-91, !blta vista Center."
Director of Cbnn1rÚty Devel,¥IICIIL 0Ji0'ran reviewed the
ðß)licatia1 and "'=i¡ut L with COUncil.
Terry Brown, ðß)licant, co.l:h..,.,sed COUncil regarding IIOUIXI
attenuation and the .............1 floor retail. He said he .....)ld
rp into any deg1..... of detail the City axmcil wished.
0:Iunc. Golåœn suggested that RI,; lding No. 3 be lowered so
it ~rs to be the sæe heiqlt as e.,; lding No.4;
however, be said this was not 1IIIIXhtory.
Mr. Brown info~ him that the PL_.!IenL grading plan allaws
for lowering the to,; 1rli'1g.
Patrick Milligan, resident, read a letter £ran POng Ng,
another resident, Ùl Bl.lI¥ALL of the project. Mr. !f;11;9'""
stated that he also euwu..t.s the project as c:b other
J1Aj'1't-Qrs. He ""t'L....sed interest Ùl being ootified Wen
this is 1& B tLed to Architectural and Site A¡:proval
(hnn; ttee.
Edwin Brown, Oakview Lane, stated that Terry Brown bIId
ŒEj¡(.ab1 positively to the N'li'1'mrø and is þ¡._.E.-!Ling a
""""¥L..,.jlJe. '!be '!:fCUCLal amsensus of the ~ is
that the project, as 1& B ILed, is an acœptable soluti.a1.
Be ~_sed euwu..L for the a......,..L plan.
.ADDe RàJertson, 08IIdall Rand1 110 ..- ""I1eI'S,
inquired abJut the perking issues.
Mr. 0Ji0'ran stated there is a deficiency of 10-U perking
epaœs àJring nccatime if it is -n...~ out".
Ms. RàJertson said the J1A;'1'I-QIhood wanted I\DI'e retail.
She ""t'L.,.,sed cxmoem that retail is not at the first floor
and asked if the general plan shculd have been amende..!
first. She did a small sanple (10 peq>le) and there is 00
IJùKA.lLL for real estate/brolœrage/1awyers/insuranœ
offices. '!be residents were looking for ~cy, shoe
repair, bakery, and that type of retail. She expressed
cxmoem regarding grading ~ asked \oIbat 'oIOI.Ùd ~ if
the developer fouIXl that ']rðding was oot possible.
MIN1ŒS CP 'n'IE !OIIM!ER 4, 1991, An100RNED RIGJIAR C1'l'f
CXIH:IL !£ETDC Ca::-823)
Mr. 0:JwrBn stated that he wculd then have to cxme back far
~ if he wanted to d1Imge WIat the city Council
8R;JI'OWd t.oniclt.
Ms. Rcbertsa1 alar ~_sed cx:nœm regarding aesthetics
am the Ø::nta Vhta Guidelines. She ~ they be set
aside aD1 the h,; ldings IIDIIed back far up-ftaJt parking.
In regBrd to the Mexican restaurant, she ....1Mrt WIat ......inr
housing wculd do œ tcp of retail am 8UIp:'3ted that part
of the ftaJt h,; lding be a siDgle-stmy restaurant.
Ann Arqer, President,!t:Jnta vista I11pra\I'ement Associatia1,
said that Terry Brown had ckne 8CIIIB C}XXl thingø in Ib1ta
vista. At the Plarming amnission, Iama Austin had stated
that the ' . ...._'..ï.a1 should look like ,. ...,... cial am have a
...,..~. cia! ftaJt. Ms. Anger agrees with this. She stated
that the Ø::nta vista It:meowners As80ciatim had not been
invited to meet with Teny. She felt doctors aD1 dentists
offices .....'1ti be '"M"""'l""Ìðte far the &.:ou.....l floor. She
also urged that it not be filled with real estate am that
type of office.
Phil Zeitmlm ~_sed BlgX>rt far the project. '.DIe
DBjorlty of the pecple are satisfied. '!be develqIer am
residents have 1oiOI"ked together.
Nancy Hertert, San Juan Read, ...1h....sed 0-.""..; 1 regarding
the elevator, the door to the .-.oinr hcusing, am
Ivmtii. ~u...d. She ð8læd if the door were pressure----..itive
aD1 .....,1rI swing in both direct:.ioos?
Mr. 0:JwrBn stated he wcu1d look into that.
AI Fuentes asked 0:Juncil to CDlSider delaying action until
the Dell o-.1rt"i 1 is seated as they will reflect the real
feelh"}" of pecp1e. He ~.....sed ""-.u regarding
intensity of h,i ltiings and stated it.. getting out of
hImel. He said the housing is not f....i ly-orieoted. He is
tiJ:ecI of 0Jpertin0 not h,nding "'....ny:"AI"'i lities. He said
that the cIeveJ.qJer is talking a time fnIme far .-.oinrs of
20 years. What hiIRJens after that? He asked if it ......1rI
be another '-""")e like the retaining wall CI'1 ~l..ll....
Road that the City paid for.
Mr. Brown, the ¡g>licant, stated that there is less parking
need far the restaurant during the lunch hour. At nicJt.
when DDre parking is ne~ded far the restaurant, there
should be 00 p¡:OOlEIII. '!be grading is -'i-ect.ed to be à:JDe
without difficulty. In regard to the possibility of having
the restaurant in a single-stoIy bo,nI'H1Jg, this ~!ld
eliminate sane senior units. It ~ certainly be easier
Public hear-
ing closed
Neg. Dec.
granted for
Res. 8491
Neg. Dec.
granted for
Heritage Tree
cxucn. MI!:ETIM; (CC-823)
far the developer Md he '.'I1M do it if QJuncil SO
desired. It is planned that offices such as real estate
end <:PAs.:JUld be upstairs. IkJwßstairs will be retail that
serves the aJIIII.IIÚty. He stated that he felt the __in.-
units should be in peJ:peLuity end he is not asking far a 20
year limitat.i.oo. '1his <D1ld be a deed restrictiœ.
Mr. Q:Jwan stated that the teDn .....'lri be necpti.ated with the
Affordable liJusing o::mnittee. '!be City has aslœcJ. far the
seniDr housing, oot the developer.
Terry BrtMl reviewed drawings of the retail hi,; 1 dings.
As there 101&8 00 I1Dre public ......1I.lCIìL, Mayor Pro ~..
Szabo closed the public hearing.
It was IIDWd by CDmc. Golàœn, &.::u....Jt,d by CDmc. ~..
end passed unanimusly (4-0) to GKJLuVe the granting of a
Negative Declarat.iœ far A¡:plicaticn No. 1-GPA-91.
It 101&8 IIDWd by OJunc. Golàœn, 8c:ou.J&.Jt,d by CDmc. 8orenøEI1
end passed unanimusly (4-0) to GKJLuoJe the awlicaticn per
Pllml1ing Cœmi.ssiat Reø No. 4377.
It 101&8 IIDWd by OJunc. Rogers, 8c:ou.J&.Jt,d by CDmc. 8orenøEI1
and passed unanimusly (4-0) to ~ Reøolutial No. 8491.
It _ IIDWd by OJunc. Gol"",,", .............Jt,d by counc. ~.
end passed unanimusly (4-0) to GKJLuVe the granting of a
Neglltive TlE' far A¡:plicaticn No. 2-U-91.
It 101&8 IIDWd by CDmc. Gol"",,", ~.Jt,d by CDmc. ~..
am passed UlV'nillr4lSly (4-0) to GKJLuoJe the awlicaticn per
phmnil1g Cœmi.ssiat Reøolutia1 No. 4176.
22. O:msideration of an ~'~·'·"",L to 0tdinImœ No. 1543,
the Heritage Tree 0tdinImœ, œgarding inc1usiat of
heritage trees CI'1 public ~'¥=LL}'.
(a) First reading of 0tdinImœ No. 1573: "An
Ordinance of the City QJuncil of the City of
0Jpertin0 AIœIxIing Ordinance No. 1543 Providing
Regu1atims for the Care end Re!IDval of Trees at
Private Md Public PL'¥=LL}', Providing for a
System of Granting Pemd.ts for R8JDval of ~i..-.
and Heritage Trees and far Protecticn of All Trees
~ing O:mstructiœ ~."
(Previously oontinued to the Jœeting of Nova1ber 18.)
MIWŒS œ 'Dm l«MH3F.R 4, 1991, ADDJRNI!'.D RIGJIAR em
ma::n. ......:...1.1'1; (CC-823)
23. Awlicatim !b. 2-0-91 - Ø:nta vista Center/'l'eny Brcwn
(See ~ ItEm !b. 21.)
24. Awlicatim !b. 36-U--86 (Revised) - 'l\n"re Avenue
Properties - }ImA. ·"....,L to delete a reguirement to
desi.çJ¡ate 15 parking 8p!Iœ8 in a garege located at
10150 'l\n"re Avenue, far avrt.eau CUpertino residents.
~ ' ....~ k.Jt.d for approval.
Director of Chnn1l1Ï.ty DeveI,¥,lcuL QMm reviewed the issue
with 0:Juncil.
Paul Hog!In stated that when the 15 parking spaces ware
ÍD{.OSed, the a¡plicant requested that we be able to CXIIIB
back when mry parking prå>lem had been resolved.
Mayer Pto ~.. S'7AOO stated that perhaps the ,.,.",."..¡ 1
should just say that we want adequate parking far seniarø
and let '!!Ie RxiillD figure out hew.
QJunc. Roge1:& B\gJe8t:ed that the nmDer be changed ~ IIEM!I1
and 0:Juncil look at it in 800ther year.
Mr. Hog!In told 0:Iuncil that there is always plenty of
parking for residents. '!!Ie aày cxncern _ for 9ØIt8
during sr--;Al e.....Ls, such as J:IL.......I:.ia1s.
UpŒl being aslœd by 0:Iuncil, the City Attorney stated that
if the aJDditi.a1 were eliminated, 0:Juncil tT'I11ñ reinstate
it after a public hearing.
Gœ:d..l Frolicb, 1202 Belknap QJurt, said he did ~_,_.J EI
that residents at 0Jatem¡ QJpertiJX> had said there _
inadequate parking Œ1 1Ø!\œnds. He went there and there
- no parking. He suggeated 0:Juncil take a survey of
residents .
Mr. QMm said .~ Mehta _ the spolœspe:l........ He says
there is no 1. '""]a a prå>lem, but 'oICUld like the aJDditi.a1
should there be one in the future.
It _ DDIIed by QJunc. Golàœn, ....., ..loon by QJunc. a.y.....
am passed 3-1 with Q)unc. Szabo dissenting, to deny the
25. Awlicati.a1 !b. lo-U-89 Portofino Devel..t.......ìL
cmporation - J\n1eJ..iucuL of a use Permit to mdify the
ardritectural desi<p of Phase II and Phase III of the
residential units. 'lbe 1&'-¥= Lj is located an the
wrIlé1: of DeAnza Boolevard and Ibnestead Rœd.
Envircnœnta1 DeteImination: '!!Ie Planning lhnn;AS;tw,
App. 36-U-86
(Amended), Torre
Ave. Properties
App. 10-U-89,
Portofino Dev.
St. Jude
Garden app.
CXXH:IL !£E'l'IM; (CC-823)
reo . .......a.It. the granting of a Negative Dec1ðratia1.
RIou.uIUClA:rJ far denial.
(Previœsly amt.inued to the meeting of NoI.att.c.. 18.)
26. Ncne.
27. NcrIe.
28. Request fian St. JUde the Apostle Qmrch far refund of
$700 a¡:pliœticn fee for MBmrial Garden.
JClieph Kt:...-:I:y, rector, St. JUde's, said that 0JpertjD0
Senior Day Smvices o:nducts a group there. He did not see
the difference bebæen that and child care. Mr. Kt:.:1aedy
said that he had not been present during the a¡;¢icati.œ
hearings. He saw it CI'1 national televisi.a1 in Minnesota.
He surveyed other dIw..J_ with lUCIIULial grm:ÈI1S,
oeaet.eries, ate. , en the church grounds and they had not
paid fees.
NBDcy Hertert, San JUan Read, said that the fee ÍÐ a lot of
JŒJœY which oou1d g:J for tTftInnú.ty services that the c:hurà1
Sid Jaoci:sens said the funds far the garden had been
c:b1ated by peq>le. Oller $2,000 had been spent tIo~ fees and
gtlvHee required by the City. '1his was a ridit'111l'11lS 8I1DJDt
of JŒJœY for a SIIIÙl piece af land.
'DIe City Attorney stated that council oonld return ar
rod...... the fee.
It was DDYed by Counc. Sore18en and ~...hl by QJunc.
Szabo to refund the JŒJœY.
Counc. Q>1ånan DDYed to amend the 11Dtian to refund $100.
'DIe CJI'~'~'''''IL died for lack af second.
It was DDYed by Counc. Rogers and s.::...u....hl by Counc.
Q>1ånan to él"ÆßÎ the 11Dtian to refund $350. '!he 11Dtian
passed 3-1, with Mayor Pro 'I'eIpore Szabo dissenting.
MDI1IES œ '!HE !DI1I!JIBI!:R 4, 1991, ADnJRNED RI!nJIM CI'1'!'
cxncn. !m.'l'IIG (a::-823)
Msycr Pro 'l'è:uv-n-ð Szabo stated for the reoord that he bad
voted no bE>non- he bad wanted to :refuOO the full $700.
It was DDVed by Q)unc. lb;c¡..., I:ICUAdod by Q)unc. Sorcœen
am passed UMIÚ1roU8ly to IIDVe to rea:msi.der the 1IDtia1.
It was DDVed by <bmc. ~'" ~.Jt:.i by 0Junc. SoreIIseI1
am passed unaninDusly (4-0) to :refuOO the $700.
29. Request for a¡;proval of joint meeting with the Planning
O:mnissioo. am Grand Boulevard 0:IIIni.t.tee a1 Na'va4-. 18
to oonsider the GLaiXi Boulevard O:IIIni.ttee Report.
~ cxmfiDnatioo by Mayor Pro 'l'è:uv-n-ð Szabo, it was DDVed
by 0Junc. Sorensen, 1:ICUA.Jt:.i by Counc. Golànan am pas-«f
UI'I8I1ÌnDUBly (4-0) to set the joint meeting for 5:00 p.m.,
Naltcut..::.. 18 in <Dunci1 o-m--.
30. Presentaticn of Annual Financial Report am review of
auditor's 1IB11III-·....lL letter.
Director of Finance Snyder gave q¡--í..1 reoog:¡ition to
Sharline Jackscn am Launa castillo. He introduced Jeff
Ira, auditor, to cdh.etoS <Dunci1 regBIding the auditor's
""'""" -'-ìL letter.
Jeff Ira of C. G. Uhlenberg am O..t.~ny, said that it _
an ....:1..."",,,,,ly well put together "qAALL am suggested 0Juncil
amsider subnitting it for ð nat'í......1 -ro. He cdh.....sed
Council regBIding fOIJlllltion of an audit n-nmíttee.
0Junc. Sorensen J:....uIlUCl.Jt:.i that the Mayer am CI1e COI.1nci.l
II-·J oeI serve CI'1 the n-nmí ttee.
It was DDVed by 0Junc. ~'" """...IM by 0Junc. Go1ñn1m
am passed UMIÚ1roU8ly (4-0) to '"1¥"u.Ie the fOIJlllltion of a
0Jpertin0 Audit O:IIIni.ttee am to direct the Mayor to L~L
at the next City <Dunci1 meeting who the <Dunci1 ila.t.c..
will be.
QJuncil suggested that the City ~ amsider subnitting
the ..~rL for ð nat.i.ooal award.
Mr. snyder will provide infOIJlllltion regBIding re\tised
J11..t..,... for beginning balances in the hvigPt as reqU£'t.1'\:ed
by <bmc. Golånan.
31. Report on bid q¡ening am award of amtract, S;.....'Blk
Grinding, Project 91-102.
Annual Financial
Sidewalk Grinding
Proj. 91-102
2nd reading
Ord. 1571
Ord. 1571
MIlUŒS CJl1 'œE ~ 4, 1991, AnDJRNI!D Rl!DJIAR. CI'1'f
a:ucn. .......a:.uG (œ-823)
It _ IIIJII'8d by CcuDc. Golållm, s.........:bl by t1nI1JV!. l\.garø
and P""øed urvm;1II"II:I8ly (4-0) to award the \AAjU::ðCt to P & F
0:::IIøtructi0n ~ œ their low bid of $58,100 and
authorized a 15\ cxntingency far a total of $66,815.
32. QJI1ø of amce11ati.a1 of s........&1 meeting in
Dbu:u~ .
It _ IIIJII'8d by (b¡1O'". Sorensen, _ ...1M by ():)IV"". Go]m.m
and P""aed ,,,,,,,,i1lrQJly (4-0) to œnce1 the rec;J"1Ior meetiDg
sd1eduled for po. _.1.- 16.
33. QJI1øideraticn of restricting use of leaf bkMerø
(Coone. ~s).
Cooncil reqœsted staff to see what "he T -J1Ið of
California cities is plaIming to cb in this area.
34. Nœe.
35. Seo::IId reading and eœcbœI1t of ominanœ No. 1571:
"An QrrIinIIIV"A of the City Cooncil of the City of
0Jpertim JIdqJting 01apter 9.18 of the 0Jpertim
)4Im;";p"'l axle for the Purpose of Protecting the
State's NateraJurseS, Meeting M!mdated
Noopoint SOUrce <1.uL..ul aD1 St:o ., ..--ter ......... _.~ d.
~U\IL""" aD1 Esh.h1iAh;ng an EnviD:DœDtal Fee." -
It WBB IIIJII'8d by Coone. ~&, ~.... ...wj by Coone. Go)m.m
and pasøed '''''''';1II''IIJSly (4-0) to read <kdinanœ No. 1571 by
title ally and the City Clerk's reading to CXXIStitute the
..eo . ..'I reading u.........r.
It _ IIIJII'8d by ():)I1IV'!. RùycL&, ...,.....aJ¡OO by cnmc. Golållm
and pet¡laed œvmi1ll"llJSly (4-0) to eœct Ordinance No. 1571.
36. 8ecxInd z-oIing and ena",lm::ul of Ordinance No. 1572:
"An QrrIiT1A11AO of the City CWnci.l of the City of
0Jpertim Þ-ri;ng 01apter 6.24 of the 0Jpertim
ø.micipal axle, Relating to GaJ:bege Dispo-l, to
Provide for MBndat.œ:y 0>1lect:ia1 Service, Lien
Initi.aticn aD1 Recording, 0>1lect:ia1 of DeliJquent
Charges as ~;...1 Assessœot and Establis1ment of
~oor Offense for vio1at.ion of Garbage 0>1lect:ia1
Requiraœnts. "
MINmES (II' 'DIE ~ 4, 1991, AOOOORNPJ) RmIIAR Cl'l'!'
CXXK:IL rmr;u.tG (OC-823)
It _ IIDII'ed by Came. RegeL.., seu......It:.l by Came. Go1åœn
and passed \IDIID.ÏI1rJI.'sly (4-0) to read 0J:dinæIœ No. 1572 by
title a1ly and the City Clerk's reading to a:nstitute the
-.....a.l reading thereof.
It 10188 IIDII'ed by Q:Junc. RcgeJ:s, seoo....It:.l by <Dune. Go1åœn
am p8ssed UllðlÜJlDusly (4-0) to enact Ordinance No. 1572.
37. Nœe.
38. Oral reports by staff blCllLc..S - None.
39. Report en credit for park dedication am possible
c:¢ .
It 10188 IIDII'ed by Q:Junc. Golàœn, seu......It:.l by <Dune. lbJt:=r.
am passed unarÜJlDusly (4-0) to schedule this itEm for the
meeting of January 6, 1992. Prior to that time, Cbmcil
requested infoDnation reganling the following: what
facilities were provhJed credit; what is the <bllar value
of park in-lieu dedication fee credit; the <bllar value of
park dediœtiœ in-lieu fee paid; what wculd the fee have
been if it had not been waived; a of what _
provided (posaible site plans); judge the effectiv--'S of
the C\.u.u:a1L ordinance am ..'¥>r.. what portiau¡ of the
ordinance are disc:ret.iœary am Wat are not.
41. QJunc. ~....m - I"'CJÏAlative Review Chnn;ttee _ o"WV';'
..H A(,'\!esed tl¥! possibility of the City Att........q
preparing state legislatiCl'1 which .....,1rJ All...... cities
the option of CDllectinq ncnpoint source fees via a
line itEm CI'1 the 1&'¥=L L}' tax bill. 'Jhe City Attorney
stated it .....,Jti take ~ly 6-7 1xIurs. Mr.
Snyder stated he believes the earliest infonnaticn CI'1
delinquency will be _n..hle next JUne. Q:Juncil will
defer this issue. Coo""'; 1 unaniJtDusly I3\gx>rted SB
1557 am HR 3026, the Taxic Cleanup &¡uity am
Acceleration Act ('ICFJ\A) bills.
At 9:59 p.m., Council adjoumed to the 7:00 p.m., Navo::ubc..
15, meeting.
2nd reading
Ord. 1572
Ord. 1572 enacted
Park dedication
Review Comm.