CC 11-18-91
10300 '!U<KIS AVENUE, UJ1'ISK['.11Ð, C'A 95014
'lEIEPfDŒ: (408) 252-4505
MINUŒS CF 'mE RIGJIAR .........uC œ 'mE C1'1'f CDH:IL
HlW) œ lÐVIH!I!:R 18, 1991, CDH:IL aÐIIIiBR, C1'1'f BALL
10300 'lœRE AVIH1!, UWISKJ.'.uÐ, CALIPœHIA
'D1e meeting was called to u..~ by Mayer Sorensen at 6:45
QJ\mc. 1?resent:
De!In, Golànan, Kq:pel, SZabo, Kayar Sorensen
Staff Present:
City Manager Brcwn
City Clerk Cornelius
Director of Public Wades viskr:Nich
Director of C'amJ.mi.ty DevP"'I."._.L 0:Iiim1
Assistant to the City ~ Brcwn
Director of Finance Snyder
Director of Parks and Rtoo..;.."",ticn Dowling
Housing and Services COOJ:dinat:or lirling
Housing ~;" 1; <It Gil
City Attorney Kilian
~ - Nœe.
Darlene 'J!iœ:œ, 20097 Jctm Drive, calh......øed n-.wvoi 1
reg,arding an incident tbIIt had occurred in the area ........
elfðct.ricity was off iran 3:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. She stated
that PG&E gives little sat.isfact:.iœ. IaJg outages sud1 as
that have occurred 23 tiJœs in the last 23 :years, JÐt
=ting the 1989 eart:hquIsIœ. 'DIeœ is a l'G&E --,~.L in
the school yard behind the ~"I'=L)' that cbes hA11YVJ to the
residential ~"I'=L}' owners. It is not used by PG&E. She
~ 1iIœ the utilities m...b.."....mriRr'I in that area aD1 the
land de ..M back to the ~"I'=L}' UWUCI....
. I
MIlC1ES CP '!HE lÐ'JI!HmR 18, 1991, RmJIAR ClTf ancIL
MIœ'l'DI; (0::-824)
City Manager Brcwn stated that staff will <XII1tðct PG&B Imd
will get back to Ms. '!borne regarding ~ .m:I
Gary r~ll, 20111 John Drive, erpressed suppo...L far Me.
'!OOrne's I'EIIII!rlœ. He stated there is a prOOlem baœuse of
trees screening the resi.denoes fran the sàxJoI.
Floyd Meyer questi.aIed the CXIIpetenœ of the Board and oath
of office. He said that about 12-15 years 8Ip, he spoke to
0Juncil about the pledge. At that time, Viet:nem atrocities
were «ping CI'l. County jails have sub-human 0JDdit.icx1s. He
felt people should quit lying to the flag; get things ŒxIe,
then say the pledge. He subnitted a list of itsns. He
""'i""CDsed the opinia:I that the bi<p!st E!ÆII¥ is the
OOIJIlUy's own politicisns. He urged 0Juncil to take ðCtÏ.a1
to ""¥L__JL the pecple. He stated that the issue of jury
pay ne ~M to be acXh.CDsed. He requested that he be plaoow1
at the next agenda Imd then he to'OOld not have three IIIÌmIte
time limit:atiœ.
City Manager Brown told QJuncil that if Mr. Meyer subnitted
a letter regarding itsns ÕK'L'-'l""iate for the City council
to calh.CDS, staff will look at it and CDlSider it.
Mr. Meyer stated he had subnitted a list. He requested to
be put CI'l the next agenda. He also requested he be sent a
oopy of the ShlE'riff' s bill fran depIties' attendanoe at the
last QJuncil meeting.
QJunc. Q)!àœn requested that ItEm No. 17 be reIIDIIed. It
was IIDIIed by 0Junc. ~, &cu..uØl by 0:Iunc. Q)làœn Imd
pl!lSsed UDæÚJID.18ly to "K"-U\/e the balance of the O:nsent
Calendar as subnitt.ed.
1. Resolution No. 8544: "A Resolution of the City Council
of the City of 0Jpert.in0 Accepting Grant of ¡P.A_,~ .L
for ~ PID:p. sea fran David A. DJyle and T",1;-
DJyle, Qmsisting of Approximately 0.0207 Acres,
IDeated 0Jpert.in0 Road."
(No documentat.iat neoesSaJ:}'.)
MDÐJES œ '!HE N:M!HII!:R 18, 1991, RI!GJIAR CITf a:ucn.
MI!:ETnC (œ-824)
2. Aoœptanoe of City project pafo1.wcd under ocntract:
Tnlffic Signal &œt.:t:ucy PreeIIpti.oo SystEm, Project
8602D (Steiny & Cb.)
3. Resolution No. 8545: "A Resolution of the City Q:Iuncil
of the City of CUpertino Declaring Its Intent:iœ to
Order Vacati.œ of A l\)rtion of Alcazar Avenue IDeated
Bebieen Orange Avenue and Irrperial Avenue, As Prc::Jvided
In Sec:tiœ. 8320 Et Seq. of the streets aD1l'i~
<bda of the State of California, Fixing Time and Place
for Public Hearing and Providing far Notice '1bereof."
4. ARJroval of DBjor grant awards, Cable Televisicn
Advisory Ccmnittee.
5. Resolution No. 8546: "A Resolution of the City <bunci.1
of the City of CUpertino RegaIdinq the ~ of
ProcMI1re& to I1tplement the }IIo>gl igent Driving under the
Influence and I11tent.iooa1 WroI1gful Conduct ÐD&l,*"a.~
p""V'""qe COSt ~ PLvy.LaIII and Rescinding
Resolution No. 8368."
6. Resolution No. 8547: "A Resolution of the City ('run,.il
of the City of CUpertino Making Detecninaticna aD1
AAD:cving the Amlexation of Territory Designated 'San
Fernando QJurt 91-2', A¡:pmx:imately .16 Acre IDeated CI'1
the Sooth Side of San Fernando Court Bet\ileen San
Fernando Avenue and M::Clellan Read; Mattocn (A'PN
7. ARJroval of request for waiver of business license fee,
HaœsteBd Hic;þ, 01ristmas tree lot to raise f".ux:Is for
gr:aduat.iCI'1 party.
8. ARJroval of minutes of the I'R'JI'l..r meeting of the City
en,..,.i 1 held CI'1 october 7, 1991.
9. ARJroval of minutes of the regular meeting of the City
<bunci.1 held CI'1 october 21, 1991.
10. H:nth1y Activity Repœ.L, october, 1991. Receive.
11. H:nth1y Treasurer's Report and Rn,iIJ'"t tþSate, octaber,
1991. Receive.
12. Resolution No. 8548: "A Resolution of the City <bunci.1
of the City of CUpertino Allowing Certain ClaiJœ aD1
Db.....Js Payable in the lInDunts and Fran the ~ as
Hereinafter Described for General and Miscellaneous
Experrlitures for the Period Ending Nova,L.:.. 1, 1991.'
App. 20-U-86
JMB Proper tie
MDI1.ŒS CP 'DIE lO7PHmR 18, 1991, Rm:JIAR C1'l'! aD1CIL
_..'.L1'C (œ-824)
13. Re8olutia1 No. 8549: -A Re801utiœ of the City n-......n
of the city of QJpertino Allowing Certain ("l..i_ am
Db.a.1ds Payable in the JIDDmts and PmI the PI:IMø as
Hereinafter Described for Salðries and WIIgBe for the
Payroll Period Ending ~ 5, 1991.-
14. B'.... 'd.e.... ÿ FaJ:m ØJnthly Rq¡u... L. Receive.
15. J!dcpt.ia1 of Citizen P8rticipati.on Plan far EiIIteenth
Year (1992-93) Chmomity Del/Rl'\"~'L ø1Qt"1r Grant (aJ!G)
(a) Re80lutiœ No. 8550: -A Re801utiœ of the City
0Juncl1 of the City of QJpertino A
Citizen P8rticip8t.i.œ Plan far B.i.c1teenth Year
(1992-93) O:mIImity Deve1..\..~.L Al~ Grant (aJ!G)
Funds. -
16. Acœptanœ of IIIJIIiciplù ~
Cali Land Ae"""";Ateø, 20020 stevens Creek Boulevm:ù
(No àxDœnt:at.icn neoeesary.)
17. R8\rJIIed £ran the O:msent CalerxSar.
ygIi§ ......1 _. IS of t-hA City ChIlV!Î 1
DeIIn, Golåœn, æ:Jppel, !Io7'1bo, Sarmseo
17. Applicatiœ No. 20-U-86 (ImI>I.""'i) - JIØ P~'-¥C'-Lies -
Request far review and "'K'Lwal of a ~~ive
1arxIsœping plan and inwotoryß _,_II.w..ia1 plan for all
existing q¡--ia-. L.. e s 10œted at an ezisting J:"'It'Ai 1
center. 'DIe site is located at the nartIBIest COlœL of
stevens Creek Boulevm:ù and Mary Averme. p.e,. ..,.......o"Io.ti
far a¡:proval.
Following clarificatia1 that what bu been 11l1hnitted dœs
cœply with what 1oIB8 Cb.DIcil's direct.icn, it 1oIB8 IIDIIed by
QJunc:. Golàœn, ...,......:!t.d by Caunc. æ:Jppel and I""ased
1JDIIIÜJnJus1y to elK"'u¥e the Ig)liœtia1 per ASIIC Re80lutiœ
No. 1655.
MI!'E1'IlC (CC-824)
18. of æera1.""'1L to Ordinance No. 1543, the
Heritage Tree Ordinðnœ, regarding inclusia1 of
heritage trees <Xl public prqJerty.
(a) First reading of Ordinance No. 1573: "An
Ordinance of the City Council of the city of
Cupertino 1ImeIXiing Ordinance No. 1543 Providing
RegulatiaIs far the care am RBŒMù. of Tl ! f <Xl
Private am Public PL'¥"LLy', Providing for a
System of Granting PeImits for RBŒMù. of ~i-.
am Heritage Trees am far Protectia1 of All Tl ! I
During 0Jnst.ruc:tial (þerations." (QJntinued fraa
the øeeting of li:JI/aIi)er 4, 1991.)
Following review of the staff report by Director of
camunity DeIIe],'··~.L, Mayer Sorensen qøIed the public
Nanc:.y Hertert, san Juan Road, told <bmcil she _ gled
they 1oIeI'8 AMing the trees in the public right-of-way. She
requested that they also acid the a11IDI1d tree CI'1 OLang&
Avenue. Ms. Hertert 1IICUld also like DDre th!m just
adjeœnt i"-~Ly' owners notified if a tree is to be taJœD
00wn. She suggested it be annoonoed in the n...-rt-;1Y\ ~
that there M)I,ld be a public hearing of the Architectural
am Site A¡:.prDVal O:mDittee. She 1IICUld like the Histarlcal
Dociety ~if'i"",,.
As there _ DO ODe else wishing to ........,""'1L, Mayer SOrerI8eI1
closed the public bearing.
It WB8 DDWd by 0Junc. Kq:pel, &o::o..u...Jc.l by 0Junc. Szabo am
l""ased UDBIÙJIDUSly to CJKALuVe the ordinance a,1IeÐded to
include the aln:ni tree <Xl OLcuIIp Avenue, a 300 foot
notifiœtia1, am to <D1SÏder an arlJorist with next year's
It _ DDWd by (boJDC. lfqJpel, s..u.....Jc.l by 0Junc. Golàœn
am passed u,rvmi1lr!llSly to read Ordinðnœ No. 1573 by title
cnly am the City Clerk's reading to CXXJStitute the first
reading thereof.
It WB8 DDWd by 0Junc. Golànan, s..u.....Jc.l by Counc. ~l
am passed u,rvm;1Ir!IISly to amend the ordinance giving the
duties am 1:""" 'lIIjh; Hties of the Architectural am Site
~ O:mDittee to a1.lctii for this change of duties.
Heritage Tree
Public hearing
1st reading Ord.
18th Year
CDBG funds
Public hear-
. closed
MINUŒS œ 'DIE lOmØ'R 18, 1991, Rm1IAR em a:u«:IL
MI!'Zl'Il«; (œ-824)
19. RqxJrt on past perfODllll1Oe of agercieø reoai.ving
CDmunity Delle}, 'i ..~.L Block Grant (a:ø;) public service
gœnts in meeting planned oojectives and CDlSideraticn
of pdorities for E.icIteenth YeIIr (1992-93) CD!G funds.
lblsing Spec';AliRt Gil reviewed the ..'¥'..L with COUncil.
COUnc. GolànBn expressed the cxnoern that this is net
referred to the Affordable lblsing O:mni.ttee. He stated
that there needs to be a better definition of the O:mni.ttee
and would like cxmai.ttee review prior to being heard by
COUncil. He I."" ...., that a hcusing a:mnittee ordinImcB
be enacted.
Annette ¡iJod, san Jose, and student at DeAnza College,
~essed the opinion that a certain pea:...-d..aga of new
CCI'1Øt.ruC:t.i ..hnnlti set aside hcusing for lowest m........:.
people and be b-....t CI'1 the ability to pay. She stated her
incane is just a little abave $500 a 1Ialth.
'1bere being 00 ather PJblic input, Mayor Sorensen ...1. sed
the public bearing.
It was DDVeCi by Q)unc. GolànBn, -.....1d&J by Q)unc. IC:qpl
and passed urum;1II"IIlSly that COUncil "WLuv8 the staff
recc.mnendati.c as follawB:
!me ""P"' is to be placed CI'1 delle!. 'I:.,~d. of
affordable hcusing ~t.unities. It is re.....u..~.1M
that lDl-profit agencies awly for fmding frail County
CkImImity De\IelqIIent 8lock Grant fuIXIs, aD1 if public
service grants are given, they shall be œly to
agencies who are not çlying for COUnty a:ø; fuIXIs for
the lISle services. '!be award of aJe grant to CXM!Ir
øcœening and pl~ ""~1L of elig:jhle ~BCIIS in
affordable unite at 0IateBu 0Jpertim as well as others
de\Ie1q)ed .in the future was~. Preft:La1Ce for
funcIing will be given to 0Jpertin0-......-i ~- and
funcIing of the hcusing rehab ~'¥.... aD1 aff.....JtÐle
hcusing fmxl will amtinue.
It was DDVeCi by Q)unc. Golàœn, by Q)unc. IC:qpl
and passed ur-n;......-..JSly to direct staff to I:"-~ lID
affordable hcusing ordinance delineating 1.C8íXJIIS;h; 1 ;tie8
and activities of the cannittee. 'Ihis ordinance will be
pl~ÇI'rl on the January 6 agenda.
MIlV1BS Œ' 'nIE tVIm&:R 18, 1991, RIGJLAR CITf <XJH:IL
-.....'.uC (CC-824)
20. A¡:¢iœticn No. 3-Z-91 - City of 0Jpertin0 - Rezœing
of ~y 53 acres gross £%an Agriaùtural
Single-family residential (Al) zœe to Private
Recreatia1al zœe. '!be pL"¥=ly is loœted at 10700
Cluli1wse Lane. EnviraJœntal DeteDninaticn: '.DIe
Planning ~; ASian l.........lUICIds the granting of a
Negative Dec1araticn. Rt::o. ...,~.iM far ~.
P.."¥=lj owner has requested a Plan Atle.àa..,.,l
£ran Private Recreaticn to Private
Rec::reati.Œ1/Mum-IDw Density Residential and to retain
existing zcning.
(a) First reading of ordinance No. 1574: "An
Ordinance of the City QJuncil of the City of
0Jpertim JImeDding sectia1 1 of ordinanœ No. 2 by
Rezœing A¡:prœåmately 53 Acres Gross £%an Al Zcœ
to PR ZŒIe¡ IDeated at 10700 ClutlD1se Lane ,City
of 0Jpertim - 3-Z-91)."
Following review of the staff ",¥""L by Mr. ec-." Mayor
scm:œen cpÐed the pi>lic hearing.
Eric Bracher, a pL,,¥=lj' owner, reviewed the histmy of the
1&Ui""'-lj. While it was un;n.·'L¡JUI.àL.ed, it was first
agricultural, then there was 9CIIIB for single-f""'; 1y
~ 11 i 1'1gEI. When 0Jpertim incoJ:pcrated, the pLUi""'-lj' lϢ
the saœ zcning. 'lbere is 9CIIIB flood zcning CI'1 the
pLUi""'-Lf, which means there will be no structures in the
flood zœe area. A ~ part of the cplf CDJrSe is in that
flood zœe¡ 9CIIIB of the rest of the 1&Ui""'-lj is not. 'lbIt
is what the owners are anœmed about. '!be pL' ¥=ssd
changa .:nld preclude any ""; M;I'1gEI.
City At:t:mney Kilian pointed out that zcning I'IAA 1 A with
private z:..........ati.on, not the f100d '!be is standard
1"''''9''9'' far private z:ec:z:eatiœ zcning desi.c;Jlatiœs.
Mr. Bracher stated that I:e2CI'1ing the entire piece of
pLUi""'-lj' WO\1JrI keep owners £ran too,; 1rIing hcmes for family
I,~.I"". ... He stated this d1Imge of ~;ng woold CXX1Stitute
a t:a1dng of land and the City ......1rI be subject to a law
City At:t:mney Kilian said the City is subject to law suits
if it does not zœe the 1"",,¥=lj as per the General Plan.
'!be City DUSt allow reascnable use of pL"¥= Lf. 'lbIt
particular pL"¥= Lj is oow uOOer a 23-year lease for a cplf
CDJrSe. '!his is reascoable use. .
App. 3-Z-91,
Deep Cliff
Public hear-
. closed
MINIJ1'ES Œ' '!HE !D1D!BER 18, 1991, RmJLAR crrr CXXKIL
!EE'I'DG (CX::-824)
'DIe a¡:p1icant stated that the cplf oourse 00es not use
about bolo acres of the 1&,+,=ly. 'lbere is an ----.t:
preserved far access to the back part that is not used as
re........d:ian It is part of the leased prqIerty, hIt it is
not used.
Peter RI1t-hack, Sequel, one of the partners in the 1&,+,=Ly,
said the.intent:icn is not to reIIDIIe the entire cplf course,
but to .......!-'L.....lse. 'DIe City paid $18 far
Blackb::uy Fa11II and he can see why the City W!II1ted this
cplf course far mthing. It is a tðke as far as he is
a:mœmed. In the mid:Ile of the cplf course þ¡.,+,=Ly, it
is ZaJed residential. A vast majority of the oourse .....""
still be preserved.
Eric Bracher stated that pz¡¡s_!Lly, Deep Cliff is a short
18 hole oourse. He had heard it 'AUlÙd be a g:xxi 9 hole
regulaticn size oourse.
Michael Schneider, attomey, 444 Castro street, SUite 900,
!tJuntain View, said in his <:pinion regarding legal
rami£icatia1s, he feels it is a taking. 'DIe inteIpretatico
is up far grabs. 'DIe question is, 00es the 1&,+,=ly owner
have any relatively cu.JI&.UÜ.c use of the 1&,+,=ly. 'DIe
1&,+,=ly is nearly BUrroUIJ:ied by residential. 'lbis is an
island of open space. '!his is a residual use, not a
relative substantial use. It is also an issue of
fairness. Salle residential use and sane open
space/ use seaœ r-"""",nle. He BUIpBted
0Juncil hold the matter in abeyance, and get lime
infœ:mati.a1 regarding the owner's plans. Hnhhoodt and Trust
Btra1gly cbject to the ~.~sed zming.
Doug Aikens, att.omey l<¥" senting the owner of the lease,
stated that it is the leasee's intent to opéLcd.e the cplf
course far the ilie of the lease and use the entire
1&,+,=Ly ccvered by the lease. Mr. Aikens stated it is his
ÍøtAL....sia1 that the cplf oourse is the exclusive use far
the next 23 years.
Vern Kelly Kerxile, 21746 Noonan Q)urt,, said he
is a IllalbeL of the men's club at Deep Cliff Golf Course.
It is diffiaùt to find a place for an 18 hole oourse. He
felt it was .î11pxtant to preserve the full course and every
effort should be IÆIde to maintain it as it is.
'lbere being no other public inprt;, Mayor Sorensen closed
the public hearing.
MIlIJŒS œ 'DIE 1O.II!2&.R 18, 1991, RmJI.AR. ClT! ~
......~..uG (CC-824)
Mr. a:-n aaid that if there is acme residual land besides
the 9'1£ oourøe, perhaps the owner ......,1(1 get acme use out
of that.
City Attomey Kilian pointed out this is a plan
,w.;Aiat, not a zcning ,w.;Aiat.
Mr. Q:Jwm¡ aaid the GerIer'al Plan is not 1&'¥'L Li' line
pl'I"<';~. Pmhaps, there rou1d be cne ar two lots without a
General Plan change, ally a zcning change.
It was IIDII'ed by Q,unc. Szabo, s.ou......hl by Q,unc. ICqpel and
pBBsed unariliJDusly to awrove the granting of a
It was IIDII'ed by Q,unc. Szabo, secxnied by <bunc. Kqpù and
pBBsed \D1ðIÚJIDU8ly to "H""<Ne Awliœtiat No. 3-Z-91 per
Planning Chnn;qicn Resolutial No. 4379.
Q,unc. Golàœn stated he felt it was misleading to say acme
residential rou1d be à:ne by zcning and ~....sed the
cpini.a¡ that the 1&'¥'LLi' owners sOOuld awly for a
Plan Blllcui'lCIíL if they wanted residential.
It was IIDII'ed by <bunco KcgIeI, se.........hl by <bunc. Golåœn
and pBBsed \D1ðIÚJIDU8ly to read Ordinance No. 1574 by title
ally and the City Clerk's reading to CDlStitute the first
reading ti.....c:uf.
It was IIDII'ed by <bunc. Szabo, se......d:,d by <bunc. Go1rtnom
and passed '1NII1;~ly to deny Awlicatiat No. 2-GPA-9l per
Planning Chnn;-Ï.a1 Resolutial No. 4380.
21. Awlicatiat No. 10-0-89 (AmaxJe..l) Port:ofino
Deve1ryn-rt: Onpxat.icn - Jlmerduc:.íL of a Use Pemû.t to
IIOOify the aråù.tectural design of Phase II aD1 PbaI3e
III of the residential units. '!be 1&'¥'LLi' is located
CI'1 the COLI..... of DeAnza Boulevard and IbIIe£t:e!Id RDBd.
Envi.a.uuucuLal DeteJ:minatiat: '!be Planning 0mIIissiaI.
reo· ""lads the granting of a Neg!rt:ive t)e(ol...ratim.
Rb.u.wca...hl for denial. (0::1ntiJmed frcm the meeting of
NcrvClIbtu. 4, 1991.)
Q,unc. Golàœn announced he was abstaining £ran this issue
because of ronflict of interest and left the
Reg. Dec. granted
1st reading Ord.
App. 2-GPA-91
App. 10-U-89,
Porto fino Dev.
MlWl'ES œ 'mE mJIM\ER 19, 1991, RI!œlAR C1'l'Y ~
MI!:E'l'IM; (œ-824)
Counc. Keppel stated that in teDœ of the housing portia¡
of this awliœtiœ, she felt it should rp to the housiIvJ
exrmù.ttee. It was pointed out that when there is a
substantial change after an awlicat.icn has been t!mJuçþ
the Planning Ccmnissicn, it is required that the
awlicatian cp back to the Cœmissicn for review.
Mayor Sorensen announced that the Q:JunciJ. will not be
hearing the low/JJDdenl.te housing issue as this will have to
be sent back to the Plarming Qmni.ssiCl'l with a request that
Q:JunciJ. receive a report within 90 days.
Discussion followed regarding whether ar not to listen to
t.estinDny on the matter as a large IlUIIber of citizens were
there to provide input.
Following further discusaion, it was tje(oin-! that three
rEþI._sent.atives of the group speak and that they ÐIIà1 be
limited to three minutes.
Starr Coatney, IICII........ of Single Parents CI'l CéIIIp1s at DeAnza
<bllege, IIDI:her of two dú.J.dnn, ages 3 and 5, II~" -e:I: of
the ft:mors PruyLaw, felt that lack of ~fordable housing is
a major prt:blEIII. Mb.........& of the aingle pIIrBJts group have
a lIDlthly ëM:&.<>\F inaJne of $500-700. Ms. Coatney stated
she has received Secticn 8 bJusing asaistanœ¡ otheIwise,
she OOlÙd not be attending DeAnza <bllege. She """i""_sed
respe..."'t for the single parents she jø involved with, as
they are hicjùy DDtivated and CUpertino wculd want them in
the c:xmrunity.
Margaret Synals, Il~'~ '= of the single parents group, stated
she spends 2-1/2 hours a day driving back and forth to
scmol. She wrks and g:¡es to scmol in CUpertino and
wculd like the cbanœ to live here.
Michele Ward, ..~.J ""£ of Single Parents CI'l CéIIIp1s at DeAnza,
said there is a real need for affordable hausing. She
~ to live in CUpertino ~,- the City does wa-ab.!ul
things far its residents. She ~ her daUIjlter to cp to
CuperEno scmols and she wculd like to ðClli....s the Ccmnissicn when this itEm is CI'l their agenda.
Uþcn being asked by the Mayor to staOO up, ~ly
20-25 people £ran DeAnza <bllege were in Owmber far this
Linda Qmroy, San Jose, a teacher at the Child Deve¡''l''~JL
Center, DeAnza <bllege, said she lived in low in<Dne
hausing while her way through oollege and œriIvJ
for her daughter. 'Ihere is oonsiderable need for low
ina:me hausing.
MDCŒS œ 'DIE !DII!2Ø!:R 18, 1991, RI!nJIAR crrr <XUICIL
.........,.u«; (OC-824)
City Attorney Kilian pointed out that this is part of the
use pennit aD1 Q)uncil œnoot make a final decisioo at this
Upa:1 being aslœd by Cbmcil, Mr. Q:Jwan stated that this
CDUld cp to the Planning o:mnissÏa1 at thejr r<'9"''''''
œeting of Dt:o..a.t.c.. 9 am CDœ back to Council CI'1 January
It was IIDIIed by C'ounc. Szabo and &eOODded for disa1saÏa1
pl.l&.i>':'ses by C'ounc. ~l to not hear the use peD1Ú.t at
this meeting am that it rot CDœ back before the first
meeting in January.
JaIm De1Jœre, l'brtofino Devel<..pIl"..L, expressed oonœrn
regarding the time frame. He would like to keep this
project 1IDVÍJ1g.
'!be DDti.a1 failed with C'ounc. ~l am Dean dissenting.
JaIm De1Jœre stated that this was back to ("r"'r".~ 1
~,- of the yt'IlICLal a:nce:m of the City am others ðbout
the height of the h,; ldings. '!be first ~ of the
project is being Wilt. Phase II is DeAnza Boulevard
fra1tage. It has been J.c:r.iered £ran 4 to 3 stories. Alœg
Interstate 280 fra1tage, it has been lCJloleI'ed to two
stories. '!be grading en the site ~ been lCJloleI'ed. Mr.
De1mare reviewed changes with aroncil.
Ernie Vasquez, ardlitect, shewed slides of devel"l.·~'lB
with the rourtyard ancept. He said that they have tried
to make the project creative am unique for CUpertino.
t1ú.ts start at about 800 sq. ft.
1<J!II~q: 8:55-9:05 P.M.
Upa:1 reaxM!Iling, Mayor Sorensen q¡eœd the meeting far
PJblic inpJt am announced that each speaker would be
limited to three minutes.
Mike Hanmes, 10910 Northsky Square, CUpertino, said he had
amœms about this project a few years aqJ, bIt liked the
road lnprovements that would occur. '!be left turn £ran
1bœst:ead onto DeAnza Boulevard is still a problem. '!be
traffic signal cDes rot let many cars through. '!be new
units are not yet occupied. He ~ct>sed a:nce:m regarding
enough parking in the new project.
James Piazza, 20031 Northwood Drive, ~ct>sed ooncern that
residents of the new emplex might find access desirable
throuIjl Northpoint emplex. He wcu1d liJœ Council to make
that urx:!esirable, as Northpoint oonsists of private roads.
MDVŒS œ '!HE lÐIIEMBI!:R IB, 1991, REGUU\R CITY a:ucn.
.......;¡..ue (CC-B24)
He q.....,.,sed oonœrn regarding ooøt of III!ÚIlten!Inœ and
safety of residents of Northpoint. Hr. pi..",za felt that
Portofino develqJers shculd JJBke sure there is no traffic
iJJpIct at Northpoint residents.
Willian wickwire, 20064 Northwim Square, ca1JL.,.,sed thml"i 1
regarding cp:!ß apace and recreati.a1 tAl!'! 1ities 1&' ~o:E!ed far
the new develOJ:.lllcut.. He said ariginally, there were two
large cp:!ß space areas. He does not see them now eJO qÅ. as
ooncrete. He sees no grass. Hr. wickwire stated that he
asSI.IIES there will be sane d1ildren in the OC-ve~'ICIIL, b.1t
he sees no playground facilities.
willi Krauss, 20153 Northcrest Square, ~.,.,sed ocncern
regarding the parking in Portofino and cars overflowing
into Northpoint, esr--;"lly guests. 'l\«) pràJlems seem to
be not enough parking and too III1Cb ooncrete. He 1qIes the
new plan does include ubJt=."..wnd parking.
Pat AlvaraOO, President of the Northpoint 1L.IC>J<mers
Associatioo, SlJRX)rted Planning Omnissial's reI:I.......A far
not approving the élß>licatioo. 'DIe~, ~ ~
interfere with the quality of llie at Northpoint and in
CUpertino. In regard to heicJt of tW.ldingB, she requested
all two stoIy b1i1dings and real UIà.b.."..uünd parking. If
th1l'V'"i 1 awroves the awlicatioo, she urged that they
a:nditioo ~u>Tal so that any variance, b::Jwever minnr,
III1St cp to the Planning Omnissial ar City Q)uncil aD1 not
just be awroved by staff.
H:Irt Shore, resident of Northpoint, CUpertino, said the
drawings presented do not sOOw the large ooncrete wall
which 11IBlœs everything -n-r very different fran what is
being 1& S_iled.
'!here being no one else wishing to speak, Ma}'or Sorensen
~ discussion to CcI.mcil.
Ma}'or Sorensen pointed out that the élß>licatioo III1St cp
back to the Planning Ccmnissial as the Ccmnission did not
see a lot of tiús mterial.
Q)unc. Dean stated that changing the product is a red flag
as far as he is oonœmed. He stated the project does not
fit the neighborhood and ~e6sed ocncern regarding the
underground parking. Q)unc. Dean stated that two stories
~ be acceptrJble.
......J...ue (0:-824)
QJunc. Szabo ment.iœed that the Geœr:al Plan says there
shall be a I1IÍJÙJIuD of 20 units per acre; new, there is a
pnj)lem cramning in that III......... of units. He ~_nd
amœrn regarding open space. QJunc. Szabo ~~ with the
Planning Carmissic:n <D1clusia1s aD1 requested that this !P
b8ck to the Planning l'mtni eeion aD1 that the Chnniasion
look at the ..mole use pm:mit.
QJunc. KcgIeI suggested that perhaps the private road I'Y'II11d
be b1oc\œd. ~ space and playgrour1ds are not
desjqJated. (']he a¡:pliœnt stated that playgrouod
equipnent oould be worIœd into the plan.) ']he wall cbes
give a very different feeling to the deve1qment.
Mr. Delmare stated there is no ed:iitiaJal wall pla......d.
What is existing is all that will be.
Mayor Sorensen stated that she felt there is too IIIx:h
tandem parking, that the parking is not close erxu;þ to the
users and explcbsed ~ regarding 80 III1d1 ~.
She felt that the 1&' ¥,.eal is net user friendly for
children and stated the ..mole a¡:plicati.on will be c;ping
b8ck to the Planning Chnni RSion.
Director of Camunity De\IIOl''I.''~íL <DoiIm stated that l"{'It'i......
will be brought back to 0Juncil.
It was DDved by Ch"1(". Szabo, s.:........Jt:d by ca.n:. Jrqpel and
passed \II1aDÍJJDU8ly (4-0) to refer the ç1icati.on to the
Planning Carmisaion for a ""¥J.Lt, that it !P to them for
their tb.a.Lcc 9 meeting, and <DIIe back to 0Juncil ,T....n".,.y
6. (QJunc. Q:>!ànan returned to the dais.)
22. Application No. 1O-U-9l and 15-FA-91 - IÞliday CI.,........
of America - Use Pemlit for an œ-premises l....wvtry aD1 cky
cleaning bJsiness. ']he 1"""¥"LL)' is located at Stewœ
Creek Boulevard arxi POrtal Avenue. EnvùaJœntal
.......-.-......- -- p1.....~~ ",-.--' ....- the
&..I'IIi:::õ~u.uXl~I: .u-=: ......._~ 1..o\
granting of a Negative ne<-laration. RPo. ....~.Jt:d far
Following staff .l"¥J.Ll as pt!.senLed by Mr. Q:Jwan, Mayor
Sorensen requested any input :fJ:an the a¡:pliœnt.
Jerry Kolodzik, 931 TeIminal Way, san Carloe, President,
Ameriœn Pacific Equipnent Q:upany, said he was IWRi l...hle
for questions. He cw....::ully has 60 units, JIIJ8t in
neighborhood market areas backing into residences. 'Jhere
are no ventilators bto the a~ a:ming:fJ:an cky
cleaning and no pollutants.
App. lO-U-9l,
Holiday Cleaners
MINI1ŒS OF 'nil!: lÐ\II!H!ER 18, 1991, Rl!GJIAR crrr axKIL
......nIG (CC-824)
Jim Gross, textile care CXJnSUltant, 88sured Council that
the blsiness is envircnœnt:ally safe and energy efficient.
Pb.............l. receive g.:xxi training.
Mr. French, owner of a Holiday Cleaners in Foster City,
said that this finn has piooeered anti-polluti.a1 methcdø
and uses the finest 8qI';pr-¡t. (be of Holiday's fN'"; 1 itieø
is in an office hn; 1ñing and no CX7i1plaints have been
Laz soares, 969 q;>la1xi Road, Redwood City, plans to be the
owner/operator. '!he door will be kept shut. ('!his_
Planning Cœmi.ssÍCl'1's CI'lly ronoern regarding noise.) 'lbere
will be no emrironœnta1 haIm.
steve staIIDs, 1325 01estnut, San Carlos, the other paLl......
in the blsiness, stated he wants to be part of the
OCIIIIIJDity and he will be a g.:xxi neighbor.
ViIginia Tmlblyn, 19721 Bixby Drive, said the neiIj1borø am
she do not want the cleaners in this ømpping center. '!bey
feel it is hazardous. OIEmiœls will be kept CI'1 site. It
is too close to residents. She questiooed the safety of
this and ~=sed cxnoern regarding the risk of Inmm
error. If there is a hazarOOus spill, will the owner of
the mar~~laoe pay far the clean up? Her 00use ~lld DOt
be sold if the soil is amtaminated. She 881œd what .....,1ti
be CI'1 the roof of the h,; 1 ding . '!here is bourxi to be øaœ
air ccnt.aminati.œ and her 00use is downwirxi. thy cleeners
jJpact ~UJ:'CLL)' values. She requested 11Dre infonnat.iœ
about the Uoa'I"".!¥' '!he ozaJe levels in San Jose .....,-
health pttblEIIEI.
Mr. MIle Lee, 10045 East Estates Drive, said that he does
urxierst:aIxi dry cleaning equipœnt; however, he feels there
are too many dry cleaners in the area. 'lbere is
overc:rt7IIding ~......i.cs wise. He urged <buncil to r8!JÜate
the DUIItJer of dry cleaners. Upon being 881œd by Council,
he that he has a dry cleaning estab1is1m:nt neBr
this loœti.a1.
Rcn BieDœn, 19781 Bixby Drive, located in back of Ia1g's
Drugs, subnitted px,tœ of the s} center. He also
stated that there are three dry cleaners within a block and
a half. In regard to previous Uoa'IIIC>'ls about dry cleaners
located in <3LUV=Y stores, he stated that he '4iCIÙd put up
with 11Dre noise in a grocery store than at his own 00use.
Systaœ can leak. lack of cpvemment funding is cutting
dawn on <pVerIBneI1t inspections. A dry cleaners is not an
~ use at the center. 'lbe ¡¥xJto6 subnitted reflect
............uÇ (CX::-824)
the attitude of stv'w;'''] center Jlllll'lA<r·~)L. It is not
OOOi,Ea:ð:Live. Fire IJCIOeSS is blodœd. 'lbe gate in the bI!Ick
is wide qøl and it sbculd be 1oc1œd. '1bere is a fire
hazard with pine needles.
Nancy BurneLL, 729 st:endah1 Lane, shcps at 'lbe MarIoc.L¡,.laœ.
She ~....sed amœrn regIII'ding the hei.c1t of the coolers
CI'1 the roof. She stated that she uses Mac lee for dry
cleaning. She ~....sed ~ regæ:ding residue r!;~
and inpact en property values.
.Aimee Brazeau, 865 South Figueroa Street, Los Angeles,
"$__íLing 'lOi Realty Advisors, stated that there h8s
been saœ reoovatien en the i"',¥,,-Ly and the 1&,¥,,-Ly
owners are tzying to amply with the City's requirements.
In regard to the pictures subnitted, '1e stated no
infoI1llBtia1 has been þ&. s ,Led regæ:ding F' thingB as IDf
loog the car had been there, etc. -,- of trjp
amstraints, the i"',¥,,-L)' owners were told to get service
ar retail b1sinesses. 'Ihey have cb1e so. She asked IDf
many residences have actually been devalued ,-,-,- of
cleaners and stated that the owner wuld provide roof
acreening, if necessary.
Zig;Jie Dudziuk, 19674 St:eIIens Creek Boulevard, said the
gate is clœed every clay and r-'I'o- 1<00.1. Merdw1ts knew the
CCIIbinatiœ. He can't understand .-;~ amp1aining
about noise. ~ he was l' ueo:l, he made lots of noise IIDd
no CXle amp1A;'¥¥i to the police. 0JStaœrs say they need ð
dry cleaners there.
Jerry Kolodzik ans-...,d questiaJs £ran <nmcil.. He stated
there will be CXle boiler stack and CXle mt water stack
three to foor feet 8bove roof level. '1bere will be foor
flat exhaust fans CI'1 the roof. '1bere is a parapet around
the roof. A spotting agent will be used sim; 110"(" to wbat
CXle wculd use at haDe. '1bere is axrt:aiJJnent around the dry
cleaning unit itself in œse of spills. '1bere will be no
ocbr. Spin filters are used; there are no œrtr;ñ.;p- to
r!;<I£Y""" of.
.Aimee 81:'8'7_11 stated that the finn she ",,¥,-ls.!S1!Ls is a $4.2
billia1 CXIIpIIIly and h8s never had an envircnnental c1lWn.
HazartDus material wording in the lease amplies with Prep
65. 'lbe CXIIpIIIly wuld post a bend if it were a requirement
for all dry cleaners. 'lbe i"',¥,,-L)' owner is ultJmately
liable for anything originating CI'1 the i"''¥''- L)' .
Neg. Dec.
a repre-
Cities Assn.
Standing C""""
Curbs, Gutter
Proj. 92-103
.son Park
Imp., Proj,
MIl«7ŒS (p 'mE NJIJ1IHIBR 18, 1991, RIGJIÆ crrr CXXH:IL
.........uÐ (œ-824)
Mayor 8or&Isen brouI1t the discuss.ia1 b8ck to CDmcil.
It _ IIIM!d by <bmc. Golàœn, ee-. ..iAj by QJunc. F'q:pel
and pI''illIed I.IMIÙJIICIUSly to "K'LuVe the gnmting of a
Negative Declaraticn.
It _ IIIM!d by <bmc. Szabo, ..... .....wI by QJunc. Kqpel and
passed UDðIÙJIDUsly to "K'Luve the awlicati.on per PlanniDg
Cann;AS.ia1 Reso1utial No. 4381 _ùod to state that the
III!Ddnun height of stacks shall be four feet.
23. None.
24. None.
25. AppC¡j.d~lIcIIL of 0Jpertin0 J:,,¥,- B_Lative to the SImta
Clara 0Junty <Dmunity Develo'l,,-,L Block Grant (CEG)
CiH"'......A Advisory Calmittee.
Following discuss.ia1, CDmcil, by ..........AlJS, directed staff
to foll.ow Maddy Act and the City'a reso1uticn requirements
pertaining to ~i,.ùuca.L to IYWn1I;AA;,..,A and set 5:45 p.m.,
Deoc....·J~ 2, for int:eJ:view of Bß)linomts.
26. n,n..;o"1ooo1ð:LÏ.œ of 1&''l''-~ for a Cities Associati.œ
standing Calmittee CI'1, Sðnta Clara 0Junty
Cities Associatia1.
It WBS IIIM!d by <bmc. Kqp1, ~. .._I by n-....... Go]",-\
am peøged 'JI1An;1IrOJSly to ~uVe the standing amnittee
am ~....-S far review of as subnitted.
27. ~.. L CI'1 bid q¡ening am awm:d of amtract, of CUrl:J8, QJtters and ~;""--lk;s, Project
It WBS IIIM!d by <bmc. Kqpl, --....a:b.l by Counc. Golàœn
and J?""'ged unaninDusly to awBJ:d the project to JIJdJo
Engineering baeed CI'1 their law bid of $74,607.33 and
authorized a 5\ a:ctingency for a total of $78,330.33.
28. Report CI'1 bid q¡ening and awBJ:d of CXX1tract, Wilscn
Park Inprovement, Project 9104.
· '
MDÐmS œ 'DIB lD11!H!I!:R 13, 1991, RI!GJIAR crrr aur:n,
.........J.1G (0::-824)
It was JIDIIed by 0:Junc. ~l, secouded by C'hI1IX'. _..... IIIId
puøed urvmi~ly to aIII8I'd the project to B , B CCIIcrete
... nl CI'1 their low bid of $571,350 IIIId with a lot
amt:iDgImcy .
Pbllawing discussial regBIding the antingency, it was
JIDIIed by 0:Junc. Golàœn aTJd 8cuAdod by C'hIwvo. ~ to
-..t the DDti.a1 and reci1œ the cxmtingI!IIcy to $20,000.
'.DIe .........du.:aJL and DDti.a1 I"'",'iIed UIlðlÚJlXJU8ly.
City ~ Brown requested policy frail C'hIwvoi 1
regarding a:ntingencies.
Pbllawing Cbuncil tH At"II8Sia1, staff was requested to
p:ovide ÎJ1fœ:DBtia1 regarding CXJIltingeI!cie at past
projects aD1 ..t¥>í L back.
29. Assiy.ucuL of Cbuncil ..~'¡-ers to City/CDmtylP-;J:lnruol
MIIyar SOrerIsen announced assi'.:P"~'Ls as followB:
MIIyar SOrerIsen:
Nest Valley Mayors aD1 MImIIIgBrs
Santa Clara CDmty Cities Associati.œ
m.......".....y ~i.....l Care Cbrmittee
~ Drug Abuse Cbuncil
Sister City O:ImIittee - '1byclœwa
m.......".....y Prepm!dnesa
~ Audit O:ImIittee
,......,...,.. SzaI::D:
Ri<jHly 85 Task J.Ibrœ
T.~.'"'I."' 2010 Task J.Ibrœ
POlicy 1dvism:y BoBId far T.rAffic Authority
legislative Review Cbrmittee
Santa Clara 0Junty Cities Associati.œ
Associati.œ of Bay Area GcIIerIJœnts Alternate
CUpertino Audit O:ImIittee
I"nwr. Dean:
Nolth Central aD1 Northwest Flood Cl..íL..ul
1dvism:y OmIIittee
T ~ ..lative Review Q:mnittee
Envircnnenta1 Review Q:mnittee
MDI1mS CP 'lHB !DI.1I!HI!:R 18, 1991, RIGJIAR Cl'1'f CDK:IL
øm'l'DÇ (Œ-824)
QJunc. Q) 11h.n:
Qxmty Ihnnittee CI'1 lbJsing and n--mity
q1ntŸ Grant P.L~au
QJpertino Aífw.dtÐle lbJsing Chmút:tee
~1mtYI JIdvisaty Qmmittee
Inbmpvemœntal QJunci.J. Alternate
QJpertino I!'duœtiœ T.i..i....... Qmmittee
0JiI1lIC'. JCrrpel:
Senta Clara Q:Junty 'D:Imspartati.œ n-rI-iaJ
Associaticn of Bay Area Gavemnents
Sister City - Peres1avl-Zalesaky
Senta Clara Q:Junty Plan IIdvisaty
lhmñt:tee Altemate
T--g'JØ of 0I1Hnrnia Cities, ChmIImity
Senta Clara Q:Junty Q:maittee CI'1 lÞJsing
and CD!G Altemate
30. Heme.
31. Heme.
32. Heme.
33. Oral .L~Lø by staff n_.I~La.
34. 1þiate œ Geœlal PlIIn ~,...-esø timetable.
Diœct:or of n--mity Devo=>}. '··-'L 0Mm anncunœd that the
cpa! for the joint _ing is the em of .January.
City ~ Brown stated that a key issue :in the rwogI,..".l
g::I\raL......uL 14ueess is a"bottœ& up" reg:iœal plan. Eaål
county sOOuld have a subreg:imal pllln prior to a total
l"I'IgI""'" plan and not tty to fit :into a plan iVied fraD
Iú.c1er up.
Council ~...".;l that planning sOOuld take place "near baœ".
MD«1r£S œ 'DIB lOII!J&!:R. 18, 1991, RI!DJU\R crrr CDH:IL
......r.uG (CC-824)
At 11:10 p.m., n-.1I1I"i 1 adjoumad to 5:45 p.m., I)A. _.1 o6r 2.
crrr œ <IJPI!:RTJN>, STA'I!: œ CALIPœNIA
10300 '.lUQUS AVI!HJE, <I1PBRrDD, C'A 95014
'1EIBPIDIB: (408) 252-4505
MDIm!S CP 'mE AnXXJRNm R1GJLAR n!oI5:.L'./J.'G œ
'mE crrr CDH:IL mD (If 1IJI.II!HIIR 18, 1991,
a:ucn. 0WImR, CI'l'f BALL, 10300 ".I.UQUS AVPHIB,
~'.u«>, CALIPœNIA
CIUL '10 ~
'!he meeting was called to o..dt... by Mayor Sorensen at 5:04
Counc. I'res!!IIL:
Dean, Go1ànan, lfc:ppel, Szabo, Mayor Sorensen
Staff 1>1. BahL:
City MImager Brown
City Clerk Cornelius
Director of Public biœ ViskDvich
Director of Camunity DeveJ.." "'<:IiL Q:Mm
Assistant to the City ~ Brown (arrives 5:35 p.m.)
Director of Finance Snjder
City Atton1ey l{i H.... (arrives 6:00 p.m.)
Planni"!l ChmI;asia1ers Pœs~L:
Austin, Fazekas, MBhcoey, Harm, HBdœ
Applicatia1 3-GPA-90 - 'Ibis is a joint meeting with the
pl....i"'] ChmIi"siat and the Grant BoulevanIthmlittee to
review the Grand Boulevard Qmaittee's p.. ...,-a:Iat.iœs
regBrding ~ for and fellSi))i 1 ity of a ~..1
street desi9t and land use plan for a portion of Stevens
Cre<-Àt Boulevard.
Director of Camunity DevAl.,,·.....L Q:Mm gave a status
Counc. Go1ànan introduced "-,. ","Lt> of the Grand Boulevard
ChmIi ttee and gave a background regarding their meetings.
axH:IL MaTING (0::-8238)
Ikn Allen, h~,l..... of the O:mnittee, ravlewed f:or tboøe
present, tx:M the Grand Boulevard O:mnittee had reached its
cxnclusicns .
Ikn Burnett, also a ¡QILcr of the O:mnittee, reviewed
aspects of the "qJUl.t. He expx....sed the feeling that the
cIevelcpnent of the <AI........ of DeAnza Boulevard and Stevens
Creek Boulevard (the -çle tawers-) is critic:al. He
reviewed the difft:L_....,.. beL.Jeen a parkway aD1 Grand
Boulevard and the use of trees. '!he Grand Boulevard
O:mni.ttee had fe>. .._1 subcamú.ttees pert:ajning 9(-"H'i cally
to laJXI use, traffic, and finance. A questial cxmsi..Je1:tod
was whether or not there 'oIIJUld be e.oough demand far retail
all alang steveœ Creek Boulevard. '1he cxmsensus was that
it should be clustered at the Crossroads area. Rni 1tiing:>
should be oriented to the street. Residential devel. 'I. ..-tL
alang the boulevard 'oIIJUld be g:xxi. Architectural axttrol
'oIIJUld be r:,:Ied. '!be Grand Boulevard 'oIIJUld cx:.rrplicate
turning and ~1Oe the level of service. An underpIIss ar
new design muM mitigate those prd>lems. cn-..L.."""t;
parking is nee~ and a friendly pedestrian Access is
nE "ed. Public transit 'oIIJUld be desirable. '!be O:mni.ttee
I'bu..o.IIICUJs further studies of design. '!be c:xmfiguratial
also poses difficulties far bicycle use.
In regard to f.inanœ, it is est:.iJœted that the oost .....,It'I
be $15 millicn for the Grand Boulevard and $10 millicn for
the DeAnza UI.:b.~. '!be B\.IÞ.. .....ittee cxmsidered tx:M to
fund the project. Various answers included asseli'~
districts, per square foot, per parcel assee--rn: district,
redevelcpnent ....r -Y, a tiered fee, lengthening the Grand
Boulevard and the General Fund. Another questicos
discussed was who 10QIlld pay. Various anBWICl... included
Grand Boulevard 1&'¥=LLy owners, adjacent 1&'¥=LLj' owners,
residents, aD1 other OOsinesses. Mr. Burnett stated there
is a feeling that the City should look at the parJa...z
Mr. Allen reviewed the d1arge of the cxmnittee, the 9""18,
and the 12 cxmsensus po.ints. (Assistant to the City
Manager Brown arrives 5:35 p.m.)
After reviewing the O:mni.ttee's l"eCCllllElXiati, Mr. Allen
turned the meeting back to <bmc. Golànan, who aslœd if tmy
other cxmnittee "~'¡.e-..s wished to add ........llCIìls. 'Ihere
being IY.Xle, he then aslœd if <bmcil il.::..Lc..S ar
cxmnissioners had tmy questions.
CXD«:IL ........1.l!\C (CX:-823B)
~ included what were key traffic amœms: tb1ld
traffic beck up into nei.cIborbJods? 0:Ists for Grmd
Boulevæ:d and p8I'kwsy, fiœncing, des~ ~lines?
Discuseim followed regarding level of sexvice, ~
abcut pItting the traffic into the neicjIborhoods;
p:ISS.ibili.ty that the underp8ss is - e jeIj regardless of
Wether ar oot a parkway ar Grmd Boulevæ:d is mplemented;
deeÏ9! 9,;n..1ines; po&s.ibili.ty of heaà:¡uart:erø
of ooxporatiau¡¡ how an ð8sessment district is iOI ..~~¡
redeYoe1\..~jL "9"""";-.
Cbunc. Golàœn thanlœd the CDmIittee far their writ. (city
Attorney Kilian arrives 6:00 p.m.)
Cbunc. Golàœn expr:essed the feeling that it '<lIaS inportant
to antinue with ti1is JIBtter. He urged Cbmci! to '"K'Luv'ð
the ~. ..·'~.Jatim6 of the CDmIittee aD1 to direct that the
~uu:ooS antinue.
SteveJ. Haze, San Juan Read, told en1lK"il that he had
aIIIp"';g-i at d::Iwntawn J:eI1A;aaanœ. 'l!Iere is a eu....."
desire in 0Jpertin0 to see a heart of the City. He found
that there IY'!I'Jd be a cborntawn for $6 mn Hm. '1hi.s .....,1ti
be a CXIIbinat:iœ of the parkway and Gnmd Boulevard
.....u qAs. He felt this _ a great UKA'tbmity for the
City to develq> a heart.
'Ibere ""h'9 110 other p¡blic inpIt, Mayor Sorensen c1Jssd
the p¡blic hearing.
Mayor Sorensen acœpt:ed the CDmIittee's ",¥"",L CI'1 behalf of
the en",..; 1 .
It _ IIDIIed by 0Junc. ~1 and by en~.
Golàœn to '"K'Lu-Je the re-u,.,~.ittt.icœ. (City Clerk's
Note: R&. ·..,-.:Iaticœ of the CDmIittee were to refer tha
JIBtter to the Plaming CDmIissim and that the Planning
ChlmÎae;lW1 and City (b"V']1 de"*mnh_ cpals and CDISEIISUS
points are valid and shculd be CCI1Si.b...d for inoozporatim
into the General Plan, that the boulevard and parkway
des~ amcepts will be given further CCI1Siderat:.ia1 after
the General Plan inooJ:porates the reo. ...,~&hl 9J!Ùa and
CDISEIISUS points and alternate des~ plans, there will be
broad ...."""" citywide <XIIIIIJIÚty review ~,. oee'9es . )
Ccunc. Szabo ð8lœd what the oost 'MOUld be for the study aD1
hew nuc:h time it might take.
MIlUJZS cr '.œ8 lDII!HI!R 18, 1991, ~ RJGJIAR crrr
UA.aU..I.& .........uIG (œ-823B)
Mr. o-n st:atecI that it --.ld be ~ r B My to hire It fixm
and ",..,1ñ cost another $7,000 ~.ling œ 1Ibat: c:U.rect.iœ
is giwm.
en...... DeIIn st:atecI that the P"1""1~ ..hnnJd tfi"""188 this
mstter heIfu.... there are JIDI:e -_¡-.litureø and that the city
shculd __ a pointed eíÃ....L to get the ci"~-" imlclved.
'!be pœvicus IIDt.ia1 _ ~ t1l'1lmiBrOJØly.
At 6:10 p.m., the meeting WIIS adjoumed.
city Clerk