CC 11-15-91 f CITY œ aJPI!R1'DI), S'J7IIŒ œ 0\I.IlICmIIA 10300 'lœRE AVENUE, aIPI!2l'IlÐ, C'A 95014 'lEŒPIDIE: (408) 252-4505 ImmES œ '!HE mDIRNBD RI!GJIAR ........:c.uIG œ 'DIE CITY <DH:IL HBW (If lÐ\.II!HER 15, 1991, CXUCIL C1WImR, CITY HAIL, 10300 '.lUU<15 AVI!HJB, UJt'I!Xr.üÐ, C1\LIlItRŒA œ-823A prRIY:R œ AIUX;IAlO CALL '10 ŒŒR 'ß1e meeting was œlled to orùI=.. by Mayor Fqpel at 7:00 p.m. ROIL CAlL 0JI.mc. PresEStL: Goldœn, Rcgerd, Saœnsen, Szabo, Kayar Fqpe] Staff Present: City MImðger Brcwn City Clerk Cm:neli.us Director of Public Wades ViskDvid1 Director of FinBnce Snyder Director of P8rks IU1d RecI:eatian IkIwling City Attorney Kilian ŒRIHIiIAL PRESEtf.IM'Iæ8 Deanna Bowers of the SchxII Nurses Asaoci.atía1, 1& s _Led the group's cxmgrat:u1at.ia to LBuralee s.....~ en. IDÍ8 ~uff, President of Frien:Is of the Libraxy, 1& S kLed Q)unc. a..."c.... with a letter fraD .be Gruber, lID hŒ.......uy m.-..~ ~ ship to the Friends of the LiIrmy, IBId a book CI'1 f1cwer arranginq. œAL CXIIIJNIC'ATICIIS Floyd Meyer aà:Iressed CDmcil regarding a letter prelTÍDUSly subnitted and stated that he felt BmbBra Fqpel b8d violated her oath of office. -1- I' MDI1ŒS œ THE NJ\1I!H!ER 15, 1991, AnDJRNBD RI!DJLAR CI'l'!' ancn. .-....uG (CX::-823A) CANVASS œ VOlES (a) Resolution No. 8543: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of 0Jpertim Receiving Declaratia1 of Elect..ia1 Results, Geœral H.micipal Elect..ia1, ~ 5, 1991." It was IIDIIed by Q)unc. ~'" ðo:......u:1t.d by 0:Junc. Go 1....... and I"'ased unaniJlDusly to ~ Resolution No. 8543. Barbara ~.. thanlœd <nmcil,UCI.bc.... and staff for their ~t during her years in office. She anncunoed that the CUpertino Historical Society _ 00sting a gathering at the Q1inl8n Center following the reœpt.im at City Hall. Mayor Pro TEDp:>re Szabo took over as 0Iair of the meeting. 0ImI œ Œ'FIŒ City Clerk oxnelius aàninist:ered the oath of nffiœ to Barbara ~l and Nally Dean. EŒCl'IŒ œ MI\YŒ AND MAYlE PIÐ-'ßH'œI!: Mayor Pro ~..'" Szabo requested IDIIinati.aJs. It was JIDIIed by Q)unc. Kq:pel, ..........a.It,d by Q;Jo...... Go1....... and passed 'mtm;1WWJSly to elect Lauralee SOreIIsen as Mayor. '!be City Clerk aàninist:ered the oath of offiœ. Mayor 8on!II8ea CDXh1ct:ed the balance of the meeting. It _ JIDIIed by 0:Junc. ~l, ..........a.It,d by 1"rIIvv-. Go1....... and I"'ased 'uvm;~ly to elect 0:Junc. : o,...... as Mayor Pro ~c. City MImager Brown, CI'1 behalf of staff, thanlœd B8rlxIra ~s for her service to the <XJIIIIJDÌ.ty, as did Mayor Pro 'lb'i-<>te : o,Am. At 7:25 p.m., the meeting _ adjow:ned to 5:00 p.m., M:mday, ~ 18, 1991. tlty~ -2-