CC 12-02-91 crrr œ aJPI!:RrIlÐ, S'1MB œ CALJ:lIœNrA 10300 '.I.\.0&UQ5 AV!KJB, CUrua:.uo, C'A 95014 ~: (408) 252-4505 MDIm!S œ 'lBB AnnIRIŒD R1DJIÆ crrr <XXKIL toz...;i".uG 8BU) (If nec:_ _ 2, 1991, <XM!:RI!:tI:3 RXII A, crrr BAIL, 10300 'J.UUUS AVI!KJE, aJPER1'IlÐ, CALDt'øNIA œ-824A CALL '10 ~ '!be meeting 1IIB8 nolled to Oldt... by 11:.".... Sorensen at 5:45 p.m. QJunc. Pi a~L: DeIIn, Gol'-n, Jrr{pel, Szabo, Sorensen Staff Pres....!L: City Clerk {brno.l; \18 Housing ~...l; lit Gil City Attamey ¡rH;1m (arrives 6:05 p...) œAL <:xJIUIICATIC:m - Mme. Interview of çpl;~ far "H'01ul-aÄ. to the Santa Clara lbunty cnm.m;ty DevA11."-'L Rll'1l" { GLaUl. CiH.,...,.. Advi.sœy ~......;ttee. .II[po1..ìt....:uL of QJpert.ino'8 ~"'tM- S! iLat1ve to that Qmuittee. t'hI"".¡ 1 interv1ewecI. "ß) 1 inomts 1Ò) 1IIIIIœ ~ B -IL. It - IIIJVed by t'hI...... JIi"gJel, 9&' __ L I by t'hI...... Golàœn am ~sed ~ly to "IV';,'t Diet Sc:buster as QJpertino,s 1._ S ILative. o,."".¡¡ adjcmned at 6:25 p.m. . . . I. ra ~ I ; . .. ~ ... crrr Œ' aJPI':RTIlÐ, 8'1ME Œ' CAI.IPI:RfiA 10300 '.I.U<Kr; AVENCE, aJPI':RTIlÐ, C'A 95014 'lEU!:PH:tæ: (408) 252-4505 MBE'l'IlG Œ' '!HE RIGJLAR crrr ~ ~J:.u«; HBU> (If ŒX:I!:MBER 2, 1991, cxxæn, aw&!:R, crrr BAIL, 10300 'l(Ãuœ AVF2IJJ!:, ...........u..IìÐ, CALIJ!'CRUA œ-825 'n1e meeting was called to .....db.. at 6:45 p.m. prRmR Œ' ALImIAl«E RJIL CALL Cbunc. Present: Dean, Golåœn, If<:g)el, ~, Mayer SOrensen Staff Present: City Manager Brown City Clerk Comelius DiIect:or of Public 1tJrIœ VÌ8kDI7id1 Director of n-nm1l1ity DeI/I>ol. 'i"~ .L Q:Mm DiIect:or of F:inance SIljder Housing' ~i..HAt Gil City Attorney Kilian CJ!:RI!JœIAL MA'l'JERS - l'RESBNTAT:[(HJ Present:atia1 to h~.. of the Riœl)t'A'mi..l ChmIi...,i.... aDd re-enactment of the signing of the Bill of pilj1t"s. RAThAra ~.. and Nancy Steele 1IJIBœ 1& s~L aD1 desc::rlbed a oa--...ial. signing of the Bill of RiI Jt:s. ~ ~ -\"" ~enLed proc::1.ImIt.i. to n_.Je... of the Biœntenni.al ChmI, Alum. Ms. Rcgers then returDed the t'rMfti Asia!' s unspeI1t funds in the 8IIDUI1t of $1,351.87 to the City. Fl<¥1 Meyer adh.....sed Cbmcil asking why œly be was limited to three minutea. Mayor Sorensen stated that anya¡e wanting to speak "nI11" be given three minutea. Mr. Meyer requested that his itaœ A throurjl Q be p1"""'C1 CI'1 the Council agenda. -1- . . . . . . Consent Calendar . MINU'lES CF 'mE œD!H!ER 2, 1991, RmJLAR CITY axæn. l£E'1>m; (0::-825) City Attorney Ki.1i..m stated Mr. Meyer was not ðdd1.....sing the agenda issue, the iten as listed CI'1 the agenda. Mr. Meyer said he was just pointing out that there ere other things in the CXIIIIUIlit:y worth t:zying to solve. '.DIe peq>le sÌ.ÇJ1ing the Bill of Ri~ 10Iere slave owners who did not aciÄ_ the riq1ts of the blacS:".s. ~ - Ncne. œAL <DHJNIC'ATIœs NoDn KOOayashi, JmK>, thanked CUpertiro for its ~L of youth sports, e&pE<;,iA1ly ØO<X",,[ and the Parks and Recreation DepaI1:Jœnt. He 1& s ~JLed a gift of 8OC(-e.. pins designed by Demús IDI1 to ead1 City Qxmcil 1Ik:,"bc,.. Mr. Floyd Meyer stated he takes exœptim to the ~ saying that he is always welo::me to o::me and ~. He said that C'rv"""; 1 denies lUm a place CI'l the ~. He 8U9; e8ted that rçn"I"i 1 get the City Attorney to tell t:hBn what can be "9""""i '7.ed. He stated that citizens ..........t use the 7th AmetaiucuL of the U. S. OmstitutiCl'l and as1œd hew they CXJUld gain use of it. In a oourt of .. .,... "I law, when mattera exœe.J $20, a jury trial ahcu1d prevail. He stated citizens œnnot get that. Article 6 of the Omstit:uti.a1 says this will be the ~allc law of the land and judges should be monvf by it. It is ÏIIportant to u¡:bold one's oath of office. ~r Sorensen stated that his request had been reviewed and found to be not "K"-"¥LÍðte far City Council. Mr. Meyer stated that the oath Council n~,i ea... ta1œ requires t:hBn to defend citizens against all er-nies. ~ Sorensen said she has directed the City Manager to addr....s Mr. Meyer's <XX1œms in writing. ŒNSENT CAIl!:NDIUt It was lIDIIed by <nunc. Szabo, seoo.a.b:l by Counc. Jrr{.pel and passed unarûm:Jusly to ðWL<Ne the Consent Calenlar as sul:Jritted. 1. SumtDns and Carplaint. Yvonne Welsh, dafendant. Receive. -2- .... . MINUŒS Œ' '1HE UOC~ 2, 1991, RI!GJLAR CI'l'f <DH::IL MI!:ETDC (œ-825) 2. Minutes of the IWJ,l"'r meeting of NoI.aet...., 4, 1991. 3. Minutes of the adjourned IWJ'l...... meeting of NaI.~ 15, 1991. 4. Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of lb.-t..... 18, 1991. 5. Minutes of the IWJ'l...... meeting of NoI.-t..... 18, 1991. 6. Resoluti.a1 No. 8551: "A Resoluti.a1 of the city n-.1IV"il of the City of ;:upertino A¡:provjng Destructi.cn of Certain Recxnda. (City Clerk and Code Enfctl...:_,..L)." 7. Resoluti.a1 No. 8552: "A Resolution of the City n-.1IV"i 1 of the City of QJpertioo Accepting Grant of 1bo...........,L far Rœdway Purl>' see £ran .Joøept P. Fnmoo and P'Io............ E. Fnmoo, ar '1beir Sllooeesor(S), Trustees tb1Br Revcœble 'l'rust ~lIc..L Dated August 3, 1982,.As AiIIen..bl, Cœsisting of JIw......nmootely 0.015 JIcœø, IDœted at the SOuthwest oorìlCL of '" .,-tead Road and North DeAnza Boulewrd." 8. Resolut.im No. 8553: "A Resolut.im of the city n-."""¡l of the City of QJpertioo Accepting Olitcl...im Deed and Autl'Drizatian far tb.b<;<uoJIXI Water Ri¢t:s £ran Jc:itm Soott Ware, Ii!ÒBDCD Drive." 9. Aoœptanœ of lIImi..i("'l iJrprovement: Rat HIInsen - 22050 Reçpart Road Pen:y and Jones, 'n:'act No. 8126, villa Maria QJurt/Rainbcw Pen:y and Jones, (Pðrœl Map), Villa Maria QJurt (No SUßX)rting mn--ts ~sary.) 10. Resolut.im No. 8554: "A Resolut.im of the City n-.1IV"i 1 of the City of QJpertioo A¡:provjng Pðrœl Map and IDpro\I8œnt Plans of PIqmty IDœted 11838 ~land WIly, DeveJ.c:pn- Ruth A. Ncmœn, Authorizing Execut.ia1 of Inpro\I8œI.t ~~.~ .L¡ Authorizing ~ of P8rœl Map and Iht""u>Ællle:aìL Plans." 11. Resolut.im No. 8555: "A Resolut.im of the City Q)uncil of the City of QJpertioo Authorizing Execut.ia1 of F.ðsement Deed far Reçpart creek to the Santa Clara Valley Water District in Caljuncti.cn with Wilscn Park Inprovaœnt Project." -3- . . vacation of ?eninsu1a Ave., 'iE corner at Stevens Creek . MDIm!S CF 'mE ŒX»B!:R 2, 1991, RIDJIM crrr CDH:IL 1'&I5.1.'.u«; (CC-825) 12. Resoluticn No. 8556: -A Resoluticn of the city rn"""i1 of the City of ClIpert.ioo A¡proving cœtract CJange Order No 1 for Wilaoo Park, Project 9l-()4.- 13. Resoluticn No. 8557: -A Resolutiœ of the city rn"."..¡ 1 of the City of ClIpert.ioo Allowing Certain C1..i.... and ~,js Payable in the JImJunts aD1 I'Ian the I'Undø as Her:einafter Described for General and Misoel1aneouø ~ldi.tures for the Period Erxüng ~ 15, 1991.- 14. Reøolutiœ No. 8558: -A Resolutiœ of the city <bmcl1 of the City of ClIpert.ioo Allowing Certain l"l..i.... and DelQð¡1ds Payable in the JImJunts aD1 I'Ian the I'Undø as Her:einafter Described far General aD1 1fieno>11~JS Expen.litures far the Period Erxüng Nc7v~ 22, 1991.- 15. Resolutiœ No. 8559: -A Resolutiœ of the city O-O"""i 1 of the City of ClIpert.ioo Allowing Certain ('1..i.... and ~a.Ito Payable in the JImJunts and I'Ian the I'Undø as Her:einafter Described far Salaries and Wðgeø for the Payroll Period PZ1ding Nc7v"".t.c.. 19, 1991.- 16. Request £ran !'IA. . ..1 Harvest Food Bank to ~ use of the Camlmity Devel. 'l""",lL Block Grant grant œœiwd for FY 1991-1992. ~ }.b¡.J _r It of the City Ch-.nM 1 AYES: RES: ABSI!Nl': ABSTAIN: Dean, GoJttnou" Kqpel, JW~....., Sore1sen Nœe None Nœe 1'll!} S R1!HJ\1ED F1UI <XHmNl' CAŒND!\R - Nœe. PmlLIC HI!:ARnCS 17. Ca1sideratiœ of vaœti.c:m of a po:rti.œ of P'eninsu1a Avenue at the northeast cot~.... of st:everJs Creek BoulEMml and Peninsula Avenue. (a) Resolutiœ No. 8518: -A Resolutial of the City <b.mcil of the City of ClIpert.ioo Ordering Vacati.cn of a Portia1 of Peninsula Avenue at the Northeast Corner of stevens Creek BoulEMml and Peninsula Avenue As Provided in Sectia1 8320 Et Seq. of the Streets and Highways Qxie of the State of California, Retaining It as Public ut:.ility Easement, Public Service Easement, Sanitary Sewer Easement. - -4- MIH1.ŒS CP '1HE '"8a!2h-. 2, 1991, RIGJLAR CITf aucn. .....~..uC (CX::-825) Director of Public imks VisIrDvid1 stated that a øig-i copy of the agl...:lUcuL has been œœi.ved. Jjm Jac1œcn, att:amey 1."'1.... s_Ling Mr. and Mrs. C1ao, ~....sed øu¡:po..L far the staff re. ....,-.iootticn aD1 urged '''''1~uiUœ bet, -En owners. .JOe Brown, þI.'¥=L Lý owner, said he reviewed the August 12 f'irvHngø of the Planning t'nnmi_.iœ, which stated that this ..L..~ is an btportant tZ""ffic link. It should not be used to fulfill parking requir8II!I1tø. 'Ibis is not an ðber>o¡·.''<:'11L, as there will be public ri9tt-of---.y. '.DIe City .....'ld be putting IIII!inteœnce CI'1 a few owners which is out of line. BOO Slavich, 24126 ADulet Drive, said he is me of the owners of the adjacent h,i ltii"'1 aD1 CAt""e&sed ~ regarding parking and 'IOOe8s. Be ",..1,.. in ,w...1t.iœ to the ......... ¡ .IIUCIIL and stated that if it is dooe, he .....,lti need "COeSs to his ~'¥=L Li'. MiJæ Pericilis, owner of Paul and 1I!rŸii~'a, stated that saœthing new has been tdtood if tha City can t:alœ it back if they choose to. City At:tmney Ifi B..... said this .....'lt1 a1l.y be dooe by ay¡.gguc:uL or ,:11ft; nøut cr...; n )&\...of)e&s. Floyd Meyer said he had heard that the city had t:ðlœn the .land to use as a road me time. Now, the City "'8I1ts to stop using it? Mr. Viskcvich stated that the ..L......L .....'ld reYeIt back to the þI.'¥=LLý owners with the "",""it.ia1 that other owners IIIJSt also have access. Mr. Meyer stated that the ....~~..~-,-'L ",nnn,io.'i all right as lCI'1g as 1&'¥=LLyowners are not prnhihited access to their 14~lies. 'lbere hAi"'1 00 further public input, Ma}'ar Sorensen -=lœed the public hearing. It was DDVed by QJunc. Szabo, _...1A.1 by Q)unc. Kqpl and passed unarWoously to GK"-<Ne staff 1:""" ·..,-.iAtian as per !IBID dated Septr.., o&r 2, 1991 and to adept the reeolutiœ with the f'inni11g that the ~'¥=LLý is 00 100gt:L necessary as a public road aD1 to eçœpt the œ&R. -5- Public hearing closed Res. 8518 adopted . MIlVŒS œ 'DIE œa.~, 2, 1991, RJ!X;IJU\R C1'l'f cx.u«:IL ..........ue (CC-825) It 1oJ8S DDVed by Q:JuDc. Golàœn, 8cu..u:ltod by C"n1\'VO. IC:qpl and pllSsed IJI'vmillr4]81y to direct that a miDut:e ......db.. be sent to the Planning ChmIi"lJiœ stating that CO"",.iJ'8 actiœ did not intii œte any SUß)01. L or lack of B\JR)OI. L of potential request of the miM1e i"'~L}' requiring 8àÜtiooa1 parking e¡eœø ar EYing that requirøœnt. Weed Abatement 18. 0:x1siderat.im of removal of weeds ,w..lA~ to be a public m,i "'""'1Ce. pec hearing closed Res. 8560 adopted Hillside sub- division ord. . (a) Resolutia1 No. 8560: "A Resolutia1 of the City cnmcil of the City of 0Jperti.n0 Ch.db..1Dg Abatement of Public Nuisance PurøuImt to ProvisiaJs of Ordinance No. 724 and Resolutia1 No. 8352. " '!he City Clerk Jœde Council aware that a written protest had been received £ran Margaret King. She had l'Ii""'JØsed this protest with the Cbunty Fixe Marshal'8 Office. A J::"¥Lu:!>.JLat1ve of that office stated that as lœg as the ".'!! 1ø were lœpt _..red that wculd be acœpt:able to thBD. '1bere being IX) public ÏI:plt, Mayor SoreI1sEn ("ksed the public hearing. It 1oJ8S DDVed by Q:JuDc. Gol~, Scua&b.l by C"n1\'VO. _~ and pllSsed n.vmi.....mly to aŒpt Resolutia1 No. 8560. PIANNnG APPLICATI<IiS 19. NcrIe. ~ AND srm Am1IJ\1AL aHŒ'l'lEE APPLIC'ATICRS 20. Nœe. UNFINISHl!'.D BOSINESS 21. Nœe. Næ BOSINESS 22. Request for re-eoacbœnt of ordinance providing far general regu1ati.oos for hillside subdivis,ial. (a) tJrgBncy Ordinance No. 1575: "An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of 0JpertinD }Iñr'Ii"'.J Article 13, General Regu1at.ia1s, RillAi.de SUbclivisiœ, to Title 18-1 of the 0JpertinD Mmicipal Code and Dec1ar~ the Urgency 'l1.....o=uf." -6- HIM7ŒS œ '!HE ŒX:I!:HBI!:R 2, 1991, RIG1LAR crrr CXUCIL ........-J.fG (œ-825) It was IIDIIed by Came. ICrgJel , secu&Jtd by cnmc. Go]"""" and pllSsed unaniJlcusly to re!Id Ordinance No. 1575 by title a1ly aD1 the City Clerk'a reading to amstitute the r-Hng ~OJf. It was IIDIIed by Camc. Go1åœn, &cu...&Jtd by Camc. ~ and ~lrsed unaniJlcusly to enact: Ordinance No. 1575. 23. Review of Santa Clara County Trail -~'-ìL Dedicat.i.cm POlicy. City Manager Brown stated that the initial Board of Supervisors review is sd1edu1ed for I)A. -.~ ...... 10. '.DIe timing is unfortunate ðB the Parks and Recreatiat O:IIInisaicn will not be able to review this issue until after that. Deborah J""'; An'\, ~d Drive, 1IICIdJa.. of the l'eninsu1a QJnservaticn Center, ~_sed B\.WH.L far the Bay Area IticIga Trail aD1 urged Council. to <woøe the Cbmty Planning 0:mII' . Idatiat leB~ ~.-'.I_ . JoIm C1....1dy, 10377 Amistad Cburt, also urged 0Juncil to qp:¡øe that position. He stated that the amc....1ucuLs 1&''l'Ûsed by the Cbmty Planning O:IIInissicn ~ to be 811 effort to ~ to develq¡ers. Beez Ja1es, 10390 Heney Creek Plaoe, said that three people at the County were 'i¥ Bed to the trail acquisit.; en policy ðB p.. B_!Led. She said there will be a requeat far a a:ntinuanœ at the De. ~.~ « 10 Board of SUpervisors meeting. NIIncy Hertert, San Juan Read, said the I""'~ by the County Planning Chnn;..siat <XJU1d result Úl people ....l1dng IIIIII1Y miles and then cx:ming to a blor-Jr--,]" they can't get across. She stated that PEq)le Úl the Mll.. å:Il't have the ri4rt: to block others £ran enjoying those hills. Phil ZeitJœn, aJRB, urged Cbmcil to keep the traila open; blocking is detrimsnta1 to tOO ridge trail. CDRB "11' lies the ....,-·"i·....tLB suggested by the Cbtmty's Planning O:IIInissiat. Floyd Heyer, 10486 Westðcres Drive, stated bole forces were Úl effect b..->re: the PEq)le We own the þL'¥=L L}' aD1 their ~ ric 1ts, and the PEq)le who want to walk across it far recreaticn. A trail system IIIJBt be a:ntinucus. If there is a deviaticn oow, what has been à:ne will be thrown àJwn the drain. A ~ trail system is an asset to the <XII1IIJI1ity. He urged that it oot be hurt. -7- rg. Ord. 1575 eading rg. Ord 1575 enacted Santa Clara Co. rail Easement Ded. olicy . Voss Avenue property Closed Session . . MIl«1ŒS œ '!HE œcm~, 2, 1991, J!IIQJLAR crrr CDH::IL .....r.uG (0:-825) MII}'or Sorensen brcuI ¡t rli......J88ion to en"".i 1. It 1101&8 DDIIed by Counc. Jrqpù, ~.u;ltod by en"".. R-7* and I""vsed unanim:lusly to ~L the Cbmty Parks and Recreati.cn ChnniASion's positicn. en"".i] requested that It ..1.&......" letter be sent and that the ~ ar her ""¥L senlative atteD:I the BoIIrd of SUpervisors meeting. 24. DÍZ'ectia1 regBZtIing possible aa¡uisiticn of 1""....-.Ly far open space ~D:p.:ses. Said 1&'¥"LLi' is located œ VOSs Avenue, west of the iDt:ersect:iœ of VOSs Aveoue and Krista 0Jurt. (Closed session requested per GoIn:...,aucuL QJde Sect.im 54956.8.) City Attorney Kilian anncunœd that 0Juncl1 ....."d adjourn to a clœed sesaion as per ~'a&CUL QJde Sect.im 54956.8. 'ß1en test.ÌJID1y will be taIœn am, if N'œSsary, Council will adjourn again for another closed sessiœ. (Adjow.UllCljL to closed session 7:57 p.m.) At 8:25 p.m., 0Juncl1 rea:JIM:!Ðed in CD1Dci.1 CÞr-.i...J:. Mayor Sorensen annoonœd that 0Juncl1 had not z-rt-i a decision. Direc:t:ar of Chmnnity Del/Rl''I.··-jL 0:IwIm ~ the cp:.i.cns 8VAi ,..hle as well as It bi.stmy of events. Kirlt ~, n!pœ8eI1ting Mr. CÞr-,i -e.clain, said that he had been directed to abseE: \Ie and ""t'W- L bK:k to Mr. ð'...,J -el.lain. Phil Zeitmlm, 22907 Crlc1œt Hill Rœd, said there had alre!Idy been It situaticn regBIding the triangle pj~ in City Center where a pœvi.ous 0Juncl1 did not nail dCJwn zoning. Be requested that en"".;, not "M""u"8 Cþt.iœ No. 4. His reo ....,~·iIotiœ _ that the land be '~e ""'1 to the hale CIIoIDer8 and it be :».~i Y-"'~'ICUL open ~. Both Parcel A and IDt 19 should be ¡»-"'~.~.L open EIpIIœ. Dave Blau, 23005 Standing OBIt 0Jurt, stated that the 1&'¥"LLi' CIIoIDer8 had been told it .....'1'1 I'EIIBin open space in p&~ty. He cbes not uIXierstand the reB8CI'1 for any debate. EYetyt:hing he reads says open ~. He urged Council to execute in pril1l'ira1 what is alre!Idy in p1aœ. He said that IDt 19 should be '~e ied to the bane CIIoIDer8 ar the City and that Parcel A sIxJU1d also be open space. -8- MIl«7ŒS œ 'Dm œJCI!HI!'R 2, 1991, RIGJLAR en'!' CD1CIL .........'.LlC (œ-825) Wayne GIIyI:Dø stated he wished to ensure open spIIœ <Xl both Parœl A aD1 I.ot 19 and requested that the City take lIllY r--eesary act:.iœs to å) BO. 'DIe issue of œv.,l"'{o.....L ri9tts is IIDre Dportant than the ownership. 'DIe parœl shaùd not be develqJed. 'DIe Ix:mecwners 8S8OCi.ati.cn maintains Tract 6633 open øpaœ psrœl aD1 "",ùd also maintain the other one. Ann Sdùitt, 22996 Standing 0!Ilt Court, stated that she hðd been led to he1i1¿'W! that both parcels 'oICUld always be open øpaœ. Ownership .....'ld provide for ðSøw:èI&~ that nothing will be b1.i1t CI'1 the parcels. John Claudy aaid he was on the Planning O:mnissÍCl'1 when Tract 6633 was develqJed. It has no DDre devel~lL potential unless the City 0Juncil increases it. 'lbe reason the ~y¡.e...1 District did not take the parcel is t-.18e they wanted it fenced with a œret:alœr in the trailer. With the passage of Prq> 13, they CXJUld not afford to å) that. Parcel A Bhw1d have reverted to the haae owners long BIp, BO Mr. ~1ain is in violatioo of his ccndi.ti.ons of a¡:proval. Mr. Claudy urged that QJuncil neither change the limitations nor let it deve1cp. FOJ::~ straiç#It, owner of I.ot }D. 40, ~eeaed <X1DOemS regarding devel. 'l..~d.. He ~_aed preferenœ that Parœl A and I.ot 19 be in the Ix:mecwners' care BO they am watch and maintain it. He stated he 'oICUld maintain it. It is in the interest of those who live there. Water aoamulating to fOl1D the 1alœ a:mes and c;µ!B. Many æùmals, sw::h as deer and P<XXJOl1S, live in the area. Nancy Hertert 1& senled slides ftan 1975 and 1976 ahawing the pcui, t)¡e southwest edge of I.ot lb. 40 and looking dawn the trail £ran the pcui. She also presœted historiœ1 in..."'oDnat.ia1 stating that the agriœltural pcui was ¡m in by the Voss family after ~ld war II. 'lbe EYb...".._ District ~ that the pjpe Bhw1d have a sleeve. 'lbere was interest in expaOOing it ðS an ecIncationa1 fA"'; Hty with access to the J{II;~ 1&,¥=L.1. J{II;-r was willing to have sw::h an ðI,¡1.callCItL as long ðS the trail stayed hP.low the ridge. 'lbe sanitary line is in and the water meter hookup is in. Kendall Blau, Standing Oak Court and Vice President of the lbœcJwners Associat.im, aaid the ownership issue is Dportant Jœin1y to assure perpetuAl open space. 'lbe ðSSOCiation is not a>nœrned regarding liability. 'lberefore, that should not starx:i in CDuncil's way during the clec:isÍCl'1 making proœss. -9- . MDÐŒS œ 'DIE IECI!HII!:R 2, 1991, RIGJIAR crrr axø:n, ......r.uG (œ-825) '1bere being no other public input, Msyar Sorensen brour It "f~iœ back to the City CD.mcll. It - IIDIIed by Qxmc. Golàœn that the City c::reate tt SJ?"""HiC zcning for cp!I1 space 'oIh.id1 .....,1'" be used with the CXJIISeI1t of the 1&,¥=Lt owner and to l'IAi'i11A what cpen ~ 1IIBIII18. 'Ibis ahould be àJne in a:njunct:iœ with the Geoe4.al Plan. It 1oI8S IIDIIed by ChIne. Szabo and ...........dt:d by QJunc. IrrtPel to aciqJt staff rRo ..,..-.Jaticn of ~ 4. Qxmc. Go.làœn requested that the DDtiat be ame..dt:d to state that prior to aJIUIOli.datia1, the City ahould have a tirv-tment regsrd.ing deveJqment ri9tts. 'lbere ahould be a time limit far <XJIP1etiœ of this. Qxmc. Szabo suggested that Step 2 be i.ndepeIù:uL of the ariginal DDtiat. . Cit'i~A pt: BenL requested lY'{'i<>e of the various qJt:iaIs. '!!Ie City Attorney stated that infOXllBticn regaroing optÏ.a1s œ pages 2 and 3 of the staff ..'¥UL CXJUld be lY'{'ied for the public. <b.mc. Golàœn suggested that the City get develo,,'~'L ri9tts to Parcel A and then the mr1'"Oli.dat.icn occur. If the City aun..t get rea>rdatiœ of the develo" ..-tL ri9tts within a reB8CI'18ble time (City Attmney Kilian BIJ!9iI8ted three ar four 11DJI:bs.), such as 90 dIIys, staff get bIIck to Ch1lV"i 1 with an update. '!!Ie previous DDtiat and 8el.AAal were rescinded. It _ IIDIIed by Qxmc. Szabo am .......otWi by Chmc. I&g)el that prior to amsoli.datia1, the develo"..-.L ri9tts be re.u.u.Jt..l. CD.mcll "",,"1ATØ1 a recess to allow time to c:q¡y I"")e8 3 and 4 of the staff ..'¥UL far citizens pl Bl>..L. Rfi)~: 9:15-9:25 P.M. . Msyar Sorensen announced that this item will be a:ntimJed until the em of the meeting to allow the p¡blic tiJæ to Ie!Id the optÏ.a1s. '!hen, the public DBY provide IIDI'e inplt. -10- MIl«11ES (J{I THE II!D!H3I!:R 2, 1991, RIGJUIR crrr OOH:IL .......~..ua; (CX::-825) MU'l".ŒN CXJHmCATIœs 25. Nœe. œDnwo:s 26. ~ reading and enacbnent of 0I:dinIInce No. 1573: "A'1 0rdinImœ of the City 0:Juncil of the City of CUpartino A1neIxting Ordinance No. 1543 Providing Regu1atiau¡ for the Care and R8IrNal of 'frees en Private and Public P.ì.'¥"LLy, Providing for a System of Granting Permits for RsIDv8l of ~;~ am Heritage Treea and far P=tecti.an of All Trees During CœstJ:u...'tÍCI'1 <:peratials." It was IIDWd by 0:Amc. Kq:pel, s.:.u.....Jt,d by 0:u1c. Ib",""" and passed unmili1rJusly to read Ordinance No. 1573 by title ally and the City Clerk's reading to oonsti.tute the _. _.1 reading the...:.....!. It was IIDWd t-y Q)unc. Go1àœn, s.:.u.....Jt.d by Qxmc. Keppel and passed urvm;nroJSly to enact Ordinance No. 1573. 27. SeocIxI reading and ena...l..ucuL of Ordinanœ lb. 1574: "An 0I:dinIInce of the City C'()I,.".n of the City of CUpertino ~;'1g Sectia1 1 of Ordinance No. 2 by Rezaúnq J\wL....nmAtely 53 Acœs Gross £ran Al Zone to PR Zone; IDeated at 10700 Clubhcuse Lane (City of CUpertino - 3-Z-91)." It was IIDWd by Q)unc. Go1àœn, B&' ..iAd by Qxmc. Dean and {"'aøed urvm;nroJSly to read Ordinance No. 1574 by title ally and the City Clerk's r-i;ng to oonsti.tute the _. ..i reading thereof. It was IIDWd by Q)unc. Go1àœn, &cu..o..Jt.d by Qxmc. Ifr{p1 and paøsed urvm;nroJSly to enact Ordinance No. 1574. ~1'l'Iæ8 28. None. S'm'F 1UIot'\.ICJ.S 29. Oral IEpOLLs by staff boa,bcrs. 0:Amc. Go Làœn asked when the joint City Cbuncil and Planning C'œmissÌCl'1 I.Eeting is expected to be held. HI". Cowan stated it 'oOUld prOOably be the end of Janumy or early in February. -11- 2nd reading of Ord. 1573 Ord. 1573 enacted 2nd reading of Ord. 1574 Ord. 1574 enacted . 099 Avenue roperty . . MINI1ŒS CP 'mE ~ 2, 1991, RmJIAR crrr CDH:IL .......J...uÇ (œ-825) c:utH:IL ~~ 33. Qxmc. Golåœn anncunœd that there will be a maeting of the Affordable Housing Cannittee at 3:30 p.m., ~.bcL 5. 24. Direction regBIàing possible aa¡uisitiat of t'L"l'"'LLi' for qø1 space pm:poses. Said t'L"l'"'LLi' is 1oœtecI. CI'1 VOSs Awnue, west of the intersection of VOSs AWIJUe and Krista Court. (Closed session requested per Gave..lllll=..L COde Sect.im 54956.8.) Mayor Sorensen anncunœd that this item is IXN qø1 far public ......."""L. Each speaker will be limited to three minutes . FuucSt Straight, 10366 Avenida, Cupertino, asked questiœs regarding ~ No.4. Upoo asking who "'111M get devel"¥",,,lL rights, he was infcmned it .....'lÒ be the City. In regam to ~ No.2, he asked for the tiAf'initiat of ·pl~ deveJ.,\..~~L·. He felt that the spirit of the deal is not really met. '!be peq>le who bour 1t those hcmes should have t:he t'L<.p:L Lÿ, not the dev91qIer. He cpt to h,ild and is still k-pi"'1 the 1&<.p:LLÿ. la1 Gsydos, 23009 VOSs Awnue, ~_sed appreciation for the City Council's \.UIlU:LII. He &,¡L....d with the spirit of Mr. Straight'a .....,~.Ls. He suggested that ~ No. 4 be ..........iovi as follows: 1) '!be City cbtain and re..u..d dedicatia1 of c\ev0e01\"~.L riç#1ts¡ 2) Deed lot No. 19 to the b:meowœrs associati.œ of Tract 6633¡ 3) Not <DISOlidate the parcels¡ 4) Go -.....~d with the zaùng ~. He also stated that Parcel A slDùd be shared with the four lA....dt...ing lots. Mayor Sorensen brouI It the discussion back to 0Juncil. Upœ hAi"'1 asked by 0Junc. Golànan, City Attorney ¡en ilm stated that it is possible far separate portioos of the same parcel to have two separate zaùngs. He also stated that the City àJes not need Mr. ChaniJerlain's noYI"Ent for c.p!Il ~ because it has deve1q:ment rights. It - DDVed by 0Junc. Szabo, seoo...hl by QJunc.;. ~l aD1 passed unanimJusly that the City of CUpertino cbtain and re...u...ù dedicatiœ of ðeve1q:ment rights for Parcel Ai that Mr. ChaniJerlain be asked to oonsolidate Parcel A and lot 1 of Tract 6040. '!his IIDtiœ includes the BlgXJ8itiat that both properties will remain in Mr. C1anberlain's ownership. -12- MDI1lES œ 'lBB rill> ~ "'I( 2, 1991, RI!DJ[AR crrr CDH:IL .......I.'.uC (œ-825) It _ JII:MId by (h1l1(". Goldnim, ~..:It.d by (h1l'V". -~ aD1 I"'9øed ,,,,,,,,imnllSly to desi91ate IDt 19 aD1 PaL.....l A private cpI1 qpeœ en the General Plan Land USe IIIIp aDd that q&1 S('!I"'" or other GK""u~,d.ate 7n'Iing deøjq1atiœs be cr-t"«f, the Hming of ...men will be in anjuncticn with the Gt.u....cd Plan, to :reject offer of dediœtiœ of IDt 19, 'l'r8ct 6633, to the City aD1 that said lot r-in in M'c. O1I!nberlain'8 cwnersbip. It WBØ IIDIIed by ~mc. Goldnim, 8&' ..WI by (h1lX'. R7.JO"" and p8esed ,,,,,,,,i1llnlJØly to direct that øtaff, in anjuncticn with the Geõ...cd Plan review, create a new 7n'Iing desiq:latial ....ien ..,.,1d be q¡en 'I["""" mxlerlying zœe WB1 the ~<¥="Lz' is q¡en øpaoe in the General Plan. Ma.intenImoe, trail _.....~,Lø, and other IIIIItI:erø that fall mxIer the intent of q¡en øpaoe shall be cakh.....øed. staff will pres 4. a "qAALL giving various q¡t.iœø &VRi 1...hl.,. It _ _.ed by (h1l'V". lfq:pù, _......1 by (h1l'V". Szabo and pllBøed 1"""'~1IrOJØly to "'H:""uoJe a minute o.:dt:.. waiving fees for M'c."" J o(!t lain for the ~''l'' sed cœsolidlttia1. At 9:50 p.m., (h""';1 adjoumed to ,-r...m..."Y 6, 1992. £2~ ....~ City Cl~ -13-