CC 01-02-90
10300 '':'U~ AVENUE, aJPERI'INO, CA 95015
TELEPHONE: (408) 252-4505
10300 '.1U1<1<1:; AVENUE, aJPERl'IHj, CMJ:FCRaA
'!be meetiJ'J; was called to order by Mayor Rogers at 6:45
coone. Present:
Goldman, ~lr Sorensen, Szabo, Mayor Rcgers
staff Present:
City Manager Brown
City ClerK Comelius
Direc:tor of Public Works ViskDvich
Direc:tor of rnm.1T1ity Devel,¥"""IL Cowan
Assistant to the City Manager Brown
Direc:tor of Parks and Rsc:reatim Dtwling
Direc:tor of Finance snyder
Public Infomatim Officer l(rey
City Att.ozney Kilian
It was DK:Ned by c.:Jurx:. Szabo, aec...a:1èd by coonc. Fqpù and
paesed unarúJDcusly to pc_~. CXI1Sideratia1 of Item No. 36
to the meetinq of J~ 16.
CEREH:tŒAL Mkl.".1:tK:; - ~œs
Pres ,ILatia1 of safety Awëmi to the City of 0Jpertin0 frail
the American Aut.c::lDr::bile Assodatim.
Bc:ò Beggs of the American Aut.c::lDr::bile Assoc:iatia1}o1L B ,¡Led
CUpertiIX> an award for pedestrian safety.
Sandra Edwæ:às, 20285 Pinntage ParJcway, requested that
Cameil JDake an early decisim regarð.irç cp;:n "1[""""" in City
Center. She asked if CUpert:no were going to have a
oonc:rete City Center.
Bruce Paz, CUpertino Waterfall, addressed Cameil regardin:J
the overall developnent of Pranetheus. He stated that a
real tor had told him the triðn3lÙar piece of prq¡erty
currently bein;¡ used for parkÏ1x] WQÙd be q¡en space as a
park. Mr. Paz believes the realtor said that in good
faith. '!he zaùn; states that piece of prc:perty has no
devel'¥""".L potential and shall be q¡en space. No
developnent potential means it will not be devel~: q¡en
"["'''''' means openness. He WQÙd expect a develcp!r to blild
as IIIJd1. as possible. Mr. Paz ~ surprise that
Camcil WQÙd OCI'ISider such a request.
Bill Greise, resident of CUpertiIX>, told Council he was
against any d1an;¡e in the original applicatim of
PraIIetheus. He expx~"'1!d concern and lack of I.1J'Xierstanr:
as to high density was beinq OCI'ISidered for that
prcp!rty. He asIœd what the benefit WQÙd be to 0Jpertin0
and 0Jpertinians.
l'bil Halsted, representinq Q.JpeJ:tino Town HaDes, Waterfall,
O1ateau O,¡ and watcMcq invited the City Council to
brunch Januazy 20 m the tri.argle parkin;' lot. Hr. Halsted
stated he had sent a III!!IID to Cameil today regardinq he
was not att:.enctinq the meetinq ñi"""l"''3ed at the [Ieo:-.,}o.e,r 4
Council meetinq. He will be att:.enctinq a meeting with staff
Januazy 4. Mr. Halsted reviewed part of his III!!IID. He
stated he had also sent a III!!IID today aboot the PraIIetheus
letter. He stated that he wanted answers to his
questia1s. He is actively seeking the facts. Oouncil
should hold an q¡en hearing as SOa1 as possible. 'ß1ere is
a zaú.rç or use pemit ocn:iition that says the trian¡le
piece shall be a parkin;' lot for five years and then
Camcil will look at pemanent q¡en "["''''''. Exhibit A,
se.:uLl revisim of the zaninq, shews that piece to be q¡en
City Att.ozney Kilian stated that he hoped the citizens
speakinq this evening will say the same thin:Js at any
hearin:3 Wen the develcp!r is ¡:»'lsent.
A ~eman residinq at 20302 Pinntage Parkway said he had
bad feelinqs aboot the a~ of tœ eight IDCrIth
exter.3im for use of th9 tri.argle piece as a parkìrg lot.
~ (œ-782)
a:NSrnI' ~ Cons",nt
Cc.F..In;:. Sorensen rem:wed Items 12, 13, 1~, 15 and 16. It
was DK:Ned by 0:Junc. Kq:pe 1, se="1ded by Counc. Sorr3nsen and
passed unan:I.1In.Isly to ~b the balance of the 0Œ1sent
Caleroar as sutmitted.
1. Resolution No. 7997: "A Resolutia'l of the City Council
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Allowin;J CP.z+..ain ClaiDø and
Demanjs Payable in the Amc:Qrt:s and FraIl the PUnds as
Hereinafter Described for General and Mi~l1.anecus
Expen:titures for the Period EI'¥:iinq Dt:...cact...r 1, 1989."
2. Resolution No. 7998: "A Resolution of the City council
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Allowin;J certain ClaiJrø and
Deman:is Payable in the Amc:Qrt:s and FraIl the PUnds as
Hereinafter Deeo::ribed for General and Miscellaneous
Experxtitures for the Period EI'¥:iinq Deo-.. o('I" 15, 1989."
3. Resolutim No. 7999: "A Resclutim of the City council
of the City of CUpurtino Allowin;J certain Cl"i".. and
Deman:is Payable in the Amc:Qrt:s and frail the PUnds as
Hereinafter Described for Salaries and Wages for the
Payroll ~od Endinq ~ 5, 1989."
4. Resolution No. 8000: "A Resolutim of the City council
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Allowin;J certain Cl"i- and
Demards Payable in the Amc:Qrt:s and frail the PUnds as
Hereinafter Deso::ribed for Salaries and Wages for t'1e
Payroll Period Endinq tJe0ømher 5, 1989."
5. Resolutim No. 8001: "A Resolutia1 of the City council
of the City of 0Jpertin0 ~ Final Plan for the
Jht.u.aveIIIE!Ilt of Frontage Located 22619 and 22629 stevens
Creek Boulevard, Developer, TJba1do c. Perez, Reynaloo
P. Perez and canœn C. Perez, Authdrizing the City
En;Jineer to Sign the Final Plan: and lI1.1thorizing
Executim of J.,µ."""""".L in CUlllectim il1ereWith."
6. No. 8002: "A Resolution of the City Oouncil
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Aooeptinq Grant of -"--·,L
for Roadway P.Jrpcsas fraI: Ubaldo C. Perez, Rsynaldo P.
Perez and C>o'l"mØl1 C. Perez, Ccnsistinq of Apprœd-tely
0.0017 Acres, Located stevens creek J3culevaJ:d North of
Prado vista erive."
7. Resolution No. 8003: "A Resolutim of the City Oouncil
of the city of 0lpertiIX> Aooeptinq Qui~cl"i1ll Deed and
Authorization for ~ water Rights frail Ubaldo
C. Perez, Reynaldo P. Perez and carmen C. Perez,
stevens creek Bc:iulevard North of Prado vista Drive."
l'1iNUI'ES OF 'mE JANUARY 2, 1990, RmJIAR c:rrt roJNCIL
MEEI'ING (œ-782)
8. Resolution No. 8004: "A Resolutim of the City Council
of the City of CUpertino Aw=Ving Final Plan for the
I~ of Frontage Located at 10382 0rarJ;Je AvenJe,
Develcp!X, Rebert T. Martin and Sheila D. Martin,
Authorizirq the city Er¥;1ineer to Sign the Final Plan¡
and Authorizing Executim of Ap.e.....:..IL in a....-..'"tim
'!herewith. "
9. Resolution No. 8005: "A Resolution of the City Council
of the City of 0Jpertin0 J\:X"~Lirç Grant of -- IL
for Roadway Puqx:ses frcD Rebert T. Martin and Sheila
D. Marti..', O:Insisting of ~urI-tely 0.0077 1\creø,
Located Sa.ltheast comer of ~ AV81'U18 and Alcazar
Avenue. "
10. Resolutim No. 8006: "A Rœolutim of the City Oouncil
of the City of QJpertino ~Lirç o.rl.tcl"i", Deed and
Authorizatim for Ut.:JtsLYLuo.II'1d water Rights trail Ra:L.... L
T. Martin and Sheila D. Martin, scut:heast ():) of
Oran:)e AverAJe and Alcazar Averue."
ll. Resolutim No. 8007: "A Resolutia1 of the City Oouncil
of the City of CUpertino Authdrizinq Ex8a1ticn of
Revised ~U'Y.......rt. Agl.........rt. BebJeen 'lba City an:1
Develcp!X, Q1ee Wan Lee and Craig A. ClaJ:ic, IDeatim
21914 Granada AvenJe. n
12. RemaIIed fran the 0Œ1sent Calendar.
13. RemaIIed frail the CCrIsent calendar.
14. RemaIIed frail the 0Œ1sent calendar.
15. RemaIIed frail the 0Œ1sent calendar.
16. RemaIIed Iran tr.e CCrIsent calendar.
17. Review of AlcOOolic Bevel;age license a¡:.pliœtim for:
(a) Signature Foods, 20803 steYe'11s Creek BoulEMmi¡ (b)
Gumba I s Pizzeria & Italian, 10931 North WOlfe Read.
18. Ratification of Rebert Hoxsie-Architectural and site
~roval CCmnittee.
19. Resolutim No. 8013: "A Resolutim of the City Oouncil
of the city of CUpertino settinq Date for Q:r1sideratim
of Annexinq Are3. Designated I ]l.1~ AverAJe 89-11',
PrqJerty on the South side of ]>lm:oM'1 Averue
Between Olive Avenue and Byrne Avenue¡ ApproxjJDately
0.14 Acre, Lenihan (AFN 357-15-(31)."
ME:E:'I'DC (0::-782)
20. Mcnthly Treasurer's and aD::]et Report for No\I'embeJ:,
21. Request for waiver of false alarm fee, Dr. Ra'Iald
22. M::nt:hly Activity Report, NOIfE!IIiJer, 1989.
23. Mi1urt:es of the regular meetinq of No\I'eaIiJer 20, 1989.
24. Mi1urt:es of the regular meetinq of ~r 4, 1989.
Vote MeI1Ibers of tM city Council
AYES: Goldman, :Kc.gJel, Sorensen, Szabo, Mayor Rogers
OOES: None
ABS'I2UN: None
12. Resolutim No. 8008: "A Resolutia1 of the City Oouncil
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Approving o:ntract Chan:}e
order No. 13 for n-o-nú.ty center a.úldin;J/MeDl:Jria
Park Expansim, Project No. 2001."
CaJn::::. Sorensen told staff that à1an;Ie orders 1oI'er8 a
CQlOe1:h to her and requested that they be explained.
Director of Public Works Vis1cDvic:b eJlPlained the c::.harge
order ...... ,,~-.
CaJn::::. Goldman said that at a later date he ~ liJœ to
review the 9',i....1 ines for ~ m projects. '!be
City may wish to watch larger projects closer, lower the
~I::o:¡lðge of cx:ntin:]ency.
13. Resolutim No. 8009: "A Resolutim of the City Oouncil
of the City of CUpertino A¡:prcI\Tinq 0:I1tract Chan:}e
order No. 3 for C.D.B.G. Ðlpire/Gram SLuoat
IDprcM!ment, Project 88-120."
14. Resolutim No. 8010: "A Resolutim of the City Council
of the City of CUpertino A¡::provinq Contract Chan:}e
order No. 2 for stevens creek Boulevard ~ovemeI/ts,
Orange to l'har Lap, Project 4022."
15. Resolution No. 8011: "A Resolution of the City Council
of the City of CUpertino A¡::provin;J COntract 0w1ge
Order No. 1 for Traffic Signal M:x:lification, DeAnza
Boulevard at Mariani AverA.Ie ani at Iazaneo Drive,
Project 5004."
Change Orders
App. 16-TM-89
<. 37-EA-79
MEE:I'nC (œ-782)
16. Resolut.i~'" No. 8012: "A Resolutim of the City Council
of the City of QJpertino Awrovjn; C1ange order No. 1
for Traffic Signal !b:lificatim, Pruneridge AV8I'UI at
Hewlett Packard Driveway ani at 'I'antau Aveme, Project
4026 and 5007."
It was IIDVed by COOne. Sorensen, seccn.ied by Counc. Kqpel
and I"'..~ed \Il'1aIÚlIIoosly to awrove Items 12-16.
25. Na1e.
26. ~lication 16-'IM-89 and 37-FA-79 - DeAnza PJ:t:perties _
Request for a¡:praval of tentative 1III!Ip to create 106
cxu..1r.:...inium ur.its with me or IIIJre aà:titia1al lots to
be held in (> ......, within a previcusJ.y approved b1t
UI1CCI1Stlucted apartment œildln¡. PL_Lý is located
at the SQ.rt:heast quadrant of stevens Creek BoulevaJ:d
ani Torre AvenuP. Envh..........,Lal Detal:minatim: 'Ihe
Planning rnm.i ;[¥>o . ....-'\ds the grantinq of a
Negative l'3claratia1. Reo:. ··.A·ded for appraval.
Direc:tar of ChlWll"'Uty D8Y8l,¥"""IL Cowan reviewed the
awlicatia1 with Oouncil.
Di.!on'....ia1 follawecl regardinq the City's CX'I1dcminium
ocnversia1 ordinance and the possibility of a c.x:n:U.tia1
requirinq þL_ties remain rental for a certain leD3th of
time prior to any ocnversia1.
Jàm Vidaviå1, awlicant, told cwnci1 that this r-;r'"'Øt
had been filed to c:trt:ain 1'1"" _euy or favorable finanr:::in¡
and he looks at it as a routine a¡:plicatia1. 'Ihis type of
map is J')A("""ðary for pemanent finanr:::in¡ and is I1S'UOIlly
done. Chrom"'1ities are na.r eooœragjnq ownership, not
rentals and he is lookinq at ownership units m this
property SCIIIetime in the fUture. '!he size of the units qo
up to 1500 sq. ft. and were always:inten:ied to *)0 .....
Di"C""9im follawecl regardinq the oriqinal cxn:titim of
awroval regardinq age restrictim and why the questim of
this tentative map was not brcu;¡ht up Nc:IIIeIIbtr 20 ~ that
c.x:n:U.tim of age restriction was reDDYed as that wwld have
provided an overall picture.
K!:NUI'æ OF '!HE ~ 2, 1990, RmJlAR ClT'i caJNCIL
MEE:rIN:; (œ-782)
Mr. Vidcvid1 said he has not seen an overri.din;J city policy
for rentals.
CcA.lnCil was infœ:med that sha.tld this tentative map
appliœtion be a¡:proved, a CXJVenaJ'It oculd be recorded that
51 units shall remain under me ownership as a rental.
Mr. Viskavid1 explained the differences in park dedicatim
fees for different types of situatia1S, i.e., age
I.:.L<iction, J'X) age r-Ldctim.
Council ñi"C"ISSed the aparbDentjrental situatim in
O,¡ and expJ:'6ð....... 0CI'10EZT1 reganiinq the reasa1 for
the map for c:cnk:minium units lather than apartment units.
It was suggested that during the general plan review, the
Council look at settin;r aside rental stock.
R1il Halsted, Town center, OJateau CUpertiIX>, C\.Ipertino
waterfall, watdldcq, said that his steerinq l"Y"OIOni ttee has
t'li.....'eeÐd this i-.. and fesl that highly intensive
residential devel,¥"""ll is of d1arac:ter for Town
Center. OWnership is preferable: there is pride in
~p. Rentals result in increased. crime, transients,
drugs, rape, etc.
It was DK:Ned by a:..Jr.c. sorensen, seocI'ÙId by Came. Szabo
and I?"ee'l!d 4-1 with Counc. Goldman t'li~- dLinq, to ..........v.18
the grantinq of a Negative ~Jaratim.
It was JdCMId by Counc. Szabo, seccn:Jed by ownc. SOt.LS'1
and P"'''''ed 4-1 with 0:Junc. Goldman t'lie- _.Linq, to ..........v.18
Appliœtim No. 16J.1H-89 per Planninq o--i -1m Resolutia1
No. 4233, with an At'It'Ioow'I cx:niitim of àM&Luv'al to ensure
that the 51 dwelling units cbligated for scU.or housing, be
Jœpt under CI'I8 ownemhip and that the saJd units be
retained as apartments with this oon::Iitim to be rescimed
if DeAnza Prc.perties iDplemmd:s the œoeI/tly ~ use
penait ame:ndme11t to switch the senior hoosing obligatia1
with a l"Y"OIOnitment to provide (10) ten units of assisted
housinq within the OJateau O,¡
27. Na1e.
28. Repott of Director of I'hmPnúty Devel,¥,"=ut reganiinq
mandatory fra1t yard larxisr''l''ÍIx1 regulatiCl'lS for new
oanstxuction in ccnventianal single-family residential
(R-l, A-l, RHS) Za1eS.
Neg. Dec.
App. 16-TM-89
regu lat ions
masonry bldg.
MEFrING (œ-782)
Mr. Cowan reviewed his report am requested s'"...aff
Ann Anger, presi.derrt of the !t:Inta vista IIIpI'OVellk!l'lt
As:SOC'iatim, inquired é the two new haDes on Ellpire.
'!hey are not lam<:r'''Iped ard have a proliferation of \æeds.
She exp1:.....~OO' ~iness with the cxn:1.ition.
Cooncil t'!i,·c"""oo. such alternatives as includi.rg haDes thë1t
go through extensive remodel.1n:J, requirinq AS1IC review and
~ing hillside lots. Cameil was infol~ that erœim
c....1L<vl pLmt:inq is required m the hillside.
It w.a .uaved by Counc. ~, seccnded by Came. Sorensen
and l""':?~oo. 4-1 with Mayor Rogers votinq no, to direct staff
to initiate a p¡blic hearing and that the initial draft
ordinance be prepared: 1) requiring landsr::ape installatim
m fra1t yards for new <:a1St:ructim and extensive ~1..
(EOO~L hillside, includi.rg pi~ine projects); 2) stating
general principles of intents (sufficient grcurrl oave.r to
prevent soil erosim and weed growth, ooozdinating
å1aracteristics of new trees m fraIt yard with ..L<....t tree
type); 3) requirinq staff review of laroscape planning at
the bill.dinq peDlli.t stage~ 4) requirinq cursory inspectim
before the ""'<"1I""ncy certificate is issued am; 5)
providinq for ...,.....ittal of a cash J:x:nj to defer larrlscape
:insta11atim up to 120 days due to inclement weather or
unavailability of 1'1I.1rSely stock or a similar cause beyorñ
the owner's ,....uLLul.
Council recpested that the plan reo ..··~rled be the me that
ccsts the least aDD.D1t of staff time and the shortest time
29. 1)j9cl1~icn of policy optiCl'lS ~ regulatim of
unreinfUL~ mascmy buildinqs.
Mr. Cowan reviewed the various cptians with Council.
I-c was DK:Ned by Counc. Sorensen, secorxJed by Came. Kqpel
and p""....... unaniJoously that staff prepare a draft ordinance
hoo"E!d on the Los An;Jeles cption (OCIIpliance with the
tJnifoI1ll Çcde for arl.1dinq Canservatim) am pl selJt
infomatim regaxùing requiring c::œpliance with the 1988
tJnifoI1ll arildinq o:rle when that draft ordinarx:e is
preGelIted. 'Ihe owner of the Adobe Inn is to be notified
when the draft ordinarx:e is scheduled for consideration.
MINm'ES OF 'mE JANUAR'f 2, 1990, m:aJlAP. CIT'i CXXJNCIL
MEEI'ING (œ-782)
30. Clarification of B..1si1'1ess Tax report and ~ for
staff directim.
It was DK:Ned by Counc. Szab:>, secx:n:!ed by Counc. Goldman
and I'''''''''ed 3-2 with Ca.Inc. JCqIpel and Sorensen ili"-b..Linq,
to reschedule the B..1siness Tax License ozàjnance to March
5, 1990. '!he Directar of FÚ'\aJ'X:e is to infODl the
t'YWIftIittee of this dec:isim.
31. Appoi"L..:.1t of Counci1~ to boards, ...........i-iCl'lS
and t'YWIftIi ttees.
Council made the fo11a.rl1g reassiyll.....hLs:
Inter GoIIernIIIental Council L",.¡..d.!lLl.tative - I<'qpel
Inter GoverrIaental Ca.lncil alternate - SuL"",-1 t!n
santa Clara cnmt:y Cities As"OC'iatia1 alternate-szabo
ICe Peninsula Divisim altematto-szabo
ICe Policy n--itt.ees:
n-mtrùty services - ¥q.pel
Reven.Ie lIJ1d Taxatim - GoJm...1'\
EnvL.'-&,III.-::uL - Sorensen
'!he Ðlployee RelatiCl'lS n--ittee was dølßt:.ed. '!he City
ClerK was direc::ted t.c. notify the ðKJL"'I'Liate ðgEIIa.;ies.
32. Report m bid cp!I'Ù.nq and award of .......L..aOt for
furniture for the ~ W. ()linlan n-muúty Osnt:er.
It was DK:Ned by Counc. Szabo, sec:x:med by Counc. I<'qpel and
p"..e..... unanimcus1y to award the .......L..aOt to Offices
Unlimited of California for their bid in the aamt of
$174,711.08 and to waive irregularities.
33. Designatim of bicycle länes m Pruneridge Averue .~
Wolfe Road to the easterly City limit.
(a) First readinq of ordinance No. 1517: "An
oràinance of the City Oouncil of the City of
0Jpert.in0 AIIIerrlin:J Sectim 11.08.250 of the
0Jpert.in0 M.nUci¡>al COde Relating to Bicycle Lb..a
Designatim to Inc:lu3e Pruneridge Averue."
It was DK:Ned by Counc. 5Œ:'ensen, sec:x:med by Counc. Kqpel
and pas~'E!d unaniJDcusJ.y to read ordinance No. 1517 by title
a1ly ani the City Clerk's reaclirq to cx.t1Stitute the first
readinq theret>f.
Bus. Tax report
c larificat ion
Council appoint-
Community Center
furniture con-
tract award
Bicycle lanes-
let reading
Ord. l5l7
Reading Urg.
Ord. 1518
0rd. 1518
Route 85
MEE:I'ING (œ-782)
34. Consideration of th.."....:.y Ordinance, parking m aJbb
Road durinq certain hours, between It::Clellan Road and
Rainba.r Drive.
(a) Urgency Ordinance No. 1518: "An Ordinance of tha
City Council of the City of 0Jpcrtin0 AIIøxiin]
SectiCl'lS 1l.24.16O of the QJpertiIX> ø.mic1pe11
0xIe, Relating to, stan:ling or ParJdng m
aJbb Road nn-inq Certain Hours and no:..-laring the
th.."...q '!hereof."
It was DK:Ned by Counc. JCq:pel, seoa.:Jo:d by crone. 5(4",_111'1
and p"Deed. unanimcusly to read Ordinance No. 1518 by title
only an:1 the City ClerK's reading to OCI1Stitute the reading
It was DK:Ned by Coone. Kqpel, secc:nded by Counc. Szabo and
p"eo¡:oo unanimcusly to enact Ordinance No. 1518.
35. Request for authorizaticn to
JëU'UIa%y 29, 199o-lb1te 85
ñi..,..,'D9 profile of lb1te
Saratoga-5unnyvale Road.
It was DK:Ned by Counc. Szabo, -.....dt.d by Counc. Goldman to
set January 29 as the date for a public hearinq to ñi..,.."....
the profile of lb1te 85 near the vicinity of
Saratoga-5unnyvale HoIId.
set p.¡blic hearinq for
F}. vmy 1r,¡.._,l, to
85 near vicinity of
Levent Ersay, 1320 Prlmrœe Way, stated that Jaruny 29 was
too SOCI1. He has not. yet seen the Traffic Authority's
study regardin;J flocxl plain and traffic. He \la.Ù.d like to
have neighbcnboud ñi........'im prior to the public hearinq.
Mr. Viskcvich
available an:1
Mr. Ersoy asIœd if the traffic has been looked at frail
OJpertino's point of view an:1 was infomed it had been.
Mr. Ersoy stated that he felt a neigbbomocxl bei.-.¡
held prior to the public hearinq \la.Ù.d be most productive.
stated that the infomatim has be:, I....
is new a matter of with the
Mr. Viskcvich stated that the January 29 \la.Ù.d
start the Pl.- <"",,"e and a ñøcisim need not be made at that
Mr. Ersoy su;RE!Sted that the neighborhood meet with the
Traffic Autholity and then have Cameil set the date for
the p.¡blic hearin;J.
Hank Wespiser, 7608 Peach Blossan Drive, said that the
Sa.Ith CUpertino Freeway Ccmnittee had projected itself into
the positioo of representing a lot of citizens. He
requested that staff look to the citizens to keep the
process on the track. He expressed surprise that this was
on the agerœ arxi sté.ted that citizens need at least one
JlX)re meeting -..ith Mr. Viskavich, after Which the
information wculd be related to the neighbors arxi then
Cameil """"ld set the public hearing. He asked "Ihat'e the
rush for a public hearing.
Mr. Viskavich told Council he felt it was iqxIrtant to
continue the l~Lt with the <X1IIIIJI'1ity.
Mr. Wespiser said that the citizens ~ not clear m all
issues yet and wtAlld like an ~ty to Iii <In,.... them
prior to settinq up a public hearinq. H6 suggested that
Cameil defer this matter until the meeting of Jaruary 16.
DiCl("l'ssim followed regard.irq the possll:ility of the p.lblic
hearing m February 12.
Gorda1 Frolidl, Belknap CWrt, urged Oouncil to oañuct the
p.lblic hearinq m January 29. He stated that he has not
been at the neighbomood meetirgs and that others are not
being inf... ..-j L"l other neighbœ:hcods. Why shculd the
steering n.1IWnittee be given three weJæ to make chan;Jes,
plE!þare, etc., prior to other citizens kncwinq aboot what I s
goinq m. He sucnested that the salient points of the plan
be p.lblished so everyava has the infomatim.
JoIm Marshall, 11101 South Stellinq Read, .."...-:1 with Mr.
Frolich and requested that Jaruary 29 be kept as the p.lblic
hearinq date. He also BU:J}eo5ted that the infomatim be
p.lblished, as all of CUpertino is affected. 'Ihe survey
sent out by the n.1IWni ttee was not sent to all those
affected. Everya1e:-- i.. time to get the infomatim so
they can CI····-·.L.
Isvent Ersoy said the volunteer citizens are tzying to do
sœet:hin:J good for the peq>le in that area and find a good
solution for all of CUpertin:>. 'lhis is not a closed groop,
b.1t is open to everyooe.
Nan::y 3.u:nett said that she had seen the notioe of a
tentative public hearing m January 29 in the 0-1Pertin0
scene and p.It i:-. on her calendar. She was sure that others
did the same thin:J. Ms. B..1mett uzged Council to ocn:iuc:t
the hearing on Jaruary 29.
Housing Code
lst reading
Ord. lSl9
~dviso:y Board
interview I
MEE"l'llC (œ-782)
It was lDCNed by Co.Jn::. JCrn:>el, seca1ded by Ccunc. Goldman
ard I"'ðð«i 4-1 with Came. Szab dissent:.i1q, to cxn!uct the
~lic hearinq on Jaruary 29 am, if r--e-r:l, omt:inJe it
to February 12.
DiS<"'l"sim followed regardinq the infomatia1 that 00IJ1.d be
mailed a.It to the p..Iblic in a timely manner.
It was DK:Ned by Counc. Goldman and sec.:t.:Jo:d by Counc.
Sorensen to reoo....ider the D:ltim.
Mr. Frolich su'J"Y'"O-œd that a sbJple mass mailing be da1e
and that this mailinq inc11.X3e a statement that in-depth
info:rmatim ~d be available at a later date in City
Upon beinq told by the City Att.ozney that should the mctiat
to reoc:u~ider be adqJted, the date l'Y'II11d net be
reoalS1dered I.D1til the next mestin;J, Counc. Goldman and
Sorensen withdrew the mctiat and seocn:l.
36. Ca1sideratia1 of åIarge of positim of allowin;J cpninq
of new SCIUt:hbcI.IrKi lane m Route 85 narth of 280.
Previamly cx:nt.iraJed to Ja""WIrY 16.
37. COnsideratim of an ordinance relating to violatiCl'lS of
the unifOJ:lll Hwsin;r Code.
(a) First readinq of Ordinance No. 1519: "An
Oràinanoe of the City Oouncil of the City of
Q¡pertino AmBrñing 5ect:iat 16.56.030 of the
Q¡pertino HJrIicipal Code Relatinq to ViolatiCl'lS of
the uniform Hwsinq Q:de."
It was DK:Ned by Counc. Kqpel, sec.:t.:Jo:d by 0::Iunc. Szabo and
p"eegd \.IMI'ÚJID.1sly to read Ordinance No. 1519 by title aûy
and the City ClerK's ~ to \A,IIatitute the first
readin1 thereof.
38. ~Ld.'I"'d. of two Camei111_.~.ers to a .........ittee t:t>
select City auditors.
By oansensus, Oouncil ëq:p)inted 0::Iunc. lCq.t)el and Sorensen.
39. RecaIS1deration of date(s) for interviews and
awointment to City advisory boards.
MEE.T]N; (œ-782)
By oansensus, Cameil will C'OI'X!uct interviews for Planning
C'hrwni"'€llon and Parks and Recreation l" starti."'Iq at
7:00 p.m., January 10 in Cc:nferen::e ReaDs C and D and
interviews for all other .........i....iCl'lS January 17, 7:00 p.m.
Cc:nferen::e Roans C and D.
40. None.
41. Seccn:i readinq and enactment of ominanoe No. 1515:
"An ominanoe of the City Council of the City of
CUpertiIX> Amerxiin¡ Sectim 1 of ominanoe No. 2 by
Rezminq ~tely 1.9 Gross Acres frcm City of
0Jpertin0 Rl-I0 Za1e to City of CUpertiIX> Rl-6 Za1e¡
Located in the Southeast ()Jadrant of Blaney AveraJe and
Rodrigues Avenue (Q1eno-~liœtic.n lO-Z-89)."
It was DK:Ned by Counc. Sorensen, secc:11decl by cmnc. ~
and ["'eeød unarrlJooosly to read onlinanoe No. 1515 by title
a1ly and the City ClerK's readinq to ~Dtitute the &eead
readin;y thereof.
It was DK:Ned by Counc. Kqpel, secc:11decl by Counc. Szabo and
r<''!'~ed UJ1êIlÙJIIasly to enact ominance No. 1515.
42. Sðoad readinq and enactment of ominance No. 1516:
"An ominance of the City Oouncil of the City of
0Jpertin0 Amerxiin¡ 5ec:ticr1 14.04.200 of the 0Jpertin0
!Ulicipal COde Fstablishin¡ Design and Q:r1struct:.i.c
Details, standards and SpecificatiCl'lS for Public ~
Projects. "
It was DK:Ned by Counc. Sol.",,_9I1, ~.:Jo:d by Counc. ~
and raS'~ ~y to read onlinanoe No. 1516 by title
a1ly and the City ClerK's readinq to OŒIStitute the
readi.."'Iq thereof.
It was DK:Ned by Counc. Kqpel, secc:11decl by Came. s.....'L III
and peI'3S'ød \.II'WWoously to enact onlinanoe No. 1516.
43. Readinq and Enactment of U't.Y""1C¥ ordinance No. 1513:
"An ordinance of the City Cameil of the City of
O,¡ Fstablishin¡ RestrictiCl'lS and RegulatiCl'lS for
the OCI'1serVatim of water and Declarinq the ULY""...-y
'!hereof. "
2nd reading of
Ord. l5l5
Ord. l5l5 enact.
2nd reading of
Ord. l5l6
Ord. l5l6 enact.
, ,
Readi;1g cf
Urg. Ord
Ord. l513
~ or 'DfE ~ 2, 1990, REX;tJIAR CITY a:uNCIL
MEE'l'I!Ç (œ-7.2)
It was .,."... by 0Junc. So.._lIn, ~~ by Counc. ¡rq:pel
ani p"-n i ~y to rIIIId 0!:'!u¥Je No. 1513 by title
aùy an:! thIt City Clerk'. 1WIdinq to culStit:ute the readinq
therI1Iot .
It was 1ICIIIo«S by Came. l!'q;pù, secalded by Came. Sól..........
ani p"' un8rÚIIIcusly to enact 0Iàinance No. 1513.
44. Na1e.
m!AFP ~~
45. Oral l..........ts by staff _.J oel:S - Na1e.
46. Mruù FinIm:::ia1 ~L - 1988-1989.
council œoe1ved the L.........L.
'!he ~ WIIS adjoorned at 10:10 p.m.
City erK (
- ,
10300 '!ut<I(J:; AVEKJE, aJPERl'IlI), CA 95014
TELEPHONE: (408) 252-4505
HErD œ ~ 10, 1989, ~ rEVEL o::tlF'ERmŒ RXJII
Cl'lY HALL, 10300 '.Lut<I(J:; AVEKJE, C1JPER1'DD, ~
Mayor Rogers called the meetinq to order at 7:05 p.m.
mIL CAlL Free uL:
Goldman, Kq:.pel, Sorensen, Szabo, Mayor Rogers
Staff FL s uL:
City ClerK cornelius
Mayor Rogers explained the interview þ1.v.=>S.
Plannin:J CCløni.ssion ~licants were :interviewed in
al~c order.
It was mcved by CcIJnc. K<:¡:pel, 8eOCIrÜ3d by Came. s..............1
anI pe&s9d unaIÚJIIa¡sly to lIßX)int Betty M!IrU'1 and D!!ryl
Fazekas to t:hree-year teDDs ending in Jamary, 1993.
lID ~~-;: 9:00-9:10 p.m.
Parks and Rb........ation applicants were intervislled
in al~c order.
It was DK:Ned by Counc. Kqpel, seo....:Jo:d by Came. SUL.........1
and r<'''~ ~ly to fIAJOint Shara1 COleman, rmwin
'Ibrane and David COI'1da1 to fc:JlJI'-year teIms erxiin;J January,
At 10:30 þ.m., Council adjoumeci to 6:15 p.m., '1'" ~y,
January 16, 1990, City Hall Council QI;mbor.
~ /~
City . It