CC 01-22-90 .. . CITY OF aJPERI'INO, S'I1\TE OF CALIFCRlIA 10300 'I'OI<t<I:; AVENJE, aJPERTINO, CA 95014 TELEPHONE: (408) 252-4505 MINUl'ES OF '!HE ADJCXJRNID Rm.JIAR CITY CXXJNCIL MŒl'DC HErD æ JANUARY 22, 1990, roJNCIL 0iAMBER, CITY HAIL, 10300 ~ AVÐruE, C1JFERI'IN), C1\LIFORNIA œ-783B '!be meeting was called to order by Mayor Rogers at 7: 03 p.m. SAIlJI'E 'ro '!HE F'IlIG mu.. CAlL Came. Present: Goldman, Kqpel, Sorensen, Szabo, Mayor Rogers staff !'resent: City Manager Brown City ClerK COrnelius Director of ~lic Works viskavich Director of n-mnúty Devel,¥"""IL COwan Assistant to the City Mar1agm' Brown Director of Finance Snyder (arrives 9:20 p.m.) Public Infomation Officer !<:rey city Attorney Kilian 24. ~licatim No. 13-U-89 and 14-EA-89 - Sobrato D8Y8l,¥""",L ~'1ies - Sutlaittal of l.'¥'Lt regaJ:tliD:J a use pemit to demolish an exi.st:irç 570,000 sq. ft. industrial buildinq and .........L<ùCt an 837,500 sq. ft. (785,000 pl.' 1'\.500 net floor area) office stJ:ucture, with related site iDprawments. Envh""IU....t.al Detezmination: 'Ih'. PlëU"4'linq Chnmi ....im reo ....-.Ids the grantj.n;J of a Negative na.".bratim. 'lhe lJL_ty is located m the east side of DeAnza Boulevard between Interstate 280 and Mariani Avenue. Re0 ....-J'Ided for ¡ç:prcval. Mayor Rogers annoonced that the awlicant was not yet present; therefore, Council ~d consider the next item a'1 the agenda at this time. -1- App. l3-u-89 & l4-EA-89 · Intergovern- mental Council App. 13-U-89 & 14-EA-89 · · ,I I MINUI'ES OF '!HE JANUARY 22, 1990, ADJ'CXJRNID REnJI.AR CI'IY cœNCIL MEETING (œ-783) NEW BJSINæS 25. Disc"....ion pertainirg to restructuring of Intergo\Ier11me Cameil ani /!IwLUJ'Liatim of $2,000 frail the general fun:i. It was DK:Ned by Counc. ~1, seoc:n:Jed by Came. Sorensen ani p"eeed unaniJmJusly to ~........iate $2,000 frail the general fun:i. (City Clerk's Note: ~.) UNFINISHED BJSINæS 24. ~icatia1 No. 13-U-89 and 14-FA-89 - Sà:lrato Devel'"P"""1t lhIp\nies. Mr. Sobrato arrived in Council Oouncil t'li"'C',ee-' the possibility of apprc:IITin;J SŒI8 of the build.irçs l'L"I<sed, bIt not all at this time. City Attamey Kilian said that o...L.../tly the ..mole project is urœr cr18 use peJ:mit whià1, if~, and a h,i 1diJ'Ç starts, gives the developer a vested right. Hcwever, Council does not have to 8RU'O\I8 the project under cr18 use peJ:mit. . '!here ~ùd be a master use peJ:mit and individual builetin¡ use peJ:mits. '!bat is not the applicatim as sul:JIIitted. D.isn"""im followed regardin:J the traffic study, particularly in view of traffic cx:niitiCl'lS at the intersec:tim of HaIIestead Read and DeAnza Boulevard. DiJ:ector of Public WorbI VisJtcviàl explained that the level of sezvioe given is an average aver a cr18 hour period. Mr. Kilian pointed out that ax:e a building peJ:mit is i .."'"...¡ and the buildin;¡s started, the builder does have a vested right. If the use peJ:mit is ~, the builder coold ocme in and get building pønnits i-'li"tely. Mr. Viskcvid1 reviewed the traffic mitigatim -'"'JreS that are ~ted requirements for awroval of the use permit. -2- · MIN'Jl'ES OF 'mE JANUAKi 22, 1990, ADJ~ RmrrAR ClT'í cnJNCIL MEEl'ING (œ-783) Ways of enforcing the 15' traffic re:hJction were ñi..,...naaed. It was mentioned that if the first building is oœpleted and the goal is not met, the City '",¡cul.d have to take actic:n to stq:) further brlldinq. O:.ur ell oculd c:ordition the use pezmit to require tenants tr, do certain thirgs. '!ben, it woùd be r--"""e~ry to have a ~ff -__ monitor. '!here woùd have to be tests after eaà1 UJildinq ~ occupied. · '!be follCMin;r items were reviewed by Council: 1) traffic; 2) the cost of widening DeAnza Boolevard over Highway 280; 3) approving 0C1'Itin;Jent upon a develcpœnt åyL~IL; 4) ~ or not the ¡JL~ develcpœnt oonfœ:ms to the general plan; 5) the J""""""" of stories VB. height; 6) gross square foo""..age VB. net square footage; 7) éiR>roviIq part of the project. John SCi:lrato told Council that he requests the entire project be a¡:prcved or the éiR>lication be denied. He cannot afford 500,000 sq. ft. and maybe the rest later. Upcn J:uildinq of the project, he will hire a Tœ manager. If he cannot have the entire project at this time, he will just fix up the exi.stiIq J:uildin; s. Mr. SOOrato stated he had followed the rules frail the 1983 General Plan for this pL~l. If Council feels that these guidelines are no lcn;J suitable for the City, there shcW.d be ~ at general plan ~lic hearin;¡s and not for one a~Ucatia1. '!he ~8 used for irpJt was oonside1."'ed and sinoe the developer had been given the ...wortunity to ðiC'k:h...... Council, the meetinq was ax:e again q)en for ~lic irpJt. WeI-.Jell Stephens, 10397 Ansa1 Avenue, stated a neighl...J.Lb..,.d meetinq had been held and 00I.ce..1l ~'L Hsd regardinq the project meetinq the 'F'......al plan. He urged Oouncil to take a stand for slow growth and protect residential life. '!he increased square footage is detr.imentaJ. to quality of life. '!he L.....d shawn in the last election meant slow growth. · Mr. Stephens was infOL......d that the rate of growth is not prescribed by the general plan, l:Jut a1ly maxbøJm level of growth. '!he ¡JL' op:>sal is within the 1983 general plan. steve Prosser, 10619 Iarry Way, said he had received notice in November regardinq Architectural and site AßIroval cœmittee looJd.n.J at a teDp:>rary trailer site for hoosinq equipllellt on the SCi:lrato develcpœnt. (City ClerK's Note: Counc. ~l leaves Q>;omher at 8:25 p.m.) '!be site was to have a soorxi wall aroorñ it. on January 9, the equ1p11e11t -3- þ M1NVI'&S OF 'IHE Jl1J:IDM(i 22, 1990, ADJCXJRŒD RmJIAR CI'1Y CXXJNCIL MEEl'ING (CX::-783) was set up Þlt there was no sa.md wall installed. Hr. Prosser showed picbJres to Cameil. He d.iscovered this situatim upc::n hearin; noise and trying to find its scurœ. ./'tr. Cowan has given Mr. SOOrato ten days trail January 20 to c::œply. (City Clerk's Note: At 8:30 p.m., Counc. ¥qpel returns to Q>;.mh<>r.) If Mr. SOOrato will not OCIIply with a minor issue, heM does one knew if he will OCIIply with future cx::ntitiCl'lS. Director of P1.aJmi.rç and Devel,¥""" It Cowan told Oouncil that the equi~_,uL being ñiRrJ1SSed had been IDCIIItXi ~ of a CCI'1demned bJ.ildinq. A¡:p\rently, the develqJer is havinq saue difficulty getting saue tL&..J.es dug for the sa.md wall. Hr. SOOrato told Council that he was waitinq for a seocn::JzIry water tank as he wished that to be installed prior to the bJ.ildinq of the soorñ wall for ease of Oa1Structim: hcwever half the wall owld be 1:W.lt i__iAtely. It will be open on the sides until the tank is installed. '!be OCIIL<dCt for b.1i1dinq has been awarded. Harold Johnsa1, 10511 I.any Way, said the loadinq dOC'Jœ and trash pic:loJps are CX1 the narth and south of the 1:W.ldingB. One of the ~'~sed cx::ntitioos said east loadinq dodœ. 'Ihere shculd be no east loadinq dcc:ks. Equi_Jt. was EPJR>Csed to be m the south side of the bJ.ildingB. He asked if one is beinq located m the east side. ~ Oouncil a1C8 again r1i......_eed prrw+lllity of the}'L' ~.ed bJ.ildin;¡s to the residential area and traffic. '!be City Att.ozney stated that if they wished to ...........,,¡e a1ly three bJ.ildin;¡s rr::M, the other. two bJ.ildingB foIOI11d require a separate use l'"".....it. Hr. SOOrato said he IIIJSt have a III!ISter plan and urged Council to vote to deny or ..........<ÑEI. Boyd Johnsa1 of I.any way said it has been a short tJJDe since the NoYeI:iJer electim. People voted for low/no/slow oa1Struction. þ It was IIICM!Ó. by Counc. Szabo and sec:x:nded by Counc. Kq:¡pel to aß)roVe OCILq'Lüally the entire project but L....L<ict the i__i;ote bJ.ildinq to three bJ.ildin;¡s, with Hr. Sù.u.ð:to choosinq ~ch three he wants to bJ.ild and if the traffic questim is resolved within a year, ooost:J:uction of the two remaininq bJ.ildirçs will be considered. '!be DDtion I"'''''ed with ChJrx:. Goldman and Mayor Rcgers dissentin3 . -4- . MINt1I'ES OF '!HE JANUARY 22, 1990, ADJCXRŒD RmJIAR Cl'IY a:xJNCIL MEE.TING (œ-783) Council then OCI1Sidered OCI1ditiŒlS of "WLvVcù. Ccn:titim No.1: All traffic mitigatim JDe.."\SUI"e& IIIJSt be oaIplete as a OCI1ditim to b.1illlinq the three b.1ilc:tings. If the seooud ¡:t1ase, which includes the final two b.1ilc:tings is approved by Council, tl1e developer will reiJJbJrse tl1e City for any city funds used toward the mitigatim """"...~. Items 2-11 were a~ as "",n..itted. DJring diso'''..iŒ1 regarding Ccn:titim No. 12, Mr. 5<..L.Ldlo stated that he cuu....ltly has 570,000 sq. ft. and the plan currently beinq loo1œd at is gene: however, he is tzyinq to get scme din>..--tion and will CXIII8 back, pemaps, with a pt"':lLaw of 575,000 sq. ft. 'i1atever is available new will not be inc:reased: howøver it will not be the plan being ca'lSidered at this time. It will have surface parkiJ'q and be entirely different. He stated he should not have to CJO throogh the traffic 0CI1Sideratia1s ~we he wculd be t.alki1g abwt r:ecanstruct:.i ~t is m the site at this time. . Mr. Cowan stated it wa1ld be a ~e new a¡:.plicatim an:! the traffic LctJULt ......'ld be scaled beIck. '!here wa1ld be different traffic .".........tim r -i.. . '1he traffic plan ~11n..itted wa1ld be ~if'ied to reflect a lower J'1I1IIh!r. It wa1ld require a new a¡:.plicatim. Di..........ia1 followed regardinr¡ the i......1e of ¡:i1asing of demolishin:.J and CXI1St%uc:tia1 (Item 11). It was s..,,~-ted that 575,000 sq. ft. be approved with this a¡;:plicatia1. Ccn:titim No. 13 was deleted; Ontitia114 was c:han:}IId to read, "ÍJIprt:M!ment plan". OntitiCl'lS 15, 16, and 17 were ~ as "",n..itted. Ontitia1 18 was amended to allow for video smvei.11.aooe; OntitiCl'lS 19 and 20 were approved as sl1n..itted Ontitim No. 21 was ~wed with tho last plSrœp.a¡Jl ~i f'ied to state that the net b.1ildinq area is derived after subtzact:inq cafeteria space, pedestrian bri~ and ncn ...,layee _....atinq atrium EIpaOe. Ccn:titim 22 shall have the wards "with the goal" deleted arxl the actual ñrrI""""1t frail Wiå1 the "II"".,...... are derived included b the OCI1ditim. Item No. 22 was ~ as EP,n..:tted. Item No. 23 was ~ as per staff amendme11t: Ccn:titim No. 24 is to delete refereooe to an east dock m of aúldinq C. Ccn:titim No. 25 was ~ as "",n..itted. In regard to Ccn:titim No. 26, Oouncil ñi ""' ¡;ged the square footage of the three PL'¥-Sed buildings that wa1ld be fra1tin;J on DeAnza Boolevard and a¡:prtNal of a master use permit am entitlement for c:x:f1St:ruc:ti three b.1ildings with tl1e first b.úldinq to be started within seven years. . -5- . Coop. agree- I ment with SCC-f :-tortgage Credi Cert. Program I I Res. 8014 adopted cottssioner's dinner , I , Second reading! Ord. 1517 Ord. 1517 enacted . I' i MINtJI'ES OF '!HE JJ\NtJARY 22, 1990, AD:TCXJRNED RmUIAR c:rr'i CXXJNCIL ME:E:'I'DC (œ-783) M': . Så:Jrato came forward and stated he was wit:b::1rawin] the ðfPlicatim. (City Clerk'. Note: Director of Finaooe Snyder enters <:)unnN>r 9:20 p.m.) 26. J\/:iqItim of c:x>opelcd.ive ~..........IL with CD.Inty of santa Clara to participate in ItJrtgage Credit certificatia1 p1:'-";L..... with designatim of a $12,000 ~it. (a) Resolutim No. 8014: "A Resolutia1 of the City Council of the City of Q¡pertino Autharizing EIœcutia'I of 1ql..........IL with the CUmty of santa Clara to Participate in a Mart:gaga credit Certificatim PL'-";Law." It was DK:Ned by Counc. Sorensen, secx::.rài!d by Counc. ~l and p""e..... 1.II1aJÚJIIcUsly to adc¢ the resolutia1. 27. Chan;Je in positim of allc::JWinq the q:81inq of the new soothbcund lane m Rcute 85 narth of I280. It was DK:Ned by Counc. ("J>1"""''1, ~.:Jtod by CCiUnc. Szabo and P"-9d urIaI'ÚJIIOOBly to CCI1t.ime this item to the meeting of Februazy 5. 28. 5electia1 of date for arn¡al lhrwnl....imer's dinner. By cx:nsensus, Oouncil selec::tr 'W:ål 1. WRITl!N CXJHJNICATIœs 29. Ncr1e. CIRDINANCES 30. &.c....d readinq and er-.:t.-.t. of 0rdiMnce No. 1517: "An Ordinance of the City Oouncil of the City of O,¡pert.im A1III!IXiinq Sectim 1l.08.250 of the Q¡pertino Mmicipal cn.1e Relatinq to Bicycle lane Designatim to In::lude PnJneridge AverJJe." It was DK:Ned by Counc. Sorensen, secx::.rài!d by Counc. Fq:ipel and I"'ee'5!d unanimcusly to read Ordinance No. 1517 by title only and the City ClerK's readinq to CCI'1Stitute the SéocuJ readinq thereof. It was mcrled by Counc. Sorensen, secx::.rài!d by Counc. J<:cwel and l"'~~9d unarU..mcœly to enact ordinance No. 1517. -6- I HINtJI'ES OF 'mE JANU.ARi 22, 1990, ADJaJRNED ~ CI'IY CXXJNCIL MEEl'IN:; (œ-783) 31. Seccn:i reading and enacbœnt of Ordinance No. 1519: "An Ordinance of the City c.ouooil of the City of QJpertino Amerxiin¡ Sectim 16.56.030 of the Q¡pertino Iotmicipal 0:Jde IIslatinq to ViolatiCl'lS of the UUfom Halsinq 0:Jde." It was IIICIVed by Counc. Sorensen, SðC-...:Jo:d by Ccunc. ~l and I"'e-ed unanimously to reed Ordinance No. 1519 by title only and the City ClerK's readinq to OCIatituta the seoc:tìd readinq thereof. It was IIICIVed by Counc. Su..... nn, SðC-..dwl by Counc. ~1 and I"'e-ed \.II'IIUÙJIIaWly to enact ominance Nt'. 1.519. At 9:30 p.m., Council adjOOIned to <:Jœtel__ ax. A for a Closed Sessi,:n pertaininq to pendinq litigatia1 - Prcm XX Inc. VB. City of 0Jpertin0, SUperi.ar Ocurt Actim No. 694440. Oouncil reoc:.nvened in Q\.o..~-er at 10:00 p.m. 0::JUnc. Pr=a .líL: Sorensen, Szabo, MIIyar ~.. Counc. Absent: Counc. Goldman, Fq:pel staff Prenut: City Manager Brown City ClerK 0....._1 it:lS Directar of Public ~k.o visJa:wic:h Director of n-m"'1ity De\IelopIø1t Cowan It was mcved by Cbmc. s......... HIl, seoc:tìdt.d by Cbmc. Szabo and p"8ved unanimously (3-0) to direct staff to cxnt:act parties involved and l."'t"'LL back. At 10:05 p.m., Oouncil adjOOIned to 1t:'Iœy, Jaramry 29, 1990, 6:30 p.m., O,¡pert.im High Så1col 10100 F:inà1 AverJJ8, CUpertiIX>, califœ:ni.a. -7- Second reading Ord. 1519 Orci. l5l9 enacted Closed Session