CC 01-29-90 , . · · · . . r CITY OF aJPERI'INO, ~ OF CALIFORNIA 10300 'lut<t<l:; AVENUE, a.JF£Rl'IK), CA 95014 TELEPHONE: (408) 252-4505 œ-783C MINtJI'ES OF '!HE ADJOORNED REmIAR CI'lY <XXJNCIL MŒl'I1C HErD æ JANUARY 29, 1990, a.JF£Rl'IK) HIGH samL AIJDrroRruM, 10100 FINO{ AVENUE, a.JF£Rl'IK), C1U.IRJRNIÞ. CAlL 'ro 0Rœk '!be meetinq was called to ozder by Mayor Rcgers at 6:35 p.m. /"'Tl'1I':F.n SESSIæ Mayor RDgels aJ'll'}OOI)Oed that Cameil wwld adjœm to RealI 8 for a Closed sessim. '!he City Att.ozney stated that the two items for the closed sessim pertained to perxlinq litigatim (Prall XX Inc. VB. City of OJpert.i.no, SUperior Court Ac:ticn No. 694440) and negotiatia'lS fur real ~_ty (DeAnza Racquet Club, Vidaviå1 et. al.). At 7: 15 p.m., Council rectI"M!I1ed in the auditorium. COJnc. ~ .tt: Goldman, ~, 5on:nsen, Szabo, Mayor Rogel:& staff PL s allt: City Manager Brown City Clerk COrnelius Director of Public Works VisJa:wic:h t Director of thmo1'Úty D8Y8l,¥"""IL Cowan Director of F:iname snyder Directar of Parlœ and Recreatia1 Dr'Mlinq Assistant to the City Manager Brown City Attamey Kilian '!be City Att.ozney aJ'll'}OOI)Oed that in regaId to Prall XX Inc. VB. City of ClJpertino, Cameil had directed the City Att.ozney to ~. >Oeed as directed and the City Manager to meet with ~te parties and tzy to resolve the issue . In the matter of the DeAnza Racquet Club, Cameil had directed staff to ccrwey a camter offer regardinq pJrChase. -1- MINUI'ES OF '!HE JANUARY 29, 1990 ADJaJRNED RmJIAR CI'IY CXXJNCIL MŒl'DC (CX::-783C) Mayor Rogers told the aucli.erxJe that they wcuM røI lo'L' .---' with the items listed m the agezda pertainir.g to Higtv.iY 85. œAL cx:IHJNICATIœs roBLIC HF.ARIOO Review and iliRrJ1"'E1im regardinJ the pl~ plan for RaJte 85. Ca1s:ideratim of executim of a freetlay ðyL........uL with califœ:ni.a Department of Transportation (cal Trims) and a perfoxmanoe ägl.e.....:...L with the Santa Clara camty Traffic Authority . (a) Resolutia1 No. 8024: "A Resolutim of the City Council of the City of QJpertino Authorizinq Executim of fL sHay Ag1.e.....:..1t with the califœ:ni.a Department of Transportatim (Rr:ute 85)." (b) Resolutim No. 8025: "A Resolutim of the City Oouncil of the City of CUpertino Authorizinq ~m of a Memorandum of tJnderstanciinq with the califœ:ni.a Department of Transportatim (RaJte 85)." (c) Resolutim No. 8026: Council of the City california Department Preserve Right of Way Highway 85 Int.erc:hanJe. n Director of Public ~k.o visJa:wic:h ~ ,.Lad t.is l:~ L shcwin1 steps taken and reo=- ····...IdatiCl'lS. Mr. Viskavic:h rec:.. -..._Ided that there be a 1I1aItI..... aI'dum of _ with cal Trims to link the !l. ~¡ray __.....uL with the vertical profile and plan line as adcpted by the City. At the request of a Counci 1........~ c, Mr. Viskcvidl clarified the three ðyu,.......ItiI. "A Resolutim of the City of a¡pertino Requestinq of Transportatim to at the~, epect Road and Harry Yahata, Dep1ty District Director of cal Trims, said that the aqE!lCj has had KX1s with other cities. Mr. Viskcvidl has asked for an H:X1 and it is acceptable to cal Trans. SUCh an ÒjL...........IL is bindin;J and the state oc:W.d not OOlld the r~_.R!JY differently. A draft M:XJ oc:W.d be ready within weeks. 'Ihe ~...........It has to have env:iJ:onmenta1 evaluatiCl'lS; this is goinq on røI. -2- · ' t MINl1I'ES OF '!HE JANUARY 29, 1990 ADJaJRNED REX>UIl\R CI'lY CXXJNCIL MEE:1'ING (œ-783C) If the vertical profile is ~ at this meet:in:J, it will not be l""""""''';Ot'Y to hz:ve a p.¡blic hearing aheM: the M:U. It will be an item m an agerx:!a at a regular meetinq. '!be freeway ag1:eeIueIlt pertains to the westerly half of tile Saratoga-SUnnyvale Road¡Hi.ghway 85 interchange. san Jose will have to amerxi their agreement for the œlance of the interchange. Jim Beall, Council..-.her, san Jose, said t.'1at it was reasonable to expect san Jose to awrave such a c::::han;Je of f'1._;iay ~L=wr::i1t. Council then q¡ened the meeting for p.¡blic irpIt. !.event Ersoy of the Sa.rt:h CUpertiIX> Freeway cœmittee, thanJœd evetyane for the coc.perative effort in solvinq j"'-c:t..... pertaininq to Rr:ute 85. He reviewed the purpose of the t'nI'IIIittee, the.:r goals and solutiCl'lS and stated that the t'Y'ftImittee SUR--rls the .interchange and ~'l.:nd profile. Mr. Ersoy said that thanks to Highway 85, neighbors noIor Ia'ni each other and Ia'ni how gcvemment \IOrks . þ I Joan Maleski, 1469 PcwY Way, said CUpertiIX> will have three ~ and saratoga only me. She does not feel this is equitable. '!he level of service is predicted to be D; what ha~ if i~ slips to E or Io'Crse. '!his is a ooncern. '!hen, tile interchan;Je will be m--ü>ñ at Prospect. Ms. Maleski requests that Resolutim No. 8026 be approved. She urged that the Traffic Authority pass a si1llilar resolutim. She pointed out Exhibit M of the staff L"'tIULt, tmich is Mr. Yahata I s letter statinq that cal TrIIns OCI'ISiders that land as defined on the existin:¡ right-of-way ma¡:s as land n! - ~"d for operatim right-of-way. Hemy Wespiser, 7608 Pei!Iå1 Blœl!CIII Drive, thanJœd City co.mcil and staff for their CJC>qJeratim and stated that the 1-'L' <"",,,a had been a good ÐCpe1:ienoe. He thanked the peq>le who had \IOrked m the ('t"OmIittee, those who had signed petitiCl'lS, atteOOed. the meetirgs, etc. '!be ocmnittee will not be disbanded, but will continue to \IOrk with Council and staff. Mr. Weod <=er expressed the opinion that Mr. vi.skcvich had done a great jab. '!be oamnittee urges Cameil to read and sign the PL~ M:U prior to signinq the other agLe.::w.:trt:s. He suggested a suwlement to the environmental içact report address~ the soorrl. levels m the new design and expressed the hcp! that CUpertiIX> "-'OOld get full control of traffic lights at the intersectiCl'lS. On behalf of the camú.ttee, he expressed sincere thanks to al1. -3- · MINUI'ES OF THE JANUM?Y 29, 1990 ADJaJRNED REnJL\R CI'IY CXXJNCIL MEE'I'DC (œ-783C) Mike a.ù.lock, 21831 Hennœa AVernJe, had a1II! primary point - a mwlduel.tðl EIR rT -1", to be prepared. '!he map frail the final EIR of Highway 85 shews an interchan;Je at PLûSp&~ arx:l me at Q..úto. '!he Saratoga City Council has always q:posed these interchan;Jes. Also, the loss of Highway 280 a~" a1to stevens Creek 8QÙevard at 85 needs to be addressed. At winchester and ß:o!Ql"Y'Ol\, Los Gates and san Jose are still \IOrXiJ'q m an agl..........IL. SUèstantial ~ have c:x:nIn"ed and a SlWlemental EIR is m -iM. Mr. a.ù.lock stated that in a similar ~-B the GI_1upe CO=idcr, a SlWlemental EIR was required after lawsuits wel."Ð filed by haDeowners. '!be ~ oocurrin;J en Highway 85 are even IIDN extreme. '!his is an '-M"-'LWnity as the original EIR did not take growth ÍJViIInM by the f1:ee1ay into ..~. Highway 85 will trigger more growth and Jl¥)re traffic. Mr. aù.lock does not think the final decisia1S on Highway 85 shaIld be made until a SlWlemental EIR is OCIIplete. David Radtke, 7449 Roll~l Drive, thanked the south CUpertino n-n.nittee and Mr. viskavim and also SUR>:4.ted a SlWl.....ei/tal EIR. In regard to;) sound walls near Saratoga-5unnyva1e Read, he stated he was more ~ with sound than seeinq the walls. He recpISted that there be no Íl.l!!!Jay ~Le.emer.t signed until the city kr1cMI what the perfœ:manoe _..eIœ11t will be. Don Ferata of DeAnza COllege, vice President of student Services, UJ:t1::eed the plan to r-bv-... the dep1:essim in the vicinity of the oollege. He ~~Hð oclloern aba1t: a possible adverse effect en the oollege '"""'I"IS and urged keeping a 13 foot depression there. Mr. Ferata was informed that there will be a sound i"t"""'t evaluatim at a later date. Mr. Ferata said he was not informed of this chim;¡e earlier or he 1oIa.Ùd have been involved in the di "'""lC>EJiCl'lS. ~ Barbara Illcwsky, 21363 Dexter Drive, President of Nathansa1 Ranch HaDeowners Associatim, said that they are requestinq sound walls. step1en Olsen, 7603 Hollanderty Place, asked Cameil if they were aware that Rod Diridon states that the Regional Air Resources Board has the power to stop all of these projects. '!hey will be ~ out with a list in February. He expr-"9d c.....cem regardj.ng Measure A funds runninq out: he also expressed ooncern regardj.ng soord walls. þ -4- MINl1I'ES OF '!HE J1INUAl{Y 29, 1990 ADJa.JRNED REXõUIAR CIT'i CXXJNCIL MEEI'ING (œ-783C) Gordan Frolich, 1202 Belknap Ccurt, questia1ed heM wide RainbcM Drive ~ld be where it '-'Au-..""ts to Saratoga-SUnnyvale Read (Exhibit D of staff U"''-'LL). He requested that it be three lanes wide with two lanes c::ani.n¡ into Highway 9; one to turn left and one to turn right. He was infonoecl that at tl.e entrance to Saratoga-SUnnyvale Road, it will be that way. Mr. Frolich urged that the street be made that way further up. He was informed that the City Council had designated Rainbow as t'ÑC lanes in the general plan; haI.Æ!ver, the road does widen encu:Jh near the intersection for one lane ~ right and one lane tw:nin;J left which sho.1ld take care of the demard. A gentleman, resident of Rainbow, spoke against the full i11tercharçe; haI.Æ!ver if there IIIJSt be one, it sho.1ld be fully depressed like the others. He requested that the stq¡ lights be elillw1ated. Dick Weaver, 21426 Rumford Drive, add!"""'....... Oouncil :regardin:J the P..· ..pe.~ interd1an:Je. He asJœd aba1t the soothba1ni exit and northbourñ exit. He mentia1ed the mechanism that will be used to trigger further acticn in the Navember Drive area and ~ that the same type of thin:] be used to activate an ~ at &..spect. John Gatto, 20685 Garden Manor Ccurt, thanked staff and the nr'ftIftittee for their solutim for which he ~ --~ S1JRX>rt. In regard to iDplementatim, Mr. Gatto said that when tœ strategic Plan was first þr:a:lcted, it was state of the art at the D:JDent. SCIIIe asSI1I1t'tiCl'lS m which that plan was based are no lcn;¡er tJ:ue. '!he ði""""'Ù int:erctIan;Je sho.1ld not open until Rainbow is thra.1gh. In regard to Item 12, Exhibit J, there sho.1ld be a six mart:h trigger. '!he perfcmDal'D! Ò:fL..........1t ns-~" to provide an :ircn-clad guarantee that O,¡pert.im' s part of the fi. E!uay will be cpened. '!he time1ine sho.1ld be made availahle as quickly as possible. '!here sho.1ld be no i"t"''"': on neighborhoods. '!he Ma%y AVF.!I'1Ue avercrœsing is L-x!epement of the f:.t.~. A DeAnza College exit is inp:>rtant. '!be sÍ1xJle-lane merge at Highway 280/85 is \oIOr]dn;J. Mr. Gatto suggested it be considered for pezmanent use. GIIj Berry, resident of Barnhardt way, brought up the possibility of running cut of m:mey to finish to'1e f.._"ray and possible legal action fr::m the Los Gates and Saratoga anti-freeway groups. He expressed conc:em that the fueuay woold be l:ci1t in 0Jpertin:> only. It is his urx3erst:arxU.n that the Saratoga agræment says that the freeway oculd not be open unless it is all carpleted. -5- . MINt1I'ES OF '!HE J1INl!ARY 29, 199C ADJOORNED:REX;UI.AR c:rIY CUJHCIL MEErnIG (œ-783C) will KeIIpta'I, Traffic Authority, said that the ~ in Saratoga's perfœ:manoe a.;j1...e.u.:..1 is iðentical to CUpertino's ðyu""......IL and san Jose's. Anna Kabasian, stellinq Read, said that this has been goinq en for a lŒ¥J time. '!here is a need for the fi. eoIray: the more delays, the more expensive it þA.. ......., then the more traffic there is. Traffic noise cannot be avoided. Jerry Marks of san Jose, asked hew traffic wculd be banned on Rainbow goinq to Palo Alto. ME.". Viskavic:h inf... ......1 him that they will have to go narth and make a U-turn and OCIIIB back to the fHel1ay. will KeIIpta'I and Harry Yahata introduced their zespect.ive staff ..-nhers l-'L S .IL. t sam Rae stated the solutia1 ilL' ,^.'3d ~... to be the ~ me. He awns l-'L_lt at the int:ergecticn of Rainbofor and Saratoga-sunrtyvale Ro8d and if there oculd be a ~ign he wcu1d ~ it. May KcsJd, Wildflower Way, urged Camcil to make a "'-"isim and not delay actia1. It was DK:Ned by Counc. J&{'pel, seca1ded by came &..L..Lan and p"e~9d unanimI:uIly to close the public hearinq. RE1'~~Q: 9:25-9:35 P.M. . UpcI1 reocmoeni.nq, Oouncil <'Ii........,,9d the l-'L't.œal. ME.". VisJccvic:h info.. --.. them that the traffic lights "'co..M be urñer cal 'h..... He is aOLLelltly WOIicinq to read1 an ðo:fL_.....IL with the City of san Jose to p.Jt the lights under the City's Int.et...........'"t PL'-";Law. If the traffic level gees below D, iDprcveœnts 1U't be IIIIIde as ~ by O,¡pert.im's (}EII.....al plan. SUCh a drcp in level of service could trigger looJtiJç again at a PL'.spect i.nterå1an:]e: D is the universal standard used. In regard to a SUR'l........íLal ErR, the City has been advise1 that it is not required for the d1an3es in O,¡pert.im. Will KeIIpta'I said that a re-evaluation effort is under way. (Re-evaluatim pertains to a su¡:plement ErR. ) 'Ihis re-evaluatim has been l-'L' .--....il)} since the design d1anges started. 'Ihe City will receive a copy when it is OCI!plete. Council <'Ii .'''''"e~ed in..u..}lV.catinq keeping the PL' .spect right-of-way into the M:XJ. '!be right-of-way could not be sold withcA..'t CUpertino's a.;j1.......1lel1t. -6- MINUl'ES OF 'IHE JANUARY 29, 1990 AIlTCXJmD REœIAR CI'lY CXXJNCIL MSEl'ING (CC-783C) Mr. Yahata of cal Tran..q stated that this wo..ù.d be awkwa1:d since P......-pect is not in CUpertino's j'.lrisdictim. He is not sure hew bWinq it ...culd be. He will ñi""',.... this matter with his legal staff and get back to co;mcil. Upon being questi.a1ed by Cameil, Mr. Viskavid1 stated that tr.e west CJpertino aœ~ð issue will be pusulted in awroximately b«) 1IØIths. SlJl:pJrt was _ """-ðOO for the idea of widening the Rainbow Drive a~ð. Also, aooes9 m 280 sa.tthboun:i as SU:tJYted by Mr. Gatto is not preclOOÐd. It was IDCII1ed by Counc. Szabo, secx:njed by Q:Junc. G0]ßm:01'\ am. pa9~ unanimc:A1s1y to awrave the vertical profile of Highway 85 as per page 4 of the staff U'iA'Lt dated Jamary 23, 1990 (SUmmary of Profile). It was DK:Ned by O::mx:. Szabo, MCX'I'1ded by Came. Kqipe1 and pa9ðOO unanimcusly to adept Resolutim No. 8024 awravinq the free,¡ay .."............It, ~ upcn ~ of the Memoramum of umerst.anr:iinq. It was DK:Ned by Counc. Goldman, secx:njed by Q:Junc. Kq:pel and p"ððOO \ll'l2llÙJllC:Aly to adept Resolutim l~. 8026. DeAnza p,o<Tlt"* Club It was DK:Ned by Counc. Fq:pel, seocrxk!d by Q:Junc. Sat'8œc1 and pIIeðed ~y to ..........uv'8 the p.m::hase of the DeAnza Rac:quet Club (6.1+ acres) for $7.9 milUm. SUå1 p.¡rå1ase will be an extensim of Mt:au.A:ial FImc for the pmpose of a Ill.Ùti-use sports """Tlex. Ultimate uses J1JIJ.'f inc:l00e tennis facilities, a gymnasi\DII, a public swiJIDin;J pool and other USoaS such as a restaurant, pro shcp and locker 1\JUID. 'lbe City Attœ:ney stated that the City coonci1 made a oo.mter offer of $',.9 millim, cash in 60 days, 1oI1ich was acoepted taúght by Mr. Vidavid1 on behalf of his partnership. At 10:05 p.:.a., O:ur.cil adjwrned to 9:00 a.m., FebrUary 2, CUpertino :r.:.m. /ß/7 &?- ~ Ci't~.v -7-