CC 02-20-90 - '. CITY OF CIJPERI'INO, SI'ATE OF CAL:IFŒ!NIA 10300 'l1A<Kl:; AVENUE, aJPEro'INO, CA 95014 TELEPHoNE: (408) 252-4505 MINUI'ES OF '!HE REX>UIAR MEE:rIN:; OF '!HE CITY roJNCIL HErD ctl FEERJARY 20, 1990, axJNCIL O!PŒIER, CI'lY HAIL, 10300 'Iót<Ht; AVENUE, ~, CAL:IRJRNIA œ-785 Mayor Rogers called the meet:in:J to order at 6:47 p.m. SAliJI'E 'ro '!HE f'L1\G mIL CAlL Came. FrEI;;'Jjt.: Goldman, KqJpel, Szabo, Mayor ~.. Came. Absent: Sorensen Staff P1:es_1L: De(:my City ClerK WOlfe Director Cif Public 1b.k.o vi.skcwiå1 Director of n-mnú.ty D8Y8l'¥""".L Cowan Director of Parks and Recreatim [b,¡ling lhnnImity RelatiCl'lS Officer xrey HDusinq and Sezvices COordinator Norlinq ~ - Ncne. CE:REM:'tŒAL M1u:.LUC:> - ~œs - Ncne. æAL CXHIJNICJ\TIœs Rúl ~, .._ J uLinq QJpertino Watchdoq, Omteau 0Jpertin0, Q¡pertino waterfall and Town center TownhaDes, stated that the IIIE!IID frail Bå:) Q:Jwan deletinq c:pen ~ m both sides of Torre Aveme is a freestanding aIIII!Ildme1lt; he said he does not recognize the deletia1 or that c:.pen spI!Iœ means land banJciJç. staff amended policy witha1t due ~OGðae. Director of n-m"'1ity D8Y8l,¥"""IL Cowan stated that the 1979 a."'Xi 1983 Gene~..l Plans were refomatted. He showed charts !ran the 1979 General Plan shcwinq }'L'¥ nd park acquisitim. In 1983, the parks plan å1an:Jed. In::-œ 1983 aJl1I!OOment, the wordinq regardinq acquisitia1 of a park in Town center slnùd have been rem:MId. Ml.. Halstead stated disagreement with Mr. COWan's cl";"'" an:! said that Council by its actiCl'lS had canfinned the conspiracy theory. -1- , MINUl'ES Cf 'mE F'EæJARY 20 I 1990 CTIY cnJNCIL MEf:I'JJG (a::-785) Mayor Rogers allottee:. ten mirn.:tes for each group pL EI' ent to speak on the triangle and O1ateau CUpertino. Paul Ilgenfritz, 10266 Danube Drive, protested the acts taken by Mr. Cowan. In his q¡inion, Mr. Cowan had refused to accept E!f>"tablished gcvenlIIIent p¡::ooedure. He reviewed the events ~ the use of the triangle. He asked Council to remove Mr. Cowan frail office or to risk being "''''aIY"iated with his actions. a Karl Paradise, 20281 Pinntage Parkway, asked Council to re-evaluate the present coorse with regard to the devel"'1-""'ltt of Town Center, specifically the 2.4 acre tri.an;¡u1ar area. He said Mr. Cowan, the City and the deve1q>er, faced with averwhel.Jnin; evideme, resorted to blatant and unoollscianable acts sinply to fulfill their own private ambitions. Mayor Rogers asked Mr. Paradise to refrain frail attackinq people persa'Ially and just stick to the issues. Mr. Halstead, Watch:!ogs and he have been present.irg factual evideme gathered frail the City's reoœ:ds to support their positim. February 9 a key fact was el:iJninated frail the General Plan. On Februazy 5,he had read Policy 2-3 frail the 1989 Ca1SOlidated General Plan c:cn::errún:J Town Center. Mr. Cowan censored that stateuead.. frail the plan, atteuptinq to ..,...-.-ù material facts frail the residents. It ......1'" have ga1e unnoticed if not for Mr. P.alstead. A ÇPv....._.L body resort.ing to sud1 teàIniques is not serving the peq>le. Residents da1't have the tools available to gcv.u.uw=ul, just their voices, laws and regulatiCl'lS and the \li1l to live in an uncluttered, stress-free envira1mønt. He asked that 1. Council reinstate the deletion III!Ide by Mr. Cowan to the General Plan. 2. '!he parkin¡ lot be removed ;tnnMi "'tely and the deve1q>er provide a pmjc, ~ uniformity and CXI'1Sistency in the deve1,¥"""d.. of Town Center. [)!vid Townsley, CUpertino resident, read a statemellt regaJ:dirq the rE!IIDVal of the policy. He quest!a1ed why it took Mr. Cowan frail 1983 to now to delete the policy. '!bey sha.1ld have had public debate and hearinqs. In his q¡inim, it was a major amen:hnent to the General Plan. He asked Council why they were lettÍ1Y;J it <'Ii ~t" like it never haRJeIled. HoW' can this be dcme without a public hear'inq? t -2- MINtJI'ES OF '!HE FEIR.JARY 20, 1990 CI'IY CCXJ11CIL MEEI'J]«; (œ-785) Cameil, Mayor and Planning rnrmi....im are not ~ for the benefit of the people, I::ut for the developers. He said the people deserve an explanatim am asked for a respalSe. James Mehta, OJateau CUpertiIX>, said Cameil sits by authority of citizens to serve their interests, not special interest graJpS. He asJœd for anple parJd1ç and cp!I'1 space. He said if Council acts aqainst citizens' interests, they are not withcut moans to make J:..åì. e. He asJœd that Council not give canBe to resort to these means. Sally IðrBa1 Waite, 0Jpertin0 Waterfall, stated she had lEt with ~u..d-tely 100 people fraD OJateau CUpertiIX>. '1he developers, l:u.ilders and managers are not makinq their prrni-æ 0CIIIe true. She hcped her OCI'1fidence in the new Cameil _.¡ -era was not misplaced. BOO Tv...l..",y, OJateau 0Jpertin0, said that. he bcu1ht his ~~~ with the ~.....ion that there wwld be a park. He has k«> ..... disillusia1ed. He walks am wrold lC11/8 a park am thinks many people waIld use it. Mr. Tort:ney said that better parXinq is - ~. John Pl\IB1Y, 20720 Garden Manor court, said the need for cp!I'1 o;paœ exists. '1he deteJ:minatim by Council was that the trian]le would be open spwe (not a park) until after the devel,¥"""IL, then a final Mr'isim wculd be JIIade as to its use. Came. Szabo said he was glad the j"""Ue has been taken to the District Attorney. 'lbat is the ~~ way. He asJœd for ~t.ance of the Da\'s fintin;Js if they say no crime has been ...........i tted. Mayor Rcgers stated that no further testimcr1y waIld be taken frail this groop until 11 p.m. Mr. Halstead said they waIld 0CIIIe back and asJœd if there oculd be a ~1ic hearing . Mayor Rcgers said that Mr. Halstead had stated he waIld talk to the develcp!r. If the develcp!r and the residents can't ~ ~ wt, they will be decided by Oouncil. Carol H::Dcwell, a 20 year 0Jpertin0 resident, said that the Oral n-m11ÙcatiCl'lS sectim used to be at the en:l of the agenda. She said that sane elderly people had been brou;¡ht to the meeting to do rosiness, 1:7.rt: that rosiness wasn't beinq da1e - Oral l'rImI11ÙcatiCl'lS are beinq abJsed. HeIbert RcMx>, OJateau CUpertiIX>, said he !lOlled there because of prnn; -00 made that they oculd park and have -3- ) ~ OF ~ ~ 20, 1~~0 CI'N croNClLMœ1'Im (œ-785) visitors. He asked if each apartment isn't entitled to a parkin;J ~oe. His Sa1S have to park far away. He said parkinq was owed to theD and had been stolen !ran them. Dean Sayre, 10805 S. stevens Canyon Rœd, told Cameil tbere is a dan;¡eroos situatim at the off raIIp at Foothill am 280. '!he so.m:l walls between the lanes 1MgJÚ.fy an already bad situatim. He requested that caltrans be asked to re-sign the area. Director of Public Works Viskavich said that cn:e the merge lanes are IIICYed easterly arx1 southerly, no rights of way will be given to any lane arx1 the prà:>lem shQùd be corrected. Nancy annetL, 729 Sterxiahl Lane, speaki.n:J for the League of Wallen Voters said the grœp is requestin;J infonnatim rega:rdinq citizens participation in the General Plan review µ:O........ c:x.min:J up in J\ùy. She asked if the Goals CCIIIIIittee will be able to aclh...... the subject within the time frame elected and wanted to know if tbere waüd be a General Plen hearing m the subject. '!hey need the ans.azs so the local 'UN can effectively &1:h...... the City's averall hoosing needs an::l so the pmlic can be aware of '-M-"-'L t..mities for ilpIt. A speaJœr asJr-' Oouncil if these fran 0Iateau a¡pertino have to wait till U p.II.; SCIII8 of them are in their 80s and 90s. Mayor lb,¡a..... replied that no a18 had :in:ticated they wanted to "Ipeak. A female resident asJr-'I if tbere will be a reply by Cameil to what they had talJœd abcut taUght. Mayor Regas said they had been told at the last meet:inq that the parkinq lot will be r=L<iped and t.here will be more <:paces. She requested that a written L"'tJULt be þL snd:.ed at the next Council meet:inq and that notice be sent to thœe designated at Chateau O,¡pert.im. Sparky CChen, lUl WeybJrn Lane, san Jose, said that staff is lax. '!he traffic signal at Bollirger and DeAnza tums red Wen tbere are no cars in sight. He said this occurs at 1:00 a.m. HI:" . Viskavich said staff will c:heck the light and äSJœd HI:". Cohen to call the traffic en:Jineer direct or þi~lf, or cane into City Hall. HI:". CChen stated he had been in a dozen times and had had no respoIlSE!. -4- MINIJI'ES OF 'mE FE!RJ1>.R'i 2D, 1990 erN cnJNcrl.. mrnc (œ-785) Mayor :Rogers asJœd Mr. Cchen to leave his ¡i1cne "II""""'r am directed Mr. Viskavich to call. cx:R;ENl' CMnIDAR Mayor Rcgers :rE!IIW:IITed Item 13. It was !lOVed by Came. Goldman, seoañed by Counc. Szabo ðJ'Id p"a....rl unaJÚ.JIIaJsly (4-0) to ..........\Ne the balance of the Ca1sent calerœr as "",.....itted. 1. Resolution No. 8047: "A Resolutim of the City Council of the City of CUpertino Authorizing Destruction of Certain Records of the Parks and Rec:reatim Department. " 2. Request !ran Ias Madn!s 88 for ~p by ParJœ am Rec:reatim Department. 3. Resolutim No. 8048: "A Resolutim of the City o:mv::il of the City of CUpertino DecJ..arinq Its Intentim to order Vacation of a Portim of McClellan RcI!Id North of Madrid RcI!Id, Ret:aininq It as Public 5e%vioe -.....-.4., Public utility -~, and Sanitmy Sewer ¡;o.....-,t as Provided in sectim 8320 Et 5eq. of the SLL-.'1:s and Highways COde of the state of califœ:ni.a, Fixinq Ti:aø and Place for Public Hearinq and Pravidinq For Notice 'Ihou...of. " 4. Resolutia1 No. 8049: "A Resolutia1 of the City o:mv::il of the City of CUpertino Apprc:Ninq the Parcel Map of PL'+""LLÿ Located m McClellan RcI!Id Adjacent to McClellan Ranå1 P8rlt XI'XIwn As '!he SiJIms ~..+.el:ty and Authorizing the City Engineer to Sign the Parcel Map." 5. A¡:praVal of waiver of bJsiness license fees: a) Voter Revolt; b) Amateur Sports Traininq centers. 6. Request for awraval of deferred ..........,...._tim <:\0("0 ""'"'1ts . (a) Resolution No. 8050: "A Resolution of the City o:mv::il of the City of CUpertiIX> 1ImeI'XiiD;J Resolution No. 6455 Fstabli.shin:J a Deferred (\ "'l-ensation Plan." (b) Resolution No. 8051: "A Resolution of the City Council of the city of CUpertiIX> Authorizinq ExecI.Jtion of Deferred 0 '''l.eollsatiœ Plan h, u''''lUeut with Great Westen'1 Bank." 7. H::nthly Activity Report, Jarn.¡ary, 1990. -5- þ MINtJI'ES OF '!HE FEIR.IARY 20, 1990 CI'IY CXXJNCIL MEE'I'IN::; (œ-785) 8. Mcnthly T.reasurer's RepoLL ani aJeget update, January, 1990. 9. Resolutim No. 8052: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of eupertiIX> AlICMin:J certain Clalms and Demands Payable in the Amc:mrts and fran the F\n'xJs as Hereinafter Described for Salaries and Wages for the Payroll Period Erxtin:J January 30, 1990." 10. Resolutim No. 8053: "A Resolution of the city Oouncil of the City of O,¡pert.im AllCMinq certain Clalms and Demands Payable in the Amc:mrts ani Fran the PUnds as Hereinafter Described for General and Mis<-llaneous Expenditures for the Period EOOing FebruaIy 9, 1990." ll. ~licatia1 AS1IC 51,886.1 - Shawn Liu - Request for review and a¡:proval of a 963 sq. ft. aàiition to a single family hœ8, located in a single family cluster devel~IL. '!he site is located at 10122 Adelheid c:aJrt. Pee- ··..-·Ided for awtuv'al. þ 12. ~1ic:atiat AS1IC 51,883.1 - Berg & Berg - Request for çpraval of site, aràù.tecture, l~ing and lightinq for dsmolitia1 of an existi.nq office I::IUildinq and rep,...... -·,L thc6uf with a 51,700 sq. ft. office I:uildinq. Pl._L)' is located at the nartœast quadrant of BJl:i) Road and !Þ:lellan Road. Reo ....-Ided for ..........U'/IÙ. 13. RaIIaIIed. 14. J\cœpt:ance of lIIJ '\icip"'l iDproIÆments: H. W. Associate Project, 10930 Miramcme Rœd. 15. Request for waiver of rule ro~ 4 of Resolutim No. 7571, Rules and RegulatiCl'lS for ~rs of City Advisozy Ecdies. vote }4I...J "".1.1:' of the City Cameil AYES: NOES: ABSEm': AI35'mIN: Goldman, J&1;pel, Na1e Sorensen Na1e Szabo, Rcgers t ITEMS REXI\IED PR:H a::mmr ~ 13. 1q:praval of minutes of the regular meet:in:J of February 5, 1990. -6- ) M!WID) OF THE ?Eæ.J1>.RY 20, 1990 CIT'i cnJNCIL ~ (œ-785) It was IIICIYed by Oou'x:. Goldman, seocnæd by Counc. Szabo and I"'ee9d unanbacusly (4-0) to ~""'Ð the min.ttes as ëIIIIE!OOed to inc1\XJe the 11IUD9S (Mrs. Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Rcvno and Mr. Mehta) in the third parayL"{il frcIII the battc.m of page 8. RJBLIC HEAR:ItG; 16. Allocatim of sixteenth year (1990-91) lhrIno1T\ity Devel,¥"""IL Block Grant (c::!B;) PUnds totalling $150,000, arxi diA('l1""1!im of related policy i_..... to meet City housing c:bjectives. (a) Resolutim No. 8054: "A Resolutim of the City Council of the City of CUpertino Authorizing SUl:mittal F\Iniinq Pl.'"'1-<--1.. for the Sixteenth (1990-91) PL'-";L..... Year of the for the t'hmonrlty Devel,¥"""IL Block Grant ~aw." Hœsinq and services COordinator Norling }AL ,. ,It.:!d the ~L' ,,<sed allocati.:n. þ Arlyne JUne, ~ve DiJ:ectct- of Prcject Match, explained what they do and asked for CŒItinued SI~t. Sherry anns, Directar of t'hmo"'1ity services for Mllt :Inieperà!nœ D8Y8l,¥"""IL center, went aver that organizatim's ret]I"""'t. She :i1.t......1I"""'d Kelly Er-'-'1, a CUpertino resident, ~ told haI AIDe helped her. Ms. Ð-l_'1 said that witho.rt: the help of a hcusinq specialist, she wculd have had to go back to an Í1's~eible hcuse. She aslr..... COuncil to reccusider the staff's rA~... -·-·-datia1. Rat zielsJæ, F.wanItive Directar of SUnny View west, said that they have a púlœq:iJy called "aginq in p".,.,..n. '!here is a great need for the autaDatic ~.. to make this pillœc.pty ~. þ Iola Hen::!ricsen, a 26 year resident of CUpertino, the last two years at sunny View west, spoke in favor of granting the funjs for the electraú.cally cperated doors. Beverly lawreJx e, Midpeninsula Citizens for Fair Halsing, said she is not sure abœt gom¡ back to the Ccunty for f'urdin;r. She asked for oa1tinued fUrñinq frail O,¡pert.im. In answer to a questim, Ms. Iaw1:ðo_ named the cities that do f'I.Irrl M:FH and said that if they are not f'un:Jed, they cannot provide sezvices. SUe Kretc:tmIi!In, President, Board of Directors for M:FH, resident at 20568 Blœsaa Lane, said she volunteers because of her CX11IIÚ.b"'IIL to the 1""'''''' of both equal "K"-'LWnity · MDIlJl'ES OF 'mE FEBm1>.RY 20, 1990 CITY c.nJNCTI. ~ (œ-785) in halsin:J for all peq:>le and her interest and ocmnibne11t to the city of CUpertirX>. She had sezved briefly m the citizens Advisory CCmnittee. She read frail an AB1!G brochure tbat local governments reoeivin:J federal funds ~ the (!)OO ~"':ILam are required by the act of 1974 to iJlplement fair halsinq or ~ IIICI'1ey in ~t of a group. She was prt7.Id tbat !CFH had been named a "IIIt'rlool PJ:"':ILaw 1Jy the state. '!hey raise 17% of their h"";JPt. 'J.he I"Jl1IIi:)ers do not a=tely reflect their setVioes. She asIœd for a t'Y'OmIi t:ment to meet its requirements and renew suwort. She said tbat they receive IIICI'1ey fran I.Ã1L1JOlatiCl'lS ani intividuals, but the bulk of their fun:iinq is frail am. When asJr.ed about partial fun:iinq, Ms. Kretctønan stated tbat the same staff is m--'A"I. ai M.1rd1, 23 year resident of CUpertino and a 5Q-year resident of the cnmty, said the more effective an eJqe1.'C';{ ):;.eo "-, the less iJlp¡:essive the ra1lfthørs may be. Fun:iinq should not be ~.., m rannhers. þ Mayor Royel~ asked if there were salle amamt less than requested that wcW.d~. Ms. I<:retchman said MrI reduc:tia1 wcW.d be taken frail staff 8éIl.æy. Carol ~'1 who L"¥L SMits 0Jpertin0 m the UrtJan cnmty Citizens Advisory (·......Ii ttee said she wcW.d liJœ the cnmty to take m all i ....".... re hcusinq disc:riminaticn. It is unfair to take IIICI'1ey away frail !CFH and she ~ Oouncil to f.i.n1 a way to tI.Irñ them. She said CUpertino is the aùy City in the OCi.......Lium to qive to !CFH Ms. Norlinq said she had been at the UrtJan cnmty staff deliberatiaw and the reasa1 !CFH was not turDed by them was that they were funded by O,¡pert.im. She an&\.A..d Camcil's ~ reqardinq hcIi we satisfy the requir&œnts it !CFH does not prcwide these services. She said teàmically, it's the cnmty's tespcusibility -_ they are the recipient of the am fun::Js. Ms. Norling said other cities fesl they have met their Nspcusibility when fair hcusing services are funded thrcugh the cnmty. !VD regulatiCl'lS are not specific regardinq 1IiN.t . the respa1Sibilities are for fair halsinq. She fesls the Board of SUpervisors will f'un::l !CFH frail cliscretimary funds available to them. t J'udith steiner, Peninsula Director of Innovative Halsing, said she was pl_ouoñ with the staff rEK' ·....-mtion. '!he organizatim works lII:Stly with sin:Jle parents and arrarges shared hcusin:J. -8- ~ OF DiE FFlRTARY 20, 1990 CI'lY a:xJNCIL MEErIN:; (0::-785) vicki Kantek, 581 Bell\ò1:XXi Drive, Santa Clara, said she is a single DOlI sharing a ha.1se with her sa¡ and ather adults and children. She tc.ld what she feels are the advantages over livin::J in an apartment. Gayle Hoav L, 20832 Garden Gate, said she helps administer a shared housing 1"-'-";Law and has lived in shared housing. She enccuraged Council to fund Innovative Halsing so they can make the best possible use of resaIrOes. Tall M:::aJe, Halsing Devel'¥"""1t Director for Halsing for Iniepet&:.IL 1>eq)le, Inc., ð9L..-J with the staft r&" ...._lkJatiOO. Dcralie Grotte, 792 Meridian Way, Tri County Apartment: Assodatim, said Council has t:cugh decisiCl'lS to maJœ regardin;J as:; fundinq. She asJrM that if O,¡pert.im 0CI1tinJes to fund H:fH that they inc1udinq en a ~ trial basis a noticing ~ to owners ŒIOE! the """-_ have been investigated. As part of their lY'Iftnit.-..IL to fair housing they went into the t'Y'OIONnúty and to local gc:JII8X1'1IIer and asJœd that owners be notified ŒIOE! tl~ had been investigated. '!hey do not want to interfere with the jcb the ~.cies do in investigating fair housing oœplaints, Wt as ~ are new unless the oœplaint goes to CDIrt or saIIB higher authority, owners den' t kncIor it they've cIf:n:! sc:methin::J wren]. If owners kncIor, they will take actim to ensure that disc:riminatim ends. It was DK:Ned by Counc. Kqpel, seoc:nBi by Counc. Szabo and p"ee«i unar::i1lW"lll81y (4-0) to close the p.lblic hearinq. Ms. ~uLle said 'ICM tIICUld meet with H:fH am other agencies to ~ cut noticinq requirements. It was DK:Ned by Counc. Goldman, seo...d.d by Came. Iq:pel and I""'-ed unanima1s1y to adept Resolutim No. 8054 and to ..........V'le staff ~.eI.datim as follows: Public Sezvioe Grants - Project Match ($4,000) and sunny view West ($7,000) Halsin::J Devel,¥"""IL P¡,v-"l.. - $3,000 for Innovative Halsin::J, referral of two 1"-' \...."""ls received frail Halsin::J for IrDependent People to the Seniors and Handi."'¡:ped Housin::J FUnd l"nInittee for review and reo::- ....-. dation to Council. Halsin::J Rehabilitatim Pro;µ:am - No as:; fUrx:Js for Halsin::J Rehabilitatim PL'-";LaIII loans, Wt allocatim of $37,850 for Halsin::J Rehabilitatim PL<.AjL<III1 Administratioo. -9- e MIMJI'ES OF '!HE FEIR!AR'l 20, 1990 Cl'IY axJNCIL ~ (CC-785) seniors arxl HaOOj""'n?ed Halsirq F\.1nj - $96,150 for haJSing loans arxl ocntinued i'L"':IL..... b!pl..,.......t.atim ~inq F\.Iniin;J Sooroe for Halsinq Pl.'-";LQIID - Fellsibility of establi.sh.in1 a ha.1sing i"t"'ct fes be analyzed as part of the work of the OCI1SUltant hired to assist in the update of the Halsing Eleme.IL of the General Plan. ~: 9:05-9:15 p.m. By cx:n;ensus, Cameil oc:ntinued all agenda items frail Item 18 on until TUesday, February 21, 1990, 7:00 p.m. PlANNIOO APPLICATIOOS . 17. ~licatim No. 27-{J-89 and 38-FA-89 - P<'ÞaN!.¡ona-Granada COl.1-UL..tim - Request for use po-nnit to ¿~.. .""1 an existinq retail center to enoJ<··\e9S 39,500 sq. ft. of (. ...._·cla1/office ~ and 23 dwellinq units, inc:1udiJç 10 units of affordable hcusinq for senior citizens. Envh...........lLal Deteminatim: 'D1e Planning' ChmIi....im n-:- ....-om the grantinq of a Negative Dec:larat.iat. 'D1e i'L"¥"Lty is located m the narth side of stevens Creek Boulevard westerly of Mann Drive. p..... .......·Ided for a¡:praval with cx:n:litiCl'lS. Director of Or.mIIJnity D8Y8l,¥"""IL Cowan px: e- Jlled the staff L~ L and shewed the sits plan. He described sallE! of the General Plan i........... . Ray Roàœr, project arcbitsct, said this is a very iDportant project. M:x1ta vista redeve1,¥"""IL started about seven years ago b.rt: baa at. M.e.J. He said he looks to this project to brirç Dm'8 activity to M:x1ta vista. Mr. HooJœr said he had met with """"""""I1erB and staff and JII!Ide BCIII8 àIanges. Ho said he is willinq to JII!IJœ additia1a1 àIanges if they are ~icial to the project and the OClIIIUnity. 'D1e 1IIiYDf'1 use helps Jœep peq>le cut of cars. He shewed ardútectural elevatiCl'lS. Mr. a:dœr said he wculd li.1œ Oouncil to allow two or thres ft. Dm'8 than the 30 ft. suggested height limitatim "'L,¥~ e-9d by the Planning o-.m.i....im. '!here is an ~ tunity to develop the attic ~. He had tried to make the landscaping and setbacks OCI'1Sistent with desiqi1 guidelines. In his opinim, privacy oc:noerns had been resolved. Also, 5,000 sq. ft. of office had been elimínated which took care of the parJdnJ deficit. 'D1e mechanical units will be replaced an:!¡or &e......ned. Mr. Rooker answered Cameil'li questiCl'lS regardin:¡ which -10- M:lN[]ID) OF '!HE FEBRJARY 20 I 1990 CI'l."{ o:IJNCIL MF.ETIlC (œ-785) existing stores will stay (have no cx:ntrol over this but owners intend to retair. existinq tenants if possible), how IIIJå1 will be vacant if the current tenants stay (1,500 sq. ft. of retail space), and whether the rents will be I""i~ (it ~d seem lCXJ'ical). Roy Himpta1, 21821 Oak Tree Lane, said he was not totally for or against the project. He presented a petition askinq for traffic a:ntrols in the Mann Drive neighbortx-'Xl. O1ris Capener, 10186 Mann Drive, presented 109 letters cx:ntainin:J 159 signatures, sane of 1ohid1 were fcma letters. '!bey were in favor of a plan that IiiOI'ks for the site. He stated ccnoerns regarding density, traffic, parItin:J, lack of ~ian <!\"""""e to residential units, and safety. He I'A .....-.Jded denial of the project in its ~ B _JL fcma. Ann An;Jer, President, Menta vista Inpro\Iement Associatic:l1, said she had tried to ¿rat:ect Old Menta Vista. She said she had been sued f·-'~· $1.5 milUm and had ga'1e to ocurt and \01. 'Ihe 1970 1"'_1.. CcIIInittee Lq.'VLt called for lots of cp!n ~ÇJ&. Ms. An;Jer reviewed. the bac:Icgramd of deve1,¥"""lt in Menta vista. She said this project is near public transportatia1 and therefore is a good locatim for senior hcusinq. She stated she was glad that local recple have bought the pl_ty and are developinq it. 'Ihe project shculd have supp. ILL fran the people who never came faJ:WlU:'d Wen there was real blight in the area, in::ludinq five gas statiCl'lS. She said she ''1¥:sed cal1inq it West Mcnta vista. Mark Taylor, 10230 R1ar lap, shewed slides. He said he grew up in Menta vista and doesn't agl.... with the architect:.1re ocx:urring alCD;J stevens Creek Boul8ValÙ. He felt the historiœl aspect was beinq lost. 'Ihe new 1".,i1~ are too massive and block views of the mountains to the east and west. He said 23 units is not OCIlSistent with the neighl...cu.l........d. He is not C['FOGÐd to residences, just the density. Sally Brennan, Director of 0:Ipe.rtin0 Chnnwnùty services and a ~ resident since 1968, said she worked m a rental camú.ttee. 'Ihere is an in::rease in the oldest and ~ seri'-'ILs of the populatim. She is in favor of the senior hcusing units and sees a daily need for affordable hcusinq. She said she hcped to fW . ...... 'J ground where neighbors ccnoerns are met as well as the need for senior hcusinq. -11- MINtJl'ES OF ThE F'E!HJARY 20 I 1990 CITY <XXJNCIL MŒrm:; (0::-785) Ken Lindl:.<>..rg, 21.917 oak view lane, shewed pictures taken fran the site of the 1-'L'_y..!1ed devel....'i....=uL; he said tenants 't.O.Ùd be able to see into his yard. He stated there should be housing in the project given the need for housin:J. He pJ:cp -eed mak:in;J the regular units larger. In his q>inim, this as not a tJ:ue m;Yr>d use project - people wat't be wa1.ki.n;¡ fran bane to~. Residents IIIJSt have a private driveway eJ'ltranœ frcm the street. Mr. Lindberg said there was a prd:>lem with anythinq growin:J m the slope as well as a safety 0CJIrem. He suggested spreadin:J oot resideooes and ciecreasinq the (> ····-rcial <;pace.. He said Council should be votinq m the ca.:q,L a1ly at this time, not the site plan until residents have had a chance for i.rp.tt. Cameil was infozmed that the limits m iIxxDe were not known at this time. '!he 13 ......d.a are for sale, the others are rentals. Jà1n Pluny, 20720 Garden MIlner COUrt, said he was speakinq as a citizU1. In a balanced rYWlWlllnúty there 't.O.Ùd be affordable! housing. Speakinq as a senior citizen, he said the project starts to serve the need for senior hcusinq. Speakinq as a fœ:...... ........1«: of the City Cameil, he said the project is an upgrad.in;J of the sho¡:ping center. It was his q>inim that a shcpp1n:¡ center ~ùd be viable at this locatim. He told Oouncil he hcped their ~ision "-'QÙd be made in favor of senior housinq. Patrick Milligan, 10018 oak Leaf Plaoe, said he lived and worlœd in Mc:nta vista for the put four y&IIrS. He said he was bath in favor of and against the project. He 0 - .-.àJed the efforts of the Pl.anninq staff, the dsvalcper and the architect. He said he thcught evmya18 wants a cpality solutim. Mr. Milligan said he was willinq to aid the cause of Arm linger to get rid of blight. He stated he likes to walk and likes the vi 11 ~ like character of Manta vista. He is in favor of affordable hcusing and hcped he hadn't Jest the perspective of what it is like to be a t'eI1ter. Regardinq heights, he showed slides that gave an idea of what the project "-'QÙd look like fran several locatiCl'lS. He asks:l Council to limit the b.1i1di1xJs to 30 ft. in height and requested participatim when the project wnt to ASAC. It is the rYWlWlllnùty at luge that will be affected. SaIIet:h.irg will be done at the site, ani he "-'QÙd like to take pride in whatever is there. He asJœd for definitiCl'lS of teI1Ds "affordable hcusinq" ani "lcw iJn::.u.. hcusinq". He;aid the devel...'i-'.....L didn't seem to meet the provisiCl'lS of AB 1863. ~g: 11:17-11:22 p.m. -12- -- · · MINUl'æ OF 'l1Œ F'EIRJAR'i 20, 1990 CI'l"l a:ncn. MEETl1«ì (CC-785) ORAL a:lMJNICATICR> (continued) Mike M.1lhollard, 10237 Nile Drive oa1firmed that the mirror image building wHl be built first. He said Mr. GoldDen had disqualified þi-lf and the former City Manager is a oa18Ultant for the develq¡er (Pranet:heus). He said Council's credibility is in questim with him. · Broce Pass, CUpertino Waterfall resident, <' ····....,Led m the JDeII¥) frail Mr. COWan transmitting a corrected General Plan. OIarles Kilian, City Att.ozney, said that the ameJÙIueIIlt '-^'LL......1:ed old plans to reoognize ~t Oouncil had ~VII8d at various times thrc:u:Jhalt the years. Mr. Pass said deletím of open spaoe is net a "OCIlL~m" and asJœd if Council wre aware of the iDplicatiCl'lS of the deletim. Mayor RcgeIs said she was m the City Council ~ the small parks wre deleted. She said the ""i -1m ............ nothinq to anyme's credibility. Mr. Pass said the door is open for an aß)lication frail the develq¡er to build m the trian;le. 'Ihe residents are faced with devel'¥"""lt potential, and he hcped that Wat they fesl has been taken away will be retumed. Mr. COWan said there IIIJSt be differentiatia1 between public parle and private open EIpaOe. · Jim lane, 1I_.i.r of the vwnao.JWnerS' ",..~j~m board for the Pinn Brothers project, said he saw "open space" m paper ~ he bought i:Jñ thinks of open as as no h,i ldin;¡s. Paul ngenfritz said ~l..ints regardin;J Mr. COWan are freestandinq apart frail di"V""itim of the triarx]le issue. If Mr. Cowan had shewn slides of the General Plan when the trian;le was beinq di """'~-ed, St"ftII"«Ie wculd have seen the open spaoe, realized it was a mistaJœ and gotten rid of it a leD] time lJ/."}O. Inoc:r1sistencies can be resolved by ~ the parle back m the acquisitim plan. 'lbere is no req.1in.......l that parks be more than 3.5 acres. He asIœð ~t General Plan Amer.œDel1t Cowan was i'L..........inq m Nolo........... 27 and why the April 18, 1988, finiinq was net cited as a reasa1 this was a mistaJœ. 'Ihœe resptI1Ses can cxme later. Mr. Halstead said Mr. Cowan's actiCl'lS wre a travesty and he was net going to recognize them am will fight them. He said he oculdn't believe the City Att.ozney has allowed this to go on. 'Ihere is a need for a public hearing. He said he didn't meet with Praœtheus because of their dirty -13- · MINtJl'ES OF '!HE FEIR.IARY 20, 1990 CI'I'Y a::uNCIL MEE:I'IR; (œ-785) tricks. '!be residents I'>.ave paid lots of parks fees, and these fees sha.ù.d be used in the neighborhood. It is illEÇal to delete cp!I1 space frail the General Plan. Council has given the residents a legal cause. Town Center is !:W.lt a.rt:. Mr. Halstead said he felt he was beinq rushed and stated that he and others 'oIWld be at the meetin3s every two To'eE!Jœ. He said there was no docI""""'1tatim for the deletim - no staff lq.vLL. He said the park sha.ù.d be provided by the deYelq¡er, 00t the City sha.ù.d buy the prcperty. 'Ibis is the last urban open <cpaoe . þ 17 . (0CI'It.iJUJed) Jim Jbgger, 10163 Byrne Averme, tenant in the Kc.nta vista Hardware ~_ty, .:> ··"-·ILed m traffic. He said there is already a problem with students frail Kc.nta vista High SctIoo1. If the facilities at the center ToIere increased, traffic will iœrease. He stated that in his q>inia1 the mezzanine (loft) ~ ooulcI. not be used unless the height was IIICIre than 33 ft. Mr. 9Jgger said he had no 00jectia1 to hcusing, 00t he wanted to pin dcwn hew IIUå1 they will rent for. He wanted to kD:N Ÿ10 p...~ Granada Døvel,¥"""IL is and 1IIhLt their intentiaw are. Yva1ne HaIIpt:at said there are no back yards for årlldren or senior citizens and ISSIt-" where kids would go during the day. She urged a reductia1 in the J"II.w.er of units so there will be open ~oe. Nancy Hertert, san Juan Read, said she is prcui of a city that tries to provide affotdable hcusinq and looks at every ~ Wnity to do so. Kc.nta vista is the center of town and a good place for seniors. It is near parks, .........."'1ity gardens and the bJs line. She said she thcA¥ 1t the project was very \IICZ'thy of oa1S:ideration. Pæ.ù. Ng, 10009 0Bk leaf Place, said he was a oo..oadlEod neighbor and an arå1itect. He said he was not anti-hcusinq nor anti-senior hcusinq - he a1ly wanted to make sure this is an ~upLiate use of this site. '!he ~'"'l-<sed project is not a¡:prc.prlate for the nei~l&AAl. Mixed use sites sha.ù.d have an avoidable cxn:;,estim (pecple want to be there, for exanple, dcwntown san Francisco) and he doesn't think this does. Regardin;J the density calculatim, no matter hew it: is 0CIIplted he felt it is dense and a physical prcblem. He said he was here to read1 a ,-,-",¥L,""i""" solutim. '!he project is not deprived of incentives. He asked if the develq¡er shoold get m adiitianal density bonus. '!be cazds are stacked in favor of the develq¡er and the City (senior hcus.in3") and ncne for -14- · MINtJI'ES OF '!HE FEBRU\RY 20, 1990 CI'IY a:xJNCIL ME:E:'I'DC (œ-785) the neighbors. Mr. Ng said that t:be prcp!rty is owned by many investors who had been told that tl1e project ~d be sold in ~ years. A balance is r->ñ~ between neighbors, develc.per am the City. He sha<Ied a d1art regardinq land use (divisim bet\J'eeJ. residential and (. ....-rcial) and suggested a oaIpL' ...i.... ~'\ ~l. · Nancy 9.m1ett said she was ~ ~~9d by ev&rya18' s PI: s ...tatim and felt that CIC.IIFranises are in sight. She said she was speakin;J in favor of ha.1sing m behalf of the League of WaDel, Voters and that ir. her ~inim, the jobsjhoosing balance is not balaooed. Affordable hoosing is m ~...... IliN SlW>.tLs PL"':ILQIIti to provide adequate hœsing for low am lla!erate i.nooa.I& families. She said they have ~ hcusinq å:>jectives which "Wly to this use permit: 1. Density shculd be decided based upc:n potentially available services. 2. '!he City shaùd provide for an eo........J.c mix with fixed percentage of low incn- hcusinq in all new devel'¥'""'lts. Ms. 8.I1:nt!tL urged BU¡:pOLL for the residential units. Etiwin Brown, 21852 OBIt View Iane, said there shculd be more pazidnq than was iAL' \<:sed. He pointed cut his oa.c...... regardinq safety of pedestrians. He was also afraid that pazidnq ~d overflow ŒJto Marm Drive. He said Oouncil JDJSt C:X:l'lldder the traffic in::rease because of the new pœt office and lack of ~& to stevens Creek at Mazy when 85 is c:xmpleted. Residents of the project can't get cut withaIt goinq t:hrc::u;Jh the pazidnq lot ~ creates more safety co.........¡.... Kids will be at risk. He~. 'LLed Mr. Taylor's CXIX1eITIS ~ i....,.,rots m the à1aract:er of !b1ta Vista. Mr. Brown said he su¡:ported a onanoøtic face liftin¡ art: ~d be em:ry to lose the oamtry flavor. Came. Szabo said that he ~d like the project to start with a clean slate - tear down the !b1ta vista Hardware I:uildinq . Teny Brown, develc.per, said the !b1ta vista Hardware lease is up in 12-15 1IØ1ths. It is the develc.per's intenti.m to keep the haràware store in business. '!he neighbors like beinq able to shop there. '!he develc.per intends to keep the center as is. Analyses indicate it will be a viable retail center. · Came. Fq;pel said sha likes the project art: has ccnoems. Mayor Rogers asked about q¡en space for playgrourxis. Mr. Brown said tl-.dt pecple with kids generally don't b.Iy in this type of devel,¥,"", It. -15- . KINU1'E$ OF 'mE F'EI!R!AI<Y 20, 1990 CI'lY cnJNCIL ~ (œ-785) Came. Goldman said en::::JUraginq redeveJ....'1....=IIL of Ma1ta vista is a sa.uù policy. '!he guidelines are sound. He said he is in favor of affordable hcusinq for seniœ:s. '!he project walld have to be awruved m the basis that it is a miVM use project. He said l"""'øcotrians cannot DDY8 freely and he feels the project falls as a mi-n use project as he defines it. In his q>Wm this is not the right project for Ma1ta vista at this time - it needs to be redesigned. He said he walld need saoething more specific and detailed even if he "'8re in favor of the project. Mayor Rcx}e1:s said she walld like to a¡..pl.<N8 the project at this time but sees constraints caused by the exist.i.nJ c........rcial hl1i1din;¡' m the site. . Mr. Brown said the developers are look:i1g for guidelines. 'It.ey have atterxæd many meet:irJ;Js and made many changes. He said they are amenable to ilX::reasing the devel,¥"""IL but he doesn't want to go throogh the Welle ~..(_e again. He stated that the developers wculd be happy with 46 res:idential units. Mr. Cowan stated that 10IaÜd require a General Plan d1arge. It was mcMiId by Counc. Goldman to deny ~icaticn 27~-89. '!he motia1 died for lack of a seccrxi. It was DK:Ned by Counc. Sv-oÞo, secx:r1ded by Came. ~ and ~I!'&ed with Counc. Goldman dissentinq (3-1) to ask the developer to OCIIIB back with variaJS så1eIIes that in --mee are respa1Sive to the OOho..nlS reqaråinq layaIt and hew IIIJà1 residential and .:. ....-. cla1 the developer wculd like to have; brin;J back abo.rt: three different c....""'"'l'Wal plans (very sketc:hy) shc:Iwin] different laycuts which wculd satisfy the prcblE!IIB pointed out, and which wculd incl\ñe more residential and dec::rease the ,~··..-.cial space. Ms. Alger said the hardware store is -:: ~ed. At 1:15 a.m., the meetinq was adjourned to 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, February 21, 1990, Council Q1;mIhp,... '7 , '/'-/- ¡ ) !i~{~ d~µ-r- i -16- CityofOJpert.ino 10300 Torre Avenue, Q¡pe:rtino, CalUornia 95014 (408) 252-4505 'Ib: Hcnœ:able Mayor am ......J eta of the City C.t'iUncil Fran: Rcberta Wolfe, DepIty City ClerK Date: Dec. 3, 1990 SUbject: FEEIRUAR1( 20, 1990, Cl'lY <DJNCIL KINl1l'ES '!be attached memo regardin.;r an admini.st:rative chan:1e to the subject minutes is for ywr infomatim. ~ City of QJpertino 10300 Torre Averue, QJpertino, California 95014 (408) 252-4505 To: I:brothy COrnelius, City ClerK Frc:m: Rcberta Wolfe, DEprt:y City ClerK Date: New. 29, 1990 SUbject: F'EERJARY 20, 1990, CITY <n1NCIL ~ After review of the tape of the llUbject meeti.n;J, it "R"'"">"S that Nancy B.n:n=tt read her .. ,···-·.Ls ..1--t vertJatim frail the at.taåled. EliminatiD;J the ¡:hrase "reviøor pl- <'$'f. c:x:.mirq up in JUlY" (page 4, par"':JL~l 4) shculd not affect the substance of the min1tes, and 1oIa1ld reflect Ms. a....~L's recollecticn of 10tnt she said. As I understand, this d1ange can be -sa administrativeiy without rM',.....i qim of the minutes to ccunci1. Rea_st for t.fer_Un f.. Clta Coallen reardlD11 tile "01131l1li flelDeRt of GeReral PlaR Or.1 C'....ie.ti..s. ConcillllCCtiaq.f Fe.nar. 20. 1990 H\ l\8me i$ Heney Burnett. I live at 729 St~ndhel Lane, Cupertino, and I am $peaking a~ 8 repre3entative ~f the leaolJe of Women Voters of CUDertino-Sunnmle. As 'ole understand it, the 5- ye3r update of the Housing Element of the General Plan IS due on July 1 st of Ihis ye3r. TIle le8Que of Women Voters is requesting informetion from the City regenlíng citizen participation in thi, revie-.o process, Will the Goals Committee be able to address this ,ubject ",ithin the time frame you have elected? Will there be a General Plan hearing on the subject? We ",ould like to have aR3'w'ers to the3e questions so thet our local league un most effectiv~J\ 8ddress the CIty"s o'.-era1J tlOuslng needs and so thet the Public un also be made .......r~ of the futur~ opportunities for input. T henk you. Dorothy Cornelius, City Clerk City of Cupertino 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, Calirornia 95014 729 Stendhal Lane Cupertino, California 95014 October 18. 1990 Deu Ms. Cornelius; As a member or the League or Women Voters or Cupertino-Sunnyvale, 1 am writing te request changes in the printed minutes or two meetings in which I was inaccurately quoted. Both quO(es regud the General Plan Housina Element. in which the League is actively interested. Underlined sections are suggested as additions to help clarify what was said. el. Cily Council meeting or February 20, 1990, page 4, paragraph 4, should read: "lIaDCY 80,.eu, speatiD' lor I.e Leaaoe 01 W_a Voters sai. I.e ,r_p is re..oe.ti., ¡.Ioraatioe repnli., cilizea parlieipali_ ia I.e s.'Yf!ar ..äle of Ute Boasia. Eleaeat of tile Geaeral Plu. wlliell is doe by JlIly I of tllis year (eliaiaate "re.iew process e_ia, op ia J.ly·)...· I handed out printed copies or my remarks to Council (See attached). However, since the main point was that the Housin J Element update would be required soon thereafter, I would lite the oFficial minutes, also, to renect that. e2. Planning Commission minutes, Regular Adjourned Meeting or August 16, 1990, Jrd page, rOllowing "The pUblic hearing was then opened:: lis. lIaaey BaneU, 729 SleaAal LaDe, Slate. t.at a st."" .r.... of ,.e Leaa.e of W_a Yoaers i. lootia. at t.e Ge.eral Plu ud Itu beea c...ceatraUa. tlteir .t..... oa tlte B_sia. Eleaeat. Site aate4 dial by ,eraillia, aore .00-II...sia. ....10._.1. ,r.ater .._. ia p.1 ... lit. ....ai.. ..... of dI. City. J.uj bee_a aore .alaable u. ....sl... IIOre e:l:I!..lye. T.e res.U Is I.al fewer Ho.le cu allor. to Ii.e .ere. aD. ·allo....ble It....ia. bec_. aore aD. IIOre ...... lIa. B.nell ..,read coaee,. reprdialllte a.. of Kllool siles for denlo,..al. This is nO( eRctlv what I said, but it renects the meaning without more eltensive changes. (As printed in the official minutes, the :'WV study appeared to have been a cursory glance. Furthermore, as quoted, my r'~marks made liule sense,) I truly intended to be helpful in the future planning or our City. 1 have r,¡vlewed the video tapes and believe the changes suUested above will be a better summation or my remarlts and the involvement or the League or Women Voters. Please advise me as to what could done in the future to mate sure that rormally accepted minutes more accurately state what has been said by the public. Normally, we do not see the minutes until aner their accept.U1ce. Thank you, Sincerely yours, N~1:;:i:. ~ GP Study Committee Chairman, L WV of Cupertino-Sunnyvale <:::::.. --- Cihf of C\4l~rtit1D 10N..J '"ue Þwenu(" CUfJ'·'''no. CA 950'''-JlS'j 'el.-phone: 14(If ¡151-450S ''''X: (408¡15H)75J DEP"'RTMENT Of THE CITY ClERK P.O, 80x 580 ClOpenino. CA 9501s.0580 November 27, 1990 Nancy a.Jrnett 729 sterxiahl Lane CUpertino, CA 95014 Dear Nancy, 'Ihi.s is in reply to Yair ocrx:erns about tl1e availability of ...,.....itted milu1tes for public review prior to aRX"OIfall:l>.i the City Oouncil. As ya1 knew, I"""Jrsts of all material for a regular Cameil meetinq are _ibhle to the public in the 0:Ipe.rtin0 Librëu:y durinq the week-erñ prior to the meetinq. ~ min.1tes on the agenda are in::1uded in this pacJœt. Also, they are ilV"ibhle for review in the City ClerK's office. We have also mailed them to people when we have been requested to do so. We do mark them "f'I......itted" so it is very clear these are not yet official. Mi1urt:es are ,-,ally on the Consent calendar. ~ item an that calendar may be remaved I:I>.i Council, staff or a ~ of the public. 'lhe item is then ñi..,.,,'''''''Ò, quest:ia1s answered and actia1 taken. c:n nrY'a"ion the iter. has been ocntimJed to get JOOre infomatim. In the case of minItes, in the past if there has been a quest:i.CX1 that cannot be resolved at the meetinq, they have been approved cx:ntingent u¡x:n the ClerK reviewinq the reoordinq of the meetinq and makinq sure the milu1tes OCI'1fom to the reoordinq. At PI: S' ,,¡L RdJerta is reviewilg the Febtuary 20 meetinq, your written statement and the min.1tes. If Ii clarificatim no ~.. to be made that is not sutJStantive it will be dcne adminstratively an:! notification sent to Council. If any l19C"W""azy change is ñ..-.-! sutJStantive the revised milu1tes will be r....".....ittE-i to Oouncil for aJ:Praval Yair letter has also been f()J:Warded to the Plannin;J DepartJœnt for actim. þ Q1e last point, Nancy. If øn- 'Ie has a <:u.oem atoIt acx:uracy of 00uI'X::il ~ and is UI'1IIble to atterñ the IØItinq all they need to do is cart:act me ""' ':' I will review the tape prior to the Oouncil meetin;J if time a).:Lows. If not I wculd request CXI'1Sideratim of the mimtes be c:cntinJed or th~'Y be a.gm:Ned ocntin:}ent upcn review. I'm sure Pl.annin1 wculd do the sa 'Je. I hq.e this answers your quest.iaw. Feel free to call if yœ'd like to Iii ""''''", arr¡ points with me. t g~ CI'lY CŒRK CI'lY OF C1JPERl'DÐ cx:: Director of '-wùty DBvel.....-1t