CC 02-21-90 , CI'lY OF aIPERl'INJ STATE OF CALUœUA 10300 '!VJ<t(l:; ....VENUE, CUPERTIN::>, CA 95014 'I'EI.EFÐ:tŒ: ,'408) 252-4505 œ-785A. MINlJI'ES OF '!HE AroCURNED REn1IAR MEETIN:; OF '!HE CITY <XX.JNCIL HErD 00 FEBRl!ARY 21, 1990, CXXJNCIL OÐ\MBER, CITY HÞ.LL, 10300 'lUl<1<l:; AVDIUE, CIJPERI'DI), CALIFORNIA '!be meeting was called to order by Mayor Rogers at 7:00 p.m. SÞ.liJl'E 'ro '!HE FIAG mIL CAlL Came. Present: Goldman, KqJpel, Szabo, Mayor Rl::qeLs Cwnc. Absent: Came. Sorensen þ staff Present: Director of Public Works Viskaviål City Clerk COmelius Director of n-mnúty Devel,¥"""IL Cowan (arrived 9:20 p.m.) Director of Parks and Recreatim Ccwling Public Infomatim Officer I<:rey City Planner CðJ.Jtþey City Attorney Kilian PIANNING APPLICATIœs l8. ~lication No. 28-{]-89 and 35-FA-89 - Morteza Abdollahi - Request for use pemit to demolish an existinq service statim and ~...LLuct a 6,000 sq. ft. IIIJlti-tenant retail Wildinq with related site~. Envira1mentaJ. Determinatim: '!he PlanIúJx¡ t'hnIIi....ion reo ....-'1ds the granting of a Negative Dec1.arat.ia1. '!he pl'q)erty is located at 22510 stevens Creek BoulevaJ:d. Reo -...-. ded for approval with ocnlitiCl'lS. City Planner Caughey reviewed his L""tA'LL with Council and stated that oonc:ems were noise o...lL<ul ani the location of the trash enclosure. Dennis Kobza, 2083 Old Midcll.efield way, Mountain View, said the awlicant has no problem with the ocnlitiCl'lS of awraval. He did not feel that the locatim of the trash enclosure was good. -1- ~ , MINlJI'ES OF 'mE FEBRlJ1\RY 21, 1990, Þ.DJCL~ ~ CITY cn,,'NCIL MEETING (œ-785A) Jdm Molnar, 22423 Ranona, resident to the east of the gas station, OOjected to locatinq the trash enclosure next to his bedroan wiroow. He sho.;oed that the enclosure could be DK:Ned to the back of the buildi.n;J by lIIOIfing that part of the building slightly fœ:ward. It was pointed out that then the trash enclosure wculd be next to another bane. Mr. Catr; hey presented anothe...· possible solution to the location of the trash enclosure. It could be IIIOIfed to the corner of the project at stevens Creek Boolevard/Foothlll Bc:Wevard. Also, the wall required un:1er Ccùition No. 9 could then be lowered. Mr. fokIlnar asked hew many ~in;J centers have garlJage enclosures in front of them. He stated a preference for an 8-ft. fen:-<> as per the current oorxlition as his property is elevated. It was lIIOIfed by Counc. Goldman, seconded by Came. Szabo and f't'c;eed ur.aroi1lr'\JSly (4-0) that the trash enclosure be integrated with the sign ani lan:Jscapinq on the stevens Creek Boulevard¡Foothi.1l Boulevard ocnuer ani that COOdition No. 9 be ameJ1ded to read that the masau:y wall shall be 7 ft. frail the highest grë!Ide. '!be ðR)licatim is to 0CIII8 back to Cameil after consideration by Architectural ani site ~ Cœmittee. It shall be placed on the Ca1sent calendar. It was DK:Ned by Counc. Goldman, seconded by Came. Kqp!l and ~",sed UJ1êIlÙJIIa sly (4-0) to awtave the grantin;J of t.'1e Negative Declaration. It waf' õ:'OIfed by Counc. t:nlmn..1'\, seconded by Came. Krfpel and peI!S'sed una.~ly (4-0) to bwLwe the applicatim per Pla1'11'Ún] l"nnmi....im Resolution No. 4241 as previoosly ameJ1ded. 19. ~licatim No. 31-U-89 and 44-FA-89 - Jon Rayden - Request for use permit to 0a1Vert an exi.st.in:3 15,400 sq. ft. savin;¡s and loan building to a 19,500 sq. ft. office center with related site inpravements, and amendme11t of previoosly a~ trip-eui acocuntinq. Envll:anue./tal Determinatim: '!he Pla1'11'Ún] l"nnmi ....im reo:> ...,-" ds the granting of a Negative Declaration. '!he property is located 350 ft. east of stevens Creek Boolevard ani Miller Avenue. ~,,,,,,,.ded for a~ with oorrlitiCl'lS. -2- MINUm; OF 'mE FEæJAR'i 21, 1990, ADJcxmD mJI.AR CITY aJJNCIL HEE:l'rnG (œ-785A) Mr. caughey reviewed the a¡:plicatim with Cameil. scott 'lbaIpIon, Wesc Valley Properties, 10121 Miller Avenue, spaIœ on bei1alf of Jchn Rayd:n, the ëlR'licant. West Valley Properties 'NCUld be the pri:aBry tenant in the b.1ildin:J. He requested that iJIplementation of Ccn:titim No. 17 wait until at least me of the adjoininq parcels oœplies with the stevens Creek Boulevard sidewalk st.anc1ards. Counc. GolGman expl.,*~ a 0a10eJ:n regarciin;J the b.1ying and selling of trips and requested a review of the trip policy. It was DDVed by Came. Szabo, -..::akJ&.l by Came. J<'qpù and r"'e....... u:naniJII::usly (4-0) to awrave the grant.inJ of the Negative Declaration. It was DK:Ned by Counc. Szabo, ~.:Jo:d by Came. ~] and r"'ee'9d unanimously (4-0) to a¡.>pLuV8 the awlicatim per Planninq (·r....d....im Resolutim No. 4242. AICfl'I'EX:lURA AND SITE APPRJ\TAL <XHnTl'EE APPLICATIœs 20. None. UNFINISHED IIJSINESS 21. Na1e. NÐi !u)INESS 22. CD1sideratim of c:::harçe of date for or carv;,ellatim of regular meeting of Marå1 5. It was DK:Ned by Counc. Goldman, seocnied by Came. Fqpel and P"'-eed u:naniJII::usly (4-0) to cancel the mgular meetinq of Marå1 5. It was DDVed by Counc. Szabo, -.....:Jo:d by Counc. ~ and p"'E'~ed UJ1êIlÙJIIa sly (4-0) to resd1edule OŒ1S.ideratim of the Wsiness license tax ordinance to the first meetinq in May, which is May 7. 23. Review of City Cameil practice of waivinq fees for use of r.......o::dtim facilities by ncrO}'Lufit organizatiCl'lS. Director of Parlæ and Rec:reatim Ccwling reviewed his report with Council ani stated that shalld Cameil follow staff re<> ....-rmtiCl'lS and ~ ~ No. B, it waùd take effect lIpril 1. -3- e MIMlIES Of THE fElHJARY 21, 1990, ADJCURNED REGULAR C1'IY o:uNCIL MEETING (œ-785A) Ed Hirschfield, representirg the CUpertino Tennis Club, said that tlJe groop does suwmt qrt:ion B. He hcped that the city co..ùd work oot a III'Jderate fee to use the new Olpertino Sports Center for events. Nancy B..1rnett, 729 sterxJah1. Lane, asked why tlJe report says "funi raisers" am asked how can:lidates forums \1IQÙd fit into this prcposai fee schedule. She was infor.necl that the candidates forums are not funi raisers am the schedule presented is strictly for fun:iraisers. Al carter, 21470 Vai Avenue, O.......I'rled staff and Cameil. He stated that service clubs are oon-profit. He mentioned many l'Y'OIOIII"'1ity worlœ that have been da1e by the CUpertiIX> Kiwanis Club. If fees are waived, it allows the clubs to have more to give to the oœmmity. He l¡rged Council to oontiraJe to waive fees. . It was DK:Ned by Came. ï<q:pel am secx:n:Jed by Ocunc. Szabo to appt'OIIe q,tim B in which the l1CIIi-"p1.....fit organizatiCl'lS \1IQÙd abeam out-of-pocJœt ex-~JSeS (extra staff time and janitorial services). Upcn be~ asked how the city kept track of CUpertino resident parcicipatim in groups, Mr. Ccwlin:J stated that the City is st.Ul small E!lXUJh that the staff can keep track. He~ th:tt the staff time to be charged \1IQÙd be .."C"-,l ated only when the staff ~"ClÙ.d not ordinarily be p1: ,L. '!he mction passed 3-1, with Ma}o'Or Rogers d.issentin]. 24. 5ettinq ..... '="""''' ani date of ëIßXIintment to fill vacan:::y em Parlœ and Recreatim o-mni ....im. It was DK:Ned by Came. ~l, seoC:IhJ,~ by Came. Goldman and l""-nd UJ1êIlÙJIIa sly (4-0) to direct the city ClerK to post the notice of vacancy and oa1tact applicants and to schedule for March 19. 25. Request for approval of nt'WmIittee structure and work plan for interim use of former DeAnza Racquet Club. . Ed Hirschfield addressed Ocuncil reganJin:J the 1'1. Y=E1ed structure of the ccmnittee. 'Ihe CUpertiIX> Ten:1Ís Club stJRX>rts use of the Sports Center for a wide variety of sports; however, because in the interim it will be used as a tennis center, he expressed concern that only one IIIeI!iJer of the oa:w.ttee \1IQÙd have tennis experience. Nancy B..1rnett addressed Cameil regarding tlJe at-large 1IIeI1Ibt.1.". Ed Hirschfield rec:x::mneroed that one more person with tennis experience be on the canmittee, particularly another fran the CUpertinc- 'Ienrus C:ub. -4- þ MINUlES OF '!HE FE!'RD\RY 21, 1990, ADJaJRNED REGJlAR CI'I"l CXXJNCIL ME:E:'I'DC (œ-785A) '!be one at-large mømhA,. will be selected by the Ccunci1. '!hat 11'PI'IIher owld have expertise; however, staff's thinking was the persa1 ~d be a œ""....l player. It was DK:Ned by Counc. Szab'>, seconded by Came. Keppel and pëlesed unanbDcusly (4-0) to approve the (" "\>OAitim of the tYWmIittee as follows: One Council ".....J.er 'ß1ree members of Parks and Recreation /'hnmi -im selected by 01air ~.~.er of CUpertino Tennis Club a~inted by club board One IIIE!IIbar of Citizens to Save CUpertiIX> Recreation appointed by its board One at-large 1I....wer '!be Di.rector of Parks and Recreation A Recreatim SUpervisor Counc. Fq:pel will be the co.mcil representative on the tYWmIi ttee. þ Fd Hirsà1field _: re'9d cxn::ezn regardinq the 90-150 day time for the cxmnittee activity. He lee' .......J'ÓBCi that the City hire a t_"'l</l:aty Ellplayee to run the facility on a t"-'i"'1ary basis, taJdn;J reservatiCl'lS for the ooorts. '!here owld be limited ~dinq ë!'~e. '!be ~v:'ee!i' and rates oculd be the same as these used at the SUnnyvale center until the l'Y'mW1Iittee reo<:-........ldatiCl'lS are~. unsafe areas oculd be L~ off. Mr. Ccwlin;J reo<. ....-tded against enacbnent of that pr'<)C'<3Ss. Mr. Hirsà1field stated that he }w¡ a tYWmIitment frail Mr. Vi.davich to use the fücllity startirg March 31 for a to.1rnament; in April the Volvo Tam1ament begins. A small gra.¡p oculd p.tt together a ~ plan in 45 days. It woold seem z:easa1able that the leo .....-œtia1 oculd caœ to the City Council within 60 days. By ocnsensus, Council approved the followinq work plan: Develc.p policies and p1:OC·E.:JI11"f!S for cçeratim of the facility, in the interim, as a IILIl'Ù.cipal tennis center. Fstablish guidelines for user fees and charges. Evaluate which of the exis'"..in::J facilities s'1cW.d be utilized during the interim. Evaluate thé! benefits and limitatiCl'lS of cont.ractinq with a private cçeratúr to manac,;e the facility. . -'5- I MINtJI'ES OF '!HE FEBrdJARY 21, 1990, 1\DJ<XJRNED rtmJIAR CITY CXXJNCIL MEE:ITNG (œ-785A) Develop the request for proposal (RFP) to recruit potentiãl oontractual ~tors. serve as the screeni.n::J an::1 selection camnittee for a ccntractual operator. Following ili..,..,,'....im regardinq the time line for the cx:mnittee to CXI1Clude their task, it was determined that 90 days woold be the target for cx:upletiCl'1 and as parts of the plan are finished, the ,..,...,."ittee will report back to Cameil with reo.....-.ldatiCl'lS. Mr. Ccwling is to infonn Cameil if the 90 day target cannot be met. 'lhe ,..,...,."ittee will iliah>tr,d when the interim work plan is cx:uplete. 26. eonsideratim of autanatic gate closure for Pacifica Drive and at silverado Avenue. ~ Jerry Green, resident of silverado AvenJe, stated he had been told the barriers 10Iere t--.~ ~ary and inquired as to why they were now going to be permanent. Mr. Viskavim !nfVLII"'¿¡ him that the barriers was Œ1e of the mitigatim -"':o:es as a result of Town center traffic. '!here were I"A.IIIIerOUS meetings and p.lblic hearinqs. Mr. Green stated residents m silverado are trawed and the a1ly way to get in and art: of their street is DeAnza Boulevard whim is very difficult. He woold prefer the barrier at the beginninq of the () ....-. vial area of the street. He was 1nfUL......:l that if that is 10hat the neighboll)()ój wants, it c::aùd be da1e. A nei.ghbomood meetinq c::aùd be held and the results braJght tc Council. Mr. Green .,.. UIIted a petitia1. He """t'L ~eÐd the q>inia1 that flashin] lights as .,..·¥!Ðd m the permanent barriers were better in . ....·-rcial areas than in residential. Nancy a.u:nett said tl-.ere is lots of frustration regardinq closed streets and urged Council to taIœ another look at that policy. It was DK:Ned by Came. Szabo, secx.nded by Counc. KI::gJe]. and passed L'1'1animcusly (4-0¡ to aß)roVe the design as presented, to a~ropriate $37,000 fran the minor road inpravement f'urñ to i."!pleænt the project and to authorize installation of th£ permanent barrier at Pacifica. t It was :ar::IYed by Came. Szabo, secorx:1ed by Came. K!:JWel an::1 P"'''~ W1aI1Înr:Iusly (4-0) to lrOVe the bollards on silverado to the 0. .,..oÞrcialjresidential ba1n::!azy on a trial basis. -6- I MINUl'ES OF '!HE FEBRlJARï 21, 1990, ADJOORNED REX>UIAR CITY <XXJNCIL ME:E:I'm.. (CC-785A) It was lIOVed by Ccunc. ICq:pel, seccn:)ed by Counc. Goldman an:l f"'~~ed unanimously (4-0) that at the em of the trial pericx:l, staff is to l~t back to COJn::il. 27. Request for clarification aOO¡or revisim of Resolution No. 7571, establishin:.J rules gaveminq ðRX>Ud........t and re-appoi.ul....:.1t to City advisory bodies. (a) Resolutim No. 8055: "A Resolutia1 of the City Council of the City of QJpertino Rescinding ~lutim No. 7571 and Establishin¡ Rules GaYerninq ~Ld,._,L and n.. ft""'LIl....:.IL to City J\dviaary Bodies." It was DK:Ned 1:7¡ Counc. Szabo, secaded by Counc. Jfq pel and l""!1ged unanimcusly (4-0) to IIIIII!JÙ Rule No. 4 to read as follows : A 1I1PIÑ"IE!r shall be CXI'1Sidered rem::IYed frail an advisoIy body under the follow1n;J cxn::litiCl'lS: (a) A 11- ~.er ",i --as IIICIr8 than three oa ~ltive meet:in;¡s. (b) A .._.~« ",i--?S 25% of the body's meetin;¡s in a calemar year. It was DK:Ned 1:7¡ Counc. Goldman, seoQudoed by Counc. Szabo and p"eeed unanimcusly (4-0) to adept Resolutla1 No. 8055 as amended. WRITl'EN CXJH1NIo.T.ICKS 28. Letter and petitim frail residents requestinq installatim of traffic Oa1trols in Mann Drive nei.ghbomood. 'l!1e letter am petitim were ref..Llèd to the Director of Public Works who was di.rec:ted to Lq.vLt back March 19. ORDINANCES 29. seocni readinq and enacbDent of Ontinanoe No. 1521: "An 0J:'dinanœ of the City Oouncil of the City ot CUpertino Amerxiin¡ Sectim 11.24.150 of the O,¡pert.im ø.micipal COde, Relatinq to stc.H>inq, standin;:r or ParXinq m 'l\ùa lane." It was DK:Ned by Counc. Rogers. seocn:Jed by Counc. Jfq pel and r<:ssed unanimcusly (4-0) to read Ordinaooe No. 1521 by title only an:l the city ClerK's readin:] to constitute the secx:n:l reading thereof. It was !OC1\'ed by Counc. Kqpel, seocn:Jed by Came. Goldman an:l f"'<;,aed unanimoosly (4-0) to enact Ordinance No. 1521. -7- . MINtJI'ES OF '!HE F'EBI<!JJ\RY 21, 1990, ADJCXJRNED ~ crT'{ CXXJNCIL MEETING (œ-78SJ>.) RESOll1I'ICNS 30. None. STAFF ~~ 31. Oral :l~rts by staff """',~ -ers. Mr. viskavich L.........Lted tbat the SiJmns pIqJerty has gone thrcu;¡h prc:bate. 32. Six""'lOOl'Tth L.........l.l a1 status of use permit oan::litions, 4-U-89, Peninsula Bible Olurch; property located on the \1Ie5t side of Blaney Avenue, 400 ft. north of Merritt Drive. Director of ChnnaVlity DevelopDent CCMan reviewed his report with Cameil. Tracy Ellsworth, resident a1 the east side of Merritt, requested help to lessen the i'1?"rot of cars usinq the off-site parkinq. '!here are many OCh....Llé.l neighbors. t Tim Versd1uyl, ardùtec:t, reviewed off-site parki.rg lcx:atiCl'lS and J'IInnhP.r of ~ available. '!be church has su;¡gested that people park on the comer lot, side-yard street so as not to be àJtrusive to residents. If ~e will let the d1\.U"Ch knc:Jii they don't want people parkinq in front of their hane, the d1urå1 will then notify their --..... He believes tbat the church is followinq Oouncil's criteria, tbat it is \\IOrki.rg am there is no need to cane back in the future. Tracy Ellsworth wcmts a sign a1 his street sayin;J no parkinq li)œ a1 other streets. When 100 cars need a place to park, they will paIit anywhere. Mr. Vetsd1Uyl stated tbat the no parkinq signs shew the d1urå1 is willing to respa1d to the wishes of the neighb01:hood. He feels the 100 car estimate for off-site parki.rg is a high one and believes the satellite parkinq spots are doinJ the jà:l. Mr. Ellswortl. requested the d1urå1 take dc:R.In the existing signs and keep the iJIplct close to the church where it bel~. '!be s ' gns are iJIplctin;¡ areas further away f:can Ù)b church. '!be solution is three sessiCl'lS on sunday and for 1arq tenn solution, a bigger parld.n;r lot. . Mr. COwan will chec::k on ClC:q)liance 1.r1th thf! sign ordinance. If the no parki.rg sign is not in c:x::q:;lianœ, the church will be asked to re,m:,ve it. -8- þ KINUTES OF '!HE F'EBRJARY 21, 1990, 1\DJCXJRNED RmJIAR ,-""lY OXJNCIL MEFrIN:; (œ-785A) '!be architect will talk to the neighbors on Baywood <..:,Jrt, particularly Mr. Ellsworth, and will tell dn1rch -rs rot. ~.o park in fra1t of their prcpnties. HI" . Ellsworth was infonoed that there is a two-year deðdline for i:q)lementing use pennits. Council will review the situatim again six 1DCI1ths followin;¡' ooost.ructim and """"1pN1Cy of the clas............ aà:lition. CXXJNCIL ~::; 37. Counc. Szabo - Legislative Review C"nnmittee - It was DK:Ned by Counc. Goldman, secoroed by Came. Szabo and I"'eew unanimously to take the follc::JW:Ín; ' act'.on regardinq þlvv: aoci legislation: Ca1tinue to support SCA 1 and rein'hlrsement state IIIII1'dated costs; I'1[p:6e _i"""ic; take no positim on Item 4 of the bulletin; and 0CI1tinue to ~ Item 5. ~ It was DK:Ned by Counc. Goldman, seoc:njed by came. Szabo and p"e....... unanimcusly to request IDXe IDfozmatim regardin¡ state legislation pertainin;J to marxiated health insurance. At 10:05 p.m., City Attorney Kilian anna.mced there ~d be a Closed session pertainin;J to perxtin;J litigatim, Prall XX v. City of CJpertino (Gavernment COde Section 54956.9 (a) ) . Came. Goldman will not be p¡:es&rt: at the Closed sessim. Council, ~'L for Mr. Goldman, adjwrned to Cc:nferenoe Rccm A. At 10:28 p.m., the meetin;J :recx:I"IVened in Oouncil auo-,... Came. Pres >lL: ~l, Szabo, Mayor Rogers COUJx:. Absent: Counc. Goldman, Sorensen þ staff Present: Director of Public Works Viskcvich City ClerK Cornelius Director of CcmmJnity Devel~t Cowan City Attorney Kilian It was mewed by Mayor Rogers, seooroed by Came. KqJpel and passed unanimously (3-0) , with Came. Goldman and Sorensen absent, that the City Attorney CClI1I11U:Ucate a CXJUnter offer to the settlement d;"""""~'!!d in Closed Session. -9- MINtJl'ES OF '!HE FEIRlARY 21, 1990, ADJ<:XJmŒD RFnJIAR Cl"lY cx:xJNCIL MŒl'DC (œ-785A) CXXJNCIL ~::; 34. ca.n:::. Kqpel - North Central and Northwest Flood o::ntrol Za1e 1dv1sary n--ittee - ca.n:::. ~l infUl.....:l these ,4. : S ,IL that the North (:1t.uLLCÙ Flood CŒ!trol Za1e ~d have a benefit "'~- ,L ..........Jre a1 the JUne ballot. At 10:30 p.m., Oouncil adjcumed to Febroary 26, 6:30 p.m., Cc:nf~""&A:: !ù:x:IIB C and D. ~~ . // ~ J"? Ci Cleñt ' -10-