CC 02-27-90 CITY OF aJPJ::RI'IN:), STIcrE OF CAI.IF'CRaA 10300 IuRRE AVENUE, a.JPER1'IN:}, CA 95014 TELEPHONE: (408)252-4505 MINtJI'ES OF '!HE AD.1CURNED RmJIAR CITY axJNCIL MŒl'DC HErD 00 FEBRl1ARY 27, 1990, axJNCIL 0iAMBER, CITY H1IIL 10300 '.lutQ<t; AVErroE, aJPERI'IN), CM.IFCIM[A œ-785C '!be meetirq was called to order by Mayor Rcgers at 7: 00 p.m. Ccuncil Present: Goldman, Koppel, Sorensen, Szabo, Mayor Rcgers staff Present: City Manager Brown City Clerk COrnelius Director of Public WoIiæ viskavich Director of I"nftIanrlty Devel'¥""".L cowan Assistant to the City Manager Brown Director of Parks and Recreatim Ccwlinq DJ.reCtor of Fi.nano.1 Sn:'tJer Public Inf.........ti.:n Officer Xrey City Manager Brown reviewed the reasa1 and PL' <Oeefi for the meetin;J . Five y_r Fi..........l Forecast ÌßJe prtp!rty bx reverJJe is expected to inc::rease significantly because of the Trial Co.Irt funiin] mechanism. Althoogh the 0Junty coold disc:x:I'Jtinue it, it "'l'P""rs that would be unlilœ1y. Director . of Finance Sl1yàer told Cameil that he did not inclWe any costs ....oodated with the 0Jpertin0 ~ Center in experdi.tures projected. He did inclWe an 11% growth in i'-L.........ty tax, a 2\ growth in sales tax, did not assume any J'Øi hotels beinq milt in 0Jpertin0 arx:I projected a 6t increase in reverues fraa R;&E and 4\ in::rease in reverues frail ather franc:hises. An increase in bminess lioel_ fees was "'.....--'. Mr. Sl1yàer stated that the COUncil has never fODll.1lated an official policy regardinq a go.......al fund balance to be maintained. He Wl::W.d ~ ..··Io"d that sud1 a policy be adcpt:ed with 50% of each of a year's ::;peratirq I:u:1get beirq the mi.ninum arrl lOOt oE ana year's operatirq I:u:1get as a goal. Usirq the oan.in.) year's- O{Jeratirq 1:u:1get, a $7.4 million minimJm balanoe - shoold be maintained in the cx:min:J year. In regard to experoitures, 3 4% inflatioo rate was factored in. -1- Five Year Fiscal Forecast MINlJn:S OF 'nŒ ~ 27, 1990, AD:TaJRNED RJ:X;(JIþ.R crI"i <XX:NCIL MEETING (œ-785C) It was suggested that the polluters sha.ù.d pay a fee to the City which shcW.d help with costs for envh""""",ttal management. Council asked if franchise agl...........lls with FG&E and other utilities owld be amended to in::t~ fra..-x::hise fees. Katherine TOOin of Hewlett-Packazd and 1').]¡i1rat Art Galley requested CCAmcil CU1Sider the ~..entia1 for arts and stren;¡then the line item for the Fine Arts rTorIni "'Sim. She asked what Council saw as the role of ':he ! .-:ts over the years. '!be 4% increase, whid1 is incla1ed for th9 Fine Arts rTorIni=ion, is quite suall as the initial amount is smal1. Ms. TOOin was told that the cwncil wcu1.d gat back to this item later. Foll~ ñi""""""ion of the Debt Setvioe PUnds, it was DK:Ned by Counc. Szatxl and BeCXX1ded by Came. &gJel to authorize transfer a~ the erñ of the 1989-90 Fiscal Year of an¡ renai.r1inq funds frcr!I the City Hall and Park Ba1d PUnds to t.~ General Fund for expeIlS9S related to expansim of Mem:>rial Park and City Hall. 'D'.1s DDWy was not included in General Fund projectiCl'lS. Cameil was infOL.....J that the Recreation Fund may need a loan this fiscal year. '!be goal for a I"e(. ..··-·ldatim for dIan:Je in fees is a Council meetinq in May. Cameil ñi """""sed the use of Gas Tax PUnds rather than General F\.u~ for the ann.al overlay and sluny seal l'L'-";LaIU. Qn::ern was ~-~ that a sIœwed picture wcu1.d be given. staff told Council that if desired, pros and CXI1S ~ù.d be l'L s _,Led at Þ1ñgPt time. Ann Arqer, !b1ta vista, stated that the gas tax is a trust f'urñ and urged Council not to play ",,,,,,..- with the figures. Mr. Snyder said that a oc::n;cious ~isim had been made by the City Cameil abort: five years lIqO to Jœep Gas Tax F\Inds for projects. In reviewinq the Ec;p.åpllellt Fund, Mr. Snyder said that this was a self-BIWlLLinq f'urñ; it l00Jæ like prà:>lems will develop in 1993-1994, hoIoIever, he will review it annually and make r>E<-<"'!Iry adjU:oL..:nts. -2- MINl1I'E9 OF lliE ~ 27, ¡990, ADJOORNJ::) RmJIAR CI'IY cnJNCIL MEETING (œ-785C) Andrea Harris, 1052 Tuscany Place, CUpertino, President, Little League, would like to address Council regarclinJ ya.¡th sports being intensified. As this is part of tile Five Year Capital DIprovement Pl"':lL....., she will speak as part of that item. ~ Zeitman, 22907 Cricket Hill, asked how the reverroes fran gas tax OC\Ùd go ðcM1. He was infonned that the City is spen:linq more thar. it is receiving. '!he figures projected do not .11'''''- the voters a~ing an increase. '!he decrease shawn reflects 1&68 interest !ran a lower balance. Inflation is factored in, rot net any L""IC!'eaSe in populatim. :)isc"""im follOlo'ed regardin;J }'LOytaw cut:bacJœ and ~"""'d level of service. Council rli """"~~ed the possibility of an increase in taxes ë\.'1:l an effort to cut the Þ.ò;Jet. Rather than a ~v-'I level of service, various ~CI'IS for reducing the ÞrigPt were rl, """'!Seed includinq: possible partnership with ather age.ucies, btplementatim of eIIplayee ~"tia1s for savin;¡s, in::reased afficiency in goverrIIIeI'1ta }'L' >e-'ð, owninq utilities, in::reasing franc:túse fees, reducing costs of PJblic safety (police and fire) . N3ncy aD:no=LL, "125 st:endahl Iane, said she has served m citizen ÞrigPt rY'OmIittees for school districts. She has been attendinq the Q¡pertinc tu:t;Jet sessiCl'lS and still does net feel she urœrstands the City's DD;et. Council m-~" to look hard at the ho~ all the way thraJgh. She ~-~ed calcem about waitinq until JUne 10 for a J-origPt meet:.in;J. She urged Council to µ:lSlllt staff with a list of areas they wtW.d want looJr-i at for reductions. ('Ibe preliminary horigPt review is scheduled for JUne 5.) Katherine Tcbin told COOncil that she was net clear regaràinq what the }'L' >OeSe was and wtW.d like the '"'M"'.t:bJnity to give irplt when eIWL"¥Liate. She was infonned the art ~'p....:al.. o:IIIe t.hrI::u;Jh the Fine Arts C'ronni "'",im and the staff persat assigned to that t'Y"Wm\; -iat. Andrea Harris told Council she had atterxB:l the meet:.in;J for a specÜll j""'Je rot wtW.d like to give a citizen's perspective of the tu:t;Jet PJ:oc-'~. 'Ibe forecast is CX'I'ISerVative and is always oc:n;ervative. Expeuditures are usually less than the bJdqeted aDOmt. She feels there is new a respalSible relatiŒ1Ship between staff and the City Cameil. She urged them to OCI1Sider that relationship and that there is no pMr!il'XJ in the Þ.ò;Jet; keep it that way. -3- · Five Year Capital Im- provements · · Mn.'UI'ES OF '!HE FEæ1ARY 27, 1990, ADJaJRNED REnJIAR CI'IY a:xJNCIL MEE:rIN:; (œ-785C) Came. Goldm!1n DJVed that the cost of the arø1Ual overlay and sluny seal plo."Law remain in the General F\md. Motim died for lac1c of seoc:n:l. ~s: 9:23-9:30 P.M. Five Year o.nit-;,l DrÐrovements P"L.......Law Director of Public WOrlœ Viskcwich reviewed the pu%1)OSe of the Five Year capital Inprovement P.t."':ILaw and described the fonnat. It was SU.H""-ted that he look at scme type of planting m the Jollyman Park site to eliminate dirt blowinq arwnd. It has not yet been lam~ because of the dn.u;Jht. It was also ~-ted that that infomation be printed in the 0Iœrtin0 50ene so the pmlic will krxJii. Also, this shcW.d be da1e at the new lY'ImIInUty center. Mr. Viskcvich informed Cameil that they will be reviewinq the City's dra1ght plan in April. Mr. VisJa:wic:h reviewed the EI'........"'Y pages and General Plan 'l'ranspartatim iIIpravements. Mr. Viskcvich was asJœd to look at the possibility of a right-tum lane m westbcurñ stevens Creek 8cW.evard CI1to northbcund DeAnza Boulevard ~ DeAnza 8cW.evard is widened. He was also directed to look at the possible acktitim of a signal at the intersect:iat of stevens Creek Boulevard and p.."""""-\a Aveme. Possibly the me Cl.1LL...ILly at 0rarIJe AverJJ8 oculd be III7Jed to that locatim. Also, he was directed to look at the possibility of a pedestrian signal m Tantau north of the 280 avercrœsing. Nan::y aD:nett expl-.,.'"«\ co",,,...m regarding intersectia1S in CUperti."X). She feels that they are <XI18tantly beinq xeda1e, ~ch is expensive. She partiOJlarly mentioned the intersectim of M::Clellan Road and DeAnza 8cW.evard and was inf(.. ..-1 that this was a joint aqecy intersection ~à1 went thrcugh several DrJdificatiCl'lS to get the lJest possible o::nfiguratim. Armea Harris asked Cameil to refer to page 5 of the capital :IlJt.u.,Nó!S..a..Ls P1."':ILaw, the Youth sports Preservatim PL'-";LaID. She urged them to exnsÏder f'undiJ'q a ",",,"stuy level and not the c:un-ent level. Sane sd1ccls are addinq portable classrccms am citizens are losing scme fields. She su:jgeSted a coalitim with the School Districts. Sane of the field areas do not have water, bat."1roc:ms, or snack -4- MINlJI'ES OF '!HE FEBRUARY 27, 1990, ADJaJRNEI) RmJIAA CI'lY CXXJNCIL MEETING (œ-785C) œr. She asked COUI'x;il to look at schools in ZonE! 2 ot the City, Le., Kel4.edy Junior High, Faria. Mrs. Harris said that the portables were ..MM witha.rt: notification to these usinq the fields. Council agreed that the City needs to ili..,.."s<s this i"""Ue with tl1e school districts. Director of Parks and Recreation Ccwling told Council that he has been told that nctificatim will be given in the future. School principals are su¡:p:sed to notify "clients". Mrs. Harris felt that CUpertiIX> fIJI'Jjg shculd be set aside for inpravements on school fields. city Manager Brown told Cameil that staff has a meetinq wu". ;,.... ciCi1OO1 District SOa1 on this i "''''.Ie. He was requested to get a copy of the O,¡pert.im unim Scncol District's 1~-ran:J8 plan. Mrs. Harris said that the BàX:Iy SOX IBague has pIt in ~ on school fields and then been charged to use those fields. As there "..as no further public irpIt, COUI'x;il cœpleted their ili "<,,,'''''ion and ~ by CXI1SØl1SUS to establish a policy to maintain a IIÚ.lÙJILIIII fund balance of 50% of the¡ year's operating '""v\;JPt with a goal ot 100% ($7.4 million miniDI.Jm 1990-91 Fiscal Year) , deleted ref.aLenOe to Sedqewick School m page 3 of the Five Year capital IDprcvements ~'-";LGIII and c:t1arx]ing of Wi.1scI'1 Scncol to Fl.......IL Older Scncol m page 5. Council requested that staff set up a joint City Council/Scncol District meetinq. At 10:40 p.m., Oouncil adjaImed to their regular meetinq of Marà1 19. ~, City ClerK -5-